Cadernos Lab. Xeolóxico de Laxe Coruña. 2007. Vol. 32, pp. 13 - 24 ISSN: 0213 - 4497 Late Paleozoic Transgressions in the Greater Caucasus (Hun Superterrane, Northern Palaeotethys): Global Eustatic Control Trangresiones del Paleozoico tardío en el Gran Caucaso (Superterreno Hun, PaleoTesis Norte) RUBAN, DMITRY A. 1,2 Abstract The Greater Caucasus (a mountain chain in southwesternmost Russia, northern Georgia, and northwestern Azerbaijan) is a Gondwana-derived terrane, which was included into the Hun Superterrane (late Silurian-Late Devonian) and then docked at the Laurussian margin of the Palaeotethys Ocean close to the terranes of the present Alps (Late Devonian-Middle Triassic). The Upper Paleozoic sedimentary complex, up to 20,000 m thick, provides a good record to dis- cuss global eustatic changes. Three transgressions are reported in this region, which occurred in the Lochkovian, Frasnian-Famennian, and Changhsingian. The first of them embraced the nor- thern part of the Greater Caucasus, the second was larger and covered this region entirely, whe- reas the third occurred in its western part only. All of them corresponded evidently to global eus- tatic rises, and, therefore, their explanation does not require an implication of the regional tecto- nic activity. These regional transgressive episodes are also known from the Southern and Carnic Alps, Arabia, and Northern Africa. A correspondence between the Late Permian marine sedimen- tation in the Greater Caucasus and non-marine sedimentation in Spain is established. Thus, they were of planetary extent and the present global eustatic curve is confirmed. The regional trans- gressions resulted in carbonate deposition, biotic radiations, and reefal growth. Key words: palaeogeography, Late Paleozoic, sea-level changes, eustasy, Greater Caucasus, Paleotethys, Russia (1) Contact address: P.O. Box 7333, Rostov-na-Donu, 344056, Russian Federation; ruban- [email protected], [email protected] (2) Institutional address: Department of Geology. University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa.

Late Paleozoic Transgressions in the Greater Caucasus, Global Eustic Control

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By Dmitry A. Ruban.

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Page 1: Late Paleozoic Transgressions in the Greater Caucasus, Global Eustic Control

Cadernos Lab. Xeolóxico de LaxeCoruña. 2007. Vol. 32, pp. 13 - 24

ISSN: 0213 - 4497

Late Paleozoic Transgressions in the GreaterCaucasus (Hun Superterrane, NorthernPalaeotethys): Global Eustatic Control

Trangresiones del Paleozoico tardío en el GranCaucaso (Superterreno Hun, PaleoTesis Norte)



The Greater Caucasus (a mountain chain in southwesternmost Russia, northern Georgia, andnorthwestern Azerbaijan) is a Gondwana-derived terrane, which was included into the HunSuperterrane (late Silurian-Late Devonian) and then docked at the Laurussian margin of thePalaeotethys Ocean close to the terranes of the present Alps (Late Devonian-Middle Triassic).The Upper Paleozoic sedimentary complex, up to 20,000 m thick, provides a good record to dis-cuss global eustatic changes. Three transgressions are reported in this region, which occurred inthe Lochkovian, Frasnian-Famennian, and Changhsingian. The first of them embraced the nor-thern part of the Greater Caucasus, the second was larger and covered this region entirely, whe-reas the third occurred in its western part only. All of them corresponded evidently to global eus-tatic rises, and, therefore, their explanation does not require an implication of the regional tecto-nic activity. These regional transgressive episodes are also known from the Southern and CarnicAlps, Arabia, and Northern Africa. A correspondence between the Late Permian marine sedimen-tation in the Greater Caucasus and non-marine sedimentation in Spain is established. Thus, theywere of planetary extent and the present global eustatic curve is confirmed. The regional trans-gressions resulted in carbonate deposition, biotic radiations, and reefal growth.

Key words: palaeogeography, Late Paleozoic, sea-level changes, eustasy, Greater Caucasus,Paleotethys, Russia

(1) Contact address: P.O. Box 7333, Rostov-na-Donu, 344056, Russian Federation; [email protected], [email protected](2) Institutional address: Department of Geology. University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa.

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The global sea-level fluctuated stronglyduring the Late Paleozoic. Well-known ear-lier reconstructions of this eustasy weremade by Vail et al. (1977), Johnson et al.(1985), Ross & Ross (1985), Hallam (1992),Ronov (1994), and Hallam & Wignall(1999). Recently, Haq & Al-Qahtani (2005)have proposed a new global eustatic curve.In general, it is concluded that the sea leveldropped gradually during the Late Paleozoic,with a pronounced drop in the mid-Permian.Second-order fluctuations were superposedon this trend. Unfortunately, our knowledgeof the Paleozoic sea-level changes remainslimited (see also Miller et al. 2005). Forexample, the present curve of Haq & Al-Qahtani (2005) suggests a major regressionin the end-Permian, although Hallam &Wignall (1999) argued for a major transgres-sion at this time. By the same token, sea-level changes at the Frasnian-Famenniantransition are not clear (Racki 2005).Verification of proposed eustatic curves aswell as their details, improvement, and justi-fication is possible only by careful compari-son of numerous regional data from acrossthe world. An example from the Jurassicdemonstrates that such analysis would signi-ficantly contribute both to the identificationof the global sea-level changes and theirexplanation (Hallam 2001). A reconstructionof the global eustatic curve is an enormouslydifficult task and some doubts are evenexpressed as to its existence (e.g.,McGowran 2005). However, such a curvewill be an important key to explain the chan-ges in world palaeogeography, sedimentaryenvironments, and biotic evolution. In theregional record, we document the global sea-level changes by the transgressive andregressive episodes. However, the latter mayalso reflect (and almost always do anyway!)the regional tectonic influences. Thus, ourtask is to differentiate between the eustatic-and tectonic-induced regional sea-level

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changes. Hallam (2001) made an intriguingconclusion, that transgressions are more evi-dent when traced globally, than regressions,which reflect mostly the regional tectonicmovements. In the author’s opinion, thisdoes not diminish the importance of worldcorrelation of regressive episodes and uncon-formities, but emphasizes the need for globaltracing of the regional transgressions.

The Greater Caucasus Terrane, presentlyincluded into the Alpine Mediterranean Beltand located in the Southwest of Eurasia (Fig.1), provides an exceptional Late Paleozoicrecord. According to the present tectonicmodel (Tawadros et al. 2006; Ruban et al.,2007), this region was one of the Hunic terra-nes identified by Stampfli & Borel (2002),and therefore, its record is meanful for boththe Afro-Arabian margin of Gondwana andVariscan Europe. This article is the first,which attempts to give a comprehensive,although brief synthesis of knowledge on theLate Paleozoic transgressions, which occurredin the Greater Caucasus.


The Greater Caucasus pertains to a largemountain chain, which is located in theSouthwest of Eurasia and connected with theother mountains originated during the Alpinephase of orogenic activity. The GreaterCaucasus embraces southwesternmost Russia,northern Georgia, and northwestern Azerbaijan.The Paleozoic sedimentary complexes, whosetotal thickness is up to 20,000 m, are known inthe central part of this territory. They are expo-sed both in numerous little outcrops and in thecontinuous sections along the river valleys.Deposits of all three Upper Paleozoic systemsare known in the Greater Caucasus (Fig. 1). TheDevonian is dominated by volcanics and volca-noclastics, and carbonates are known in theUpper Devonian. The Mississippian is compo-sed of shales, sandstones, and rare carbonates,whereas the Pennsylvanian is represented bynon-marine coal-bearing strata. The Cisuralian-

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Guadulupian is a typical molasse, whereas themid-Permian corresponds to a major hiatus.Only in the Changhsingian, did marine sedi-

mentation recommence, when accumulation ofsandstones and shales was followed by a remar-kable episode of carbonate sedimentation.

The Greater Caucasus Terrane has beenidentified by Gamkrelidze (1997) and later byTawadros et al. (2006) and Ruban et al. (2007).The latter authors have also developed a newmodel, which describes the evolution of theGreater Caucasus (Fig. 1). Until the mid-Silurian, this terrane was a part of the Afro-Arabian margin of Gondwana, i.e., it lay on thesouthern periphery of the Prototethys andRheic oceans. In the Ludlow, a breakup occu-rred along the Gondwanan margin and a rib-bon of terranes, called the Hun Superterrane,

was formed (Stampfli & Borel 2002; Stampfliet al. 2002; von Raumer et al., 2002, 2003). Anew ocean, i.e., the Palaeotethys, was origina-ted in between the Hun Superterrane andGondwana. This ocean grew in size, whereasthe oceans, located between the Hun andLaurussia, were closed. Thus, the GreaterCaucasus Terrane together with the otherHunic terranes moved northward. In the LateDevonian, it reached the Laurussian margin.The right-lateral displacements along themajor shear zone (Arthaud & Matte 1977;

Fig. 1. Location of the Greater Caucasus Terrane and a composite lithologic section of the Paleozoic depo-sits exposed in the northern Greater Caucasus (after Ruban (2006) with additions). The base palaeomaps aresimplified from Stampfli & Borel (2002).

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Swanson 1982; Rapalini & Vizán 1993;Stampfli & Borel 2002; Ruban & Yoshioka2005) led to the stacking of the GreaterCaucasus Terrane somewhere close to theCarnic Alps and Bohemia. In the Late Triassic,the direction of the displacements along theabove-mentioned shear zone changed to left-lateral (Swanson 1982; Rapalini & Vizán1993; Ruban & Yoshioka 2005). The GreaterCaucasus Terrane then rapidly reached its pre-sent position at the south of Baltica plate.


According to Catuneanu (2006), transgres-sion is defined as a landward migration of theshoreline. It is strongly recommended to makea distinction between transgressions and dee-pening pulses. Although they are linked insome cases, their true relationships are verycomplicated (see also Catuneanu 2006). Not inall cases does a transition to facies formed atgreater depth, recorded in the sedimentary suc-cession, mark a landward shift of the shoreline.Transgression may have a number of mecha-nisms, which are distinct in isolated (whereare, therefore, not influenced by the globaleustasy) and open or half-open basins (Fig. 3).

The Greater Caucasus Terrane was embra-ced during the Late Paleozoic by marinebasins, directly related to the oceans extant atthose times. Thus, they were open basins.Consequently, we need to examine two possi-ble explanations of documented transgres-sions. If they corresponded to the global eus-tatic events recorded by the curve of Haq &Al-Qahtani (2005), they were eustasy-domi-nated. When such correspondence is notfound, this means tectonic factors were moresignificant. Alternatively, this also may indi-cate inaccuracies in the global eustatic curve.The Late Paleozoic transgressions, whichoccurred in the Greater Caucasus, were recor-ded thanks to the careful analysis of data onthe spatial distribution of deposits of a particu-lar age. These data are contained particularly

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in the comprehensive overviews byPaffengol’ts (1959), Milukho-Maklaj &Miklukho-Maklaj (1966), Kizeval’ter &Robinson (1973), Obut et al. (1988), Kotlyaret al. (1999, 2004) and Gaetani et al. (2005).The periods, when marine facies became themost wide-spread, were the times of trans-gressions. Each regional transgressive episodeis characterized here in a similar way, i.e., itsage, area, sedimentary environments, and pos-sible controls are considered.


Three transgressive episodes may be recor-ded in the Late Paleozoic history of the GreaterCaucasus, namely the Lochkovian, theFrasnian-Famennian, and the Changhsingianepisodes.

The Lochkovian regional transgressiveepisode (D1-RTE) is recorded in the northernpart of the Greater Caucasus (Fig. 3).Carbonates with shale interbeds of the uppermember of the Manglajskaja Formation, up to10 m thick, are known there (Obut et al.1988). In some sections, the lowermostDevonian is represented by shales, siltstones,sandstones with carbonate lenses, whose totalthickness reaches 100-150 m. The age of theabove-mentioned strata is established preci-sely with conodonts, and these deposits alsocontain bivalves trilobites, and tentacultes.The Lochkovian trangsression is evident inthe valley of the Malka River, where theDevonian deposits, including basal sandstoneswith gravels, overlie the lower Silurian stratawith an evident disconformity (Obut et al.1988). Thus, it seems that transgression wasdirected eastward. At the beginning of theDevonian, the Greater Caucasus Terrane toge-ther with the other Hunic terranes movednorthward (Stampfli & Borel 2002; Tawadroset al. 2006; Ruban et al., 2007). The absenceof the Lochkovian deposits in the southernpart of the Greater Caucasus Terrane may beexplained by the inclusion of the latter into a

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large island, which existed along the centralaxis of the Hun Superterrane. If so, the docu-mented transgression occurred from the RheicOcean. This episode was relatively short,because already in the late Early Devonian thesea became restricted in the Greater Caucasus,and volcanoclastic deposition started. D1-RTE undoubtedly corresponded to global eus-tatic rise (Fig. 3). Even if any regional tecto-nic activity might have affected the relativesea-level, such influences were minor.

The Frasnian-Famennian regional trans-gressive episode (D3-RTE) is recorded in theentire Greater Caucasus (Fig. 3). This transgres-sion started in the early Frasnian or even in theend-Givetian, when siliciclastic deposits of theSemirodnikovsksja Formation (its total thick-ness reaches 1,700 m) were deposited on theEarly-Middle Devonian complex composed ofvolcanics and volcanoclastics. However, thetransition between under- and overlying depo-sits was gradual, and the amount of conglome-rates increases upwards (Kizeval’ter &Robinson 1973). These strata are overlain bythe carbonates, including reefal limestones, ofthe Pastukhovskaja Formation, up to 3,000 mthick. The age of these strata is established asFamennian (Kizeval’ter & Robinson 1973). Inthe southern part of the Greater Caucasus, theupper Frasnian-Famennian KirarskajaFormation consists of sandstones and shaleswith limestone interbeds. Stratigraphic rela-tionships between the Devonian formations arenot well-justified, and therefore, it becomes dif-ficult to evaluate the direction of this transgres-sion. In the Late Devonian, the GreaterCaucasus Terrane was docked at the Laurussianmargin, as well as other so-called EuropeanHunic terranes, although a narrow remnant ofthe Rhenohercynian Ocean remained open bet-ween the latter and Laurussia (Stampfli & Borel2002; Tawadros et al. 2006). It should be furtherinvestigated, whether the opening Palaeotethysor closing Rhenohercynian Ocean embraced thestudied terrane. This transgression ended at theDevonian/Carboniferous boundary, because it ismarked by an erosional surface (Kizeval’ter &

Robinson 1973). During D3-RTE, the globaleustatic level fluctuated (Fig. 3), and this regio-nal transgression may be related to the pronoun-ced eustatic rise, which occurred in the lateFrasnian-early Famennian (Haq & Al-Qahtani2005). It is necessary to point out the existingmisinterpretation of eustatic changes at theFrasnian-Famennian boundary (Hallam &Wignall 1999; Kalvoda 2002; Racki 2005).Earlier eustatic rise in the late Givetian-earlyFrasnian may have initiated a marine incursionin the studied territory and deposition of conglo-merates. Their long accumulation in theFrasnian may be easily explained by the remar-kable global regression (Haq & Al-Qahtani2005), which did not permit a transition tosandstones and shales or carbonates. Thus, as inthe previous case, the regional transgressiveepisode and associated events correspondedwell to the global eustasy, and implication ofany regional tectonic activity is not necessary.

The Changhsingian regional transgressiveepisode (P3-RTE) is recorded in the westernpart of the Greater Caucasus (Fig. 3). This trans-gression started with the deposition of sandsto-nes, shales, and carbonates of the Kutanskajaand Nikitinskaja with a total thickness excee-ding 50 m (Miklukho-Maklaj & Miklukho-Maklaj 1966). But its peak was reached, whenthe carbonate-dominated UrushtenskajaFormatio with a thickness of more than 100 m,was formed. This formation also includes reefs.All these strata overlie unconformably theCarboniferous-Permian molasse and other oldersedimentary complexes. The age of these depo-sits is now evaluated with brachiopods, forami-nifers and other fauna as the late Chaghsingian(Kotlyar et al. 1999, 2004; Gaetani et al. 2005).However, there is some evidence for a confor-mable contact with the underlying depositslocally (Miklukho-Maklaj & Miklukho-Maklaj1966). It seems that transgression occurred fromthe southwest, because the Early-MiddlePermian marine environments were establishedonly there. In the Late Permian, the GreaterCaucasus Terrane was amalgamated with theLaurussian margin of Pangaea, and it was loca-

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ted somewhere close to the terranes of the pre-sent Alps (Tawadros et al. 2006; Ruban et al.,2007). The central and eastern parts of theGreater Caucasus, where the Lopingian depo-sits are absent, were evidently included into thecontinental land mass. This transgressive episo-de was the shortest. It was ended already by theearliest Triassic, because an unconformity isestablished at the base of the Triassic sedimen-tary complex (Miklukho-Maklaj & Miklukho-Maklaj 1966; Gaetani et al. 2005). P3-RTEcorresponded to a low-amplitude, but still glo-bally-recognizable eustatic rise (Fig. 3).Moreover, recent studies argue that this globaltransgression strengthened at thePermian/Triassic boundary (Hallam & Wignall1999; Wignall 2004; Racki & Wignall 2005;Erwin 2006), which is not reflected on the curveof Haq & Al-Qahtani (2005). This well explainsmarine deposition until the earliest Triassic in

the Greater Caucasus. The age of the AbagskajaFormation, which overlies the UrushtenskajaFormation and consists of limestones of about25 m thickness (Miklukho-Maklaj & Miklukho-Maklaj 1966), is considered as latest Permian-earliest Triassic, because of an extremely impo-verished faunistic complex (Miklukho-Maklaj& Miklukho-Maklaj 1966). This biotic crisis isexplained by the devastating mass extinctionoccurring directly at the Permian/Triassic boun-dary. This gives us the age of the AbagFormation. Thus, the end-Permian regionaltransgression occurred from the PalaeotethysOcean thanks to the global eustatic rise. No tec-tonic forces are necessary to explain this regio-nal episode, although the origin of the Alpine-type structures in the entire Proto-AlpineRegion and associated extension (Krainer 1993)might have reinforced transgression.

18 Ruban

Fig. 2. Mechanisms of transgressions in isolated and open and half-open basins. In each particular case, themechanism of transgression may be complicated and may have included elements from two or more ideali-zed models.

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It is important to look for analogues of theLate Paleozoic transgressions, which occurredin the Greater Caucasus. In the Austrian andItalian Southern and Carnic Alps, the

Lochkovian and Lopingian transgressionswere remarkable events (Krainer 1993;Schönlaub & Histon 1999; Venturini 2002).Although the evidences for Late Devonianshoreline shifts are less clear, a transgressivesurface at the base of the lithostratigraphic unit

Fig. 3. The Late Paleozoic global eustatic curve (after Haq & Al-Qahtani 2005) and regional transgressiveepisodes (highlighted by gray). Abbreviations: Guad. - Guadalupian, Lop. - Lopingian. See text for expla-nation of the regional transgressive episodes.

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named “calcari a goniatiti e climenia”, whoseage is late Frasnian - early Famennian, hasbeen documented in the Carnic Alps (Venturini2002). In Arabia, transgressions occurred inthe end-Silurian, twice in the Famennian, andin the entire Lopingian (Sharland et al. 2001;Haq & Al-Qahtani 2005). In Northern Africa,the Famennian transgression is evident, where-as there was a significant regression in theLochkovian and at the Permian/Triassic boun-dary; however, a transgression is known in theLopingian (Guiraud et al. 2005). Thus, in spiteof observed time differences, which may becaused by improperly understood stratigraphicframework and imperfect correlations both inthe Greater Caucasus and other regions or byregional tectonic influences, we can suggestthat the Late Paleozoic transgressions in theGreater Caucasus were analogous to those inother regions. This indicates their globalextent, and also supports the curve of Haq &Al-Qahtani (2005).

It is very intriguing that the latest Permiantransgression in the Greater Caucasus coincidedwith the onset of the Buntsandstein sedimenta-tion in Spain, particularly in the CordilleraIbérica and the Cordillera Costero-Catalana(Vera 2004). Such a correspondence can beexplained by the relation of the Late Permiansedimentation (either marine or non-marine) inthe Carnic Alps, Spain, and the GreaterCaucasus to the beginning of extension, whichembraced at least entire Southern Europe (seee.g., Krainer 1993; Stampfli & Borel 2002).

All three Late Paleozoic transgressions inthe Greater Caucasus were expressed by car-bonate deposition (see above). Moreover, D3-RTE and P3-RTE occurred at times of reefalgrowth on the periphery of carbonate plat-forms (Ruban 2005, 2006). In the LateDevonian, rimmed shelf was attached to theHun island, whereas in the Lopingian, a carbo-nate platform of the same type was attacheddirectly to the continental margin of Pangea.Although Khain (1962) argued for tectoniccontrol of the Late Devonian and Late Permianreef distribution in the Greater Caucasus, we

may now postulate that the appearance of thesereefs might have resulted directly from theeustatically-driven transgressions. By the sametoken, all reported regional transgressive epi-sodes undoubtedly coincided with biotic radia-tions. Available data on brachiopods suggesttheir Early and Late Devonian and LatePermian diversifications (Ruban 2006). Thesame events are also known in the regionalevolution of other fossil groups like bivalves,trilobites, corals, and bryozoans (Paffengol’ts1959; Miklukho-Maklaj & Miklukho-Maklaj1966; Nalivkin & Kizel’vater 1973; Obut et al.1988; Kotlyar et al. 1999, 2004).Transgressions led to the appearance of relati-vely shallow-marine environments on shelves,which were favorable for marine fauna. Whenreefal communities grew up, this acceleratedbiotic radiations as this was previously hypo-thesized by Ruban (2006).


Three regional transgressive episodes areknown in the Late Paleozoic history of theGreater Caucasus Terrane. They were theLochkovian, Frasnian-Famennian, andChanghsingian transgressions. Attemptedcomparison of them with the present globaleustatic curve (Haq & Al-Qahtani 2005) anddata from other regions (Alpine Europe,Northern Africa, and Arabia) suggests that allthese transgressions were eustatically-contro-lled, and the role of regional tectonic activityto explain them seems to have been insignifi-cant. However, the specifics in the regionaltectonic evolution may explain why othertransgressions documented by the globalcurve did not appear in the studied region.Thus, a conclusion that transgressions can betraced globally, analogous to the changes inthe global sea level made by Hallam (2001)for the Jurassic, can now also be inferred forthe Late Paleozoic. It is also possible to state,that the global eustatic curve of Haq & Al-Qahtani (2005) is confirmed with the datafrom the Greater Caucasus Terrane.

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Another important conclusion from thestudy is that all three regional transgressionswere expressed by carbonate deposition andbiotic radiations, and two of them also coinci-ded with reefal growth.


The author gratefully thanks P.G.Eriksson (South Africa) for his preliminary

review and linguistic correction of thispaper, N.M.M. Janssen (Netherlands), K.Krainer (Austria), M. Pondrelli (Italy), W.Riegraf (Germany), H.P. Schönlaub(Austria), and Ch.S. Swezey (USA) for theirhelp with literature. Collaboration with M.I.Al-Husseini (Bahrain), E.E. Tawadros(Canada), and H. Zerfass (Brazil) made pos-sible modeling of the regional tectonic evo-lution.

Recibido: 03 / 08 / 2007Aceptado: 10 / 10 / 2007

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