Where innovation starts L A T E X and MiKT E X Introduction http://www.win.tue.nl/jknopper/latex/intro Februari 2012 Jan Willem Knopper ([email protected])

LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,

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Page 1: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,

Where innovation starts

LATEX and MiKTEXIntroduction


Februari 2012 Jan Willem Knopper ([email protected])

Page 2: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Introduction 3

Text, Symbols and Commands 22

Exercise 36

Document Layout 37

Displaying Text 46

Exercise 53

Mathematics 54

Tables 56

Graphics 68

Including programming statements 79

Exercise 82


Page 3: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

LATEX is a document preparation system. It is widely used in the fields of math-ematics and natural sciences, but also spreading to many other disciplines.

• LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX.

• totally open software system, free of charge.

• platform independent.


Page 4: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

LATEX is a document preparation system. It is widely used in the fields of math-ematics and natural sciences, but also spreading to many other disciplines.

• LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX.

• totally open software system, free of charge.

• platform independent.

LATEX is no word processor! LATEX stimulates placing emphasis on content (logi-cal markup) instead of appearance (typographical markup).


Page 5: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 6: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

LATEX editor: WinEdt


Page 7: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

DVI previewer: Yap


Page 8: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

PostScript viewer: GSView


Page 9: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

PDF viewer: Adobe (Acrobat) Reader


Page 10: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 11: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The LATEX language• LATEX commands always start with a backslash: \


Page 12: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The LATEX language• LATEX commands always start with a backslash: \

• required command arguments are placed between curly brackets: { }


Page 13: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The LATEX language• LATEX commands always start with a backslash: \

• required command arguments are placed between curly brackets: { }

• optional command arguments are placed between brackets: [ ]


Page 14: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The LATEX language• LATEX commands always start with a backslash: \

• required command arguments are placed between curly brackets: { }

• optional command arguments are placed between brackets: [ ]

• comments start with a percentage symbol: %


Page 15: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The LATEX language• LATEX commands always start with a backslash: \

• required command arguments are placed between curly brackets: { }

• optional command arguments are placed between brackets: [ ]

• comments start with a percentage symbol: %

• LATEX takes care of the spacing between words and paragraphs (just likeHTML).


Page 16: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The LATEX language• LATEX commands always start with a backslash: \

• required command arguments are placed between curly brackets: { }

• optional command arguments are placed between brackets: [ ]

• comments start with a percentage symbol: %

• LATEX takes care of the spacing between words and paragraphs (just likeHTML).

• the commands \begin{ } and \end{ } create environments.


Page 17: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

A .tex file


% preamble


% document



Page 18: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

A .tex file: intro.tex



LaTeX is a document preparation system used tocreate documents of high quality typography.

It is mostly used in the fields of mathematicsand natural sciences, but can in fact be usedfor any type of publication.\end{document}


Page 19: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

MiKTEXMiKTEX is an up-to-date TEX implementation for the Windows operating system.

• can be downloaded from http://www.miktex.org

• contains all LATEX related binaries, likelatex.exe, pdflatex.exe, yap.exe, bibtex.exe,dvips.exe, ps2pdf.exe

• contains all standard packages (will be discussed later)


Page 20: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

• WinEdt – editor

• Yap – DVI previewer

• GSView – PS previewer

Other useful programs:

• Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader – view/edit PDF files

• Corel Designer – Create and export EPS Images

• Libre Office.org Draw – Create and export EPS Images

LATEX Related Programs

Page 21: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 22: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 23: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 24: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 25: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 26: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

runs LATEX on the current document. If no errors are found, the re-sulting DVI file will be opened in Yap.

runs Yap on the generated DVI file.

converts DVI to PostScript.

opens the PostScript file in GSView.

runs PDFLATEX on the current document.

opens the PDF document in Adobe Reader.

opens the document in Yap and jumpt to the current location inthe document.

starts BibTEX(for bibliographies).

generates a master index.

removes all generated auxiliary files (DVI, LOG, PDF, BIB, . . .). Onlythe PostScript file will not be deleted.

Page 27: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 28: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 29: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

double-click on text for inverse search


Page 30: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 31: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 32: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Page 33: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

A command is an instruction to LATEX to do something special. Three types ofcommand names:

• the single characters # $ & ~ _ ^ % { } all have special meaning

• to print one of these characters, precede it with a backslash:\$ \# \% \^

• the backslash character \ plus a sequence of letters, ending with the firstnon-letter: \large \Large \bfseries

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 34: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

A command is an instruction to LATEX to do something special. Three types ofcommand names:

• the single characters # $ & ~ _ ^ % { } all have special meaning

• to print one of these characters, precede it with a backslash:\$ \# \% \^

• the backslash character \ plus a sequence of letters, ending with the firstnon-letter: \large \Large \bfseries

Some commands have a so-called *-form to modify their functionality some-how. Example:


Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 35: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Many commands operate on some piece of text, which then appears as anargument in curly braces following the command name. Examples:


\textbf{bold text}


Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 36: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Many commands operate on some piece of text, which then appears as anargument in curly braces following the command name. Examples:


\textbf{bold text}


Optional arguments are put into square brackets and mandatory argumentsinto curly brackets:



Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 37: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

EnvironmentsAn environment affects the text within it treating it differently according to theenvironment parameters.

This text will not appear centered.\begin{center}This text will appear centered.This text will appear centered.This text will appear centered.\end{center}This text will not appear centered.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 38: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

DeclarationsA declaration is a command that changes the values or meanings of certainparameters or commands without printing any text. The effect ends when an-other declaration of the same type is encountered.

This text appears normal while \bfseries this textappears boldface.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 39: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

DeclarationsA declaration is a command that changes the values or meanings of certainparameters or commands without printing any text. The effect ends when an-other declaration of the same type is encountered.

This text appears normal while \bfseries this textappears boldface.

When the declaration occurs within an environment or within a { } block, itsscope extends only to until the end of this environment or block.

This text appears normal while {\bfseries this textappears boldface}. This text is normal again.\begin{center}\bfseriesThis text appears bold.\end{center}This text is normal again.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 40: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Loading PackagesA package is a set of LATEX commands (or symbols, environments, declarations)stored in a file with the extension .sty. To invoke a package, simply call


in the preamble!Example: LATEX does not have a command to include graphics, so if we wantto include graphics in our document, we should load the package graphicxwhich defines a new command \includegraphics.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 41: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – SpacesLATEX takes care of spacing in your document. The following two texts appearexactly the same in the DVI file:


LaTeX is a document preparation system.It is widely used in the fields of mathematicsand natural sciences, but also spreading tomany other disciplines.

\section{Introduction}LaTeX is adocument preparation system. It iswidely used in the fieldsof

mathematics and naturalsciences,but also spreading to many other disciplines.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 42: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – SpacesSome rules:

• one blank is the same as a thousand, only the first one counts.

• blanks at the beginning of an input line are ignored.

• blanks terminating a command name are removed.

• the end of a line is treated as a blank.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 43: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – SpacesSome rules:

• one blank is the same as a thousand, only the first one counts.

• blanks at the beginning of an input line are ignored.

• blanks terminating a command name are removed.

• the end of a line is treated as a blank.

To force a space to appear where it would otherwise be ignored: \ .To force a new line: \newline or \\

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 44: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – SpacesSpacing of any desired size may be inserted into the text with the commands


\hspace has no effect if it should come at the beginning of a line. The *-formwill insert the spacing no matter where it occurs.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 45: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – SpacesSpacing of any desired size may be inserted into the text with the commands


\hspace has no effect if it should come at the beginning of a line. The *-formwill insert the spacing no matter where it occurs.

Vertical spacing is created using the \vspace command:


Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 46: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – SpacesSpacing of any desired size may be inserted into the text with the commands


\hspace has no effect if it should come at the beginning of a line. The *-formwill insert the spacing no matter where it occurs.

Vertical spacing is created using the \vspace command:


Further commands for increasing the spacing between paragraphs are:

\smallskip \medskip \bigskip

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 47: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Lengths and unitsLengths consist of a decimal number, followed by a dimensional unit. Someunits:

cm centimeter

mm millimeter

in inch (= 2.54cm)

pt point (1in = 72.27 pt)

em font-specific size: the width of the capital M

ex font-specific size: the height of the letter x

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 48: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – Command CharactersAs mentioned before, the characters # $ ~ _ ^ { } % are interpreted ascommands.To print them as text, give a command consisting of \ plus that character:

\# \$ \~ \_ \^ \{ \} \%

# $ ˜ _ ˆ { } %

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 49: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – Command CharactersAs mentioned before, the characters # $ ~ _ ^ { } % are interpreted ascommands.To print them as text, give a command consisting of \ plus that character:

\# \$ \~ \_ \^ \{ \} \%

# $ ˜ _ ˆ { } %

To print a backslash, use the command \textbackslash: \

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 50: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special Characters – AccentsDiacritical marks or accents can be created with LATEX:

\‘e \’e \^o \"o \~o \=o \v{s} \c{c}be\"invloedenhet re\"ele deelCura\c{c}ao

è é ô ö õ o š çbeïnvloedenhet reële deelCuraçao

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 51: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special CharactersSpecial symbols can be entered directly, but only if the right input encodingis specified. The input encoding depends on the type and language of theoperating system. We have to load the package inputenc to specify the correctencoding:


beïnvloeden, reëel, CuraçaoC ƒ © ¥ §

beïnvloeden, reëel, Curaçao€ ƒ © ¥ §

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 52: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Special CharactersSpecial symbols can be entered directly, but only if the right input encodingis specified. The input encoding depends on the type and language of theoperating system. We have to load the package inputenc to specify the correctencoding:


beïnvloeden, reëel, CuraçaoC ƒ © ¥ §

beïnvloeden, reëel, Curaçao€ ƒ © ¥ §

Please note that some of these characters also require the textcomp package.

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 53: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The Euro Symbol: €

Adobe created a font containing euro symbols which also contains bold, italicand serif versions. To use these symbols, load the package europs. Now wecan use the following commands:

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 54: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The Euro Symbol: €

Adobe created a font containing euro symbols which also contains bold, italicand serif versions. To use these symbols, load the package europs. Now wecan use the following commands:

\EURofc – creates the official Euro symbol: €

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 55: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The Euro Symbol: €

Adobe created a font containing euro symbols which also contains bold, italicand serif versions. To use these symbols, load the package europs. Now wecan use the following commands:

\EURofc – creates the official Euro symbol: €

\EUR – creates a Euro symbol depending on the current text style

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 56: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The Euro Symbol: €

Adobe created a font containing euro symbols which also contains bold, italicand serif versions. To use these symbols, load the package europs. Now wecan use the following commands:

\EURofc – creates the official Euro symbol: €

\EUR – creates a Euro symbol depending on the current text style

Bold: €

Italic: €

Sans-serif: €

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 57: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The dateLATEX contains a macro to print the current date: \today. The format of thedate depends on the language set with the package babel.

\todayFebruary 6, 2012

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 58: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The dateLATEX contains a macro to print the current date: \today. The format of thedate depends on the language set with the package babel.

\todayFebruary 6, 2012

\selectlanguage{dutch}\today6 februari 2012

Text, Symbols and Commands

Page 59: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

1. create a new LATEX article. Font size: 11pt. Load the package a4wide toadjust the margins.

2. copy-paste the text from snowwhite.txt in the document body and run LATEX.Explain what the error message means and fix the error.

3. right before the error, a Euro symbol occurs. Verify that the symbol is notprinted in the DVI file. Make sure that LATEX also prints the Euro symbol.

4. the last line (The End) should be large and centered.

5. create sections: Introduction, The evil stepmother, The great forest, Theseven dwarfs, The murder of Snow White, The funeral, The prince, and Themarriage.

6. create subsections: The cottage, The dwarfs, The encounter, First attempt,Second attempt, and Third attempt


Page 60: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Document ClassThe first command in a .tex file determines the global processing format forthe entire document:


Supported classes are book, report, article, letter or slides.

Supported options:

Document Layout

Page 61: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Document ClassThe first command in a .tex file determines the global processing format forthe entire document:


Supported classes are book, report, article, letter or slides.

Supported options:

• font sizes: 10pt 11pt 12pt

Document Layout

Page 62: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Document ClassThe first command in a .tex file determines the global processing format forthe entire document:


Supported classes are book, report, article, letter or slides.

Supported options:

• font sizes: 10pt 11pt 12pt

• paper size: a4paper letterpaper

Document Layout

Page 63: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Document ClassThe first command in a .tex file determines the global processing format forthe entire document:


Supported classes are book, report, article, letter or slides.

Supported options:

• font sizes: 10pt 11pt 12pt

• paper size: a4paper letterpaper

• number of columns: onecolumn twocolumn

Document Layout

Page 64: LATEX and MiKTEX Introductionjknopper/latex/intro3uur-slides.pdf · LATEX is a set of markup commands used with the powerful typesetting pro-gram TEX. totally open software system,


/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Document ClassThe first command in a .tex file determines the global processing format forthe entire document:


Supported classes are book, report, article, letter or slides.

Supported options:

• font sizes: 10pt 11pt 12pt

• paper size: a4paper letterpaper

• number of columns: onecolumn twocolumn

• print style: oneside twoside

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Loading packagesPackages are loaded in the preamble. A package is a set of LATEX commands (orsymbols, environments, declarations) stored in a file with the extension .sty.Important packages:

a4wide uses smaller page margins, which means that more text fits on onepage.

amsmath contains advanced mathematical symbols.

babel loads hyphenation rules for foreign languages.

europs loads the Euro symbol: €.

fancyhdr is used to customise headers and footers.

graphicx defines a command to load external graphics.

hyperref adds interactivity (hyperlinks, bookmarks) to your document.

listings inserting source code with syntax highlighting

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Paragraph FormattingThe following parameters affect the appearance of a paragraph:

\parskip the distance between paragraphs, usually in units of ex

\parindent the amount of indentation for the first line of a paragraph

Use the \setlength command to change the values of these parameters.


Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Paragraph FormattingThe following parameters affect the appearance of a paragraph:

\parskip the distance between paragraphs, usually in units of ex

\parindent the amount of indentation for the first line of a paragraph

Use the \setlength command to change the values of these parameters.


To suppress the indentation for one paragraph, or to force it:


Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Parts of the Document – Title Page

\title{Title text}\author{Author names and addresses}\date{Date text}\maketitle

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Parts of the Document – Title Page

\title{Title text}\author{Author names and addresses}\date{Date text}\maketitle

Use the \and command to define multiple authors:

\author{Jan Willem Knopper\\ [email protected] \andMarko Boon\\ [email protected]}

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Parts of the Document – Title Page

\title{Title text}\author{Author names and addresses}\date{Date text}\maketitle

Use the \and command to define multiple authors:

\author{Jan Willem Knopper\\ [email protected] \andMarko Boon\\ [email protected]}

Use \date{} to omit the date.

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Parts of the Document – AbstractThe abstract is produced with the abstract environment:

\begin{abstract}Text for the abstract.\end{abstract}

In document class report the abstract appears on a separate page (withoutpage number).In document class article the abstract appears below the title.

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Parts of the Document – Sections and chaptersThe following commands produce automatic, sequential sectioning:

\chapter{ } \chapter*{ }\section{ } \section*{ }\subsection{ } \subsection*{ }\subsubsection{ } \subsubsection*{ }

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Parts of the Document – Sections and chaptersThe following commands produce automatic, sequential sectioning:

\chapter{ } \chapter*{ }\section{ } \section*{ }\subsection{ } \subsection*{ }\subsubsection{ } \subsubsection*{ }


• The command \chapter exists in document classes book and reportonly.

• A * behind the command results in the unnumbered version which will notbe included in the table of contents.

Document Layout

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Parts of the Document – AppendixAn appendix is introduced with the declaration \appendix

• Resets the section/chapter counter

• Changes the numbering form from numerals to capital letters (A, B, . . . )

• Replaces the word “Chapter” by “Appendix”.

Please note that the actual word “Appendix” is not added to the table of con-tents!

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Table of ContentsThe table of contents is generated and printed with the command\tableofcontents (normally after title page and abstract).All entries are created automatically, based on the sectioning commands. Youhave to run latex twice to get all references right!

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Table of ContentsThe table of contents is generated and printed with the command\tableofcontents (normally after title page and abstract).All entries are created automatically, based on the sectioning commands. Youhave to run latex twice to get all references right!

TeXify and PDFTeXifyIf you use the button for (PDF)TeXify instead of (PDF)LaTeX, WinEdt will runLaTeX, BibTeX, makeindex as many times as necessary.



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Labels and ReferencesThe command \label{marker} stores the current value of the relevantcounter (section, chapter, equation, figure, table etc.) at that point in the text.To refer to a label, use:

\ref to print the section, chapter, equation, figure or table number.

\pageref to print the page number on which the \label command was is-sued.

Document Layout

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Labels and ReferencesThe command \label{marker} stores the current value of the relevantcounter (section, chapter, equation, figure, table etc.) at that point in the text.To refer to a label, use:

\ref to print the section, chapter, equation, figure or table number.

\pageref to print the page number on which the \label command was is-sued.

\section{Labels and References\label{labels}}

In section \ref{labels} you will find informationon how to create labels and references in \LaTeX.The sections starts on page \pageref{labels}.

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Changing Font StyleThe following commands and declarations change the current font style:

Command Declaration Result\emph \em emphasised\textrm \rmfamily Roman font family\texttt \ttfamily Typewriter font family\textsf \sffamily Sans serif font family\textup \upshape Normal, upright font shape\textit \itshape Italic font shape\textsl \slshape Slanted font shape\textsc \scshape SMALL CAPS FONT SHAPE

\textbf \bfseries Boldface font weight\textmd \mdseries normal (medium) font weight

Displaying Text

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Changing Font Style – Example

This is normal text with one \textit{italic} word.{\sffamily This whole \itshape line is \textbf{sans}serif.}

\textbf{\textit{Bold and italic}}

Do you see the difference?\emph{emphasised}, \textit{italic}, \textsl{slanted}

Displaying Text

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Changing Font Style – Example

This is normal text with one \textit{italic} word.{\sffamily This whole \itshape line is \textbf{sans}serif.}

\textbf{\textit{Bold and italic}}

Do you see the difference?\emph{emphasised}, \textit{italic}, \textsl{slanted}

This is normal text with one italic word. This whole line is sans serif.Bold and italicDo you see the difference? emphasised, italic, slanted

Displaying Text

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Changing Font Style – Example

This is normal text with one \textit{italic} word.{\sffamily This whole \itshape line is \textbf{sans}serif.}

\textbf{\textit{Bold and italic}}

Do you see the difference?\emph{emphasised}, \textit{italic}, \textsl{slanted}

This is normal text with one italic word. This whole line is sans serif.Bold and italicDo you see the difference? emphasised, italic, slanted

This is an italic sentence containing an emphasised word.

Displaying Text

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Font SizeThe font size can be changed using one of the following declarations:

Declaration Result\tiny smallest

\scriptsize very small

\footnotesize smaller

\small small

\normalsize normal

\large large\Large larger\LARGE even larger\huge still larger\Huge largest

Displaying Text

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

ListsThere are three environments available for producing formatted lists: itemize,enumerate and description.

\begin{itemize}\item This is the first item\item This is the second item\item This is an item with a nested list:\begin{itemize}\item This list has different labels.\item Another item.\end{itemize}\item the final item?\item[+] it is even possible to change the label\end{itemize}

Displaying Text

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Lists – Itemize• This is the first item

• This is the second item

• This is an item with a nested list:

– This list has different labels.

– Another item.

• the final item?

+ it is even possible to change the label

Displaying Text

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Lists – Enumerate

\begin{enumerate}\item This is the first item\item This is another item \label{lab}\item This is an item with a nested list:\begin{enumerate}\item This list has different labels.\item In this item we refer to item \ref{lab}.\end{enumerate}\item the final item\end{enumerate}

Displaying Text

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Lists – Enumerate1. This is the first item

2. This is another item

3. This is an item with a nested list:

(a) This list has different labels.

(b) In this item we refer to item 2.

4. the final item

Displaying Text

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1. add the a4paper option to the document class.

2. use the paragraph formatting commands to set the default paragraph in-dent to 0 and the default paragraph skip to 1ex.

3. use the appropriate author and title commands to create the title.

4. create an abstract environment

5. add a table of contents after the abstract.

6. change the font size of the last line (The End) to Huge.

7. add a numbered list in section 4.2 (The Dwarfs)


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Mathematical environments:


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Mathematical environments:

• $ ... $mathematics in a line of text (inline).


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Mathematical environments:

• $ ... $mathematics in a line of text (inline).

• \[ ... \]mathematics in a separate paragraph.


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Mathematical environments:

• $ ... $mathematics in a line of text (inline).

• \[ ... \]mathematics in a separate paragraph.

• \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}mathematics in a separate paragraph, including equation number.


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Mathematical environments:

• $ ... $mathematics in a line of text (inline).

• \[ ... \]mathematics in a separate paragraph.

• \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}mathematics in a separate paragraph, including equation number.

• \begin{eqnarray} ... \end{eqnarray}multiline mathematical equations, properly aligned.


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Everybody knows that $\sin \pi$ is equal to $0$.

\begin{eqnarray*}\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin x}{x} &=& 1\\\sum_{k=0}^\infty x^k &=& \frac{1}{1-x} \quad (|x|<1)\end{eqnarray*}


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


Everybody knows that $\sin \pi$ is equal to $0$.

\begin{eqnarray*}\lim_{x \rightarrow 0} \frac{\sin x}{x} &=& 1\\\sum_{k=0}^\infty x^k &=& \frac{1}{1-x} \quad (|x|<1)\end{eqnarray*}

Everybody knows that sinπ is equal to 0.


sin xx= 1



11− x

(|x | < 1)


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The environments array and tabular create tables and matrices. The usage ofarray is the same as for tabular, but it can only be used in math mode.





The pos argument defines the vertical positioning for the table: t or b (top orbottom)


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The cols argument defines the column formatting. The possible formattingsymbols are:

l the column contents are left justified

r the column contents are right justified

c the column contents are centered

p{width } the text in this column is set in a paragraph box of the specifiedwidth.

| draws a vertical line

|| draws a double vertical line


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The rows contain the actual entries. Each row is terminated with the \\ com-mand. The column entries are separated by a & symbol.


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The rows contain the actual entries. Each row is terminated with the \\ com-mand. The column entries are separated by a & symbol.

The command \hline draws a horizontal line over the full width.The command \cline{m-n} draws a horizontal line from the left of columnm to the right of column n.


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The rows contain the actual entries. Each row is terminated with the \\ com-mand. The column entries are separated by a & symbol.

The command \hline draws a horizontal line over the full width.The command \cline{m-n} draws a horizontal line from the left of columnm to the right of column n.

The command \multicolumn{n}{col}{text} creates a table cell thatextends n columns. The column formatting for this cell is defined by col.


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Example 1Stand Eredivisie 6 februari 2011

P W D L Pts +/-1 PSV 22 14 5 3 47 58-212 FC Twente 22 14 5 3 47 45-243 Ajax 22 13 5 4 44 44-204 FC Groningen 22 13 4 5 43 49-285 ADO Den Haag 22 11 5 6 38 40-326 AZ 22 10 7 5 37 34-237 Roda JC 22 9 8 5 35 37-308 FC Utrecht 22 10 4 8 34 36-289 Heerenveen 22 8 7 7 31 42-3310 NAC Breda * 22 9 4 9 30 31-3611 NEC 22 6 9 7 27 36-3812 Graafschap 22 6 7 9 25 22-3913 Heracles Almelo 22 6 6 10 24 32-4014 Vitesse 22 5 7 10 22 27-3715 Feyenoord 22 5 6 11 21 25-3916 Excelsior 22 5 4 13 19 25-4517 VVV-Venlo 22 4 1 17 13 22-5118 Willem II 22 1 4 17 7 19-60


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Example 1

\begin{tabular}{|l|l|cccc|r|c|}\hline\multicolumn{8}{|c|}{Eredivisie 6 februari 2011} \\\hline& & P & W & D & L & Pts & +/- \\

\hline1 & PSV & 22 & 14 &5 & 3 & 47 & 58-21 \\2 & FC Twente & 22 & 14 &5 & 3 & 47 & 45-24 \\


18 & Willem II & 22 & 1 &4 & 17 & 7 & 19-60 \\\hline\end{tabular}


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Example 2Model Description Price

APV Desktop: Intel Core i3 530 processor, 3 GBmemory, 500 GB Hard disk, Onboard HD video-card, Dual Layer DVD±ReWriter, excl. OS

€ 399.00

APP5 Desktop DeLuxe: Intel Core i5 750 proces-sor, 4 GB memory, 1000 GB Hard disk, ATIRadeon HD5670 with 512 MB, Dual LayerDVD±ReWriter, excl. OS

€ 699.00


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Example 2

\begin{tabular}{lp{0.5\textwidth}r}\bfseries Model & \bfseries Description &\bfseries Price \\[1ex]

APV & \small \textbf{Desktop}: Intel Core i3 530processor, 3~GB memory, 500~GB Hard disk,Onboard HD videocard, Dual Layer DVD$\pm$ReWriter,excl. OS & \EUR{} 399.00 \\

APP5 & \small \textbf{Desktop DeLuxe}: Intel Corei5 750 processor, 4~GB memory, 1000~GB Hard disk,ATI Radeon HD5670 with 512~MB, Dual LayerDVD$\pm$ReWriter, excl. OS & \EUR{} 699.00 \\\end{tabular}


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

WinEdt has a useful plug-in to insert tables:


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

WinEdt has a useful plug-in to insert tables:


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

WinEdt has a useful plug-in to insert tables:


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

WinEdt has a useful plug-in to insert tables:


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Excel to LATEX Add-In1. download the Excel macro: Excel2LaTeX.xla

2. Start Excel and install the Add-in:

• Tools−→ Add-Ins...

• Browse...

• Browse for the Add-In and click Ok

3. Restart Excel

4. A button has been added to the toolbar:

5. Create a table in Excel, select the table and press this button.

6. Copy-paste to WinEdt


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Graphics InclusionTo include an external graphics file:


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Graphics InclusionTo include an external graphics file:

• Load the package graphicx in the preamble:



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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Graphics InclusionTo include an external graphics file:

• Load the package graphicx in the preamble:


• Include the graphics using this command:



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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Supported File Formats:EPS PDF JPG GIF PNG

LATEX yes no yes∗ no yes∗

PDFLATEX no yes yes no yes

Please notice: only EPS and PDF are scalable. Use JPG and PNG just for pho-tographs!

Many programs can generate EPS images. Use Corel Designer to export im-ages created in other programs. Copy/Paste the objects in Corel Designer andexport to EPS.

Use EPS2PDF (on your desktop) to convert EPS to PDF.

∗ does not work automatically when working with LATEX. You should enter thecoordinates of the bounding box manually.


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When including EPS or PDF files, use the file name without extension!LATEX will take the EPS, PDFLATEX will take the PDF.


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When including EPS or PDF files, use the file name without extension!LATEX will take the EPS, PDFLATEX will take the PDF.

Supported options are:

scale=number magnifies the figure by number over its natural size.

width=length specifies the width to which the figure should be scaled

height=length specifies the height to which the figure should be scaled

angle=number rotates the figure counterclockwise over the specified angle(in degrees)

bb=llx lly urx ury enters the coordinates of the bounding box manually.


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You can create a figure environment to create “floating” figures. LATEX will putthe image at the location that you specify, or on the top of the next page if thefigure does not fit at the current page. In a figure environment you can add acaption and a label to refer to the figure.

\begin{figure}[ht]\begin{center}\includegraphics{normal}\end{center}\caption{Two dimensional normal distribution}\label{fig:normal}\end{figure}


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

You can create a figure environment to create “floating” figures. LATEX will putthe image at the location that you specify, or on the top of the next page if thefigure does not fit at the current page. In a figure environment you can add acaption and a label to refer to the figure.

\begin{figure}[ht]\begin{center}\includegraphics{normal}\end{center}\caption{Two dimensional normal distribution}\label{fig:normal}\end{figure}

Now we can refer to the image:

See figure \ref{fig:normal}.


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

WinEdt has a useful plug-in to insert pictures:


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

WinEdt has a useful plug-in to insert pictures:


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

WinEdt has a useful plug-in to insert pictures:

Remove absolute path

and extension


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Scalable and non-scalable graphics





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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Scalable and non-scalable graphics





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Scalable graphics formats:EPS, PDF, WMF, EMF, SVG.

Non-scalable graphics formats:JPG, GIF, BMP, PNG.But also: all scalable formats!


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Scalable Graphics Software• Corel Designer,

• CorelDraw,

• Adobe Illustrator,

• Microsoft Visio,

• Microsoft Office Drawing,

• OpenOffice.org Draw,

• all computer algebra software (Mathematica, Matlab, Maple)

Non-scalable Graphics Software• Adobe PhotoShop,

• Paint Shop Pro,

• MS Paint,

• all digital photo editing software!


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Including JPG/PNG ImagesLATEX (unlike PDFLATEX) cannot determine the bounding box automatically.

JPEG Image, 2304 × 1728 pixels,72dpi, taken with 4.0 megapixel digitalcamera


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Including JPG/PNG ImagesLATEX (unlike PDFLATEX) cannot determine the bounding box automatically.

JPEG Image, 2304 × 1728 pixels,72dpi, taken with 4.0 megapixel digitalcamera

\includegraphics[width=8cm,bb=0 0 2304 1728]{holiday.jpg}


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

The package listings formats listings. It defines the following commands:

• \lstlisting{...} for inline programming statements.

• \begin{lstlisting} ... \end{lstlisting} for multi-line list-ings.

• \lstinputlisting{filename} imports a complete source file

Including programming statements

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Customizing listingsUsing the command \lstset you can customize the language and appear-ance of the listing:

\lstset{language=Java,basicstyle=\color{black}\ttfamily,commentstyle=\color{green}\itshape\ttfamily,keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries\ttfamily,showstringspaces=false,frame=single, % boxed listingsbackgroundcolor=\color{white}


Supported languages: too many to mention. Included are Basic, C, C++, Del-phi, Fortran, HTML, Java, Mathematica, Matlab, Pascal, Perl, PHP, SAS, SQL,TeX, VBScript, XML.

Including programming statements

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Customizing listingsAlternatively, you can specify options like this:


backgroundcolor=\color{myyellow}]readln(N);for i := 1 to N dobeginwriteln(random)


Including programming statements

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

Customizing listingsAlternatively, you can specify options like this:


backgroundcolor=\color{myyellow}]readln(N);for i := 1 to N dobeginwriteln(random)


readln(N);for i := 1 to N dobeginwriteln(random)


Including programming statements

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

1. insert the picture snowwhite.jpg between the title and the abstract.


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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012

• The LaTeX manual, written by Piet van Oostrum. This is available at thesales point of TU/e syllabi. PDF version already on your laptop!

A Guide to LaTeX, by Helmut Kopka.ISBN 0-321-17385-6.

The LaTeX Companion Second Edition, by Mittelbachand Goossens. ISBN 0-201-36299-6.

• TU/e LaTeX FAQ: http://www.win.tue.nl/latex

• information about a package: Start Menu, MiKTeX group, Documentation,LaTeX Packages Help.

I want to know more about LATEX!!!

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


LATEX Related Programs

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


LATEX Related Programs

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


LATEX Related Programs

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/ department of mathematics and computer science Februari 2012


LATEX Related Programs