Lauaxeta Express 2013

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Nº2 Spring 2013








Know more about the new


1-Letter from the editors

2-Feature story

2.1. A formal letter

2.1.1.Tutorial hours

2.2.For and against essays


2.2.2.Numeric value

Table of contents

3-An interview



4.2.Movie review



Dear readers, This time we are excited to feature a special of Lauaxeta Express. As you know this is the second edition which comes with the newest informa-tion. And we have also included news, entertainment, amazing experiences… Our experts have spent the last month researching and making this project possible. One purpose of this magazine is to positively change the way we see life and how we face daily problems. Nowadays, in our society there is plenty of bad news (they economy, they cri-sis, deaths, wars, hurries, stress…) Instead of working to live we live to work, and we think this must change radi-cally to achieve happiness. We have also added in this issue all our recent articles named “Numeric values”, Travelling and “University”. Since we want to listen to all the students’ voices we will continue informing you about the hottest gossip. Now having observed going to cinema is decreasing because of hacking, we encourage you to go to the cinema and enjoy watching the best films our contributors will talk about. Furthermore, you will be fastinated reading the interveiw to the new tea-cher in the school. A teacher with a different culture; She comes from Sotland. She is Catrina Mac Donal and she talked us about profesional and also personal things. To make this proyect possible we have had different sponsors who have made a financial contribution to the magazine by means of the publicity.

We would like to thank you for your readership. Enjoy reading it. Faithfully yours.

Dear director, We would like to express our concern about the lack of tutorial attention towards students in upper sec-ondary school. Until high school levels, we used to have at least an hour with our tutor with a view to find a solution to our problems, which we found very helpful. Nowadays, when dilemmas begin to arise, we consider those tutorial lessons more essential than ever. One the one hand, we don’t have enough information about the degrees we will study to reassure us and this leads us to feel nervous and insecure. On the other hand, every day issues which are common in a students’ life should be tackled since some student don’t have the opportunity to approach the teachers. In our opinion, these hours will be useful for those students who need a more personalized attention so to express their needs. We believe that it is not a difficult or expensive change to make and so, we would like to make a suggestion: At the end of the term every teacher who doesn’t really need their hour could offer a free hour to the tutor to deliver the tutorial lesson. In the next term an-other teacher will do the same and this way, every class will have one or two tutorial lessons per term.

Consequently, we call upon the board directors to consider this idea to imple-ment it in a near future.

Looking forward to your answer, sincerely 2.C (Etxahun González, Maria Gorriño, Maider Robles)

TRAVELLING BROADENS THE MIND A place that I have always dreamt of visiting is Switzerland. When I see pictu-resof its mountainsand its amazing villages I wish I were there. The walls of my room are full of posters and pictures of there. I have been collecting them for over 6 years and I think that now I will have the oppotunity to take one pic-

ture myself. For that, it´s sure that i will have to work hard in the university. To begin with, I have to say that my long lasting desire began when a friend of mine brought to my school some sweets from there—delicious sweets and she explained what her father haddone in there. He had been skiing for 4 days in The Alps and he had swum in one of the highest lakes up in the mountain. When I arrived home I im-

mediately searched in the Internet for more information about Switzerland and I asked my dad to go there. Of course, he said no. I only was eight. Anyway, I swore I would go someday sightseeing there! However, because of the economic situation I can not afford to go abroad since my family has to work hard to pay for my stu-dies now and my brother´s as well. This is why I find the university a great opprotunity. We all know about Erasmus and what it means, a trave-lling ticket to go abroad. But we can´t forget that our involvement is essential to get one. Learning languages is one of the requerements that you have to fulfill. In my case, German would be essential if I want to go to my Swiss´paradise. I undoubtely think that I will not have any problem if I really want to learn it as universities provides us with the opportu-nity to participate in a German course or whatever you language is. So, what I really want to tell you with this is that you have to take advantage of the possibilities that the university offers you. This is the moment to do what you really want and make for sure that if you enjoy doing what you do and you work hard, you will not have any problem to make your dream come true This will be one of the greatest opportunities to open your mind to the World. Think about it. Etxahun González


Student´slife has always been believed to be a life free of real problems and worries. But in this last term a great concern has been spreaded among stu-dents. The marks appear to worry us more than previously, we are more anxi-ousand copetitive. We have even forgotten which are our aims, what are we studying for and if we like what are we learning. Marks appear to ha stolen the sense of the education. All these observations have led me to think about the motives we have in attributing a numeric value to everything we do. After having considered all the decisions we must take throughout our lives, I find reasonable to sum up something into a number since this make things more practical for us. A clear example for this are the supermarkets. There we find a wide choice of products and their price is decisive to takeour last decision to buy or not a product. Sometimes, we buy the expensive item supposing it will be the best one, some other people prefer to economize by buying the cheapest one. So, it makes me think thet it is more simple for our brain yo valorate so-mething by means of figures, what prompts us to put a numeric value to whate-ver E.g. marks, the risk premium, the degree of a natural disaster, a measure and so on and so forth. Admittedly, I see logical to simplfy things, but, we can´t forget that we are tur-ning into a single number a huge amount of characteristics and shades which also define thing. I can see this clearly in two examples: The first one, is the one of marks. Let´simagine that two students have the same mark, an eight. We can deduce that both are good at studyingand for this reason both could realise certain studies or jobs. But waht if there is a world of differencebetween these two students? One could have achieved this mark by working hard, and the ot-her one just by being intelligent. The other example is the one related to wines. We tend to think that the best wines are the most expensive ones, after all, we pay for quality. However, we forget the fact that some wines are more expen-sive because they come from another country, are mor famous....Furthermore, each one has his taste and can prefer the cheapest one according to it. Consequently,I think that when we reduce a productt, object or person to a simple number, we are comitting a huge error on the grounds that it is that com-bination of “meaningless” characteristics which make things unique.Definitely, we are much more than numbers. María Gorriño


                         Education or money? 

At the end of our secondary studies after having studied for 15 years we usually

start thinking about what degree we are going to study at university lives.

That is when problems begin .Sometimes you wonder to yourself why choosing

the degree of your lives is so difficult.

As a rule, it is easy to choose the degree that we want. But actually what we

have to do is to get the mark that this degree requires.

The point is that it is not easy to get such a high mark and in the event that you

don`t achieve it you would not study what you really love. Then, the only way

to study what you want is to spend a lot of money.

For this reason, most of people can´t study the degree that they want.

As I see it, that is not fair because I think that the people without money also

have the right to pursue the degree of their choice.

Aren´t we all equal?

Maider Robles


PERSONAL LIFE 1‐  When did you come here? Did you come alone? 

First of all,  I came to Basque country, almost four years ago. Did I come alone? 

Yes I came alone. 

2‐  Why did you come here?  

Buuuf… Complicated answer or short answer. Mmm… Long answer, I always 

travel and before I lived in China for five years teaching another university in 

China. Then, my father became ill in Scotland for a while but there was no 

work for English teachers there, so I started to look for other jobs, and I was 

offered work in Italy, and a place here Barcelona and the academy in Durango. 

And I decided to go to Durango. 

3‐  How did you know Lauaxeta? 

Buuf… jajaja through the friend of a friend. There´s a woman whose name is 

Garazi and she works in Mondragon. And she called my friend who knew that I 

was looking for work. 

4‐  Why did you come to work to this school? 

Emmm… I thought that  was very interesting, before, I was working in the 

Chamber of Commerce in Bilbao.  That was interesting in some ways  but all 

the classes where the same people doing FIRST and ADVANCE so the same 

class, the same class… BORING! 

5‐  What type of difficulties did you have when you come? 

The language; I didn´t speak anything at all. So the language sure, and apart 

from that at first it was difficult to know Basque people you have your 

“cuadrillas” jajajaja difficult to enter. 

6‐  What was the first thing that caught you attention? 

Handsome men! Jajaja and the food. “pintxos” in the “bar” are very good. At 

the beginningKalimotxos, red wine and coca‐cola no way! But now I drink kali‐

motxo jajaja. 

7‐  What is what you miss most of Scotland? 

Buuuff... mmmm… my mum! I haven´t been in Scotland for along time. 



8– Do you want to return? 

To Scotland to live probably not. I ´d like to go back to visit, not to live there. 

9‐  What  do you like most about the  the Basque Country? And the least? 

I like too many things, I really like where I live, Durango! And I like going to 

the mountain and to the beach. And here I have  these two things.  

The least, anything I don´t like. Mmmm… being a woman who lives on her 

own to cook .I miss Marks and Spencers of Scotland. 

10‐ What is the first thing that caught your attention of the Basque country? 

And of Luaxeta? 

Apart from the men? Eeee… mmmm… I think that the way of life  and the 

standards of living; the balance between working hard and  having a good so‐

cial life. Ammm… siestas and good fiestas! Jaajajaj. In Lauaxeta? I was nerv‐

ous at first before when I worked in Durango I work in a couple of academies. 

But really I am happy here. 

11‐ What type of difficulties did you have when it comes to your personal life? 

And in your professional life? 

Eee… I think it just was difficult to make friends. 

Eeee... mmmm… the first academy where I worked  wasn´t very professional. 

For example they didn´t let me make photocopies and I didn´t have any 


PROFESSIONAL LIFE 12‐ Do you have any intention to learn Basque? 

I would like to for sure, but when I first came I lived in an apartment with two 

people, a guy from Ondarroa and the other from Lekeitio. And they spoke 

Basque together all the time. Very difficult language to learn. First I need to 

learn Spanish. 

13‐ Is the first time that you teach in another country? 

No, no. I was in China for five years all teaching English. 



14‐ What do you think of the English level of Lauaxeta? 

I think that  it is pretty good, I was surprised. 

15‐ Is there any difference between the way of teaching English here or in an‐

other country? 

Buff… that depends, because there are two different aspects to teach in Eng‐



16‐ Where did you work before? 

At the Chamber of Commerce  in Bilbao. Before that in Durango, and before 

that, China. 

17‐ Your hair is very nice, and here this colour is not common. Is it natural? 

Jajajajaja yes. It is getting dark and it is getting grey but I have been blond all 

my life. 

18‐ What is your favorite food of the Basque Country? And of Scotland?    

Bufff… too many good things. The fish!!  

19‐ What type of music do you like? 

I like all kinds of music: rock, folk, and classical… it depends. 

20‐ Can you give us any tips to improve our English? 

Any tips? Use English as much as possible, read books and listen to the lyrics 

of music! 

21‐ What do you think about the interview? 

Jajajajaja oh, very interesting!  


Ane Miren Arriaga, Paola Sagarna, Ane Berriotxoa, Ane Iturrate.  


Gossip 1.-Alasne Artetxe, I dream of your smell every single day and I can´t take away the picture of your red lips from my mind. Love you from the bottom of my heart. 2.C

2.– Last day we saw Mikel Egiluz with Naroa Iturrioz in a windowsill. Do they have a secret?

3.– Hi Oier Esteban, you’re my sweet love, my lolly-pop. If you want to know who I am ask in 2.B.

4.– Markel Perosanz is with a girl of 1.C (I.R)

5.– I love Mikel Egiluz. I dream about him every day. It is my love.

8.– Leire Arana is mutating into a “spider girl” Araña girl.

9.– Rumour has said, that one day the class of 2.B did an exam all together.

10.– We usually see how good “good” friends lately Luken and Leire B.B. have become. 11.– Wonder why Ane Cearsolo stopped using

“Motors”? She likes STEAK. 12.-We wonder why Ibon H. has red hair. 13.– I want to say that Mikel Murgoitio who I love is very friendly and very handsome. His eyes are two moons. I want to live with you in a big house with our children. Plea-se love me and came with me to a faraway place. Love you! 14.– I love Bego Arroyo. His attention to me makes me feel very important. I think I will give her a wonderful and Ama-zing bird! 15.– Julen Etxabe will be the next genious of Physics. 16.– Why is Maialen S. known as mad in Gernika? 17.– What did Sonia, Izaskun and Etxahun do when they went to Sitges? 18.– How can students get 4,99 with competence criteria? 19.– Some scientis claim that Latxaga has similar genes to White polar bears. 20.– Why does Irati I. always ask for food to Aitana´s table? 21.– Little cat eyes with a Lakers´ shirt. Your kitty eyes ma-ke me see the stars. 22.-Ane I, Maria I and Itsasne U continue being as gossip as you are. Your secret admirer-

“Crazy, Stupid and Love” is mainly a moving film. This romantic movie conjures up the bittersweet magic of first love, lasting love, lost love and all the loves in between. It may well restore your faith in the very possibility of love, to say nothing of romantic comedies. Personally, I like the film because it shows us what real love is about and it alse teaches you that you can fall in love when you least expect it. The plot of the film consist of a couple that have been together all their lives but the circus-tances change and everything they thought they had goes to waste. One of the main actors, Ryan Gosling, play they roles very well and that´s why we think that he should win an Oscar. However, all the other actors involved as well as Emma Stone. The soundtrack is really good and are played throughout the all the film. For example, the movie had two of my all-time favourite songs, but only one made it to the soundtrack. The first one, “Almanac” by the Acorn is in the sound-track and it played in Weaver´s SUV when Carl´s struggle to understans stops Jessica´s attempt to let him know how she feels. Love that song… The other one, “Loops” by Junip was the song playing when Robbie declares his love away in public to see but Jessi-ca tells him there´s someone else...and it didn´t make the cut. How does this get decided? I´d get the soundtrack for sure if they had “Loops” on it (Probably still will buy the soundtrack but ugh it would be better with Loops). The director: Glenn Ficarra, John Requa The year of the film: 2011 María Intxausti, Ane Ibarlucea, Itxasne Urkiaga, Asier Etxebarria

A Movie Review

The most worked: This last months have been the best ones of my life, just because you have been next to me. Each time you turn around and light me up with your bright smile my World stops and everything becomes pink. Your gold hair is as beautiful as a sunset. I wish with all my heart to go to live with you in Seattle one day; And to buy a beautiful house next to the beach.

self-evlaluations from one day to anot-her.

Apart from our exceptional educa-tional system, Lauaxeta has a program whosetar-get is to assist pu-pils to achieve academic titles such as the FCE

or even to help them with their studying goals with English ex-tra-classes that Lauaxe-ta offers to its mem-bership.

In Lauaxeta school we enjoy the service of teachers who are so close to their students that they will never be reluc-tant to help stu-dents, regardless of the trouble they have. The help of teachers is ensured. If you ever have a pro-blem do not hesitate to ask the teachers of Lauaxeta, as they´ll do anything they can in order to help you.

Besides, Lauaxeta is formed by a staff of

qualified teachers, as

many of them are able to squeeze their brains when their work requi-res it. For instance, they are capable of spending so many hours correc-ting

Teaching Services and High Academic Standards

PRIZES WON BY OUR SCHOOL Lauaxeta has grown little by little as an enterprise as well as a schools,always trying hard to be the best, improving or doing its best for its students. Therefo-re,Lauaxeta does not cosist of the principal and the teachers but of the students

as well.

Taking into

account what has been mentioned, Lauaxeta has won son many prizes, begi-ning with the silver Q in the year 2000 and then going on to the golden Q. It could be said that Laua-xeta has reached the top, but it´s only the tip of the iceberg. Furthermore it´s also won the European

Award in 2007, becoming one of the unique institu-tions in Spain with this prize along with multinationals such as Nokia, BMW .



20th February 2013 Luken, Aitor, Markel, Eriz

Points to deal with:

Facilities Teaching services Prizes Academic richness

Lauaxeta is provided with amazing facilities which are available to any student. Lauaxeta also offers the chance of doing plenty of things: gym, climbing, swimming, computer classes and the lot.

To guarantee the stu-dents´academical for-mation Lauaxeta offers the possibility of wor-king more in the practi-cal aspect of subjects, in the laboratory, the compu-ter room , the ro-botic room and so on.

The sport facilities, give you the chance to do your favourite sport. For instante the school has a climbing wall which any student can use.Besides there is a boulder also available to anyone which allows you perfect your clim-

bing skills.

Apart from that Laua-xeta has two court walls and a feature that makes Lauaxeta unique : a swimming pool.

To finish up , Lauaxeta has lots of foot-ball fields( one of them of artificial grass)and bas-ketball pitches of grave.

Facilities of Lauaxeta school


20th February 2013 Luken, Aitor, Markel, Eriz