DIARY DATES Tuesday 22nd: Healthy Lunches Wednesday 23rd: ASSEMBLY 10:30am Thursday 24th: Friday 25th LAST DAY! Monday 12th Term 4, Week 1: SCHOOL RETURNS FOR STAFF & STUDENTS IMPORTANT DATES: Book Week Week 2, Term 4 Dear Parents, Carers and Community, Welcome to our last week of the term. The Outback Adventure Farm has experienced a major upgrade. There has been new seed planng in our garden beds and we have not spared a single bed. We even expanded to the area behind the Hub room, where corn and pumpkins have been planted. The installaon of the school aquaponics system has been the highlight of the Farm restoraons. We are excited that the fish farm will produce silver perch once the stock arrives. A special menon to the high school students for indulging in some very structured mathemacs. They had to undertake a project for the green house. Starng the project from the planning phase to the implementaon phase. The project will be completed aſter we have seled the finance side of the ledger. The green house is full of germinated strawberries, red robin and roma tomatoes, capsicum and marigolds. The students will determine the profit and loss of the project. The profit or loss is determined by taking all revenues and subtracng all expenses from both operang and non-operang acvies. This will demonstrate the students abilies to generate sales, manage expenses, and create profits. At the end of the project the students will understand the mathemacal boom line, of profit and loss. A reminder that our Assembly and Year 12 Graduaon Ceremony will be held this Wednesday in the school library at 10:30am. We will be live-streaming via our Facebook page for parents, carers and community members who unfortunately are sll unable to aend due to restricons. It has been a great and enjoyable Term 3. As a school, we are wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday and hope to see you fresh in Term 4. Mr Apakuki Gavoka Acng Head Teacher Secondary

LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

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Page 1: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all


Tuesday 22nd:

Healthy Lunches Wednesday 23rd:

ASSEMBLY 10:30am Thursday 24th: Friday 25th

LAST DAY! Monday 12th Term 4, Week 1: SCHOOL




Dear Parents, Carers and Community,

Welcome to our last week of the term.

The Outback Adventure Farm has experienced a major upgrade. There has

been new seed planting in our garden beds and we have not spared a

single bed. We even expanded to the area behind the Hub room, where corn

and pumpkins have been planted. The installation of the school

aquaponics system has been the highlight of the Farm restorations.

We are excited that the fish farm will produce silver perch once the stock


A special mention to the high school students for indulging in some very

structured mathematics. They had to undertake a project for the green house.

Starting the project from the planning phase to the implementation phase.

The project will be completed after we have settled the finance side of the


The green house is full of germinated strawberries, red robin and roma

tomatoes, capsicum and marigolds. The students will determine the profit

and loss of the project. The profit or loss is determined by taking all

revenues and subtracting all expenses from both operating and

non-operating activities. This will demonstrate the students’ abilities to

generate sales, manage expenses, and create profits. At the end of the project

the students will understand the mathematical bottom line, of profit and loss.

A reminder that our Assembly and Year 12 Graduation Ceremony will be held

this Wednesday in the school library at 10:30am. We will be

live-streaming via our Facebook page for parents, carers and community

members who unfortunately are still unable to attend due to restrictions.

It has been a great and enjoyable Term 3.

As a school, we are wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday and hope to

see you fresh in Term 4.

Mr Apakuki Gavoka

Acting Head Teacher Secondary

Page 2: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

'Kate - Goodbye and

good luck in the

future. I have enjoyed

working with you over

the past 2 years.

Work hard and your

dreams will come true.

Take care.’

Adam Bailey


Congratulations on

completing Year 12—all

of your hard work has

paid off!

Wishing you all the

best for the future.

I’m certain that you will

succeed in whatever

you choose to do.

Thank you for being a

great student.’

Mallory Turner

‘Kate, congratulations

on finishing school,

what a wonderful

achievement! I wish

you all the best in your

future endeavours!’

Jane Jones


follow your dreams. Be

what you want to be.

Good luck in the future

and congratulations on

completing Year 12!

Heather McGinty

‘Congratulations Kate!

I know at times you felt

like giving up but you

have made it!!! Best

wishes for your future.’

Mr Edwards

'Good luck Kate!

Wherever life takes

you, I am sure it will be

an interesting story.

Never lose that drive

that you have. It has

been a pleasure Kate

and I am going to miss

chatting with you


Lauren Trevethan

Page 3: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

“Shoot for the moon.

Even if you miss,

you’ll land amongst

the stars!”

'There is nothing either

good or bad, but

thinking will make it


by William Shakespeare

in Hamlet.

Best of wishes Kate, in

your new adventure.

Although this is a

goodbye note, it is also

a hello to a new



(Good Luck)

Mr Simon

“Take pride in

how far you have

come and have

faith in how far

you can go!”

'Congratulations Kate,

you should be so proud.

Australia is such a big

place full of lots of

opportunities—you will

go far with such a kind

& bubbly personality.’

Jessie Rogers

'Gone a chapter…

Congratulations Kate!

Wishing you well in

your new beginning.’

Mere Mafi

'Congratulations, Kate.

You’ve done us proud.

We wish you all the

best on your journey,

wherever it leaves you.

We hope you find


Mr Kuki &

Ms Johnstone


congratulations on

completing Year 12.

All the best for your

future in what ever

you choose in life.’

Mrs Linnett

Page 4: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

'Big congratulations,

Kate. Set your goals

high and always dream

big. Wishing you all the

very best for the


Mrs Ostler

'Congratulations Kate

on completing Year 12.

Wishing you all the

best. I will miss seeing

you at school and

making those nice

drinks for all the staff.’

Mrs Fay Johnstone

‘Kate, hoping

every day is full of

new adventures.

Have fun.’

Mrs Howard

Page 5: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

Dear Kate Thank

you for being my

friend hope you

have a good time.

From Will

'Dear Kate,

you have had an amazing journey to get here and put

in so much hard work. I wish you all the best on your

next adventure and hope your future is everything

you’ve ever dreamed of.

Miss Ingham

Thank you for being

at Ivanhoe Central

School and being

everyone's friend

from Nadia

I’m so proud of you Kate for

being at Ivanhoe Central School

and going though year twelve

from Coral

Dear Kate I hope you had a

good year 12. Don’t miss ICS

too much. From Myesha

Dear Kate,

Thank you for

coming and

helping us. Did

you have fun

coming to school

with us! I’m

proud of you for making it this far.

Well done. Making it past year

twelve is a big subject. From, Ella.

Dear Kate

Congratulations on

getting through year

12. Good luck on

getting your dream


From Rilie

Page 6: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all
Page 7: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all


Students, have a think over the holidays about what

you can dress as for the theme of

Curious, Wild & Weird

Page 8: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

Wow, such an amazing day we had on Thursday, designing and building fantastic flying machines.

The creative inventors that are ICS students got a real mental workout as they used only sticks and a plastic bag to create some eye catching kites. We were also blessed with the presence of some gifted engineers from Clare Public School who helped us along the way

to greatness. Thank you Clare students and staff.

The cooperation and team work demonstrated by all students was incredible as they utilized the special skills of each team member.

Teams on the day were judged on the creativity and fly-ability of their kites as well as their collaboration skills. The first place team was the Fairy Wrens, with their amazing diamond


Unfortunately, the weather would not cooperate, and while it was a warm sunny day we did not have the required wind to get our kites really flying. This did not discourage the

students though, with our fastest runners trying their hardest to get lift off. We have kept the kites so that on a windy day we can see just how fantastic they are at flying.

A big thank you to our dedicated chefs; Ms Mafi, Mrs McGinty and Mrs Edwards, for the

delicious BBQ lunch. We all needed a good feed after all that hard work.

Miss Ingham

Page 9: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all


Name: Miss B

What is your favourite colour?


What’s your favourite food?

Thai Green Curry

What is your role at ICS?

School Admin Officer

What is your favourite part about ICS?

Our clever and cheerful students and our great

little community!

What is your favourite hobby?

Travelling, running/walking, and cooking!

What is something interesting about you?

I have been to 19 countries!

Name: Mrs Linnett

What is your favourite colour?


What’s your favourite food?


What is your role at ICS?

School Administrative Officer

What is your favourite part about ICS?

The staff & students

What are your favourite hobbies? Meeting

with friends.

What is something interesting about you?

I’ve worked at ICS for 20 years.

Page 10: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all


Items for publication in the school newsletter need to be submitted to the school (via email or in person) by 4pm Thursday, prior to

publication. This will ensure items are included in the next newsletter.

Phone - 02 6995 1108 Email - [email protected]

Due to large numbers of community advertisements coming into the school to be added to the newsletter, the cost is escalating. We would

like to continue to produce large and colourful copies but to make this possible we will need to charge a fee for each advertisement.

$20 a month or $5 per ad as a one off.

Community Notices are accepted in good faith and at the discretion

of the Principal.

We currently have a raffle going for your chance to win a LIVE

PIG (Grain Fed).


$2 EACH OR 3 FOR $5


Page 11: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

Ivanhoe Food Freight Supplies

Freight Ph: 0438 951 191

Heading to Griffith on Thursday. If you need anything picked up or

taken over, let us know.

Café Café will be closed on Thursday until mid–afternoon

as the power will be out again.


Please have your orders in by 4:30pm as we won’t be

able to make them if we get busy.

Coke - No Sugar Coke - Pepsi Max 24 Packs $25

14 Inch Bar Stanley 2 Stroke Chainsaw


Uncle Albers Dog Food 22kg


Tyre Repairs Available

185/14r light truck tyres

$100 fitted


Josh & Lindsay

Ph: 0476 915 099

Page 12: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all
Page 13: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all
Page 14: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all
Page 15: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

Please call the Health Service for appointments and

please give plenty of notice to ensure an appointment can

be arranged for you. Ph: (02) 6990 2800

Specialist visits are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions…

- There will be no skin specialist this year.

- We are exploring our options for an ENT & Podiatry


- There is a child health nurse who visits monthly for

check-ups and immunisation.

- There is a diabetic educator who is hoping to come

monthly also.

- If you need a dentist, please call the Health Service so

that we are able to put your name on the waitlist.

Temperatures will continue to be taken when you come to the

health service. In most cases we will endeavour to do a forehead

scan for temperatures but may also need to do a regular

temperature/We use a new probe cover for each person so there

is no risk of contamination and is in line with infection control


All patients will need to wear a mask also as per NSW health

guidelines. IF you have your own mask please endeavour to use

this as we don’t have a lot of stock but we can provide you with

one when you visit if you don’t have your own.


Page 16: LAST DAY!...Kate. Set your goals high and always dream big. Wishing you all the very best for the future.’ Mrs Ostler 'ongratulations Kate on completing Year 12. Wishing you all

The Child Dental Team from

Maari Ma Health will be visiting Ivanhoe

Tuesday 20th—Thursday 22nd October 2020.

ALL children (0-18 years) are eligible and there is no cost.

Dental screening will be done at the school Tuesday afternoon.

Treatment and preschool checks will be done at the Health

Service Wednesday and Thursday.

Please contact the Ivanhoe Health Service to make an


(02) 6990 2800.