International Islamic University Chittagong Department of Law Syllabus for 4 years LL.B (Hons.) Degree in Bachelor of Law Autumn-2012

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Jurisprudence (Law-1101)



International Islamic University Chittagong

Department of Law

Syllabus for 4 years LL.B (Hons.) Degree in Bachelor of Law


As per recommendations made in the 76th meeting of Academic Committee of the Department of Law held on 05-07-2012.

As per recommendations made in the meeting of Course Committee of the Department of Law held on 25-06-2012

Faculty of Law

Department of Law

Undergraduate Courses for Bachelor of Laws (LL.B Hons.)

University Profile

International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) is one of the Government approved Private Universities in Bangladesh. The credit for the idea of establishing this University goes to Islamic University Chittagong Trust (IUCT), which is the founder organization of the University. The Trust is a non-political and non-profit voluntary organization, registered with the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh under the Societies Act XXI of 1860. Under the aegis of IUCT and the grace of Allah (Swt), Islamic University Chittagong got the Government Approval on February 11, 1995 and the University was founded in the same year accordingly.

In 2004 IIUC was recognized as one of the 9 (nine) Top-graded (out of 54) Private Universities by Government-appointed High Powered Team led by the UGC Chairman. At present it is the largest private University with 297 (250 Full Time) teachers and around 12,000 students from home and abroad. The total space used for academic and administrative purposes is around 4,59,990 sft. A good number of full time teachers are studying abroad for higher degrees with IIUC scholarship.

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law at International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC) is one of the leading providers of education in law among the private universities in Bangladesh. The instruction offered by the faculty is of high standards. The Faculty of Law is committed to provide quality education and also strive to instill moral values into the students. All teachers are well qualified and dedicated to the development of the students and a good number of teachers possess foreign qualifications.

There are more about 1,200 law students at the Faculty of Law. The Faculty offers three programs namely LL.B (Hons), LL.B (Pass) and LL.M. Admission to LL.B (Hons) is based on the results of the Secondary and Higher Secondary Examinations and an admission test.

Objective of LL.B (Honors) Syllabus

The core objectives and aims of the syllabus are:

a. to give students an understanding of the basic law subjects and general principles of law that are essential for every law graduate and lawyer,

b. to provide students with training in the basic skills essential for every lawyer, including analysis, research, writing, advocacy and problem-solving,

c. to give students an appreciation of the role of law and lawyers in their own society and in the global community that will better equip them to deal with the challenges of globalization,

d. to equip the students with the necessary qualifications to apply for enrollment with Bar Council, to become judges or to become legal practitioners in various field; and

e. to build the law students as informed and morally sound citizens who will contribute to the development of the country.

Programs of Study :

Total 126 credit hours have to be undertaken and completed by a student during 8 (eight) semesters. Duration of each semester is 6 (six) months. Each course carries 100 marks. Of the total marks allotted to each course, 20 marks are for attendance and class tests/assignments/oral tests, 30 marks are for mid-term examination and 50 marks are allotted for the final examination except Law-4804 & Law-4806.

Marks Distribution:

Class Tests/Assignments (at least two) / Viva=10 Marks

Class Attendance =10 Marks

Mid-Term Examination=30 Marks

Final Examination=50 Marks

Total = 100 Marks

Summary of Courses

Types of Courses

No. of Courses

Credit Hours

University Requirement Courses



Core courses Theory



Core Courses Practical



Total =



Semester-wise Summary of Courses


No. of Courses

Credit Hours

Contact Hours

































Total =




A. List of University Requirement Courses

SL No.

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hour

Contact Hour


URAL- 1101


URQS- 1101

Elementary Arabic


Quran Studies in Texts & Translation




URAL- 1202


URHS- 1202

Intermediate Arabic


Hadith Studies in Texts & Translation





Advanced English





Islamic Aqidah





Introduction to Ibadah





Introduction to Quran and Sunnah





Dealings and Behavior in Islam





Government and Politics in Islam




URIS- 3607

Biography of the Prophet (SAAS))




URIH- 4701

History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution to world civilization (Up to 1258 A.D.)




URBS- 4802

Bangladesh Studies



Total 11 Courses



B. Core Courses

SL No.

Course Code

Course Title

Credit Hour

Contact Hour







Legal History and Legal System of Bangladesh





Islamic Jurisprudence





Muslim Law-I





Roman Law & Hindu Law





Law of Torts





Law of Islamic Transaction and Banking Law





Muslim Law-II





Introduction to Computer




Law 2301

Law of Equity & Trust





Law of Contract





Company Law





Constitutional Law of Bangladesh





Micro-Computer Applications-1





Land Laws of Bangladesh





Commercial Law-I





Labor Law





Constitutional Law (UK, USA, India, Islamic)





Government and Politics





Law of Evidence





Commercial Law-II





S R Act, PDR Act & Limitation Act





Fiscal Laws of Bangladesh





Administrative Law





Law of Crimes (Substantive)-I




Law-3602Law of Crimes (Procedural)




Law-3603Law of Transfer of Property & Registration





International Law-I





Islamic Criminal Law





Law of Crimes (Substantive)-II





Code of Civil Procedure-I





Consumer Law & Competition Law





International Law-II





Law of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)





Law of Human Rights





Code of Civil Procedure-II





Legal Literacy & Drafting





Moot Court and Mock Trial





Professional Ethics, Interpretation of Statutes and other Legal Instruments





Introduction to Legal Research





Viva Voce



Total 40 courses



Semester-wise Course Offerings :

The semester-wise course distribution are as follows:

1st Semester:

Course Code

Course Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour





Legal History and Legal System of Bangladesh




Islamic Jurisprudence




Muslim Law-I




Advanced English






Elementary Arabic


Quran Studies in Text and Translation




Islamic Aqidah



Total =



2nd Semester

Course Code

Course Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour


Roman Law & Hindu Law




Law of Torts




Law of Islamic Transaction and Banking Law




Muslim Law-II




Introduction to Computer



URAL-1202 Or

URHS- 1202

Intermediate Arabic


Hadith Studies in Texts & Translation




Introduction to Ibadah



Total =



3rd Semester

Course Code

Course Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour

Law 2301

Law of Equity & Trust




Law of Contract




Company Law




Constitutional Law of Bangladesh




Micro-Computer Applications-1




Introduction to al Quran and Sunnah



Total =



4th Semester

Course Code

Course Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour


Land Laws of Bangladesh




Commercial Law-I




Labor Law




Constitutional Law (UK, USA, India, Islamic)




Government and Politics




Dealings and Behaviors in Islam



Total =



5th Semester

Course Code

Course Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour


Law of Evidence




Commercial Law-II




S R Act, PDR Act & Limitation Act




Fiscal Laws of Bangladesh




Administrative Law




Government and Politics in Islam



Total =



6th Semester

Course CodeCourse Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour


Law of Crimes (Substantive)-I



Law-3602Law of Crimes (Procedural)



Law-3603Law of Transfer of Property & Registration




International Law-I




Islamic Criminal Law




Biography of the Prophet (SAAS)



Total =



7th Semester

Course Code

Course Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour


Law of Crimes (Substantive)-II




Code of Civil Procedure-I




Consumer Law & Competition Law




International Law-II




Law of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)




History of Khilafah and Muslim contribution to world civilization (Up to 1258 A.D.)



Total =



8th Semester

Course Code

Course Title

Credit hour

Contact Hour


Law of Human Rights




Code of Civil Procedure-II




Legal Literacy & Drafting




Moot Court and Mock Trial




Professional Ethics, Interpretation of Statutes and other Legal Instruments




Introduction to Legal Research




Viva Voce




Bangladesh Studies



Total =



Grand Total: 126

LL. B (Hons.) Syllabus for the students enrolled for Spring-2012 and onwards . (Details)

1st Year1st Semester

Course Code : Law-1101 Course Title : Jurisprudence

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective: Jurisprudence is the theory , philosophy and science of law. This course will introduce the young learners to the very basic and fundamental concepts of law including but not limited to definition of law , sources of law , nature of law, legal reasoning, legal systems and legal institutions.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Para-1: Definition, nature and scope of Jurisprudence, Law and Jurisprudence, utility of the study of Jurisprudence, Jurisprudence and other social sciences, social value of law. Schools of Jurisprudence, analytical Jurisprudence, ethical Jurisprudence.

Para-2:Theories of Law: Theory of Natural Law, Austins imperative theory of law; Kelsens pure theory of law; Sociological theory of law; functional and realist schools of law; Savignys historical school of law and volksgeist.

Para-3:State and sovereignty: Definition, elements and functions of state; theories of sovereignty.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Para-4:Concept of Law: Definition, functions of Law, advantages and disadvantages, Law, justice and morality, question of law and fact, legal fiction and legal presumption, classification of Law.

Para-5:Administration of justice: Civil justice and criminal justice; theories of punishment.

Para-6:Sources of Law: Formal and material source, legislation, precedent and custom.

Para-7:Legal concept: Concept of Rights, Concept of person, Concept of ownership and possession, Law of liability, Law of property and person.

Books Recommended:

1. Salmond. J. : Jurisprudence

2. G.W. Patton : A Text Book of Jurisprudence

3. Austin. J : The Province of Jurisprudence Determined.

4. Keeton, G.W : The Elementary Principles of Jurisprudence.

5. Hens Kelson : Pure Theory of Law.

6. L.B Curzon : Jurisprudence

7. V. D. Mahajan : Jurisprudence & Legal Theory, (Latest Edition)

8. Dr. Hamiduddin Khan:Jurisprudence & Comparative Legal Theory

9. Jabhala: Jurisprudence

10. Dr. Avtar SinghJurisprudence & Legal Theory


1. Donoghue vs. Stevenson (1932) A.C. 562

2. Dudley vs. Stephens (1884) 14 QBD 173

3. Sriniwas Mall Bairoliya vs. Emperor (1947) 49 Bom LR 688

4. Ashby vs. White (1703) 1 ER 417

5. Syndicate Bank vs. Prabha D. Naik (2001) 4 SCC 713

6. Baba Narayan vs. Saboosa (1943) 2 MLJ 186

7. Kewal Chand Mimani vs. Sk. Sen (2001) 6 SSC 512

8. London and North Eastern Railway Co. vs. Berriman (1946)

9. R vs. National Insurance Commissioner (1981) All ER 769

10. Smith vs. Hughes


Course Code : Law-1102 Course Title : Legal History and Legal System of Bangladesh

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective: This course is an analytical investigation into the history of the law in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. This course seeks to develop students awareness of the historical underpinnings of the law and the legal system of Bangladesh from British India to present time.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Legal History:

1. Judicial system of India in the Ancient Hindu period and Muslim period.

2. Introduction of English Law in India.

3. The East India Company and the early Administration of India in Calcutta, Bombay and Madras

4. The Mayors Court

5. Judicial Reform of Warren Hastings and the Adalat System in Bengal, Judicial Reforms from time to time.

6. The Establishment of Supreme Courts at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras

7. Evolution of High Court, Codification by the Law Commission. The Sepy Mutinity or War of Independence in 1857 and the after math (Constitutional Changes)

8. Proclamation of Queen Victoria

9. The Government of India Act 1935, Strained Relation between Congress and Muslim League

10. Two Nations Theory, Lahore Resolution, Pakistan Movement

11. Cabinet Mission, Mountbatten Plan and Indian Independence Act 1947

12. Constitutional History of Bangladesh, Delay in Constitution making in Pakistan

13. Language Movement, Martial Law, Basic Democracy

14. The Six Points Plan, Agartola Conspiracy Case

15. General Election in 1970, The Army Crackdown and Genocide

16. Crystallization of Bengali Nationalism

17. Declaration of Independence, Liberation War and Emergence of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh.

The list of cases concerning the course will be discussed by the teacher concerned.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Legal System of Bangladesh:

1. Meaning : Legal system and Basic Foundation of Legal System in Bangladesh, Sources and Classification of Law in Bangladesh.

2. Features of the Legal System of Bangladesh

3. Court structure of Bangladesh: Ordinary Civil and Criminal Courts of Bangladesh and their Jurisdiction; Special Court and Tribunals of Bangladesh, Law relating to Army, Navy and Air Force and Court Martial.

4. A brief overview of the procedural steps of criminal cases and civil suits.

5. Law Enforcement: Role of police, Courts, Governments and Citizens; Effectiveness of law enforcement in Bangladesh.

6. Personnel of Law: The Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Supreme Judicial Council, Attorney General, Solicitor, Legal Remembrance, Solicitors, Judicial Officers, Magistrates. Law Officers of the Government, Legal Practitioners, Bench Officer and Clerk, Advocate Assistants.

7. Independence of the Judiciary: Meaning, Importance, Conditions, Extent of Independence of Judiciary in Bangladesh.

8. Legal Developments: Law relating to Ombudsman, Administration Tribunal, Law Reforms, Family Court, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Public Interest Litigation and Epistolary, Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.

9. Legal Profession: Educational Institutions and Degrees, Composition, Powers and Functions of Bangladesh Bar Council, Bar Associations in Bangladesh, Enrolment of Advocates; Disciplinary Proceedings before Bar Council Tribunal; Canons of Professional Conducts and Etiquette

10. Legal Aid: Meaning and Forms; Importance; Legal Aids in Bangladesh, Statutory Provisions and its effectiveness, Role of NGOs.

Books Recommended :

Legal History

MP Jain: Outlines of Indian Legal History

VD Kulshrestha: Landmarks in Indian Legal and Constitutional History

Pranjape: Indian Legal & Constitutional History

MS Rama Rao : Studies in Indian Legal and Constitutional History

JK Mital : Indian Legal History

Kautilya: The Legal History of India.

Legal system

Dr. Mafizul Islam Patawary: Legal System of Bangladesh

Azizul Hoque: Legal System of Bangladesh

Kazi Ebadul Hoque:Administration of Justice in Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.

Md. Abdul Halim: Legal System of Bangladesh

Wahed Hussain: Administration of Justice during the Muslim Rule in India.

Badrul Haider Chowdhury: Evolution of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, 1st Edition, University of Dhaka, 1990.


Course Code : Law-1103 Course Title : Islamic Jurisprudence

Credit Hours : 2 Contact Hours : 2

Objective: The objective of this course is to teach the give law students about the basic concept of law and legal principles of Islam and it also covers the historical development of the Islamic Jurisprudence.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

1. Islamic Jurisprudence, its nature, scope & application.

2. Grand norms of Islamic Law

3. Sources of Islamic Jurisprudence: Quran, Sunnah, Ijtihad, Ijmaa and Qiyas

4. Contemporary development of Islamic Law in Muslim Countries


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

4. Schools of Islamic Jurisprudence.

5. Classification of Islamic Law.

6. Concept and Institution of fatwa & attributes of Mujtahids

7. Evaluation of Islamic law to adapt to the changes of society.

Books Recommended:

1. Abdur Rahim: Mohammadan Jurisprudence.

2. Syed Abul Ala Maoududi: Islamic Law & Constitution

3. Muhammad Mosleh Uddin: Philosophy of Islamic Law & Orient lists

4. Ahmad Hasan: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence

5. Dr. Hashim Kamali: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence

6. Syed Ramadan: Islamic Law Its Scope & Equity

7. Muhammad Yousuf Gunaya: Islamic Jurisprudence in Modern World

8. Mahmassai: The Philosophy of Islamic Jurisprudence

9. Gaaji Shamsur Rahaman: Islamic Jurisprudence (Bengali)

10. J. Schacht: Origin of Mohammadan Jurisprudence

11. Nayeem Hasan: Islamic Jurisprudence.

12. Nayeem Hasan: Theory of Islamic Law


Course Code : Law-1104 Course Title : Muslim Law-I

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objectives: This course covers Laws and regulations relating to Muslim marriage, dower, dissolution of marriage, Parentage, Legitimacy and acknowledgement Guardianship, Maintenance.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Pre- Islamic customs: Marriage, Dower, Divorce and Inheritance.

Marriage: Definition, Nature, Objectives, Importance, Classifications of marriage- Valid, void, Irregular with essential elements and effects, Prohibited degrees to Marriage, Muta marriage.

Dower: Definition, Nature, Classification of dower, Amount of dower, Mode of payment of dower, the widows right of retention, Dower as unsecured debt.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Dissolution of marriage: Modes of dissolution of marriage- By death of the spouse, By the act of the parties- a) Talaq, b) Ila, c) Zihar, d) Talaq-e-tafweez, By mutual consent- a) Khula, b) Mubarat, By Judicial process- a) Lian, b) Fask, c) Option of puberty, d)Apostasy, Contingent taltq, Legal effects of dissolution of marriage.

Parentage, Legitimacy and acknowledgement: Determination and presumption of legitimacy, Conditions and consequences of acknowledgement.

Guardianship: Minority &Majority, Classification, Qualifications & disqualifications, Termination, Alienation of property by the legal guardians.

Maintenance: Maintenance of wives & children.

Family court: Its jurisdiction, procedure of trial.

Statutes :

The Sharia Application Act, 1937

The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929

The Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939

The Muslim Marriage and Divorce (Registration) Act, 1974

The Guardians and Wards Act, 1980

The Family Courts Ordinance, 1985.

Books Recommended :

1. Syed Ameer Ali: Mohammadan Law, Vol. I & II (4th Edition), Calcutta, 1912, reprint, New Delhi, 1985.

2. Asaf A A Fyzee:Outlines of Mohammadan Law (4th edition), New Delhi, 1974

3. Keith Hodkinson: Muslim Family Law: A Source Book, London & Canberra, 1984.

4. David Pearl & Dr. W Menski:A Text Book on Muslim Law, London, 2004

5. Taslima Mansoor:From Patriarchy to Gender Equity: Family Law & Its impact on Women in Bangladesh (Ph.D. Thesis, University of London) (UPL), Bangladesh, 1999

6. Md. Mojibur Rahman:Muslim & Paribarik Ain Porichiti, Dhaka, 1989

7. Tanjilur Rahman:A Code of Muslim Personal Law Vol. I, II, III, Karachi, 1978.

8. Joseph Schacht:An Introduction of Islamic Law, Oxford, 1964.

9. Sir Abdur Rahim:The Principles of Muhammadan Jurisprudence, Madras, 1911

10. Faiz Badruddin Tyabji:Principles of Muhammadan Law, (2nd Edi.) Calcutta, 1919.

Governing Legislation :

1. The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat Application) Act, 1937 (Act No. XXVI of 1937)

2. The Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939 (Act No. III of 1939)

3. The Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929 (Act No. XIX of 1929)

4. The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 (Ordinance No. VIII of 1961)

5. The Muslim Marriage and Divorces (Registration) Act, 1974 (Act No. LII of 1974)

6. The Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (Act No. VIII of 1890)

7. The Succession Act, 1925 (Act No. XXXIX of 1925)

8. The Wakf Ordinance, 1962 (East Pakistan Ordinance No. I of 1962)

9. The Mussalman Wakf Validating Act, 1913 (Act. No. Vl of 1913)

10. The Mussalman Wakf Validating Act, 1930 (Act No. VI of 1913)

11. The Family Courts Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinary No. XVIII of 1985)


1. Abdul fata V Russomoy Choudhury (1894), 22 I A 76

2. Ahmed Ali V Sabha Khatun Bibi PLD 1952 Dhaka 385

3. Ali Nawaz V Mohd. Yousuf 15 DLR 9 SC

4. Begum V Saroo PLD 1964 Lah, 451

5. Gobinda Dayal V Insyatullah 1885, 7 All 775

6. Habibur Rahman V Altaf Ali 1921, 48 I A 114

7. Imambandi V Mustaddi 1918 45 I A 73

8. Mariana Jatoi V Nuruddin Jatoi, PLD 1967 ISC 580

9. Muhammad Ali Allahabad V Muhammad Ismail 1980 I O 289

10. Muhammad Bashir V Gulam Fatima, PLD 1953 Lahore 73

11. Nawab Umjad Ally Khan V Mst Mahudee Begum 14 M I A 517


Course Code: UREL-1103

Course Title: Advanced English

Credit Hours: 2 (two) Hours.

Contact Hours: 3 (three) Hours.


To prepare the students for the forthcoming courses, which will be conducted using English as medium of instruction.

To enrich students vocabulary so that they can be able to overcome their difficulties in comprehending the text books which are written in English.

To make the students confident enough in their use of English by enriching their knowledge of English grammar.

Total Marks: 100 (30-Mid-term, 20-Class tests, Attendance and Assignments, 50-Final Exam)


(Mid-term Exam: 30 marks)

Chapter -1

Grammar: 15 marks

1. Tenses & their Aspects. (Use of verbs to be, to have and to do, use and structure of tenses with oral and written exercises which include dialogue, paragraph writing, filling up the gaps, using verbs in correct forms and tense based corrections)

2. Subject & Verb Agreement (Exercises will include use of verbs in correct numbers and choosing correct verbs out of two options)

3. Use of Pronouns (Discussions and Exercises will focus on different types of pronouns, identifying nouns indicated by certain pronoun, subjective, objective and possessive forms of personal pronouns, difference between possessive adjective and possessive pronoun, difference between reflexive and emphatic pronouns, difference between relative and interrogative pronoun, correct use of relative pronoun, joining sentences with relative pronouns, formation of question using interrogative pronouns and so on)

4. Modal auxiliary and modal + perfectives (Exercises will include use of different modals, correction based on the use of modals, use of should have done, may have done, could have done and must have done)


Reading: 10 marks

Prescribed book: Six Tales from Shakespeare (Retold by E.F. Dodd)

First two stories are to be read for mid-term. They are: 1. The Merchant of Venice and 2. The Taming of the Shrew.

N.B. Students are also suggested to read the following books: (as the first half to be the syllabus of the mid-term)

1. Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte

2. Pilgrims Progress- John Banyan

3. A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens


Writing: 05 marks

Paragraph (guided and free)

Comprehension (summarizing a given passage and writing sentences with words and phrases contained in the paragraph)


(Final Exam: 50 marks)

Chapter -4

Grammar: 25 marks

1. Conditional Sentences (Discussion will focus on the use of three conditional structures. Exercises will include use of right forms of verbs given within the bracket or choosing correct form of verb out of two/three options)

2. Active and Passive Voice (Practical use passive structures, change of voice, correction relating voice, Exercises will also include using verbs in correct form given in sentences using both active and passive structures)

Chapter -5

3. Direct and Indirect Narration (Discussion will focus on the uses of both direct and indirect speeches, change of narration of detached sentences)

4. Preposition & Conjunction (identifying preposition and conjunctions, classification of preposition and conjunction, use of appropriate preposition and conjunction.

Chapter- 6

5. Causative Verbs (Discussions will focus of on the use of causative verbs. Exercises will include use of correct forms of verbs after a causative verb)

6. Participle and Gerund (Discussion will focus on the uses of gerund and participle, joining sentences using present participle form of a verb. Exercises will include identifying participle and gerund from the given sentences, joining sentences with present participle)

Chapter -7

Reading: 15 marks

Prescribed book: Six Tales from Shakespeare (Retold by E.F. Dodd)

Last four stories are to be read for final exam. They are: 1. The Tempest 2. Macbeth, 3. King Lear, 4. Julius Caesar,

N.B. Students are also suggested to read the following books: (as the last half to be the syllabus of the final examination)

1. Jane Eyre- Charlotte Bronte

2. Pilgrims Progress- John Banyan

3. A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens

Chapter -8

Writing: 10 marks

1. Dialogue

2. Personal and official letter or e-mail

Books Recommended:

1. Raymond Murphy, Intermediate English Grammar, Foundation Books, 2/19 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002, Manas Saikia, 1995. (Published by arrangement with Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftsbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, U.K.)

2. Wren & Martin, High School English Grammar and Composition-,New Delhi, S. Chand & Company Ltd. 2002

3. Thomson & Martinet, Practical English Grammar, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, 1993 (reprinted in India by arrangement with Oxford University Press, Oxford)

4. Michael A. Pyle and Mary Ellen Munoz, Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide, New Delhi, BPB Publications, B-14, Connaught Place, New Delhi-110001, 1992

5. Bruce Rogers, Petersons TOEFL Success, Princeton, New Jersey, Petersons, 2000

6. AS Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English, Oxford University Press, 2002-2003

7. Chowdhury & Hossain, Advanced English, Dhaka, Sayma Chowdhury and Halima Chowdhury, 2004.


Course Title: Elementary Arabic

Course Code: URAL-1101

Contact Hours: 03 (Three) Hours (per week)

Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour

Objectives of the Course

This course has been provided to the student for basic knowledge of Arabic scripts. How to write scripts in Arabic word and Arabic writing. It also aims to provide about at least 500 normal using words to the students make in order to sentence construction by using which they can be able to communicate with others orally in various situation.

Generally, there are two main areas of concentration:

Firstly, the course aims at helping the student to acquire the level of proficiency that will enable them understand the texts and contents of Al-Quran and Sunnah of Prophet (SAAS.) from the original Arabic text.

Secondly, to enable the student acquire the skills of understanding the Arabic lecture. Talking notes and proficiency in writing answer script in Arabic language, and using the original sources written in the Arabic language and with the course to help the students acquire proficiency with competence on communication in Arabic which is widely used within Muslim Ummah particularly.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Chapter -01

Introduction to Arabic Language

Importance of Arabic Language for understanding of the Holy Qur`an and its requirement & status in job market as an International Language.

a) Introduction to the course outline and its objectives, Arabic Alphabet & the forms of each letter, Pronunciation of the letters against Bengali & English letters. Introduction to making words( ) with various Arabic letters & its Practice and Oral Practice of Arabic words by the students and Introduction to Arabic writing ( ).

Chapter -02

a) Introduction to the names of reference ( / ) and making sentences with various Arabic words & its oral Practice.

b) Introduction to the question letters ( - / / ) and making sentences using these & its practice.

c) Introduction to the sun letters and the moon letters, ( ) visible elements of pronunciation & its oral Practice.

d) Introduction to the Nominal Sentences ( ) and making sentence by using Debutante and News (/ ) & its oral Practice by the students.

Chapter -03

a) Introduction to some pronoun ( ) and making sentence with the pronoun like (///) (Male-Female) & its Practice.

b) Introduction to some preposition ( ) and making sentence using the preposition like (/ / /) .Introduction to the Possessive case () and making sentence using the Possessive case & its Practice.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Introduction to the names of reference ( -/ ) and making sentence with them & its Practice. Introduction to Adjective and making sentence with the various adjectives. Introduction to the Connected Names ( ) and make sentences using the (/) & its Practice.

Chapter -04

a) Introduction to the pronoun ( ) (Male) and making sentences with using the pronoun like ( ///) & its Practice. Introduction to the pronoun (Female ) and making sentences with using the pronoun like (/) & its Practice.

b) Introduction to actual sentences ( -) and making sentences with using different verbs.

Chapter -05

a) Introduction to the Plurals ( ) and making sentences with using various plural words & its Practice. Conversion of the singulars to the Plurals & its Practice. Introduction to the Plurals ( ) and making sentences with using the various plural words & its Practice.

b) Conversion of the singulars to the Plurals & its Practice. Review of previous classes.

Chapter -06

Introduction to the Plural Verb (-) and make sentence with using the various plural Verbs & its Practice. Conversion of the singulars to the Plurals & its Practice. Review of previous classes.

Chapter -07

Introduction to the Plural Verb (-) and making sentence with using the various plural Verbs & its Practice. Review of previous all classes. Class Test.

Chapter -08



Course Title: Quran Studies in Texts & TranslationCourse Code: URQS -1101

Contact Hours: 02 (Two) Hours (per week)

Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour

Outlines of the course:


(Mid-term Exam: 30 marks)

(Total Lectures = 6 X 2= 12, 6 weeks)

Selected Texts

Chapter -1

1. An Introduction to the Holy Quran. (1 lecture).

2. The introductory chapter of the Quran (Suratul Fatihah). (1 lecture).

3. Iman, Islam & Amal al-Saleh: (3 lectures).

3: a. Selected Text on Iman: 2: 1-5 (1lecture).

(Additional references: 2: 285, 18: 107- 110, 23: 1-11).

3: b. Selected Text on Islam: 3:19-22 (1lecture).

(Additional references: 3: 85, 5: 3, 6: 175).

3: c. Selected Text on Amal al- Saleh 4:103(1lecture).

(Additional references: 4: 124, 17: 9, 18: 107 -110).

Chapter -2

4. Fundamental of Islamic Belief (Tawheed, Risalah & Akhirah) (3 lectures).

a. Selected Text on Tawheed: 112 (1lecture).

(Additional references: 2: 163, 3: 4 23:91).

b. Selected Text on Risalah: 4:163(1lecture).

(Additional references: 3:84, 7: 158, 61:6).

c. Selected Text on Akhirah: 27: 1-5 (1lecture).

(Additional references: 2: 4, 3:145, 23: 74)

Chapter -3

5: Salah , Zakah, Sawom & Hajj 4 lectures

a. Selected Text on Salah = 9:71-72 (1 lecture).

(Additional references: 22:41, 24: 56, 27:1-3)

b. Selected Text on Zakah =27:1-5 (1 lecture).

(Additional references: 3:92, 2:254, 63:10-11).

c. Selected Text on Sawom: 2: 183-84 (1 lecture).

(Additional references: 2:185)

d. Selected Text on Hajj: 3: 96- 97 (1 lecture).

(Additional references: 2: 196- 197).

Total = 12 lectures before Mid- Term Exam.


(Final Exam: 50 marks)

Total Lectures 8x2 = 16 (One lecture on every topic, 8 weeks)

Selected Texts

Chapter -4

1. Selected Text on Taharah : 5:6.

(Additional references: 4: 43, 9: 108)

2. Selected Text on creation of mankind and its vicegerency on the earth:

38:71. (Additional references: 20:30-32, 6: 165, 35:39)

3. Selected Text on subjugation of all that are in the universe for the

mankind. 16: 12-15. (Additional references 31: 20, 45: 12-13)

Chapter -5

4. Selected Text on position of the Muslim Ummah= 2:143.

(Additional references: 3:110)

5. Selected Text on objectives of human life = 6: 162, 51:56.

(Additional references: 67:2)

6. Selected Text on obligations of calling to the way of Allah.= 16: 125

(Additional references: 3: 104, 110, 41:33(

Chapter -6

7. Selected Text on 0ur duties and obligations towards Allah = 3:102,

61:11. ) Additional references: 4:36, 22:77(

8. Selected Text on duties and obligations towards Allahs Messenger =

3:31-32, (Additional references: 4:65 , 59:7)

9. Selected Text on duties and obligations towards the parents= 17:22-24

(Additional references:29:8, 31:14, 46:15)

Chapter -7

10. Selected Text on duties and obligations towards spouses to each

Other = 4: 34-35. (Additional references:4:19, , 30:21)

11. Selected Text on duties and obligations towards relatives. 17:26,

16:90. (Additional references:4: 8, 30:38)

12. Selected Text on shirk and its consequences= 4:48, 5:72

(Additional references: 4:116, 31: 13, 22: 31).

Chapter -8

13. Selected Text on Kufr and its consequences= 2:161,162

(Additional references :2:6-7, 3:10, 91, 4: 56)

14. Selected Text on Nifaq and its consequences= 9:67, 68

(Additional references: 4: 142-145).

15. Selected Text on characteristics of ideal Servants of Allah (Ibadur

Rahman) as depicted in the Quran= 25: 63-76

16. Selected Text on the components of loss and destruction for the mankind and how to get rid of the loss : Suratul Asr


Course Code: URIS 1101

Course Title: Islamic Aqidah

Credit Hour: 01 C.H.

Contact Hour: 01 C.H. (per week)


This course is designed

1. To provide the students with proper knowledge about the Islamic way of life.

2. To make them aware of the existing religious misconceptions & traditional superstitions contradicting with the basic faith & tenants of Islam.

3. To give them a clear concept about the all-embracing view of Ibadah in Islam.

Course Outline:


(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)

Chapter- 1

Islam: an Introduction:

a. Importance of Islamic Aqidah and the relation between Iman and Islam.

b. Historical Background of Islam.

c. Islam as a Complete Code of Life.

Chapter- 2

Belief in The Articles of Faith:

a. The Unity of Allah (Tawheed)

b. Belief in the Attributes of Allah

c. Impact of Tawheed on human life.

Chapter- 3

The Shirk and its Consequences.

a. Different types of Shirk

b. Divine Unity in Practice.

c. Nifaq: Its meaning, Signs and Consequences.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Chapter- 4

Belief in Allahs Angels (Malaikah):

a. Angels - their Nature and Functions.

b. Virtues of belief in Angels.

c. Can they assume any Human Form?

Chapter- 5

Belief in the Books of Allah:

a. Are all Scriptures remaining presently in their Original Form?

b. The Quran: The last and unchanged Divine Book.

c. The position of Quran amongst other Revealed Books.

Chapter- 6

Belief in Allahs Prophets:

a. Believing in all the Prophets is equally essential for being a Muslim.

b. Contributions of the Prophets towards the Humanity.

c. Muhammad (SAAS), the Greatest, the Best and the Last among all the Prophets.

Chapter- 7

Belief in the Life After Death:

a. The logic behind believing in the Life after Death.

b. Impact of Belief in the Life after Death on Human Life.

c. Inevitability of Akhirah and its Stages.

Chapter- 8

Belief in Qadr (Fate) and divine decree:

a. Mans Freedom of Will.

b. Fate: No excuse for Sinners.

c. Evil: Not attributable to Allah.


1. Al-Jazaeeri, Abu Bakr, Minhajul Muslim, Cairo, Darul Kutub As- Salafiyah.

2. Rafique Dr. Abu Bakr, Islam The Ultimate Religion (Book one) Islamic Aqidah, Chittagong: ABC Publications, 2002.

3. Sabiq, Assayed, Al-`Aqaeed Al- Islamiyah, Cairo, Al-Fathu Lil-Ielamil Arabi, 10th edition-2000.

4. Farid, Ahmed, An Encounter with Islam, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation, Baitul Mukarram, Dhaka, 1995.

5. Abdalati, Hammuda, Islam in Focus, Islamic Teaching course. Vol. 1

6. Badawi, Dr. Jamal, Islamic Teachings vol. 1

7. Mawdudi, S.A.A, Towards Understanding Islam, Kwait, International Islamic Book Center, ND.

8. ALGazali, Mohammad, Aqidatul Muslim.


2nd Semester

Course Code : Law-1201 Course Title : Roman Law & Hindu Law

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective: Acquiring knowledge about the family Laws of different religion is important for lawyers. In the first part of this course codified and uncodified laws of Hindu community will be discussed and analyzed. In the second part ancient Roman Law will be taught as part of the knowledge of legal history.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Hindu Law:

1. Nature, origin and sources of Hindu Law; schools of Hindu Law with particular reference to the school followed by Hindus in Bangladesh.

2. The law of marriage, divorce and maintenance; the law of adoption.

3. Law relating to guardianship; joint family and partition; the status of the karta and his rights and obligations.

4. Remedies under Hindu personal laws through the medium of the Court, and applicability of the Family Courts Ordinance 1985.

5. The issue of reform of Hindu personal law in Bangladesh.

The List of leading cases concerning this course will be discussed by the teacher concerned.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Roman Law:

: H

Introduction : Importance of the study of Roman law, Development of Roman law, Sources of Roman Law, Classification of Roman Law.

Law of persons : Freemen and slaves, Patria Potestas, Marriage, Adoption and Adrogation, Guardianship and Curator Ship.

Law of Property: Res, Modes of Acquisition and Extinction of ownership, Servitudes, other Roman Laws Relating to property.

Law of Succession : Universal Succession and will, codical, Legacy, fidericommissium, Intestate succession.

Law of obligation : Obligation and contract, consensual contract and quasi-contract. Classification of Contract, Delilet.

Law of Actions: Development and classification of Actions: Civil and Criminal Procedures.

The list of leading cases concerning this course will be discussed by the teacher concerned.

Books Recommended Hindu Law :

1. W.W Buckland: Elementary Principles of the Roman Private Law.

2. Prichard A.M.Ed: Leges Roman private Law.

3. T. Mackenie: Studies in Roman Law.

4. H. F. Jolowiez: Historical Introduction to Roman Law.

5. Dr. Lutful kabir: Roman Law

6. D.F. Mullah: Hindu Law

7. Sir Harisingh: Hindu Law

8. S.V Gupta: Hindu Law in British India

9. H.S Gour: Hindu Code.

10. B.M Gandhi-Hindu Law

11. cdmi Gg. e`iDxb: wn`y AvBb

Governing Legislation :

1. Hindu Windows Remarriage Act, 1860.

2. The Hindus Transfer and Benefits Act, 1914

3. The Indus Dispossession and Property Act, 1916

4. Hindu Inheritance (Removal of Disabilities) Act, 1928

5. Hindu Inheritance (Amendment) Act, 1929

6. Indian Succession (Amendment) Act, 1929

7. Womens Right to Property Act, 1937

8. Registration Act, 1908 (Part VIII & IX)

9. The Dowry Act, 1980

10. Family Court Ordinance, 1985.

Books Recommended for Roman Law:

Girard: History of Roman Law

WA Hunter: Introduction to the study of Roman Law

EW Lee: Elements of Roman Law

RW Lee: Historical Concept of Roman Law

L. Kabir: Roman Law


Course Code : Law-1202 Course Title : Law of Torts

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective: The law of tort concerns the civil liability for the wrongful infliction of injury by one person upon another. This course will introduce the learners to the areas of tortuous liability as well as defenses and remedies and sources of future development in this field.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Definition & nature of tort; Essentials of tort; Distinction between tort & crime; Tort & breach of trust, Tort & breach of contract; Kinds of tort; Foreign torts, Doctrine of merger of tort in felony, General principles of liability- Damage-Damnum sine injuria, Injuria sine damnum, Ubi jus ibi remedium, Mensrea; Motive; Intention & malice; Malfeasance & non-malfeasance; Personal disabilities who can not sue, who can not be sued; Remoteness of damages; Re Polemis principle, The wagon mound principle; General rules relating to remoteness of damage.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Vicarious liability Master & servant relationship; Doctrine of common employment; Liability for dangerous property, Strict liability, Rule in Reyland v. Fletcher & exceptions; Negligence, Contributory negligence, General exception- Volenti non fit injuria etc; Trespass: Trespass to person; Assault, Battery, False imprisonment; Defenses; Malicious prosecution, Trespass to land- Ingredients, Remedies, Defenses, Jus tertii, Trespass Ab initio, Detinue; Conversion; Trespass to goods, Injuries to person- Defamation- Libel & slander, Defenses, Intimidation, Fraud or deceit, Injurious falsehood; Nuisance; Defenses in tort; Remedies in tort- Specific restitution. Injunction, Damages.

Salmond: Law of Torts

Winfield: Law of Torts

P H Winfield : Cases in the Law of Tort

H Streats : Law of Torts

WVH Rogers: The Law of Tort

BS Markesiner & S F Deakin : Law of Torts

D D Basu: Law of Torts

Ratanal and Dhirajlal : The Law of Torts

DSA Pillai: The Law of Torts

A M Chowdhury : Law of Torts

H N Jhavala : Law of Torts

BM Gandhi: Law of Torts


Course Code : Law-1203 Course Title : Law of Islamic Transaction and Banking Law

Credit Hours : 2 Contact Hours : 2

Objective: Islamic Banking system has become very popular and widely accepted forms of investment and banking across Muslim world. We have introduced this course to give the fundamental and functional knowledge of Islamic Banking and Transaction to the students to enhance their knowledge and competence on alternative financial regulations.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

1. Concept of transaction in Islam (muamalat) and Contract (Akd). Comparison with statuary contract .

2. Riba definition, characteristics, classification. Quaranic verses and Ahadith regarding riba.

3. Legal forms of business practice in Islam : Amana, Al-wadia, Ariya, pledge (Rehn), Howala, Kifala.

4. Islamic Banking definition, objectives, distinguishing features, evolution.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

1. Mudaraba , Murabaha , Musharaka , Bai-salam , Bai-istisna , Bai- Muajjal , Ijara, Hire-purchase under shirkatul millk.

2. Shariah Council concept , formation.

3. Takaful Islamic Insurance

4. Laws relating to Islamic Banking Operation.

5. Development of Islamic Banking in Bangladesh.

6. Comparative studies of Islamic Banking and Traditional Banking.

Books Recommended:

1. Dr. S.E Rayner: The Theory of Contract In Islamic Law

2. Prof. Dr. Kabir Hossien : Text Book on Islamic Banking.


Course Code : Law-1204 Course Title : Muslim Law-II

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objectives: This part of Muslim Law covers gift, will, administration of estate, waqf, Pre-emption and rules of inheritance.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Wakf: Origin development of Waqf, Definition, Characteristics of Waqf, Statutory laws relating to Waqf, Kinds of Waqf, Subjects if Waqf, Objects of Waqf, Creation of Waqf, Relation between Waqf &trust, Qualifications of a waqif, Requisites of a valid Waqf, Legal consequences of Waqf, Appointment of Mutawalli, Qulifications of a Mutawalli, Procedure of appointment of Mutawalli, (The Mussalman Wakf Validating Act 1913), Rights and Duties of Mutawalli, remuneration of Mutawalli, Removal of Mutawalli, Power & function of the waqf administrator under the waqf Ordinance.

Pre-emption: origin, definition, nature, when arises, types of pre-emptor, relinquishment or loss of rights, conflict of laws due to different religion, effects, Formalities of demand, subject matter, deposit of money, period of limitation,

Gift : Definition, Significance of gift, Essentials of a valid gift, Registration, Qualifications of a donor, Qualifications of a donee, Subject matter of gift, Conditional, contingent and future gifts , Gift during Marz-ul-Maut, Revocation of gift, Hibabil-iwaz, Hiba-bil-Shartil Iwaz.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Administration of estate: Introduction, purposes, Vesting of estate, Power of alienation by heir, Suits by creditor for recovery of debts from the estate, recovery of debts due to deceased, alienation of estate for payment of debts.

Inheritance: Sources of Islamic law of Inheritance, Heritable property, Doctrine of representation, Persons excluded from the right of Inheritance, Kinds of heirs, Right of Inheritance of missing person.Sunni law of Inheritance, Doctrine of Aul or Increase, Doctrine of radd or Return, Alotment of shares.

Will: Definition, Principles of Will, Qualifications of a testator, Qualifications of a legatee, Object, purpose & form of will, Subject of will, Void will, Lapes & revocation of will, Executor, Difference between will & gift.

Statutes :

1. Succession Act, 1925

2. Majority Act 1875

3. Wakf Ordinance, 1962

4. The Musalman Wakf Validating Act, 1913

5. The Musalman Wakf Validating Act, 1930

6. The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Act, 1937

The list of leading cases concerning this course will be discussed by the teacher concerned.

Books Recommended:

Alamgir M. Serajuddin : Sharia Law and Society: Tradition and Change in South Asia, Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2001.

David Pearl and Werner Mesnki: Muslim Family Law, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1998.

Tahir Mahmood: Cases in the Muhammadan Law of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 2nd edn. New Delhi; Oxford University Press, 2004.

D.F. Mulla: Principles of Mohammedan Law

A. A. Fyzee: Outlines of Mohammedan Law

Ameer Ali: Mohammedan Law

Abdur Rahim: Muslim Jurisprudence.

Bailee: Digest of Mohammedan Law

Aqil Ahmad : Mohammedan Law


Course Code : CSE-1201 Course Title : Introduction to Computer

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective : The objective of the course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of computer to the students. It provides a basic understanding of a computer, what it to do and how it to use. The course will cover the following area: Such as, Introduction to data processing unit- computer codes & arithmetic. Introduction to language- software files - database communication concepts, introduction to Internet & Computer hardware concepts.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

Introduction to computer and its Organization: Historical evolution of computers & classification, Computer generations, Basic organization and functional units of computer, central processing unit, microprocessor and micro controller.

Number Systems, Computer Codes and Arithmetic: Different number systems & their conversion, Fractional numbers, Numeric/alphanumeric data, BCD/ASCII code, Binary arithmetic (Addition, Subtraction).

Logic gates: Basic concepts of logic gates, truth table, Or gate, AND gate, XOR gate, NOR gate, universal gates.

Computer Memory: Memory, RAM, ROM, each memory, Sequential/Direct/Random access device, Magnetic tape and disk, hard disk, floppy disk, CEROM, optical disk.

I/O devices: Impute and output devices, Printers, Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, and other devices

Computer program, software and language: Program planning, algorithms, flow charts, pseudopodia, Software and firmware, types of computer software, types of computer language, translator, interpreter, compiler,

Operating System: Evolution of OS, Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Time sharing system, Real time system, types of data processing, database concept, database management system.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

Database Management System: data, record, field, file, entity, attribute, database, database management, database manager, database administrator, relational database.

Data Communication and Computer Network: Basic elements of a communication system, Types of communications among computers, Computer Network, LAN, MAN, WAN, Network topologies.

Business data processing, Multimedia and Internet: Goals of office automation, Advantages and threats of office automation, WWW, WAP, Internet, E-mail, Internet services, computer application.

E-commerce and e-governance: e-technology, e-commerce, components of e-commerce, e-government, infrastructure of e-governance, Impacts of Computer in society (business, education, health, law enforcing agencies).

Recommended Books:

1. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahaman: Computer Fundamentals

2. P.K.Sinha: Computer Fundamentals Concepts, Systems and Applications

3. N. Subramanian: Introduction to Computers

4. V. Rajarcman: Fundamentals of Computers

5. Peter Norton: Introduction to Computer

6. Satis Jain: Introduction to Computer Science

Books Recommended:

1. Dr. Lutfur Rahaman & Dr. M. Alamgir Hossain, Computer fundamental

2. Peter Nortons, Introduction to Computer

3. Ronald J. Tocci, Digital Electrics


Course Title: Intermediate Arabic

Course Code: URAL-1202

Contact Hours: 03 (Three) Hours (per week)

Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour

Objectives of the Course: Intermediate Arabic course is designed for 2nd semester students of all faculties other than Shariah. The Arabic language course is offered by the university to orient the students with the language of the holy Quran and Sunnah and let them be enlightened with the guidance of Islam. It will make them eligible to co-operate with the Arabian world. Begin familiar with Arabic language will enable them to be benefited by the original Islamic references also.Course out line in details: URAL 1202 course has been provided for those who have become familiar with Arabic alphabet along with the basic words and foundations of it. Any language course should go through listening, speaking, reading and writing. In order to fulfill this demand Intermediate Arabic course prescribes the following contents:


(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)


Introductory class on the course

Text: conversation () Reading & writing

Discussion on , , , Questions

Word meaning, making sentence

Text: conversation () Reading & writing

Discussion on ,Questions, Word meaning


Text: conversation ,Reading & writing

Discussion on Degree of Comparison Questions

word-memorization, Cardinal number and ordinal number-

Text: conversation, Reading & writing

Discussion on Intransitive Verb (past) - Questions


Text: conversation, Reading & writing

Discussion on transitive Verb - Questions

word-memorization, making sentence

Text: conversation ,Reading & writing

Change of verb-past- (number, Gender, person) Questions

words-memorization, Cardinal number -

6(six) weeks, number of classes 18(eighteen)


(Final-Exam: 50 Marks)


Text: conversation, Reading & writing

Change of verb, Questions, word-memorization (Fractional number )

Past form of verb, Questions

Text: conversation ,Reading & writing,

Discussion on exclamatory verb , plural of noun and its kinds, Questions, Word meaning


Text: conversation ,Reading & writing, Questions

Present-Future tense, Questions, Word meaning

Text: conversation ,Reading & writing, Questions

Change of present verb, Questions

Negative verb, sign of future, Root of verb, Questions, Word meaning


Text: conversation ,Reading & writing, Questions

Convert-verb into Gender, number, person, Questions

name of days, Word meaning


Form of present- Future tense, Questions

Signs of present tense, Word meaning,

Kinds of tenses



Text: conversation ,Reading & writing,

Imperative-Sentence- - Questions

Word meaning, making sentence

Text: conversation ,Reading & writing, Questions

Imperative-Sentence- Questions



8(eight) weeks, 24(twenty-four) classes

References:1. Abdur Rahim Dr. F, Durusul lugatil Arabia li gairinnatiqeena biha (Lessons of Arabic Language for the non speakers). 2. Al- Arabia Al-Muyassarah (Easy Arabic), King Saud University, Published by - Arabic Language Institute, 3. Al-Arabiatu Lil Hayat (Arabic For daily life), King Saud University, Published by - Arabic Language Institute.



Course Title: Hadith Studies in Texts & TranslationCourse Code: URHS-1202

Contact Hours: 02 (Two) Hours (per week)

Credit Hours: 01 (One) Hour

Objective of the course:

To get the students acquainted with the prophetic Hadith and its importance.

To bring the students in direct contact with the prophetic Hadiths.

To help the students in getting guidelines from the prophetic Hadiths.

To highlight before the students the meanings and message of the sayings of the Prophet (SAAS.) in some basic issues of their life.

Encouraging the students to follow the teachings of the prophet (SAAS.) in every walk of their life.

To create an interest among the students in studying the prophetic Hadiths regularly which can help them lead an ideal Islamic life.

Outcome of the course:

After studying this course the following result is expected to be attained:

This course will make the student informed about the nature, scope and importance of the prophetic Hadith.

This course will enlighten the students through providing them with basic knowledge of the prophetic Hadiths.

This course will make the students guided by the teachings and message of the Prophetic Tradition (Hadith).

It will create special love and affection to the Prophet (SAAS.) which is the basic requirement for being a Muslim in true sense.

This course will help the students to further their studies in the Prophetic tradition as part of their daily life.

This course will help them in attaining the success in this life and salvation in the Hereafter.

This course will create an atmosphere to enlighten the mental faculty of the students with the wisdom of the prophetic Tradition (Hadith).

The course will pave the way for the students for following the commandment of the Prophet (SAAS.), abstaining from those disliked by him and to make decision in different issues based on knowledge and confidence.

Outlines of the course:

This course will consist of 31 sayings of the Prophet (SAAS.) on different important issues related to different aspects of the life of every Muslim.

The teacher shall project a Hadith of the Prophet (SAAS.) through Over Head Projector (OHP) along with its English translation. One or two students who can read the text in Arabic shall be asked to read it correctly, if he commits any mistake the teacher shall make necessary correction of the mistake, them the teacher shall translate it into English in two stages: Firstly word for word translation and secondly translation of the text as a whole. Explain the important words literally and terminologically as well where needed. Shall ask the students to repeat the meaning of the words and explanation thereof.

Finally, the teacher shall highlight the lesson of this particular Hadith and discuss how to implement its teachings in our daily life.

Topic-wise arrangement of Hadiths:


(Mid-term Exam: 30 marks)


Topic-1: Importance of the Intention [H/2 L/2]

a) Rewards for good deeds depends on sincerity of intention

b) Intention for a good deed deserves one for reward however intention for bad deed does not lead to punishment.

Topic-2: Firmness of belief [H/1 L/1]

Topic-3: Importance of Taqwa (God fearing and Piety) [H/1 L/1]


Topic-4: Pillars of Islam [H/3 L/3]

a) Five pillars of Islam

b) Prime importance of Salat (Prayer) and Sawm (Fasting)

c) Salat is the first thing about which a person will be accountable in the Day of Resurrection

Topic-5: Sincere obedience to the Prophet is needed [H/1 L/1]


Topic-6: Basic Islamic Characters [H/4 L/4]

a) The beauty of Muslims true Islam.

b) Like for your Brother which you like for you.

c) Speaking good, honoring the neighbors and the guests.

d) To control ones temperament.

e) Importance of cleanliness and some other important characters.


(Final Exam: 50 marks)


Topic-7: Islamic Behavior [H/2 L/1]

a) Relation between the Muslims and their expected behavior

b) Total abstinence from harmful activities

Topic-8: Responsibility of a Muslim towards the wrong [H/1 L/1]

Topic-9: Identification of righteousness and sinfulness [H/1 L/1]

Topic-10: Correct attitude towards Allahs injunctions and His exemptions [H/1 L/1]


Topic-11: Way to exercising the act of Sadaqah or Charity in daily life [H/1 L/1]

Topic-12: How to gain Allahs pleasure and love from the people [H/1 L/1]

Topic-13: How to be a true Muslim [H/1 L/1]


Topic-14: Symptoms of a hypocrite [H/1 L/1]

Topic-15: Exemption from punishment if a sinful act is done out of mistake, out of forgetfulness or under compulsion [H/1 L/1]

Topic-16: Consequence of Shirk (Associating with Allah) [H/1 L/1]


Topic-18: Benefits of devotion to Allah [H/1 L/1]

Topic-19: Benefits of depending upon Allah sincerity [H/1 L/1]

Topic-20: Importance of sincere well wishing as an integral

requirement of religion [H/1 L/1]


Topic-21: Standard attitude of a true Muslim toward the world [H/1


Topic-22: The way to get rid of the conspiracy of Iblees (Satan) [H/1 L/1]

Topic-23: The branches of Iman [H/1 L/1]


Course Title: Introduction to Ibadah

Course Code: URIS-1203

Credit Hour: 01 (One) C.H.

Contact Hour: 01 (One) C.H. (per week)


This course deals about the pillars of Islam. It tries to present Islam as a complete and comprehensive code of conduct for all human being from the Islamic and rational point of view. The course offers the Students a clear understanding of the fundamental belief of Islam. It also presents the impact of belief on human life.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 marks)




'Ibadah: Its introduction: (a) Meaning of Ibadah (b) concept and significance of Ibadah (c) Scope of Ibadah (d) The best Ibadah (e) Objectives of Ibadah. (f) Conditions of Ibadah.


Characteristics of Ibadah in Islam: (a) Free from Intermediaries (b) Not being confined to specific places (c) All-Embracing View.


Signs of Ibadur Rahman according to the holy Quran.


(Final Exam: 50 marks)




Salah (Prayer): Its significance, teaching & some basic rules: (a) Definition (b) Importance (c) Impact (d) Shurutus-Salah: Conditions for Prayer (e) Arkanus-Salah: Pillalrs of Salah (f) Mufsidatus-Salah: Things that invalidate the prayer (g) Sajdatus-Sahu: Sajdah that makes prayer correct (h) Salatul-Jumuah: Friday sermon (i) Salatul-Janazah: The funeral prayer (j) Salatul-Musafir: Prayer of the traveler (k) Salatul-Eid: Eid prayer and (l) How to perform the Salah in detail (practically)?


Zakah (poor due) : Its significance, teaching & some basic rules:

a) Definition (b) Importance (c) Impact/benefits (d) kinds of property on which Zakah is obligatory (e) Who should give Zakah (f) Due recipients of Zakah (g) Zakah as a means to elevate poverty from society.


Sawm (Fasting): Its significance, teaching & some basic rules: (a) Definition (b) Importance (c) Impact (d) Mufsidatus-Sawm: Things which invalidate the fast (e) Who must fast? (f) Exemption from fasting (g) Recompense of mistake.


Hajj (pilgrimage): Its significance, teaching & some basic rules: (a) Definition (b) Importance (c) Impact (d) How to perform Hajj in detail?


Jihad: Definition, significance (misconception), importance, classification from various aspects.


1. Mahmudul Hasan, Dr. Syed, ISLAM, Dhaka: Islamic Foundation, Baitul Mukarran, Dhaka, 1980

2. Abdalati, Hammudah, Islam in Focus, The Dept. of Islamic Affairs, The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, State of Qatar, 1995/ Islamic Teaching Course. Vol.-1

3. Al-Quardawi, Dr. Yousuf, Al-Ibadah in Islam, Wahba publication, Etypt, 24th edition, 1995.

4. Didat, Dr. Ahmad, Concept of Ibadah in Islam, Transmitted by Ali Usman, Al-Mukhtar Al-Islami publication, Egypt.

5. Alkhuli, Muhammad Ali, The Light of Islam, E 4, Riyad: Al Farazdak Press, 1983.

6. Journal, A Study of the Quran and its teaching, Published by: IQRA International Education Foundation, Chicago, 1999

7. Mawdudi, S.A.A, Towards Understanding Islam, Kwait, International Islamic Book Center, ND.

8. Zarqa, Mustafa Ahmed, Translated by Dr. Zafr Ishaq Ansary, The Islamic Concept of Worship (Ibadah), (Printed Copy)

9. Islamic Education, IQRAA CHARITABLE SOCIETY, Jeddah- Saudi Arabia Book 1-8

10. Sarwar, Ghulam, Islam: Beliefs and Teachings, London: The Muslim Educational Trust, 1980.


2nd Year :

3rd Semester

Course Code : Law-2301 Course Title : Law of Equity & Trust

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objectives: The first part of this course deals with the concept of equity , it evolution and the application of equity in the legal system of Bangladesh. In the second part trust , creation of trust and legal implication of trust is discussed.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

A. Equity

1. Origin, history and development of Equity.

2. Nature and definition of Equity

3. Fusion of Law & Equity, Courts of Equity -Composition, Power & Functions

4. Maxims of Equity

5. Relation between Law & Equity

6. Equity in Islam, Equitable estate and its relation to legal estate.

7. Application of Equity Jurisdiction in Bangladesh


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

B. Trust:

1. Origin & development of Trust

2. Nature and definition of Trust

3. Classification, Benami Transaction in Bangladesh

4. Creation of Trust

5. Three certainties.

6. Trustee I) Appointment II) Removal III) Powers, functions, duties & obligations.

7. Beneficiary-Rights and duties

8. Breach of Trust & Remedies thereof.

Acts & Books Recommended:

1. Trust Act, 1882

2. B .M. Gandhi: Equity, Trust and Specific Relief

3. D.D Basu: A Text Book of Equity

4. Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity (Latest Edition))

5. Pettit: Equity and Law of Trust

6. Snell: Principles of Equity

7. Maitland: Equity Lecture


Course Code : Law-2302 Course Title : Law of Contract

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objectives: Contracts are at the basis of majority of transactions especially transactions dealing with the property. Whether the transaction is in the ordinary course of life or in the electronic world (e-commerce) the general principles governing contracts remain same. For this reason it is very important to introduce the students to the basic principles governing contracts and lay a powerful foundation for their study of other transactional and related laws in higher semesters.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

1. Definition and meaning of contract, making of an agreement.

2. Offer acceptance and revocation, consideration, promise, contract, essentials of valid contract.

3. Valid, void and voidable contract.

4. Capacity, capacity of parties, contract by minor, quasi contracts.

5. Free consent in a contract, its meaning and implication, coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, mistake, apportionment of contract, contract in restraint of trade, contingent and wagering contracts, frustration of contract.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

1. Breach of contracts and its remedies, contracts, which are declared void by the act, termination and discharge of contract by performance, by refusal or breach by agreement by impossibility, contract of indemnity and contract of guarantee.

2. Nature and definition of agency, different classes of agent, creation of agency, agents authority, rights and duties of the principal and agent personal responsibility of agent.

3. Nature and definition of bailment, features of bailment, different kinds of bailment, rights and duties of the bailor and bailee, termination of bailment, rights and duties of finder of goods, suits by bailors or bailees agains against the wrong- doers.

Book Recommended :

1. P.S. Atiyah.: An introduction of the law of contract, Clarendon press, Oxford, 6th Edition, December, 2004

2. Pollock : Principles of the law of contract

3. Pollock & Mulla : Indian contract and specific relief act

4. V.G. Ramchandran : The law of Contract in India.

5. P.R. Desai : Principles of Law of Contract

6. Avter Singh : Law of Contract

7. R.K. Bangia : Contract

8. A K Sen and Mitra : Commercial Law and Industrial Law

9. M C Kuchhal : Mercantile law or Business law

10. M C Shukla : Commercial Law

11. Muhammad Ekramul Haque: Law of Contract

12. M. P Furmston : Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmstons Law of Contract.

13. Richard D Taylor : Law of Contract (SWOT)

14. S V Joga Rao : Contract Law (National Law School of India University)

15. Ponnuswami and Puri: Cases and Materials on Contract, EBC, 198

Leading Cases :

1. Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. (1893) 1 QB 256

2. Bhagwandas v. Girdhari Lal & Co. AIR/1966/SC/SC 543

3. Balfour vs. Balfour (1917) 2 KB 217

4. Lalman Shukla v. Gauri Dutt. (1913) II ALL LJ 489

5. Mohri Bibi vs. Dharmodas Ghose (1903) 30 IA 114

6. Ramsgate Victoria Hotel vs. Montefiore

7. Hadley vs. Baxendala (1854) 9 Exch341

8. Lews vs. Averay (1971) 3 ALL ER 907

9. Tweddle vs. Atkinson (1861) 1 B and S 393

10. Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain vs. Bots Cash Chemists (1953) 1 all ER 483

11. Harvey vs. Facey (1893) AC552

12. House Hold Fire Insurance vs. Grant (1879)

13. Brogden vs. Metropolitan RLY Co. (18877) 2 APP Cases 666

14. Dunlop Pneumatic Co. vs. Selfridge and Co (1915) AC 847

15. Ammiraju vs. Shemma AIR 1917 Mad 287

16. Sowler vs. Potter (1940 1 ILB 271)

17. Sattyabroto Ghose vs. Mungeeram Bangur and Co

18. Hyde vs. Wrench (1840)

19. Stevension vs. Mclean (1880)

20. Dickinson vs. Dodds (1876)

21. Financing Ltd. vs. Stimson (1962)

22. Fisher vs. Bell (1960)

23. Felthouse vs. Bindley (1962)

24. Entores Ltd. vs. Miles Far East Corporation (1955)


Course Code : Law-2303 Course Title : Company Law

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective: The course is designed to understand the formation, management and other activities of the companies. This course also aims to impart the students, the corporate management, control, possible abuses, the remedies and government regulation of corporate business and winding up of companies.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

1. History, nature and sources of company law.

2. Classification of companies, Formation and registration of a company.

3. Prospectus, Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association and legal provisions the Memorandum and Articles must comply with.

4. Doctrine of ultra vires; doctrine of indoor management, Promoters and their rights and liabilities.

5. Corporate personality of Company : Piercing the veil of incorporation.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

1. Shares, debentures, and stocks; raising and maintenance of capital; shares holders, their rights and role in the management of a company, and remedies to shareholders; rights of minority shareholders.

2. Decision-making by companies: various kinds of meetings; AGMs and consequences of not holding AGMs regularly

3. the Board of Directors and its powers; distinction between the company and the Board of Directors; responsibility of directors; management of a company (the managing director or the chief executive officer, and other officers), managing agent(s).

4. Winding up, liquidation and credit management after winding up.

5. Nationalized, multinational and foreign Companies.

6. Reconstruction of a company and mergers and acquisitions.

7. Brief overview of capital market laws, and powers of regulatory bodies.

The List of leading cases concerning the course will be circulated & discussed by the course teacher.

Statutes :

* The Companies Act 1994.

* The Bank Companies Act 1991.

* The Securities and Exchange Commission Act 1993

* The Securities and Exchange Ordinance 1969

* The Money Loan Court Act 2003

* The Money Laundering Prevention Act 2002

Books Recommended:

1. Dr. M. Zahir : Company Laws and Securities Law. 2nd Edn. Dhaka: UPL

2. P.N. Varshney : Banking Law and Practice

3. K.M. Gosh : Indian Company Law

4. L.C.B. Gower : Modern Company Law

5. Palmer: Principle of Company Law

6. Topham : Company Law

7. Gower Q. C: Company Law

8. Avtar Singh: Company Law

9. DR. M. Zahir: Company Law and Security Laws

10. Nirmalandu Dhar: Company Law

11. P.P.S. Gogna: Company Law

12. Companies Act-1994.


Course Code : Law-2304 Course Title : Constitutional Law of Bangladesh

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective: This course will provide the very basic and fundamental concepts of the constitutional law of Bangladesh including the history of constitutionalism signifying the will of the people, analyzing key issues of constitutional sovereignty, rule of law, division of powers, fundamental rights and overall picture of the relation between citizen and the state. To fully engage with this subject, students need to take an interest in current affairs and debates about what is involved in constitutional issues and reforms.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

1. Proclamation of Independence in 1971, Constitutional assembly and introducing of Bangladesh constitution.

2. Constitutionalism in Indian subcontinent.

3. Basic Structure of Bangladesh Constitution, Preamble, fundamental state policy, Fundamental Rights.

4. Enforceability of Fundamental rights.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

1. Executive, election, power and immunity of president, impeachment of president.

2. Election of Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers and their powers.

3. Local Government LegislationJudiciarySupreme Court and other courts, appointment of judges, tenures, supervisory power, Judicial review power, Advisory power, Ombudsman, Election Commission, Public Service Commission.

4. Cases relating to the Constitution.

Books Recommended:

1. Constitution of The Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

2. M. Islam: Constitutional Law of Bangladesh

3. Barrister Maudud Ahmad: Quest Of Autonomy (UPL publication)

4. Barrister Maudud Ahmad: Era Of Sheikh Mujib (UPL publication)

5. Justice Mustafa Kamal: Bangladesh Constitution Trends and Issues

6. Jashim Ali Chowdhuri : Constitutional Law of Bangladesh


Course Code : CSE-2302 Course Title : Micro-Computer Applications-1

Credit Hours : 2Contact Hours : 2

Objective: The objective of the course is to make the students familiar with the common application package currently in use. It will cover Introduction to computer End user computer and its development data processing controls for EDP departments


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

1. Operating System: Proposed Operating Systems: Windows 2000/XP.

Topics of Windows: Files, Folders, Basic operations on file/ folders, File System, Windows OS Organization and Hierarchy, Searching files and folders.

2. Word Processing: Proposed Application Software: Microsoft Word

Topics: Formatting, Table Editing, Picture, Clipart and object, Charts, Drawing, Tex box and shapes, Hyperlink, Macro, Equation editor etc. Lab Assignment: CV Design, Application/ Letter writing/ formatting.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

1. Slide Oriented Presentation: Proposed Application Software: Microsoft Power Point.

Topics: Hyperlinks, Slide window detail, Audio, Video, Animation, Slide transition

Lab Assignment: Simple slide based presentation (Topics are Free of choice)

2. Spreadsheet Analysis: Proposed Application Software: Microsoft Exceel

Topics: Basic idea, Cell formatting, Equation, Function, Different sheet data calculation.

Lab Assignment: Grade sheet calculation, Salary Sheet calculation.

3. Internet

Topics: Browsing Concepts, Searching in the web, E-mail.


1. MSDN (Microsoft developer network) library.

2. Microsoft Office 2000/XP Premium Edition.- BPB Publications.

3. Peter Nortons Complete Guide to MS Windows 2000 Professional

4. Internet (2nd Edn.)BPB Publication [ISBN: 81-7029-053-7)

5. Operating system by Andrew S.Tanebbaum- 7th edition

The objective of the course is to make the students familiar with the common application package currently in use. It will cover Introduction to computer End user computer and its development data processing controls for EDP departments

Books Recommended:

1. Peter Nortons, Introduction to Computer

2. Sarah E. Hutchinser & Stacey C. Sawyer, Computer and Introduction System.

3. Ronald J. Tocci, Digital Electrics


Course Code: URIS-2303

Course Title: Introduction to Quran & Sunnah

Credit Hour: 01 (One) C.H.

Contact Hour: 02 (two) C.H. (per week)


The main objectives of this course are as follows:

1. To make the students familiar with the Quran & Sunnah as they are the main sources of Islamic Shariah.

2. To achieve the main goal of the University in Islamization of Knowledge through enlightening the students with revealed knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah.

Course Outline:


(Mid-term Exam: 30 Marks)


a) Introduction to Quran:

1. Definition of the Quran Literally and Terminologically.

2. The various Names of the Quran.

3. Wahy (Revelation) of the Holy Quran:

The concept of Wahy, the Meaning of Wahy, the Procedure of Wahy, the Revelation of the Qur`an to the Angels, the Revelation of the Qur`an to the Prophet from Jibreel, Gradual Revelation: The Stages of Revelation, The wisdom behind the Gradual Revelation. The First and The Last Revelation.


4. Characteristics of the Holy Quran.

5. Central Subject Matter & the Main Themes of the Holy Quran.

6. The necessity of the Holy Quran.


7. The Verses (Aayah) of the Qur`an: Meaning of Aayah, The Number of Verses, The Arrangement of the Verses, The Number of Words and Letters.

8. The Surahs of The Quran: Definition of Surah, The Arrangement of Surahs, The classification of Surahs.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)


9. Makki & Madani Revelations:

The Definition of Makki and Madani, The Characteristics of Makki and Madani Revelations, The benefits of knowing Makki and Madani.


10. The Causes of Revealtion (Asbabunnuzul) : The Definition of Asbabunnszul, The classification of Asababunnuzul, The benefits of Knowing Asbanunnuzl.

11. Preservation & Compilation of the Holy Quran.


12. Abrogation (Al-Naskh) in the Holy Quran : Definition of Naskh, The proof of Naskh, The conditions of Naskh, The Categories of Naskh, The blessings of Naskh, The benefits of knowing Nasikh and Mansukh.

13. The Miraculous Nature of The Quran (Ijaz Al-Quran : Definition of Ijaz, The Proof for I`jaz, The Quran as the Miracle of the Prophet, The Types of I`jaz)


b) Introduction to Sunnah

1. Sunnah: Its definition & the difference between Sunnah & Hadith.

2. The importance of Sunnah in Islamic Shariah.

3. Explanation of some important terms of Sunnah.

4. The authority of Sunnah in Islam.

5. Collection & Compilation of Sunnah.

6. Method of distinguishing a genuine Sahih Hadith from a spurious Daif Hadith .

a) The science of Dirayah.

b) The science of Riwayah.


7. The classification of Hadith and the rulings concerning the various kinds of Hadith.

a) According to the reference to a particular authority.

b) According to the links in the Isnad.

c) According to the number of narrators involved in each stage of the Isnad.

d) According to the number of narrators by which the Hadith is reported.

e) According to the reliability and memory of the narrator.


1. Denffer, Ahmad, vol. Ulum Al-Quran: An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran, The Islamic Foundation, UK, reprinted by A.S. Noordeen, Kuala Lumpur. 1983.

2. Ushama, Dr. Thameem, Sciences of the Quran: An Analytical Study, International Islamic University Malaysia, Cooperative Limited, Kuala Lumpur. 1998.

3. Bucaille, Dr. Maurice, The Bible The Quran & Science, Thinkers Library, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Malaysia, 1996.

4. Al-Azami, Dr Mohammad Mustafa, Studies in Early Hadith Literature, American Trust publication, Indiana, 1978.

5. Hasan, Dr. Suhaib, An Introduction to the Science of Hadith,London, AL-Quran Society, 1994.

6. Marhribi, Al-Hassan, Introduction to the Study of the Hadith, Roshmee, South Africa, Roshmee Islamic School, 1994.

7. Salih, Muhammad Adeeb, Lamahat fee Usul al-Hadeth, Damascus, 1393 AH.

8. Siddiqi, Muhammad Zubayr, Hadith Literature: its Origin, Development & Special Features, Cambridge, Islamic Texts Society, 1993.

4th Semester

Course Code : Law-2401 Course Title : Land Laws of Bangladesh

Credit Hours : 3 Contact Hours : 3

Objective: This course is intended to provide the students with in depth knowledge regarding the history of land law ,land regulations from time to time , land survey , record of rights and settlement of land related disputes.


(Mid-Term Exam: 30 Marks)

18. History of Land Law.

19. Permanent Settlement.

20. History of Permanent Settlement Regulation, position of Zamindars before and after Permanent Settlement, Rights reserved by government, Effects of Permanent Settlement on the state,Zamindars,Talukdars and cultivators, defects of Permanent Settlement

21. Decennial Settlement Regulation v111 of 1793:Taluk-Independent and Dependent Taluk,Dependent Talukdars,Independent Talukdars,Lakhiraj,Niskar,Nankar,Mulguzari Lands,Chakran,Abwab,Istimrari Mukarari.

22. Non-BadshahiLakhiraj Regulation;

23. Badshahi Lakhiraj Regulation.

24. Laws relating to Alluvion and Diluvion.

25. History behind enacting the Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885

26. Definition and classes of Tenant, Provision as to occupancy Raiyat, Incidents of occupancy right, Provisions as to improvements.


(Final Exam: 50 Marks)

The State Acquisition and Tenancy Act ,1950.

History behind enacting the Act. Constitutional objection against the order made under section 3. Definitions, Acquisition of interest of certain receivers, special provision regarding lands held in lieu of service, Preparation of record- of rights. Assessment and payment of compensation, Provisions relating to arrears of revenue