THE SUN JULY 2 II II r 1 c Sf Ath SYILLE a71fI0JF r a ma- 19 > > = + + MISS LUDWIG SECURES FIRST HONORS AGAIN MISS LORNA McCREDIE GOES TO FIRST PLACE IN SOUTHERN Mies Goode Leads in Gainesville and Heavy Vote Was Polled by Many of the Leaders- In the Western Section Miss tattle Ludwig again takes the lead and Miss Lorna McCredle goes to first place in the Southern Section In the Gaines- ville district Miss Goode goes to place by a little over y000 plurality The other candidates who are nearing the head of the list are also showing remarkable strength and the heaviest vote polled since the contest started was that of yesterday and it seems to be growing stronger at each count It Is just three weeks until tbo 18th when the successful candidate will be known and every effort will be put forth by the people to see that their candidates are successful- in the final windup The hardest fought battle is now In the Western Section as there are a number there who are very close together in fact more than in any other section Dont fall to work for The Sun while you are at home Solicit among your friends as In this ay you can pick up a nice lot of subscribers and at the same time secure a large vote for your trouble Following hi the result of tile cam Gainesville Central SectJfn Miss Addle Goode 2445055 Miss Estelle Beal 2436295 Miss Margaret Ledbetter 1188235 Miss Nora Stalls 186775 Miss Bessie Carver 107840 Miss Mary Fernandez 64505 Miss Gertrude Harrod 57590 Miss Myra Swearingen 49445 Mlsa Blanch Thompson 38975 Miss Alice Schafer 295C8 Miss Aura M Lewis 25780 Miss Mabel Williams 14245 Mrs N W Taylor 11555 Mss Eva Bauknlght 9190 Mss Annie Bell Taylor 8065 Miss Grace Bullanl 6175 Miss Ella Halley 5180 Miss Curtis Pitts 3360 Miss Fannie Whiting 1480 Eastern and Southern District Miss Lorna McCredie Mcnopy 676035 Miss Mabel McCredle Mcnopy 616070 Miss Rattle English Tacoma 648195 Miss Ella Jolly Orange Ht 604650 Miss Martlc Cuamherlin Mica holly 535815 Miss Bessie Waits Hawthorn226145- Miss Myrtle Hammond 88800 Miss Cordelia Crown Rocky Point 72170 Annie Lewis Hawthorn 67750 Miss Wilma Malnes Monteocha 61620 Miss Pattie Zetrouer Rochelle 44590 Miss Lula Perry Rocbelle 33645 Miss LaVerne Bobbltt Mcnopy 32555 Miss Vandalla Staf Waldo 31890 Miss Effle Tison Earleton 28995 Miss Jewel Godwin Hawthorn 24245 Miss Mary Hall Orange Hs 14810 Miss Gertrude Smith 14660 Miss Georgia Snowden Hatchet Creek 11705 Miss Mary Louise Atwater Waldo 7235 Miss Nellie Reeves Mlcanopy 4800 Miss Emma Entenza Waldo 3340 Miss Mamie Bailey Waldo 200 Western and Northern Section Miss Hattle Ludwig Tioga719165 Miss Lucinda Bryant Bell 709S75 Miss Gertrude Guinn Hague650445 Miss Barren Dell 584450 Miss Annie Kirkland Alachua566930- Miss Eva Powell Alachua 455S70 Mrs H Maddox Archer 336210 Miss Ellen Bevllle Arredondo 219750 Miss Rosa Lee Rives High Springs 157220 Mrs I Ware High Miss Jewel Standley Hague 70695 Miss Aleen Holly Arerdondo Miss Annie Bevllle Arredondo 471 Miss Emma Williams Trenton 3427 Mrs R B Baker Hawthorn 13400 Mrs J E Parker LaCtosse Miss Katie Akin Arredondo Stai Miss Ada Pearce Newberry 7030 Miss Pearl McLeod Alnchua 3 ir Miss Lula Gar Bell 18S5 Miss Llzzlo Smith Ncwberry 63U Dont use harsh physics Thf aNion weakens the bowels leads chronic constipation Get Dean Rocnlcts Tire nrrntP twlv tor the stomachc t f i J 1 1 vass4 Miss 1 I 0 Ida r Springs 52 nit i r t I In x N r t t i w first- s y Haw- thorn Fair- banks A t 106730- t 1131- i J co + > OF OAK HALLS TUESDAY WENT TO PIECES IN THE SIXTH INNING Visitors vet the Game on Errors and Prove Themselves Good From Wednesdays Daily In an unsatisfactory game at the ball pork Tuesday afternoon the Olympics came here and cleaned up the fauuus Oak Halls and while they arc IUJOUB for playing good ball are also becoming famous for letting any old thing come along and take a game from them never laying until they meet the best that are out The only real feature of the game was a sensational catch of a high foul after a long run by Babe Denton Both sides played good ball up un til the first half of the sixth inning when three errors cost the Sky Pilots the man alone hav- ing let In three runs by two errors and It is such as this that causes the tans to doubt our ability to put up ball as It should be at all times The team can play ball for this has been shown on various occa- sions but it seems that this season the boys go to pieces when they are against a team that does not amount- to very much they lose interest go to sleep or get a hoodoo ot some description that makes the loyal and true ones sick at such defeats as was witnessed Tuesday afternoon The Olympics arc nothing extra when it comes to playing ball but that they are onto their Job for soldiering was plainly seen when the game had been resumed after the rain and their antics of killing time were the worst ever seen here This feature was about as disgusting as the wild errors made by the Oak Halls or Aviators which lost for them the game after they had It won by forty blocks The weather was threatening and only a small crowd was out but it was well that no larger attendance was present Put away the hammers now and lets all pull for the real interesting games that are to be played here on Thursday Friday and Saturday with Sanford They will then be up against the real mettle We know they can handle the ball and Man- ager Davis says they have got It to do or else The Score by Innings Oak Halls 1 0 5 Olympics 0000060 0 6 Jacksonville is credited with four hits Gainesville 3 Errors Gaines- ville 4 and Jacksonville three but even the scorer got tired of marking- em up in the sixth block MELROSE MENTION MELROSE July 28 Prof Geo C Looney of Falrburn Ga who will be favorably remembered by many of our citizens whom he taught while princi- pal of the high school here some six- teen years ago arrived here Sunday and opened a ten days course In higher arithmetic yesterday Quite- a number of scholars are already on the roll The Misses May Ruth and Ada Kennedy off Lake Geneva are the guests of Mrs B Chamberlain Other visitorsin town are C Yearwood Dun nollonrWvBIrt Waldo Miss E L Morrison Barney Ga Miss E Riles Jacksonville and Miss Alia Riles Hawthorn The Brooklyn baseball team is ex pected to play here on Friday after JUDSON NOTES JUDSON July R Pickett and Mrs M A Miller of Newberry- were here Sunday visiting their sis- ter Mrs H S Tucker Some of the farmers here are swap places A J HIgginbotham and Simon Coleman swapped places a few days ago and last week M C La field and W D Jones exchanged place The farmers are about all through pulling fodder and some have com- menced plrklng cotton They all semi to think that cotton crop will b cut oft bv Might or rust has made its appfirance an 1 cot- ton is owning so fast that tho crop will all open by Srj timber nth RAGGEDY WORK the gameone 0 3 00 0 1 noon 28T tIlt Time Killers teams a- nt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DUTTON BANK MAKES SPLENDID SHOWING RESOURCES NOW PASS THE HALF MILLION DOLLAR MARK Officers of Institution Among the Most Accommodating to Be Found- in the City Special attention is directed to the statement of the condition of The Dutton Bank one of the oldest concerns of the city and which shows its finances to be in a most prosperous condition This institution has now passed the halfmillion mark in resources and no stronger indorsement could be de sired of any Institution This alone shows the high endorsement that given it by the general public as well as the surrounding country- At great expense they have Just added a new automatic electric alarm system to their already wellappointed bank which consists of new expensive and handsome vaults besides the very latest and most uptodate furniture and fixtures for the rapid transaction of the enormous business that Is be- ing handled by them Its officers from President Thomas down to the bookkeepers are among the most accommodating to be found In the entire South and the very careful manner in which they look af- ter the Interests of all their is selfexplanatory for the volume of business that they are doing The officers are W R Thomas O K Broome first W B Taylor second dent E D Turner secretary and cashier with the following directors G K Broome J B Padgett H F Dutton J A MaultsbyvJ Q Nichols- M Venable W It Thomas and W B Taylor all of whom are among the leading and most influential business men of this county The fact that the bank now has on hand more than 50 per cent of the deposits whenthe law only requires 20 per cent Is another evidence of the very efficient manner in which the affairs of the depositor interests arc looked after During the past yjsar the Dutton Bank has undergone many changes and alterations and the fact that their business has steadily Increased with each report during the financial de- pression Is another remarkable show Ing and one that is a just tribute to the conservative and enterprising men who are placed in charge of its af fairsWith all the new and uptodate methods that have been adopted at the Dutton flank they will now be bet ter enabled to look out for the nter ests of theia customers and the in- stallation of the new alarm system will naturally give It prestige over other banking houses The bank building Is one of the largest to be found In any interior city of the State the furniture and fixtures cannot be excelled and desiring to do business with a most courteous and accommodating corps of officials would do well to In- vestigate this institution SHERIFFS SALE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a certain execution Issued out of the Justice Court of the Twentyfifth Justice District In and for Alachua county Florida by Hon- J A Carlisle the Justice thereof and dated the 23rd day of June A D 1909 In favor of Sam Cook and against Shad Sams I have levied upon and will sell at public outcry at the cast court house door in Gainesville Alachua county Florida on August 2nd A D 1909 during the lawful hours of sale the following property towit Two pillows 2 mattresses 2 blankets 1 set bed springs 2 bed- steads 3 quilts 2 lamps 1 coat 1 pair pants 1 shirt 2 overcoats 1 trunk and contents 1 clock 1 water bucket 1 shotgun same to be sold to satisfy said execution and costs- P G RAMSEY- As Sheriff of Alachua County Fla 5ALTISKKI- T BY m Or CVE- j SALT SICK r r I or f f4s- jij r r Til 1 ANSIS HOT A FOOD 8r v t- To et MST HI rr i Is pres- Ident CONDITION D- I ID r trrYo E U rlOW R s f I seAsr C aIL I- IL III 2S CENTS A ro r tG e ACKERHMIS1111 I finan- cial custom- ers vice presi- dent vice presl any- one 1115111 MAWS < nsc s Ali tlKt irY1tZTHIaM tr cs a clldtcrtr uvs- cct t- Actta t arek rs t GtD R F iArrMA ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + + + CHARGED WITH THEFT WHITE MAN ARRESTEDC- LAIMS TAMPA AS HIS HOME AND HAS WIRED THERE Had seen Employed as Salesman for- E F Zetrouer at His Store- in Rochelle Deputy Sheriff Bruton arrested Jack Price a white man yesterday who is charged with larceny of money from E F Zetrouer of Rochelle Price who claims Tampa as his homo has been employed as salesman for Mr Zetrouer for about four weeks and Mr Zetrouer who swore out the warrant states that be has been miss- Ing money during all of this time bat bad no suspicions until a few days ago since which be has kept a strict lookout for his cash the de- nomination of bills etc all being taken down and he believes by this method be has landed the guilty party for the purloining of some 50 or more He is certain that it will run about this amount On Tuesday night the man quit position and early Wednesday mora ing Mr Zetrouer told his father to come over and notifythe officers here and he would get oa the train and follow Price IB case he took sore different nat wfcaa fee train reached here the deputy was there and arrested the raaa whoa be asked to go over to the court house that a proper search might be made It was here found that ive of the 1 bills which had bees takes from the Zetrouer till were In the mans and ho Is having the prisoner held here for trial Price Is a welllooking young man and has wired parties in Tampa to come to his aid expecting someone by today to get him out of trouble He states he secured this money from other parties and can prove It when the time arrives He had only about 20 with him when arrested but was very stubborn about accompanying the officer also of allowing his money to be Inspected Benefit Baptist Sunday School There Is to be a public basket sup- per and Ice cream festival at Pine Grove church one mile south of Judson on Friday Aug 6th to which all are invited It will be for the i Ill course f posses loa ¬ Statement of Condition cf The Bank Gainesville Fla aa Re- ed to the State Comptroller Close of Business day July 27th 190f Resources Loans 134 Overdrafts Bonds and Certificates Banking House Furniture and Fixtures Other Resources Cash OB hand and with banks 11 Liabilities Capital 7 Surplus and Profits 2 Deposits 38 Cashiers Checks Certified Checks Notes sad Bills Redis- counted 2 State of Florida Alachua County I E DTarBfei Cashier of ton bleMBfy swear above stateiaeRt te true to of my kaegjedge aad Belief t D TURNER title 27th y 1999 Cft GOODMAN Notary Correct Attert 6 K Bi- B Taylor WTR lou heaeft of the Baptist Swaa of that place and a afc is expected HAD LIVELY CHASE Deputy Strickland Relates H perlenee With Fleeing N Deputy Sheriff Raymond S of Waldo came to Galaesvllle aay for the purpose of briagiag as Jones a negro seBteaeed months at hard labor la Justice court for carrying concealed v Deputy Strickland states tl negro had stolen a number of Including a watch and was sea them In all directions an fe chase after him and after 1 run the man for about a hal Thomas was finally landed nothing for the negro to jump eight feet high and the was rather exciting before was finally apprehended T 111 Bank Swora U41tukcribed of July ex t 3 5 lr 56 do lei = Lawrence Dargan Kills His Wife Near Wok WELAKA July 27 Lawrence Dar gan a mulatto who has been sepa rated from his wife for the past six months learned Sunday of his wifes plans of going from Welaka to Sat suma to church He secreted hUiaelf beside the road behind an oak scrub and as Lee Walker the driver who sat beside Mary Dargan drove by Lawrence Dargan struck his wife two fearful blows with a pine sapling club She and Walker both fell out of the wagon Ella Williams a large colored woman of 350 pounds sat In the back seat She also scrambled- out of the spring wagon when the horse began to be unmanageable She ¬ and Walker pleaded with Dar to hurt his wife but he ra Williams away with a knife T seemed afraid to Interfere away for help Whoa he re Mary Dargan was dead reced deep gash from a butcher knit below and to the back of he Dargaa was gone and so far no trace of him further thai be west south through Sisco at oclockiSuBday Sheriff Kenaerly with Coroae shall of Palatka soon arrived scene of the aarder Aa iasaei held the verdict being that si met her death at the hands husband Lawrence a t Dar a < < < Dr Goodbred Assaulted By One J Albert Br MAYO July 27 As the result of a scrap J Albert Breare of this place Is now under arrest on a charge of assault with Intent to murder Dr R Good bred also of place On at afternoon Dr Goodbred- tar I to hoard the L O P G r the depot here It seems that rd i a ed between him and Ir an m l finally Dr Goodbred la J Ur ro The train left about hi rarrylnp Dr to a i was going to visit n t it rOn returning Sun i the train stopped at v r rilwav crosslnc Just in RrtMre boarded the- n ti r i sf ral cf all ra on Good 11 rl11 r 1 It Clown 0 tl this time his friends that he would have a ment with the doctor that m Dr Goodbred was lying down seat reading or asleep when attacked him with a pair of knucks and before anything co done had struck hlni several rather severely cutting and IT his face and head By this tine other men who were on the stopped the row Dr Goodbre mediately went before the judge and swore out a warrant f Breare and he is now under The preliminary trial will be sometime this week and a tb ties are prominent no doubt interest 111 be evinced In th come v

Lawrence Dargan Kills - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01469/00729.pdfJUDSON NOTES JUDSON July R Pickett and Mrs M A Miller of Newberry-were here Sunday

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Page 1: Lawrence Dargan Kills - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01469/00729.pdfJUDSON NOTES JUDSON July R Pickett and Mrs M A Miller of Newberry-were here Sunday


II II r 1 c



a71fI0JF r a ma-

19> >


+ +





Mies Goode Leads in Gainesville andHeavy Vote Was Polled by

Many of the Leaders-

In the Western Section Miss tattleLudwig again takes the lead and MissLorna McCredle goes to first place inthe Southern Section In the Gaines-ville district Miss Goode goes toplace by a little over y000 pluralityThe other candidates who are nearingthe head of the list are also showingremarkable strength and the heaviestvote polled since the contest startedwas that of yesterday and it seemsto be growing stronger at each count

It Is just three weeks until tbo18th when the successful candidatewill be known and every effort willbe put forth by the people to seethat their candidates are successful-in the final windup The hardestfought battle is now In the WesternSection as there are a number therewho are very close together in factmore than in any other section

Dont fall to work for The Sunwhile you are at home Solicit amongyour friends as In this ay you canpick up a nice lot of subscribers andat the same time secure a large votefor your trouble

Following hi the result of tile cam

Gainesville Central SectJfnMiss Addle Goode 2445055Miss Estelle Beal 2436295Miss Margaret Ledbetter 1188235Miss Nora Stalls 186775Miss Bessie Carver 107840Miss Mary Fernandez 64505Miss Gertrude Harrod 57590Miss Myra Swearingen 49445Mlsa Blanch Thompson 38975Miss Alice Schafer 295C8Miss Aura M Lewis 25780Miss Mabel Williams 14245Mrs N W Taylor 11555Mss Eva Bauknlght 9190Mss Annie Bell Taylor 8065Miss Grace Bullanl 6175Miss Ella Halley 5180Miss Curtis Pitts 3360Miss Fannie Whiting 1480

Eastern and Southern DistrictMiss Lorna McCredie Mcnopy 676035Miss Mabel McCredle Mcnopy 616070Miss Rattle English Tacoma 648195Miss Ella Jolly Orange Ht 604650Miss Martlc Cuamherlin Mica

holly 535815Miss Bessie Waits Hawthorn226145-Miss Myrtle Hammond

88800Miss Cordelia Crown Rocky

Point 72170Annie Lewis Hawthorn 67750

Miss Wilma Malnes Monteocha 61620Miss Pattie Zetrouer Rochelle 44590Miss Lula Perry Rocbelle 33645Miss LaVerne Bobbltt Mcnopy 32555Miss Vandalla Staf Waldo 31890Miss Effle Tison Earleton 28995Miss Jewel Godwin Hawthorn 24245Miss Mary Hall Orange Hs 14810Miss Gertrude Smith

14660Miss Georgia Snowden Hatchet

Creek 11705Miss Mary Louise Atwater

Waldo 7235Miss Nellie Reeves Mlcanopy 4800Miss Emma Entenza Waldo 3340Miss Mamie Bailey Waldo 200

Western and Northern SectionMiss Hattle Ludwig Tioga719165Miss Lucinda Bryant Bell 709S75Miss Gertrude Guinn Hague650445Miss Barren Dell 584450Miss Annie Kirkland Alachua566930-Miss Eva Powell Alachua 455S70Mrs H Maddox Archer 336210Miss Ellen Bevllle Arredondo 219750Miss Rosa Lee Rives High

Springs 157220Mrs I Ware HighMiss Jewel Standley Hague 70695Miss Aleen Holly ArerdondoMiss Annie Bevllle Arredondo 471Miss Emma Williams Trenton 3427Mrs R B Baker Hawthorn 13400Mrs J E Parker LaCtosseMiss Katie Akin Arredondo StaiMiss Ada Pearce Newberry 7030Miss Pearl McLeod Alnchua 3 irMiss Lula Gar Bell 18S5Miss Llzzlo Smith Ncwberry 63U

Dont use harsh physics ThfaNion weakens the bowels leadschronic constipation Get DeanRocnlcts Tire nrrntP twlv torthe stomachc










r Springs

52 niti

















t 106730-t










Visitors vet the Game on Errors and

Prove Themselves Good

From Wednesdays DailyIn an unsatisfactory game at the

ball pork Tuesday afternoon theOlympics came here and cleaned upthe fauuus Oak Halls and whilethey arc IUJOUB for playing good ball

are also becoming famous forletting any old thing come alongand take a game from them neverlaying until they meet the best

that are outThe only real feature of the game

was a sensational catch of a highfoul after a long run by Babe Denton

Both sides played good ball up until the first half of the sixth inningwhen three errors cost the SkyPilots the man alone hav-ing let In three runs by two errorsand It is such as this that causesthe tans to doubt our ability to putup ball as It should be at all times

The team can play ball for thishas been shown on various occa-

sions but it seems that this seasonthe boys go to pieces when they areagainst a team that does not amount-to very much they lose interestgo to sleep or get a hoodoo ot somedescription that makes the loyal andtrue ones sick at such defeats as waswitnessed Tuesday afternoon

The Olympics arc nothing extrawhen it comes to playing ball butthat they are onto their Job forsoldiering was plainly seen when

the game had been resumed after therain and their antics of killing timewere the worst ever seen here Thisfeature was about as disgusting asthe wild errors made by the OakHalls or Aviators which lost forthem the game after they had It wonby forty blocks

The weather was threatening andonly a small crowd was out but itwas well that no larger attendancewas present

Put away the hammers now andlets all pull for the real interestinggames that are to be played here onThursday Friday and Saturday withSanford They will then be upagainst the real mettle We knowthey can handle the ball and Man-ager Davis says they have got It todo or else

The Score by InningsOak Halls 1 0 5

Olympics 0000060 0 6

Jacksonville is credited with fourhits Gainesville 3 Errors Gaines-ville 4 and Jacksonville three buteven the scorer got tired of marking-em up in the sixth block


MELROSE July 28 Prof Geo CLooney of Falrburn Ga who will befavorably remembered by many of ourcitizens whom he taught while princi-pal of the high school here some six-

teen years ago arrived here Sundayand opened a ten days course Inhigher arithmetic yesterday Quite-a number of scholars are already on

the rollThe Misses May Ruth and Ada

Kennedy off Lake Geneva are theguests of Mrs B Chamberlain Othervisitorsin town are C Yearwood Dun

nollonrWvBIrt Waldo Miss E LMorrison Barney Ga Miss E RilesJacksonville and Miss Alia RilesHawthorn

The Brooklyn baseball team is expected to play here on Friday after


JUDSON July R Pickettand Mrs M A Miller of Newberry-

were here Sunday visiting their sis-

ter Mrs H S TuckerSome of the farmers here are swap

places A J HIgginbotham andSimon Coleman swapped places a fewdays ago and last week M C La

field and W D Jones exchangedplace

The farmers are about all throughpulling fodder and some have com-

menced plrklng cotton They all

semi to think that cotton cropwill b cut oft bv Might or rust

has made its appfirance an 1 cot-

ton is owning so fast that tho cropwill all open by Srj timber nth




0 3 0 0 0 1




Time Killers
















Officers of Institution Among the Most

Accommodating to Be Found-

in the City

Special attention is directed to thestatement of the condition of TheDutton Bank one of the oldest

concerns of the city and whichshows its finances to be in a mostprosperous condition

This institution has now passed thehalfmillion mark in resources andno stronger indorsement could be desired of any Institution This aloneshows the high endorsement thatgiven it by the general public as wellas the surrounding country-

At great expense they have Justadded a new automatic electric alarmsystem to their already wellappointedbank which consists of new expensiveand handsome vaults besides the verylatest and most uptodate furnitureand fixtures for the rapid transactionof the enormous business that Is be-

ing handled by themIts officers from President Thomas

down to the bookkeepers are amongthe most accommodating to be foundIn the entire South and the verycareful manner in which they look af-ter the Interests of all their

is selfexplanatory for the volumeof business that they are doing

The officers are W R ThomasO K Broome first

W B Taylor seconddent E D Turner secretary andcashier with the following directorsG K Broome J B Padgett H FDutton J A MaultsbyvJ Q Nichols-M Venable W It Thomas and W BTaylor all of whom are among theleading and most influential businessmen of this county

The fact that the bank now has onhand more than 50 per cent of thedeposits whenthe law only requires20 per cent Is another evidence ofthe very efficient manner in which theaffairs of the depositor interests arclooked after

During the past yjsar the DuttonBank has undergone many changesand alterations and the fact that theirbusiness has steadily Increased witheach report during the financial de-

pression Is another remarkable showIng and one that is a just tribute tothe conservative and enterprising menwho are placed in charge of its affairsWith

all the new and uptodatemethods that have been adopted atthe Dutton flank they will now be better enabled to look out for the nterests of theia customers and the in-

stallation of the new alarm systemwill naturally give It prestige overother banking houses

The bank building Is one of thelargest to be found In any interiorcity of the State the furniture andfixtures cannot be excelled and

desiring to do business with amost courteous and accommodatingcorps of officials would do well to In-

vestigate this institution

SHERIFFS SALENotice is hereby given that under

and by virtue of a certain executionIssued out of the Justice Court of theTwentyfifth Justice District In andfor Alachua county Florida by Hon-J A Carlisle the Justice thereof anddated the 23rd day of June A D1909 In favor of Sam Cook andagainst Shad Sams I have levied uponand will sell at public outcry at thecast court house door in GainesvilleAlachua county Florida on August2nd A D 1909 during the lawfulhours of sale the following propertytowit

Two pillows 2 mattresses 2

blankets 1 set bed springs 2 bed-steads 3 quilts 2 lamps 1 coat 1pair pants 1 shirt 2 overcoats 1trunk and contents 1 clock 1 waterbucket 1 shotgun same to be soldto satisfy said execution and costs-

P G RAMSEY-As Sheriff of Alachua County Fla




r rI or f f4s-

jij r r

Til 1 ANSIS HOT A FOOD 8r v t-

To et MST HI rr i




I IDr trrYo


Rs f

I seAsr C aIL I-



r tG e




vice presi-dent vice presl


1115111 MAWS

<nsc sAli tlKt irY1tZTHIaM tr

csa clldtcrtr uvs-

cct t-

Actta t arek rs t GtD




















Had seen Employed as Salesman for-

E F Zetrouer at His Store-

in Rochelle

Deputy Sheriff Bruton arrestedJack Price a white man yesterdaywho is charged with larceny of moneyfrom E F Zetrouer of Rochelle

Price who claims Tampa as hishomo has been employed as salesmanfor Mr Zetrouer for about four weeksand Mr Zetrouer who swore out thewarrant states that be has been miss-Ing money during all of this time batbad no suspicions until a few daysago since which be has kept astrict lookout for his cash the de-

nomination of bills etc all beingtaken down and he believes by thismethod be has landed the guiltyparty for the purloining of some 50or more He is certain that it willrun about this amount

On Tuesday night the man quitposition and early Wednesday moraing Mr Zetrouer told his fatherto come over and notifythe officershere and he would get oa thetrain and follow Price IB case he tooksore different nat wfcaa feetrain reached here the deputy wasthere and arrested the raaa whoabe asked to go over to the court housethat a proper search might be madeIt was here found that ive of the

1 bills which had bees takes fromthe Zetrouer till were In the mans

and ho Is having theprisoner held here for trial

Price Is a welllooking young manand has wired parties in Tampa tocome to his aid expecting someoneby today to get him out of troubleHe states he secured this money fromother parties and can prove It whenthe time arrives He had only about

20 with him when arrested but wasvery stubborn about accompanyingthe officer also of allowing his moneyto be Inspected

Benefit Baptist Sunday SchoolThere Is to be a public basket sup-

per and Ice cream festival at PineGrove church one mile south ofJudson on Friday Aug 6th to whichall are invited It will be for the



course f

posses loa


Statement of Condition cf TheBank Gainesville Fla aa Re-

ed to the State Comptroller

Close of Business

day July 27th 190f

ResourcesLoans 134OverdraftsBonds and CertificatesBanking House Furniture

and FixturesOther ResourcesCash OB hand and with

banks 11

LiabilitiesCapital 7Surplus and Profits 2Deposits 38Cashiers ChecksCertified ChecksNotes sad Bills Redis-

counted 2

State of FloridaAlachua County

I E DTarBfei Cashier ofton bleMBfy swearabove stateiaeRt te true toof my kaegjedge aad Belieft D TURNER

title 27th y 1999


Correct Attert 6 K Bi-

B Taylor WTR louheaeft of the Baptist Swaaof that place and a afcis expected


Deputy Strickland Relates H

perlenee With Fleeing N

Deputy Sheriff Raymond S

of Waldo came to Galaesvllleaay for the purpose of briagiagas Jones a negro seBteaeedmonths at hard labor la Justicecourt for carrying concealed v

Deputy Strickland states tlnegro had stolen a number ofIncluding a watch and was seathem In all directions an fechase after him and after 1

run the man for about a halThomas was finally landednothing for the negro to jumpeight feet high and thewas rather exciting beforewas finally apprehended




Swora U41tukcribedof July




lr 56




Lawrence Dargan Kills

His Wife Near WokWELAKA July 27 Lawrence Dar

gan a mulatto who has been separated from his wife for the past sixmonths learned Sunday of his wifesplans of going from Welaka to Satsuma to church He secreted hUiaelfbeside the road behind an oak scruband as Lee Walker the driver whosat beside Mary Dargan drove byLawrence Dargan struck his wife twofearful blows with a pine saplingclub She and Walker both fell outof the wagon Ella Williams a largecolored woman of 350 pounds sat In

the back seat She also scrambled-out of the spring wagon when thehorse began to be unmanageable She


and Walker pleaded with Darto hurt his wife but he raWilliams away with a knife T

seemed afraid to Interfereaway for help Whoa he reMary Dargan was dead receddeep gash from a butcher knitbelow and to the back of heDargaa was gone and so farno trace of him further thaibe west south through Sisco atoclockiSuBday

Sheriff Kenaerly with Coroaeshall of Palatka soon arrivedscene of the aarder Aa iasaeiheld the verdict being that simet her death at the handshusband Lawrence



Dar a




Dr Goodbred Assaulted

By One J Albert BrMAYO July 27 As the result of a

scrap J Albert Breare of this place

Is now under arrest on a charge of

assault with Intent to murder Dr R

Good bred also of place On

at afternoon Dr Goodbred-

tar I to hoard the L O P G

r the depot here It seems thatrd i a ed between him and

Ir an m l finally Dr Goodbredla J Ur ro The train left abouthi rarrylnp Dr toa i was going to visitn t it rOn returning Sun

i the train stopped atv r rilwav crosslnc Just in

RrtMre boarded the-

n ti r i sf ral cf



Good 11 rl11



It Clown0 tl




friends that he would have ament with the doctor that m

Dr Goodbred was lying downseat reading or asleep whenattacked him with a pair ofknucks and before anything codone had struck hlni severalrather severely cutting and IT

his face and head By this tineother men who were on thestopped the row Dr Goodbremediately went before thejudge and swore out a warrant fBreare and he is now underThe preliminary trial will besometime this week and a tbties are prominent no doubtinterest 111 be evinced In thcome
