Laser Safety at AWE Presented by T H Bett, G J White AWE, Aldermaston, Berks, UK [email protected], [email protected] 11 th September DOE EFCOG SLAC

Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

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Page 1: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Laser Safety at AWE

Presented by T H Bett, G J White

AWE, Aldermaston, Berks, UK [email protected], [email protected]

11th September DOE EFCOG


Page 2: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes





Introduction to AWE AWE Laser Safety Management LSM Organisation Training and Appointments Orion Laser AWE developed training material – G White Video Demos Summary Questions

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Introduction to AWE Stewardship of UK nuclear deterrent Total workforce –

~4,500 Staff supported by ~2,000 Contractors Covers 3 sites approximately 50 miles west of London

Aldermaston Site is Centre for Production, Research and Administration 750 acres, >1000 buildings

Government Owned Contractor Operated

Joint venture with SERCO, Lockheed Martin and Jacobs Engineering Five main operational directorates

Details at www.awe.co.uk

Page 4: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Lasers have many applications at AWE

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Management of Laser Safety

Company Safety Instruction Policy for compliance with standards management structure

Company Safety Procedures Detailed arrangements Hazards and mitigation People competencies and training

Page 6: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Applicable legislation in UK Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 L22

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 L21

Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 L25

The Control of Artificial Optical Radiation at Work Regulations 2010

Page 7: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Applicable laser standards and guidelines

BS EN 60825-1:2007 Standard on safety of laser products. Equipment classification and requirements.

BS EN 60825-2:2004 Standard for laser communication systems. Optical fibre. PD IEC/TR 60825-3:2008 Guidance for lasers displays and shows. BS EN 60825-4:2006 Standard for laser guarding. PD IEC/TR 60825-5:2003 Manufacturers checklist for IEC 60825-1. PD IEC/TR 60825-8:2006 Guidelines for the safe use of lasers beams on humans

(medical lasers). BS EN 60826-12:2004 Safety of free space optical communications. PD IEC/TR 60825-13:2006 Measurements for classification of laser products. BS EN 60825-14:2004 Laser Users’ Guide BS EN 60601-2-22:1996 Medical electrical equipment - Part 2: Safety of diagnostic and

therapeutic laser equipment. BS EN 207:1999 Standard on personal eye protection BS EN 208:1999 Eye protection for adjustment of lasers BS 8497-1:2008 Eyewear for the protection from intense light sources. Specification for

products. BS 8497-2:2008 Eyewear for the protection from intense light sources. Guidance on use. JSP 390 Military Laser Safety. BS EN 61040 Laser power & energy measuring instruments.

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AORD places emphasis on ensuring workers do not come into contact with any high risk sources

Legal requirement to ensure workers not routinely exposed to beam above ELV (MPE)

ERICPD hierachy Eliminate – e.g. do you need to use a laser ? Reduce – e.g. can you use a lower power beam for alignment/set-up Isolate – Laser Controlled Area/Enclosure Control – SIL 2 rated interlock system for entry into LCA PPE Discipline – procedures/administrative controls

Page 9: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Senior Laser Authority

Laser Safety Officer

Laser Safety Advisor

Laser Operator

Laser Worker

Executive Appointment

Director nominated, SLA appointed

- 11 inc deputies

LSO appointments - Laser owners

LSO appointments

LSO appointments

Hierarchy of laser safety organisation

• All are from operational areas

• Not safety professionals

• Not full time

Page 10: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Overall responsibility to ensure laser safety management Develop laser safety codes to ensure compliance with

standards/regulations Ensure organisation in place to manage laser safety

compliance Ensure adequate training and appoint LSOs within

boundaries of responsibility Ensure appropriate governance in place AWE Laser Safety Committee

Senior Laser Authority

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Laser Safety Officer

Within their boundary of responsibility Advise on safe use of lasers to comply with Laser Safety

Code Maintain records of lasers above Class 2 Ensure staff are trained in the safe use of lasers Undertake laser risk assessments including calculations

on PPE Annually check condition of PPE

Page 12: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Laser Safety Advisor

Owners of lasers within specific areas Provide laser characteristics to LSO Work with LSO in determining safe system of work Ensure staff using lasers comply with safe system

of work

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Within their area of responsibility Competent to tune/align lasers above Class 2 in open beam maintenance

modes Supervise laser workers

Laser Worker Sufficient training to work in an area with lasers Not allowed to perform beam alignment/tuning in open beam mode

Laser Operator

Page 14: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Training LSO Laser Safety Management Course – pre-requisite 1 week UKHPA, Loughborough University tested Custom AWE course 3 days NPL/Blueside photonics delivered every 2 years tested LSA Custom AWE course 3 days NPL/Blueside photonics delivered every 2 years tested Laser Operator LSO tailored ½ day tested

OJT Laser Worker LSO tailored ½

day tested


Following training there is a formal interview to confirm competence SQEP(Suitably Qualified Experienced Person

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Medical surveillance of laser staff Checking sight in both eyes through standard eye-chart. Called for when staff take on laser related role (new or

transfer) Binocular vision not essential. Line management consulted

on accepting risk of monocular vision staff working with lasers

No routine monitoring

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Management Principle Example Evidence Self Assess

Actions Identified

Resource Allocation and Competency

The operational area manager should ensure there are sufficient trained laser personnel in the facility LSO – Laser Safety Officer. Undertakes full risk assessment (or advises risk assessor). LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes laser user, maintenance/service personnel, installers and person effecting repairs, in an area with class 3 or 4 laser. Laser Worker – a person including (researcher, assistant, manager) who works alongside class 3 or 4 lasers The Senior Laser Authority appoints LSOs and the LSO deputies. The LSO appoints persons to other laser Safety roles, in their boundary of responsibility

- Roles identified and assigned - Written records of appointment - Training records available

Hazard Identification and Assessment of Risk

Assessment Remarks

4 Full compliance

3 Practically all requirements in place but some minor improvements needed

2 Arrangements generally in place but significant improvements needed

0 Substantial number of requirements missing or failing

-2 Requirement not met – Nothing in place

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Page 18: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes

Orion is the largest project undertaken at AWE for many years

Orion will underpin the CTBT methodology Orion is demonstrating AWE’s ability to deliver MoD’s capability for the future

Presentation Notes
Orion will be used to underpin AWE’s CTBT strategy, providing quantitative data, with high precision, for validating computational models of weapon behaviour. Orion will also provide physical data of material behaviour in regimes of density, pressure, and temperature not available previously. Design of experiments for Orion, carrying out those experiments, and interpreting the data from Orion, will be one of the best available training and qualification means for the AWE workforce.
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Reproduced from Nature Vol 415 21 February 2002 Science of nuclear warheads O’nions, Pitman and Marsh

Also enables

Radiography sources

ICF and Thermonuclear burn physics

Fundamental physics

Orion will extend the UK’s experimental plasma physics capability to the high temperature, high density regime to underpin the weapons programme in the CTBT era.

15 - 20% of Orion beam time will be available to academic researchers to help attract and retain the next generation of plasma scientists.

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MOD Placed Contract 2005

Building Complete End 2009

Equipment Installed Sub-system commissioning


SP & LP synchronisation Project Completion


Construction start mid 2006

Post Project – PPD deliver Full operational capability Mar 2013

User Requirement Document 1st Issue Mar 2003 Business Case Formal Issue July 2003 Contract proposal Dec 2003

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ORION Neodymium glass laser technology, 1054nm 10 long pulse (ns) beams for compression Long (1ns square) pulse 3ω 351nm f/3 lens focusing

2 short pulse (ps) beams can be used for heating and/or backlighting 0.5ps 1ω 1054nm and 2ω 527nm up to 1021 Wcm-2 with f/3 off

axis parabola focusing Current record 380J in 350ps = 1.1PW Achieved 99J to target in single green pulse

Orion includes a substantial inventory of target diagnostics to ensure that the facility is scientifically productive at start-up

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Laser Safety Training Videos

Presenter: Graham White Orion Facility Manager/Orion Laser Safety Officer AWE, UK

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Background. Intended Audience. Media & Production

issues. Video Demos. Summary. Questions.


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Orion: New large laser facility. Large numbers of staff requiring laser safety

training. We wanted to be seen as raising laser safety

standards within UK. Felt there was a need for new laser safety videos. Requirement for new videos with “Orion/AWE

feel” based on AWE laser safety arrangements. Wanted to offer them to UK Universities. (AWE


Page 27: Laser Safety at AWE - SLAC National Accelerator … · LSA – Laser Safety Advisor (for class 4 and 3B, 3R) is a person experienced in laser technology/safety Laser Operator - includes


Intended Audience Large numbers of Orion staff requiring laser safety

training: approx 100+. Many different skill sets: Laser Safety Advisors. (PhD Laser scientists) Laser Operators. (Laser technicians) Laser Workers. (Support staff/Cleaners)

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4 Videos agreed on: Produced in conjunction with NPL (National Physics laboratory,

Simon Hall).

General Laboratory Laser Safety. Laser Classification. Laser Protective Eyewear & Filters. Laser Alignment.

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Platform - 2nd Life chosen. Aim was to have user interaction. This proved too difficult, abandoned at early stage.

No detailed specification at start. We are not movie makers. Underestimated the attention to detail required

during production and editing. (Additional drafts required.)

Media & Production Issues

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Changing laser standards during production. Time consuming. 15 months to produce. Expensive. (however only a small additional cost

for additional drafts). We are human. We missed bits!! These can be

used in the training. Copyright distribution issues. Videos are hosted on the NPL website. They will require updating.

Media & Production Issues

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Video Demos

General Laser Controlled Area safety

Laser Classification

Laser Protective Eyewear & Filters

Laser Alignment

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Videos have been well received. UK university etc take up good. (over 500

downloads and gaining pace). Orion/AWE feel achieved. Was it the right media? (True to Life?) Initial aim for user interaction not achieved. Underestimated production issues. Costs: expensive, (only small charge for

additional drafts). They will need updating. Videos are hosted on the NPL laser safety



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Thank you - Questions Please?