Law of Logarithms Law of Logarithms

Law of Logarithms

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Law of Logarithms. How do we write an exponential equation as a logarithmic equation?. Rewrite 3 ² = 9 as a logarithmic equation. log 3 9 = 2 Write the following exponential equations as logarithmic equations. 8 2 = 64 2) 10 0 = 1 3) 3 -2 = 1/9. Law of logs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Law of Logarithms

Law of LogarithmsLaw of Logarithms

Page 2: Law of Logarithms

How do we write an exponential equation How do we write an exponential equation as a logarithmic equation?as a logarithmic equation?

Rewrite 3Rewrite 3² = 9 as a logarithmic ² = 9 as a logarithmic equation.equation.

loglog33 9 = 2 9 = 2 Write the following exponential Write the following exponential

equations as logarithmic equations.equations as logarithmic equations.

1)1) 8822 = 64 2) 10 = 64 2) 1000 = 1 = 1 3) 3 3) 3-2-2 = 1/9 = 1/9

Page 3: Law of Logarithms

Law of logsLaw of logsThey are similar to exponent They are similar to exponent


1) B1) Bxx = Y = Y log logBB Y = X Y = X2) log2) logBB X = log X = logBB Y Y X = Y X = Y3) log3) logBB X + log X + logBB Y = log Y = logBB (XY) (XY)


loglogBB X - log X - logBB Y = log Y = logBB (X/Y) (X/Y)4) Z4) Z● ● loglogBB X = log X = logBB X Xzz

Page 4: Law of Logarithms

Write the following logarithms as Write the following logarithms as 1 logarithm1 logarithm

1)1) loglog55 10 + log 10 + log55 6 6

2) log2) log44 6 + log 6 + log44 3 3

3) 3 log3) 3 log66 2 2

4) 2 log4) 2 log33 3 + log 3 + log33 4 4

5) (1/2)log5) (1/2)log22 25 + log 25 + log22 2 - log 2 - log22 5 5

6) 4 log6) 4 log33 3 + log 3 + log33 x - log x - log33 5 5

Page 5: Law of Logarithms

Evaluating LogsEvaluating Logs

Evaluate logEvaluate log7744just use your calculator…just use your calculator…The log with the base is The log with the base is ALWAYS THE ALWAYS THE DENOMINATOR!!! DENOMINATOR!!!


Page 6: Law of Logarithms

Solving Logarithmic Solving Logarithmic EquationsEquations

loglog77n = (2/3)logn = (2/3)log7788

loglog66x + logx + log669 = log9 = log665454

loglog99(3x+14) – log(3x+14) – log995 = log5 = log99(2x)(2x)

loglog1010(3x – 5) + log(3x – 5) + log1010 x = log x = log101022

loglog1010 4 + log 4 + log1010x = 2x = 2

Page 7: Law of Logarithms

Solve each equation.Solve each equation.

Page 8: Law of Logarithms

Solve continued…Solve continued…