LATTER to the Romans: November 27, 2012 On April 4, 2010, as best I have been able to discern, the abomination of desolation was set up in Rome, in the speech made by Cardinal Angelo Soldano, Dean of the College of Cardinals, during a time of crisis for Pope Benedict XVI. The embattled Pontiff was being rocked by the continuing scandal of the sex abuse by the priests of the little ones that Christ had prophetically spoken of. Soldano told a lie during the Easter mass. He said the crisis was based on petty gossip.Now the Church, speaking to the Church, in official capacity, during the Easter mass was guilty of the falsehood, on top of the filth that Revelation warns repeatedly against, as the abomination. If you reckon with the Book of Daniel, 1290 days from that date is October 15, 2013. 1335 days will be November 29, 2013. Is this a prophecy of the day for the end of the Church or the end of the World? I do not know. I extract this data from a book, in two volumes, of 1000 pages, that I have compiled since mid-August, and will endeavor to present on or about Ash Wednesday, 2013. However, having this information, I thought it only right to share it with you. Many people, even at my Thanksgiving Dinner, are inquiring about the day, what the actual date could be. About the Book of Daniel: the abomination and the suspension of the sacrifice have to take place at the same time, which led many commentators, including myself, to conclude that it would be the antichrist who would do the suspending. But that is not necessarily so. God could, as the one who established the covenant with the Church, say, enough is enough, I have sworn in my anger that people shall never enter into my rest. They were warned not to touch the children. But they did. They were warned not to lie about it. But they did. It is not thy people O Lord, but the children of thy people that one in Daniel stands up for. I believe Mary the Mother of the Church sorrows for her children, both those abused, and those who either lied about it, or stood by, attending mass, and doing nothing. But as we know Mary is also Queen, with rights. God forgive me for having to say all this, but Lord God I believe you chose me to say precisely these things. It may be that the Church still has 323 days to repent of the sin. No sign will be given this generation but the sign of Jonah given to Ninevah: repent. Let us be doers of the word, not hearers only. Michael Bolerjack

Latter to the Romans, November 27, 2012

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The pinpointing of the moment of the transgression in the Church

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LATTER to the Romans: November 27, 2012

On April 4, 2010, as best I have been able to discern, the abomination of

desolation was set up in Rome, in the speech made by Cardinal Angelo Soldano,

Dean of the College of Cardinals, during a time of crisis for Pope Benedict XVI. The

embattled Pontiff was being rocked by the continuing scandal of the sex abuse by

the priests of the little ones that Christ had prophetically spoken of. Soldano told

a lie during the Easter mass. He said the crisis was based on “petty gossip.” Now

the Church, speaking to the Church, in official capacity, during the Easter mass

was guilty of the falsehood, on top of the filth that Revelation warns repeatedly

against, as the abomination. If you reckon with the Book of Daniel, 1290 days

from that date is October 15, 2013. 1335 days will be November 29, 2013. Is this a

prophecy of the day for the end of the Church or the end of the World? I do not

know. I extract this data from a book, in two volumes, of 1000 pages, that I have

compiled since mid-August, and will endeavor to present on or about Ash

Wednesday, 2013. However, having this information, I thought it only right to

share it with you. Many people, even at my Thanksgiving Dinner, are inquiring

about the day, what the actual date could be. About the Book of Daniel: the

abomination and the suspension of the sacrifice have to take place at the same

time, which led many commentators, including myself, to conclude that it would

be the antichrist who would do the suspending. But that is not necessarily so. God

could, as the one who established the covenant with the Church, say, enough is

enough, I have sworn in my anger that people shall never enter into my rest. They

were warned not to touch the children. But they did. They were warned not to lie

about it. But they did. It is not thy people O Lord, but the children of thy people

that one in Daniel stands up for. I believe Mary the Mother of the Church sorrows

for her children, both those abused, and those who either lied about it, or stood

by, attending mass, and doing nothing. But as we know Mary is also Queen, with

rights. God forgive me for having to say all this, but Lord God I believe you chose

me to say precisely these things. It may be that the Church still has 323 days to

repent of the sin. No sign will be given this generation but the sign of Jonah given

to Ninevah: repent. Let us be doers of the word, not hearers only.

Michael Bolerjack