LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC. XVL Processor Tutorial For Version 4.0 and later For Version 4.0 and later

LATTICE TECHNOLOGY, INC. For Version 4.0 and later XVL Processor Tutorial For Version 4.0 and later

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XVL Processor TutorialFor Version 4.0 and laterFor Version 4.0 and later

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January 2012 Lattice Technology, Inc. 2


• By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to perform the following operations from Command Prompt:

– Import data through CSV input– Output data through CSV output– Perform interference check with a batch process– Perform difference check with a batch process

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• Importing CSV to XVL File Exporting data• Exporting CSV from XVL File• Execute Interference Check• Execute Difference Check

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Necessary Files

• In order to execute XVL Processor, you need the following files:– xvlprocessor.exe Command line application main unit

– xvlgenrep.exe EXE to be used by xvlprocessor.exe

– XvlPlatformM.dll DLL to be used by xvlprocessor.exe

– NBLibrary.dll DLL to be used by xvlprocessor.exe

– xerces-c_1_3x8.dll DLL to be used by xvlprocessor.exe

– xvl-lock_1_2x8.dll DLL to be used by xvlprocessor.exe

– xvl-ulock_1_0x8.dll DLL to be used by xvlprocessor.exe

* These files are located in: \Lt_Processor\Bin\

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Common Syntax

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe [-l host_name port_number] [-u user]

[-g user_password] [-p file_password] [-m mode] [-x ex_mode]

Parameter Description

-l host_name port_number

Specify host name and port number of license server.

-u userSpecify a user group name. (When XVL file is protected by XVL Signer)

-g user_passwordSpecify a user group password. (When XVL file is protected by XVL Signer)

-p file_passwordSpecify a file –specific password. (When XVL file is protected by XVL Signer)

-m modeSpecify the "mode" operation mode. Available values and

effects vary according to function.

-x ex_modeSpecify an extended mode value. Available values and the effects are different for each functions.

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CSV Import / Export

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• Specified CSV file is imported to XVL file.

Parts list.Assembly listDisassembly parts listDisassembly composition listProcess listComment listDimension list

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Importing CSV to XVL File 1 / 2


XVL file with specified list


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Importing CSV to XVL File 2 / 2

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe <-x ex_mode> <-r type> [-m mode] <input_XVL> <input_CSV> <output_XVL>

Parameter Description

-x ex_mode

0 XVL Processor will replace all processes with those in input_CSV.1 XVL Processor will import input_CSV while keeping existing process animations.2 XVL Processor will trace the processes in the existing process tree to find the same

process as the one in input_CSV.

-r type

Specify a type of the CSV file. "type" can be either of the following values:1 Parts list2 Assembly list4 Disassembly composition list5 Process list6 Comment list7 Dimension list

-m modeSpecify the following value for the mode:1 Semicolons are used as delimiters in the input CSV file.

input_XVL Specify an XVL file name to input.

input_CSV Specify a CSV file name to input.

output_XVL Specify an XVL file name to output.

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• Specified CSV file is imported to XVL file.

Parts list.Assembly listDisassembly parts listDisassembly composition listProcess listComment listDimension list

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Exporting CSV from XVL File 1 / 2


XVL file including list


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Exporting CSV from XVL File 2 / 2

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe <-x ex_mode> <-w type> [-m mode] <input_XVL> <output_CSV/XLS>

Parameter Description

-x ex_mode

1 export the CSV file in new format which is supported by XVL Processor Ver. 2.2 and later.

2 XVL Processor will not export child process names to the Groups column in the process list (old format).

-w type

Specify a type of the CSV file. "type" can be either of the following values:1 Parts list2 Assembly list3 Disassembly parts list4 Disassembly composition list5 Process list6 Comment list7 Dimension list

-m mode

Specify the mode as the sum of the following values:1 Semicolons are used as delimiters in the output CSV file.2 Output file in Microsoft Excel format (*.xls).4 When process name includes "%n“, it will not be considered as duplicated process name.

input_XVL Specify an XVL file name to input.

output_CSV/XLS Specify a CSV / XLS file name to output.

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Interference Check

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• Interference check is executed for the specified XVL files.

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Execute Interference Check

XVL file

XVL file with interference check result

* Requires Interference Check option.

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Interference Check - Syntax

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe <-i check> [-c clearance] [-a activate]

[-t targrt_CSV] [-f [output_CSV]] <input_XVL> <output_XVL>

Parameter Description

-i check Specify the type of interference check.

-c clearanceSpecify the threshold of the Clearance check. When 2, 3 or 6 is specified for –i option, this value must be specified.

-a activate

Specify activate/deactivate mode of reading input_XVL. If not specified, executes as if 0 is specified.0 All parts are read activated.1 Parts are read activated or deactivated according to the activity state stored in the file. Deactivated parts are ignored in interference check.

-t targrt_CSV Specify file name of the Interference Check Target Settings file.

-f [output_CSV] Specify to write interference check result CSV.

<input_XVL> Specify an XVL file name to input. (V-XVL only)

<output_XVL> Specify an XVL file name to output. (V-XVL only)

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• Use the –i option to specify the type of interference check.

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Specifying Check Type

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe <-i check> [-c clearance] <input_XVL> <output_XVL>

Parameter Description

-i check

Specify the type of interference check. The "check" part can be any of the following values:

0 Check only Interference 1 Check Interference and Contact 2 Check Interference and Clearance 3 Check Interference, Contact and Clearance 5 Check only Contact 6 Check only Clearance

* When 2, 3 or 6 is specified for –i option, -c option must be specified.

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• You can specify the interference check targets in a CSV file.

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Specifying Check Targets

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe –i –t <target_csv> < Input XVL> <Output XVL>

target_mode,<Mode> target-1,<Part_Name> target-2,<Part_Name>

Check Target Settings FileCheck method and target parts are specified.


*For more detail about the check target settings file, please see “XVL Processor Settings File Manual”.

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Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe –i 64/65 <param_file> < Input XVL> <Output XVL>

• You can execute multiple interference checks for an XVL file.

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Execute Multiple Interference Checks

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Check result A

Check result B

Check result C

-i 2 -c 1 -t target_1.csv-i 2 -c 1 -t target_2.csv-i 2 -c 1 -t target_3.csv

Parameter file

*For more detail about the parameter file, please see “XVL Processor Settings File Manual”.

Parameter file is a text file that includes parameters for each check.

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Difference Check

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• Difference check is executed for the specified XVL files.

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Execute Difference Check

XVL file

Difference check result

* Requires Difference Detection option. Color map model

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Difference Check - Syntax

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe <-d mode> <dist> [-a active] <input_XVL_1> <input_XVL_2> <output_XVL>

Parameter Description

-d mode

Specify the type of difference detection. The "mode“ can be any of the following values: 0 Generates difference detection result list. 1 Generates difference color map model of input_XVL_2 based on input_XVL_1. 2 Generates difference color map models of both input_XVL_1 and input_XVL_2 overlaid.

dist Specify the longest distance for difference detection by entering a real number.

-a activate

Specify activate/deactivate mode of reading input_XVL_1 or input_XVL_2. 0 All parts are read activated. 1 Parts are read activated or deactivated according to the activity state stored in the file. Deactivated parts are ignored in interference check.

limit1 limit2Specify lower threshold of distance between the shapes to generate color map polygons.

prec Specify the sampling precision in deference detection.

tol_rate Specify the ratio of the threshold of difference to the error tolerance of the model.

input_XVL_1 Specify the name of the first target XVL file. (V-XVL only)

input_XVL_2 Specify the name of the second target XVL file. (V-XVL only)

output_XVL Specify the XVL file name to output (V-XVL only).

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• Specify “0” for the –d option to Generate difference detection result.

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Generating Difference Detection Result

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe <-d 0> <dist> [prec] <input_XVL_1> <input_XVL_2> <output_XVL>

Parameter Description

-d mode Specify “0” to generate difference detection list.

dist Specify the longest distance for difference detection by entering a real number.

prec Specify the sampling precision in deference detection.

input_XVL_1 Specify the name of the first target XVL file. (V-XVL only)

input_XVL_2 Specify the name of the second target XVL file. (V-XVL only)

output_XVL Specify the XVL file name to output (V-XVL only).

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• Specify “1” or “2” for the –d option to Generate difference detection result.

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Generating Difference Color Map Model

Basic Format: xvlprocessor.exe <-d 1/2> <dist> <limit1 limit2> [prec] [tol_rate] <input_XVL_1> <input_XVL_2> <output_XVL>

Parameter Description

-d mode

1 Generates difference color map model of input_XVL_2 based on input_XVL_1. 2 Generates difference color map models of both input_XVL_1 and input_XVL_2 overlaid.

dist Specify the longest distance for difference detection by entering a real number.

limit1 limit2Specify lower threshold of distance between the shapes to generate color map polygons.

prec specify the maximum length of color map polygon's edges.

tol_rate Specify the ratio of the threshold of difference to the error tolerance of the model.

input_XVL_1 Specify the name of the first target XVL file. (V-XVL only)

input_XVL_2 Specify the name of the second target XVL file. (V-XVL only)

output_XVL Specify the XVL file name to output (V-XVL only).

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E. [email protected] T. +1.415.274.1670 F. +1.415.274.1671 W. www.lattice3d.com