.._.'_._.'.', í__s_. i^^U ^ * ' ^^*_F-»?i'*£-.-aSB»J" - .- »,r te7 .»-*-'-«.*_*»¦-liÍr__»-?T_. .TwJ-r? -t^rf__._îr -li *d_N«IBi Stil) tint V"1 XXIII.B.0- 7,08:.. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, DEttEMBEB 17, 18Ö.3. PRICE THREE CENTS. LATE BWraDUi NEWS, -s> bO-ttSAH-Wi-S-T OF CHARLESTON. my a mm Of BriLPiSGiS i>e.sti.oyki.. THE RUDSS CF SUMTER ON FIRE. Ix)ii¿'>ln*t-*t Ji!a-iin^.r4>íün<l at l.ml<_vi sviliY. He ia Rc-«.__.orceà by Vance and Betinsom. -i-.- ¦DI REC.NtTOSAN. E TO ._ISS10.\ K1DGE. -mp, M RiDGE AND LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN EVACUATED. .«a. My-ler.t _j Diiappefimncc of Gn»nt*B Anny. j maa Mcentoa, Da ia :. Ti.i! fio^-if-ini.c tin.¡r Near.Tork aniTad bera k> Bight, t riagiaf Boathi sea « Bp ti» la dey. m f.s-twlag ti», patekai ifffeai i:. '.! t Bl idjK. per. Chaki)-'i"V. Pi, li . St faaaj i »t 'ligli Al) e,i«a*t it i.» _bsibIb| sf.com» BBBPAtpB. '1 he cm-m y finut f..nnot n ibotl »I tk» etty tk. »san \i,p. BetBa eaiMlBCB wera strack. Ñopa uairaB ta¬ inui!. Oar balami rapBed. Ko iir.-.»- ua Baaitrr. lia new inoi.ir.i-nt "ii the i rt ni tke in li UHAJMBstOK, UtH*. 14.-lit- lin- tt HMter wai pnr'l» im :.¡. tal ¡¡::tl 'iiii.T.'iliiMf. It !is». ¡itt-n i x11.. Í-iíjt.t'ii sad tke itreagtk «a? tke fbri ki aafoodaabt me. Tke Hal idf fasnaMtB Bas ant born Trrrti d. Nu fi-.ir t.n Su«.it i »e-ttr,ii«v ,.r l»:., Badi r te*7 katie iiiaf betaesa Um ittrriea. i,,. ¦.«:.-li". » ral.awa mt.» tke ¡iy ii.¡» afteraooa l > ',!." prlaoaeri ladadiag I ¦.' era of th.» |- s. |j.1(a parry, eaftaatd _t Mirri. Bin»til ht.lt. BBBBara mspatch. K. linr,«- 1 ¡,t alf 1 TUIUD tAWtA li! Ni» Irlag tu i" ¡t .mil noil m«, u.» .1 ..... .»j t ii- nitor h-.-!- !.i_.i. «'uah Benn*, De. ia.-Very little Bites aaaoara aearATaa. 7ke cani.li'>a »t Beatie yaMsBeay Bete teu aJBed bli! thirty »»oüiitiitt THIRD PISrATCII. Tie Ix.il.r a ii Batten »!...,» ,,. i ¦., ©'i fouadery took In last iietit, au.I a ra dsstraysd. li»', -li¦ wa thrown mto tke airy, aeraral se wklci ooBlaiaed Greek fire, whirh banted Iftaea minutit» aft« i I xj.1 CBA__-_ai<0*4 I'd. 11, 1.-0.1..ii» tl.ruwn ii;iu t_< etty la»t nigLt u\ taterrak if i_.. Beaaa» Daeaage t-taiag SKCOM) DISFATCn. Tke eua kee keaa »asked al intertata dart gute «tar. AkealBe*elsek thiaaaerataa Baaitii keek BBBMeaaea unknown, lb«? nro »on:i.iiii n-»:..; io tke enter t.inber work of the «ont-iwett Br._i'-, Bad Ikl »t»w1 iik BBS kemi BB_ tumo oi_iuiiati'>:i was tit:, at-oyed. Thtrp »aere rifine ca.oualtirs, but tie *.'irt;r-i!v« tot Dot l-éCfiíii!. i »,' ei rn.y « laad batt» rie« «',.. Dad 1 mv- lit cr'.i. tia f.'it darli p use ira, ¡.ud wiri.- replied bo t>y kioi.ltric- anti oar betBBriae A hc-v. lia wa» I'Tt Bp lill day. Not mnib damage Wins Sont to si-.m'cr. )B'JB 1 A.T BBBM Hw-lO!. 11. <. lu..The nein« lioir. the front U f*:i- euurapir.p. Obi sarah] au> at Norrifctoun, and tLe enemy ri-tinn«.- aim o Lonirttroet pUced Cumberland tiup in ti.e front ni.-t.-i.d of Lib -»r. liOBL'-iie» r, Faaos. odh. Killiom » riaraniaruli I«.I asa- K'ii'iat'"'., sa«, ,,1'ifrvi't Ideaee Is i- it tkal ke w-H ! -Id tbccoaitrt. Vaughan» command Bai eBBSBaessdad ix Soi »u- p ita« main body. ]¡K!«i i. Ufo. 14.. xL» main body of otu army io mains a; BadBtiHttBe. líen. LeaBstrast't hrailijuaxter«- ere there. llhirnuL. 1> ». ....i:. ».¡¡..i*, i. 4 the li 'Tit remain« BBskaaBBtL ¡suri!«' HBefakeeeweaBBBl BtXaaat-fla bar« »i rir.'tl .ere. lait-ut. li uo. Ma.ee of Gea. -1i>r,ran'a «lafT, who e«. i-nj4'd willi He <n-r.'ral. la» .arnn-it inBnaseBCounty e:. rxiiitt ;. He ti-u Mu.-»-an ia Ciuc.a.tu-.i, and «¡i .n tr_r Bass. «. ma »-. ILL).. Dec ia.'1 t.'-rt- i«nothlngtTaneji:r.:.e < u Iks Bap '.an. MiLotiri.i-vu.Li., Ga., Dee. 15._-The I_B(__]at.e ad« |< '¡rlieij «iii«. Ai- ¡4st :.TK¡.t. TkeapprOpflatiOM uii.n.ut (...ivor iiiiiriat-ii BtlBoaa of doUaJra, if whn¡h Maali li< i., un- i- ...;..'¡ « Camiii. - two Biillioaa fci c¡,.ti lae Hw(_^»or_rla titxrpa, t." mtlUi.ru í-»r tkeaüBtary fund. li., in ¦.. ' t .- ] :1 u- ,'»v't Bi » '.¦ ndt I f<* t!.-» «..i;"» Keiief AaBocialioa, « :.o miUioa for i. -, ¦»..;.¦ ead about o-ao li-iUioii for gt'.A-Tax .*.;:.: .. ;.«-.' IBB, Thi Ri lintond White ut «.» day i:¡»n editorial hay«: ¦¦ 2A- JllaaM CBs/idararaeaaerfa ttat sai i-.a'rv al ta»«-»'d sa ii- ¡'ii!, ab.»I i.iBfin Id, Bndini i .. ..i.-.ii . f i... m 'i.... Tkey pro« - sa to Lookonl llou; to. B '. i Al i--.«»; rtry ii.dgc. lir-r.» t.'»» Ibaad i.(.*.:.iii»r bet tk« dsbrl»of the enemy*»oamp 'i : ¡ t¡oi¡ «e.-ni'-'i kars bei ii'-«.' r:< d saBalardaj i»«'. I it e tu»'.-' f « kattanoaeaaad below tke enemy fcad rl l»ly dacPeaied kia '».'i .. Tks preaamptkra la thni a )...-... ..i. .-i ¡goat lift': i. tigttri t. aadaaexpa« «t;t."i: ha» Mart :¦' vv.it Tauasssa to look after Fiirrent, w!.');..i« txkiii lu'iar.tjto of th>« adittiii.«- if biiirui__'r» Csrpe." '/it M mto uL«o tay» »tut tlin.pli th'J" Bp'rfsn to be aodoabt of Hu movementsof AreriJlfiroin the ______ «1,. UneHeeaf Baal -'-nii-s-r* aad Vir.ri.it, the W'ur Bap It.BB Lu« ree ¡ved no odd-tiDiiaJ Lot' ¡L- -renee frmn that qti_rt4-r. Tie er.emy'» mr,i(-3.,nti ».'» far known, a... m to IbHhÉI a raid on the railioul, or {r.ibably ni>.,ii the C'ou-ties of Bstelsafta l_M.l«hridf;e. ai. J A Ufc-j»! II. B'lttMl I HE AKTIV OK 1 Hu IMITO H % 4 lint frotta ti., Ru»»ian *i»»al Ofllcrra De* m rl« I o m i ti t wiiliin Our I.itira I'far I're.i.l, ni« Amiir.li 1'irt«. lamiilion Iti nil to a t.roiip ol' Hebel Pt»Uri«.O.irero Cn-Iii«, tri tirari Dismisortt Di-orrtero umli-r Hriiirocr of Dt-atk, a-aKik! Huitich to Us n v. Wbaaa *ft'Ariiii.aoat)B. Wi din «diiy, Dee, If, III i. Yuor iiirre.-poudi.i.t T. <-. <i. twAÚl Bl thf» f"!- iiiai-,1 aaai ¦ abbi m ram Poroaua t W i.¡¡i«.. ay, Dee, IB ic'ej. > Til» nfBri-r- i.f tie It mian flt-t !;ir«; in U:_ 1' ,t":rit_c j'Bid a flyiiiK » iait to Hu) »rrn.T yi-iWduy. nnd, aciaoicpu- l.led hy «J« nerd Meade and StaiT, win « Mi a re» io« of the oih Aii_y Corpa. Tii.y nii-ri.»»! by kj..ci_J truin l»BteV«Ti)Lp. NotwilhaiaadliiptFr. nniikU-l I'«-» tntiona toprennt Ibeni, i:«!i'i di-it'-itiT«« coiiiin*'-to ooiia-iiiti. tmi Hm* 4*aiJy. ¡-»niall laleB- WOW Uitfer.nt lagbB-ntl al'».-m:itf along t).e tonm |MDa| hno on the B-ipidan. witii Ikl .,.- ¡tiori ti »i the urteillance excrcieed by one ovtr 11«. other ill etf.x turill y prirent diruirtione. Inte.-ooi-r»« lietween the opr>«iiln*; ve-imt.. ia «.ccariiinalty IndLiged In. A Unioa pit k' t «totionod on li.«, i.oitl. bSLkof t!e river r«i /«nly Uiorod a liittri.Jr.p peaf ti R«tielAon the ntl »r aMa *:t'_ artu-Ji., »if Um l'ictiiiiii« « it»i Tio.la.-uulii.il. T'l'un Its (mi. I »i »:x a h-iiri-l i.-iLail'-.i ti. ii it %m» "about rieht." Brig. Ge... Jtferritt u now .u toaunand of itufurd'a ear airy di.ition. Tie LittfT officer has Baie tian_ ftned from the Army of thu Potomau to onuiaiid the caTalry aiiatl.-d to t*,e Anny of the C um berlin d. (The death of Gen. Bnford ii ajiuounced fiiiin WjiI ui_- Un.- Ed.] The folio» infr-nune. ofTiceri bare been «_B.i!ii> red or d-tmiMed the ¦*_-»*<_» ef the United Btates. in s_H«ord- siii« with General Ordere tío«. 10_ and 1(H, lie-d t-sarten A nay of the Vatimaee -. l.!,ut. M n-be/l Jobntoa.BJ, N. Y. C»r«'ry, c_»h!-redf-r ''hret-h of trteet" aiid abaeueawltLou, i..ia, Kerainrl Lieu tenant Hojli N«H>bet, lOkUi Po.. raahiarod for titnirtiUi «a (B it i»7. Li«oi (loo. W. HunUaaa. t-tn Il4., dhuota««. f -r ,umdurt pr»'u ¡ieUl «o ro'ad order tied liiliitary tliinlpliae. Keeood iaieutenant T. M. t>|reBier, lo IT. B ( .T.t'r. dla Bilased for ".lid .el uobecooiiul sn oifccei and s «ei.tv,..,., (Sei-ond iaieotenant Mota tfl»i.b'<y, lhth Kata., cLumeed t»l »liaenee wHhoul irais. Beesiid Llsotei. t Blr-hard O'Neill, Troop f, Sth N Y. C,«». »'¦ty, *a*i'<ered for drtiukcnnes« ia duiy, couditctuuhecoatlr» «ii oArsr tad a gentle m «n. and breach of »not«. boeeiid Llctiteoaat Wen. Kemp, i.-.-.p «I, «it) N Y. I'e». tin, tltXmftti tot drunkenness ob duty, atabalea of «Id At Babel War, eiudu .t xuhoeomii.e ki oftcer »ud ¦ »-ir.. o.n,, .Tad tusa-». i»f ane»t. Tk-rteeA deeerters a/t « ' <*. -entrait </f death, sod vill tie shot in the procnt-o i-f their tafltlUlt iliv ia'.on« on the lrth tuitl «.«:,tli inft. maeltm mil bf tiei-ntid on Fiid.iy ol' the pim lit neck. I Ti the Ano ¡lied Pre... HBABQI Ainriiit Ahmt OB IBaPDTtMOn I Wedaeedar« Dee. io, IM& j Tl\i'fullowini: Lilli r was isbii'd to-day: ptBABfBAMBn iHMTor t¡ik. «PanatA ht Hi WEA (I'lKini. nun i: No ¡i'.' TI., folio»I r gi ltira t»i!h Ireepoctl, t,.ii.¦ ti it!. -, ¦ Arn y , ta i', .. ire puhlithed lol -i- Informal! «n ol nil rout, mid. ind »»ill be «in, Hy ob [l-l i.'ni Ctr* i!"i'y, Bahn otherwise nrir-ed, w11! b-f«ir- :i.l-l ed In ii », r,««l B"t »i«. lpt1 vin ! v I be lian-, rli.l de ti .allen are allowed to gell under the yro-rMoni «t birch It. i*.î t ertarwHh »tn-h peeAam titi 1er foi ii .i mr i«, n ordtnea with the ( i the Pi Mini *i ,«¦ :.r. ntl: r. .I «i. ¡Nu». 7, ¡ i'.', ii «t.i Mforgnodi tnerconianoo with ta it t abott ri . I. n -i j,, trad n> ta raiiiwid -. oBb i el the i.- i. t tor batt ataiaiag gooda ordered hy Ita-, rs. i:u ,.i-, i .,.,. «. i, ,i v ir., . n,mi ban taey- t.i. .. 'il, latte«.i 1.1|,, foti. » ii In« !.;¦, 11 ti d ti} li,,- Pi, toit Ma .»'.«, i.fin"i*i, i.i ly li- lily. .'. Regiateeed tnlleri, herbg p»i»»r« thai tyjntrd, wBlhe permitted to load to M .«« tilth ofacerei ti ayea ikeaeyweatefi b tarni tot] I«« r-1 lied h. taBoperin« ». ti. »¦ :ei|« :r« d n ill In» liultl i.t vv »«.> Ing ob to Um ft- r ii« «ii: ..ii .1 hy ta Pn »« t Hw« « wbowl twin ft tnt talleri ta mr b B I.. i. tay w10 load their goode, and who tal lewatatead their loa.l .ii.it N,. ni will be dMitoed foi the I ubi ., aaloedlngof I - bei ndtal «i owed b. IheeH M Im.im inch ¡n.d ii'« IT li 111 out lt.. «' - t"l!! lal l!" !li«rl», . ta ,..... i I »i- ... ta nat. ti g «oil« wlnli. li. Il..t.»:t Ol t ruh. r « ti nf It e r««a.t. I .1 A.I i . ,u ri Lui «aiiit-i ordered hy «.ti .fyx.-iT »hail i n errata ti.» wMom erdeibg i.'.e taara lb ruft, og tbt twist of dalteery oatarMl reed, to be hept bj - ..ii er to hit otra atbato quinen nr the 11« t-r '«y tt.i- s«.t r'r »! » 1 be ¦ t tale, «-ni .-nail«'I lui ne« nibh- io «a- i .1 I'm mi'.«.»!.» law uni»-govrminf . n .. i i: piitUegi I Jil« ii' to »cr. I. I. r Iii. na in OtOtttl r»! lofAni te, ian ftrai Ihrat b ibjaaileit. ni b1.d,aUpackagei brough! te taanay bl >. »t.. .i ti,.. »..!.. freigl.t ai ti t . ii a) he re.| nrr J ti. |.ay foi lit bntftltMba ni llii.ilal i j kau «. I: lat.r« «i r«ri«! a '. er thoa the ahoee aaarad »! « «if g h - to thean y, ead wboBMy «»« tat. tt»n»t« rtatt ,. a. Hull nniiimlliMM lu a ill lug lu tarnma MmiImI «¦i ra ... atiore order (a nnt 1, tendrd to affert tie «rent, i.nw yod by the Q utera mt i « BakMtlaan Dtputiumt. i.J Conillaaaa-l.t ,'1 >l A I ., I. .M »A I'* S WILLIAMS, A.A.O. j..» .* Martha] t './ » fir. \y. iíií« OS. Ill J. 1'. lal« »ALI. A.A.O. Waamnni m, Wiiim-iday, Dei-, io, isca, (¡illili iiii-n ji»t arrived from the Anny ol Hip l'iituBidc * ¡y tlutt Miine nf mir citTiilxy Hill occupy Cul- fe] f.-;, aad II '. i..:.« 11 i x'n i.ii niora] bflei K'" ) ti'.at ;««wn. 'l i.e peetttaa et*wet troops Maalai nmhinpcl. hot t «re .n- inin -.t'i is afahaagn with a view to the graak r aaaabet "f Um amp. Vea rajaMbaa »ro to be i-stn«. J in nepi « *. t«« mia I.tthnritT in Ike Array.I.yiwg llrperl» Wam longlia l»n i. i,Hilton to Ora. .Tirade \\ illinm« .-nul liant lau re .f Ob* in ni' l.iti muire A t.loouiy Pialare. Tfc»" Minthrr. fm.1' :>u»l ,| .......t ¦BkBBjBâBBSBi IHII-J« I'lMi'iv Sixni Cori-ü. I 1 Ure. ID, lr*J. 1 Tbf- paaaant lamill til j ot the Anny "f the I'otoranc r.nk'i alienee witta the nea.pept-r i'one«p«>cd aab n ra.-iln.al » irt'ii». 1'nr mnntlii the tame monotony »ill donl't!"«"! peet Bl ar.'l t!i<« i ty of the » iraperat.-d a-itl ilia j,i»,.n teil n»»i! .< i-.B-i-r will be, "All fBbl tîon# Iba I'««! .: i«"." If Idle (roatip and nrtrnrtwnrthy ni laanwcnatwi tki tka ararla! wsald ka laaitd wltk I 'n.iiitT of m ¡¡-wee but bW buy «ti. We hear hit« of un- I ¦mi iibli* r»-|>'rt* eitrn t n f l.ai.fr.'lu too iiiiLmand of. the army, bat aotkktf official ia koown at yet. The renort that (¦« i, J'l.ii.iit. ii «a* to be flared In nuiamaiii] «-f ii«- an y ir Bnaatan, ai «I * .tin.ut band- ntitiu. (¡i'inTil Wurrin a at m ii,« a ¡.ut ain-.ai.l the (other «lay WgkM BBtanBS the ueai|a|iert to learn f.ii I.'.-- tirtit DM U at 11 wm nga-fed in au laktOfllb w,t!, (»em-rni nnaoaba aiid Oaanal Itirmy. and tint On or.-ii Maadi had « naand htaa. Tka nbnirdity of tillie cbhiuiIb provok,- ti i:.«îi»rntt:«>r«. al we!) u ri-ili r,¡.« pf t'i jr: » Officer! befin v, lookapoatkninbmB- II nut i.i-' boodi »i in- d ai.il , ,n datad Im tin- parpan "'. ttirrlat op di« oatai t aad n»«,inil aalaoaity tit "m rai.ki. 'I be aai oraj bau «« -!-"! of tkea, Ij li t |»-rt. ». i. ti. ,s wai int.;.» inaliirra ti i repi lath n i«f thora » bo ,r.Tt in the tielil of h'.lior .!¦ «~ i » the HBMBtln tier} 1"»iiiisi ;: Um lai I rUSLUI OBBaBAHTSn. i,i ... a larga i bar el Ikrlaagki an katoa graatodl *. .-. '.i* from tea ta Maty daji tie Uti« i ui.lv m extraordinär] wea, wken phyaical dbahllity rei en ile leareol ibraan n toagthy. ling, fn u.' vv i-',!., eoranai dina Bdlrlrbba. BdOana, un«l Jtri?. lOaa, Eui. «if ta tat Corpa Iba n Friday n u ba l'a»!'l« i»»i. 'il,, arden peratt« m general oSton bora each BOrpB to «aeire a firlnn-rti ut n titne an a»i!-hino «rsBBSStainn?» ' A patriotll ".¦! i'w!^ r¦« tly «' :.t I!.:« I HI .> Ti,' ipi m j..« i h.-.-.-s ii.. thto array. One m' <i Mi ada aad tkt naatag Iwa i tdaairedb bt pu mi ladta t»" (ii-.'.hIb uni« ol wtmni liiiiBt be n t««lotftl|i«r lint] ti,i other ont util. i.'«rt«r ladalead injir«,f.iiiitT. (¡«n. Winiam* Chief of Gea. Meada*! BtaCtooktka I Anti I'r« finit»' Capl ttd Ota. Baal tl.e Trn.ja.fal. , Cup. 1 »i an i aaanlali ad r«-:«!. a, » yr.«nt di al al tua oonltaan tu bt Ban tl.oi.i tbt dbtnbatba of iheto Ijiriaoiita. tX).N'riRCAT10V OF IMM« RAI, MTKEATI UK. On Trniay bat qatta a brae faaatftj «Makanaa lit »rat'ir" wai <.¦ 1-. it- d t; «.rd- r of Brig. Gea 1'atrick. tie ettirii-i t Bad hinorntilo rrnrott Marihn] OeneraJ of the Army ot the 1'otouiai», while poiiing thtoiigh tbc i'|: I. .¦.le I ile»;!«" to 1-jp.AA- Biiothnr roi»t'tii^itiblo let of rat- ¦u - a !'.>"!- iwudUag abaa, Ikal Ikrfra upon cheatinjr II! si.HJe"! II'.i» »..nil. n. I refer Di UiuM jirina Jim i-t bWBlrj daabn wka antead to end by ann In Man. : ir ritiney lent viüitialil»- pri/i-*. 'J'i'-y ivlvi rtlte exton- niBii, nuil thi ir base nprenatatbn it ould ab be al bine in tka aokuan of any loyal or rrapntobb news- |Mij*r. A finn of Hie aariiiiieilntime ,,f Wtniloir A (',.. la i.rivjt¡i inn t! ia »[»< Im of ta'tulty niiiii our toldieri and tbt imbin.. (¡' ii lairick lia. t«,rliidijfu the nadln ol my li-tu-ri la C'i" in ''«U'-il Wintlow A Co. thronet urn y ¦aila 0 mil toni tli-tei nii-i lure Dik«-n the I arana b baad. aai it it ln,p<tl ooodlca nalthataat Will to uihi, ti i! ujiíi«! Hie truiliy partira lo tun Mh* uie. a sad narran Wl li peramlmlattg i!ii«-uk1i tbe arnriiut coria en« canipuieiiit yeaterdar, 1 im» tt.«- faBaa ma mnirafall reoor«! of a br iii eniiili r ne 1 roon tim uni Slerenaliurf, Va. At ti,- i«'* of u withered apnli trot," wa» a limpie naaad teak u dot tka nil af Vinrtakx and at it. lu mi ou a t u. i--11 bai iinarii an beenbed, "Btrgnat Wm. Ji.liti.".,. ( ¦.":(«mi ii. rt.1 M.j-ylaiatt Ei'irliin'iit, 1!. 8. A. Htiniç by Um kera on tl.ii ippli'tr< fur ilneiUon, Au|r. '-ii. Uaa.1 ' I'ub'i' et ili'i-i-rcm «»at propntna mon." t^uiU* ii heavy rain iel in yaierdaj afternoon. Baa* tiiiu!i:|rt!:.-oi,'la"'it Ck; nii'tit, | ndnllij tLf rotuli ..'Uti 'jit fur tranaporlatloa. 'li » waatkn t" «!,«y wai chaim- ii.ii, i*- i.'ii,: n une of a hulin) day lu June ot the :iji .io! aiUi'l tOga liol.i- nu Iii I'.UIiJ.t. 1. u li. . non inKTii>iiin. The I .linn llinlil 1,-izuiT Of Morer« lor Army I ae -Altnrk on a Mu umboui an Ikr .TIillil«ip|ii. caiko, WMaaaaaf. Dec îc, d«3. At Muinjiliii, tho cotton market wau moro aetivr on the l!>th, bat priera wire low. Then wem tale» of M hit! h at t.'«W.7it. Military onleii p'i-i ni.- ln(ç an m,».t jK-oplo brlnj{iiiK In cotton were ttill In furto, aiid dining the p\at »oik null mare itriot meaaiire» hare bren put In operation. Tia banka katu U-tui ordentd U, \uy out no gold to dopoakori or on ti« rki The total eolee ot oolton during the wi«ek wtt« C~K, luina. 1 bo tiAul numlx r ihlppeU from tbut jiort, 1,174 '1 he nilitiry au!h,<rltlee are teDIng all the tortee uml muita in Mi-uipliii for envy mo Uitt ara not tit-« {ited by permit from Iii« commmdlntj Oeneral n necntary for lawful BSqpaaBk pftjlng tho ownrri a lair prioe lor theta. Thla conaoription la being rigoroiuly tnforood. lu acrordanc« a ith recent ordert, A deatructite lire ooeurred iu Mempliit on the night of tho 11th. Lora n t If-ariii'il. Hie it« amer Von Kui!, from New Orleani 7tb, orrtveil ! ins witt ltf hoglteadl of i-ugar, und W8 burrfla of baanaak ßta »m not fired into going down al re ported, but on ter way up. on the «th, wataitmikeil twice i»«ive ltoynu Kuri. The Bringan from a but tery of lix and t»el»t-p«iuiidert on the Lonitiianailioie, »hrowlng ihrll arid round thlt. Ctpt. German, MM commander, wa« killed ty the frit «hot; tri «re of t!.c err«/ Mere kill» 1, und f. iir peaMBJI n »munde.1. Ft rt.t three Bt:oti were fired.threo paired tlir«»UK'l« Út lnill, other» «track the boiler, BBÍ llTe ruked the boat from btetn to stem. Agaakeel vee convenient lefteTee Kuli, und ut tia- time of lirii'g »» ii withim COO yiird» ot h'T, .'ill' !.i If two Hebel |.'¡ns. Thi« »le.iü.er T-'iry h it, ni rived fruin Mruip.ii», with «¡oo bein "f cotton f.ir BL, ietttt, TWO BAH T.ATER I'llOl IOBW« OIIIiKA.'-N. 1'iipiiir»' of Die Hebel ÎVork» al Port 4 in I In A Very Important I'otilioit in Our l»o««r«»ion-- II or mien I of Colton The Cotton Tti.il.ti. Tin- United -ttatee_ra__ee_*e1 iteeai.Jb Tbon_aa -\. *s."tt nrriv.-.l from Neu Mr!« un, on afOOmttAtJ mtonttg »»¡th duli | |B Ihn n.be.- .. S'¡e la » ,. .riiiatlun of tin-iir.|ri.r¡ i't i ii|!.r» n.'..'.»> 1.» our Lia«« lui»! r (¡en. Weil binn, it M tug B_B Hay. Yin gean tt.e Mba ¡iik aeeeaal Dreei '/",'.» .v .- o.i am Ebb af tke Uki Another Tletury lal« been faired bvtho »oldiertof the DepartBMat of tke Gulf orcr Ike Bebéis in Tessa, and altaoaak u hlnndlaat ea«, n of the higLt >>.. bapertaaei tu tli»- (taloa eansr. Uitit i«l inftirri'iitiiin baa I"*, i na sired b1 Di port ment beedqaarten t!¡¡it «li lae Rabal works »t Part « '¡tr.ni", i a i-, kari l ate aaptared l'y ear ft ii« a N»« u mun -»»» |i»«i .»n ». ¡r -ide. tata. lien. C. C. .Y__bt»'irn command» d the Union Heepa Tlia Rsfcd p»rri«"n er»r,»ir!el ««r l.i«0O men and in gui». iiU'i-T eoauaaad of Col Bradftoa, A Tex.i» refugee Hif«»rni« thal aboal Ino moi.tV» una tin re Wi re «»van ! in » ». .1; »:..! live h' al |B M in Hie fiirtitieation» at Fort I «vail». A |.'!nice at tli»¦ m«p » ii! iklB the importan »e of thl» ii, t»r> 1'ort i'a»Hl!t> arti the rapr tired work« are «itu »led uii the point of a p n n-'tla »« huh »epm-nte« Mata I gorda Hay from the (j u!f. The **o««egtion of tt.i» «joint » ¡enr» the eut ranee to tlio buy aid give« tie I rdeal army ci>rnnian»l et «eT»T«l important plat" ».Suiuriu, Peri Laraaa. ami Mu-«».<'!,in. IBA »hört »Ü.titiit'i« b .t k fi.,n tli«.« bay Vlctori.i and »eviTHi i.ttier town», all of which ore open to t!.e t_cu- pstion of our troups. A large ijuantlt» of r«i»tt"n had accumulated at Vic- tori-» nt tbfi tim.) «if tin separa af Brewaerfle, aal ia I t^-ere wa« no rh-üi ¦<. ef r1 ¦ >.wn"r« getting It «ot of tt e i»', tri. ¡ir.'l i.» !..i'iti t of riTiifMUg it, «icept by Iks iluw peeln ti ox tenir 4, it ¡II ¡.nr ibiy ioou Irfoome the .«u'.t.t. of Ibu I i.l. d ¡-tatet. LATER. Sine«» tbo ajijioaraiiM' of imr F.xtrn v\ith the new« of the BSparS of the eriiny» w..rli» at Tor» «'«Tullo, Wi« leal!, that «'i olli. port fri'Iil MaJ.-(¡ei_ Waakbara la» Non reetttad ¦« Department kaad- ooarter». am obi eng ti e m at toa "n Deo. I of Kort ¿«peranra, Tort Caiaalo, Jila», * :lh tie capture or| ten beaty grin». The en'en:y eTaennted the f.,rt duri-g the night pre ti. »i«. hasted l»y a «»le, »ru» h pBiaanl ti»« gunt.nu fruin enttinr off tl.i-Tr communication», >»nil<jeu. Weah- burn, therefore, cap'.uifl emly ».x iiri»otier«. ihn »utera« gue« cot l-l ..f M ....-. !-. Bay. OltlO. W edne»d»y. Deo 16, H363. Tho Ni'W.Orltii!.a Mfeaj Üio 7th i_«t. are .«vrived, but contain Utl> new«. I he U. 8. »t« »mer lierai»!», with the cargo of th* iibonner Antonio, arrived nt .«._ ».¦:»:« nn tt.» Oth The cargo oonjitted of cotton, and tu handed over to the T 8. Prize Cor_mlaaioner. Thirteen hundred t- ». fifty letea balet of .:...,. fr.,- Skipworth Lending, lorne distance ahore Vlckiburp. wrr-* merited on the 4th, Ti!.»!e.rtt»«V. to be bot-nd New-York, and wer» not offered at the Bew-Orteaai I .alee. On tt.e _>«_ V.'-n yt*re Î.V) ba!ei of cotton io!" at j New Orleans at .., 373«. per pound fur Middling. --am- taon taiii>i.TO-t. f-rs.it: Di-iairh to T).e N r MbaBa WA»tliia«.T<'«« Mr dm adey Dee. K5, l»a. ABIUVAL OF CFS. .IHoPItLD AM) BTAPP. Majnr-f it'll. »Si. iiOlii U Uni -.tall" lir. .Vial in tl.il rlt» l««t r..|'' t. The (leurrai t.r.d «n ¡¡.tervlew with ti» tym '!'-:it Hil» eTenlug. No order relieilrg him ha« Neu, and probably i »i»» a»iii be. li.urd until a aultatile» .r to the comnierd of the l)ep»rttntj! t of the ','.- ,.-> !.. di'i'ied t'jHin. a.'id aI»o a new command í,"¡:..'. f. .-«'.en. | haa_i "I HE Ai)i'ITI"NAIi4»ATlt OP Off» E. Thu «j'li-etii.n lia« BBefl in:««-«l a hellier ti.«" nienib.r»of ti.« pttunt llia'.fo of |:. ..». »/-i.tnt.i ar* lag .!.y |i Bg kaabaaaa 1i.e ait pretenbing an ad dill nal oath of office, p tind by the li»t «'»i ,-r< ««, re- paBeeeief eÉtoer of tbeGorerumeat, belure entering upon LU diitirt. to take «xd lubtctll*. the oath abjuring o.i an Maa a Ml ike i.< B n. Thti oath lu admiriati red to the Speaker ¡_r.,'. to U.e Kepreirntative» by Stab-» or »ecthm» at the Aimmcnco- ii.. ..t of the »«»»ion, but It sas lubtcTiucd by nobody. Erery ¡Senator elected tinco Van pasaage of tl.n law. eicr-jt Mr. Iiayard, who will mon be afforded an op portunlty to do io. Las ilgi.ed the ri'iuli.'.e nalh. Ihe *--uu.:.,l Controller La», wo i.:..-.... ,tinJ. refo»e«l to pisa ti;, accoants of ar.y offner of tie «¡- t-.-.m¦ .. ¡,t who ha» not hlod the oath In i]ui'iti"n. THE 8IEIXLATIOÏI IN" Gol.*). The St'iTctar}' of tin» 'Ircaf-ury ii. emit« mjil-t- Ing the adoption, »1th tl.ecomarrenoeof Congre«», of »oine iiiii by which to curtail the speculation In gold and reduce Ike pten.1i m to lu true lei el. «ay twenty- i (lie t«» thirty per i.L Oin.- ino.!.- It »iggerted lu the HI lntroduc.il by Senator Twin r«f Kansaa, yrilerday. Another w)ll be en. braced in a bill or r.-nlutioti. »«'U to be Introducid lito the H"u»e, aulhorliiug the, Secretary «<> u»o the »i.rphi» g'ud in the Treaaury and the ai ails of troiid» »I'M i.hr .».!. In «tit h way» aa he mi») deem eijieitieiit, to k'*» p donn the ¡ric of p|| and of ¦Mkaaga ZkeSeereleij oftLeTrea»uty hu» co;.fern .> with member» of the Way« aid __rl.--ti.ai and Tinam-c Coi-.ii i'u .¦» on thl» «i.bj.t t, but it la nit yet known j precisely what ootir»e bo pr» poaei tit pursue. miHH BBBMMB l)i'I.I.AB CLAU..B. The i¡-"! abUitlea deddefflj an; ti.at CtaBfMi will T'¦]'. ixl (he tbriM» J Hid red dollar olaute of the Enroll- mi-.-,t Act. The Militai y Ccmniitteeof the Kenate are bi lu» ed to be in fatorof doing so, arid It Is not unlikely that they will attach a arttlon to that effect to the anie.'idntora Mil Introduced by Bonatair Wilton. The other pro« i-im.» of that bill will probably be adopted In lulratarit-. The following li the bili ai Introduoed: Aa ACT to »mend _n «etmiit'ed "An Art for Pnrolllni and Calling Out the National Foroea, «i.l foi oth»r porpoaee." .»j |i-u. ed Ma" li M, li'' lit it enacted bp tk* benOl* and linkte of Keprieeataliere of the Vailed St-ti'i ef America, io Otmçrtf aiermhUd. Thsl the l'i» !. nt li hrrehy sulhorued, whe, eter be thall .le« m It BSSSaan to t «1. »i-ub the tmit r»l Hl*te» foi im !i iiunitrtita of na i. I. i li.i» citliWty mit.it of the Hulled Huies as its tai l-l ... of the country oi»y rrqulte. HkC Î. And bett further ,nu, t'l TT.tt If »ny S«»«0 »hall rslI to furnlih within iii« time tie»ifn«le<l hy lie i rseldetit His nilli.!., r sf msn rroiutred Iheiefron: lila Pro,u,r MarshsJ of ths dlitrlct witMn which sny ward of s eily, town, or towna» lo, i.rioui.ty, wh-tilhei aune ia not di»,dei lut" w«rd», lowu». ot l.iwti.t.lpa, which la ii. lu »ni in H. w .1» la aitiiated, alia iiiidn Hie or.!, r. 01 the Proroet M.i.:. o (ion. ral ins.« a diail for (lu- nimber defii-lrnt Iheiefiomi hil »II Tolun'esr» who mty tnliit afle-Ibe draft la nid.rej and hefore II la srlusllr ni» i- thal he deducted fmni the niiBiherordured «¦. be dr-Jled H«C. 3 Ami be it further madtd, Th»! «eeitoo 3 of th« the «et entitled " An a-« for P.nr.>lilr.| and e«llin» oat the b* llonsl Poices, and for other purpris..," apprered March -. If..i, be .nu' U.e taine la hen by i-|.. »I.-i, and It «hall be the duty of the Hoard of Purr.llmenl ,.( ¦»-,. I, dl-fl'-l to eonoilidsii iii« two i.»..-- piuiiiied fot lu the üd »eclioo of eaid »¦ t. 8 BO. I And bt it further tnnettd, Tl.nl »i T l<e.i.»ti i,r tied nnder «he proTttrlona of Ihe set «pprmrd Mar«h 3, 1I»'J, an titled "An «et fir P.nrol!ln| and rslltnl oui the Nslioii»! P'ne«, and f»r other purpose«," mty furiil'h «t aey tim« »n »tai llalli» «i'liiti'u'e i ml li» shsll be etempled dom dial! di»'m« Die lime fur whirh »ueh auhalitnte h»t boee accepted Bat!. I. ««_ »e it farther taoeltd, That I'ioto»! Maru,. -, li a.rJ.. f ) uiolliuent, or «ny meuiberliiereof, shsli ita»« pow¬ er lo summon w iii.e»».» ami enforc« tlieir atteodaiire by »n st- tsitioiriit In any rase pendln« belote thom, or e-ltlier oflliem, »i d'I.e »an . mu,.¦.» fe. a aid r.i.ta ahall be allowed »a uiay br allowed In lb»4 ouita of the United BBSSB, and loadnilntatei o»'!', tod iffrir«tl«n.( »i¡d ai.y p»f."i» wbo tbtU '.r'ftl VI . ile!». «V» 'y b»f. re any TroTO»! Marana] r B-MBÍ of BbmBB ei.t, or br'i re any neil n.i.i!»tiht., ' my .'hdaill to I"' "«liniiif n «u:ii! Infor» my i'iovi .* M*ir.l,al m Berad M KaieQ, nient, sliail, , u rilli»! tu n, lie line-l nul MModbfl $.'.«'.. «nd Imi n «util J u-,' 1rs. ti.un na ii.'iit .1 tut inuie than ti, rire un ml,.. »I- t Indtr ii fu, Ihre mattrit, 1 Lil e.p'.tt of try f <X'l Ht a l'un.. Urawa! * Beard ef KnreiUhMit, or of iny pet! thereof, rertilirii to a. ,t rre, t bT ta I rovost Mur»', ni M a n yailty ..f aid B ard Bal .! t ball tit «Iraaed ,i takrti i Tul. ii. » In ray Mell ««r I li Irry I . ut in lik« mai net a ta o nii «i r i '.ni. atd Um' iii» i«.« 11 ei pen, i » rlfr- iii t) the rurrei t.,, »a if MM b IWatd, who ihtll hi » -i-rt. ti« fs -i- .«,.;. r » ..¡ii.- >id, «luiil b»- » il.jr. t t.. i'l i pain» -uni yea lilli - "I i.iiry. Mi T. Imi I r ¡t turill,, -r i.UC, 1 hat all 1 In'm. to e ien.|i Be« »hill ka »iiii.'i bytaeelhel ta putt te tatt bel .he fa, «tau.I if »ill I., hi. WtnoOOl knowledge. 11..I le Iii. U in »li.-ir trath If not wilbla bit Benora » i ¦-. ledgi -ni 11: '. i.«tiii. wa at erny eahm paly Bledla nypart Ma ian to n nlyttea »hil' «J».. !.. lae.riMti Km h. .i.i,fi»i,'/ nfltr taatftd AM If ny yenta drilled II III I to liada! ..I« ty ». .-ti. i- » a.l BtWWe a «I-« -i-l I ni taC m -«i am to Mi beor apea a . lalm te ear mp:loa, iradi» 'nig" Ir.in Ile rauatotol .. r«,«i««n procoted bT any ir j«- .«i. .1 I.y !.,,¦ ., It, . m ,'i athel penn with ha - 1.1« «, ..r l.y in» falle «'.'»..'t! or r-.-r.« s.« .i«-.. n «a i,:r, y n i.ir by bim« if .1 by tay otbi t m »uh I, . ki. iwled .I mont a t the totoM le end" lui tiiT»iiii ni bj ililli iii igiiitlai li tlvr to the Prim««t Mothal or either of hti Deyvtiee, ei Mtber ef Ma ( aait iii te, «r the V , .!. lin r H ,tpe n. er I ray o'! er p.-* a f I 1. ut benefit, din Hy »r llldhlillly, aay hub««, pr 11 ihn bible ira ni. iii hi holding uni ui ¡n- 11 «ni any gita -r «ii» wtafi f my kimi, ta 11 .! in 01 ili-i-hiiiie slia.'l h of M iK». I. »n't the |»r«.in tin ,«« irged «r li «I. Urara ta decían mide, «hall il.-rii.rl » i|r»»r»r. Mió may lie arrest-».!, tiiej iiy court m ir t..1 radi main d 1.» »n b, ead theil be bold le nrtbi f r ta full (lim tur «hieb be WM dialled, reikonlng fruin tho ti ne of Lisatre.L Sir « atnil b M fweOkor riorUd That any person who ah.il pet«rae. ra ett.nipf le pee, en, the dlacbarge t«r the ».«,,1. lageargeaa of ay wetten Jní»,l tad imhl» to gradi r . ri ti. ». r a dr. in ni in fav..r ti . li Mm I hy tl.e ( B n..«»inner« apta a elaha to wMratiea ty any .-h u.ia't«. . a'I 1 11 ..1.in tu u :u ai v lii-li ( r I it nil ( .r' n! the I alt! d ia.«», h pin ¡»I ii "lit iiii¡iif n.'i.t foi the [»»ii .J lor »»lil ta l«ir:y wa« Ir Bl «I SlC. I". Ard beti further entend. That my per«0B who .ha 1 r»ptr«enl ihr«-. 1 y or mdire, ti» to » dreP.d min that I e las Mi in iii r.inm! ni'ur MONt WraeeaM wi'u thr Tft rr,t .'I -nu lirpity I't.irost Marshals, t cn iiiiisalii.rr«. or Sur .rons, or e|tii»i of tiietn or with mf ethraaetraa, through whirh r.1'1 ptOMIB. Pt aid 111 pr.« urtu.;, tie di« I a aai I .|-i 1.1 r-ieu tor |.hy«t. al di««bil¡!T, or tin d, »,,,,,,, _t |.. («Tor of any t-um t rieinptinti. r »Lo shall [Ton.ise to pro¬ cure, or ,i in pr.-i.rnig, a th d>»< hsr-te or derisiontltiuugb try «u-h un leraland Bg M MbtBMi I ty Ml Mad al :. ans or who .ball rerei.e any money i«r ' ther MaMwnMM Mt pr ¦»- rt-r.ng. ur fat prntim.'ng to prornre of to lid In pt! imig, «u h ...?.«,:,» or .!», lunn through ai.y . h isdentoadto! r inllu-i.re m I'T any .in., ti mrtin .nail. ,:j m t..uti, ti n iii any Distrirt or Cirrult I our! ol the I. oitrd -,»'¦». p. ni» -d 1.» iinnifOLiiarul foi the period foi wiitbiaid peiaon w». dia-hd Sec. 11. »4fid be ii further emteted. That the fe*, of igentl M. 1 >t'ii. nets He i.ik.1.1 nut and riming to he »,»,,«..) any paper, in support of a r¡aim for eienipt.oe fiotn draft, or tot »»ni. a» thal mt) tu- tanbie.! to i! o rlainnat. »I ... no1 lu any rue aareed ki. and aurgroni farulihlni rerttbtatri of di« ability to «r.y .lin-tiit li r tam pt- «ri fiom «!:»It «ball not be anillad to my f». « or «tytnipena.llnn. «nd that any i.< -i *. « r morney who ahah dire, tly m indirectly demand or r»c*i»» Miy gtratrt con.pen«ati.in fur I.D nrrlce* und»r tld. act, »id any surioou »I... .ha.l. direetly or Inlet y. demand or re- reiré any ii«i.|.a ii».'. .:. fur irniiblng su : ri ti ».in of dise bl.Hy shah be drained guilty of . high u.lsd. turan r. andnpon r, i,t li 1 >i aba for every tut-h offen«! bo b; ot rumiing A *«., og bl Intpnaunrd al Laid Ia-.. nut . 1 »¦. -ding t«.. ..- in Cl. s «r ii..in un-aig to It.« ci.-Cuii.«i*n, ». «lad *g|t«ta- tit n. ol th* ill. i.«». htç- U AtxA I* ii t'other ra uted. That tne petaoa enrolled who ahai! n:...» fr -.. ai y «ard . city, lowu, or townahiy, or from ¦ rctiaty where the aan.» la no1 dmd,.l lnt.eat.ii. ti"»B., or lown.hip* ,..«.'. t;[.- im ui i."f t|.i li «ni f i'l.n inei.t. bl eut. I in tb» p.er» of realdeoc lo wtii.b he bl« reiuo.ed, 11 I ha»* 11, nan.» .tri kui from the rob« ti hu lorn.. 1 1 lar« of r».l.l»or» and Hoard« of V nr-¦'. m-nl .!.. baa* j.«»#r lo »moll loy persuti a h.ae nan.* «iie-i kera leon «;...:!.J ty l |i«¡,: r mg "U.c-i. DKATII (»FQK.y. HUFOBD. G«-n. Bufnril, formerly commanding adivisinn In t' e cnvtlry corpi of t!.e Army of the l'otomtc, died In ti ia city today of typ!:.,id f.-vtr and d)i*x-tery. (¡en. Duf'.rd wai t., htTe laBSfl cm.mimi of the cittlry In the Army of the Cuni terian d, aid htt I-f' t'.e Am y of «la» l'od'-iia» f,,r ttiit j i pa.ae ID wat made a Mi^Jur Gem r»l t-efure h.t dreeite. OK!«. K11 PATH!« K. fk-n. Kilpatriik r»a<!i'-il the city fWHhwMM* trvtti New Yirk. a!!t!.r to «ra t«.: i:««- ! by the death ol hie wife. Ile j, u.« bli ovniinand at once. TOB OcMMITTEB OB TUB BKBKU.I0C3 «TATKS. Iho Select ('«iniiiiittei» on that part of the Munya which relate! u, tie nbeluuni Rtitn it undi tg f ttrory urn. 1 ! I ndu-tl »lewi of tit three from tie Border Suire.Winter I'muof Maryland. 6:i.itk«n of Ih-htwaie, and blow of M »nurl.«an be lLf»rred from tin remarla of the lait ..ra« J tonl^tt, ra ii.« a here reported. The nnioraprotr.tiinff ojliilune of A»' .ey of Ohio, Fenton uf New Yuik, and Gouch of Mana« huirttt tre wall known. The rppoeitlon ara tilly n prraeute.1 ty Al.' ii of IJllr.¦ «¡a. lb,,;.ia of Indiauih ainl K: glut of Cui.ni-. ll'-'it. BOLDIEE»' BOl'KTUJ. Tho I«111 brtVBinsal by lanatOB Wilson, in- ( arltifc t'.e pit ard tnioftlea nf a..!d:««n, wl bli bat ni ready rn piffled lu fall in Tur. Tbibcm, wra p<rt ed bank Dom the Military Com ni it te« to day wit! aev- eral amen limenta. The oily Importar t one wat to tl.e .¦...: .1 ti'ftluii, by wbloh t.'.e Serretary of Wat ia nu- tin r.f '.I to pay a premium of I lu, ltiit<>ad i-f .-*.'>. fur the enlittmrnt of ari'trran Toluntecr not now In tim ter. tlce, ui.d of |!0. icttcad of H.'s fur ai y other rolaBBB r. ADDBKS-i or THE HOB. II. T. DL«»W. I'l.o Ban« H'-i.ry T. Wow ti MiK.-muri oil- dri tied a larg- atnl.ei. »i- at tho I'nlun I.ragne ]'... ii tin in Lliip, un th« History and l'r««ti>«*cu of the Bton Slate*, and partlcotarly of Iflnoori. » hioh he ooniiil- ered sa « ; i'."u.laing the probable deitiny of the other BtaaeBlalaa MtiBearakewel baw, kal for aka Baa» tMbaalOatananak Ho Inaaelielleaaannt lOaaaasI .*¦ a'il'l .. ¦¦ ru: r tnuuijitied, how the f. Tin .li« «ii oin Baatoel pnrty » a nil Henty trouirht «tout by the acta uf ii!>1d mid Ina I'lburdiiiaba n«-'I bow t!üit party; a uni.I b;.i««'i1.v mu pirti« tho tutal cri.lli.atl, u uf th.«, i u rai- of thi< Stiit" ,i-.d tto t.nin uf the lU-tulliua. lio aent on b rai -'I n l«iti «t intil!!(reri!»e from Mb «»"i;ri ind n pi ire to belli re ti.ut B new ( uuteiiliuii » ill le» ronrenctt by th«- TaalilaiBW thal awB la Tate bbij mi«! tktre r«*niiini| Utile duni«11' ii «.:. n. Ipatba will' bo adoptad, ud tb it t n«-at «T'i«* » «'i n wit!, aera n brot nil, 11 11, aeatt «f n i> u ty Impelh d » tlj.« «¡.irit aiicu.li n «t tad will tiiu in« raadj f. r u. .... a, aol «lily m Ml wouri, tint .iii Wim Um S-,nth. Why ilniiild It null 'I i.rt mi p- niton of .u a party an a ma|| be MÛautad« Il f. : hihi.» lum bli Ji.il^iiu ut, t!i« prolileinoi r.'fi nu nu' lion. I.et the prinriplel of »u.li pitrty prurml in t!:e¡ ítathwa Bkbn «mt jon will baveaodiaoolt» in tiriuK' lii^ti. m b«i k into |ks t'ii.',n a it (nadan, l'util :!.i j au pi »a.i. ji'i teaaat make tin-in I..) ni aad baggg, i.' ore rust» iiiiothi-r naati w by t'.ia rt-aiilr b!i.hi!i1 n'n! ttli.i-,1 In Mt».".i i ti.. -t hain ru.niu lp illili t-liilibuuii'ii apoB ihnr linn!.« r.. It tai molatloeiaBd the Blata, lu 'fenuian'o. (¡or. Jotiinuii, l'urnuii Droaulovi', and in' Ar. m "iV Urn. liantt boldly pn-aohoa thti di» ti lit«', in I.iii.iainiiii th»re lui., lu, ,i n reureanlritlon for »«.,.«¦ tiu.t« uje.ii the l,um of tilla ldt>n, «ti (urti hal idrr.uh !,, gun to ihow llgni of it* puair, uti', ia ih-itgued to bri: K out tin-purer nid better ikanflbeal ter aeapto Bo fully tai (lill Uli ¦.- lu!-, "¡i hold i .linn li,u iSoutl.oru btBIt, t'mt I »««iitui,- tlio declaration thiit tlieru ia not I ilnK1«' Stale wt.irli will not Im reitily to come back Into tin« Union u a «IBM SUlo witliiu iii montti, or at *«¦ n *.> tte would tere oome In at a Blare BtBto pro-riding, towrver, ttut tte Admlolitrttlon will ul,niid"ii nil hit n of i*i 'iilunl emmiripiitlon, and glrra ita aupport to thu rudical ayitem of liumediate a<*tion. Tka pruceet li tlmplr. Lb u Convention be ixüled, and tot it paai their lanbtbaa Kint, that the State Conven lion akbfa punitd l)n< ordinance of .Vt-eailon bud um] etixilt, have no anthorlty tu diaaolve tit! rehttloim be¬ tween tin-State and t' i«-Ciilti-d Statt««. Si'iuuil, that the reaumptlou of VMttel relntloiia «*«-.! mr«*« that al Brit tucli utangvt itonld be made in tim ätato Cui.tt ulion m aliail im,», nt K. bi-lliun and !-'- ni*«*i.)i. tenufter. l'tird, thut in tteie changea the ta| be dutlnotly rooi-ignired that all peremi In tin» St ito are free, and that it te provided by a fondamental Inw Unit Slavery «Lull tenccfortt bo prohibited, k'ourthi That all pertoui BBS biro been engaged lu the IteU-llion itali Do protitited from tim ti: ilt-gi . of Ike ibu li 11 fianchlae uni, »a proven b b<« oyal. The oath ihould lie itmug, and ihonld contain a claueu binding him wbo Uki«, it «to luataiu all lan t of i uii^Ti-». ni,,i procliiii allom «if tim Prraldeat witt r, f i-n-i.i «. to Sbr, ury. M r. Hlow clneed with hu eloquent pli'tnrc uf the ^lture when tho Daba ihould bo oom- iKiiril of noue tut freo Btiatra, tnd iuliibitcd by nonu nut free men, and w hen thut hunnouy whii.li only free¬ dom vin ii.itiie itali prcruL Mr. Illowt addrett waa antbuilutlciity reoelred ty tte and!« nee, and tt iti conclu»¡on loud eallt aero nimio í-»rXr, ilUiy-i x¿! Hitfiii', Jin uci'tivuii-u |||M|W|| j tho addrc4» of Ms collengnp, waa very tcvere npon MsBMk Hak and Itatc, mid critieiKed tin course of the President in Missouri rr.nttc.H. Hu admitted, bow* ....r, that the Trc«ident hud i-ince got into tin« right truck .ind ,i« milking progrès». UPOBTABt BBASOBBBi Two BBfirrtairt billa ibAb j »iiit n.-olutinn ¡p- tiadeeel by Mr. Ae!.!i-y of Ohio jesttrdity e-i pel i-tiei« ill t\c TT. "«It !l>lx« 'ty of billilli t-» b, leight I" f. ro th» ll'ii.e. Ono liili r»p-ul.-: the joint resolution explana tory of thi) CealMBtba mt. by Bkk h tl.11 power g* I e-i íi-i-ntinii bj liüi.'.ed to o, Hei. I'« J;fe rítalo in reel property. Ike otho- provides for iiibniit'ii g to fue lèverai Stiitcj an amt i.tttneut to t!.e «'oi.tliti.tioii pro- j lu'iiti-ii; Ka» try in nil State« ia! Territ- ri"«, tin.s B8*f. lenui* tie «a-im ground the Joint r<«ol'dlf.iri ii tro- tin. ed by Mr. WMmB of Iowa, «alni li 1.«« ikl t'.y be» n I "ililli! ed. Mr. Atliley'l J.irt «. t.ition au'.l.orire« tbc cnüttment of colored citi/'ii« in the rebellion« di«- trict» by oft'rera daly ei.._ '«uti !iy th« Treiidcnt i'i the pa»ei ii Stutii eaBai i.j_»n to furni«h their quota of troup«. Sr.'dfer» »o enlisted «re to to credited to the ¡¦m,« of the, State« procuring their cu!i»truent by S-tnt« ¡bounty; nthorv. r e, tin «e und all other colored trooji« are to be t.pon t!;e »un.i f.x-ting with white »oidicrs regarda pay, emolument» and perno! ». OFPICKR8 POR TOE INVALID <!<)HP8. Over 2.'Ai«) u]i[)lii'ati<ins fur appointment*, a* officer« in the Invaiid Corp» are now in the banda of the Trovoit Marshal uerai. HFSFKIOCS PROPOHAI,. A commercial BOOM in your city has, it ia .aid, J'iit »ent un offer to the Navy Department, which is «ruiewhut iugge»tlve. T! ey aro willing to »«-11 to Mr. ! Wellei tiree »ide wheel »teamen, now reidy for lea, and lying nt the I'm t of Dover, England. Tbii ii »aid lo be tin« «' o' d offer of the kind received within tho year. The question «riiea.wero theae Temi* built for the United State« Cot eminent or for the Kebclit Mr., "A eli« s will ni.'l"ul't"liy bo certain on thi« point before ho accept« the »ruell, but it is nut probsblo that be «till buy them at all. It can be no barm to »tato, that vue (;,>. it, n.'-nt ii pretty weil aware of the exertions made by tomo contractor» in tho City of New-York to for- ward the cauie of the Ile-cllion in the nay of building ¦Up and Hipp!, rig them with .revision» and store.. Som« of Hi« id partie« will bo aitonishcd one day or other to «iii. "»t r Low deeply they bato coniproinned t¡.e_.-Irei. TnB PUSBLOS OP KBW-MBXICO. Til- General Lund-Offico is engaged in the preparation of patent» f r the aerer-l ti act» confirmed to and occupied by thcae ancient and comparatively civilised people, iu *a"cw-Mciico. CoNTKIBC TIoB TO TDB PBBEDMBN'B SO-CIETT. Jay Cooke La»-» contributed $_..>. to the Freed« men'e Society to inpport free _-hi«>li In this city for colored people. To the Aitoelatrd rr»ia. WASHnir.TOK. Tuesday. Dec. 16. lfct-J. KBVEBDT JOUNSON 3 SPEECH. The following important pa*, agc having been accide-ital!» omitted in yeaterday ¦ Sen.»tu i.» ort, it is low »applied in tke re-, ark« of Mr. Jotuisou of Mary¬ land, as followaj ; " It might be adiritird, he themght. that In the rye of the Comtitnlion »».»».¦. ure proi-any In theie State»« where they are sa .'.cid bul ti.« y aro person» alto. Hepreaeiilátiuii In « '.»n»-r.-«» la baaed on lae faot it they are per»» -i». Though alatea they are men. Tbey ¡ owe aaVpaaea hy birth. Bad t! «»ugh ihn Snpn -me ("nutt !,!i»,!.a,,;.-.: t.«..i- seder tas abased»1 tiniugtheiuritdictitu of that Court, ll.ey ore not ciliscn«. lo relation to other clan»..« of the «'oiittitiiüon. it may be far ditfcreii!. They bato the prstssttsfl is tke Qaiaisatsiil In e esr tain extent it least, ai d why «hould they not contrn «ite la ¡li .!i I BBB piafar«**", they may M taken for tho publio ute on coir pent itiou to their o.rr.tu ¡icing made. to tie oomp-utatnn. «oma complaints had !'¦ »-n made, and iuitly pvrbap« al tho ecnator thought. in rerard to thi» manner lu which tie liw iad t »a i te.rated by torco «f the _4_>!/« of t!ie i.'irernmi-nt. Thi», however, »houl.l not ir.d'n-.i the Senttlor to lift hi« Voice In the Senate or hit arm sal of it t«i we»k«'n or t in'arraaa t!:e liovetnment In it« ..If, rta to»upi r-«« th<» Bebeilion, WL»n tilt- authority if the (loTernxt-iit r. «tor d to It» fill ettent. t! eil lu ¡i.iry ".i.'l.t «uti would bo made lu «U auch mittler». At to ti.« «lavo !.¡¡L»t.í. i«*.' p. u«i»i!oii ditSSted ti." tun« r of all hisrl.'ht«. iMeoflrrejedtkeBltO the public. li« »I» hn«on) h.«l never doubted that the employe eat of the »ia»" in the military »ervice of the ssantrj lea»facto oman« Ipalad bim. It would bo difgra. fal if. «f»crttio en | »ment if entered men to defend its etut.-n.... thl« Government »hould permit theniton« I tara to Butter, Hethuiked «jod laey aerar ssaldbs ri-eni¡a»id. It giiTe bim pleasuro to remember that w ! ei, he former!» had the honor of ocoapying a »e it on ti.:« liiior. In ¡tttf. he d-xúar« .!, in a debate upon the »oh j.-t t. f liai try, that it was wrung a »is'.i'm, morally ii iitinii!», aadsspseJaBrscoBowieallyBbrsrytrse im!« fentible The people of th!» oouutry were rspldly beeaealeaj wi»er on thi» »abjett." S.ne tin* arreist of tho Bo-ialli'd Chapnian pi¬ rate«, lately l'outil ted In San Franc-tco, fre«¿!ipnt ap plication» have bien made for the pardon of one of Ham. Alfr-.l Kutiery, by John Bright, the well-known I air',int. friend of An.trien, with ihe assent of Senator l'm.i.e.« and J mi lo* Field » T California» 'Jl.ul'r m dent ha« tin ally contented to pat dot. liubery, who U an liüg'.nh »libjeit. tub BOBSIf F»)u. BUBBBBi Tho liillri'jinrted bock from the Senate's C«»ui- u .(teo on Ml'.itary Affxir». with amendent!, reduces the projioaed bounty for crili.tnaent of veterana toil«'», and of ether« to #!0, and in. lude« thi.«.« only who are not now lu the «ervice. ** XX.WIIItk COr.tJKI.NM Ursi Braaion. BO ATI".. IVajiiinotov. Den». If, 1«.. I KM AM U'AlloN OP SLAVES. th, iAauk (liiioti. o'ihi), presBBtai a Bia»] morin! from Ihi!'"«. aikng the pn»«iige of on a»»t fur i... . ii,|.,iia'i|i,iti,ii of nil (iii.oua of African descent. Referred to the Caaualttsa ). X) MIT: ON FBi»M dbapt. Mr. Sai 'em iliitn . Dei.), p¡e«onted a memori-1 (r»»in a 11 -ii-»¡nan of llelitmrc, a»king exemption from tin- draft. _ir Beabea**« n-market ti.it tin« ui-iir who attaadt to tke dstlss ed ab holy Biaalae of peses and ».l u ,li lo im'i oegki lo bo exempt from tlio droit, ! while political Banoal nhonld bo placed In the frout i ink and Bade to light until Um war er. lio memorial wu« rciuired to ibu Militury Com* niittee. PAY OF l-OTiOKKJT TKOOI«. Mr. WMeOB i,l'ii.. Ma»».). |>rc»eiit.-i| a memorbtl from th.- ila.. ad tho 4th sad oiii MaBSafiBBsitts fnlatad l(.g:u)i*iit», asking for the «ame puy and bonni» it» uro allone,| |a other tr.aip«. KolDi ted to the Muiury ( à «mm tlee. 'ill AN Uri IX) l.r_ü. I.UVNT. Mr. iviii«oN reí» ited _;.._ aJe_eHe_a_a_bateadeit ¡t tie tliai ksof longre«! to M¡»)ori ¡erci al (Irani to Ike otticers and men of hi» command, » it ii a recom-u-nd-- MSBBB Ita paxaago. TI.K.'.T_II.*.T OF Kj.SAS I'l'o.iO.VK! a. Mr. I_tNK (Da Kau.) lattadaead a raaakMbe ot in qniry relative to the treatment by (ho Kebel« of our km» aa prisoner«, lie mailo a statement thnt Caption Urn» u of Dace»Í4 «iii» laat Summer in one of tho in lion« of the South ac»< ii Kansas »nldicr» lu iron«, «nil he un- deratood they were to be pat to death, as other» b.ad been. The Secri-tary Uar communicated thesü foot« to tia* Cominii.iioii.-i of i.xi 1.-xi-k* but r»«-et»od notai- iafnetory Information. Kurther tliu.it thi«, recent rip rt« of the »arno Bhareeter have been received. Such hatl alio bi.-ii the courte p«.i;»ued by «juauirell and etkrfi in then- ruidki'i the »ninny oi J-.iiii.u. The rs»o<»itioii ' w»» »ibu Uul. LINK OPPirKBH IN TBK NAVP. Mr. llxi)- (Cn , S. II.) introduced a bill in amen t mi Jil of tin» at t to eat ablitli and ei|uaH»» 111.« grade of line officer» in the Nut», ubi«.li wa. referrou to the Committee on Nu» id Affairs. HA' R PAY AND BOUNTY. Mr. "»ViL-sftN r.'[«ii led thi Lmck pay and bounty blil willi amendment«. FHFÍtrR SPOLIATIONS. klr. Si'Mü.R <l I», Matt.) Introduced a bill to latnf» ti o e liiiiii» of American eiiueu» by nason of in« Trun!. «.-''«tlllil». "laaiil na the la^v of«. crdcrtdK Iti'iiiUU. | CODIFICATION Or PUBLIC LAWS Mr. Sik-sek onil'iil op the ri-ioliiii«in iubIi» to Iba codification of the public lan i. Adopted. THE HZCtm. Til» Home Joint mtolutlon fir the ndjonrnment being Batttd Bp. Mr. PBBBBBHB1 (Ua, Me.)niovcil it bo toig on the table. Mr. Ganan (rp., Itwa) augirestM that Hie Siütt »uti- it down, lett it be tik«'n up lier«-.uter. Mr. IHMHI a> «í'-copted the taagaaaba. Tka resolution win lint by kene, 4; Sar*, iii. Met-tri. Jiuckalow, Ileudenwu, and Powell voted la tho aflimiü'.ivc. A KE810N8E BY THE 8ECÍ.ETABY OP STATE. A *ii,"f-np- ti h i-«« .'.id from th.- l'reiidtint, coin. II'Ullli: It Qg l ItAlCini I.'.. 1U 'li«!»« lu .1 l'i'eollllioil ot Ita lait Con^rnn, from tt-t Secmiar)* of Stab. Adjourned. HOUSE OK lllirKKSKNTATIYES. Tim SrEAKKB annaanead the following Com» mitti'««-: SKiii-TCowai-mi! oiTiti iPanrtc Raaaoan..Bmb (Pa », W Id r xb ii.«ai>. Btoeb (.>'. I.), Ma (lowi>, Cola (Cal.), NobM dil- ... Ilom.tlly (Minni. MrBrlde (Oregon l, *.*,«¦:, iV M. M.-( (un (Mo.), Ame. (Mil..), Yeaman (ty.), Bat t (M») danan Caaaiiiaa ox f«icbatio».Wbkbana (Tit), (..un« li «lov. ¡i). LiW, (Ind.), Baldtrta (Mart ), Itolliut (Mo.). Klltot (Mais.i. Ke'.ry IIVi.n.) Knapp (111.), Orth (Ind.), Boyd (.Mo i. Ksl-'tl« ««r-h (N. Y.), Cobb (»Vii.), Andenou (Hy I, IA ddlel r. S. J.) Mai. t CctiairrrB os rat Ribcllioiti Bran*.H, Wi.it.r i>«ivi«(.Md.l. lino, li (Muí.), J.ine* C. Allen (1IL), Aehley «"i. Yewin (S. T.), iiolmau (lud). SuiitJirn (Deb), Blew «Mo.) rtirll.h (Conn.) THF. VB1.ATMENT OP PBISOBTB8. Mr. G/¡I v.-. ill. (Ua», Iov.*a) olfcrcd the follow.ng, v c1 .1, ¡steed toi H',.-vit, g nr» ihe bn-ik'-i not of the Rebellion Ita pi. n ti bold by I Dall 1 "-nt». have i.eeii ti raba uiider tile- let of arar with be Bli t ii-iinni« «.ii«id-iV.ons, Mid H'-Wr-u, (in Uirntog that our . « «li»« h.«Id at lllnhnmnd were lanrba Bato «leatli foi -u«! und lulliing by the con- fr»-.un of thr entera in ti,* llagara! of Poota of the Bebel Contre»», " the ( an i»'»ry Uri., r»l hiving «tarred tim ena- ay . priant »r«," (he frh ni« of the prlv.i i-r. and the Soldier»» Al J bocittii-s continued tu ferwtn food and cot hing until forbidden br the hebel *uliioiliiei. Therefore, t K'h lied, "That tim i. I w.nton ict ot rruelty nnpreredented in modern warfire it war willi the bnmane Bi»ntim«ent. of the at*. I'd nu -it« the pr-teit and «iteration el (tit ilota, end Mab t a«, mu 'be au« ¡or. of .uchiufamoi. drodl til tbenpiO- h.i! n eftheAh i.ilyi ( ANAL AROUND TUB RAPIDS IN THE MI&M'-IUPPI. On motion of Mr. Wilkin, it wu h'nUied. That 'i.«¦ f'ommlttee on Road, and Canal, he In- ¦'r .¦-. ,1 to inquire into the eipediency ... cotutrurting . canil »r ..itiil the itapid. in the .Mistis.ippl Uiver, ronuuei ring ii I., i.a, li wa. and that the Cuuiuiittce hive iMve to report by bill or otherwise. BASK OP rituYOfil -UAEálULfi-GE.VRRAIi. Mr. Cobb (Cn., Vii*.) offered a retolntlon, which wn i laid on Ike table, instructing the Committn on MiUta-T I A tf ,,ra to impaire luto tte expedientw of providing for I i-.iriB.inif the rink of the l'ruvoitM.irshttJ» General «ul tin- Cnited Statct. ' EW-YuRK AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD. Mr. .Sloab (Cn., Wu.) offered the following, which wai laid on the table: it-r/i < I, Tint ibe Cnmmlt-re on Roadi and Cana!« be In* .troc rd io inquire Into Ila eapedleney of iirtboHxtog by let of j ( isgreM ibe ¦¦¦iimruc'ion of . through line of riilwiy bet-are» the I I'm of Weahington ind New-lork, and to report, by bill or other» lae, at their eirtiett convmiene«. ! THE TAX ON WIRB. \ Mr. Cole (Cn.. Cal.) preicnted the renlationt of the California Legitlature. ar/ing a rednction of the tax oa wire to the tamo rate witt that on manufactured arti- cien generally. Keferred to tho CoinmittMon Wayt and Meant. EXPLANATORY OP THE ENROLLMENT ACT. Mr. BPABIMBB (Cn., Ohio) introduced a bill whick waa referred to the Committee on Military Alfain, ex» p'.anttory of the enrollment act to tbtt the term "vol¬ unteer«' in tte lut clanto of the twelfth tection itali be comtrued to mean ttilon u well u aoldiera. THE 80I.IHl.R8 IN UTAH. Mr. Klvsn (Dem., Utah) offend the following whick wai not agreed tot It Aerei«, The Government it Involved la ¦ terrible Itrugf le for it. eit.tenee, forced upon our greet and hitherto BBfMBW di-tit« «liy ptotperou. nition without came or jollification by men 1b armed rebe ¡lion iiaiuat the mut enlightened and B bera OoTernintiit of the world; and H'Arrra*. The Ooeerument ii to need of the wilka* of a.I the «.ildirr« wbo bar* been raised «inca the brooking out of the Hebel-ion: and ll'Arrert«, A n-imber of remp-anlei of the CtHfornto Voten- teer, ar» now itatii C»d It Camp Dong'u, within the City lim¬ it, of treat Silt Lake City, t tah Territory, fir removed frcaa u»»! mil.«« ind the active arene* of war, therefore Httotxed, Hat th-. Cou.mitlee ob Military Again be .n- Mnetodto inquire into the eau»** which ton led to the ila« ti »niiig of . large itaudiug muy »mu..g that peaceful end loyal propio. THE PROSECUTION OP THE WAR. Mr. Rollins (Dem., Mo.), mbmittcd the following Rui"!, That, prompted by ijust pitriobam, wa art to favor of an » tti.est and a irre««:«!1, pro«» ution of the Wir. ind that will an . . warm ind hearty aupport to all thoae n.»\e- mil «ti li h «»ill be m »t effect!» e in speedily OT»ironiln* the Rebellion, md in ««curing a reitorttion of peera, rad which r. m t ..D.-ii.t-». y lnlnngo the (onallt ition and lead to r.bvrit the id* 'Leary ind chincter of the Oovemmeaii and we uerib) reitérate thal tne prrient dep.orabl* civil war hit total Had upon the country by the Kraal n.it now in ro¬ vo t *4»iii«t li-«* tomtit m-nilli lum iiiiir.i' t.itit to the [t«,f in. ,«!i !.*«..!,( iiiur. «., banishiiig ad terlinga of u »re t**»'.i"ti or re.i nttrrnt wt.l BMM Ml o.. y it« duty to the whole country i tbrl the war ¡»nut wigodon iur pan ia tay i pit it ol -ipr»««. -ti rorfot an;- ; i-poni of conqneit or lubjuwim, i, r rut i t . ot'< irr-ut-awing or tn-.erfrring w.tb the right! ot »... ,.u ,. i. n. «:i. atiou. of iii i.- Stii « but to tiefend i. -I inn ti,» .iinn-iiiify of lint i ,'ti.ii ition, end lo pre- ¦, ».- Ihe honor, wi:h all Ino dimity, equanly -si right, of the levenl .-'.ali s .liu paired, tbil as eoou n IMM object! ira at¬ eo-. pMbed the war .¦¦-., to eena A nii'tiou poa niailu to lay tbii retolutionon the tabla, in h a na Ungntd to. i .ia J-, Naya 115, at folloat: Taie Mian K li«». Ailiior., Am». A-.diTion, A-l.l-y, BlIIW. Bnawa. blow, Bontweli, boyd, briniiigee, Brooirai, l le e. lint. «N. Y.I, H-liL, li unel.}. lu mi Dum ni. I I- lry, Eliot, liaitu- ,1, O h Oriui.rü. Hooper, Ito-,-hki».. Hul- rirl .1 .1 mi. Hrllv Rtllogg Mi.-h.i Loan, Longyear. Lo»a- juy, a U.arg, Mcliidoe. Muirhead, Al «>s Myer., i.-.-ouaxd.»le¬ rra. Mort n ONi-i'l (fenn) Ort* P-r .,., ara», Piice, t«ehrn. li Sii.iip Spa-,Ming, dte.ena. p..u, Vau Villeiibi tg, VVaB h .n.« Man.). W bj«y. VV Udor. Nat«- Mri»:s .lunn C. Allen, William J. Allee, Anconi, Ka< ,y lu .lu-., VI i-, ) .; im:., Kui.), Klaine. flairlN. Y), BUraBreoka UroHu iv\i«.i, tiunirr, l(. v\. i ..i»», i ... i ob., i ot:.,'l.. i .«a. Cberat, CretweB, Hivit (MA), Dtwn, Daw IIB, I'-i Ji.ii. l'ei.niaon, Kin. ). d.i-ttun. KIdndge, hu..».. 1 AiL.Aurtli, fenian, hinck, Krana. Oinaon, Orider, nr.».- Id, Hal,, Hail. Hirdiog Uaxrinaton. Hirrt* dud.), Ham. (111.), Banks, iii-iiiy. Holman, Hubbard (lowaj. lljichm. J ii .cn ii", nu Jia'i.n.ainiUtii.i), hi i u, hello|| (N Y ), h ti. i. hi. « Ktiaip. Low I.uear. I., bend. Long, Milhty.Mranj. Marvia. Mutitmr McBnde, Miüow.ii m . h-nney, Midd.eton, Miller d>. Ï.1 Mi.ln d'al. Morr-.l, Mrarii (N. v ), Momi (Uhu.). Marlee«, Ne!».m N«»t.^ («de,I, I) .tin J illiu.,. i'ltti-r-Kui, i'1-..üi.t. Ii, Perry, Pike, Kui- rd. h luda.l (hy.!. Rica (Mair). Kobinaou. Roana, Rji'i.n iN. 11.1 Soliioi t-M«.), Rum Sthfbeld, Scott Ihaa» ii« u. Smith SntitUun. SteLo.utiN. Y l, steelet.N. J.I St. ei, StrciiBO, Muin, Sweat, That er. Tracy. \ oothee», \\ *d»aor:h, 1 i:i*n Ward. V\ uhburtie '«lit), INebiter Wheeler, CkiBeB A. VVhi.», VVr.m, VVtulieU. Krrnindo VV.ud Woodbridge. Mr Morrill (Cb* Vi.) uioied to n-f- r the renilunon to aBabel Coaunlttnn tkenkjtel of the l¡eb»'¡i¡«'ii¡ b'it Mr. W.i»! ¡«in as of I!!:«.ni», expreisiuif hil ,!. -.ii- to di-bate the pn.pontion. it lie« over uiut« r tue rule. Mr. Coa l Dem., Ohio) wai.ted to know when ii* <v«n- ililiTJtuiii ni uld b.1 te.iched; but tho IpBakn rep! ed that he could nut mfurin linn. THK HABEAS CORPUS ACT. Mr. Kuan (In, Mo.) introduced a resolution labaB» utor) of Ibl intent ana mcmuug of tot ait relatiuK to tie htbcitt lorpui, and ngalwBf Judicial proceed.nin in certain caatt h¡«¡t« i-«d Mari-li 9, lttvt Ita i.hjiit ia to ri«:ii.«v, doul ia na to the true Intent mill uioiuiiik "f the act. The rcaolution providea that tka iBtpaaaMB of tka net «b1 haken enpea n provided in it.i- Stat section b1 BalA net, doea not apply to any i-a.«a a: i-iiiBf i'« i»oiiB.».;:teni ¦. <.!' any action on tho part of a -Slate Oovercment to con-pel the citi/vm of iucL State to render mú.tary sor» ice» for tte St:tte under tte latta thereof l'.l.«i.iiiili!.,r the comununlingof tocu Staia Miutia may ul»o be ti.»- commanding «-tti« r uuder fed¬ eral authority of tte Federul force» ii it!.In taob Stat« '1 hu reBul.it:ou vue committed to the CommiUi. n «tka Juiüciary. IHE B> lill .1IISM OP Till l.EILU. On motion of Mr. Ka-.-ihn (Un., towsk it wi« re- lolved tint the Ci.'iin.i'.t.'o on Milf.iry Atfiire be in- »tritt te.1 to iiiii'iiri» luto n.1,1 report on the fact* «-»i ¦. l- bg Hi«' iii!> t-U intuuiunity ot tbe enemy ni their t. at« nunt of our deud and wounded lobuiri on the buttli- tii hi, und of tin- piiaoiieri of "War in »heir hand« aid that they report u.« enrly aa ponai bli-, with luoh n-eum- nu ii.tnui.it - for the action of the llouto ra they n uy lii.u». u.i. s*.in. THE IN HOLM NO AC 1. OnmotUnof Mr. LoMOTBAa tin., Mlch.v. it wnere- ¦ lived th it tin Coinmitlee on Milntry Aftiun be ln- Bt: i., ti ,1 to milli re into the expediency of to amending MCtba J of the net hnrollinit and I'aUingOut the Na tioual Koree» ami for other ptirpo».««, that the riiri.t of uyi A and lnilrin parema to icli-ct one uf tuo oi-gmt hon* liable to inilii.iry duty under add act to boett-nipt, rhull de|»eitd rpoii tie tatt thiit »i.eli tigi-tl and lui.- oi pmeiiu Aittile. fi.de. I Upon the laboro! luvt fou fur li,eu .»iii«! "i I BBUSf POK WötTEKK DEPABTMENT WLDILBS. Mr Mi-ri.i'Bii il'ii., Ma,)tartniaeel a bill lopr. ide for tte deficiency ot the appropiiiitiou for ita puy of ot ton -ii ii men aotu illy eatpbrad in ihe Weitem De- ii.irtin, nt, what waa reiunod lo ttu CommitUa itf tVay» and Meani. A hKW «TANDIN'O OOMMllTKE. Mr. Kahoon .¡ter, tin., fidlowiug, which autrtkrrrd to tka Coaualtti a n tin- Kt.leii li , in,:, Tliat, ii- a.l.l n ii.». .Stat ling Cuinmtttee ihall bo rapelated al the rnannraerairat d the mat ttratoa of tb« ta« s ling c 'ii.rii!. »».. «s.- d ii:,i.i iii. attoaa until the urst mo- si n of the i-uauing CeapaM, to count oi tue incubera to M entitled a t'oii.uiilit'« ra Naiiunal a::d Io:rriiatloual CoiuAge, Wtlghta. ind Muuureaj md to tbii Cou luittea abaJi be rw i.«:rcit 1'i.i« ni 'uli 'Ui, and comniu'i'.ta ilium to tbil He >e nu. n ilu » .h;. i. mm! ¡n ihe Uti., of the lunn« ittea. IHK (L VIM.*» ni' DISABLED AMD DEi'kLkBlJ) BOLDIEkd. Oiiiimti.iiii.f Mr. Kabkin, it wu reaolved that ¡ha t'oiiuii.tt-i- ou i t-iiiut Im iiiatructvd to lin|uire Into tua euu va of u.c di lay at the otUcet of the l'ny mailer Oeo- t ral aud the bi onad A ml it r, ia tte adjuitnient aad pay- in« nt of tlii'e'iiiiiiiiif disabled and oeoeaacd aaldiera, .md n,»,: t what legliUtlon. If any, it neoetnry to bui- unió a-iii-li aiiji.iiii.ciit aud payment. A l.lXtke. Mr. Dnitins (Cn., Micb.), offered tte follow lug r<wi>- lut inn, \* liii-ii m,» agreed to: ¡invited, ile Uniste coucurrbg. tin*, when the Hot ia a«, ui.,. n \\ « dur.da,, Mei.iS, it be nilli. Tit..!*« JaaJX lui*. ' ** 'ILCUVUI-I «djiurri«.!.

LATE BWraDUi NEWS, Stil)tint Adopted. - Chronicling ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1863-12-17/ed...UHAJMBstOK, UtH*. 14.-lit-lin- tt HMter wai Í-iíjt.t'iipnr'l »

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i^^U^ * ' ^^*_F-»?i'*£-.-aSB»J" - .- »,r

te7 .»-*-'-«.*_*»¦-liÍr__»-?T_. .TwJ-r?-t^rf__._îr-li *d_N«IBi Stil)tintV"1 XXIII.B.0- 7,08:.. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, DEttEMBEB 17, 18Ö.3. PRICE THREE CENTS.



amm Of BriLPiSGiS i>e.sti.oyki..


Ix)ii¿'>ln*t-*t Ji!a-iin^.r4>íün<l at l.ml<_vi sviliY.

He ia Rc-«.__.orceà by Vance and Betinsom.-i-.-

¦DI REC.NtTOSAN. E TO ._ISS10.\ K1DGE.-mp,


My-ler.t _j Diiappefimncc of Gn»nt*B Anny.

j maa Mcentoa, Da ia :.

Ti.i! fio^-if-ini.c tin.¡r Near.Tork aniTad berak> Bight, t riagiaf Boathi sea « Bp ti» la dey.m f.s-twlag ti», patekai ifffeai i:. '.! t Bl idjK.

per.Chaki)-'i"V. Pi, li .St faaaj i »t 'ligli Al)

e,i«a*t it i.» _bsibIb|sf.com» BBBPAtpB.

'1 he cm-m y finut f..nnot n ibotl »I tk» etty tk. »san\i,p. BetBa eaiMlBCB wera strack. Ñopa uairaB ta¬inui!. Oar balami rapBed. Ko iir.-.»- ua Baaitrr.lia new inoi.ir.i-nt "ii the i rt ni tke in liUHAJMBstOK, UtH*. 14.-lit- lin- tt HMter wai

pnr'l» im :.¡. tal ¡¡::tl 'iiii.T.'iliiMf. It !is». ¡itt-n i x11..

Í-iíjt.t'ii sad tke itreagtk «a? tke fbri ki aafoodaabtme. Tke Hal idf fasnaMtB Bas ant born Trrrti d.Nu fi-.ir t.n Su«.it i »e-ttr,ii«v ,.r l»:., Badi r

te*7 katie iiiaf betaesa Um ittrriea. i,,. ¦.«:.-li".» ral.awa mt.» tke ¡iy ii.¡» afteraooa l> ',!." prlaoaeri ladadiag I ¦.' eraof th.» |- s. |j.1(a parry, eaftaatd _t Mirri.Bin»til ht.lt.

BBBBara mspatch.K. linr,«- 1 ¡,t alf 1

TUIUD tAWtA li!Ni» Irlag tu i" ¡t .mil noilm«, u.» .1 ..... .»j t ii-

M» nitor h-.-!- i» !.i_.i.«'uah Benn*, De. ia.-Very little Bites

aaaoara aearATaa.7ke cani.li'>a »t Beatie yaMsBeay Bete teu aJBed

bli! thirty »»oüiitiittTHIRD PISrATCII.

Tie Ix.il.r a ii Batten »!...,» ,,. i ¦., ©'i fouadery tookIn last iietit, au.I a ra dsstraysd. li»', -li¦ wathrown mto tke airy, aeraral se wklci ooBlaiaed Greekfire, whirh banted Iftaea minutit» aft« i I xj.1

CBA__-_ai<0*4 I'd. 11, 1.-0.1..ii» .»

tl.ruwn ii;iu t_< etty la»t nigLt u\ taterrak if i_..Beaaa» Daeaage t-taiag

SKCOM) DISFATCn.Tke eua kee keaa »asked al intertata dart gute «tar.AkealBe*elsek thiaaaerataa Baaitii keek

BBBMeaaea unknown, lb«? nro »on:i.iiii n-»:..; io tkeenter t.inber work of the «ont-iwett Br._i'-, Bad Ikl»t»w1 a» iik BBSkemi BB_ tumo oi_iuiiati'>:i was tit:,at-oyed.Thtrp »aere rifine ca.oualtirs, but tie *.'irt;r-i!v« tot

Dot l-éCfiíii!. i »,' ei rn.y « laad batt» rie« «',.. Dad 1 mv-lit cr'.i. tia f.'it darli p use ira, ¡.ud wiri.- replied bo t>ykioi.ltric- anti oar betBBriaeA hc-v. lia wa» I'Tt Bp lill day. Not mnib damage

Wins Sont to si-.m'cr.)B'JB 1 A.T BBBM

Hw-lO!. 11. <. lu..The nein« lioir. the front U f*:i-euurapir.p. Obi sarah] au> at Norrifctoun, and tLeenemy i« ri-tinn«.- aim o Lonirttroet pUced Cumberlandtiup in ti.e front ni.-t.-i.d of Lib r» -»r.

liOBL'-iie» r, Faaos. odh. Killiom » riaraniaruli I«.I asa-K'ii'iat'"'., sa«, ,,1'ifrvi't i» Ideaee Is i- it tkal ke w-H ! -Idtbccoaitrt. Vaughan» command Bai eBBSBaessdadix Soi »u- p ita« main body.

]¡K!«i i. Ufo. 14.. xL» main body of otu army iomains a; BadBtiHttBe.

líen. LeaBstrast't hrailijuaxter«- ere there.llhirnuL. 1> ». ....i:. ».¡¡..i*, i. 4 the li 'Tit remain«

BBskaaBBtL ¡suri!«' HBefakeeeweaBBBl BtXaaat-flabar« »i rir.'tl .ere.

lait-ut. li uo. Ma.ee of Gea. -1i>r,ran'a «lafT, who e«.

i-nj4'd willi He <n-r.'ral. la» .arnn-it inBnaseBCountye:. rxiiitt ;. He ti-u Mu.-»-an ia Ciuc.a.tu-.i,and i« «¡i -¦ .n tr_r Bass.

«. ma »-. ILL).. Dec ia.'1 t.'-rt- i«nothlngtTaneji:r.:.e< u Iks Bap '.an.

MiLotiri.i-vu.Li., Ga., Dee. 15._-The I_B(__]at.e ad«|< '¡rlieij «iii«. Ai- ¡4st :.TK¡.t. TkeapprOpflatiOM uii.n.ut(...ivor iiiiiriat-ii BtlBoaa of doUaJra, if whn¡h Maalili< i., un- i- ...;..'¡ « Camiii. - two Biillioaa fci c¡,.ti laeHw(_^»or_rla titxrpa, t." mtlUi.ru í-»r tkeaüBtary fund.li., in ¦..

' t .- ] :1 u- ,'»v't Bi » '.¦ ndt If<* t!.-» «..i;"» Keiief AaBocialioa, « :.o miUioa fori. -, ¦»..;.¦ ead about o-ao li-iUioii forgt'.A-Tax .*.;:.: .. ;.«-.' IBB,

Thi Ri lintond White ut «.» day i:¡»n editorial hay«:¦¦ 2A- JllaaM CBs/idararaeaaerfa ttat sai i-.a'rv al

ta»«-»'d sa ii- ¡'ii!, ab.»I i.iBfin Id, Bndini i ..

..i. -.ii . f i... m 'i.... Tkey pro« - sa to Lookonlllou; to. B '. i Al i--.«»; rtry ii.dgc. lir-r.» t.'»» Ibaadi.(.*.:.iii»r bet tk« dsbrl»of the enemy*»oamp 'i : ¡t¡oi¡ «e.-ni'-'i a» kars bei ;¡ ii'-«.' r:< d saBalardaj i»«'. Iit e tu»'.-' f « kattanoaeaaad below tke enemy fcad rll»ly dacPeaied kia '».'i .. Tks preaamptkra la thni a

)...-... ..i. .-i ¡goat lift': i. tigttri t. aadaaexpa««t;t."i: ha» Mart :¦' vv.it Tauasssa to look afterFiirrent, w!.');..i« txkiii lu'iar.tjto of th>« adittiii.«- ifbiiirui__'r» Csrpe."

'/it Mmto uL«o tay» »tut tlin.pli th'J" Bp'rfsn to beaodoabt of Hu movementsof AreriJlfiroin the ______

«1,. .¦ UneHeeaf Baal -'-nii-s-r* aad Vir.ri.it,the W'ur Bap It.BB Lu« ree ¡ved no odd-tiDiiaJ Lot' ¡L--renee frmn that qti_rt4-r. Tie er.emy'» mr,i(-3.,nti ».'»

far a« known, a... m to IbHhÉI a raid on the railioul, or

{r.ibably ni>.,ii the C'ou-ties of Bstelsafta l_M.l«hridf;e.ai. J A Ufc-j»! II.

B'lttMl I HE AKTIV OK 1 Hu IMITO H % 4

lint frotta ti., Ru»»ian *i»»al Ofllcrra De*m rl« r« I om i ti t wiiliin Our I.itira I'farI're.i.l, ni« Amiir.li 1'irt«. lamiilion Iti nil

to a t.roiip ol' Hebel Pt»Uri«.O.ireroCn-Iii«, tri tirari Dismisortt Di-orrteroumli-r Hriiirocr of Dt-atk,

a-aKik! Huitich to Us n v. Wbaaa*ft'Ariiii.aoat)B. Wi din «diiy, Dee, If, III i.

Yuor iiirre.-poudi.i.t T. <-. <i. twAÚl Bl thf» f"!-

iiiai-,1 aaai ¦ abbi m ram Poroaua tW i.¡¡i«.. ay, Dee, IB ic'ej. >

Til» nfBri-r- i.f tie It mian flt-t !;ir«; in U:_ 1' ,t":rit_c

j'Bid a flyiiiK » iait to Hu) »rrn.T yi-iWduy. nnd, aciaoicpu-l.led hy «J« nerd Meade and StaiT, win « Mi a re» io« ofthe oih Aii_y Corpa. Tii.y nii-ri.»»! by kj..ci_J truinl»BteV«Ti)Lp.

NotwilhaiaadliiptFr. nniikU-l I'«-» tntiona toprenntIbeni, i:«!i'i di-it'-itiT«« coiiiin*'-to ooiia-iiiti. tmi Hm*

4*aiJy. ¡-»niall laleB- WOW Uitfer.nt lagbB-ntl al'».-m:itfalong t).e tonm |MDa| hno on the B-ipidan. witii Ikl.,.- ¡tiori ti »i the urteillance excrcieed by one ovtr

11«. other a» ill etf.x turilly prirent diruirtione.Inte.-ooi-r»« lietween the opr>«iiln*; ve-imt.. ia

«.ccariiinalty IndLiged In. A Unioa pit k' t «totionod on

li.«, i.oitl. bSLkof t!e river r«i /«nly Uiorod a liittri.Jr.ppeaf ti R«tielAon the ntl »r aMa *:t'_ artu-Ji., »if Uml'ictiiiiii« « it»i Tio.la.-uulii.il. T'l'un Its (mi. I »i »:x a

h-iiri-l i.-iLail'-.i ti. ii it %m» "about rieht."Brig. Ge... Jtferritt u now .u toaunand of itufurd'a

earairy di.ition. Tie LittfT officer has Baie tian_ftned from the Army of thu Potomau to onuiaiid thecaTalry aiiatl.-d to t*,e Anny of the Cumberlin d.(The death of Gen. Bnford ii ajiuounced fiiiin WjiI ui_-Un.- Ed.]The folio» infr-nune. ofTiceri bare been «_B.i!ii> red or

d-tmiMed the ¦*_-»*<_» ef the United Btates. in s_H«ord-siii« with General Ordere tío«. 10_ and 1(H, lie-dt-sarten A nay of the Vatimaee -.

l.!,ut. M n-be/l Jobntoa.BJ, N. Y. C»r«'ry, c_»h!-redf-r''hret-h of trteet" aiid abaeueawltLou, i..ia,

Kerainrl Lieu tenant Hojli N«H>bet, lOkUi Po.. raahiarod fortitnirtiUi «a (B it i»7.Li«oi (loo. W. HunUaaa. t-tn Il4., dhuota««. f -r ,umdurt

pr»'u ¡ieUl «o ro'ad order tied liiliitary tliinlpliae.Keeood iaieutenant T. M. t>|reBier, lo IT. B ( .T.t'r. dla

Bilased for ".lid .el uobecooiiul sn oifccei and s «ei.tv,..,.,(Sei-ond iaieotenant Mota tfl»i.b'<y, lhth Kata., cLumeed

t»l »liaenee wHhoul irais.Beesiid Llsotei. t Blr-hard O'Neill, Troop f, Sth N Y. C,«».

»'¦ty, *a*i'<ered for drtiukcnnes« ia duiy, couditctuuhecoatlr»«ii oArsr tad a gentlem «n. and breach of »not«.

boeeiid Llctiteoaat Wen. Kemp, i.-.-.p «I, «it) N Y. I'e».tin, tltXmftti tot drunkenness ob duty, atabalea of «Id AtBabel War, eiudu .t xuhoeomii.e ki oftcer »ud ¦ »-ir.. o.n,,.Tad tusa-». i»f ane»t.Tk-rteeA deeerters a/t « ' <*. -entrait </f death, sod

vill tie shot in the procnt-o i-f their tafltlUlt iliv ia'.on«on the lrth tuitl «.«:,tli inft. maeltm mil bf tiei-ntid on

Fiid.iy ol' the pim lit neck.ITi the Ano ¡lied Pre...

HBABQI Ainriiit Ahmt OB IBaPDTtMOn IWedaeedar« Dee. io, IM& j

Tl\i'fullowini: Lilli r was isbii'd to-day:ptBABfBAMBn iHMTor t¡ik. «PanatA ht Hi WEA

(I'lKini. nun i: No ¡i'.' TI., folio»I r gi ltira t»i!hIreepoctl, t,.ii.¦ ti it!. -, ¦ Arn y , ta i', .. ire puhlithedlol -i- Informal! «n ol nil rout, mid. ind »»ill be «in, Hy ob

[l-l i.'ni Ctr* i!"i'y, Bahn otherwise nrir-ed, w11! b-f«ir-:i.l-l ed In ii .¦ », r,««l B"t »i«. lpt1 vin ! v I be lian-, rli.l

de ti .allen are allowed to gell under the yro-rMoni«t birch It. i*.î t ertarwHh »tn-h peeAam titi

1er foi i» ii .i mr i«, n ordtnea with the( i the Pi Mini *i ,«¦ :.r. ntl: r.

.I «i. ¡Nu». 7, ¡ i'.', ii «t.i Mforgnodi tnerconianoo with tait t abott ri . I. n -i j,, trad n> ta raiiiwid -. oBb iel the i.- i. t torbatt ataiaiag gooda orderedhy Ita-, rs. i:u ,.i-, i .,.,. «. i, ,i v ir., . n,mi ban taey-

t.i. .¦ .. 'il, latte«.i 1.1|,,foti.» ii In« !.;¦, 11 ti d ti} li,,- Pi, toit Ma .»'.«, i.fin"i*i, i.i ly li-

lily..'. Regiateeed tnlleri, herbg p»i»»r« thai tyjntrd, wBlhe

permitted to load to M .«« tilth ofacerei ti ayeaikeaeyweatefi b tarni tot] I«« r-1 lied h. taBoperin«

». ti. »¦ i« :ei|« :r« d n ill In» liultli.t vv »«.> Ing ob to Um ft- r ii« «ii: ..ii .1 hy ta Pn »« t Hw«

« wbowl twin ft tnt talleri ta mr b B I.. i.tay w10 load their goode, and who tal lewatatead their loa.l

.ii.it N,. ni will be dMitoed foi the I ubi ., aaloedlngofI - d» bei ndtal .¦ «i owed b. IheeH M Im.im inch ¡n.dii'« IT li 111 out lt.. «' .« - t"l!! lal l!" !li«rl», . ta,..... i I »i- ... ta nat. ti g «oil« wlnli. li.Il..t.»:t Ol t ruh. r « ti nf It e r««a.t.

I .1 A.I |« i . ,u ri Lui «aiiit-i ordered hy «.ti

.fyx.-iT »hail b» i n errata ti.» wMom erdeibg i.'.e taaralb ruft, og tbt twist of dalteery oatarMl

reed, to be hept bj - ..ii er to hit otra atbato quinen nr

the 11« t-r '«y tt.i- s«.t r'r »! » 1 be¦ t tale, «-ni .-nail«'I lui ne« nibh- io «a-

i .1 I'm mi'.«.»!.» law uni»-govrminf . n !¦ ..

i i: .¦ piitUegi I Jil« ii' to »cr. I. I. r Iii. na in OtOtttlr»! lofAni te, ian ftrai Ihrat b ibjaaileit. ni

.¦ .» b1.d,aUpackagei brough! te taanay bl>. »t.. .i ti,.. »..!.. freigl.t ai ti t

. ii a) he re.| nrr J ti. |.ay foi lit bntftltMba ni llii.ilali j kau «.

I: lat.r« «i r«ri«! a '. er thoa the ahoee aaarad »! « «if

g h - to thean y, ead wboBMy «»« tat. tt»n»t« rtatt ,.

a. Hull nniiimlliMM lu a ill lug lu tarnma MmiImI«¦i ra

... atiore order (a nnt 1, tendrd to affert tie «rent, i.nw

yod by the Q utera mt i « BakMtlaan Dtputiumt.i.J Conillaaaa-l.t ,'1 >l A I ., I. .M » A I'*

S WILLIAMS, A.A.O.j..» .* Martha] t './ » fir. \y. iíií«OS. Ill J. 1'. lal« »ALI. A.A.O.

Waamnni m, Wiiim-iday, Dei-, io, isca,(¡illili iiii-n ji»t arrived from the Anny ol Hip

l'iituBidc * ¡y tlutt Miine nf mir citTiilxy Hill occupy Cul-fe] f.-;, aad II '. i..:.« 11 i x'n i.ii niora] bflei K'") ti'.at ;««wn.

'l i.e peetttaa et*wet troops Maalai nmhinpcl. hott «re .n- inin -.t'i is afahaagn with a view to thegraak r aaaabet "f Um amp. Vea rajaMbaa »ro tobe i-stn«. J in nepi « *. t«« mia

I.tthnritT in Ike Array.I.yiwg llrperl»Wam longlia l»n i. i,Hilton to Ora. .Tirade

\\ illinm« .-nul liant M« laure .f Ob*in ni' l.iti muire A t.loouiy Pialare.Tfc»" Minthrr.

fm.1' :>u»l ,| .......t

¦BkBBjBâBBSBi IHII-J« I'lMi'iv Sixni Cori-ü. I1 Ure. ID, lr*J. 1

Tbf- paaaant lamill tilj ot the Anny "f theI'otoranc r.nk'i alienee witta the nea.pept-r i'one«p«>cdaab n ra.-iln.al » irt'ii». 1'nr mnntlii the tame monotony»ill donl't!"«"! peet Bl ar.'l t!i<« i ty of the » iraperat.-da-itl ilia j,i»,.n teil n»»i! .< i-.B-i-r will be, "All fBbl tîon#Iba I'««! .: i«"." If Idle (roatip and nrtrnrtwnrthy nilaanwcnatwi tki tka ararla! wsald ka laaitd wltk I'n.iiitT of m ¡¡-wee but bW buy «ti. We hear hit« of un- I¦mi iibli* r»-|>'rt* eitrn t n f l.ai.fr.'lu too iiiiLmand of.the army, bat aotkktf official ia koown at yet.The renort that (¦« i, J'l.ii.iit. ii «a* to be flared In

nuiamaiii] «-f ii«- an y ir Bnaatan, ai «I * .tin.ut band-ntitiu. (¡i'inTil Wurrin a at m ii,« a ¡.ut ain-.ai.l the(other «lay WgkM BBtanBS the ueai|a|iert to learn f.ii

I.'.-- tirtit DM U at 11 wm nga-fed in au laktOfllb w,t!,(»em-rni nnaoaba aiid Oaanal Itirmy. and tint Onor.-ii Maadi had « naand htaa. Tka nbnirdity of tilliecbhiuiIb provok,- ti .¦ i:.«îi»rntt:«>r«. al we!) u ri-ili r,¡.« pft'i jr: » Officer! befin v, lookapoatkninbmB-

II nut i.i-' boodi »i in- d ai.il , ,n datad Im tin- parpan"'. ttirrlat op di« oatai t aad \» n»«,inil aalaoaity tit "mrai.ki. 'I be aai oraj bau «« -!-"! of tkea, Ij li t r« |»-rt.». i. ti. ,s wai int.;.» inaliirra ti i repi lath n i«f thora » bo

,r.Tt in the tielil of h'.lior .!¦ «~ i » the HBMBtln 0Ítier} 1"»iiiisi ;: Um lai I

rUSLUI OBBaBAHTSn.i,i ... a larga i bar el Ikrlaagki an katoa graatodl

*. .-. '.i* from tea ta Maty daji tie Uti« i

ui.lv m extraordinär] wea, wken phyaical dbahllityrei en ile leareol ibraan n toagthy. ling, fn u.'vv i-',!., eoranai dina Bdlrlrbba. BdOana, un«l Jtri?.

lOaa, Eui. «if ta tat Corpa Iba n Friday n u bal'a»!'l« i»»i. 'il,, arden peratt«m general oStonboraeach BOrpB to «aeire a firlnn-rti ut n titne

an a»i!-hino «rsBBSStainn?»' A patriotll ".¦! i'w!^ r¦« tly «' :.t I!.:« I HI .> Ti,' ipim j..« i h.-.-.-sii.. thto array. One m' <iMi ada aad tkt naatag Iwa i tdaairedb bt pu mi t«

ladta t»" (ii-.'.hIb uni« ol wtmni liiiiBt be n t««lotftl|i«rlint] ti,i other ont util. i.'«rt«r ladalead injir«,f.iiiitT.(¡«n. Winiam* Chief of Gea. Meada*! BtaCtooktka

I Anti I'r« finit»' Capl ttd Ota. Baal tl.e Trn.ja.fal., Cup. 1 »i an i aaanlali ad r«-:«!. a, » yr.«nt di al al tuaoonltaan tu bt Ban tl.oi.i tbt dbtnbatba of iheto

Ijiriaoiita.tX).N'riRCAT10V OF IMM« RAI, MTKEATI UK.

On Trniay bat qatta abrae faaatftj «Makanaa lit»rat'ir" wai <.¦ 1-. it- d t; «.rd- r of Brig. Gea 1'atrick.tie ettirii-i t Bad hinorntilo rrnrott Marihn] OeneraJof the Army ot the 1'otouiai», while poiiing thtoiigh tbci'|: I. .¦.le

I ile»;!«" to 1-jp.AA- Biiothnr roi»t'tii^itiblo let of rat-¦u - a !'.>"!- iwudUag abaa, Ikal Ikrfra upon cheatinjr

II! si.HJe"! II'.i» »..nil. n. I refer Di UiuM jirina Jim i-tbWBlrj daabn wka antead toend by ann In Man.: ir ritiney lent viüitialil»- pri/i-*. 'J'i'-y ivlvi rtlte exton-niBii, nuil thi ir base nprenatatbn it ould ab be albine in tka aokuan of any loyal or rrapntobb news-

|Mij*r. A finn of Hie aariiiiieilntime ,,f Wtniloir A (',..la i.rivjt¡i inn t! ia »[»< Im of ta'tulty niiiii our toldieriand tbt imbin.. (¡' ii lairick lia. t«,rliidijfu the nadlnol my li-tu-ri la C'i" in ''«U'-il Wintlow A Co. throneturn y ¦aila 0 mil toni tli-tei nii-i lure Dik«-n the

I arana b baad. aai it it ln,p<tl ooodlca nalthataatWill to uihi, ti i! ujiíi«! Hie truiliy partira lo tun Mh* uie.

a sad narranWl li peramlmlattg i!ii«-uk1i tbe arnriiut coria en«

canipuieiiit yeaterdar, 1 im» tt.«- faBaa ma mnirafallreoor«! of a br iii eniiili r ne 1 roon tim uni Slerenaliurf,Va. At ti,- i«'* of u withered apnli trot," wa» a limpienaaad teaku dot tkanil af Vinrtakx and at it. lu miou a t u. i--11 bai iinarii an beenbed, "Btrgnat Wm.Ji.liti.".,. ( ¦.":(«mi ii. rt.1 M.j-ylaiatt Ei'irliin'iit, 1!. 8. A.Htiniç by Um kera on tl.ii ippli'tr< i» fur ilneiUon,Au|r. '-ii. Uaa.1 ' I'ub'i' et ili'i-i-rcm «»at propntna mon."t^uiU* ii heavy rain iel in yaierdaj afternoon. Baa*

tiiiu!i:|rt!:.-oi,'la"'it Ck; nii'tit, | ndnllij tLf rotuli ..'Uti'jit fur tranaporlatloa. 'li » waatkn t" «!,«y wai chaim-

ii.ii, i*- i.'ii,: n une of a hulin) day lu June ot the:iji .io! aiUi'l tOga liol.i- nu Iii I'.UIiJ.t. 1. u li.

. non inKTii>iiin.

The I .linn llinlil 1,-izuiT Of Morer« lor

Army I ae -Altnrk on a Mu umboui an

Ikr .TIillil«ip|ii.caiko, WMaaaaaf. Dec îc, d«3.

At Muinjiliii, tho cotton market wau moro

aetivr on the l!>th, bat priera wire low. Then wem

tale» ofM hit! h at t.'«W.7it. Military onleii p'i-i ni.-

ln(ç an m,».t jK-oplo brlnj{iiiK In cotton were ttill In furto,aiid dining the p\at »oik null mare itriot meaaiire»

hare bren put In operation. Tia banka katu U-tuiordentd U, \uy out no gold to dopoakori or on ti« rkiThe total eolee ot oolton during the wi«ek wtt« C~K,luina. 1 bo tiAul numlx r ihlppeU from tbut jiort, 1,174

'1 he nilitiry au!h,<rltlee are teDIng all the tortee uml

muita in Mi-uipliii for envy mo Uitt ara not tit-« {itedby permit from Iii« commmdlntj Oeneral n necntaryfor lawful BSqpaaBk pftjlng tho ownrri a lair prioe lortheta. Thla conaoription la being rigoroiuly tnforood.lu acrordanc« a ith recent ordert,A deatructite lire ooeurred iu Mempliit on the night

of tho 11th. Lora n t If-ariii'il.Hie it« amer Von Kui!, from New Orleani 7tb, orrtveil

! ins witt ltf hoglteadl of i-ugar, und W8 burrfla of

baanaak ßta »m not fired into going down al re

ported, but on ter way up. on the «th, wataitmikeiltwice i»«ive ltoynu Kuri. The Bringan from a but

tery of lix and t»el»t-p«iuiidert on the Lonitiianailioie,»hrowlng ihrll arid round thlt. Ctpt. German, MM

commander, wa« killed ty the frit «hot; tri «re of t!.cerr«/ Mere kill» 1, und f. iir peaMBJI n »munde.1. Ft rt.tthree Bt:oti were fired.threo paired tlir«»UK'l« Út lnill,other» «track the boiler, BBÍ llTe ruked the boat from

btetn to stem. Agaakeel vee convenient lefteTeeKuli, und ut tia- time of lirii'g »» ii withim COO yiird» ot

h'T, .'ill' !.i If two Hebel |.'¡ns.Thi« »le.iü.er T-'iry h it, ni rived fruin Mruip.ii», with

«¡oo bein "f cotton f.ir BL, ietttt,


1'iipiiir»' of Die Hebel ÎVork» al Port4 in i» I In A Very Important I'otilioit inOur l»o««r«»ion-- IIormien I of ColtonThe Cotton Tti.il.ti.

Tin- United -ttatee_ra__ee_*e1 iteeai.JbTbon_aa-\. *s."tt nrriv.-.l from Neu Mr!« un, on afOOmttAtJmtonttg »»¡th duli | |B Ihn n.be.- .. S'¡e la » ,.

.riiiatlun of tin-iir.|ri.r¡ i't i ii|!.r» n.'..'.»> 1.» our Lia««lui»! r (¡en. Weil binn, it M tug B_B Hay.Yin gean tt.e Mba ¡iik aeeeaal Dreei '/",'.» .v .- o.i am

EbbaftkeUkiAnother Tletury lal« been faired bvtho »oldiertof the

DepartBMat of tke Gulf orcr Ike Bebéis in Tessa, andaltaoaak u hlnndlaat ea«, n i» of the higLt >>.. bapertaaeitu tli»- (taloa eansr.

Uitit i«l inftirri'iitiiin baa I"*, i na sired b1 Di port mentbeedqaarten t!¡¡it «li lae Rabal works »t Part « '¡tr.ni",i a i-, kari l ate aaptared l'y ear ft ii« aN»« u mun -»»» |i»«i .»n ». ¡r -ide.tata. lien. C. C. .Y__bt»'irn command» d the Union

HeepaTlia Rsfcd p»rri«"n er»r,»ir!el ««r l.i«0O men and in

gui». iiU'i-T eoauaaad of Col Bradftoa,A Tex.i» refugee Hif«»rni« r« thal aboal Ino moi.tV»

una tin re Wi re «»van ! in » ». .1; »:..! live h' al |BM in

Hie fiirtitieation» at Fort I «vail».A |.'!nice at tli»¦ m«p » ii! iklB the importan »e of thl»

ii, t»r> 1'ort i'a»Hl!t> arti the rapr tired work« are «itu»led uii the point of a p n n-'tla »« huh »epm-nte« Mata

I gorda Hay from the (j u!f. The **o««egtion of tt.i» «joint» ¡enr» the eut ranee to tlio buy aid give« tie I rdealarmy ci>rnnian»l et «eT»T«l important plat" ».Suiuriu,Peri Laraaa. ami Mu-«».<'!,in.IBA »hört »Ü.titiit'i« b .t k fi.,n tli«.« bay I» Vlctori.i and»eviTHi i.ttier town», all of which ore open to t!.e t_cu-

pstion of our troups.A large ijuantlt» of r«i»tt"n had accumulated at Vic-

tori-» nt tbfi tim.) «if tin separa af Brewaerfle, aal ia It^-ere wa« no rh-üi ¦<. ef r1 ¦ >.wn"r« getting It «ot of tt e

i»', tri. ¡ir.'l i.» !..i'iti t of riTiifMUg it, «icept by Iksiluw peeln ti ox tenir 4, it v» ¡II ¡.nr ibiy ioou Irfoomethe .«u'.t.t. of Ibu I i.l. d ¡-tatet.

LATER.Sine«» tbo ajijioaraiiM' of imr F.xtrn v\ith the

new« of the BSparS of the eriiny» w..rli» at Tor»«'«Tullo, Wi« leal!, that «'i olli. i¡ I» port fri'Iil MaJ.-(¡ei_Waakbara la» Non reetttad ¦« Department kaad-ooarter». am obi eng ti e m ;¡ at toa "n Deo. I of Kort¿«peranra, Tort Caiaalo, Jila», * :lh tie capture or|ten beaty grin».The en'en:y eTaennted the f.,rt duri-g the night pre

ti. »i«. hasted l»y a «»le, »ru» h pBiaanl ti»« gunt.nufruin enttinr off tl.i-Tr communication», >»nil<jeu. Weah-burn, therefore, cap'.uifl emly ».x iiri»otier«.ihn »utera« gue« u» cot l-l ..f M ....-. !-. Bay.

OltlO. W edne»d»y. Deo 16, H363.Tho Ni'W.Orltii!.a Mfeaj oí Üio 7th i_«t. are

.«vrived, but contain Utl> new«.I he U. 8. »t« »mer lierai»!», with the cargo of th*

iibonner Antonio, arrived nt .«._ ».¦:»:« nn tt.» OthThe cargo oonjitted of cotton, and tu handed over tothe T 8. Prize Cor_mlaaioner.Thirteen hundred t- ». fifty letea balet of .:...,. fr.,-

Skipworth Lending, lorne distance ahore Vlckiburp.wrr-* merited on the 4th, Ti!.»!e.rtt»«V. to be bot-nd t»

New-York, and wer» not offered at the Bew-Orteaai I.alee.On tt.e _>«_ V.'-n yt*re Î.V) ba!ei of cotton io!" at j

New Orleans at .., 373«. per pound fur Middling.--am-

taon *» taiii>i.TO-t.

f-rs.it: Di-iairh to T).e N r MbaBaWA»tliia«.T<'«« Mrdmadey Dee. K5, l»a.


Majnr-f it'll. »Si. iiOlii U Uni -.tall" lir. .Vial in tl.ilrlt» l««t r..|'' t. The (leurrai t.r.d «n ¡¡.tervlew with ti»

tym '!'-:it Hil» eTenlug. No order relieilrg him ha«

Neu, and probably i »i»» a»iii be. li.urd until a aultatile».r to the comnierd of the l)ep»rttntj! t of the

','.- ,.-> !.. di'i'ied t'jHin. a.'id aI»o a new commandí,"¡:..'. f. .-«'.en. | haa_i

"I HE Ai)i'ITI"NAIi4»ATlt OP Off» E.

Thu «j'li-etii.n lia« BBefl in:««-«l a hellier ti.«"nienib.r»of ti.« pttunt llia'.fo of |:. ..». »/-i.tnt.i .« ar*

lag .!.y |i Bg kaabaaaa 1i.e ait pretenbing an addill nal oath of office, p tind by the li»t «'»i ,-r< ««, re-

paBeeeief eÉtoer of tbeGorerumeat, belure enteringupon LU diitirt. to take «xd lubtctll*. the oath abjuringo.i an Maa a Ml ike i.< B n.

Thti oath lu admiriati red to the Speaker ¡_r.,'. to U.e

Kepreirntative» by Stab-» or »ecthm» at the Aimmcnco-ii.. ..t of the »«»»ion, but It sas lubtcTiucd by nobody.Erery ¡Senator elected tinco Van pasaage of tl.n law.

eicr-jt Mr. Iiayard, who will mon be afforded an opportunlty to do io. Las ilgi.ed the ri'iuli.'.e nalh. Ihe*--uu.:.,l Controller La», wo i.:..-.... ,tinJ. refo»e«l to pisati;, accoants of ar.y offner of tie «¡- t-.-.m¦ .. ¡,t who ha»not hlod the oath In i]ui'iti"n.


The St'iTctar}' of tin» 'Ircaf-ury ii. emit« mjil-t-Ing the adoption, »1th tl.ecomarrenoeof Congre«», of»oine iiiii by which to curtail the speculation In goldand reduce Ike pten.1i m to lu true lei el. «ay twenty- i

(lie t«» thirty per c» i.L Oin.- ino.!.- It »iggerted lu theHI lntroduc.il by Senator Twin r«f Kansaa, yrilerday.Another w)ll be en. braced in a bill or r.-nlutioti. »«'U

to be Introducid lito the H"u»e, aulhorliiug the,

Secretary «<> u»o the »i.rphi» g'ud in the Treaaury andthe ai ails of troiid» »I'M i.hr .».!. In «tit h way» aa he mi»)deem eijieitieiit, to k'*» p donn the ¡ric of p|| and of

¦Mkaaga ZkeSeereleij oftLeTrea»uty hu» co;.fern .>

with member» of the Way« aid __rl.--ti.ai and Tinam-cCoi-.ii i'u .¦» on thl» «i.bj.t t, but it la nit yet known jprecisely what ootir»e bo pr» poaei tit pursue.miHH BBBMMB l)i'I.I.AB CLAU..B.

The i¡-"! abUitlea deddefflj an; ti.at CtaBfMiwill T'¦]'. ixl (he tbriM» J Hid red dollar olaute of the Enroll-mi-.-,t Act. The Militaiy Ccmniitteeof the Kenate are

bi lu» ed to be in fatorof doing so, arid It Is not unlikelythat they will attach a arttlon to that effect to the

anie.'idntora Mil Introduced by Bonatair Wilton. Theother pro« i-im.» of that bill will probably be adopted Inlulratarit-. The following li the bili ai Introduoed:Aa ACT to »mend _n «etmiit'ed "An Art for Pnrolllni and

Calling Out the National Foroea, «i.l foi oth»r porpoaee.".»j |i-u. ed Ma" li M, li''

lit it enacted bp tk* benOl* and linkte of Keprieeataliere ofthe Vailed St-ti'i ef America, io Otmçrtf aiermhUd. Thslthe l'i» t¡ !. nt li hrrehy sulhorued, whe, eter be thall .le« m ItBSSSaan to t «1. »i-ub the tmit r»l Hl*te» foi im !i iiunitrtita ofna i. I. i li.i» citliWty mit.it of the Hulled Huies as its tai

l-l ... of the country oi»y rrqulte.HkC Î. And bett further ,nu, t'l TT.tt If »ny S«»«0 »hall rslI

to furnlih within iii« time tie»ifn«le<l hy lie i rseldetit Hisnilli.!., r sf msn rroiutred Iheiefron: lila Pro,u,r MarshsJ of thsdlitrlct witMn which sny ward of s eily, town, or towna» lo,i.rioui.ty, wh-tilhei aune ia not di»,dei lut" w«rd», lowu».ot l.iwti.t.lpa, which la ii. lu »ni in H. w .1» la aitiiated, aliaiiiidn Hie or.!, r. 01 the Proroet M.i.:. o (ion. ral ins.« a diailfor (lu- nimber defii-lrnt Iheiefiomi hil »II Tolun'esr» who

mty tnliit afle-Ibe draft la nid.rej and hefore II la srlusllrni» i- thal he deducted fmni the niiBiherordured «¦. be dr-JledH«C. 3 Ami be it further madtd, Th»! «eeitoo 3 of th«

the «et entitled " An a-« for P.nr.>lilr.| and e«llin» oat the b*llonsl Poices, and for other purpris..," apprered March -.

If ..i, be .nu' U.e taine la hen by i-|.. »I.-i, and It «hall be theduty ofthe Hoard of Purr.llmenl ,.( ¦»-,. I, dl-fl'-l to eonoilidsiiiii« two i.»..-- piuiiiied fot lu the üd »eclioo of eaid »¦ t.

8BO. I And bt itfurther tnnettd, Tl.nl »i T l<e.i.»ti i,r tiednnder «he proTttrlona of Ihe set «pprmrd Mar«h 3, 1I»'J, antitled "An «et fir P.nrol!ln| and rslltnl oui the Nslioii»!P'ne«, and f»r other purpose«," mty furiil'h «t aey tim« »n

»tai llalli» «i'liiti'u'e i ml li» shsll be etempled dom dial!di»'m« Die lime fur whirh »ueh auhalitnte h»t boee accepted

Bat!. I. ««_ »e it farther taoeltd, That I'ioto»! Maru,. -,

li a.rJ.. f ) uiolliuent, or «ny meuiberliiereof, shsli ita»« pow¬er lo summon w iii.e»».» ami enforc« tlieir atteodaiire by »n st-

tsitioiriit In any rase pendln« belote thom, or e-ltlier oflliem,»i d'I.e »an . mu,.¦.» fe. a aid r.i.ta ahall be allowed »a uiaybr allowed In lb»4 ouita of the United BBSSB, and loadnilntateio»'!', tod iffrir«tl«n.( »i¡d ai.y p»f."i» wbo tbtU '.r'ftl VI . ile!».

«V» 'y b»f. re any TroTO»! Marana] r B-MBÍ of BbmBB ei.t, or

br'i re any neil n.i.i!»tiht., ' my .'hdaill to I"' "«liniiifn r« «u:ii! Infor» my i'iovi .* M*ir.l,al m Berad M KaieQ,

nient, sliail, , u rilli»! tu n, lie line-l nul MModbfl $.'.«'.. «ndImi n «util J u-,' 1rs. ti.un na ii.'iit .1 tut inuie than ti, rireun ml,..»I- t Indtr ii fu, Ihre mattrit, 1 Lil e.p'.tt of try f <X'l

Ht a l'un.. Urawa! * Beard ef KnreiUhMit, or of iny pet!thereof, rertilirii to a. ,t rre, t bT ta I rovost Mur»', ni M a

n yailty ..f aid B ard Bal .! t ball tit «Iraaed ,itakrti i» i Tul. ii. » In ray Mell ««r I li Irry I . ut in lik« mai neta ta o nii «i r i '.ni. atd Um' iii» i«.« 11 ei pen, i » t» rlfr-iii t) the rurrei t.,, »a if MM b IWatd, who ihtll hi

» -i-rt. ti« fs -i- .«,.;. r » ..¡ii.- >id, «luiilb»- » il.jr. t t.. i'l i pain» -uni yea lilli - "I p« i.iiry.Mi T. Imi I r ¡t turill,, -r i.UC, 1 hat all 1 In'm. to e ien.|i

Be« »hill ka »iiii.'i bytaeelhel ta putt te tatt bel.he fa, t« «tau.I if »ill I., hi. WtnoOOl knowledge. 11..I le Iii.I» U in »li.-ir trath If not wilbla bit Benora » i ¦-. ledgi -ni

11: '. i.«tiii. wa at erny eahm paly Bledla nypartMaian ton nlyttea »hil' «J».. !.. lae.riMtiKm h. .i.i,fi»i,'/ nfltr taatftd AM Ifny yenta drilled

II III I to liada! ..I« ty ». .-ti. i- » a.l BtWWe a «I-« -i-l Ini taC m -«i am to Mi beorapea a . lalm te earmp:loa,iradi» 'nig" Ir.in Ile rauatotol .. r«,«i««n procoted bT anyir j«- .«i. .1 I.y !.,,¦ ., It, . m ,'i athel penn with ha- 1.1« «, ..r l.y in» falle «'.'»..'t! or r-.-r.«s.« .i«-.. n «a i,:r, y n i.ir by bim« if .1 by tay otbi t m»uh I, . ki. iwled .I mont a t the totoM le end" luitiiT»iiii ni bj ililli iii igiiitlai li tlvr to the Prim««tMothal or either of hti Deyvtiee, ei Mtber ef Ma ( aait

iii te, «r the V , .!. lin r H ,tpe n. er I ray o'! er p.-* a f I1. ut benefit, din Hy »r llldhlillly, aay hub««, pr 11

ihn bible ira ni. iii hi holding uni uit» ¡n- 11 «ni any gita -r «ii» wtafi f my kimi, ta 11

.! in 01 ili-i-hiiiie slia.'l h of M iK». I. »n't the |»r«.in tin,«« irged «r li «I. Urara ta decían i« mide, «hall b«il.-rii.rl » i|r»»r»r. Mió may lie arrest-».!, tiiej iiy court m ir

t..1 radi main d 1.» »n b, ead theil be bold le nrtbi f r tafull (lim tur «hieb be WM dialled, reikonlng fruin tho ti ne ofLisatre.LSir « atnil b M fweOkor riorUd That any person who

ah.il pet«rae. ra ett.nipf le pee, en, the dlacbarge t«r the».«,,1. lageargeaa of ay wetten Jní»,l tad imhl» to gradi r

. ri ti. ». r a dr. in ni in fav..r ti . li Mm I hy tl.e ( Bn..«»inner« apta a elaha to wMratiea ty any .-h u.ia't«.. a'I 1 11 ..1.in tu u :u ai v lii-li ( r I it nil ( .r' n! theI alt! d ia.«», h pin ¡»I ii "lit iiii¡iif n.'i.t foi the [»»ii .J lor»»lil ta l«ir:y wa« Ir Bl «ISlC. I". Ard beti further entend. That my per«0B who

.ha 1 r»ptr«enl ihr«-. 1 y or mdire, ti» to » dreP.d min that I elas Mi in iii r.inm! ni'ur MONt WraeeaM wi'u thr Tft rr,t.'I -nu lirpity I't.irost Marshals, t cn iiiiisalii.rr«. or Sur.rons, or e|tii»i of tiietn or with mf ethraaetraa, throughwhirh h» r.1'1 ptOMIB. Pt aid 111 pr.« urtu.;, tie di« I a |»aai I .|-i 1.1 r-ieu tor |.hy«t. al di««bil¡!T, or tin d, »,,,,,,, _t |..(«Tor of any t-um t rieinptinti. r »Lo shall [Ton.ise to pro¬cure, or ,i in pr.-i.rnig, a th d>»< hsr-te or derisiontltiuugbtry «u-h un leraland Bg M MbtBMi I tyMl Mad al :. ans

or who .ball rerei.e any money i«r ' ther MaMwnMM Mt pr ¦»-

rt-r.ng. ur fat prntim.'ng to prornre of to lid In pt! imig,«u h ...?.«,:,» or .!», lunn through ai.y . h isdentoadto! rinllu-i.re m I'T any .in., ti mrtin .nail. ,:j m t..uti, ti n iii

any Distrirt or Cirrult I our! ol the I. oitrd -,»'¦». b» p. ni» -d1.» iinnifOLiiarul foi the period foi wiitbiaid peiaon w».

dia-hdSec. 11. »4fid be ii further emteted. That the fe*, of igentl

M. 1 >t'ii. nets He i.ik.1.1 nut and riming to he »,»,,«..) anypaper, in support of a r¡aim for eienipt.oe fiotn draft, or totm» »»ni. a» thal mt) tu- tanbie.! to i! o rlainnat. »I ... no1 luany rue aareed ki. and aurgroni farulihlni rerttbtatri of di«ability to «r.y .lin-tiit li r tam pt- «ri fiom «!:»It «ball not beanillad to my f». « or «tytnipena.llnn. «nd that any i.< -i *. « r

morney who ahah dire, tly m indirectly demand or r»c*i»»

Miy gtratrt con.pen«ati.in fur I.D nrrlce* und»r tld. act, »idany surioou »I... .ha.l. direetly or Inlet y. demand or re-reiré any ii«i.|.a ii».'. .:. fur irniiblng su : c« ri ti ».in of disebl.Hy shah be drained guilty of . high u.lsd. turan r. andnponr, i,t li 1 >i aba for every tut-h offen«! bo b; ot rumiingA *«., og bl Intpnaunrd al Laid Ia-.. nut . 1 »¦.-ding t«.. ..-

inCl. s «r ii..in .¦ un-aig to It.« ci.-Cuii.«i*n, ». «lad *g|t«ta-tit n. ol th* ill. i.«».

htç- U AtxA I* ii t'other ra uted. That tne petaoa enrolledwho ahai! n:...» fr -.. ai y «ard oí . city, lowu, or townahiy,or from ¦ rctiaty where the aan.» la no1 dmd,.l lnt.eat.ii.ti"»B., or lown.hip* ,..«.'. t;[.- im ui i."f t|.i li «ni

f i'l.n inei.t. bl eut. I in tb» p.er» of realdeoc lo wtii.bhe bl« reiuo.ed, 11 I ha»* 11, nan.» .tri kui from the rob« tihu lorn.. 1 1 lar« of r».l.l»or» and Hoard« of V nr-¦'. m-nl .!..baa* j.«»#r lo »moll loy persuti a h.ae nan.* «iie-i kera leon«;...:!.J ty l .« |i«¡,: r :« mg "U.c-i.

DKATII (»FQK.y. HUFOBD.G«-n. Bufnril, formerly commanding adivisinn

In t' e cnvtlry corpi of t!.e Army of the l'otomtc, diedIn ti ia city today of typ!:.,id f.-vtr and d)i*x-tery. (¡en.Duf'.rd wai t., htTe laBSfl cm.mimi of the cittlry Inthe Army of the Cuni terian d, aid htt I-f' t'.e Am y of«la» l'od'-iia» f,,r ttiit j i pa.ae ID wat made a Mi^JurGem r»l t-efure h.t dreeite.

OK!«. K11 PATH!« K.

fk-n. Kilpatriik r»a<!i'-il the city fWHhwMM*trvtti New Yirk. a!!t!.r to «ra t«.: i:««- ! by thedeath ol hie wife. Ile j, u.« bli ovniinand at once.


Iho Select ('«iniiiiittei» on that part of theMunya which relate! u, tie nbeluuni Rtitn it undi

tg f ttrory urn. 1 ! I ndu-tl »lewi of tit three fromtie Border Suire.Winter I'muof Maryland. 6:i.itk«nof Ih-htwaie, and blow of M »nurl.«an be lLf»rredfrom tin remarla of the lait ..ra« J tonl^tt, ra ii.«a here reported. The nnioraprotr.tiinff ojliilune ofA»' .ey of Ohio, Fenton uf New Yuik, and Gouch ofMana« huirttt tre wall known. The rppoeitlon ara tillyn prraeute.1 ty Al.' ii of IJllr.¦ «¡a. lb,,;.ia of Indiauihainl K: glut of Cui.ni-. ll'-'it.


Tho I«111 brtVBinsal by lanatOB Wilson, in-( r« arltifc t'.e pit ard tnioftlea nf a..!d:««n, wl bli bat ni

ready b« rn piffled lu fall in Tur. Tbibcm, wra r« p<rted bank Dom the Military Com ni it te« to day wit! aev-

eral amen limenta. The oily Importar t one wat to tl.e.¦...: .1 ti'ftluii, by wbloh t.'.e Serretary of Wat ia nu-

tin r.f '.I to pay a premium of I lu, ltiit<>ad i-f .-*.'>. fur theenlittmrnt of ari'trran Toluntecr not now In tim ter.

tlce, ui.d of |!0. icttcad of H.'s fur ai y other rolaBBB r.


I'l.o Ban« H'-i.ry T. Wow ti MiK.-muri oil-dri tied a larg- atnl.ei. »i- at tho I'nlun I.ragne ]'... ii

tin in Lliip, un th« History and l'r««ti>«*cu of the BtonSlate*, and partlcotarly of Iflnoori. » hioh he ooniiil-ered sa « ; i'."u.laing the probable deitiny of the other

BtaaeBlalaa MtiBearakewel baw, kal for aka Baa»tMbaalOatananak Ho Inaaelielleaaannt lOaaaasI.*¦ a'il'l .. ¦¦ ru: r tnuuijitied, how the f. Tin .li« «ii oinBaatoel pnrty » a» a nil Henty trouirht «tout by the acta

uf '¦ ii!>1d mid Ina I'lburdiiiaba n«-'I bow t!üit party;a uni.I b;.i««'i1.v mu pirti« tho tutal cri.lli.atl, u uf th.«,i u rai- of thi< Stiit" ,i-.d tto t.nin i« uf the lU-tulliua. lioaent on b rai

-'I n l«iti «t intil!!(reri!»e from Mb «»"i;ri ind n pi ire tobelli re ti.ut B new ( uuteiiliuii » ill le» ronrenctt by th«-TaalilaiBW thalawB la Tate bbij mi«! tktre r«*niiini|Utile duni«11' ii «.:. n. Ipatba will' bo adoptad, ud tb itt u« n«-at «T'i«* » «'i n¡ n wit!, aera n brot nil, 1111, aeatt «f n i> u ty Impelh d » tlj.« «¡.irit aiicu.li n «t

tad will tiiu in« raadj f. r u. .... a, aol «lily m Ml wouri,tint .iii WimUm S-,nth. Why ilniiild It null 'I i.rt mi

p- niton of .u a partyan a ma|| be MÛautad« Ilf. : hihi.» lum bli Ji.il^iiu ut, t!i« prolileinoi r.'fi nu nu'

lion. I.et the prinriplel of »u.li i» pitrty prurml in t!:e¡ítathwa Bkbn «mt jon will baveaodiaoolt» in tiriuK'lii^ti. m b«i k into |ks t'ii.',n a it I» (nadan, l'util :!.i j aupi »a.i. ji'i teaaat make tin-in I..) ni aad baggg, i.' orerust» iiiiothi-r naati w by t'.ia rt-aiilr b!i.hi!i1 n'n! ttli.i-,1In Mt».".i i ti.. -t hain ru.niu lp illili t-liilibuuii'ii apoBihnr linn!.« r.. It tai molatloeiaBd the Blata, lu'fenuian'o. (¡or. Jotiinuii, l'urnuii Droaulovi', and in'Ar. m "iV Urn. liantt boldly pn-aohoa thti di» ti lit«',in I.iii.iainiiii th»re lui., lu, ,i n reureanlritlon for »«.,.«¦

tiu.t« uje.ii the l,um of tilla ldt>n, «ti (urti hal idrr.uh !,,gun to ihow llgni of it* puair, uti', ia ih-itgued to bri: Kout tin-purer nid better ikanflbeal ter aeapto Bofully tai (lill Uli ¦.- lu!-, "¡i hold i .linn li,u iSoutl.oru btBIt,t'mt I »««iitui,- tlio declaration thiit tlieru ia not I ilnK1«'Stale wt.irli will not Im reitily to come back Into tin«Union u a «IBM SUlo witliiu iii montti, or at *«¦ n *.>

tte would tere oome In at a Blare BtBtopro-riding, towrver, ttut tte Admlolitrttlon willul,niid"ii nil hit n of i*i 'iilunl emmiripiitlon, and glrra itaaupport to thu rudical ayitem of liumediate a<*tion. Tkapruceet li tlmplr. Lb u Convention be ixüled, and totit paai their lanbtbaa Kint, that the State Convenlion akbfa punitd l)n< ordinance of .Vt-eailon bud um]etixilt, have no anthorlty tu diaaolve tit! rehttloim be¬tween tin-State and t' i«-Ciilti-d Statt««. Si'iuuil, thatthe reaumptlou of VMttel relntloiia «*«-.! mr«*« that alBrit tucli utangvt itonld be made in tim ätatoCui.tt ulion m aliail im,», nt K. bi-lliun and !-'-ni*«*i.)i. tenufter. l'tird, thut in tteiechangea the ta| be dutlnotly rooi-ignired thatall peremi In tin» St ito are free, and that it te providedby a fondamental Inw Unit Slavery «Lull tenccfortt boprohibited, k'ourthi That all pertoui BBS biro beenengaged lu the IteU-llion itali Do protitited from tim

ti: i» ilt-gi . of Ike ibu li 11 fianchlae uni, »a proven b b<«oyal. The oath ihould lie itmug, and ihonld contain aclaueu binding him wbo Uki«, it «to luataiu all lan t ofi uii^Ti-». ni,,i procliiii allom «if tim Prraldeat witt r, fi-n-i.i «. to Sbr, ury. M r. Hlow clneed with hu eloquentpli'tnrc uf the ^lture when tho Daba ihould bo oom-

iKiiril of noue tut freo Btiatra, tnd iuliibitcd by nonu

nut free men, and w hen thut hunnouy whii.li only free¬dom vin ii.itiie itali prcruLMr. Illowt addrett waa antbuilutlciity reoelred ty

tte and!« nee, and tt iti conclu»¡on loud eallt aero nimio

í-»rXr, ilUiy-i x¿! Hitfiii', Jin uci'tivuii-u |||M|W||

j tho addrc4» of Ms collengnp, waa very tcvere nponMsBMk Hak and Itatc, mid critieiKed tin course ofthe President in Missouri rr.nttc.H. Hu admitted, bow*.¦....r, that the Trc«ident hud i-ince got into tin« righttruck .ind i» ,i« milking progrès».

UPOBTABt BBASOBBBiTwo BBfirrtairt billa ibAb j »iiit n.-olutinn ¡p-

tiadeeel by Mr. Ae!.!i-y of Ohio jesttrdity e-i peli-tiei« ill t\c TT. "«It !l>lx« 'ty of billilli t-» b, leight I" f. ro th»

ll'ii.e. Ono liili r»p-ul.-: the joint resolution explanatory of thi) CealMBtba mt. by Bkk h tl.11 power g*

I e-i íi-i-ntinii bj liüi.'.ed to o, Hei. I'« J;fe rítalo in reelproperty. Ike otho- provides for iiibniit'ii g to fuelèverai Stiitcj an amt i.tttneut to t!.e «'oi.tliti.tioii pro-

j lu'iiti-ii; Ka» try in nil State« ia! Territ- ri"«, tin.s B8*f.lenui* tie «a-im ground a» the Joint r<«ol'dlf.iri ii tro-

tin. ed by Mr. WMmB of Iowa, «alni li 1.«« ikl t'.y be» n

I "ililli! ed. Mr. Atliley'l J.irt I» «. t.ition au'.l.orire«tbc cnüttment of colored citi/'ii« in the rebellion« di«-trict» by oft'rera daly ei.._ '«uti !iy th« Treiidcnt i'i thepa»ei ii Stutii eaBai i.j_»n to furni«h their quota oftroup«. Sr.'dfer» »o enlisted «re to to credited to the¡¦m,« of the, State« procuring their cu!i»truent by S-tnt«

¡bounty; nthorv. r e, tin «e und all other colored trooji«are to be t.pon t!;e »un.i f.x-ting with white »oidicrs a»

regarda pay, emolument» and perno! ».


Over 2.'Ai«) u]i[)lii'ati<ins fur appointment*, a*officer« in the Invaiid Corp» are now in the banda of theTrovoit Marshal G» uerai.

HFSFKIOCS PROPOHAI,.A commercial BOOM in your city has, it ia .aid,

J'iit »ent un offer to the Navy Department, which is«ruiewhut iugge»tlve. T! ey aro willing to »«-11 to Mr.

! Wellei tiree »ide wheel »teamen, now reidy for lea,

and lying nt the I'm t of Dover, England. Tbii ii »aidlo be tin« «' o' d offer of the kind received within thoyear. The question «riiea.wero theae Temi* built forthe United State« Cot eminent or for the Kebclit Mr.,"A eli« s will ni.'l"ul't"liy bo certain on thi« point before hoaccept« the »ruell, but it is nut probsblo that be «tillbuy them at all. It can be no barm to »tato, that vue

(;,>. it, n.'-nt ii pretty weil aware of the exertions madeby tomo contractor» in tho City of New-York to for-ward the cauie of the Ile-cllion in the nay of building¦Up and Hipp!, rig them with .revision» and store..Som« of Hi« id partie« will bo aitonishcd one day or

other to «iii. "»t r Low deeply they bato coniproinnedt¡.e_.-Irei.

TnB PUSBLOS OP KBW-MBXICO.Til- General Lund-Offico is engaged in the

preparation of patent» f r the aerer-l ti act» confirmedto and occupied by thcae ancient and comparativelycivilised people, iu *a"cw-Mciico.CoNTKIBCTIoB TO TDB PBBEDMBN'B SO-CIETT.

Jay Cooke La»-» contributed $_..>. to the Freed«men'e Society to inpport free _-hi«>li In this city forcolored people.To the Aitoelatrd rr»ia.

WASHnir.TOK. Tuesday. Dec. 16. lfct-J.KBVEBDT JOUNSON 3 SPEECH.

The following important pa*, agc having beenaccide-ital!» omitted in yeaterday ¦ Sen.»tu i.» ort, it islow »applied in tke re-, ark« of Mr. Jotuisou of Mary¬land, as followaj ;

" It might be adiritird, he themght. that In the rye ofthe Comtitnlion »».»».¦. ure proi-any In theie State»«where they are sa .'.cid bul ti.« y aro person» alto.Hepreaeiilátiuii In « '.»n»-r.-«» la baaed on lae faot t» it

they are per»» -i». Though alatea they are men. Tbey¡ owe aaVpaaea hy birth. Bad t! «»ugh ihn Snpn-me ("nutt!,!i»,!.a,,;.-.: t.«..i- sedertas abased»1 tiniugtheiuritdictituof that Court, ll.ey ore not ciliscn«. lo relation to otherclan»..« of the «'oiittitiiüon. it may be far ditfcreii!.They bato the prstssttsfl is tke Qaiaisatsiil In e esrtain extent it least, ai d why «hould they not contrn «ite

la ¡li .!i I BBB A» piafar«**", they may M taken for thopublio ute on coir pent itiou to their o.rr.tu ¡icing made.A» to tie oomp-utatnn. «oma complaints had !'¦ »-n

made, and iuitly pvrbap« al tho ecnator thought.in rerard to thi» manner lu which tie liwiad t »a i te.rated by torco «f the _4_>!/«of t!ie i.'irernmi-nt. Thi», however, »houl.l not ir.d'n-.ithe Senttlor to lift hi« Voice In the Senate or hit arm salof it t«i we»k«'n or t in'arraaa t!:e liovetnment In it«..If, rta to»upi r-«« th<» Bebeilion, WL»n tilt- authorityif the (loTernxt-iit I» r. «tor d to It» fill ettent. t! eillu ¡i.iry ".i.'l.t «uti would bo made lu «U auch mittler».At to ti.« «lavo !.¡¡L»t.í. i«*.' p. u«i»i!oii ditSSted ti."tun« r of all hisrl.'ht«. iMeoflrrejedtkeBltO the public.li« »I» hn«on) h.«l never doubted that the employe eatof the »ia»" in the military »ervice of the ssantrjlea»facto oman« Ipalad bim. It would bo difgra. falif. «f»crttio en | »ment if entered men to defend itsetut.-n.... thl« Government »hould permit theniton«

I tara to Butter, Hethuiked «jod laey aerar ssaldbsri-eni¡a»id. It giiTe bim pleasuro to remember thatw ! ei, he former!» had the honor of ocoapying a »e it onti.:« liiior. In ¡tttf. he d-xúar« .!, in a debate upon the »ohj.-t t. f liai try, that it was wrung a» a »is'.i'm, morally.« ii iitinii!», aadsspseJaBrscoBowieallyBbrsrytrseim!« fentible The people of th!» oouutry were rspldlybeeaealeaj wi»er on thi» »abjett."S.ne tin* arreist of tho Bo-ialli'd Chapnian pi¬

rate«, lately l'outil ted In San Franc-tco, fre«¿!ipnt application» have bien made for the pardon of one ofHam. Alfr-.l Kutiery, by John Bright, the well-knownI air',int. friend of An.trien, with ihe assent of Senatorl'm.i.e.« and J mi lo* Field » T California» 'Jl.ul'r m

dent ha« tin ally contented to pat dot. liubery, who U an

liüg'.nh »libjeit.tub BOBSIf F»)u. BUBBBBi

Tho liillri'jinrted bock from the Senate's C«»ui-u .(teo on Ml'.itary Affxir». with amendent!, reducesthe projioaed bounty for crili.tnaent of veterana toil«'»,and of ether« to #!0, and in. lude« thi.«.« only who are

not now lu the «ervice.**

XX.WIIItk COr.tJKI.NM Ursi Braaion.

BO ATI".. IVajiiinotov. Den». If, 1«.. IKMAM U'AlloN OP SLAVES.

th, iAauk (liiioti. o'ihi), presBBtai a Bia»]morin! from Ihi!'"«. aikng the pn»«iige of on a»»t furi... . ii,|.,iia'i|i,iti,ii of nil (iii.oua of African descent.Referred to the Caaualttsa

). X) MIT:ON FBi»M dbapt.Mr. Sai 'em k» iliitn . Dei.), p¡e«onted a memori-1

(r»»in a 11 -ii-»¡nan of llelitmrc, a»king exemption fromtin- draft. _ir Beabea**« n-market ti.it tin« ui-iir whoattaadt to tke dstlss ed ab holy Biaalae of peses and».l u ,li lo im'i oegki lo bo exempt from tlio droit, !while political Banoal nhonld bo placed In the frouti ink and Bade to light until Um war i» o» er.

lio memorial wu« rciuired to ibu Militury Com*niittee.

PAY OF l-OTiOKKJT TKOOI«.Mr. WMeOB i,l'ii.. Ma»».). |>rc»eiit.-i| a memorbtl from

th.- ila.. r» ad tho 4th sad oiii MaBSafiBBsitts fnlatadl(.g:u)i*iit», asking for the «ame puy and bonni» it» uro

allone,| |a other tr.aip«.KolDi ted to the Muiury ( à «mm tlee.

'ill AN Uri IX) l.r_ü. I.UVNT.Mr. iviii«oN reí» ited _;.._ aJe_eHe_a_a_bateadeit ¡t

tie tliai ksof longre«! to M¡»)ori ¡erci al (Irani to Ikeotticers and men of hi» command, » it ii a recom-u-nd--MSBBB Ita paxaago.

TI.K.'.T_II.*.T OF Kj.SAS I'l'o.iO.VK! a.Mr. I_tNK (Da Kau.) lattadaead a raaakMbe ot in

qniry relative to the treatment by (ho Kebel« of ourkm» aa prisoner«, lie mailo a statement thnt CaptionUrn» u of Dace»Í4 «iii» laat Summer in one of tho in lion«of the South ac»< ii Kansas »nldicr» lu iron«, «nil he un-deratood they were to be pat to death, as other» b.adbeen. The Secri-tary oí Uar communicated thesü foot«to tia* Cominii.iioii.-i of i.xi 1.-xi-k* but r»«-et»od notai-iafnetory Information. Kurther tliu.it thi«, recent rip rt«of the »arno Bhareeter have been received. Such hatlalio bi.-ii the courte p«.i;»ued by «juauirell and etkrfi inthen- ruidki'i the »ninny oi J-.iiii.u. The rs»o<»itioii 'w»» »ibu Uul.

LINK OPPirKBH IN TBK NAVP.Mr. llxi)- (Cn , S. II.) introduced a bill in amen t

mi Jil of tin» at t to eat ablitli and ei|uaH»» 111.« grade ofline officer» in the Nut», ubi«.li wa. referrou to theCommittee on Nu» id Affairs.

HA' R PAY AND BOUNTY.Mr. "»ViL-sftN r.'[«ii led thi Lmck pay and bounty blil

willi amendment«.FHFÍtrR SPOLIATIONS.

klr. Si'Mü.R <l I», Matt.) Introduced a bill to latnf»ti o e liiiiii» of American eiiueu» by nason of in« Trun!.«.-''«tlllil»."laaiil na the la^v of«. crdcrtdK Iti'iiiUU. |

CODIFICATION Or PUBLIC LAWSMr. Sik-sek onil'iil op the ri-ioliiii«in iubIi» to Iba

codification of the public lan i. Adopted.THE HZCtm.

Til» Home Joint mtolutlon fir the ndjonrnment beingBatttd Bp. Mr. PBBBBBHB1(Ua, Me.)niovcil it bo toigon the table.Mr. Ganan (rp., Itwa) augirestM that Hie Siütt

»uti- it down, lett it be tik«'n up lier«-.uter.Mr. IHMHI a> «í'-copted the taagaaaba.Tka resolution win lint by kene, 4; Sar*, iii.Met-tri. Jiuckalow, Ileudenwu, and Powell voted la

tho aflimiü'.ivc.A KE810N8E BY THE 8ECÍ.ETABY OP STATE.

A *ii,"f-np- ti h i-«« .'.id from th.- l'reiidtint, coin.II'Ullli: It Qg l ItAlCini I.'.. 1U 'li«!»« lu .1 l'i'eollllioil ot Italait Con^rnn, from tt-t Secmiar)* of Stab. Adjourned.

HOUSE OK lllirKKSKNTATIYES.Tim SrEAKKB annaanead the following Com»

mitti'««-:SKiii-TCowai-mi! oiTiti iPanrtc Raaaoan..Bmb

(Pa », W Id r xb ii.«ai>. Btoeb (.>'. I.), Ma (lowi>, Cola(Cal.), NobM dil- ... Ilom.tlly (Minni. MrBrlde (Oregon l,*.*,«¦:, iV M. M.-( (un (Mo.), Ame. (Mil..), Yeaman (ty.),Bat t (M»)danan Caaaiiiaa ox f«icbatio».Wbkbana (Tit),

(..un« li «lov. ¡i). LiW, (Ind.), Baldtrta (Mart ), Itolliut (Mo.).Klltot (Mais.i. Ke'.ry IIVi.n.) Knapp (111.), Orth (Ind.), Boyd(.Mo i. Ksl-'tl« ««r-h (N. Y.), Cobb (»Vii.), Andenou (Hy I,IA ddlel r. S. J.)Mai. t CctiairrrB os rat Ribcllioiti Bran*.H,

Wi.it.r i>«ivi«(.Md.l. lino, li (Muí.), J.ine* C. Allen (1IL),Aehley «"i. Yewin (S. T.), iiolmau (lud). SuiitJirn(Deb), Blew «Mo.) rtirll.h (Conn.)

THF. VB1.ATMENT OP PBISOBTB8.Mr. G/¡I v.-. ill. (Ua», Iov.*a) olfcrcd the follow.ng,

v c1 .1,¡steed toiH',.-vit, g nr» ihe bn-ik'-i not of the Rebellion Ita

pi. n ti bold by I .¦ Dall 1 "-nt». have i.eeii ti raba uiidertile- let of arar with be Bli t ii-iinni« «.ii«id-iV.ons, MidH'-Wr-u, (in Uirntog that our . « «li»« h.«Id at lllnhnmnd

were lanrba Bato «leatli foi -u«! und lulliing by the con-fr»-.un of thr entera in ti,* llagara! of Poota of the BebelContre»», " the ( an i»'»ry Uri., r»l hiving «tarred tim ena-

ay . priant »r«," (he frh ni« of the prlv.i i-r. and the Soldier»»Al J bocittii-s continued tu ferwtn food and cot hing untilforbidden br the hebel *uliioiliiei. Therefore, t

K'h lied, "That tim i. I w.nton ict ot rruelty nnpreredentedin modern warfire it war willi the bnmane Bi»ntim«ent. of theat*. I'd nu -it« the pr-teit and «iteration el (tit ilota, endMab t a«, mu 'be au« ¡or. of .uchiufamoi. drodl til tbenpiO-h.i! n eftheAh i.ilyi( ANAL AROUND TUB RAPIDS IN THE MI&M'-IUPPI.On motion of Mr. Wilkin, it wuh'nUied. That 'i.«¦ f'ommlttee on Road, and Canal, he In-

¦'r .¦-. ,1 to inquire into the eipediency ... cotutrurting . canil»r ..itiil the itapid. in the .Mistis.ippl Uiver, ronuuei ring iiI., u« i.a, li wa. and that the Cuuiuiittce hive iMve to report bybill or otherwise.

BASK OP rituYOfil -UAEálULfi-GE.VRRAIi.Mr. Cobb (Cn., Vii*.) offered a retolntlon, which wn

i laid on Ike table, instructing the Committn on MiUta-TI A tf ,,ra to impaire luto tte expedientw of providing forI i-.iriB.inif the rink of the l'ruvoitM.irshttJ» General «ultin- Cnited Statct.

' EW-YuRK AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD.Mr. .Sloab (Cn., Wu.) offered the following, which

wai laid on the table:it-r/i < I, Tint ibe Cnmmlt-re on Roadi and Cana!« be In*

.troc rd io inquire Into Ila eapedleney of iirtboHxtog by let ofj ( isgreM ibe ¦¦¦iimruc'ion of . through line of riilwiy bet-are»the I I'm of Weahington ind New-lork, and to report, by billor other» lae, at their eirtiett convmiene«.

! THE TAX ON WIRB.\ Mr. Cole (Cn.. Cal.) preicnted the renlationt of theCalifornia Legitlature. ar/ing a rednction of the tax oawire to the tamo rate witt that on manufactured arti-cien generally. Keferred to tho CoinmittMon Wayt andMeant.

EXPLANATORY OP THE ENROLLMENT ACT.Mr. BPABIMBB (Cn., Ohio) introduced a bill whick

waa referred to the Committee on Military Alfain, ex»

p'.anttory of the enrollment act to tbtt the term "vol¬unteer«' in tte lut clanto of the twelfth tection italibe comtrued to mean ttilon u well u aoldiera.

THE 80I.IHl.R8 IN UTAH.Mr. Klvsn (Dem., Utah) offend the following whick

wai not agreed totIt Aerei«, The Government it Involved la ¦ terrible Itrugfle

for it. eit.tenee, forced upon our greet and hitherto BBfMBWdi-tit« «liy ptotperou. nition without came or jollification bymen 1b armed rebe ¡lion iiaiuat the mut enlightened and BberaOoTernintiit of the world; and

H'Arrra*. The Ooeerument ii to need of the wilka* of a.Ithe «.ildirr« wbo bar* been raised «inca the brooking out ofthe Hebel-ion: and

ll'Arrert«, A n-imber of remp-anlei of the CtHfornto Voten-teer, ar» now itatii C»d It Camp Dong'u, within the City lim¬it, of treat Silt Lake City, t tah Territory, fir removed frcaau»»! mil.«« ind the active arene* of war, thereforeHttotxed, Hat th-. Cou.mitlee ob Military Again be .n-

Mnetodto inquire into the eau»** which ton led to the ila«ti »niiig of . large itaudiug muy »mu..g that peaceful end loyalpropio.

THE PROSECUTION OP THE WAR.Mr. Rollins (Dem., Mo.), mbmittcd the followingRui"!, That, prompted by ijust pitriobam, wa art to

favor of an » tti.est and a irre««:«!1, pro«» ution of the Wir. indthat w» will an . . warm ind hearty aupport to all thoae n.»\e-

mil «ti li h «»ill be m »t effect!» e in speedily OT»ironiln* theRebellion, md in ««curing a reitorttion of peera, rad whichr. m t ..D.-ii.t-». y lnlnngo the (onallt ition and lead to

r.bvrit the id* 'Leary ind chincter of the Oovemmeaii andwe uerib) reitérate thal tne prrient dep.orabl* civil war hittotal Had upon the country by the Kraal n.it now in ro¬

vo t *4»iii«t li-«* tomtit m-nilli lum iiiiir.i' t.itit to the[t«,f in. ,«!i !.*«..!,( iiiur. «., banishiiig ad terlinga of u »re

t**»'.i"ti or re.i nttrrnt wt.l BMM Ml o.. y it« duty to the wholecountry i tbrl the war ¡»nut wigodon iur pan ia tay i pit it ol-ipr»««. -ti rorfot an;- ; i-poni of conqneit or lubjuwim,

i, r rut i t . ot'< irr-ut-awing or tn-.erfrring w.tb theright! ot »... ,.u ,. i. n. «:i. atiou. of iii i.- Stii « but to tiefendi. -I inn ti,» .iinn-iiiify of lint i ,'ti.ii ition, end lo pre-¦, ».- Ihe honor, wi:h all Ino dimity, equanly -si right, of thelevenl .-'.ali s .liu paired, tbil as eoou n IMM object! ira at¬eo-. pMbed the war .¦ .¦¦-., to eenaA nii'tiou poa niailu to lay tbii retolutionon the tabla,

i» in h a na Ungntd to. i .ia J-, Naya 115, at folloat:Taie Mian K li«». Ailiior., Am». A-.diTion, A-l.l-y,

BlIIW. Bnawa. blow, Bontweli, boyd, briniiigee, Brooirai,l le e. lint. «N. Y.I, H-liL, li unel.}. lu mi Dum ni. I I-

lry, Eliot, liaitu- ,1, O h Oriui.rü. Hooper, Ito-,-hki».. Hul-rirl .1 .1 mi. Hrllv Rtllogg Mi.-h.i Loan, Longyear. Lo»a-juy, a U.arg, Mcliidoe. Muirhead, Al «>s Myer., i.-.-ouaxd.»le¬rra. Mort n ONi-i'l (fenn) Ort* P-r .,., r« ara», Piice,t«ehrn. li Sii.iip Spa-,Ming, dte.ena. p..u, Vau Villeiibi tg,VVaB h .n.« Man.). W bj«y. VV Udor.Nat«- Mri»:s .lunn C. Allen, William J. Allee, Anconi,

Ka< ,y lu .lu-., VI i-, ) .; im:., Kui.), Klaine. flairlN. Y),BUraBreoka UroHu iv\i«.i, tiunirr, l(. v\. i ..i»», i ...i ob., i ot:.,'l.. i .«a. Cberat, CretweB, Hivit (MA), Dtwn,DawIIB, I'-i Ji.ii. l'ei.niaon, Kin. ). d.i-ttun. KIdndge,hu..».. 1 AiL.Aurtli, fenian, hinck, Krana. Oinaon, Orider,nr.».- Id, Hal,, Hail. Hirdiog Uaxrinaton. Hirrt* dud.),Ham. (111.), Banks, iii-iiiy. Holman, Hubbard (lowaj.lljichm. J ii .cn ii", nu Jia'i.n.ainiUtii.i), hi i u, hello||(N Y ), h ti. i. hi. « Ktiaip. Low I.uear. I., bend. Long,Milhty.Mranj. Marvia. Mutitmr McBnde, Miüow.ii m .

h-nney, Midd.eton, Miller d>. Ï.1 Mi.ln d'al. Morr-.l,Mrarii (N. v ), Momi (Uhu.). Marlee«, Ne!».m N«»t.^(«de,I, I) .tin J illiu.,. i'ltti-r-Kui, i'1-..üi.t. Ii, Perry, Pike,Kui- rd. h luda.l (hy.!. Rica (Mair). Kobinaou. Roana,Rji'i.n iN. 11.1 Soliioi t-M«.), Rum Sthfbeld, Scott Ihaa»ii« u. Smith SntitUun. SteLo.utiN. Y l, steelet.N. J.I St. ei,StrciiBO, Muin, Sweat, That er. Tracy. \ oothee», \\ *d»aor:h,1 i:i*n Ward. V\ uhburtie '«lit), INebiter Wheeler, CkiBeBA. VVhi.», VVr.m, VVtulieU. Krrnindo VV.ud Woodbridge.Mr Morrill (Cb* Vi.) uioied to n-f- r the renilunon

to aBabel Coaunlttnn tkenkjtel of the l¡eb»'¡i¡«'ii¡b'it Mr. W.i»! ¡«in as of I!!:«.ni», expreisiuif hil ,!. -.ii- todi-bate the pn.pontion. it lie« over uiut« r tue rule.Mr. Coa l Dem., Ohio) wai.ted to know when ii* <v«n-

ililiTJtuiii ni uld b.1 te.iched; but tho IpBakn rep! edthat he could nut mfurin linn.

THK HABEAS CORPUS ACT.Mr. Kuan (In, Mo.) introduced a resolution labaB»

utor) of Ibl intent ana mcmuug of tot ait relatiuK totie htbcitt lorpui, and ngalwBf Judicial proceed.ninin certain caatt h¡«¡t« i-«d Mari-li 9, lttvt Itai.hjiit ia to ri«:ii.«v, doul ia na to the true Intent milluioiuiiik "f the act. The rcaolution providea that tkaiBtpaaaMB of tka net «b1 haken enpea n provided init.i- Stat section b1 BalA net, doea not apply to any i-a.«aa: i-iiiBf i'« i»oiiB.».;:teni ¦. <.!' any action on tho part of a-Slate Oovercment to con-pel the citi/vm of iucL Stateto render mú.tary sor» ice» for tte St:tte under tte lattathereof u« t» l'.l.«i.iiiili!.,r the comununlingof tocu StaiaMiutia may ul»o be ti.»- commanding «-tti« r uuder fed¬eral authority of tte Federul force» ii it!.In taob Stat«

'1 hu reBul.it:ou vue committed to the CommiUi. n«tka Juiüciary.

IHE B> lill .1IISM OP Till l.EILU.On motion of Mr. Ka-.-ihn (Un., towsk it wi« re-

lolved tint the Ci.'iin.i'.t.'o on Milf.iry Atfiire be in-

»tritt te.1 to iiiii'iiri» luto n.1,1 report on the fact* «-»i ¦. l-

bg Hi«' iii!> t-U intuuiunity ot tbe enemy ni their t. at«nunt of our deud and wounded lobuiri on the buttli-tii hi, und of tin- piiaoiieri of"War in »heir hand« aidthat they report u.« enrly aa ponai bli-, with luoh n-eum-nu ii.tnui.it - for the action of the llouto ra they n uylii.u». u.i. s*.in.

THE IN HOLM NO AC 1.OnmotUnof Mr. LoMOTBAa tin., Mlch.v. it wnere-

¦ lived th it tin Coinmitlee on Milntry Aftiun be ln-Bt: i., ti ,1 to milli re into the expediency of to amendingMCtba J of the net hnrollinit and I'aUingOut the Natioual Koree» ami for other ptirpo».««, that the riiri.t ofuyi A and lnilrin parema to icli-ct one uf tuo oi-gmthon* liable to inilii.iry duty under add act to boett-nipt,rhull de|»eitd rpoii tie tatt thiit »i.eli tigi-tl and lui.- oi

pmeiiu Aittile. fi.de. I Upon the laboro! luvt fou furli,eu .»iii«! "i I

BBUSf POK WötTEKK DEPABTMENT WLDILBS.Mr Mi-ri.i'Bii il'ii., Ma,)tartniaeel a bill lopr. ide

for tte deficiency ot the appropiiiitiou for ita puy ofot ton -ii ii men aotu illy eatpbrad in ihe Weitem De-ii.irtin, nt, what waa reiunod lo ttu CommitUa itftVay» and Meani.

A hKW «TANDIN'O OOMMllTKE.Mr. Kahoon .¡ter, tin., fidlowiug, which autrtkrrrd

to tka Coaualtti an tin- Kt.leiili , in,:, Tliat, ii- a.l.l n ii.». .Stat ling Cuinmtttee ihall bo

rapelated al the rnannraerairat d the mat ttratoa of tb« ta«s ling c 'ii.rii!. »».. «s.- d ii:,i.i iii. attoaa until the urst mo-si n of the i-uauing CeapaM, to count oi tue incubera to Mentitled a t'oii.uiilit'« ra Naiiunal a::d Io:rriiatloual CoiuAge,Wtlghta. ind Muuureaj md to tbii Cou luittea abaJi be rwi.«:rcit 1'i.i« ni 'uli 'Ui, and comniu'i'.ta ilium to tbil He >enu. n ilu » .h;. i.mm! ¡n ihe Uti., of the lunn« ittea.IHK (L VIM.*» ni' DISABLED AMD DEi'kLkBlJ) BOLDIEkd.Oiiiimti.iiii.f Mr. Kabkin, it wu reaolved that ¡ha

t'oiiuii.tt-i- ou i t-iiiut Im iiiatructvd to lin|uire Into tuaeuuva of u.c di lay at the otUcet of the l'ny mailer Oeo-t ral aud the bi onad A ml it r, ia tte adjuitnient aad pay-in« nt of tlii'e'iiiiiiiiif disabled and oeoeaacd aaldiera,.md n,»,: t what legliUtlon. If any, it neoetnry to bui-unió a-iii-li aiiji.iiii.ciit aud payment.

A l.lXtke.Mr. Dnitins (Cn., Micb.), offered tte follow lug r<wi>-

lut inn, \* liii-ii m,» agreed to:¡invited, ile Uniste coucurrbg. tin*, when the Hot ia

a«, ui.,. n \\ « dur.da,, Mei.iS, it be nilli. Tit..!*« JaaJXlui*. ' **

'ILCUVUI-I «djiurri«.!.