Mineral Res. Expl. Bull., 117, 1-4, 1995 LATE TRIASSIC (CARNIAN) UNCONFORMITY IN A BLOCK OF THE LATEST CRETACEOUS VOLCANIC OLISTOSTROME UNIT IN THE IZMIR-ANKARA ZONE Orhan KAYA*; Walid SADEDDİN**; Demir A L T I N E R * and Güssun AKAY* ABSTRACT.- In a huge block within the Latest Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome Unit in the Izmir-Ankara zone, nonmetamorphic epidastic and carbonate Late Triassic (Carnian) strata rest unconformably on metacarbonate. Abundant sand-sized detritus of serpentinite occur in the Late Triassic strata. The unconformity is comparable, with respect to stratigraphic setting, with that in the northerly-lying Late Triassic turbidite-olistostrome zone, between the low-grade metamorphic basement and the Late Triassic sedimentary cover. INTRODUCTION The redefined Izmir-Ankara zone is charac- terized by an outcrop belt of the Latest Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome unit bounded by steepened thrust faults (Kaya, 1992). In the İzmir-Ankara zone, Fig. 1- Structural-stratigraphic settings of the low-grade metamorphic (greenschist and blueschist fades) rocks in the northwestern parts of Anatolia (Kaya 1992). 1- Kaya and Kozur (1987); 2- Kaya Özkoçak and Lisenbee (1989); 4- Kaya and Mostler (1992); 3-8- Kaya in prep.; 9- this report. Arrows indicate the type localities.


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Mineral Res. Expl. Bull., 117, 1-4, 1995


Orhan KAYA*; Walid SADEDDİN**; Demir A L T I N E R * and Güssun AKAY*

ABSTRACT.- In a huge block within the Latest Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome Unit in the Izmir-Ankara zone,nonmetamorphic epidastic and carbonate Late Triassic (Carnian) strata rest unconformably on metacarbonate. Abundantsand-sized detritus of serpentinite occur in the Late Triassic strata. The unconformity is comparable, with respect tostratigraphic setting, with that in the northerly-lying Late Triassic turbidite-olistostrome zone, between the low-grademetamorphic basement and the Late Triassic sedimentary cover.


The redefined Izmir-Ankara zone is charac-

terized by an outcrop belt of the Latest Cretaceousvolcanic olistostrome unit bounded by steepenedthrust faults (Kaya, 1992). In the İzmir-Ankara zone,

Fig. 1- Structural-stratigraphic settings of the low-grade metamorphic(greenschist and blueschist fades) rocks in the northwesternparts of Anatolia (Kaya 1992). 1- Kaya and Kozur (1987); 2- KayaÖzkoçak and Lisenbee (1989); 4- Kaya and Mostler (1992); 3-8-Kaya in prep.; 9- this report. Arrows indicate the type localities.

2 Orhan KAYA, Walid SADEDDİN Demir ALTINER and Güssun AKAY

the Latest Cretaceous volcanıc olistostrome unitoverlies unconformably the low-grado metamor-phics and serpentinized ultramafic tectonites, andthe faults separating these basement entities. Inthe northerly-lying Late Triassic turbidite-olistostrome zone, the Late Triassıc turbidite-olistostrome unit rests unconformably on the low-grade metamorphics with an early termination ofMiddle Triassic (Kaya and Mostler, 1992), and ser-pentinites.

The objective of this report is to describe the

internal stratigraphy of a composite block within theLatest-Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome and tomake an approach to its provenance. W. Sadeddinand D. Altıner investigated the conodonts and fo-raminifers, respectively. Preparatory works weredone by G. Akay.


Major rock units in the report area (fig.2) in-clude the ultramafic unit, the amphibolite unit andthe Latest Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome unit.

Fig. 2- Geological setting and internal stratigraphy of the studied block in the LatestCretaceous volcanic olistostrome unit. See Fig. 1, sequence 9. Topographicsheet: J23-a1


Ultramafic unit

The ultramafic rock, are dunite and harzbur-gite tectonites that are penetratively serpentinizedand pervasively sheared. Jasperoid masses, altera-tion products of the serpentinites, are widespread.

Amphibolite unit

Amphibolites exhibit a well developed layer-ing caused by predominating dark colored laminaeand thinner and laterally discortinuous light coloredlaminae, which are less than a milimeter width.Principle components are barroisitic Ca-amphibole,glaucophane-crossite, chlorite, plagioclase, lawson-ite and quartz. Other minerals that may be presentlocally in large amounts, are white mica, epidote-clinozoisite, garnet, sphene and opaques. An earli-er Low-grade greenschist mineral assemblage ap-pears to have retrograded to the blueschist assem-blage (Kaya, 1981). The amphibolites occur asthrust slices bounded by serpentinites and their sili-cified varieties.

Latest Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome unit

This unit consists of green to reddish brownvolcanogenic shale and sand to pebble-sized reworked submarine mafic volcanic rocks, and float-ing or intimately admixed blocks. The blocks in-clude primarily mafic volcanic rocks andsubordinately pelagic limestones, bedded cherts,amphibolites, metavolcanic and metaclastic rocks,metacorborates, and in still smaller amounts, plat-form-type limestones and lithic sandstone-shalemagasequences. The supporting matrix rocks arebarren of fossils. Unconformable contact betweenthe volcanic olistostrome unit and the underlying ul-tramafic and low- grade metamorphic rocks is ex-posed outside the report area. On the basis ofrows of blocks of comparable lithologies and longaxis orientations of blocks an internal stratigraphycan be established for this unit.

The studied composite block of metacarbo-nate and Late Triassic sedimentary rocks is closelyassociated with various carbonate blocks, andbounded from top and sides by the supporting ma-trix rocks. In the adjoining areas rnetacarbonatesacting as basement are absent.


The huge block (Fig. 2) in the volcanic olis-tostrome unit consists of two parts: (1) the metacar-bonate and (2) the unconformably overlying sedi-mentary assemblage of epiclastic and carbonaterocks. The metacarbonate is light gray to white,massive, ho nogeneous and coarse to very coarse-grained calute-marble Complexely intersectingplanar calcity veins up to 0.5 cm in width related toits dynamometamorphic history, are widespread.The sedimentary part of the block consists, in ageneralized ascending order, of pale red, thinly andunevenly bedded sandy limestone, limestone peb-ble conglomerate with clasts of metacarbonates upto 20 cm in size; dark gray to yellowish gray, thinlyinterbedded shale and sandy limestone with minorpink limestone interlayers; greenish gray and thin tomedium-bedded limy lithic sandstone with abundantintrastratal, sinouus feeding traces up to 1 cm inwidth and 30 cm m length, and, lenticular gray lime-stone. The lithic sandstones and in parts sandylimestones contain sand-sized detrital sarpenti-nite, chlontized serpentinite and related opaques.The above stratigraphic horizons show remarkablevariation in lateral extent. The basal strata a/6 givenin Fig. 3.

The interbedded shale and limestone part ofthe sedimentary sequence carries abundant severe-ly recrystaliizad algae and foraminifers. The latterinclude Aulotortus sp. and Involutinidae, indcating a

4 Orhan KAYA; Walid SADEDDİN; Demir ALTINER and Güssun AKAY

broad age of Triassic. The conodont fauna compris-es Epigondolella pseudodiebeli (Kozur), Gondolellaauriformis Kovacs, G. noah (Hayashi), transitionalform between G. noah (Hayashi) and G. polygnathi-formis Budurov and Stefanov, Crathognathodus ko-chi (Huckriede), Enantiognathus sp. ? Cornudina cf.breviramulis and Gondolella sp. (plate). G. aurifor-mis, E. pseudodiebeli and G. noah, as a whole, areindicative of a Carnian age.


In the Late Triassic turbidite-olistostromezone (Fig.1),the Middle Triassic (Anisian/Ladinianboundary) early termination of the low-grade meta-morphic sequence to the north of Bergama (Kayaand Mostler, 1992), on the ground of conodont evi-dence, points out to the pre-Carnian stratigraphicsetting of the metacarbonate unit (Fig. 1, sequence4). The Carnian unconformity can be compared withthe unconformity between the Middle Triassic andearlier sequence of low-grade metamoiphic rocksand the Late Triassic turbidite-olistostrome unit. Theabundant sand-sized detritus of serpentinite in thesedimentary part of the studied block correlateswith the metaserpentinites and less affected ultra-mafics, which occur as structurally concordant andsyntectonically metamorphosed thrust slices in thelow-grade metamorphic sequence (Kaya,1988,1992). The turbidite-olistostrome unit containsseveral blocks of low-grade metaclastics enclosingblocks of metaserpentinite (into block-in-block rela-tionship) supporting the presence of pre-Late Trias-sic ultramafics (Kaya and Kozur, in prep.).

In conclusion, the metacarbonate part of thestudied block may correlate, with respect to its rela-tive age, with the metacarbonate unit to the north ofthe Izmir-Ankara zone. The sedimentary part may

suggest either to have once preceded the Late Tri-assic turbidite-olistostrome unit, or to be its faciesequivalent.

Manuscript received November 19, 1992


Kaya, O., 1981, Preliminary study on the Paragenetic rela-tionships in the polymetamorphic blueschist rocksof the Tavşanlı area, West Anatolia: Aegean EarthSciences, 1, 27-43.

,1988, Significance of the contact relationships be-tween the ultramafic and low-grade metamorphicrocks in the western parts of Turkey. Symposiumfor the 20th Anniversary of Earth Sciences at Ha-cettepe University, Abstracts, p.9.

,1992, Constraints on the age, stratigraphic andstructural significance of the ophiolitic and adjoin-ing rocks in the western parts of Turkey: In, Savaş-çın, Y. and Donat, H. (eds.), International EarthSciences Congress on Aegean Regions (IESCA1990), Proceedings II, 193-209.

and Kozur, H., 1987, A new and different Jurassicto Early Cretaceous sedimentary assemblage innorthwestern Turkey (Gemlik, Bursa): Implicationsfor the pre-Jurassic to Early Cretaceous tectonicevolution: Yerbilimleri, H. Üniv., 14, 253-268.-

; Özkoçak, O. and Lisenbee, A., 1989, Stratigraphyof the pre-Jurassic blocky sedimentary rocks tothe south of Bursa, NW Turkey: Bull. Min. Res.Expl. Inst., 109, 15-24, Turkey.

and Mostler, H., 1992, A Middle Triassic age forlow-grade greenschist facies metamorphic se-quence in Bergama (Izmir): the first paleontologi-cal age assignment and structural-stratigraphic im-plications. Newsl. Stratigr., 26, 1-17.



Fig. 1- Epigondolella pseudodiebeli (Kozur)(a) lateral view, (b) lower view, X90

Fig. 2- Gondolella auriformis Kovacsa) lateral view, b) lower view, c) upper view,

X160d) lower view, X220, e) lateral view, X128f) upper view, g) lower view, X175h) upper view, i) lateral view, X220j) upper view, k) lower view, X175

Fig. 3- Gondolella noah (Hayashi), juvenile, lateralview, X150

Fig. 4- G. cf. noah (Hayashi)a) lateral view, b) lower view, c) upper view,


Fig. 5- Transtional form between G. noah (Hayashi)and G. polygnathiformis Budurov and Stefanova) lateral view, b) lower view, X120

Fig. 6- Gondolella sp.a) lateral view, b) lower view, X140

Fig. 7- Cratognathodus kochi (Huckriede), X110

Fig. 8- Enantiognathussp.,X175

Fig. 9- ? Comudina cf. breviramulis, X145


Mineral Res Expl. Bull., 117, 5-16, 1995


Orhan KAYA*; Walid SADEDDİN**, Demir ALTINER ***; Engin MERİÇ ****; İzver TANSEL **** and Aylin VURAL*

ABSTRACT.- In western Anatolia, a belt of anchimetamorphic rocks that are characterized by penetratively developed slatydeavage, extensive mineral overgrowths and formation of new phylosilicate minerals extends between the Izmir-Ankara zone andthe northernmost schist and gneiss masses of the Menderes massif In the report area, the anchimetamorphic assemblage isdivisible into three stratigraphic units The Middle Triassic lower slate unit consists mainly of slates representing fine-grained silicicand basic tuffs, and subordinately of silicic lava, quartz-conglomerate, quartzofeldspathic sandstone, gray and red limestones.thinly bedded lithic sandstone and red bedded chert. The Middle Triassic to probably Early Liassic upper slate unit consists mainlyof slates representing illitic mudrocks and lithic wackes, and subordinately of lithic arenite. lithic conglomerate, gray limestone andcoarse-grained mafic tuff. The Middle Liassic limestone unit is made up of gray bioclastic limestones. The Latest Cretaceous (toPaleocene) turbidite-olistostrome unit, which is widely spread in the Izmir-Ankara zone, overlies unconformably the southerly-tyinganchimetamorphic rocks and the steep boundary fault separating these rocks from the older entities of the zone. The exposure ofthe relative allochthon of the anchimetamorphic rocks of a southern origin, the steepening of the fault and the onlap of theturbidite-olistostrome unit onto the anchimetamorphic basement seem to be Latest Cretaceous events.


Separate exposures of penetratively sheared and

pervasively recrystallized sedimentary and volcanicrocks between the redefined İzmir-Ankara zone (lAZ)and the northernmost schist and gneiss masses of

Fig. 1- Major structural-stratigraphic subdivisions of the northwestern parts of Anatolia (Kaya,1992). 'a'-'c', Report areas.

6 Orhan KAYA; Walid SADEDDİN; Demir ALTINER; Engin MERİÇ; İzver TANSEL and Aylin VURAL

the Menderes massif are distinguished and delimit-

ed as an anchimetamorphic assemblage (Kaya,

1992) (Figs. 1-3).

In the report area, The Latest Cretaceous (to

Paleocene) turbidite-olistostrome unit of the Izmir-Ankara zone overlies unconformably the anchimet-amorphic rocks and the boundary fault separatingthe older rocks of the lAZ (i.e. ultramafics, low-grade greenschist and blueschist rocks, and The

Fig. 2- Structural-stratigraphic setting of the anchimetamorphic rocks in west-em Anatolia. ITR-eJ, anchimetamorphic assemblage: 1- Lower slateunit, 2- Upper slate unit, 3- Limestone unit, m, Low-grade (greenschistand blueschist fades) metamorphic rocks (1 Amphibolite unit, 2- Met-adastic unit, 3- Metacarbonate unit, 4- Metaolistostrome unit), ut, ser-pontinized ultramafic tectonites. 1Kvo, Latest Cretaceous volcanicolistostrome unit. 1Kto, Latest Cretaceous (to Paleocene) turbiditeolistostrome unit. Tm2, Middle Miocene; Tm3, Late Miocene. B, Boun-dary fault of an implied Latest Cretaceous age, seperating the rede-fined Izmir-Ankara zone from the anchimetamorphic assemblage. C1,Late Paleocene thrust fault bounding the anchimetamorphic assem-blage against the relative allochthonous crystalline masses of theMenderes massif. C2, Thrust fault defining the northern boundary ofthe redefined İzmir-Ankara zone, contemporary with C1.


Latest Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome unit) fromthe anchimetamorphic assemblage (Kaya,1972,1992).

The anchimetamorphic rocks were first de-

scribed by Canet and Jaoul (1946) in the surround-ings of Akhisar and called "the probably Permo-Carboniferous Akhisar schist". Arpat and Norman

Fig. 3- Generalized order of rock succession of theanchimetamorphic rocks.

(1961) recorded these rocks as "least metamor-phic schists". Kaya (1972) reported the anch meta-morphic rocks to the south of Tavşanlı, dated themas Jurassic on the basis of inconclusive evidence

and established a lower clastic unit (Üyücek fm.)

and an upper limestone unit (Kayaardı Ims.) Hesuggested that the lower clastic unit rests uncon-

formably a low-grade metamorphic sequenca (İki-başlı fm.) of an implied Paleozoic age. Bingöl(1977) recognized the anchimetamorphic rocks tothe east of Gediz and assigned a Middle to LateJurassic age on the basis of foraminifera. In the

surroundings of Akhisar, Akdeniz et al. (1980) andAkdeniz (1985) subdivided the anchimetamorphicsuccession into Triassic clastic and carbonate

rocks, Jurassic clastic rocks with lenses of meta-volcanics and carbonates, and thickly developed

Jurassic to Late Cretaceous carbonates. The basalclastic rocks were said to rest unconformably on

the Paleozoic metamorphics. Erdoğan (1990) con-sidered the relevant Mesozoic sequence to be con-

formably gradational into the underlying low-grademetamorphics of the Menderes massif, and tohave an early termination of Maastrichtian age. To

the south of Kütahya, Göncüoğlu et al. (1992) re-corded a conformable succession of Early Scythi-

an mudrocks and Triassic to Late Cretaceous lime-

stones, in parts probable correlatives of theanchimetamorphic assemblage. They reported thatthis succession overlies unconformably a Carbonif-erous to Permian metamorphic basement, and isoverlain gradationally by a Late Cretaceous (Mid-

dle to Late Maastrichtian) to Early Paleocene sedi-

mentary melange. Okay (1980) considered the rel-

evant areas of anchimetamorphic rocks as beingconstituted of greenschist-amphibolite facies rocks.

The present report, which is concerned with

the upper part of the anchimetamorphic assem-blage, (I) revises the stratigraphy and inconclusive

Jurassic age proposed by Kaya (1972), in the light

of new exposures and fossil findings and recentaccumulation of regional data (Kaya, 1992); and,

(2) documents new age data on the turbidite-

olistostrome unit of the Izmir-Ankara zone, which

has a significant bearing on the understanding the

structural setting of the anchimetamorphic rocks.Authors have contributed this paper as follows:O.Kaya, field work and text; W. Sadeddin, conod-

8 Orhan KAYA; Walid SADEDDİN; Demir ALTINER; Engin MERİÇ; İzver TANSEL and Aylin VURAL


10 Orhan KAYA; Walid SADEDDİN: Demir ALTINER; Engin MERİÇ; İzver TANSEL and Aylin VURAL

onts; D. Altıner, Triassic and Jurassic forammifersand algae; E.Meriç and İ.Tansel Cretaceous fo-raminiters; and, A Vural, recovery of conodonts.


Lower slate unit

This unit (İkibaşlı fm., Kaya. 1972) consists

primarily of volcanogenic slate, and subordinatelyof volcanic, epiclastic and carbonete rocks all withslaty cleavage. The lower siate unit is divisible intothree parts, in ascending order: (1) micaceous

slate with sporadic chloritic slate interlayers; (2quartz conglomerate, quartzofeldspathic sandstone and gray limestone; and, (3) micaceousslate, rhyolitic lava and tuff, red and gray lime-stones, and bedded chert (Fig.4).

The gray micaceous and greenish gray chlo-ritic slates show affinity, respectively, with silicicand basic fine-grained tuffs. The quartz conglomer-ates are light gray, massively bedded, and gramand matrix-supported. The clasts are up to 8 cm insize, round to subround and strongly strained in

most cases. They include primarily white veinquartz, and in minor amounts silicic volcanic rocks,

pink and gray chert and quartzofeldspathic sand-stone. The matrix consists of finer-grained versionsof the pebbles, and white mica and chlorite. Thequartzofeldspathic sandstones are white, thicklybedded and, together with the quartz conglomer-ates, represent upward-coarsening sequences.The gray limestones, which are lenticular bodieson all scales, are microcrystalline and pervasively

recrystallized into sparry patches. The rhyolitic lavaand tuff are composed of the mineral assemblage

of quartz, albite, minor oligoclase, muscovite (2M),

chlorite and minor talc. Quartz and plagioclase

which are mostly rotated,occur as stubby crystalsup to 5 mm in length and give a knotty appearance

to the cleavage plane. Quartz exhibits a moderate-ly undulose extinction and alpha-quartz pseudo-morphs after beta-quartz. Plagioclases are mostlyeuhedral and show overgrowths in pressure shad-ows. Along the cleavage planes, quartz and plagio-clase are thickly sheated by white mica and chlor-ite. A late formation of chlorite is associated with

widely spaced parallel fractures across S1. The redlimestones are up to 3 m in thickness and several

tens of m in lateral extension, and severely recrys-tallized. The red brown cherts occur at the top ofthe unit and are laterally discontinuous They arerecrystallized into fine-grained quartz mosaic.

The base of the lower slate unit is not ex-posed. The quartz conglomerates and quartzofeld-spathic sandstones are locally successively chan-nelized into the slates. This channel system,

ntervened by lanket limes ones, cuts into the low-er uniformly mıcaceous and chloritic slate part ofthe unit, and defınes a vary broad SE-NE trend.The rhyolitıc lava, which represents the upper partof the unit,rests gradationally on the micaceousslate and shows lateral variations in thickness andtexture.

The red limestones contain conodont (PlateI) Gondolella basisymmetrica (Budurov and Stefa-nov), Paragondolella navicula (Huckriede), Gladi-gondolella cf. tethydis (Huckriede), Prioniodina(Cypridodella) muelleri (Tatge), P. spengleri (Huck-riede), P. sp.. Prioniodalla sp., Hindeodella suevica(Tatge), H. sp., Neospathodus cf discretus (Müll-er), N. newpassensis (Mosher). N. sp., Cornudinasp., Cratognathodus sp , Enantiognathus sp.,

?Ozarkodina-type unit and O sp., G. basisymmet-rica places the top strata of the lower slate unit inthe early Ladinian (Fassanian)

Upper slate unit

This, unit (Üyücek fm.; Kaya, 1972) consistsprimarily of illitic slate and pervasively cleaved lith-ic wacke, and subordinately of lenticular lithic aren-ite, limestone, limestone conglomerate, lithic con-

glomerate and coarse-grained mafic tuff, all withslaty disposition. The unit is essentially gray in col-or, but pale red to purple gray slates, and lithic

sandstones and conglomerates occur increasinglyto the top of the unit (Fig. 5).

The slate and lithic wacke, which intergrade,present massive sections, and are locally calcareous. The lithic arenites are thin to thick-bedded,and include micaceous and feldspathic versions.The limestones, which occur mainly in the lowerpart of the unit as extensive lenses, are algal andcrinoidal micrites. They are pervasively racrystal-lized; and fossils are strongly distorted and variablymicritized, or replaced by sparry calcite. The lime-


Fig. 5- Contact relationships between the major units of the anchimetamorphic assemblage. A: J22-b2,12.63:65.79; B, J23-a1, 25.21: 69.28. A1, Gray rhyolitic tuff; A2, gray chloritic slate; A3, gray(grayish yellow weathering) illitic slate; A4, gray limestone; A5, purple gray slate. 81, Purple grayillitic slate; B2. gray (grayish yellow weathering) illitic slate; B3. gray lithic arenite; B4, gray lime-stone; B5, gray limestone pebble conglomerate; B6, gray limy slate; B7, gray dolomitized lime-stone; B8. gray clayey limestone.

12 Orhan KAYA; Walid SADEDDIN; Demir ALTINER; Engin MERİÇ; İzver TANSEL and Aylin VURAL

Fig. 6- Bedded chert lenses in the basal part of the upperslate unit suggest an interfingering contact relation-ship between the lower and upper slate units (SheetJ22-b2). 1- Latest Cretaceous turbidite-olistostromeunit; 2- Latest Cretaceous volcanic olistostrome unit;3- Upper slate unit; 4- Lenticular gray limestone(upper slate unit); 5- Lenticular bedded chert (upperslate unit); 6- Lower slate unit; 7-Paleo-alluvium;8- Boundary fault overlain by the Latest Cretaceousturbidite-olistostrome unit, and reactivated.

stone conglomerates occur as thin to medium-thickintercalations in the uppermost part of the unit (Fig.5). They are composed of fine to medium-sizedpebbles of light gray recrystalfized limestones,which are slightly strained. The supporting matrixis calcareous mudstone and, less commonly, lime-stone.- The coarse-grained mafic tuff consists ofchlorite, chloritized rock fragments, and minor relicpyroxene, epidote series minerals and white mica.Locally it contains thin interlayers of mafic lava,and interlayers and rows of nodules of marble-likerecrystallized limestone.

Both the lower slate and upper slate units ex-hibit a good diversity of rock types and strong lateralvariations near their mutual contacts. However, thecontact between the bulk rocks of micaceous slateand illitic slate is conformable and gradational(Fig.5). The presence of the bedded chert in thevery base of the upper slate unit (Fig. 6.), severalkm away from its occurrenqe at the top of the lowerslate unit, may suggest a diachronous contact rela-tionship between the two units.

Lenses of recrystallized algal limestone, atthe lowermost part of the upper slate unit have


yielded an inconclusive foraminiferal fauna includingAulotortus sp. (gr. sinuosus), Ophthalmidium?, Au-loconus?, Duostominidae, galeanellid foraminifersand involutinidis, which may tentatively suggest aMiddle to Late Triassic age. The conodonts, whichare poorly preserved, include Prioniodina muelleri(Tatge) and Hibardella cf. magnidentata (Tatge). P.muelleri is Middle Triassic in age and indicates anupper age limit of latest Ladinian. This assigns a La-dinian age to the base of the unit. The upper slateunit should reach as far as Early Liassic, because itis conformably and gradationally overlain by theMiddle Liassic limestone unit.

Limestone unit

This unit (Kayaardı Limestone: Kaya, 1972)consists primarily of bioclastic limestones, which arewhite to light gray, medium to thick-bedded and per-vasively recrystallized (Fig.7). Widespread dolomiti-zation has obliterated the original texture and strati-fication. Shearing becomes gradually less distinct tothe core of the unit.

The limestone unit lies gradationally on theupper slate unit (Fig.5). The lenticular bodies oflimestone conglomerates, in the contact intervalseem to be intrabasinal in origin.

In the lower part of the limestone unit recrys-tallized limestone patches, which locally escapeddolomitization, contain algae Thaumatoporella par-vovesiculifera Rainer, Paleodasycladus mediterran-eus (Pia) and P. elongatulus (Praturlon), and forami-nifers Lituosepta recoarensis Cati, Orbitopsellaprimaeva (Henson), O. praecursor (Guembel), Hau-

rania deserta Henson, Mayncina termieri Hottinger,Pseudocylammina liassica? Hottinger, Valvulinasp.,

Siphovalvulina sp. and Ataxophragmiidae, which in-dicate as a whole a Middle Liassic age.


The redefined İzmir - Ankara zone (İAZ) ischaracterized by The Latest Cretaceous volcanicolistostrome unit overlying unconformably an olderstructural system of ultramafic and low-grade meta-morphic (greenschist and blueschist) rocks (Kaya,1992). The Latest Cretaceous (to Paleocene) tucbi-dite-olistostrome unit which conformably but abrupt-ly overlies the volcanic olistostrome unit, extends

across the boundaries of the lAZ, well into south-west (Bernouilli et al., 1974) and northwest Anatolia(Eroskay, 1965), and consequently is not character-

istic for the lAZ (Kaya, 1992).

Latest Cretaceuos (to Paleocene) turbidite-olistostrome unit

This unit (Karaçalı fm.; Kaya, 1972) consists

of turbiditic megasequences of shale and sand-stone-shale, pebbly mudrocks of debris-flow origin,

and blocks primarily of platform-type limestones,submarine mafic volcanic rocks and pelagic rocksincorporated in olistostromes with a supporting ma-trix of the above type of strata. In the study area(Fig. 4), for most part the unit is represented by anEarly Campanian to Early Maastrichtian platform-type limestone slab (tabular block) more than 7 kmlong in a S-N direction (the Budağan limestoneslab). The matrix rocks underlying the Budağanlimestone slab include regularly stratified, gray,

thickly bedded to massive, finely pebbly and coarse-grained lithic arenites, gray and red-brown shales,

and minor lithic conglomerates. Those overlying theslab are gray lithic arenites and gray shales which

exhibit everywhere soft-sediment deformation fea-tures to the degree of sandstone-shale melange.

The unit contains Permian, probably Triassic,Jurassic and Early Cretaceous limestone blocksand pebbles. The apparently basal part of the Buda-ğan limestone slab, and many other clasts as well,contain Orbitoides medius (d'Archiac), O. concava-tus Rahaghi, Pseudosiderolites vidali (Douville),Praesiderolites dordoniensis Wannier, Lepidorbi-

toides cf. campaniensis van Gorsel and Sulcopercu-line sp., as a whole indicating a Late Campanian to

Early Maastrichtian age. The pelagic limestone

blocks carry Globotruncana bulloides Vogler, G. cf.

area (Cushman), G. sp. (gr. lapparenti), Globotrun-canita cf. stuarti (de Lapparent) and Abathomphal-

us? sp., indicating an Early, to probably MiddleMaastrichtian age. A small limestone block of higherstratigraphic position than the Budağan limestoneSlab yields a youngest age of Late Maastrichtian.The relevant microfauna consists of Globotruncanita

stuarti (de Lapparent), Abathomphalus mayaroensisBolli and Rosita contusa (Cushman).

In the western parts of Turkey Maastrichtian

14 Orhan KAYA; Walid SADEDDİN; Demir ALTINER;Engin MERİÇ;İzver TANSEL and Aylin VURAL

Fig. 8- Unconformity between the Latest Cretaceous turbidite-olistostrome unit (1 Cto) and the upperslate unit of the anchimetamorphic assemblage (A.A.). 1 - Light gray, microcrystalline, medium-bedded to massive limestone block of gigantic proportions; 2- Gray shale with minor thin inter-layers of lithic arenite; 3- Pale red shale; 4- Thin to medium-bedded interstratification of shaleand lithic arenite; 5- Gray, thickly bedded to massive, in places, finely pebbly coarse to verycoarse-grained lithic arenite; 6- Gray lithic conglomerate with limestone pebbles (left), graylimestone pebble conglomerate (right); 7- Illitic slate and slaty lithic arenite. A, 11.30:66.60; B,07.77:64.00; C, 07.15:64 36; D, 07.03:64.46: E, 07.12:64.77; F, 07.08:65.10; G, 06.38:68.70.

to Early Pateocene ages (e.g. Eroskay, 1965; Ber-

nouilli et al., 1974; Brinkmann, 1976; Konuk, 1977;

Erdoğan, 1990) were assigned to the rock assem-

blages corresponding to the turbidite-olistostrome

unit, in and outside the lAZ In the report area, the

carbonate clasts indicate a lower age limit of Late

Maastnchtian for the seemingly sterile matrix rocks.

There, a Latest Cretaceous age can be suggested

tentatively for the turbidite-olistostrome unit which is

represented by its stratigraphically lowermost part



The Latest Cretaceous (to Paleocene) turbi-dite-olistostrome unit rests unconformably on theanchimetamorphic rocks (Fig. 8). The basal lithicsandstones contain pebbles derived from the under-lying lower slate unit.

The near-vertical boundary fault (Kaya, 1972,1992) delimits the mutual extent and relative posi-tions of the lAZ and the anchimetamorphic belt (Fig.1). In places, the fault is exposed between the ultra-mafics and/or volcanic olistostrome unit of the lAZand the anchimetamorphic assemblage (Figs. 6 and7). In Budağan dağ (Fig. 4), the fault passes underthe turbidite-olistostrome unit. The buried fault isexpressed at the surface by the zones of severestrain recystallization in the Budağan limestone slaband a fault-bounded block of the volcanic olistos-trome pierced through the slab.

The northward underthrust of the anchimeta-morphic assemblage is a regional implication (Kaya,1981,1992). Biogeographic evidence, such as Orbi-topsella species in the Middle Liassic limestone unitsupports a southern origin (Altıner, 1989). A tectonictransport towards NNW can be suggested tentative-ly, on the grounds of one-fold structural elementssuch as strain-related pebble elongation in thequartz conglomerates.

The shearing confined to the basal part of theturbidite-olistostrome unit appears to be related toTertiary compressional movements in the sense ofrecurrent northward tectonic transportations.


1- The anchimetamorphic assemblage is acoherent structural-stratigraphic entity. Penetrativeand polyphase shearing affected the assemblage.However, in most places slaty cleavage is subparal-tel to the bedding. Recrystallization is confined tonew formation of phyllosilicates and extensive over-growths.

The rock composition of the report and con-tiguous areas is not compatible with Okay's (1980)"Afyon zone" consisting of greenschist-amphibolitefacies rocks.

2- The anchimetamorphic assemblage is di-visible, with respect to major rock types, into (i) thelower slate unit consisting of silicic and (minor) maf-ic volcanogenic rocks, and silicic volcanic rocks; (ii)the upper slate unit consisting of epiclastic rocks;and, (iii) the limestone unit.

An unconformable setting on a so-called low-grade metamorphic basement, as it was implied byKaya (1972) between the micaceous slates of thelower slate unit and illitic slates of the upper slateunit, is not justified by recent field evidence basedon new exposures.

3- The uppermost part of the lower slate unitand the lowermost part of the upper slate unit areMiddle Triassic (Ladinian) in age, on the basis of co-nodont evidence (first introduced in this report). Thelimestone unit is Middle Liassic in age. A Late Tri-assic to Early Liassic age can be suggested for theupper part of the upper slate unit, which presents alithic uniformity and an apparent continuity in suc-cession. As yet no conodont or foraminifer is ob-tained from the relevant strata.

4- The Latest Cretaceous (to Paleocene) tur-bidite-olistostrome unit, which is represented by itsbasal part in the report area, may have a minimumage of Late Maastrichtian. It rests unconformably onthe upper slate unit and overlies the boundary faultbetween the older rocks units of the Izmir-Ankarazone and the anchimetamorphic assemblage.

The Budağan limestone slab and blocks inti-mately admixed with it are of different Late Creta-ceous ages. This invalidates a lithostratigraphic set-ting accepted by Kaya (1972) and others(e.g.Göncüoğlu et al., 1992) for the Budağan lime-stone slab.

The suggestion of conformable and grada-tional contact relationship between the anchimeta-morphic rocks (or their correlatives) and the "LateCretaceous melanges" of the İzmir-Ankara zone,which is widely accepted in previous work (see In-troduction), is not tenable.

5- A pre-Latest Cretaceous fault, actually an(under) thrust, separates the Izmir-Ankara zone andthe southerly-lying anchimetamorphic belt. The

16 Orhan KAYA; Walkid SADEDDİN; Demir ALTINER; Engin MERİÇ; İzver TANSEL and Aylin VURAL

steepening of the fault, exposure of the anchimeta-morphic rocks and the onlap of the turbtdite-olistostrome onto the anchimetamorphics are LatestCretaceous events.

Manuscript received October 19. 1996


Altıner, D., 1989, An example for the tectonic evolution of

the Arabian Platform margin (SE Anatolia) during

Mesozoic and some criticisms of the previously

suggested models: Şengör, A.M.C., ed., TectonicEvolution of the Tethyan Region, Kluwer Academ-

ic Publishers, Dordrecht, 117-129.

Akdeniz, N., 1985, Akhisar-Gölmarmara-Gördes-Sındırgı

dolayının jeolojisi: Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniv.,

155 p., (unpublished).

; Konak, N. and Armağan, F., 1980, Akhisar (Mani-

sa) güneydoğusunun Alt Mesozoyik kaya birimleri:

Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 2, 77-90.

Arpat, E. and Norman, T., 1961, Akhisar 70/4 paftasının

kapsadığı sahalarda jeolojik incelemeler: MTA

Rep., 3458 (unpublished), Ankara.

Bernouilli, D.; Graciansky, P. Ch. and Monod, D., 1974,

The extension of the Lycian nappes (SW Turkey)

into the southeastern Aegean islands: Ecl. Geol.

Helv. 67, 39-90.

Bingöl, E., 1977, Muratdağı jeolojisi ve ana kayaç birimle-

rinin petrolojisi: Türkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 20, 13-66.

Brinkmann, R., 1976, Geology of Turkey. Ferdinand Enke

Veriag, Stungart, 158 p.

Caner, J. and Jaoul, P., 1946, Manisa-Aydın-Kula-Gördesbölgesinin jeolojisi hakkında rapor: MTA Rep.,2068 (unpublished), Ankara.

Erdoğan, B., 1990, İzmir-Ankara Zonu'nun, İzmir ile Sefe-rihisar arasındaki bölgede stratigrafik özellikleri vetektonik evrimi: Turkiye Petrol Jed. Der. Bull., 2

(1), 1-20.

Eroskay, O., 1965, Paşalar Boğazı Gölpazarı sahasının je-

olojisi: İstanbul Üniv. Fen Fak. Mecm. Seri B., XXX(3-4), 135-170.

Göncüoğlu, M.C.; Özcan, A.; Turhan, N. and lşık, A.,1992, Stratigraphy of the Kütahya region: Interna-tional Symposium on the Geology of the BlackSea Region (ISGB), Guide Book, 3-8, Ankara.

Kaya, O., 1972, Tavşanlı yöresi ofiyolif sorununun ana-çizgileri: Turkiye Jeol. Kur. Bull., 15, 26-108.

, 1981, Batı Anadolu Altabindirmesi -Ultramafik biri-min ve Menderes Masifinin jeolojik konumu: DoğaBilim Derg., Atatürk Özel Sayısı, 5, 15-37.

, 1992, Constraints on the age, stratigraphic andstructural significance of the ophiolitic and adjoin-ing rocks in the western parts of Turkey -an alter-native structural- stratigraphic classification: Sa-vaşçın, Y., and Eronat, H., ed., International EarthSciences Congress on Aegean Regions (IESCA),Proceedings II, 193-209, Izmir.

Konuk, T., 1977, Bornova filişinin yaşı hakkında: EgeÜniv. Fen Fak. Derg., Seri B, 1(1), 65-74.

Okay, A.I., 1980, Mineralogy, petrology and phase rela-

tions of glaucophane-lawsonite zone blueschistsfrom the Tavşanlı region: Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.,72, 243-255.



Fig. 1 Gondolella basisymmetrica (Budurov ana Ste-fanov)

a) Upper view, X100, b) lower view, X130

Fig. 2- Paragondolella navicula (Huckriede), lateralview, X88

Fig. 3- Gladigondolella cf. tethydis (Huckriede)

a) Upper view, X150, b) lower view, X168

Fig. 4- Prioniodina (Cypridodella) muelleri (Tatge), ia-teraJ view, X180

Fig. 5- Prioniodina spengleri (Huckriede), lateral view,X84

Fig. 6- Prioniodina sp., lateral view, X180

Fig. 7- Prioniodina sp., lateral view, X148

Fig. 8- Prioniodina sp., lateral view, X119

Fig. 9- Hindeodelia suevica (Tatae), lateral view, X95

Fig. 10- Hindeodella sp., lateral view, X100

Fig. 11- Neospathodus cf. discretus (Müller), lateralview, X180

Fig. 12- Neospathodus newpasensis (Mosher), lateralview, X177

Fig. 13- Neospathodus sp., lateral view,

Fig. 14- Comudinasp., lateral view, X100

Fig. 15- Cratognathodussp., X117

Fig. 16- Enantiognathus sp., X100

Fig. 17- ?Ozarkodina-type unit, lateral view, X120

Fig. 18- Ozarkodina sp., lateral view, X184

Mineral Res. Expl Bull , 117, 17-28, 1995


Taner ÜNLÜ*, Henrik STENDAL**; Emil MAKOVICKY" and İ. Sönmez SAYILI*

ABSTRACT - Divriği A-Kafa iron deposit is tectonically located at the contact between serpentinites, and limestones and/orgranitic rocks, while Divriği B-Kafa iron deposit lies between serpentinites and limestones Both deposits were formed duringhydrothermal alteration of serpentinites Magnetite constitutes the dominant ore mineral of A-Kafa with up to 5 vol. %disseminated pyrite The main ore mineral at B Kafa is a maghemitized and martitized magnetite cross-cut by carbonate andsilicate veinlets Textural relationships of ore minerals indicate that iron is derived from serpentinites The iron is enriched byserpentinization processes and further concentrated by hydrothermal convective cells caused by the intrusion of the Murmanopluton. These convective cells exert important influence on the shape of the ore bodies The suggested model implies that theregion has potential for future exploration wath a good chance for finding additional iron ore reserves


The iron ores of the Divriği area of CentralAnatolia are the most important in Turkey. Unlu andStendal (1986, 1989a, 1989b) and Stendal andÜnlü (1988,1991) described the genesis of theseiron ores from a geochemical point of view. In thispaper the ore mineral textures are studied. Previ-ous field investigations in the area and its close vi-cinity have been carried out by Koşal (1973), Bay-han (1980), Ozgul et al: (1981) and Gultekin(1993). Detailed geochemical studies of the ore de-posits and its surrounding have been described byGümüş (1979), Stendal and Unlu (1988, 1991),Ünlü and Stendal (1986, 1989a, 1989b), Unlu et al.(1989), Zeck and Ünlü (1987, 1988a, 19886, 1991),and Unlu (1989). Ore microscopic investigationshave been made by Gysin (1938), Klemm (1960),Gümüş (1969), Bozkurt (1974, 1980), Çağatay(1975), Çağatay and Arda (1976), Bayhan (1980),Bayhan and Baysal (1981).


The host and country rocks of Divriği irondeposits are mainly represented by serpentinitestectonically related with Mesozoic limestones, hy-drothermally altered serpentinites and graniticrocks The ore deposits occur in extensively hydro-thermally altered serpentinites bordering the con-tacts to intrusive rocks.

The alteration processes have affected theiron ores at different stages by remobilization of Feand recrystallization of the iron ore minerals. Themain processes are the serpentinization of ultra-mafic rocks followed by the intrusion of the Murma-no granitic pluton. The latest changes of the orehappened during weathering processes.

In this study, the formation of the ore depositwill be discussed, based on the textural relation-ships between ore minerals in Divriği A-and B-Kafa.Textural features of ore minerals in the Divriği-Güneş-Soğucak region, especially in serpentinitessampled away from the granitic rocks and serpenti-nites cut by the Murmano pluton (Fig.1) and thushydrothermally altered, will be discussed as well.Serpentinites of Divriği iron ore deposits are exten-sively altered by hydrothermal fluids. Both magmat-ic and meteoric water circulated in a convectivesystem activated by heat from the intrusion of gra-nitic rocks. In this study, the role of two differentstages of alteration, the serpentinization and the hy-drothermal alteration of the serpentinites will be dis-cussed by means of their reflection in mineral tex-tures.

Lithologies represented. by serpentinized ul-tramafic rocks and mafic rocks of Güneş, ophioliteand Mesozoic aged limestone blocks crop outaround Soğucak. Serpentinites are the host rocksof disseminated and vein type mineralizations.

18 Taner ÜNLÜ; Henrik STENDAL; Emil MAKOVICKY and İ. Sönmez SAYILI




A- and B-Kafa serpentinites

Serpentinites crop out close to the Divriğiiron ore deposits and are generally derived fromperidotites. Pyroxenites are also pervasively ser-pentinized. Serpentinites contain olivine relics to-gether with lizardite, chrysotile, antigorite, bastiteand uralites as well as disseminations and veinletsof opaque minerals. Serpentinites are the hostrocks to the Divriği A- and B-Kafa iron ore deposits.

The dominant opaque mineral in the serpen-tinites is magnetite. Magnetites with various crystalforms reflect different formation conditions. Massivemagnetite contains irregularly scattered, anhedralpyrite and silicate inclusions. The magnetite under-went secondary replacement by goethite and lepid-ocrocite.

A second magnetite type in the serpenti-nites occurs as rims of euhedral to subhedral andlocally cataclastic chromites (Plate III, fig. 2). Atransition zone between magnetite and chromite isillustrated in Plate I, fig. 5-6 and Plate V, fig. 4. Inaddition, magnetites occur in cracks of the chro-mites. A third kind of magnetite is apparently local-ized along the borders between olivine and orthop-yroxene relics in the serpentinization texture of therock.

These magnetite types are formed duringserpentinization and are characterized by inclu-sions of minor amounts of pyrite (± Ni-sulphides)and abundant silicates (Plate III, fig.1). Other formsof magnetite are often observed as rınglike shapessurrounding silicate pseudomorphs. Limonite as an-other replacement product (Plate II, fig. 1-4) is con-centrated in small cracks of above mentioned sili-cates (Plate IV, fig.4).

Euhedral magnetites without any ore mineralinclusions are younger than the above mentionedmagnetites and occur in small amounts in veinletscross cutting the host rock.

Pyrrhotite is observed occasionally in theserpentinites.

Hydrothermally altered serpentinites of A-andB-Kafa

Hydrothermally altered serpentinites dose tothe contact of granitic rocks near the Divriği iron oredeposit can be distinguished from the unalteredserpentinites by their lighter colour and lesseramounts of disseminated opaque minerals. Brec-cias in serpentinite and in veinlets are frequentlyseen in the hydrothermally altered serpentinitesand veinlets filled by magnetite with sulphide, silicaand carbonate minerals cutting the rock intensively.

Disseminated, fine grained anhedral magne-tite occurs together with pyrite and chalcopyrite.Some magnetite is replaced by goethite. Pyrite con-tains pyrrhotite, magnetite, chalcopyrite and silicateinclusions. Chalcopyrite is accompanied by anhe-dral millente and linneite (violarite) minerals.

Magnetite occurs also at the outer rim of eu-hedral to subhedral and partly cataclastic, roundedchromites like those described in the serpentinites.This type of magnetite surrounds the chromitesand is also emplaced in the cracks of chromites(Plate V, fig.3). A transition zone with various col-ours exists between chromite and surroundingmagnetite (Plate V, fig.2). Silicate inclusions are ob-served in some chromites. Magnetite- chromite oc-currences are associated with fine-grained euhe-dral and disseminated pyrite, chalcopyrite andmagnetite. Most of the magnetite is cataclastic andwithout inclusions.

Another magnetite generation is character-ized by transition from magnetite with abundant sili-cate inclusions to one without any inclusions. Thisstage indicates the most important feature distin-guishing hydrothermally altered serpentinitescaused by granitic rocks from the primary serpenti-nites. Silicate mineral inclusions in magnetite grad-ually disappear, resulting in a magnetite rim withoutany inclusions. The pure, recrystallized magnettiteis sometimes associated with pyrite without any in-clusions, but frequently with coarse grained, angu-lar silicate minerals. Intergrowths between magne-tite, pyrite and silicate do exist and magnetite isusually surrounded by silicates.

Veins and veinlets with magnetite containabundant silicate inclusions. This young generationof magnetite is coarse grained, displays very weak

20 Taner ÜNLÜ; Henrik STENDAL; Emil MAKOVICKY and İ. Sönmez SAYILI

anisotropy and equilateral quadrant-like sectorialzoning. It should be taken into account that thiszoning can be formed as a replacement texture oforthopyroxene by magnetite (Plate VII, fig. 2). Thistype of magnetite is associated with angular, fine-grained and tabular mica minerals (e.g. phlogopite).Sulphide minerals are absent in this paragenesis,only magnetite arid silicates occur together.

Rutile is found in the hydrothermally altered,partly serpentinized and chloritized mafic rocks. Ru-tile is also found as inclusions in pyrite surroundedby silicates. Rutile is occasionally transformed tosphene. The rutile formation is interpreted as alter-ation of primary titanomagnetite and ilmenite.

Extensively hydrothermally altered serpenti-nites have a few late stage veins with sphalerite,chalcopyrite, chalcosite, digenite, tetraedrite-tennantite and galena.

A-Kafa ore deposit

Divriği A-Kafa is the largest known ore bodyin the Divriği region (100 mill. t). It occurs at thecontact of granitic rocks and serpentinites and thehost rock is hydrothermally altered serpentinite(Fig.1). The contacts between the different rockunits are sharp. Extensive crushing and brecciationare observed at the contact of the ore body and thegranitic rocks. The magnetite ore includes dissemi-nated pyrite ranging between 1-5 % by volume.

The oldest generation of magnetite in the orebody contains abundant silicate-but rare sulphideinclusions. Most of the sulphide inclusions are dis-solved and replaced by limonite. Only a small partof the pyrite exists as relics.

The magnetite ore is cataclastic and thegrain size varies from very fine to very coarse(Plate V, fig. 5). Cataclastic grains are zoned moreextensively than in the hydrothermally altered ser-pentinites. The inner part of the grain has more sili-cate and less sulphide inclusions, whereas the out-er part consists of more pure magnetite (Plate V,fig. 6). This pure magnetite is formed as a result ofrecrystallization of older magnetite. The magnetiteoccurs generally as angular to subhedral, roundedgrains and is located in a matrix of fine-grained sili-cate and carbonate. Pyrite without silicate inclu-sions is scattered among these pure magnetite

crystals. This indicates the relationship betweeniron dissolution from older generation magnetiteand the- conditions for the precipitation of new min-erals. The higher is the oxygen content, the richeris the sample in magnetite. Interplay between theformation of magnetite, pyrite and silicate mineralsdepends on the oxygen and sulphur fugacities(Plate VI, fig. 1-6). This three component textureconstitutes an important part of the crude oremined from the Divriği A-Kafa iron deposit.

The A-Kafa magnetite is generally fresh butin some places martitization and less maghemitiza-tion occur. The youngest generation of magnetite isfracture fillings.

Pyrite with magnetite and silicate inclusionsforms droplike, anhedral and very finegrained ag-gregates. Coarse-grained pyrite without any silicateinclusions is found together with pure magnetite.The coarse-grained pyrite is associated with chal-copyrite and pyrrhotite. Pyrite might contain chalco-pyrite and pyrrhotite as inclusions (and/or veinlets)in some places. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite are of-ten dissolved, whereas pyrite is more stable. Goldparticles are detected very rarely in the youngestpyrites.

Chalcopyrite occurs in pyrite with pyrrhotiteas inclusions and veinlets. Coarse-grained chalco-pyrite shows lamellar twinning and encloses miller-ite and linneite (violarite). Cubanite and valleriiteexsolutions are seen in coarse-grained chalcopyr-ite. In addition, anhedral to subhedral chalcopyritein silicates are accompanied by marcasite and bra-voite which replace pyrrhotite and pentlandite, re-spectively.

Millerite, linneite (violarite) and pentlandite-bravoite occur together with pyrite, chalcopyrite andpyrrhotite. Further, millerite and linneite (violarite)inclusions are observed in chalcopyrite and viceversa. Beyond the alteration phenomena betweenmillerite and violarite, the original textural relation-ship represents solid solution crystallization.

Subhedral to euhedral pyrrhotite crystalscontain frequently chalcopyrite inclusions. Pyrrho-tite is replaced by pyrite and marcasite. Inner partsof pyrrhotite are dissolved and hydrogoethite is de-veloped (Plate VII, fig.5). Two constituents repre-sented by marcasite and pyrite are formed as root-


like transitional layers creating bird's eye texture.

The secondary anhedral bravoite originatingfrom pentlandite is observed in pyrrhotite and is fur-ther altered to pyrite-marcasite. In the marcasiteand pentlandite, mackinawite exsolutions are ob-served. Angular, euhedral, fine-grained linneites(perhaps carolite ?) are scattered in the silicate andthe chalcopyrite.

Lepidocrocite, goethite and sometimes hy-drogoethite minerals develop as secondary prod-ucts at the sites of sulphide minerals. Abundant lim-onite occurrences as well as covellite are observedin cracks.

Most of the coarse-grained silicates consistof biotite, phologopite and muscovite. Very fine-grained and unrecognizable, silicate and carbonateminerals are found in the cataclastic magnetite.

B-Kafa ore deposit

The B-Kafa ore body is placed at the contactbetween serpentinite and limestone. The serpenti-nites are hydrothermally altered and extensively cutby cm to dm thick magnetite veins and in someplaces by silica and carbonate veins with ore miner-als as well. The magnetite is partly maghemitizedand martitized. In addition, various sulphide miner-als occur.

Two kinds of magnetite can be distinguishedin the B-Kafa ore body. One magnetite is pure,without maghemitization and martitization and theother displays these alterations. Different genera-tions of magnetites are found in samples with no al-teration. The first generation, anhedral magnetite,contains inclusions of fine-grained sulphide miner-als such as pyrite and pyrrhotite and some silicate.A younger generation of pure magnetite occurs to-gether with minor amount of pyrite. Euhedral grainsof chalcopyrite occur disseminated and in veinletswith little amounts of pyrrhotite associated with py-rite. Millerite inclusions and very fine-grained spha-lerite are observed in chalcopyrite.

Cataclastic magnetite is altered by martitiza-tion and accompanying maghemitization (Plate VII,fig. 3). Martitization advanced in two different stag-es. The first stage envelopes the grains while theyounger generation forms needlelike martitizatipnaggregates perpendicular to the gram, developed

at the inner part of the grains and cutting the earliermartitization. Martitization is developed at theeddes, cracks and (111) cleavage surfaces i.e.weak zones of the magnetite. Pyrites associatedwith maghemitized and martitized magnetite con-tains goethite and lepidocrocite in cracks and arecommonly characterized by needle or grain likemarcasitization (Plate VII, fig. 4). Sometimes collo-form (gellike) goethite is observed. Sulphide miner-als are secondarily replaced by lepidocrocite andgoethite appearing in boxwork textures in someplaces.

Fine-grained silicate inclusions occur in oldermagnetite while younger pure magnetite and pyriteare associated with coarse grained silicates.

A-Kafa granitic rocks

Although refered to as granitic rocks in litera-ture, the igneous rocks of the Murmano pluton incontact to the Divriği A-Kafa iron ore deposit vary incomposition from quartz syenite to monzonite evendiorite. Dominant rock type of this complex pluton ischaracterized by monzonite (Zeck and Ünlü 1987;1988a; 19886).

Tabular hematite and ilmenite grains and eu-hedral to subhedral magnetite occur among the sili-cates of the monzonite. The magnetite is martitizedalong cleavages. Sphene and rutile occur as well.The minerals are associated with coarse-grained il-menite with fine hematite exsolutions. Magnetite ispartly replaced by goethite and/or goethite occuroccasionally after pyrite in magnetite. Some hydro-goethites contain pyrite relics.

Widespread martitization observed in mostof the coarse-grained magnetite is developed bothin cracks, and parallel to (111) surfaces, of themagnetite. Martitization is also seen at the borderof euhedral ilmenite grains occurring in magnetite.

Sulphide minerals are generally replaced bylimonites.

Two types of magnetite occur in diorites ofthe Murmano pluton located a little further from theA-Kafa iron ore The first type is represented bycoarse-grained magnetite of primary origin and ex-hibits penetrating martitization and maghemitiza-tion. The second type of magnetite tends to form

22 Taner ÜNLÜ; Henrik STENDAL; Emil MAKOVICKY and İ. Sönmez SAYILI

during reactions between the silicate minerals andis concentrated at the edges of the silicates as tinymagnetite crystals. Small amounts of ilmenite, ru-tile, sphene and hematite are also observed in dio-rites.

Soğucak (Güneş) region serpentlnites

Serpentinite crops out between Divriği andÇetinkaya and is derived from peridotites. Pyroxen-ite is also serpentinized. Serpentinite contains oli-vine relics together with serpentine group mineralsrepresented by lizardite, antigorite and chrysotileand uralites in addition to large amount of opaqueminerals. Serpentinized peridotite and pyroxeniteare the host rocks for disseminated mineralizationsof Ni-, Co-, Cu-, and Fe- sulphides and magnetiteand chromite. Magnetite-bearing veins in fracturesand cracks of the Serpentinite vary from millimeterto several dm in thickness.

Disseminated, fine-grained euhedral to sub-hedral magnetite usually contains pyrite and silicatemineral inclusions and pyrite in veinlets. Pyrite isgenerally droplike. Euhedral to subhedral pyrrhotiteis often associated with magnetite, including pent-landite exsolutions frequently replaced by violarite.Mackinawite exhibits wormlike figures in pentland-ite. Cubanite lamellas in chalcopyrite occur togeth-er with disseminated pyrrhotite and pentlandite.Magnetite surrounds the chromite like a zone, atransition zone between magnetite and chromite isobserved in almost every grain (Plate I, fig. 1-4).

Typical magmatic corrosion features are ob-served along the edges of some euhedral chro-mites (Plate III, fig. 4) but in others this feature ismissing (Plate III, fig. 5-6). In the chromite, magne-tite is preceded by a transition zone to pure magne-tite surrounding the chromite like a haloe. Euhedralpyrite and silicate inclusions are observed in thismagnetite (Plate III, fig. 3). Silicate inclusions alsooccur in the chromite. Magnetite separated out dueto the serpentinization process postdates the chro-mites (Plate IV, fig. 5). Two kinds of textural relationappear at the contact between silicate and chro-mite surrounded by magnetite. One part of thechromite represents almost angular and regularcontact relation, another part of the chromite showsirregular, dissolution-like contact relations with sili-

cates (Plate IV. fig. 6). Serpentinization is commonin the latter type of texture. Some chromite grainscontairi both types of relationship (Plate V, fig. 1).

Magnetite formed by senpentinization is lo-cated as pseudomorphs after olivine and orthopy-roxenes (Plate II, fig. 5). Common silicate inclu-sions and pyrite occurrences are observed in thiskind of magnetite. Flowerlike growths of magnetiteobserved besides finegrained, irregularly distribut-ed magnetite and euhedral and/or subhedral mag-netite grains are thought to be related with serpen-tinization. Additionally, fine-grained secondarymagnetite is often situated along the cleavage andcracks of silicate minerals (Plate II, fig. 6) (Plate IV,fig. 1-3). In the Serpentinite pyrrhotite is intensivelyaltered to pyrite and magnetite (Plate VII, fig. 6)and rarely to marcasite with bird eye texture. Mag-netite is maghemitized and martitized. The young-est magnetite occurs in veinlets and in the cracksand fractures of the serpentinites (see also Bozkurt,1974; Bayhan, 1980; Bayhan and Baysal, 1981).


As a result of textural studies, three, mainstages and one transition stage are recognized inthe ore, host and country rocks of Divriği and Soğu-cak regions by ore microscopical investigations. Ingeneral, the first stage is characterized by primaryminerals, second stage by serpentinization, thetransition stage by intensive cataclasis and the thirdstage by intrusion of granitic rocks (Fig. 2).

Stage I: Primary minerals

Primary minerals formed during uppermantle conditions are illustrated in Plate I.

Stage II: Serpentinization

Sequential events of emplacement into con-tinental crust by obduction of oceanic lithosphereand intrusion of granitic rocks are emphasized atthis stage (Plate II-IV).

Transition Stage: Intensive Cataclaslsm

Additional intensive deformation developedduring serpentinization and at early stages of gra-nitic intrusion is described at his stage (Plate V).


24 Taner ÜNLÜ; Henrik STENDAL; Emil MAKOVICKY and İ. Sönmez SAYILI

Fig. 2- Textural characteristics of different mineralization stages from older to younger (Stage II and Transition Stagesilicate minerals are mainly serpentinite minerals like chrysotile, antigorite etc. Stage III silicate minerals aremainly chlorite, biotite, phlogopite and/or muscovite. No cataclasis have been observed on mica minerals.Very fine-grained, anisotropic silicate and/or carbonate minerals are also observed in the Transition Stage a).


Stage III: Granitic Rock Effects

The hydrothermal alteration events devel-oped by hydrothermal convective cells in the ser-pentinite are the main process in this stage (PlateVI-VII).

It is possible to characterize the genetic inter-pretation of the Divriği iron ore deposit as a se-quence of metamorphic + hydrothermal alterationprocesses begenning with metamorphosis underupper mantle conditions, continuing at various met-amorphic conditions contemporaneous with the em-placement of the obducted oceanic crust upon thecontinental crust imposing hydrothermal alterationprocesses and finally weathering (Table 1).

Genetic Features

Genesis of the ore from the Divriği and Soğu-cak areas is outlined in Table 1. A very general syn-thesis is suggested for the Divriği and Soğucak oredeposits based on the comparison of textural fea-tures of ore minerals from the two areas.

The liquid magmatic phase with primary oreminerals (e.g. chromite) is more characteristic forSoğucak than Divriği. This reflects relative intensity

of hydrothermal alteration in the two areas. Theauto-hydration developed at early stages is similarfor both Divriği and Soğucak areas.

Magnetite formed by serpentinization and as-sociated with chromites is well known from Soğu-cak while the magnetite, pyrite and silicate associa-tion is more common at Divriği. The ironmobilization followed by formation of veinlet typemagnetite is less pronounced in the Soğucak areathan in Divriği area. The concentration of veinletswith magnetite is proportional with the abundance'of hydrothermal fluids.

Tectonic events such as deformation and ca-taclasis of chromite and magnetite are more pro-nounced from the Divriği than the Soğucak region.This also confirms the direct or indirect effect of thegranitic intrusion. The intrusion of the "granitic" rockmobilized the iron and developed magnetite, pyriteand silicate to the Divriği iron ore type.

Alteration processes like maghemitization,martitization and marcasitization are more commonat Divriği than at Soğucak, also due to processesgenerated by hydrothermal convection. The young-est veinlets cut all structures and this hydrothermalevent is similar in both regions.

26 Taner ÜNLÜ; Henrik STENDAL; Emil MAKOVICKY and İ. Sönmez SAYILI


Mobilization and genesis

Most of the iron deposits in the Divriği regionis found in serpertinized ultramafic rocks. Graniticrocks intrude these rocks. Thus, the serpentinite ishydrothermally altered.

The serpentinization stage is the most impor-tant stage at the formation of the studied iron de-posits. It follows from the following model reactions:

[Engin and Hirst, 1970; 7(Mg09Fe01)2SiO4 (forsterit-

ic olivine) + 3(Mg09Fe01)SiO3 (enstatitic pyroxene)

+ 10.57 H2O - 5H4Mg3Si2O9 (serpentine) + 0.57

Fe3O4 (magnetite) + 0.3 MgO + 0.57 H2; Spooner

and Fyfe, 1973; 11Fe2SiO4 (fayalite) + 2SOv 4H+

7Fe3O4 (magnetite) + FeS2 (pyrite) + 11 SiO2

(quartz) + 2H2O, Pallister and Hopson, 1981]. Theiron bearing silicates of primary origin are the basisfor the formation of iron deposits and therefore yielda generally low grade iron ore.

Second stage is characterized by leaching.Hydrothermal fluids circulate in convective cellsgenerated by the heat from the intrusion of graniticrocks and mobilize iron from the serpentinite, butthe iron is quickly precipitated again in the serpenti-nite and in this way concentrated to a high gradeiron ore deposit (Fig. 3). The high-grade iron ore is


formed as a result of repeated mobilization and pre-cipitation of iron.


According to previous mining geologicalstudies, Divriği iron ore deposit and the other ironore deposits of the Divriği region were desentedevaluated as skarn type related with granitic rocks(Gysin, 1938; Klemm, 1960; Koşal, 1973; Petras-check and Pohl, 1982 and Gümüş, 1989). Gümüş,1979 has interpreted the Divriği iron ore deposit asformed by processes of pyro-mobile metasoma-tism. High interest in skarn formation caused thatexploration by drilling was undertaken on the con-tact of the granitic rocks.

Recent studies (Stendal and Ünlü, 1991)and the follow-up by magnetic anomalies over thehydrothermally altered serpentinites led to the dis-covery of 40 million tons of high grade iron ore inthe serpentinites.

According to world standards (Bottke, 1981)Divriği iron deposit is a medium grade iron depositwith 100 million ton reserve with 55 % Fe grade.Since 1939 and with the discovery of new reservesthe Divriği deposit new reaches 140 million tons. Butwith the ongoing exploration studies the size of thedeposit can still increase in the future.


The authors thank Dr. Ahmet Çağatay, Prof.Dr. Ayhan Erler, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Okan Tekeli andProf. Dr. Hasan Bayhan for the constructive criti-cism of the paper and also acknowledge the finan-cial contributions of the University of Copenhagento the laboratory studies. Polished sections of oresand rock samples referred in this paper are in thecustody of the Geological Institute, University ofCopenhagen. The authors acknowledge the finan-cial support of the NATO FELLOWSHIP PRO-GRAMME of Denmark (Nos. 29/86 and 38/87) andof MTA and TDCI., Ankara for the field work.

Manuscript received April 18, 1995


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Fig.1- Deformed pyrrhotite (light grey) in serpentinite.Euhedral chromite (dark grey) surrounded by

magnetite (grey) are at the central-and right-

hard portions of the lower edge of the grain-

Mackinawite inclusions-bearing pentlandite

grains (white) are at the center of the upper

edge of pyrrhotite.At right chalcopyrite (white)

with cubanite lameliae (Soğucak N-83, in air,

parallel nicol=P.N.)

Fig. 2- Mackinawite indusiois in pentiande cleavag-

es in the same sample as Figure 1 (Soğucak

N-83, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 3- Euhedral chromite (dark grey in the centre)

with magnetite envelopes (grey) and euhedral

chalcopyrite with cubanite lameliae Tongue-

like pentlandite (light grey) with tiny mackinaw-

ite incdusions lies at the contact of magnetite

and chalcopyrite in chalcopyrite. This figure

represents the right edge of Figure 1 (Soğucak

N-83. in air. P.N.).

Fig. 4- Pyrrhotite (light grey) cracked along its cleav-

ages in serpentinite. Euhedral magnetite (grey)

and chromites (dark grey) at the core of pyrho-

tite. Mackinawite-bearing pentiandite (very light

grey) between magnetite and pyrrhotrte (Soğu-

cak N-83, In air, P.N.).

Fig. 5- Magnetite (white) crystals with chromite relics

(light grey) in serpentinite. Chromite-magnetite

transition phase in very light grey (Divriği CS 1-

12, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 6- Chromite relic (in core, dark grey), surrounded

by a chromite-magnetite transition phase

grey) and magnetite (light grey). Euhedral

magnetite crystal (white) in the centre of the

figure (Divriği CS 1-12, in oil, P.N.).



Fig. 1- Ringlike magnetite (white) around anhedral oli-vine relics and tiny veinlets of magnetite be-tween divines in serpentinite (Divriği CS 1-12,in air, P.M.).

Fig. 2- Hydrogoethite (grey) and towards the coremagnetite (white) in anhedral olivine relics(skeletiike, white at its edges) (Divriği CS 1-12,in oil, P.N.).

Fig. 3- Hydrogoethite (grey-light grey) in the centreand around it magnetites (white). Ringlike mag-netite (light grey) at the outer part of ovalshaped olivine relic in serpentinite (Divriği CS1-12, in oil, P.N.).

Fig. 4- Magnetite aggregates (grey) with pyrite (white)inclusions formed around and over olivine rel-ics (light grey) in serpentinite, in the right-hardand middle upper part of figure (Divriği CS 1-12, in oil, P.N.).

Fig. 5- Magnetite (white anhedral skeletal crystals)formed after serpentinization in serpentinite(Soğucak G-120, in air, P.M.).

Fig. 6- Mesh texture showing small magnetite grains(white) in serpentinite (Soğucak G-48, in air,P.N.).


Fig. 1- Magnetite (light grey) with pyrite inclusions(white) and silicate inclusions (dark grey) inserpentinized olivines. Secondary magnetitecrystals grow on euhedral magnetite in lowerright-hand portions (Divriği CS 1-12, in air,P.N.).

Fig. 2- Magnetite (white) crystals around chromite(light grey) core in serpentinite. Primary silicateinclusions (dark grey) in chromite (Divriği CS 1 -12, in air, P.M.).

Fig. 3- Euhedral chromite (grey) surrounded by mag-netite (white). Secondary magnetites (white) atthe outer parts of the complex crystal in ser-pentinite. Partly dissolved small pyrite inclu-sions (light grey) and small silicate inclusionsin chromite and magnetite (Soğucak G-48, inair, P.N.).

Fig. 4- Magnetite (white) around euhedral chromitecore (light grey) in serpentinite. Pyrite (lightwhite) at lower right parts and uppermost partsof the right-hand crystal. Magmatic corrosionsuggested by lines of small black dots in theoutermost parts of chromite cores and by sili-cate inclusions in magnetite zone (Soğucak G-119, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 5* Small magnetite grains (white) and magnetitezones (white) around euhedral chromite coresin serpentinite. Triangular magnetite grain inchromito at the left. Silicate inclusions (darkgrey) in the magnetite zone of the right-hardcrystal. The outermost shell is secondary mag-netite with baylike outlines (Soğucak G-120, inair, P.N.).

Fig. 6- Chromite (grey) cores surrounded by a chro-mite-magnetite transition phase (light grey). Avery small pyrite crystal (light white) occurs intransition ptiase at right lower part of figure;magnetite (white) surrounds the transitionphase. At the outermost parts secondary mag-netites break the primary outlines. Finegrained, angular silicate inclusions (dark grey)in the crystal (Soğucak G-162, in air, P.M.).


Fig. 1- Magnetite (white) as a result of iron mobiliza-tion among anhedral olivine relics (dark grey)in serpentinite (grey) (Soğucak N-83, in air,P.N.).

Fig. 2- Coarse-grained, euhedral magnetite (white)with porous magnetite rims (light grey) andsecondary magnetite (light grey) in the cracksin serpentinite (Soğucak N-83, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 3- Pyrrhotite (white) and pentlandite (white) inter-grown at the center of the left-hand edge of thefigure in serpentinite an magnetite (white)formed after mobilization in cracks (SoğucakN-83, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 4- Anhedral magnetites (white, oval skeletons)formed by serpentinization processes and vein-letlike, mobilized magnetites (white) in serpen-tinite (Divriği CS 1-12, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 5- Magnetite (very light grey), anhedral chromiterelics (grey) at its core and transition phases(light grey) between those minerals. Primarysilicates (black) at the 'middle lower part ofmagnetite. Secondary magnetites (white) dis-turb the primary grain contacts at lower right-hard part of the same mineral (Soğucak G-162,in air, P.N.).

Fig. 6- Chromite (grey) core, the chromite-magnetitetransition phase (light grey) around it and mag-netite (white) in the outer parts of the otide ag-gregate. Secondary magnetites disturb andoverprint the baylike primary outlines outer-most parts of the crystal. Colloform magnetiteat the right part (Soğucak G-119, in air, P.N.).


Fig. 1- Cataclastic chromite (grey) in the middle of the

crystal aggregates surrounded by the magne-

tite transition phase (light grey) and magnetite

(white). Silicate inclusions (dark grey) and sec-

ondary magnetite towards the outer zones of

magnetite (Soğucak G-162, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 2- Cataclastic chromite (grey) at the core and the

surrounding chromite-magnetite transition

phase (dark-light grey) in magnetites (light

grey) in serpentinite. Silicate fillings (dark grey

of the ofpen spaces (Divriği AS 1-12, in air,


Fig. 3- Cataclastic chromite (grey) in magnetite

(white), cros-cut by veinlike magnetite. Fine-

grained magnetites (white) in serpentinite (Div-

riği AS 1-12, in oil, P.M.).

Fig. 4- Zoned replacement of chromite (grey, relics in

the core), a narrow zone of chromite-magnetite

transition phase (light grey) and around them a

crystal aggregate of magnetite (white), Point-

like hydrogoethite at the lower left-hand pards

(Divriği CS 1-12, in oil, P.M.).

Fig. 5- Cataclastic magnetite in serpentinite (Divriği

AS 1-2, in air, P.M.).

Fig. 6- Cataclastic zoned magnetite (grey). Silicate in-

clusions (dark grey) are' in the centre, pure

magnetite without inclusions on periphery (Div-

riği AC 1 -2, in air, crossed nicols = C.N.).


Fig. 1- Magnetite (white) and silicate (grey) mineralswith open spaces (black) left after dissolution

of sulphide minerals. Angular silicate inclusions(grey) in magnetites (Divriği AC 2-6, in air,


Fig. 2- Angular magnetite (white) intergrown with sili-

cate minerals (grey) (Divriği AC 3-15, in air,


Fig. 3- Dissolved sluphide areas (dark grey) amongangular magnetite crystals (light grey). Silicate

inclusions in magnetite. A very fine-grainedpyrite (white) in the middle upper portions (Div-

riği AC 2-1, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 4- Euhedral pyrite (white) in angular, pure magne-tites (grey) without inclusions. Small silicate

inclusions (black) in the middle part of magneti-tes. Silicate minerals in the dark grey areasamong magnetite (Divriği AC 3-2, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 5- Coarse-grained, angular magnetite (grey).

Small but abundant silicate inclusions (black)in the magnetite cores. Subhedral pyrite

(white) at left lower part. Silicate fillings (dark

grey) between euhedral magnetite and pyrite

(Divriği AC 1-6, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 6- Angular, pure magnetite crystals (grey) without

inclusions and euhedral pyrite crystals (white)around silicate inclusions bearing magnetite.

Silicate minerals (black) in open spaces (Divri-ği AC 3-15, in air, P.N.).


Fig. 1- Silicate inclusions (black) bearing magnetite in

pure magnetite without inclusions. Young mag-

netite (grey) with small pyrite crystals (white)

developed at a crack in the upper part of figure

(Divriği AC 2-16, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 2- Magnetite crystals (light grey and grey) sho-

wing sectonal zoning in a veinlet (Divriği AS 1-

2, in air, P N.).

Fig. 3- Magnetite (grey) maghemitized (light grey) in

the central parts and martitized in a needle-like

form (white) at the outer parts (Divriği BC 2-24,

in oil, P.M.).

Fig. 4- Veinletlike maghemitization (light grey) of mag-

netite (grey) at lower and right edges of figure.

Marcasitization (light grey) at outer zones of

pyrite crystal (white) at the left side. Silicate

(black) at upper left corner and lowermost part

(Divriği BC 2-3, in air, P.N.).

Fig. 5- Dirty white coloured, layered, needle-like mar-casite (white) replacing pyrrhotite at the upper

side of figure and coarse-grained pyrite

crystals (white). Above pyrite hydrogoethite

(grey) occurences in open spaces (Divriği AC

3-6, in oil, P.M.).

Fig. 6- Chromite in the core (dark grey), around the

chromite-magnetite transition phase (grey) and

surrounding them magnetite rim (light grey) in

the centre of the figure. Most of the figure is co-

vered by pyrite (white) and magnetite (light

grey) obtained from pyrrhotite. Silicate mine--

rals (black) at the left-hand side of the figure

(Soğucak G-49, in air, P.N.).

Mineral Res. Expl. Bull., 117, 29-40, 1995



ABSTRACT.- Massive sulfide deposits of Küre occur in a basaltic sequence, the uppermost unit of the Kure ophiolite. This unit ismassive at the bottom and passes into the pillow lavas and hyaloclastites towards the top. Geochermcal analyses indicate anorigin of oceanic ridge basalt. The basalts are overlain by a detritic sedimantary sequence represented essentially by shales atthe base and shale-sand stone alternations at the upper levels Beneath the shale, the ore is generally massive and has a highgrade, and towards the tower levels of the basalts it becomes stockworked and disseminated Structurally, the Aşıköy ore deposit hasa form of ridge with a general direction of N45 W The average grade of the ore is 1 96 % Cu and 35 % S. Main ore minerals arechalcopyrite and pyrite. Cobalt minerals like linneite, bravoite and native gold minerals are also present. Ore mineralization is mainlythought to be the result of submanne volcanism and hydrothermal processes occurred during the Lias It probably developed near aspreading axis of a narrow and short-lived back-arc marginal basin and remobilized later due to granitic intrusions of Dogger age.


Aşıköy-Toykondu massive sulfide depositsare situated in the western part of the Küre districtof the Kastamonu province (Fig.1.) The orebody isextracted at present by open pit methods. Thepreparations for underground mining are inprogress.

Early detailed geological investigations ofKüre mining area was carried out by Kovenko forthe MTA General Directorate. He prepared a geo-logical map of the Küre area with a scale of 1:5000and discovered the Aşıköy-Toykondu deposits fromthe gossan (Kovenko,1944).

In 1966, a Cento team aiming to tram geolo-gists in geological mapping techniques under themanagement of MTA, made a general geologicalmap of the Küre district with a scale of 1:5000 anda detailed geological map of the Aşıköy pit with ascale of 1:1000. They however misinterpreted therepetition of the basalt-shale alternation related tothe thrusting ascribing incorrectly to two horizons.They proposed that the ore mineralization wasformed by the hydrothermal solutions flowing alongthe old faults much after deposition of the shale andthe intrusion of the grafiites.

Güner (1980) remapped the Küre area with ascale of 1:10 000. His major and trace elementanalyses revealed that, the basalts had an oceanifc

ridge basalt character. The relative ages of differentunits determined from his paleo-magnetic data, arevery questionable. His suggestion that the shale-sandstone unit is older than the basalts and perido-tites are younger than the dacite dykes contradictsthe field observations made in this study. It is clearlyobserved that the shale sandstone unit covers thebasalts and the dacite dykes cut all the ophioliticunits.

Demirbaş (1984) calculated by the cross-section method, that the proven+probable reservesof Aşıköy is 15.24 million tons with an averagegrade of 1.69 % Cu and 36.73 % S.

MTA with an objective to discover new oredeposits and enlarge the known ones prepared ageological map of an area of 850 km2 with a scaleof 1:25 000 and prospected an area of 100 km?between 1976-1978. As a part of this project, thearea including Aşıköy, Toykondu, Bakibaba andKızılsu ore deposits was also mapped with a scaleof 1:5000 and 1: 2000, and the Aşıköy pit with ascale of 1: 1000 (Pehlivanoğlu, 1985).

In another study conducted by the coopera-tion of Etibank with the Japan international Cooper-ation Agency (JICA) and Metal Mining Agency(MMAJ), a semi-detailled geological and detailedgeophysical prospection of the Aşıköy, Toykondu,Bakibaba and Kızılsu mine districts were carried out(JICA and MMAJ, 1992).

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Recently, Ustaömer and Robertson (1994)studied the petrological characters of the differentlithological units of the Küre area and by evaluatingtheir chemical compositions concluded that theophiolite of Küre represents the slices of a marginalback-arc basin.

This paper is prepared from the results ofthe detailed geological study of the Aşıköy, Toykon-du and Bakibaba ore deposits within the Aşıköy un-derground mining project signed between Etibankand Teknomad in 1986.

The objective of the work was to determine

the geological characteristics of the ore depositsand to calculate the proven reserves. To update thegeological data with the progress of the mining op-eration the detailed surface geological maps of theAşıköy, Toykondu and Bakibaba areas and under-ground geological maps of Bakibaba undergroundmine and Eti gallery were prepared with a scale of1:1000 (Teknomad, 1988). The logs of the 164drills from surface and 69 drills from drifts obtainedby Etibank in the Aşıköy, Toykondu and Bakibabaareas between 1965-1986 were classified andstandardized. The cores of some important drill-holes was re-examined.


Based on the geological maps and drill-holedata, 70 vertical geological cross-sections with 20 minterval and 43 horizontal geological cross-sectionswith 12m intervals were prepared for the Aşıköydeposit. Similarly for the Bakibaba deposit 24 verti-cal and 23 horizontal geological cross-sectionsand for the Toykondu deposit 20 vertical geologicalcross-sections were drawn with a scale of 1:1000.

The proven reserves were estimated fromthe vertical geological cross-sections. The ore ton-nages of each grade and structure type were sep-arately calculated for each horizontal slice of thedeposit with 12 m of thickness. The results of allthe data are summarised in this paper so as topresent the general characteristics of Aşıköy-Toykondu massive sulfide deposits.


Küre massive sulfide deposits are situatedwithin the basalts forming the upper unit of the Küreophiolite (Teknomad, 1988). The Küre ophiolite isformed by harzburgite and dunite tectonite, intru-sive gabbro-diorite and Iherzolite, basaltic volcanicsand detritic sedimentary rocks. The primary succes-sions of the different ophiolitic units generally dis-sappeared as a result of strong tectonic activity.The harzburgites forming the lower unit in a normalophiolitic massive occur on the volcanic and sedi-mentary unit as tectonic slices. The basalts aregenerally overthrusted onto their cover, the shalesandstone unit (Fig.1).

The basalts, enclosing rocks, are represent-ed by massive lavas at the bottom and pillow lavasand hyaloclastites at the upper levels. The ore liesessentially in the hyaloclastites. The pillow lavashave ellipsoidal form of which long axis varies be-tween 5-10 cm and 2-3. m Their intertices are filledgenerally by calcite, argiles and chloritised volcan-ic glass. They have some separation planes havingonion skin form parallel to their external surfacesand millimethc radial tension cracks filled by oreminerals.

Hyaloclastites, are formed by angular ele-ments of basaltic lavas millimetrc to decimetric insize. They are cemented generally by basalticglass. Some pieces of red jasper can also be seen.The rock has greenish color and is cut by the veinsof various thickness, filled by calcite, quartz and oreminerals.

The microscopic examination indicate thatthe basalts are formed principally by microlites ofalbitised, sensitised and epidotised piagiodase andby ouralitised and chloritised interstitial augites.Some skeletal augites can also be observed.

The major and trace element analyses of thebasalts show that they have oceanic ridge basaltcharacter (Güner. 1980; JICA and MMAJ, 1992;Ustaömer and Robertson, 1994). Basaltic unit is cutby diabasic dykes having centimetric chilled mar-gins and a general strike of NW-SE. Their thick-ness varies between 20 cm and 10m. They cropout generally in the eastern part of the Aşıköy openpit. They have ophitic texture and are formed es-sentially by albitised piagiodase and ouralitisedaugite. Some chlorite, sericite, quartz, magnetite,pyrite, chalcopyrite and ilmenite can be seen. Us-taömer and Robertson (1994) pointed out the exis-tence of some sheeted dykes at the eastern flankof the Bakibaba pit. The lower levels of the basaltsare also cut by gabbroic and Iherzolitic intrusiverocks. The gabbros crop out in dyke and batholiticform at the south of Küre. In thin section they repre-sent granular texture and constituted essentially bylabrador, augite and hornblende. Some mineralssuch as olivine, sphene, magnetite are also ob-served.

The Iherzolites are found as two small intru-sions at south of Küre. The first one is envelopedby gabbros and has a triangle form with hectomet-ric dimension. Its contacts are covered. The secondintrusion is observed further south than the first onein the basalts. It is in ellips form striking N37W, with400 m length and 75-100 m thickness. Near thecontacts it is brecciated and, some traces of hightemperature metamorphism are observed along azone of about one meter thickness from the contactwithin the basalts. In thin section the Iherzolites arefresh and have poikilitik texture. Subeuhedral androunded olivines are included in large pyroxenes.The principal mineralogical constituents of the rockare olivine (82-88), augite, ofthopyroxene (En82-

87), brown titanian-magnesio-hastingsitic horn-blende and kaersutite garnet, rare piagiodase andphlogopite. The secondary formation of the horn-blende, garnet and some phlogopite from the py-roxenes and olivines is interpreted as the metasom-atisme of the peridotite by an alcaline and hydrousmelt. The Iherzolites represent probably the partial-

32 Üner ÇAKIR

ly melted and uplifted upper mantle and metasom-atised later at depth. The origin of the metasomatis-ing melt is questionable. But neverthless it may berelated to a subducted slab (Çakır and Genç,1995).

The basalts are covered by a detritic sedi-mentary unit represented by shale at the bottomand shale-sandstone alternations towards the top.Shale is dark grey or black in color and character-ised by the much less strength relative to the ba-salts. It is foliated in the fault zones parallel to thefault planes. It is often folded. Along the fold axisthe recrystallization of the quartz makes this partharder. It is formed principally by illite, quartz, chlor-ite and muscovite. The other minerals, such as py-rite, chalcopyrite, chromite, hematite and ilmeniteare rarely observed (Güner, 1980). In the Aşıköyopen pit, at the basal parts of the sedimentary unit,near the contacts with the basalts, some blocks ofbasalts are found. On the drill hole cores the ba-salt-shale alternations are often seen. Pehlivanoğlu(1985), investigating a much wider area, pointedout the existence of the basaltic lava layers in thelower levels of the shale. In the Elekdağ orderedophiolite, situated at the south- east of Küre andthought to be a continuation of the Küre massif, thebasalts lies in alternation with similar sedimentaryrocks towards the top (Tüysüz, 1985). This findingis important because it shows that the upper partsof the basalts and lower parts of the shale areformed at the same time and in the same geologi-cal environment. The shale-sandstone unit namedAkgöl (Ketin and Gümüş, 1962) or Börümce forma-tion (Yılmaz, 1979) lies conformably on the Kayaba-şı Upper-Triassic platform limestones at the southof Abana (Önder et al., 1987) and covered uncon-formably by conglomerates and limestones of Dog-ger-Malm age at south of Küre (Pehlivanoğlu,1985). The fossils found in this formation are gener-ally indicative of Lias (Kovenko, 1944, Ketin, 1962)or Upper Trias-Lias (Aydın et al., 1986) in age. Thepollens of Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian agefound in this formation (Kutluk and Bozdoğan,1981) are supposed to be transported from thecontinent because of the considerable age differ-ence between them and conformable geological sit-uation of this unit on Upper-Triassic limestones. Itsgeneral detritic character and the occurrence ofsome elements of metamorphic rocks in the sand-

stpne unit (Pehlivanoğlu, 1985) show that theshale-sandstone formation was formed in a basinnear a continental margin. From these data, it maybe suggested that the volcanic and sedimentaryunit representing the upper unit of the Küre ophio-lite was formed in an oceanic ridge environment notfar from the continental margin in Lias and obduct-ed on the continent in Dogger. In this scheme, itseems that the Küre ophiolite represents the frag-ments of a narrow and short-lived oceanic litho-sphere. For this reason without obtaining systemat-ic geochronological data, the interpretation of Küreophiolite as a fragments of the Paleo-tethyanoceanic lithosphere (Şengör et al., 1980; Tüysüz,1985) must be taken with precaution.

The volcanic and sedimentary unit, sur-rounding rocks of the Küre massive sulfide depos-its, are cut by the dacitic and rhyodacitic dykes(Fig.2). In the Aşıköy and Toykondu areas theyhave a general direction of NW-SE. Their lengthvaries between 150-500 m and thickness between10-60 m. They contain some blocks of shale whichare baked at the contact zones. They are com-posed of corroded semieuhedral quartz, sericitisedplagioclase and chloritised biotite. It is supposedthat the dacites and rhyodacites are the dyke formprolongation of the granites and granodiorites crop-ping out northwest of Küre. Yılmaz and Boztuğ(1986) give a Dogger age for the granitoides of theDaday-Devrekani area having similar geologicalcharacteristics and interpret them as the productsof northward subduction of the Paleo-Tethyanoceanic lithosphere.

In this case, the oceanisation giving birth tothe Küre ophiolite may be interpreted as the resultof the same subduction process and that the Küremassif represents the fragments of a back-arc mar-ginal basin. The reaching to the same conclusionfrom the major and trace elements analyses of dif-ferent units of Küre area (Ustaömer and Robertson,1994) fortifies this hypothesis.


The volcanic and sedimentary unit repre-sented by basalts at the bottom and shale-sandstone at the top is divided into two tectonicunits by the Küre thrust (Fig.1). The basalts thrustonto their own cover, i.e. shale-sandstone unit,


along the Aşıköy and Kızılsu line. The western partof the upper slice has generally been eroded. How-ever it is important to observe in places that theshale shows long continuation through the basalts.The shale on the Bakibaba crest having 40 m ofthickness can be followed at least 375 m along thedip, with a degree of 65. On the surface and in

Bakibaba drift the observation of some non-faultedcontacts between the basalt and shale give the im-pression that this situation could be the result ofthe initial structural setting. The lower tectonic unitis bordered by TAD fault in the east of the Aşıköyarea (Fig.2). This fault begins south of Toykondu pitas a strike slip fault and turns into the reverse

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strike-slip fault towards the southeast. In Toykonduarea its general strike and dip is N30W/73 SW andthe lineation measured on the upper mirror isN13W/24SE. It is followed 850 m. In the southeastend, the TAD fault disappeares under the ADTfault. The latter with a brecciated zone of approxi-mately of 15 m thickness is a reverse fault with asinistral oblique slip. Its strike and dip measured atthe intersection zone with TAD fault is N76W/56SWand the lineation is N83E/24SW.

The lower tectonic unit including the Aşıköyore deposit has a ridge form with a general direc-tion of N45W. It is generally fractured by normalfaults usually parallel to the axial plane. The Aşıköymassive appears to have been rotated around aNE-SW oriented axis. The elevated northwest parthas been eroded and the lower levels of the basaltscrops out. The southeastern part formed by basalt,ore and shale plunges under the basalts of theupper tectonic unit. The general direction and dip ofthe NE flank of the Aşıköy ridge is N4W/60NE, andthat of the SW flank is N87E/62SE (Fig.3). Theupper tectonic unit is also fractured by reverse andstrike slip faults oriented generally NE-SW direc-

tion-Trie latter is important because of their roles ofprincipal guidance for the mineralization in the Baki-baba area.

- It is interesting to point out that various struc-tural elements observed in the volcanic and sedi-mentary unit of the Aşıköy massive are parallel toeach other and show a general direction of NW-SE.Especially the parallel orientation of diabase dykes,gabbroic and Iherzolitic intrusions to the Aşıköyridge axis give the impression that this ridge formrepresents a primary structure formed in an ocean-ic environment. Consequently the contradictory sit-uation of the normal faults being parallel to theridge axis and creating a horst graben system be-comes explainable. Bailey et al. (1967) suggeststhat these faults were formed before the mineraliza-tion and created the channels for the mineralisingsolutions.

In the Aşıköy and Toykondu areas the paral-lel orientation of the dacitic dykes to the primarystructures give the impression that these rockswere injected into the fractures formed during theextensive phase of the Küre ophiolite and repre-sents the product of the same mechanism.



The ore deposits in Aşıköy and Toykondu are-as occur:

1- As lenses of different dimensions in theupper levels of the basalts. Right under the shale,the ore has a massive structure and the axialplanes of the lenses are parallel to the basalt-shalecontact plane. Towards the lower levels, it be-comes partially stockworked and disseminated.

2- As the discontinous and non-determinedshaped mass at the top of the secondary anticlinebetween basalt and shale. The structure of the orehas the same properties. The ore deposits at thesouth of Toykondu are the characteristic examplesof this type.

The Aşıköy ore deposit is the most importantmineralization of Küre. It forms the upper parts ofthe Aşıköy ridge of which the axis has a general di-rection of N45W and dip of 38-60 SE (Fig.2). In thesouthwest it plunges with a dip of 55 degrees. Thenorthwest flank, the most important part of the de-posit, continues under the shales and the basalts ofthe upper tectonic unit. The southwest flanc lies un-der a thick shale unit.

The central part of the Aşıköy deposit isbounded by a shale observed along the Sll, S70,S78 at the Southwest (Fig. 2). The ore block at thewest of this shale is interpreted as a thin slice be-cause of the presence of two levels of ore and ba-salt along the drill of S65, S67, and S117. The twoorebodies, i.e. the one drilled by S106 and the oth-er situated 100 m away from the former, form dis-continuous mass of a thickness of maximum 25 mat the roof of the secondary anticlines.

An important orebody which does not cropout is discovered by the drill holes of S136 andS142. It shows that the main mineralization of Aşı-köy follows the ridge axis along N45W/55SE andforms thick ore lenses in places.

The Toykondu ore deposit is situated at thenorthwest of the Aşıköy open pit (Fig.2). The ore-bodies between the faults TNF1 and TNF2 occupythe roof of the secondary anticline. Their* axialorientation is N85E/62SW and they have an aver-age thickness of 5 m.

The orebody at the east of S128 forms alense having 50 m of length, 10 m of width and 5 mof thickness. The direction and dip of its axial planeis N25W/65SW. The drill-holes S79, S128 andS138 indicated that its thickness reaches 13 m be-tween the depths of 50 m-75 m.

In the upper levels of the basalts at the westof the TNF1 fault small orebodies could be seen inplaces. This mineralization zone has a N-S generaldirection and a dip of 50-70 to the west. The cuttingof some ore levels by the drill-holes of S93, S123and S124 shows that this zone continues at least360 m towards the south and forms massif orelenses in places.


The ore deposits of Toykondu and Aşıköyhave very similar mineralogical characteristics. Theprincipal ore minerals are chalcopyrite and pyrite.Some marcasite, sphalerite, covelline and neodi-genite are also observed. The rare minerals arebravoite, linneite, tetrahedrite, goethite, hematite,chromite, rutile, anatase, chalcosine, tenorite, mag-netite, pyrrhotite, bornite and native gold. Thegangue is represented by calcite, siderite andquartz. The microscopical characteristics of themain ore minerals were described in detail by Ça-ğatay et al., (1980), Güner (1980) and Pehlivanoğlu(1985). They may be summarised as follows:

Pyrite constitutes the major party of the ore.It is idiomorphe and generally smaller than 1 mm insize. Some melnicovite having colloforme structurecan also be seen. The cracks of the idiomorphic py-rite are filled by chalcopyrite, melnicovite andgangue minerals, showing that it is the mineralformed first. It is replaced by chalcopyrite along thecleavages and its borders are corroded. Economi-cally, chalcopyrite is the most important mineral. Itis generally interstitial between the pyrites and fillsthe cracxs of the pyrites. Along its cleavages andcracks it is replaced by neodigenite and covelline(Çağatay et al., 1980; Güner, 1980; Pehlivanoğlu,1985).

Bravoites and pyrites form some zonedstructures having a thickness of 5-30 microns.

36 Üner ÇAKIR

Linneite is the most important cobalt mineralobserved in the Küre massive sulfide deposits.It occurs as idiomorphic and semi-idiomorphicminerals smaller than 200 micron in chalcopyriteand chalcopyrite rich sections.

Native gold occurs as very fine grains small-er than 30 micron generally along the contacts be-tween chalcopyrite. idiomorphe pyrite, bornit andalong the cracks in these minerals.


The proven reserves of the Aşıköy and Toy-kondu deposits were calculated by the prism meth-od from the cross-sections perpendicular to the di-rection of the Aşıköy ridge at intervals of 20 m. Theore tonnages and grades variations of differentstructural units of the deposit for each mine levelswere determined separately. The ore is classifiedinto six types according to their Cu and S grades.The grade ranges for open pit and undergroundmine are presented on Table 1.

The density of different type of ore is approx-imated from the relationship obtained from grade-density measurements. The results are presented

on Tables 2,3 and 4 separately for the differentparts.of the deposit, types of ore and mining levels.

The Aşıköy ore deposit is planned to be ex-tracted by open pit method till it reaches 936 m lev-el and by underground method between 936 m and756 m. The present lowest level in the open pit is1140. m. The preparation for underground mining isin progress.

It can be seen from the tables that the north-east flanc represents the most important reservesof the Aşıköy ore deposit in terms of quantity andgrade.

In the Toykondu area the grade is high, butthe reserve is very low. The maximum depth of theore is 90 m. It is to be extracted by open pit method.

The Küre massive sulfide deposits also con-tain gold and cobalt. Çağatay et al. (1980) estimat-ed that the average grades of cobalt and gold ofKüre deposit are 0,3 % and 2,48 g/t respectively. InToykondu area, the average grades of cobalt andgold calculated from 12 m of massive ore cores ob-tained in 1993, were 0,016 % and 1,55 g/t respec-tively. Although these grades appears to be low inthe massive ore, it is expected that the grades ofthe gold in the desulphurated alteration zones willbe as high as it can be, to be considered as a golddeposit.


Aşıköy-Toykondu massive sulfide depositsare interpreted as being formed during a submarinevolcanism in Lias and subsequent hydrothermalprocess. All the deposits occurs at the upper levelsof the basalts. However in the lower parts of theshale covering the basalts some thin levels of py-rite can be seen. Especially the occurrence of somebreccia formed by angular pieces of pyrite and ce-mented by shale and pyrite (Kamitani and Çamaşır-cıoğlu, 1976) shows that the mineralization contin-ued during the sedimentation of the first levels ofthe shale.

In the south of Toykondu pit, it is observedthat the pillow lavas forming the upper levels of thebasalts are entirely replaced by the ore. This provesthat the mineralization taking place after the volcan-ism includes a replacement process.


38 Üner ÇAKIR

The orebody does not contain any high tem-perature minerals. Some high temperature mineralssuch as magnetite, ilmenite and chromite rarely ob-served in the basalts are believed to be contempo-raneous with these rocks. The minerals such asmelnicovite, chalcopyhte and gangue form collo-form structure indicating a low temperature forma-tion. From these data it may be suggested that themineralization comprised of hydrothermal and sedi-mentary process. Thereby the Aşıköy and Toykon-du deposits can be considered analogues to that atthe modern oceanic spreading centres. An espe-cially well observed example lies along the axialridge of the Galapagos spreading center in the EastPacific rise (Corlis et al., 1979; Haymon and Kast-ner, 1981).

As it is cited from Koski (1983), "This miner-alization results from large scale circulation of sea-water through basaltic basement along the fracturezones near the technically active axis of spreading.The high geothermal gradient above 1 to 2 km-deep magma chambers emplaced below the ridgeaxis drives the convective circulation cell. Cold oxi-dizing sea-water penetrating the crust becomesheated and evolves into a highly reduced some-what acidic hydrothermal solvent during interactionwith basaltic wall-rock. Depending on the tempera-ture and water/rock ratio, this fluid is capable ofleaching and transporting the ore metals. Dissolvedsea-water sulphate is reduced to sulfide. Conse-quently metal sulfides are precipitated along chan-nelways and replaced the wall-rock from ascendingfluid. Vigorous fluid flow results in venting of re-duced fluid at the sea-floor/sea-water interface anddeposition of ore minerals."

In Küre deposits following data indicating theremobilization of ore posterior to the principal min-eralization is observed:

1 - In Toykondu area some of the orebodiesoccur along the axis of the secondary anticlinesoblique to the primary structures. They were prob-ably formed during or after the obduction of theKüre ophiolite.

2- The ore right under the shale is generallymassive and Cu rich, and becomes stockworkedand disseminated downwards.

3- In Bakibaba area the mineralization alsooccurs as discontinuous veins in the fracturezones.

4- The cracks of idiomorphic pyrites, the firstmineral in paragenesis, are filled by chalcopyrite.

The results obtained by Pehlivanoğlu (1985)indicate that some of the sulfide mineralizations isassociated with the granitic intrusions of Doggerage. It appears that the granitic intrusions increas-es the temperature of the environment and causesthe remobilization of some mobile elements. Theyconsequently formed the secondary mineralizationby precipitation and replacement mainly under theshale which did not allow the mineralising solutionsto penetrate.


The Küre massive sulfide deposits constitutea typical-example for a mineralization in ophioliticvolcanic rocks. They probably occurred near thespreading axis of a narrow and short-lived back-arcmarginal basin at Lias and obducted on continentat Dogger.

Aşıköy ore deposit occurs at the upper levelsof the Aşıköy ridge. As proven reserves, it contains10,2 millions tons of ore with average grade of1,96 % Cu and 35 % S.

Toykondu deposit is smaller with 176 000tons of proven reserves and average grade 4% Cuand 40,6 %S.

Küre massive sulfide deposits also containcobalt and gold. Their grade distribution within thedeposit is not well known because of insufficientnumber of assays obtained from drill cores. There-fore it will be very useful to investigate especiallygold distribution in Küre area by assaying the oldcore samples and the samples taken sistematicallyfrom the atmospheric alteration zones.


This paper is based on the study carried outas a part of the project signed between Teknomadand Etibank. I would like to thank the managementof Etibank Küre Mine, Project Implementation andMineral Research Departments of Etibank for theirsupport for the project. I also thank Hacı Karakuş,


geologist, who collaborated with me on the field andoffice, Assoc. Prof. Taylan Lünel and his team whostarted the project and obtained the first resulsts.

Manuscript received May 9,1994


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Tüysüz, O., 1986, Kuzey Anadolu'da iki farklı ofiyolit toplu-luğu: Eski ve Yeni Tetisin artıkları: Doğa Tr. Müh.and Çev., 10, 2, 172-179.

Ustaömer, T. and Robertson, A.H.F., 1994, Late Palaeo-zoic marginal basin and subduction-accretion: ThePalaeotethyan Küre Complex, Central Pontides,northern Turkey: Jour. Geo. Soc., 151, 291-305,London.

40 Üner ÇAKIR

Yılmaz, O., 1979, Daday-Devrekani masifi kuzeydoğu ke-

simi metamortik petrolojisi: Docentlik Tezi, Hacet-

tepe Üniversitesi, Jeo. Müh. B61.176 p. Ankara.

Yılmaz, *O. and Boztuğ, D., 1986, Kastamonu granitoidbelt of northern Turkey: First arc plutonism productrelated to the subduction of the paleo-Tethys. Ge-ology, 14, 179-183.



Şükrü KOÇ*; Ahmet ÜNSAL** and Yusuf Kaan KADIOĞLU*

ABSTRACT.- The rock formations cropping out in the area have the following stratigraphic sequence: The basement rocks arecommonly serpentinized peridotite of pre-Jurassic age associated with occasional pyroxenite and dunite. This is overlain by theKüre formation of pre-Lias/Lias age composed of basaltic volcanics at the lower section and a thick sedimentary portion at theupper part Next is the Karadana formation of Upper Dogger-Lower Malm age consisting of reef limestones with interlayers ofsandstone. In addition, gabbro, diorite, dacite, and basaltic dikes intruding these formations are also observed. Küre volcanicsare determined as tholeiitic basalts based on their petro-chemical properties. These rocks are island-arc type volcanicsproduced from the mixture of continental crust and magma originated from mantle. The pyritic copper deposits are of theKieslager-type mineralizations which were determined as Cyprus-type in the earlier studies. This new and important finding wasobtained after a detailed study on the geotectonic setting host rock types, geochemical properties, and paragenesis of the oremineralization.


Tuncay ERCAN***; Muharrem SATIR****; Gideon STEINITZ*****; Ayşin DORA******; Ender SARIFAKIOĞLU******; ChristophADIS****; Hans-Jürgen WALTER**** and Talat YILDIRIM

ABSTRACT.- Six main volcanic rock groups that formed at different stages between Eocene to late Upper Miocene weredifferentiated in the area, depending on the field and laboratory studies, namely "Balıklıçeşme volcanics" of Eocene age, "Çanvolcanics" of Oligocene age, "Kirazlı volcanics" of Upper Oligocene age, "Behram volcanics" of Lower to Middle Miocene age,"Hüseyinfakı volcanics" of Middle Miocene age and "Ezine volcanics" of Upper Miocene age. Together with petrographic andgeochemical studies, K/Ar dating and Stronbum/Neodium isotope ratio measurements (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) weredone on the rocks. Volcanic rocks formed between Eocene and Middle Miocene were found to be of calc-alcaline, whereas onlythat formed during Upper Miocene were of alcaline type. Geochemical and isotopic studies show that the magma formed thecalc-alcaline volcanizm have undergone intense contamination and got a hybrid character whereas the source of alcalivolcanizm is different and formed by partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle material. The rocks are related with tectonicregime of the area; calc-alcaline volcanics have been formed under a compressional regime, but alcaline rocks have beenformed under a tensiona) regime, contranly.



Engin OLGUN********

ABSTRACT.- The alluvial fan deposites are widely distributed in the Güzelyurt basin. In the southern pan of the Güzelyurtbasin, these deposites unconformably overlie the units of Middle-Late Cretaceous Troodos massive, Late Miocene-EarlyPliocene Myrtou Marls and Late Pliocene Athalassa formation. Towards the north, they are unconformably overlain by recentalluvium deposits. The fan deposites are deposited by high-viscosity debris flows and braided streams dominated by sheet-floodevents. Six different lithofacies are recognized; (A) Clast supported conglomerates are hyper-concentrated debris flow deposits,(B) Matrix supported conglomerates represent mud flow deposits, (C) Thick bedded sandy conglomerates represent sheet-floodand braided-stream deposits, (D) Clast supported, thick bedded conglomerates with interbedded sandstones are suggested asa braided-stream deposits, (E) Thirs bedded sandstones and conglomerates represent sheet-flood deposits by very shallowmigrating channels on a broad, planar surface during upper-flow regime, (F) Caliche bearing mudstones represent distalsheet-flood deposits in semiarid dimates At the end of the Late Pliocene, due to the rapidly uplifting of the Troodos massive,the coarse-very coarse pebbles of alluvial sediments are deposited as the inner fan deposites over the Pliocene sediments. Asfrom Middle Pleistocene, the other alluvial fan fades are deposited together with relatively the coarse facies. The depositionalconditions and the caliche concentrations in the alluvial fan deposites indicate a semi-arid climate.

Mineral Res. Expl. Bull., 117, 41-48, 1995


Turhan AYYILDIZ*; Erdoğan TEKİN*; Nurettin SONEL* and Mehmet BÜLBÜL"

ABSTRACT.- Üzümdere formation, Liassic aged is the oldest unit of the paraautochthonous sequence in the region andlocated within the Anamas-Akseki carbonate platform Lithological units cosist of sandstones and limestone, claystone, andconglomerates. The Üzümdere sandstones are claret-green in color, medium-thick bedded, well sorted, and highly fractured.The unit is petrographically described as quartz arenite-quartz wacke and sublitharenite based on the classification of Folk(1968). X-ray diffractometry studies have revealed that illite, kaolinite, and montmorillonite are the main clay minerals in thesandstones. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and x-ray micro analyses (EDS) performed on some samples indicated thatthe development of cement in these rocks are of calcite, dolomite (?), iron oxide, chlorite and kaolinite. Moreover, calcite andiron-oxide are developed as filling the pores within the fractures. The unit, in which authigenic clay occurrences and quartzovergrowths are observed, has a poor porosity.


Sandstones of the Üzümdere formation, Li-assic aged are exposed on the core of Akseki anti-

cline at the north of Akseki (Antalya) (Fig. 1). Thestudies carried out in the investigated area so far

are based on the petroleum geology (Demirtaşlı,

1979, 1987; Ayyıldız, 1992). These studies re-vealed the presence of a unit as the source rock inthe region. In addition, it has been stated that sand-

stone levels in the Üzümdere formation are of im-portance as reservoir rock (Demirtaşlıi, 1979).

As it is known, sandstones can form impor-

tant hydrocarbon reservoirs depending on their

depositional facies and, permeability and porosity

conditions which they gain and preserve undersome events they subjected. However, authigenicclays and other minerals developed in the struc-tures of this type of rocks can worsen the reservoirconditions and lower porosity and permeability.Therefore, micro-textural features of this type ofclastic sediments should be determined.

That is why, in this study, permeability andporosity properties of the sandstones of Üzümdereformation have been determined based on the ex-aminations of their petrographic, mineralogic, andmicro-textural parameters.

During these studies, petrographical descrip-tions of the sandstones and evaluations based onmineralogic and micro-textural features were madein accordance to Folk (1968) and McDonald(1979a, b), respectively. A number of 30 sampleswas collected from the sandstones of the Üzüm-dere formation and their petrographic descriptionwas made on thin sections. Mineralogic descrip-tions (whole rock day) x-ray diffractometry methodwith a Rigaku Geigerflex D/Max-Q/Q WC model dif-fractometer. Scanning electron microscope (SEM)studies for micro-textural features (grain-grain,gram-cement and grain-porosity relations) and x-ray micro analyses (EDS) studies were performedwith Jeol JSM 840 A and Tracer TN 5502 ma-

42 Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN; Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL

chines, respectively. In addition, in order to deter-mine the pore surfaces and their percentages, bluedyed epoxy was performed in the thin sections ofall samples. With the aid of a Swift model pointcounter, modal analyses tecnique was also appliedto determine the quantitative mineralogic composi-tion of some selected samples. Furthermore, in or-der to determine the type of secondary iron oxidefillings within the fractures, polished samples wasprepared and they were examined under the Niconmodel ore microscope.


Formation was first named by Martin (1969)and later was described in detail by the studies ofMonod (1977) and Demirtaşlı (1979, 1987). Thebasement of the unit under investigation has atectonic contact and it is concordant with the Pi-sarçukuru formation in Dogger-aged above. Thedominant lithologic assemblage of the Üzümdereformation is claret-green in color sandstone, lime-stone, claystone, and conglomerate. Its real thick-ness can not be determined due to the tectoniccontact at the basement. However, in the meas-ured stratigraphic sections of the Üzümdere valley(M.S.S. 1), Pisarçukuru plateau (M.S.S. 2) and Im-rehasan places (M.S.S. 3) the thicknesses of 250,450, and 400 m were measured, respectively.

In the Üzümdere M.S.S. 1, formation startswith limestones at the basement and continueswith well sorted, medium to thick bedded, highlyfractured sandstone and claystone alternations.Alternating sandstone levels are claret-green mcolor whereas claystone levels are red in color.Above these units in the Üzümdere village is theconglomerate levels (Plate 1, photo 1). The lowerand upper levels of conglomerates of petromicticcharacter, whose lateral transition is limited, aregrain and matrix supported, respectively. Thebasement of conglomerates are erosional and im-bricated are developed in them. In the upper mostpart, sandstone-claystone and dolomitic time-stones in places are found. The stratigraphic se-quence observed in M.S.S. 1 is also traced inM.S.S 2 and M.S.S. 3. The sandstone in M.S.S. 2,however, contains significant amount of iron oxideconcretions (Plate 1, photo 2). On the contrary, atthe basement of M.S.S. 3, bituminous bearing lev-els are observed.


Petrographic studies indicate that the con-stituents of sandstones in the Üzümdere formationare composed mostly of quartz, calcite, muscovite,magmatic-metamorphic rock fragments and littleamounts of feldspar and opaque minerals. The ce-ment of the sandstones is dominantly calcite andiron oxide, but clay in some samples. They are de-scribed as quartz arenite, quartz wacke and sublitarenite.

Under the microscope, quartz grains aremostly monocrystalline, but in some samples poly-crystalline grains are also observed. It was also ob-served that quartz grains are generally highly frac-tured, angular, but are sub-rounded and oval insome samples. Most of fractured quartzs are filledby secondary calcite and partly by iron oxide (PlateII, photo 3). Muscovite inclusions were also ob-served in quartzs Iron oxide interferences are de-tected as filling the rock Assures (Plate II, photo 4).It was also determined polycrystalline quartz grainsare schistose structured metamorphic quartzites.Due to the tectonic activity, calcite grains in placesshown pressure twin growths. Calcite grains aremedium to coarse grained, partly rounded andhave well developed cleavages. Calcite is observedas both a fixing agent and secondary pore filling,while feldspars appear to have been subjected toalteration and are transformed to cericite. Texturalstudies reveal that grains are well sorted and theyshow point, concave, and convex contacts witheach other, and that they have a medium degreematurity. The results of modal analyses conductedon selected sample are given in Table 1. The re-sults are obtained from an average counting of1650.



XRD studies for the mineralogic descrip-tions of the sandstones of the Üzümdere forma-tion were realized as whole rock and clay analy-ses (analyses with no treatment, with ethyleneglycol and with treatment of HCI). Of these, themain minerals of samples, examined by the wholerock analyses, are quartz, muscovite, chlorite, cal-cite, feldspar (K-feldspar-plagioclase) and lesseramounts of dolomite (Fig. 2 a-b-c).

First the analyses with no treatment wasdone for the clay analyses of these samples (Fig.3 a-b). In order to differentiate the clays in therock, then the analyses were repeated with thetreatment of ethylene glycol (Fig. 2 d). Finally, totest kaolinite and chlorite minerals detected, anal-yses were made with treatment of HCI. During thisexperiment, samples were boiled 1 hour in a mix-ture consisting of 1 mol HCI and 1 mol pure water.After samples were washed out with the remnantpure water and dried, the analyses were repeated.Chlorite peaks became extinct at the end of thisanalyses. This results confirms the presence ofchlorite within the-rock. Different amounts of mus-covite, kaolinite, chlorite and montmorillonitewere determined by the analyses. The presenceof a little amount of illite was also detected 'as co-inciding with the peaks of muscovite.


As a result of SEM-EDS studies on some se-lected sandstone samples, detailed informationwere obtained for some features, such as cement-ing, porosity, clay neomorphism and the relations ofgrain-grain and grain-cement. There is almost noporosity in all the examined samples, and authigen-ic clay occurrences together with the compaction ofsandstones are well developed. In addition, quartzovergrowths of authigenic origin and radial develop-ments are well distinguished (Plate III, photo 5). Onthe other hand, calcite crystals have partly a zoningstructure and dissolution pores in places are detect-ed on their surfaces (Plate III, photo 6). Microporos-ity and cave occurrences in places are observed incalcite cement (Plate IV, photo 7). It was also de-tected in some samples that chlorite cement fillsthe pores between grains (Plate IV, photo 8).and

that microporosity fields (Fig. 4a) are widespread inthe iron-chlorites which were particularly detectedwith EDS studies. In some samples of the Üzüm-dere sandstone having a cement of kaolonite it wasobserved that smectites together with kaolinitecompletely fill pore fields as semi-booklets (Plate V,photo 9, 10; Fig. 4b).

Dissolution and alteration effects are typicalfor feldspar (Plate VI, photo 11). Secondary frac-ture fields are filled with calcite and iron oxide(Plate VI, photo 11,12; Fig. 4c). Filling of fracturesnegatively affects the porosity (Ayyıldız, 1992;1994). These secondary iron oxide fillings havebeen determined as "hematite" based on the fieldobservations by Martin (1969) and Demirtaşlı(1979). However, ore microscopy and x-ray diffrac-tometry studies reveal that this iron oxide filling islimonite (goethite and lepidocrosite) rather than he-matite. Pyrite occurrences were also detectedalong the fractures.


The events observed in the sandstones ofthe Üzümdere formation are in the order of; calciteand iron oxide cementing, compaction, secondarydissolution of calcites, quartz overgrowth, alterationof feldspar, authigenic clay occurrences, develop-ment of secondary fracture systems, and filling ofthese fractures by calcite, limonite (geothite and le-pidocrosite) and pyrite.

Of these, carbonate cement was formed bythe neoformation of possible primary micritic ce-ment depending on the compaction. Based on bluedyed epoxy test and SEM studies it is believed thatsecondary dissolution and dissolvements observedin the calcite cement were formed by the expellingCO2 during the development of kerogen in the or-ganic material-bearing levels of the Üzümdere for-mation. Similar statements are also found in thestudy of Schmidt and McDonals.(1979a). Iron oxidedevelopments in the sandstones of the Üzümdereformation are observed as both cement and secon-dary fracture filling. Iron oxide in a cement charac-ter must have been probably brought to the basinby been absorbed on the detritic clay minerals(Greenland, 1975) or by mixing with humic acid(Picard and Felbeck, 1976). The source of secon-

44 Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN; Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL


source of secondary-fracture-filling iron oxide maybe flushing in the atmospheric conditions as statedby Thomas (1974). Because, microporous iron-chlorites were observed on the edges of iron oxidezonings filling the fractures. These microporous de-velopments give rise to the opinion that iron-chlorites are subjected to flushing time to time and,

hence, are the source of iron in the environment.However, if it is assumed that chlorites are formedas the last product, speculation given above fails.Alteration of mafic minerals such as pyroxene, am-phibole, and hornblend, detected in the heavy min-eral analyses carried out for the investigation ofsource rock (Ayyıldız, 1992), may be the source of

46 Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN; Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL .

Fig. 4- Semi-quantitative EDS diagrams of components determined bySEM studies.


authigenic iron oxide minerals. Similar results werealso given in the study of Sayın (1984). Quartzovergrowth detected in the quartz grains by SEMstudies are formed by Si+2 concentrations yieldingfrom the dissolution of partly amorph unstable ali-minosiliceite minerals through the reaction with thefresh wators in the pores that are come to exist dueto lowering of PH by the intense bicarbonate forma-tion of aerobic bacteries. Similar formation mecha-nism are also presented in the studies of Garretsand Christ (1965) and Curtis (1978).AI+2 expelledfrom the some mechanism is thought to be con-sumed in the formation of kaolinite. Kaolinite mayalso be formed as a result of alteration of K-feldspar. According Curtis and Spears (1971), bothformation type are possible to occur.

In addition, the possible source of authigenicchlorites, which were observed as grain boundingand pore filling during the SEM studies, could bethe reaction of kaolinite with Fe+2 ve Mg+2 whichare supplied to the system. The study of Boles andFranks (1979) gives information on this manner.


Calcite, iron oxide, silica, and clay cementdetected in the sandstones of the Üzümdere forma-tion have negatively affected the porosity andpermeability properties of the unit.

Development of silica and clay cement maydecrease the secondary porosity.

Fracture systems developed after the unitwas exposed have been destroyed by the secon-dary calcite and iron oxide fillings.


Authors are grateful to A. Sarı, L. Karadeniz-li, A.Acar. and A.O. Doğan (AÜFF) for their helpduring the field studies. Appreciation is extended toV.Ş. Ediger (TPAO) for performing SEM analysesand resinous coloring. Thanks go to S. Gürsü ofMTA for making x-ray analyses of clay minerals.A.U. Doğan (AUFF) and Ş.A. Sayın (MTA) are alsothanked for reviewing the manuscript.

Manuscript received November, 11, 1994


Ayyıldız, T.. 1992. Üzümdere-Akkuyu (Akseki-ANTALYA)

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15. Yıl Simpozyumu Bildiri Özleri.

Boles, J.R. and Franks, S.G., 1979, Clay mineral diagen-

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Curtis, C.O. and Spears, D.A.. 1971, Oiagenetic develop-

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sis and depth related geochemical reactions oc-

curing in enclosing mudstones: J. Geol. Soc. Lon-

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Demirtaşlı. E., 1979, Batı Toros kusağının (Akseki Kuzey-

batısı) petrol potansiyeli: 1. Bilimsel ve Teknik

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, 1987, Akseki-Manavgat-Köprülü bölgesinin temel

jeoloji incelemesi: MTA Rap., 3292 (unpublished),


Folk. R.L., 1968, Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks: Hemp-

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Greenland, D.J., 1975, Charge characteristics of some

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stratkjrafik ve tektonik incelemesi: MTA Derg., 72,


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mochim. Acta, 40, 1347-1350.

48 Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN; Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL

Sayın, Ş.A., 1984, The geology, mineralogy, geochem-istry and origin of Yeniçağa kaolinite deposits

and other similar deposits in western Turkey:Ph. D. Thesis., London. 77-85 (unpublished).

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Photo 1- A wiev of conglomerate and sandstones be-longing to the Üzümdere formation (NW ofÜzümdere village. View direction is from SE toNW).

Photo 2- A view of iron oxide concretion-bearing sand-stones of Üzümdere formation (Pisarçukurupletau. View direction is from SE to NW).

Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN;Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL PLATE-I


Photo 3- Photorricrographic view of cakate fillings in thefractures of iron oxide and day cement-bearingquartz arenites and quartzs observed in theÜzümdere formation (Quartz (Q); Calcile (kls)and chert (çrt); crossed nicole: X63).

Photo 4- Photomicrographic view of iron oxide filling inthe rock fracture (Quartz (Q); iron oxide (dmr);Pisarçukuru Pletau, PS-8, plane light; X63).

Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN;Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL PLATE-II


Photo 5- SEM image of secondary quartz overgrowths

and calcite fracture fillings (calcite (kls)).

Photo 6- SEM image of zonal growing calcite and feld-

spars aliered on the margins.

Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN;Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL PLATE-III


Photo 7- SEM image of microporosity and microform po-

rosity between the calcite grains.

Photo 8- SEM image of chlorites developed in micro-


Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN;Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL PLATE-IV


Photo 9- SEM images of kaolinite, smectite, and calcite

(kaolinite (k); smectite (s), and calcite (kls)).

Photo 10- SEM image of semi-booklet kaolinittes.

Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN;Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL PLATE-V


Photo 11- SEM image of porosity developments in cal-

cite and altered feldspars within the fractured


Photo 12- SEM image of fracture filling iron oxide (dmr)

and chlorites.

Turhan AYYILDIZ; Erdoğan TEKİN;Nurettin SONEL and Mehmet BÜLBÜL PLATE-VI

Mineral Res. Expl. Bull , 117, 49-57, 1995


Veysel IŞIK* and Okan TEKELİ*

ABSTRACT - Investigated area is situated at the eastern part of Alanya metamorphites. Common rock types consist ofmetapelites, metabasites, marbles and quartzites Field observations and petrographical investigations indicate thatmetamorphism and deformation histories of Alanya metamorphites in the studied area reveal considerably different featuresfrom the western part Mineral compositions show that these rocks are affected from a Barrovian type metamorphism. Theexistence of staurolite and kyanite minerals especially in metapelitic rocks suggests that the metamorphism conditions inAlanya metamorphites have been reached to high grade amphibolite facies.


Investigated area is located at approximate-ly 10 km northwest of Anamur and is geologicallyat the eastern part of Alanya metamorphites whichcrop out between Alanya and Anamur in westernpart of the middle Taurus (Fig. 1a). First detailedgeological studies in Alanya metamorphites arecarried out by Blumenthal (1942; 1951); Later on,structural characters and stratigraphic relationshipsat the western part of middle Taurus is essentiallydocumented by Peyronnet (1967; 1971), Brunn etal., (1973), Özgül (1976), Monod (1977) and De-mirtaşlı (1983; 1986; 1988) (Fig. 1b). Structure,stratigraphy and metamorphism of western part ofAlanya metamorphites are investigated by Özgül(1983; 1984), Okay and Özgül (1984) and Okay(1989).

In these studies, it is suggested that anappe structures including three slices and twotype of metamorphism, developed in the lateUpper Cretaceous at the western part of Alanyametamorphites. First metamorphism type devel-oped under HP/LT conditions have been deter-mined in one of the nappe and the second typegreenschist facies metamorphism in all threenappe slices. It is also suggested that greenschistfacies metamorphism conditions in the central partof Alanya metamorphites are similar to the westernpart of Alanya (Ulu, 1.989).

The metamorphites in eastern part of Alan-ya metamorphites are divided into two parts asTatlısu çayı metasediments and Azı Tepe marble by

İşgüden (1971). Tatlısu çayı metasediments arecomposed of feldspar, mica and quartz bearing-schist series at the basement and continuing up-ward by sandy schists, phillite, metasediments andrecrystalized limestone which are unconformablycovered by Azı Tepe marble. Baydar et al., (1981)have reported fossil findings of Permian age incrystalline limestones at the upper part of this meta-morphites and thus, lower part of metamorphitesshould be older than Permian.

The main objective of this study is the deter-mination of rock types and general metamorphicfeatures of metamorphites at the eastern part ofAlanya metamorphites. For this reason, it is espe-cially investigated if the nappe structure and meta-morphism characteristics described at the westernpart, also dominate at the eastern part.


Metamorphites in the investigated area com-prise the basement of this section. The dominantrock type of metamorphites is metapelites secondlyfollowed by marbles. Metabasites and quartzitesare interbedded with these units (Fig. 2).

Metapelitic rocks, forming slight topography,extensively crop out around Çaltıbükü, Sanağaç,Ormancık and Güney districts at northern andnortheastern part of investigated area. Macroscopi-cally and mezoscopically, they show green, yellow-ish green and yellowish gray colors, and their phillit-ic and schistose texture are dominant. Philliticrocks especially crop out Güney district. Foliation

50 Veysel IŞIK and Okan TEKELİ


52 Veysel IŞIK and Okan TEKELİ

can be observed at rocks with schistose texture.Coarse-grained muscovite is typically developedalong the foliation planes. Brown, medium grainedgarnet crystals can easily be recognised at theschists around Sarıağaç and Ormancık.

Fine to coarse, elongated structures are de-veloped by quartz rich parts of metapelitic rocks.Folds and faults which reach up from cm to m sizescan clearly be observed at intensively deformedsections. Metabasites are commonly located inmetapelitic rocks as intercalations. They are in col-ours of green, dark-green, greenish black. Greens-chist up to 40 cm thicknesses are intercalated inphillitic metabasites of Güney district. On the otherhand, amphibolite type metabasites are especiallycommon as interbeds in micaschists around Sarı-ağaç.

Marble and quartzites cropping out in thewestern and southwestern parts of investigatedarea, forming the upper section of metamorphites,exhibit lateral and vertical relationships (Fig. 2).This unit is observed as lenses together withschists around Ormancık. The colour of marbles iswhite and of quartzites gray, white, purple andcream. Both marble and quartzite show medium tothick bed thicknesses. These medium to coarsegrained rocks reveal weak foliation.


Metapelitic rocks

The rocks consisting phyllite and schist tex-ture by petrographic studies are determined aschlorite-sericite-albite phyllite, chlorite-muscovite-albite schist, chlorite-mica schist, and staurolite-kyanite-garnet-mica schist. Staurolite and kyanite-bearing schists are not widespread and crop out ina limited area (Fig. 2).

Lepidoblastic texture is common in the rockswith phyllitic textures; however, porphyroblastic tex-ture formed by plagioclases are frequently ob-served. The main mineral components of theserocks are biotite, chlorite, muscovite, quartz andplagiodase. Opaque minerals, tourmaline withidioblastic, prismatic habits and small amounts ofapatite are found as accessory components.

General texture of pelitic rocks which arecharacterized by schistosity is lepidoblastic. Smallamounts of porphyroblastic texture are also recog-nized. The porphyroblasts are usually formed byplagioclase, and less amount of garnet. Staurolite,kyanite, garnet, biotite, muscovite, quartz, and pla-gioclase are the dominant minerals of pelitic rocks.Opaque minerals and tourmaline exist in theserocks as accessory minerals.

Plagioclase.- It constitutes the 15-40 volume% of the metapelitic rocks. Plagioclases appear asxenoblast porphyroblasts and elongated grains tofoliation direction. Crystals showing polisentetictwinning is rare. Abundant quartz and opaque min-eral inclusions are located in the crystals. In somesamples, plagioclases surround the garnets. This isalso important for the mineral growth. The relation-ships between internal foliation, forming inclusiontrails in plagioclase porphyroblasts, and external fo-liation imply sintectonic growth (Spry, 1976).

Quartz.- Quartz, cpnsisting of 10-35 volume% of rock, is xenoblastic. Elongated grains are par-allel to foliation. It shows clear undulatory extinctionand cataclastic deformation textures.

Muscovite-Biotite.- These minerals in meta-pelitic rocks generally extend parallel to foliationplanes and vary between 20 and 50 volume % ofthe rock. Muscovites with hypidioblast and tabularcrystal forms constitute two characteristic foliationplanes called S1 and S2 indicating that rock is atleast subjected to two different deformation events.However, biotites which have idioblastic and tabu-lar forms and distinctly pleochroic with light brownto dark brown colours are less than muscovite inamount. Biotites in metapelitic rocks usually arefine grained and extend parallel to S2 foliationplanes.

Garnet.- It forms 5-25 volume % of the rocksand is usually idioblastic or hypidioblastic and ismade of from medium to coarse sized porphyro-blasts. Quartz, chlorite and biotite are found in gar-nets as inclusions.

Kyanite- Kyanite is hypidioblast and bentprismatic and bladed parallel to S2 foliation plane. Itconsists of 5-10 volume % of the rock together withStaurolite.


Staurolite— It can be easily recognized bypale honey yellow colours. It is found in the rockless than other minerals and forms fine crystals(Fig. 3). Staurolite is usually hypidioblast and pris-matic, and extends as elongated grains parallel toS2 foliation.

Metabastte rocks

Metabasites predominantly consist of chlor-ite-albite-actinolite schist, garnet-hornblende schistand garnet amphibolite due to the microscopic in-vestigations. General texture of chlorite-actinoliteschist is nematoblastic. The main mineral compo-nents of these rocks are chlorite, plagioclase and

actinolite while titanite, opaque minerals and epi-dote are other associated minerals. Garnet-hornblende schist and garnet amphibolite representthe metabasites of higher metamorphism condi-tions. These rocks exhibit nematoblastic-granoblastic textures. Biotite, quartz, garnet, plagio-clase and hornblende constitute the main mineralcomposition and opaque minerals and epidote alsoexist (Fig. 4).

Hornblende- This mineral with prismatic totabular forms shows pleochroism colours varyingfrom yellowish green to green. Their abundancevaries between 35-60 volume % Hornblendes infoliated metabasites reveal parallelism to the folia-tion.

Actinolite— Actinolite, consisting of 30-45volume % of the rock, has prismatic forms. Palegreen pleochroism colours and lower extinction an-gles distinguish actinolite from hornblende.

Plagioclase- Plagioclases with intensive se-ricitization in metabasite make up of 10-35 volume% of the rocks.

Garnet— Garnets exhibit generally roundedelliptic or angular grain forms and their abundancevaries between 5-10 volume%. Atoll texture is typi-cal. Chloritization in the cracks or at the borders ofgarnet is common.


Unique mineralogical composition is domi-nant, created by calcite crystals, in weakly oriented

54 Veysel IŞIK and Okan TEKELİ

marbles. General texture is granoblastic. Polisen-tetic twinning in calcite minerals is also very com-mon. Small amounts of quartz and opaque miner-als occur in marbles.


General texture of quarizites is granoblastic.Its main mineral component is quartz. Quartzesusually show undulatory extinction. Coarse-grainedplagiodase minerals are also observed with quartzinclusions. In some thin section, sericitization aredeveloped in and around the plagioclases whilesometimes they become as muscovite occur-rences.


Mineral components of common metapeliticrocks in the studied area represent different meta-morphic degree conditions. In particular, while min-eral composition of rock with phyllite texture and apart of schists typically represent greenschist fa-des, index minerals found in schists point out exis-tence of amphibolite fades.

Mineral components of politic rocks under-went greenschist facies metamorphism show thatmetamorphism is reached to garnet zone in Barro-vian type metamorphism and is developed under 3-6 kbar pressure and 350-500oC temperature condi-tions (Winkler, 1979; Yardley, 1989; Barker, 1990).Staurolite and kyanite occurrences, representingamphibolite facies, indicate that the metamorphismin this region has reached to kyanite zone. Thisshows that metamorphism conditions in this parthad been developed at temperatures of 540-600oC,at pressure of 5-8 kbar temperature (Winkler, 1979;Yardley, 1989; Barker, 1990) (Fig. 5).

Metabasic rocks in greenschist facies of thestudied area are represented by presence of acti-nolite. Garnet and green hornblende mineral as-semblages appear in the regions with the absenceof actinolite. These mineral assemblages show thatthe metamorphism is developed under amphibolitefacies conditions (Barker, 1990).

Field and petrographical studies in studiedarea, suggest the conclusion that Alanya metamor-phites has been affected by Barrovian type pro-


gressive metamorphism. Staurolite and kyanite min-erals documented in this study reveal that metamor-phism in eastern part of Alanya metamorphites hasreached the amphibolite facies conditions.


According to the studies Okay and Özgül(1984) and Okay (1989), three metamorphic nappeslices can be separated. These nappes with differ-ent sequences are named from bottom to top asMahmutlar nappe, Sugözü nappe and Yumrudağnappe. Mahmutlar nappe consists of mica schists,with quartzite and marbles intercalations and thedeposition age of this nappe is Permian. Sugözünappe, overlying Mahmutlar nappe, contains garnet

mica schist and eclogite and blueschists inheritedfrom basic rocks (Okay, 1989). On the other hand,recrystallized limestones are the common rock withcalcschist and chlorite schist intercalations in theYumrudağ nappe.

According to the studies of Okay (1989), ametamorphism with two different phases has beendeveloped in the western part of Alanya metamor-phites. First phase is characterized by blueschistand eclogite facies HP/LT metamorphism in onlyone nappe, namely Sugözü nappe, during UpperCretaceous. Greenschist facies Barrovian type met-amorphism is affected all three nappe slices in thesecond phase.

Fig. 5- Petrogenetic grid for pelitic metasediments with P= PH2O (Simplified from Yardley,1989). Abbreviations: AB= albite; ALM= almandine; ALS= Al-silicate; AN= anorthite;AND= andalusite; BIO= biotite; CD= cordierite; CDT= chloritoid; GT= garnet; ILM= ilme-nite; KF= K-feldspar; K Y = kyanite; MS= muscovite; PYP= pyrophyllite; QZ= Quartz;RT= rutile; SIL= sillimanite; ST=staurolite. Stippled bands are approximate conditionsof the bioitite and garnet isogrods. The hatched region represents the stability field ofbearing-staurolite and kyanite metapelites.

56 Veysel IŞIK and Okan TEKELİ

At the eastern part of Alanya metamorphites,however, single phased Barrovian type regionalmetamorphism is defined by greenschist to amphi-bolite facies and probably by a progressive meta-morphism. In addition, there has been found no im-plications to a structure consisting nappes in thisparts of Alanya metamorphites. Thus, both parts ofAlanya metamorphites has different metamorphicand structural character. For this reason, at thisstage it is not possible to make any comparison forthe metamorphism and deformation histories be-tween both regions. Additionally, another difficultyis raised from the large central region between twometamorphites because of lack of enough informa-tion.

However, Barrovian type metamorphismthought developed in different grades and charac-ters in both regions at Upper Cretaceous timemakes a possible comparison. With some criticalapproach, it can be evaluated that the metamor-phism at the eastern part is comparable with thesecond phase of metamorphism developed undergreenschist metamorphism conditions at the west-ern part. So, it can be concluded that the metamor-phism at the eastern part represents the one ofmore advanced parts of second phase metamor-phism of the western part of Alanya metamorphites.


This study supported financially by ResearchFond of Ankara University (Project number:90250021) consists of a part of a Master Theses.Authors thank to the General Directorate of theMineral Research and Exploration (MTA) and Re-gional Branch Office of Adana MTA for their fieldsupports. Our thanks are also for the constructivecriticism of Dr. Sönmez Sayılı from Ankara Universityand Prof. Dr. Cemal Göncüoğlu from METU.

Manuscript received, December 26,1994


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Mineral Res. Expl. Bull., 117, 59-67, 1995



ABSTRACT.- The purpose of this study was to reveal the petrography and origin of the Upper Cretaceous dolomites in theGürün autochthonous in eastern Taurus The Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian-Campanian) dolomites in the Gürünautochthonous belong to the Yanıktepe formation and are restricted to outcrops near Salyurt Yaylası, southern slope ofKavunağılı Tepe and Toycu Tepe The Yanıktepe formation is represented by the interfingering limestone and dolomite fades,which can be identified in the field The limestones are massive and exhibit texture of wackestone that containsforaminifera-macro shells (rudist). The dolomites formed as a result of dolomitization of foraminifera-macro shell-bearingwackestones. Three types of texture can be petrographically identified in these dolomites Type: Clear dolomite crystals, Type2: Filthy (blurry) dolomite crystals, Type 3: Zoned dolomite crystals Of these, Type 1 is euhedral and subhedral, and veryfine-to fine-grained; Type 2 anhedral and subhedral, and fine-to medium-grained; Type 3 subhedral and euhedral, and fine-tomedium-grained These data support that the Upper Cretaceous dolomites in the study area could have been formed at twodifferent stages, early and late diagenetic The early diagenetic dolomites (Type 1 and Type 2) are likely to form as a result ofstructural changes that occurred concurrently with sedimentation in the basin during the Upper Cretaceous The sea water freshwater mixing zones over uplifted submarine masses (rudist-bearing limestones) are probably the most favoured environmentsfor dolomitization The late diagenetic ones (Type 3 texture) are wholly tectonically controlled and correspond to the dolomiteswhich are controlled by fractures associated with nappe tectonics in the region


The occurrence of dolomite is rather compli-cated and problematic matter. Different modelshave been established for dolomitization, and manytheories have been put forward on this subject.These were separately evaluated and discussed byHardie(1986).

Dolomitization may occur at two stages, ear-ly and late diagenetic stages. The early diageneticdolomites form concurrently with deposition or im-mediately after this process and reflect the condi-tions of environment in which they occur. Evaporiticdolomites (Deffeyes et al., 1964; Illing et al., 1965;Behrens and Land, 1972; Patterson and Kinsman,1982), mixing water dolomites (Hanshaw et al.,1971) and marine dolomites (Land, 1985) are ex-amples for this type. Evaporitic dolomites occurwidespread in supra-tidal environments (sabkha)characterized by excessive evaporation under con"tinental climatic conditions. They can be found in amineral association of gypsum-anhydrite dolomiteor can form as cavity dolomites by leaching of eva-porites (Illing et al., 1965). Mixing water dolomites

(sea water-fresh water) have been formerly pro-posed as a theorical model (Dorag type dolomitiza-tion: Badiozamani, 1973) and afterwards modernand tossil examples of this type have been identi-fied. This type is mostly used to explain the dolomit-ization of platform-type limestones that are not ac-companied by evaporites. In addition to these,some workers put forward that high Mg rate re-quired for the formation of thick and massive plat-form dolomites is directly supplied from sea waterand established a dolomitization model by sea wa-ter (Varol and Magaritz, 1992).

Dolomitization by Mg-rich waters percolatingthrough stylolites and micro fractures which weredeveloped at epigenetic stage or during burial dolo-mitization (Zenger, 1983). Mg-bearing solutions re-moved from shales during burial process (McHarque and Price, 1982) and Mg-rich solutions ofhydrothermal origin (Matsumoto et al., 1988; Radkeand Mathis, 1980) can cause dolomitization in adja-cent limestones. Among all these dolomitizationmechanisms, the dolomites of Upper Devonian,Upper Permian, Upper Triassic and Middle Juras-sic-Cenomanian age defined by Atabey (1993) in

60 Eşref ATABEY

the study area as well as the Upper Cretaceous(Upper Santonian-Campanian) dolomites whosepetrographic features will be described in detail areof the some type and included in the dolomitegroup without evaporites. The Upper Cretaceousdolomites that were aimed in this study exhibit tex-tural features which reflect the effects of mixing wa-ter during the early diagenetic stage and effects ofMg-bearing waters percolating through the fracturesystems and burial effects during the late diagenet-ic stage.

The geology, petrography and geochemistryof dolomite were evaluated together in order to elu-cidate the above mentioned mechanisms that re-sulted in the formation of dolomites. The geochemi-cal studies based on stable isotopes (O18, C13) areunderway. In this study, the emphasis will beplaced on the geology and petrography of theUpper Cretaceous dolomites that crop out to the 30km W of Gürün (SW Sivas) (Fig. 1). For this pur-pose, a detailed study was carried out near SalyurtYaylası, southern slope of Kavunağılı Tepe and

Using field and laboratory data, a mecha-nism for dolomitization was proposed and a modelwas established.


The study area which is situated in the Gü-rün autochthonous, Eastern Taurus is character-ized by a thick sedimentary sequence ranging inage from Paleozoic to Tertiary. The dolomites be-long to a unit called the Yanıktepe formation in thissequence. The Yanıktepe formation crops out over

an extensive area that covers K37-c1, c2, c3 and c4

sheets. It is typically exposed near Salyurt Yaylasıand southern slope of Kavunağılı Tepe in the westof Beypınarı village (K37-c1 sheet), near ToycuTepe, between Camiliyurt and Yolgeçen villages,near Bölücek Tepe (K37-c2 and c3 sheets), and to

the northwest of Arpaçukuru village (K37-c4 sheet).The dolomite formations are restricted to small out-

crops of this unit in K37-c1 and c2 sheets. As aseen from figure 2A, the Yanıktepe formation isbounded by the Soğanlı allocthonous rock units in

Toycu Tepe (K37-c1 and c? sheets) where the dolo-

mites are best exposed (Fig. 2A). The petrological

microscopic and scanning electron microscopic

(SEM) studies were made on thin section speci-

mens. Additional, a dyeing technique which em-

ploys a mixture of alizarine Red-S and potasium fer-

rocyanide was utilized for calcite and dolomite tests

on thin sections (Dickson, 1965).

the north (Tekeli et al., 1983). Here, the outcropswere intensely affected by the Upper Cretaceous

and post-Lutetian tectonisms.

The Yanıktepe formation consists of lime-stone and dolomite. At Bölücek Tepe (K37-c2

sheet), it unconformably overlies the Yüceyurt for-mation of Middle Jurassic-Cenomanian age, whichconsists of limestone and dolomitic limestone. From


the base upward, it consists of conglomerate

breccia, massive and thickly bedded rudist-bearing

limestone, and semi-pelagic and pelagic sequens-

es (Atabey, 1993). It is overlain by the pelagic

rocks that constitute the Upper Campanian-

Maestrichtian Akdere formation. Near Beypınarı vil-

lage (Fig 2A), the appearance is different from the

southern part. Here, the Yanıktepe formation is rep-

resented by only horizons of rudist-bearing lime-

stone, and dolomite. It is surrounded by the Tertiary

62 Eşref ATABEY

Fig. 3- Field view of dolomites yellowish, pinkish andlight gray colored, form highrelief topography,overlying by Tertiary unit (Demiroluk fm.: Td).Kyk-Limestone fades, Kyd-Dolomite facies, 3 kmwest of Beypınarı village, south slope of Kavuna-ğılı Tepe.

unit (Demiroluk fm.) and in part covered by this unitnear Salyurt Yaylası and southern slope of Kavuna-ğılı Tepe (Fig. 3). At Toycu Tepe, its contact withthe underlying Upper Triassic rock unit (Toycutepefm.) is a fault, and it is in part covered by the Gö-bekören basalt (Fig. 2A and 4).

The fossils identified from the limestonesand pelagic rocks of the Yanıktepe formation areAeolisaccus kotori Radocic, Rotalia aff. skourensisPfender, Siderolites vidali Schlumberger, Globo-truncana stuartiformis Dalbienz, Globotruncana bul-loides Vogler and Hippurites sp. all of which repre-sent a time span of Upper Santonian-Campanian.

According to the sections shown in figures2B1, C1 and D1, the total thickness of levels oflimestone and dolomite was estimated to be ap-proximately 90 m, near Salyurt Yayla, 120 m atsouthern slope of Kavunağılı Tepe, and 40 m nearToycu Tepe, respectively. The thicknesses are notcertain due to a variety of faults which the dolo-mites are found, limestone and dolomite facies(Fig. 2B, C and D).

Limestone facies

It is light gray and pinkish gray in a appear-rance. It is massive and thickly bedded. Its thick-ness is variable, 60 m near Salyurt Yayla, 70 m at

Fig. 4- Field view of pinkish, light colored dolomite form-ing high-relief topography with respect to lime-stones. Faulted contact with Upper Triassic unit(TRti) and (Toycutepe fm.). Kyd-Dolomite, 1 kmeast of Göbekören village, Toycu Tepe.

southern slope of Kavunağılı Tepe and 30 m at Toy-cu Tepe (Fig. 2A). The limestones interfinger withthe dolomites laterally. This interfingering is locallyinterrupted by faults.

It exhibits a texture of foraminiferous wacke-stone-packestone, macro shell-bearing (rudist-bearing) mudstone-wackestone under the micro-scope. In this mudstone texture, rudist shells thatare locally rounded and floating are observed. Themudstone-wackestone texture laterally grades intoforaminifera-pellet and macro shell-bearing wacke-stone-packstone mud-supported texture reflectsback-reef shelf lagoon in which relatively low ener-gy conditions prevail (Flügel, 1982), while pack-stone texture characterizes reef environments inwhich medium-high energy conditions prevail.

Dolomite facles.

It differs markediy from the limestone faciesin that its color is whitish, pinkish, and yellowishwhite and it forms high reliefs (Fig. 3 and 4). It ismassive and fractured and displays a sugary tex-ture. It is locally brecciated dissolution hallows andcavities developed on rock surfaces. Its thicknesswas measured to be 30 m near Salyurt Yayla, 50 mat southern slope of Kavunağılı Tepe and 10 m atToycu Tepe (Fig. 2 B1, C1 and D1). The most im-portant feature of dolomites is that they laterally in-


Fig. 5- Close-up view of yellowish, pinkish gray col-ored dolomite rock. Dolomitized rudist andcast fragments observed within it (arrow), 3km west of Beypınarı village, south slope ofKavunağılı Tepe.

terfinger with limestones. Some relics of undolomi-tized limestone are locally observed within dolo-mites and at boundaries with limestones. The dolo-mites were formed as a result of partialdolpmitization of foraminifera-macro shell-bearing(rudist-bearing) mudstone-wackestone-packstone,as a evidenced by dolomitized complete rudistshells in dolomite (Fig. 5).


The Upper Cretaceous dolomites in thestudy area petrographically differ from the dolo-mites of Upper Devonian, Upper Permian, UpperTriassic and Dogger age. Three types of dolomitecrystal were identified on the basis of texturalchanges, internal structure and crystal shape. Type1, clear dolomite crystals, Type 2, filthy (blurry) dol-omite crystals, Type 3, zoned dolomite crystals.

Clear dolomite crystals (Type 1)

These are mostly light colored and repre-sented by a dolosparitic mosaic. Dolomite crystalsare euhedral and subhedral, very fine-to fine-grained (0.10-0.15 mm). The crystal boundariesare well-developed. They have a character similarto limpid dolomite crystal type defined by Folk andLand (1975). Interlocking is poorly-developed incrystals. This resulted in high porosity. Intergranu-

Fig. 6- Euhedral and regular sided fresh dolomitecrystals (Type 1). Lime mud in the rock causacloudy structure. Intercrystal areas filled withcalcite (black areas). X63

lar spaces are filled with calcite matrix (black areasin Fig. 6). This type of dolomites are best seernear Salyurt Yayla and at southern slope of Kavunağılı Tepe.

Filthy (blurry) dolomite crystals (Type 2)

These are dark gray, subhedral and anheoral(Fig. 7). They are fine-to medium-grained (C.15-0.34 mm). Although they are usually disseminated,

Fig. 7- Dirty (cloudy) appearance dolomite crystalls(Type 2). Some crystalls one euhodral (D),some are anhedral and dirty. This dirty appearance formed by lime mud escaped fromdolomitization. Calcite filling in intergrain (K).Within the rock ooid or fossil-like structuresare present, X63

64 Eşref ATABEY

they locally form interlocked aggregates. Large

spaces are present between grains. These spaces

are filled with calcite (black areas). Porosity is me-dium-to high. The crystals become more filthy (blur-ry) from the center outward This filthiness is

caused by relics of undolomitized lime mud. As aresult, the rock grained a cloudy appearrance.

This type of dolomites crop out at ToycuTepe and at southern slope of Kavunağılı Tepe.

Zoned dolomite crystals (Type 3)

These dolomites are light gray and light col-

ored. The crystals are anhedral and rarely euhedral

Fig. 8- Zoned dolomite crystalls (Type 3). There areeuhedral-subhedral and partly anhedral withcloudy center (B) fresh framework (Ç) dolo-mite crystalls. CrystalIs are sutured. Some-times rudist cast or allochem like structuresobserved (Al). Dolomite crystalls cut by latestage fracture and microfractures (Mç) andthere are filled with calcite cement (Ç), X63.

(Gregg and Sibley, 1984). They are fine-to medi-

um-grained (0.24-0.37 mm). The crystal boundaries

are regular and found in contact with each other

(Fig. 8). Porosity is extremely low or undeveloped.

The dolomite crystal are intersected by fractures

and micro-fractures. These micro-fractures are

filled with calcite (black areas along fractures). Fos-

sil shells or allochem-like structures are locally

seen in the rock. This type of dolomites are usually

found at Toycu Tepe.


The dolomites where crystal types were pet-

rographically defined above, exhibit similar texturalfeatures in scanning electron microscopic (SEM)images The SEM images (664 and 665) of thesample 905 collected from a dolomite outcrop near

Salyurt Yay la are given in figures 9 and 10. The

image 661 belonging to the same sampie (Fig. 9)indicates an euhodral clear dolomite crystal (Type

1: Limpid dolomite) The intergranular spaces that

are not filled with dolomite are ahundant. The im-

Fig. 9- Fresh dolomite crystalls (Type 1) SEM view.Euhedral regular sided, intergrain areas notfilled with dolomite cement. Sample no: 905from Salyurt Yaylası.

Fig. 10 Fresh dolomite crystalls (Type 1) SEM view. Eu-hedral and anhedral crystalls. Grains are in con-tact with each other, porosity decreased. Sam-ple no: 905 from Salyurt Yaylası.


age 665 shows that euhedral crystals as well assubhedral crystals are found (Fig. 10). The crystalsare found in contact with each other. As a result,the porosity is poorly developed relative to that inthe image 664. A partial dissolution started in dolo-mite crystals. Consequently, they were replaced bycalcite. Figures 11 and 12 show the SEM imagesof a sample (images 666 and 667), taken from thesouthern siope of Kavunağılı Tepe. These imagesbelong to filthy (Type 2) dolomite crystals. Theleaflike structures in figure 11 are undolomitized

Fig. 11- Dirty (cloudy) appearance dolomite crysialls(Type 2) SEM view Crystal shape and dimen-sion is not clear. The leave-like structures arerudist casts escaped from dolomitization. Sam-pie no: 560 from south slope of KavunağılıTepe.

Fig. 12- Dirty-appearance dolomite crystalls (Type 2)SEM view. Partly euhedral and anhedral dolomite crystalls with dissolve surfaces.

rudist sheis. Figure 12 (image 667) shows a sub-hedral crystal type and dissolution cavities. Bothimages have filthy and blurry appearrance. Thepresence of undolomitized areas and formation ofdolomicrites which represent the early stage of dol-omitization caused this filthiness. The SEM images(images 662 and 663) of dolomite sample (sample905) collected horn Salyurt Yaylası are given in fig-ures 13 and 14. These images belong to zoneddolomite crystals (Type 3). The crystals tend togrow inward into the center of hollows. Figure 13

Fig. 13- Zoned growth dolomite crystalls (Type 3) SEMview. Increasing growth tendency toward emptycenter, Euhedral and regular sided. Sample no:905 from Salyurt Yaylası.

Fig. 14- Zoned growth dolomite crystalls (Type 3) SEMview. Increasing growth tendency toward emptycrystall center. Anhedral and subhedral crystallswith dissolve surfaces Sample no: 905 fromSalyurt Yaylası.

65 Eşref ATABEY

shows euhedral, regular sided dolomite crystals,whereas figure 14 shows anhedral and subhedraldolomite crystals. Dissolution seems to have start-ed in these crystals indicates a multi-stage crystal-lization rather than a single-stage one.


The Upper Cretaceous Yanıktepe formationthat belongs to the Gürün autochthonous in East-ern Taurus is represented by limestone and dolo-mite fades. These facies laterally interfinger witheach other. The dolomites formed by dolomitizationof limestone facies which consists of foraminifera-and macro sholl-bearing (rudist-bearing) mudstone-wackestone-packstone. This is well documented bythe presence of dclomitized complete rudist shellsin dolomite rocks and of relics of undolomitizedlimestone in the field.

Having regard the facies features, crystalshapes and texture features of dolomites it is sug-gested that dolomitization has taken place at earlyand late diagenetic phases. The apsence of eva-pcrite minerals from the collected samples is notreconciled with the model of dolomitization whichtakes place in evaporitic supra tidal environments,discussed by Illing et al., (1965) and Patterson andKinsman (1982). Thin section studies reveal that noevaporite minerals formed and no hollows whichmay be developed by leaching of evaporite miner-als as a result of influx of fresh water, are found.The formation model of the Upper Cretaceous dolo-mites generally fits the model of dolomitization bymixing water, common in reef facies. The Yanık-tepe formation is locally composed of rudist-bearingreefs. These rudistiferous reef facies lie on activecontinental slopes. This activity provided favorableconditions for mixing of fresh water-sea water. It ismost likely that a contemperanous fault tectonicsthat had been active throughout the Upper Creta-ceous played a role on this process. The areas thatbecame shallower during sea level fluctuations(probably short lived lowering and raising of sealevel) triggered by fault tectonics concurrent withdeposition, were invoded by fresh water. This freshwater was mixed with sea water to make brackishwater favorable for dolomitization. The ground wa-ter which, becomes brackish by this process cancause dolomitization. At the beginning, dolomitiza-

tion has rapidly taken place in Mg-rich terrains ofback-reef shelf lagoon and resulted in the formationof clear dolomite crystals (Type 1). The limestonesremained undolomitized when Mg supply was occa-sionally interrupted and as a result, cloudy texturesdeveloped. The solutions which give rise to dolomit-ization can hardly replace the fossil shells such asrudist and foraminifera at early stages (Sibley,1980,1982). At more advanced stages, these fossilshells dissolve and Ca deficiency in dolomitizingsolutions is compensated in this way. The balanc-ing Mg/Ca ratio (approximately 1/1) results in theformation of dolomite crystals having cloudy cen-ters and ciear rims (Type 2), as evidenced by oursamples. This type of dolomite crystals discussedhere reflect feeding from a local source. This localsource can have been originated by dissolution ofrudist shells by fresh water effect. Zoned dolomitecrystals (Type 3) developed along fractures at latediagenetic stage. The solutions which have arisenpossibly recrystallization of early formed dolomitesalong fractures or in open spaces. The dolomitematrix filling the dissolution spaces resulted in theformation of zoned dolomite crystals (Type 3) inthese parts. The trace element analyses on collect-ed samples yielded Sr values between 60 and 90ppm. These low Sr values has taken place in dolo-mites in the study area.


The writer wishes to thank Prof. Dr. BakiVarol of Ankara University, for critics and contribu-tions during the preparation of this paper.

Manuscript received February 9, 1995


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Ali YILMAZ*; Şükrü UYSAL*; Yavuz BEDl*; Halil YUSUFOĞLU*; Talat HAVZOĞLU*; Ahmet AĞAN*; Deniz GÖÇ* and NihalAYDIN*

ABSTRACT.- The study area is located in the eastern part of Akdağ massive and its surrounding area. The purpose of thispaper is to contribute in understanding of the regional geology. In the study area, Akdağmadeni Lithodem represents basementrocks consisting mainly of gneiss, amphibolite, schist, marble and quartzite The metamorphic assemblage underwentmetamorphism in the higher temperature part of amphibolite fades and was intruded by granitoids and gabbro. The contactbetween metamorphics and Paleocene volcanics is tectonic. The units showing different fodimentary environments weredeposited during Eocene. For example, in the northern part of the area, Eocene units were represented by hemi-petegic elasticswhich overlie Paleocene volcanics conformably and olistostromal rocks composed of Upper Cretaceous mega olistolithes.Within some of the olistolithes there is a sharp fades change between Campanian pelagic limestone and Maastrichtianturbidites. Maastrihtian turbidites pass to the Maastrichtian-Paleocene (?) volcanics conformably. Ophiolitic: melange overlies theolistostrome by a north ward-dipping overthrust and, passing to the Campanian hemipelagic limestone in the upper levels, in triosouthern part of the area, the Eocene units are represented by shallow marine deposits and overlie the metamorphic rocksunconformably. This sequence is followed by Oligocene and Lower-Middle Miocene continental deposits respectively. TheUpper Miocene-Pliocene fluviatile and lacustrine deposits overlie the rest of the older units unconformably. In the neotectonicperiod, in the study area, the faults showing left lateral-reverse oblique slip in NE-SW trending, right lateral oblique slip inNNW-SSE trending and dip-slip faults in N-S trending, were developed under the control of N-S compression.


Mehmet ALTUNBEY** and Ahmet SAĞIROĞLU**

ABSTRACT.- Koçkale and its vicinity (Elazığ) is composed of four different units. These are; Upper Jurassic-Lower CretaceousGuleman Group, Campanian-Maastrichtian Yüksekova Complex, Maastrichtian-Lower Eocene Hazar Group and MiddleEocene Maden Complex. The Mn mineralizations of Koçkale are situated in volcanosedmentary rocks of Maden Complex andoccur in two types: (1) The mineralizations conformable with volcanosedimentary rocks, are syngenetic andvolcanosedimentary type. This type of mineralizations occur within mudstone and as a constituent of this unit The mineralizedbodies are tense and stratiform shaped. Any alteration related to mineralization is absent. Ore mineral assemblage is pyroiusite,psilomelane, rodokrosite, brauntte, manganite, limonite, hematite, magnetite, chromite, pyrite and baryite. In places baryiteforms silica rich lenses. (2) Vein type mineralizations are epigenetic and are products of hydrothermal solutions circulatingthrough fault and openings. The vein type mineralizations are also situated in different levels and places of mudstone. Themineral assemblage is; pyrolusite, psilomelane, rodokrosite, limonite, hematite, magnetite, chromite and a significant alterationassociated with the mineralizations is present.


Yeşim İSLAMOĞLU* and GüIer TANER***

ABSTRACT.- A pateontotogic-stratigraphic study based primarly on the pelecypod and gastropod fauna was carried out atPınarhisar (Kırklareli) and its surrounding, for which previous researchers have put forward various ideas, by taking intoconsideration tha ages of the Tertiary sediments and their relation with the Tethis which crop out in the region. In thestratigraphic cross-section made using 8 measurements; 15, 5 and 6 species of molluscan fauna were observed in theİslambeyli formation, Kırklareli limestone and Pınarhisar formation respectively: The ages of the formations were once againtaken into consideration under the light of all paleontologic data, and an approximated age was given by evaluating both thepaleontological and stratigraphic conditions. The following conclusions were made: The age of the İslambeyli formation whichrepresents the base of the Tertiary sediments is Early Priabonian, the age of the Kırklareli limestone which conformably overliesthe İslambeyli formation and which represents the reef carbonates is Late Priabonian and the age of the Pınarhisar formationwhich unconformably overlies the Kırklareli limestone and which has shelf-margin and shallow sea properties, is Stampian. Itwas also concluded that the age of the Balıklı serie, which conformably continues over the Pınarhisar formation, is -Stampian aswell, according to the paleogeographic distribution of the present molluscan fauna, It can be seen that the majority of it iscompletely the same with those in the Balcan countries; a minonty of it is also seen in the Western European countries inEocene. In the Oligocene, where it is not abundantly seen, the fact that the basin contains completely the same fauna withBulgaria shows that it is, within the area of spread of the Paratethis.