University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazee, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazee, 09-21-1880 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazee_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazee, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Morning Gazee, 09-21-1880." (1880). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazee_news/1400

Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazette,

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Page 1: Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazette,

University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880J. H. Koogler

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationKoogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880." (1880). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news/1400

Page 2: Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazette,


YOL. 2. LAS VEGAS, N.M. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1880. NO. 47delivered the address. Oliver Paine,TELEGRAPHIC.ON THE RAÍL


was neglected, and that all interestedare disposed, as we are, to gWe credit aud praise to the disinterested vol-

unteers as well as to the friends andneighbors interested with us who


IF. G. Ward,Contractor anJ Builder,


ALFRED li. SATiñll; '

ATTOENE LAWDold's Bulletin".

LAS VEGAS, - - N. M,

a radical journalist protested vchemently amidst a scene of great excitement against ihe erection of the statue. lie was arrested in orucrto protect him from violence by the crowd

Paris, September 20. De Freycinetfalls because in his Mountavan speechhe declared the Government wouldntipcua flirtit t-- ? oír rrrí f V Vil ii a f rt ti iwr

which was ,& reply to Gambetta'sCherburg speech aud to the blustcriugpolicy therein contained. lie fallsbecause he publicly ventured tothrow off Gambetta.

Paris, Sept. 20. A Dulcigno foreign man-of-w- ar has been takingsoundings off the coast. This is supposed to be a preparation for a demoustration.

Constantinople, Sept. 20. ThePortéis using its utmost endeavor toavoid a naval demonstration as itfears a genera' insurrection should ittake place.

The Meeting.

Sunaay the business men of LasVegas assembled at Baca Hall for thepurpose of taking steps towards se

curing water works and organizing í

fire company. A good attendancewas had and all seemed imbued withthe necessity of accomplishing some,thing in that direction. Mr. L. PBrowne was chosen chairman of themeeting and It. A. Kistler, secretary

VV. i bhupp, wa called ou, and.stated the object of the meeting.

Messrs. Hilt, McClung, Wheelock,J. Rosenwald and others, maderemarks concerning the businessin hand aud discussed the most economical and effective method of protecting the ékff against the repetitionof such a dire calamity as has just be-

fallen it. A motion by Maj. Morrisonwas carried that, a committee of sev-

en bo appointed to take the matterunder consideration, aud correspondwith easiern manufactories as to theprice oí engines, etc., and also to de-

termine what coufse ffiad better bepursued.

This committee to report their ac-

tion to the president of ihis meeting,who shall then call a meeting of thepeople by a call in the papers. Thefollowing named geffllemen were ap-

pointed as said committee : ChasBlanchard, Mr Wheelock, W. II.Shupp, MiC Hilt, Trinidad Romero,O. L. Iloughten and Jose A. Baca.

The meeting then adjourned toawait the action of the committee.

Sunday a Gazette reportersought out and talked with most ofthe business men who lost from Sat-

urday's couflagatian. They all seem-ed to be in good cheer and considerthat the present calamity will be a fu-

ture i enefit. They consider now,that all adobe buildings will be builton that block, that the ground is uowworth as much as before the woodcubuildings were destroyed.

S( me cannot tell what their losseswill amount to yet, but estimatetheir losses as follows:

Ward & Tamme $4,500, above h;surancu.

Levy, Cohu & Co , .bout $9,500 total loss, which is about $3,000 obovcinsurance.

N. L. Rosenthal, estimated at $9,000.

II. C. Richmond, above insurance,$1,500

Berlholf, Center street theatre, $4,000, no insurance

Rupe fc Castle, between $9,000 and$10,000.

llilty Bros, about $600.E. W. Sebben, $100.

jiopper ,JJros. above insurance$1,500.

J. A. Macklcy, $4,000, total loss.John Fliuu, barber, $100.Herbert, druggist, $1,500.Malbocuf, saddler, $1,600, over in-

surance.Marcus & Clemm lost $2,500.Marble, where the fire began, total

loss of several thousands.Marcelliuo & Cofia loss $500.Isidor StCm'8 ÍOSS &1.400. incnrml

for $1,100.

Editor Gazette:W- - desire to make it public that

we are uudjr many obligations o thoheroic volunteers who by thier timely,efficient and untiring exerions whichprevented the fire-ficu- d from getting

hold on our warehouse and store.As good work was done at etherpoints of danger also, and these welldirected and prompt measures savedall the surrounding property. Wethink nothing that could be saved


Located between Las Gallinas andTecoloteuos, 15 miles from

Las Vegas.

The best road in the country.




Also bhinglcs, Dry Sheeting. Lumberofany quality desired.

Piices to suit Everybody.



This Company lias acquired the exclusive rightio iisu ami hen, ami ncenso otneig to use theirimii.oved DIAMOND HOCK-IiORIN- G machinery wuliiu the Territory of New Mexico with the"' viMiu vi, ii ;ini county.I! V the USe Ot thP,SR drills Olllv I'.ui in inn nr

'cads be penetrated lo a depth oI'onk thousandniiT mrougu sonil ick, vertically

Perfect SnsniIcs of .Tlinci'iilJ uken out theentii-edistance- . These fumóle

so obtained are not disintegrated fragments ofi ir.n utiu continuous solid cyl uniera, showingi.ii;nii, mu hirauucauou ami ciiaracier ot t.iematerial bureJ ihrough. The great value ol theeDrills, and this method of prospecting ii olivi- -uua unit musí II pi 111 II' 11 1.


. Are now prepared to prohpect Leads or Minesuii.uuu ieei or upwards at imucks muc:a lessTHAN THIC COST OFfclNKlMl A SMAl'T, OU FOB Abiiakk la THIS CLAIM OU JIINTE8 SO 1'IIOSI'KCTKD.

For Further information apply to the office omu 'iupuny ,

71 ISroiKiwnj' Ii. T.Orto the Company's authorized agent,'

E. PLAT'f strattox,Cimarron, N. M.


VV ANT151) : A good reliable woman to cooknml no general house work in a private

laniily in the country. Uood wages will bemlil;but none need apply unless well recom-

mended, and no engagement will he made forless man six months, alter one htpL 'j l

Tills will be a, good permanent home lor a person giving sutisiaetiiin. Address lilchardl'linn, uineon, .N. M.

FOtl SALE.T Alt. VKXDKIt.---Uu- a casa situada nnJL camino du los Ojos, cerca do la casa deDona Luisa flnard. Dos cuartos, sesenta pii's' jiBULts uo i uiiuu, y ineuto ciucucnia pura ell

uu unas, oe venue par itinera al contado .

íntorrracion diríjanse a esta oficina.

IORSAI.E. A house situated on the Hoinear tho house of Louise Fin-

an!. Two roonm, sixty feet front on Die roadami one nunured and tiity back. To be solicheap for money. For information inquire hiuna ornee. t

71011 SALE. 100 head of catt'e. For further1 information aimlv In .T.i ir.i Tti.,'ns and A. Xuison A Co , Anton Chico. X. M.

7VM SALEA good slxleen liorso pewciA1 steam engine, all in ru.min rivjliti. iii.,1

lill t'O lUOUiih lo run ii Hour null n v .,n..u,.nde.;iriugto sec it running can do so any dv at. . .(VIA- - I ,1.1 ti I ii n. til I ITMitlllllK llilll 111 VI'lTflS. A III V lill-teniis t JOllMi. nnoTi'v

'J3-- tr

ij'Uil 1 . A fine large store room on theI plaza, excellent y sltii ited for business

tand at loW figures F( liarUculars apply atma oince 11


Notice to Contractors.Sealed bids wil 1 1q received at th

tcndentsollice, uji to3o'clockp. nf, Thursday,tho Kith Inst., in Santa Ke. f.iv Hi..oía hotel. Plans and speciilcations can be seenat Ihe Superintendent'sjuflice iu Santa Ke, or atMm ftllliin... ,f Xl'K 1. i . . ...i Pililo, iiiiraira, arcniiect, at LasVecras. The riirht is l'esei'voil tn ríiíoí.i- hit ..i.all bids. All bids will bo addressed to Henrylleed, superlntondcni of construction, care ofL Stuab & Co., Santa Fe. liy ordsr of thecommlttco, September 9th, 1SM0.

Important Notice.For the benefit of our e.ltl.e lift V.'llA Ajf 11. a

late copies ol this uancr will bekent n ilin i,. n,,.ticket oflice of the Chicago, Burlington & Quln-c- y

rai road, nt 59 Clark street, Chicajío, ill.,wnoiu muy lire privileged to callanil read it free.


HOT SPRINGS HACK I.IXE.-- J. I). AVolf isrunninff a hack linn beiwpnTi tiw. ir...

Springs and town. Hacks will leave the HotSprings for town at 7 n. m.. nml l i. winleave town lor the Hot springs at, 10 a. in. andp. m. Leave orders nt any of tho hutela.

Hack and ExprcMM Mne Retivcrn f.nVfffiis nnd Mora.

Hack will leavo St. Xicholas Unlet ,. ,...i.Monday and Tliursday. nt 10 a. m. singlo ivi..$4. Round trip tickets, $5. on. All ba"-'gig-

over 50 lbs., charged extra. Express .inithrough in six hours atreusonabl ti r.,iti4 l Vi m

ncctions made with good conveyances for Wat-rou- s,

Taos mid nil points north.J. W. CAllTKh, Plo'r

Why?AVill you pay two prices to Irresponsible

....ersiorsowin machines,i

when. for one liali

nir nioney you can irav any nrst c .iss imwl, ,,nruado, and warronted from three to live yearsamong which nre tho Singer, the White, i)()Iluestic, Xew American, etc. For price apply

A T. Harrison, at Hammond's HardwareHouse, Trinidad, Colorado. Il-'- m

MRS. R. J. HAMILTON1ias opened her

DRESS -- MAKI2T SHOPt the hoiiHo direct v oii)osl-t- the depoEast Las Vega, N. , hi. lllllf un uiia fu ....

vet!CUT, IT AM) MAKE OUEssES for her olfriends and new onus. 8utislnction cuarannedor no charges.

Chicago, September 20. TJio closingday of the Jockey Club's fall trottingmeeting was marked by a firjc exhi-bitio- ii

of speed aud endurance andwill remain prominent in the memoryof all present. The performance ofMaud S., in the face of numerousdisadvantages, is set down as themost remarkable in the history of thetun". The Chicago track has nowshown the best trottiug mile that ofMaud S. in 2:10 3-- The host pacingmile that of Sleepy Tom in 2:12 1-- 2;

aud the best wagon record that ofHopeful in 2:16 1-- 2. The horsemenand horses left to-uig- ht for KansasCity.

IKh-a- s nearly six o'clock and grow-

ing dark when Maud S. was broughton the tracl The sky was cloudy andastroug fiouth wind was blowing.At the first send-o- ff Maud S. soonleft her feet. Her driver, Bain, turn-ed her bak for a fresh start. Shethen trotted to the staring pointsonare and level, aud as her driver

A 'nodded for the word quickly leugthencd out her stride and rot to thequarter in 34 seconds. It was then believed impossible for her to do b3tterthan 2:16 or 2:18, but when shedown to the second quarter at a 2:03

gait, the fastest second, there was a

breathless interest aud expectancyIt was feared, however, that thestrong head wind, when she turnedwould slacken her speed materially,and render it still impossible to win

She kept straight forward, however,without a break or a skip, aud marked the three-quart- er pole iu 1:36. Bain

urged her geutly with voice and whipand she respouded gamely, and the'.imililude was breathless as she wentthe final quarter and thundered downthe homestretch iu 2:10 3-- Thetime by quarters was: First, 34 sec-

onds; second, 301-8- ; third, 311-4- ;

fourth. 34 3-- 4. Loud cheers greetedthe mare and her driver and manageras they went to her stable.

Chicago, 111, Sept. 20. Yesterday'swork by the Liberal League consistediu listening to some very elaborate andintolerant speeches and and in the ex-

pulsion of 11. E. Spenser who waschairman of the committee on futurework and who. when Robt. IngcrsoUresigned, led Hie minority in opposi-

tion to the extreme free lovers andspiritual branch and iu favo-- . of morereputable planks iutbe platform. Hiscrowning offense was offering the fol-

lowing satirical resolution: Ke9.,

that the national liberal league, auxil- -

cry leagues and kindred organizationsare recommended to consider the pro-

priety and wisdom of allowing theNational Congress of Liberal Leaguesto denounce ail people ami powersthat, he, that said ("engross shall beempowered to o at once to work toremedy all evils and cure of the worldaccording to their own very liberaland peculiar ideas. Spencer,was promptly denounced; he thereupon stirred up a hornets ne.st. stillmore interesting, by offering the fol-

lowing resolution:RksolVed, That the Fourth Con- -

. n a i T i i Tgross ot i lie xsauonai Licague, recom-mends to the consideration of all aux- -

ilery leagues and kindred organiza-tions, the propriety and wisdom ofturning over the management andcontrol of this organization to thereligious sect of Spiritualists, and to

raciical Ereelovers.The excitement grew very demon

strative and he was forthwith expelled by an almost unanimous vote. In)iivale conversation he afterwards

said that ho was fully cognizant of theinfamous tilings practiced by thosewho seemed to be in the majority inthe league, aud that he was glad toget out of it. The remaining hoursof the session were spent in denounc-ing the expelled member. The wholesession so far, has been noisy, garru- -

ous. blasphemous and erratic, as maybe inferred from tic following sectionof a speech by one of their members,and listened to with gravity by some!of the auditors: Look at my hair J

ook at my hair look at my legsook at my feet am I a member of

the league? Oh! I am a leaguer a aah, oh, ah, hoorah, hoorah ! Am Ileaguer? Tolly, golly, holly, jolly.

Oh, what's yer ah, oh ycr name?teller oh, yes, feller, nm I a member a

of the league?Paris, France, September 20.

The Statue of Thiers was unveiledyesterday at St. Germain in the nrét--ence of a largo crowd. Jules Simon



Glo mmg ft.

LATEST STYLES-- H3: .TT3?iü"- -

Dress . Suits, Business Suits, Ulsteand OvercoatsMen a'ncl Boys.tra Pains has beentaken to obtain thevery best oCents' warmwear.

we mentionassimeres, Scotch

cated Fiannel, andseveral other OeSe

m i mi u:ea Uranus, aisoseveral Piew StvSesof the World Re

5)ft. f " BÍ S

Other Mew Cooctesuch as Fine Socks,PJeck Wear, and Ever mmg

a FirstSiÍ3

be on in season. t eir





Passengers muí Express matter leaving LaVegas m Tuesday morn in;i will be forward' i

(in weekly luickhnnnl through to ;iny point mme l in lianmuol icxas. ctinrircs vcasoruihli-C- .

1!. AUSTIN'. Proprietor

OTERO & JEAGER,Dialers in


Sancolti, County, Ken Mexico

OTERO Y JEAGER,Traben H tea en

Abarrotes, Provisiones,Zacate, etc., por Fleteros.

t'OlllllMlO) le IÍltCI, 3ÍCW MCXiCO,

BIBLES! BIBLES! BIBLES!Of oven- - kind muí style, nt lío v. D. AY. Calfee's. English and Spanish , or in unyotholanguage, fur salo cheap ov given away.

jr. matti meson,District superintendent 11. .15. S. lor Xcw

Mexico anil Arizona.

UUJZiT 1ST. IjUCERO,Manufacturer of


In Romero ItniMiiiA', East Side of the Plaza.

33,10 IKCA-l- JDTT2ST2ST,

lWFAKY PUBLIC,jatTx:mrteirEkr iv Ta


Notice.The railroad company will not be responsible

for hogs killed or injurod whon allowed to runnt largo in tliu ilopot yards. Any parties havinghogs running nt large will pleasu take noticeand govern themselves accordingly.tr. c. r. iiovky Ag't.

Administrator's Xolire.Notice U Hereby given that (lie Hon. I'rolinlo

Court In muí lor the county ol Han Miguel, anilTerritory of New Mexico, has appointed iho ig

nuil wlminintriuór id' the estate ol 'FrankChapman, deceased. All persons indebted to

. salil stato will make iiiirueiliate scttlemmit!nml all persons having claims against said es.tatawili present them within twelve months.M. BUIiVsu ii u--

Las Vegas, N, M.( Fob. 7th, lm. I

now havo the satisfaction of knowingthat thev lmve saved a large amountoí valuable property.

Respectfully,Browne & Manzanares.


Suffers by fire ! The undersignedhave two car loads of furuiturc, onecar at the Swingle. Warehouse andtho other in transit, consisting of alkinds of tables, chairs, lounges, spriubeds, bed room sets, cheap bedsteadsetc. All persois suffering a loss ofluruiture py fire, may obtain the samefrom us at actual cost in Chicago and

Locxhart k Co.

A Consistent Temperance Man.

A railway accident happened inPrineo Edward Island a few days ago,

.-v n i iuue oi tne most severely injuredamong the passengers hurt was Mr,Thomas Stewart, an old geutleman ofeighty-tw- o years, of whom it is saidthat, "though a comparatively poorman, he never misses an opportunityof doing all the good he can." It isfurther said of Mr. Stewart that hwas when injured, on an errand otmercy, making a voluntary effort to

:t some poor debtor out ofGeorgetown jail. The incidentdescribed below in the words of a local report ef tho accident (Charlottetown Examiner) exemplifies a sturdyheroic consistency of character toorare in our day. "Mr. btcwarts:nctiy an alistamer. When the relief train arrived at tho scene of theaccident, he was laid ou the side ofroad, suffering great pain and apparently nearly dead. One of thosewho came to help the sufferers offerer;him a flask of brandy. 'No,, no,' hegroaned, I am ready to die, but notready to drink liquor.' "MontrealWitness.

Speaking of the wonderful town ofLa? Vegas last week the Wilsou (KasEcho said :

'Yesterday we were not and to-da- y

we are, is Hie watchword ot ot LasVegas, as well as many other placesin the lar west."

It will probably say iu this week'sjaper, "Yesterday we were and to

day we are not is the watchword ofLas Vegas now."

R. Bevlev.G. W. Vogle, WhiteOaks. Mrs Preston aud daughterlopeka, Ivs.; R. R. Goodwill, KansasCity; James Melburu, St. Louis; Mariano Armijo, Albuquerque: Mrs. JSeeley, Topeka, Ks., James Clemonand wife, Topeka; J. J. and A GSquires, Kansas City; S. S. Wiley andH. W. Smith, Boston, are registeredat the Sr. Nicholas Hotel.

The Optic came out in a handsomenew dress yesterday. The improvement is manifest and delights a prin-ter eye. If we may be permitted locriticise, we would say that wo thinkthe appearance of the first page wouldbe greatly improved if the rulo aboyethe heading was removed.



And Dealer in all Kinds of



Keeps on hand a large Stock ofX i ona.

Iron A xlosiX,toaat wh.oolsi

3Eii30 Koxos, -

Also an Assortment of

Buggies, Springwagons, Buck.boards, &c, ForSale.

All Kinds of to

ara: m. m: hkDone on short notice. Satisfaction frnnranicn,!

W. II. Shupp lias employed a first clasa cur.riae trimmer. Parties déslrlnir work of !,kind would do well to call othls shoi).

í "í?í?B1SAT'3.-- By Moore & Huff, at theCo'sdmg store, on the laza. ,

33X1. WIITT QA.XiOON"ALBERT &, HERBER, Proprietors.Opposite Jaffa Bros., East Side.

Fresh liecr always ou Draught. Al-so Fine Cigars aud Whiskey.

Lunch Counter in Con-nection,


Las Vegas, New Mexico.


General Comm'n. MerchantsAi) SALESMEN FOR

EASTEBlsT HITSH9,Offico East side It. It. Ave. , opposite Brown i;Manzanares. ,

V. Steels,JUSTIcr; OKTIIK l'K.Vcr. f,r l'reoiñctX.2!, East Las Vegas.Real Estate, Collect niü Agent ami CouTer-ancc- r.

Dcudd, Mortgage and )J.lank f'rsale.Otlice on llio hiil between the old and new


Dealers iu

Staple and Fancy Groceries,CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES.

Produce, a Specialty. Orders llllodon short n- -

tico. Proprietors ol the

Dslmonico Restaurant.East Las Vesas, N. M.

Tin: r.osa

Boot & SFzovmafccr

Opposite JalVa Bros., guarantees satUfactiunand a pertect lit or no pay;


Attorney at Law,7'..Will attend to all' lega! business promptly,Center Street, East Las Vein , Xuw Mcxio.

179-- d.



Oflice at líxehange Hotel ISuíU'.íiig.

Las Veo as. N". M.

1M vertíCentre t., Ka-- t Li- - Ve;Os.

EvervíhiiiLÍ in tito link':r.i liny C'.iiKtnt,iy

on band

TIUjíHUTY k AN(!ELL. Vi'n.


DJfiriJTYU. MINKUAI.p; "Si'.T EC3 x&r rm o xrs cu una,

..as Vegas - - New Mexico

PHOTOGRAPHER.Gallery in thelíestr f tho Exchaii"o

Hotel, Vcst, Lh Vega.




saar k. íív nn í a i n ív

DOITE TO OEDSE.Shop in Dolds' IJloek, Xortlnvest

Comer of the Plaza.

J. FII.X2HJO '.Hi.


M. SALAZ AH.irony icy-- , tr-lAi- i,

LasVecias - New MexicoN. J. PETTIJOHN, M.

PHYSICIAN and SURGEON,Hot Springs and Las Vega.

Chronic Diseases and Diiwasea of Female aSpecialty.HOT SPRINGS .- - g toH A.M.LAS VEGAS-Ceul- ral Drug Store, 2 to 0 P. M.


rOFFICE HOURS ut LAS VEGAS,lOo'clockA. M. till 10 o'clock 1 M., it a J

AT HOT SPRINGS,From 7 o'clock, A. M. till 9 o'loek, P.M.All ordarscUlt at HniliArt'afii.celvepompt atientimi

Page 3: Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazette,

A.J.CEAW.FOED&COLas Veas Dailv Gazette. 6toue, 'includes not only thesurface of the earth but

NEW i'OKik CLOTHINGeverything under or over itAnd therefore he continues, 'if a manJ. H. KOOCLER. Editor. LAS VEGAS, N, I,grants all is lands, he grants therebyall his mines ot metal and other fos ATTENTIQjST !1


Dtlly.l yar l -

Dsily, O months 6 00.

Dally, 1 month 100.Delivered by cnrrkr to any Iavt of the city.

Weekly, 1 year 3 00.

Weekly, 6 months 1 M.

SíÉ onWesils, his woods, his waters, and his

houses as well as his fields and meado-

ws-' Such is the view universallyentertained by the legal profession as

to the effect of a patent from the genHTSB

For Advertising Hiten apply to J. II. Kooglcr COST !Kdltor andProprietor. GROCERS.eral government. The construct-

ion given by the United States toMineral on Land Grants. their patents ever since the organiza'

DEALERS INtion of the government, has been toTo make room for our incomingHaving published an opinion in the same effect. They have uuiform

lyj-egarde- d the patent as transferringthe Gazette of a few weeks since, anopinion adverse to land grants, we all interests which they could possess Full and Winter .Stockin the soil and everything connected

therewith."I ask you to give this a place in

Fruits, Vegetables, B itter & Eggs

Chickens, Fee nd ail kintta of Country PnmUoo. We earry everyt1ithat it packed In the Caane Goods Line, pd mothing bat the very beatStandard Brands; which, we offer at the tt reasonable prieev. A fullline of imported, Key West and Domestic aru.

Goods delived Free to any part ofthe CityQlim ra Call, W Gnaraiue Satisfaction.

vour paper in order that your readers We will Sell our Summer Goods at COST, below COST and regard- -

less of COST.may have a chance to see both sides otthe questiau. Correspondent of theNews and Press. CALL

now publish the following, takenfrom the News and Press, as repre-senting the other side of the question:

News and Press I notice in lastweek's issue of your paper an articlefrom the Scientific Press which statedthat the Supreme Court of the UnitedStates had decided iu the case of theUnited States vs Castcllcro, thatgrants of land from the Mexican gov-

ernment for agricultural and grazingpurposes, did not convey the miner-al contained within the grants. Thisstatement, it unexplained, might becalculated to mislead persons unac


An Atlanta girl who reads thenewspapers was recently proposed to J. GRAAF & CO.

RESTAURANT AND CITY BAKERYby a nice young man. She reflectedfor a moment, and then asked for time

m ' (

to prepare her letter of acceptanceEvidently she proposes to formulate

Fresh Bread, Cakes, and JPies ot allher own platform.quainted with the circumstances of Also Agents for the Ctgefaratd house of Dev-- .lin $ Co., JV. Y., in Gf&dslade to. Order.the case above mentioned.

Andres Castcllcro under a grant The Old R eliable Dt 11$ kinds.Store. Established 1870.from Mexico, claimed a mine of

quicksilver in California, and appliedto the courts to coufirm his title. The HERBERT & CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.courts decided that the grant was notgood, because the same was not regru

larly made by the proper MexicanGROCERIES, TOBACCO ARID CSCARIDRUGS, MEDICINES,authorities, and therefore refused to

confirm his title. This decision wasTOILET ARTICLES,not in relation to mineral claimed

GO TO THECENTRAL DRUG STORE!Wor Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Faint Oils, FaiudMedicines, Brushes, Combs, Fine Soaps, Perfum-eries, Toilet Articles of every description, Whole-sale and Retail.

Confectioneries, Fruits, etc, etc., etc.within the limits of an agricultural

AND PERFUMERY.grant, as Castellcro claimed under a iJtS VJEG.1S. - IF MEXICO"mine grant."-- :o:The question of the title to mines

of precious metals found within the PRESCRIPTIONS carefully ASSAY OFFICE,Compounded. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialíy Ilimits of Mexican grants which have

been confirmed and patented bv the:o: Cejtral Drug Store, Eifaisi st. between East and WestUnited States government, was long

Las Vegas, New toxico.



Opposite Brown & Manzanero',


a subject of litigation in the courts inCalifornia, and was finally settled inthe decision of the cases of Moore vs.Smaw and Freemont vs Fowler,

isAt Doctor Shout's Old Stand.


VINITA9 & Co., Prop'ii

which decision is reported in the 17thCalifornia Report, p. 199. These CHAS. BLANCH Awere suits brougut by the owners of ML MID IXPRVSS li Assays of Ores Made

D IS ALE It Itwo Mexican grants against personsclaiming title to mines on the grants J. II. WJESjASS?. Pro. with Accuracy and

"rrrrDispatoh,- t t u.l.n i Gfltll

linn? qaiiy vi V , Vnr,ñas, Cabra, ia uní, "



1 go"Ciha)


by virtue of locations under the Uni-

ted States laws. The cases was con-

sidered and decided together.The decision, delivered by Chief

Justice Field, now associate justice ofthe supreme court of the United

j s. a mnthr r.ftrrlud toanv H A RD W A R E,lotnpi Attention will be Paid to orderj'assenger anu "M'cov"" rDoiRtontiiemosiveusuiJuuioMnnjTl Sent from the Varioui mining

Camft of the Territory. StoveStates, is an elaborato discussion of HAPMAN HALL! uOOGS.

Rtt.t.tard Pa lorAll Assays Considered Strct- -

& Sample koom.The

thisquestiou, and as it is very long Iwill give only the principal points ofthe decision.

After a lengthy review of the factsin the case and the arguments of counsel, the court says:

'The defendants claim that the min-

erals remained the property of the

ly Confidential. Elastic Joint Iron Roofing alwayss on hand

BOY AMERICAN BARB WiRE.LI YE ETUnited States n otwithstanding their ::'..THE MONARCHpatent to Fernandez and Fremont.

The Finest! Besnvt in West Las Vejas whereThis position is not based upon any the u-- Best Brands 01

DENTISTRYIaiiguiige ot the patents, for it is adLIQUORS AND CIGARS

mitted that their terms of grant would SALE STABLEAre constantly kept on hand.opeiate iu case of an individual, to 'MESI.3pasi all the interest which the grant Operative &PRIVATE CLUB ROOM

EAST LAS VEGAS, N. Ml.or could possess in the land. It isIN conmsuxju.

hi en rem MMechanical. mm pa m II X AHENRY BBAMM, Proprietor. J. S. BimcstBi, Prop'fbased upon the supposition that as

the aci of March 3d. 1851, providesfor the recognition and confirmation

mm.M ii m mi iListening to the solicitation of manycitizens of Las Vegas, Dr. f.n.The Occidental ra mg pCarriages and Horses Let atof the rights acquired by the grants

from Mexico, the patents were onlyDcGraw will open an ottice

for the practice ofReasonable Rates.intended as evidence on the part of

Painless Extraction of Teeth.the United States of such recognition Billiard Hall! llave a large and complete stock of all classes of Merchandise which they eel

at bottom prices for cash.and confirmation. By those grants, Horses and líjuat anTeeth Extracted, Plugas wej.avejseen, no interest in the Sold.

Finest iu the City of Las Vegas.niuierals of gold and silver passed to ged Replanted. ISthe grantees, and if the patentsTHE UOCTOU'S SPECIALTY 18 FINE A. 0. BOBBINS,GOLD WORK.amount only to an acknowledgement

of the rights derived from the former W1 G3

.Iouth examined anil advice given free ogovernment, that interest still re DEALER IN

mains iu the United States. Thisview of the patents is not justified by


Artificial Sets of Teeth on FUHN1TURE & -- ;the:THE MONARCH Celluloid.any provisions of the act. A he ob

iect of the act is to 'ascertain and setFirst-clas- s bar where gentlemen will

mrrrr.n: HOURS FROM 8 A. M., to 5 T.M.tic' private huid claims iu Californiafind the finest liquors, wines ana ci- -

Good Reference Given. All Work Warranted.This object is declared in the first in the Territory: also in connec OFQUE ', NSW A IIIC.Office on North Side of Plaza. Open Julytion is a lunch counter. Drop in and 21st, 1880,section. It is not merely to 'ascertain

but to 'settle' the claims, that is to es Charles IlfeldSCO us. ......First National Bant UNUEUTAKING ORDERS PROMPTOpen Day ana Nigni.

LOCKE & LOCK WOOD,Proprietors. North side of Sjii'ire hu Ve'jas, and branch store at La Jif, ta,LY ATTENDED TO.OF IjAS VEGAS.

(Successor to Raynolds Brothers.)

Near the Bridge, West Las Vegas.

tablish them -- to perfect them by

placing them, as far ss the govern-

ment is concerned, beyond controver-

sy:'Under this act these claims were

examined, confirmed, surveyed and

patents issued which patents wero

without word of limitation or'rc-eervaiio- n,

with the exception thatthey should not affect the interests of

persons who had acquired rights in

the premises previous to the cession

Authorized capital, $500,000

John DoiihliM-- . Francisco Bac y 8andovi .

Santiago Baca.


WlmlesBlo and Uotall Dualers i


lias Ve&sSTABLÍ Paid in capital, - $50,000FSIDiSUESurplus Fund - iu,uuu PLANING MILLDOES A oESERAL BANKING BUSINESS

--AT T?IE F. C. Ogden, Propt'r.uaw-- ii ill ÁW' 'f ill nñGEO, ÜIcKAY, Dressed Lumber for Side.

Lumber Surfaced to order.


of the territory to the bniteu siaiesbv Mexico. The decision then con-tinue- s:

"The question arises as to what

passed hy the patents to Fernandez

and to Fremont, and to this question

there can bo but one answer: All the

interest of the United States, what-

ever it mav have been, iu everything

Sole Axonta In New Mexico for



J. D. WOLF, Proprietor.

AND- - Styls of Mow. "disBg-- .

Turniníí of all Descriptions, Newell MI BROS.,.--CELEBRATEDAIL0nN, Posts, Illustrates, ocron buwi.iv

couuected'with the soil, in everythingCONTRACTING AND EU1LDINC. LAGEE BEER.Something. Good to Drink,

T.nfich at uny hour from 9 till 11 A. M.r.irminu anv portion of its bed or fixWork- - and Estimates from a dis- -

to its surface, in everything which SOCORRO, N. M. , LAS VJtGAS N.MALHUQÜEUQUE, N, M.The best accommodations aflbrded

and care taken of the tams of travel v.lÍt LAS VEGAS. - JIEAV MEXICOtmco will receive prompt attention' i embraced within the signification of

t OnpngTirow.re AManzanare. M

Page 4: Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazette,

Lis Ve-- s Daily Gazette-- iSAN MIGUEL




I 3 40 a.! 2:40

LAS YEGrAS N MDr. J. H. Sntfin Prop'r,


Lit Juntai imps, .

Iron Spruijs...I'iiatelierKui'icUoellUC..!Trinidadstirkvlllc.MerloySouth Siding..North .siding..



12:2812:0011:4012:2510:5S10:2!l0:4(1U:519:008:358:187:417:070:215:474 :504:233:272: Ml2:201:54

The 'est Accommodations in tlio Tcrritorv.lUloll I

itero....,MaxwellI lorst'V . .


DIIlECTOIlSsMiguel A. Otero, Joseph Rosen wald

Emanuel Rosenwald Jacob Gross.Andres Sena, Lorenzo Lopez.

David WinterniU.-


n. m1 :'.!;)

2:tH2:523:4114 :0"i


:017:107:227:308: Hi


10:1(111:0111 :3412:212:.r4I:SO1:542:37


0:20 n. in.

o CIWagou Mound....TiptonWiitrminHomero.....i.-- . "N'cgas I ;;;;;;Sulzljaclierliernal

j"&oe3"r'U .general tinkiug business,

Drafts for sale on the principal citiesof Great Britiau and Continent of

FEEE BUSTo .mn FitOJfl mlLilj THE Tlio$M



Having received a Sargo stock 01 E Vlik V-THI-

and bought as low as cash will buygoods, they are now prepared to offer theircustomers and buyers generally BETTERINDUCEMENTS THAN EVER BEFORE.

Having established a Branch House inEast Las Vegas gives the people on theEast Side the advantage of SAVING TIMEAND MONEY for purchasing their goods.

Please call and EXAMINE OUR GOODSAND PRICES before purchasing elsewhere. JAFFA BROS.

Europe. Correspondents solicitedFultonKingmanGlorieta.Manzanares

tGaMsteo Junct'n j

Santa FoTo Albuquerque.Galisteo


9:30 n. l



Eagle Saw Mills( rz i :ur J. BQSENWALD. OO('nlrillo 7:3C,

AND- -Wallace . 8:21A lgdones. . . ,

Itcrnalillo...A !!jii(tiorrtiu



Xjs Vegas, PCT . Ic.--- BY


1 lirnncli to Santa Fe "1

Trains meet at Wntroiiiand dine hero.All freight for the North or South must be

delivered at the depot at 4 p. m. local time,the cause of tills is that freight cannot be bill-a- d

to go by next day trains.The Adams Express office will be open

I rom 8 until 2. CP. IIOVEY, Afrcnt,LaB Vegas.

PER THOUSAND.their Lamber Yard, at the planning Mill o


(Otero, Sellar & Co.,

Cmmission IVIerchanfs;


HT-Leav- your orders ut the stor6 ot

T. Romero Bro's., & Son.

LasVeoas. - New Mex eneral Merchandise and Outfitting Goods.

Full Line of General Merchandise Goolimest,Pelland Produce generally bought for C nh .,, t,t.,market prices.

Orders from Southern Colorado, New Mexico

and Arizona solicited. Satisfaction Gauranted,

Clmrcti Notices.CATHOLIC CHURCH. -- Order of servicesCj onSundav: First Mass, G;30 a. m. ; High

Mass, 9 a. m . i 'Vespers at 3 p. m, Week days:Low Mass at Op. ni. .1. M. Coudeut,

Parish Priest.KetUodixt Episcopal Cliurch. Service

everv Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbathschool at 3 i), m. 1). W. Callee, Pastor.Parsonage adjoiuing the church,

t'rend.vteriuii Olmreh. Morning andevening services 11: 00 A. M. and 8: 00 P.M.Sunday school at II 45 A.M. Pastor, Itev. J.(.Eastman tobe found at his residence tin-

ned intely adjoining the Church,fit. PanI'm Kíicwim' Chnreh, Rev. II.

Forrester and Kcv. 1). A. Snnlbrd. Servicesevery Sundav at II A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 3:30 P. M. All are cordially In-

vited.Flrsl ll:tisi Chnrcli. Services at 11 a. m.

and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school 2 p. in. All. Are cordially invited to attend our services.

Place of meeting in the building adjoining.(alia Bros. Store on the north. Rev. M. II.Murphy, pastor.

"llIAS'MAX 7,o!c No. 2 A. F. A A. M

j moots on Mio Wednesday of each month bo-lo- re

the full ol the moon at the Masonic Hail,Central Street, between Sonth 2d and 3d Strts.). II. Kooglcr, Sec'y.

VEUAS Lodge No. 4. I. O. O. F.LAS every Thursday evening at 7 o'clockharp. Visitinir brothers are cordially invited.

THOMAS GAUTRKLL, N. G.T. Rutenheck, Secretary.

Hn.il AiT!iiircnscut8. The Post-OIR- wilbe opened daily, except Sundays, from 7:30 a.m., until 8. i, m. Sundays, one hour alter thearrival ol cacli mail.

EiihIoimi SIiUl. Leaves Office at 11:30 a. m.Arrives at 3:30 p m.,

V'owlei n Mall. Arrives at 12 a, m. Leavesat 2 P. M.

l'eiON Jin.il. Arrives at 8 A. M., leaves at S

. M.

Vinltn, liullitn Torr'y mid way Mail.Arrives a'. 7:30 a.m., leaves at 3:30r.M.

Mora Mail. Leaves Friday at 8 A. m., arrivesSaturday at ü r. m.

IíO AlamoN, Joyi Larga, Loin a PartíaaI Vt. Union Mail.--Leave- s Tuesday atfl a. m., arrives Wednesday 8 r. m.

T. F. Chapman: Postmaster.



Wm. (Jillerman,Has opened a stock of


at Fort Ilascom,Mew Mexico.

SAI NT NICTOWN LOTS FOR SALE!At the now town of Watrous, formerly known as La Junta, X. M. , or La Junta It. 11 Depot.

The location is well known, a beautiful valley, rich farming country well supplied with water farIrrigation and all other purposes.

Natural good roads leading In cvery direction to its large surrounding agricultural and grazing country.

A srood business roit. second to none in New Mexico. All it needa la a few live. 8tlirinj; IniIness men and nothing will hinder Its progress. Try it, The It. B. depot will be inroadino

LA 8 V KG a ,v. N K W MUX I G 5.

J. J, San ford, iWntisigcs.Will be kept as a First-Clas- s Motel.

Providing a good table, good attention, fins Wines, etcThe Traveling, Public, urn vonHady iueiitu.

Tílo Sit. TOTiolxoln-s- EEotol, .H,-7oñ- v t,, zr. iVT.

receive ana deliver lrelgnt here lor an points surrounding, l.ineral inducements will r.cgiv ( i

S. IÍ. Wathous & son.business men.A Full Assortment in every line La Junta, X, M

which will be sold at Las VegasPrices, Freight Added,


veaier in Rjtqnor v i igarn.ass

Sole aqent m-- WHOLESALE :intl RETAIL DKALKIi INSAM'L.WAINWIIIGIIT & CO if Celebro fed lioiilcd i(. Lou Its Deer



LOS ALAMOS, Ar. 21,:o:

Also Dealer in




Kinds of PRODUCE





Social Inducements to Cash. Buyers.GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS,FREIGHTING.Freight teams always readv and freighting

done to all parts of the Territory.

Prices to Suit the Times.EXCHANGE BUILDING,The lightest running

machine in the world.Almost Noiseless. New and in Per

Issues Policies in tha following Companies.fect Order.WJI. II. II. ALLISON.


Manufacturer and Dealer in.A.. IB STO UNTIE,








l.",.r)00,0001,000,0002, 500,0008,20,(X)0l.fiHO.OOO4, .100,0001,000.0001,000,000




In General Merchandise and Outfitting Goods,

North Sido of Plaza, Lns Vegas, N. M.

IW Special inducements to Cash Buyers, as I sell no goo, is u,i tine.

Stands osi the Old

One Sqtinro South of Plaza, on Sfluth Siile o

Pad lie Street, Risks Written Throughout the Territory.NEW MEXICO.LAS VEGAS,




CaiTiagc Trimming Done to Order.

Elder sister (tired): "Do let's turnback; Ave are so far from home. Thun-der storms arc so frequent, too, andyou know how frightened I am utlightning." Younger ditto (not tired:wants to go further:) "Como on; it'sfino enough now. You needn't befrightened of lightning; it won't hurtyou. You arc not particularly






Iao tore.


Las Vegas, JYcw Mexico.

MARGARIO ROMERO,-- DEALER L- - -- A K 1)- -Finest quality of Custom Work done in the


'! do so admire a genial, whole-soule- d

man," says Gcorgo Eliot, inone of her earlier works. That's rightGcor.o. A half-souie- d man is ofmighty little accouut in this world.

Lotta's new play h said to bo of theemotion! order. She kicks so highas to bring tiara to the eyes of all theold men who think back about fortyyears. j


(Doiiuiiisjoií MerchanteA Full Lino of M. I). Well . ChicugoMade Boot k Shoes Constunl J Hand.




Page 5: Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 09-21-1880University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-21-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazette,

GAZETI-I- A... H. Lucís Manufantcrcr cf Mexican f

FiiisrcD iev.'ílry.Las Ve'S Daily Ga'etuMurcus & Clemm have turned

their wholesale establishment into aretail More, where they are now pic-par- rd

id accomodate nil tin ir old cus-

tomers.The Oldie's diairram of the burned

TMK- -



IS f9JSG:sn -



-- O-


MEN DEJSTH ALL & COweisy9 Feed, am

Dealers in Horses and Mules, also Fine Buggies and CarriagesRigs for the Hot Springs and other Points of Interest. The Finest

Outfits in the Territory.

Rf A3 M.M.J

Smith 4? Marrmon, Mr&prs


lilt; Cji.j. .

If nil editor omits anything, he i

lazy; if he speaks of any thing as itare mad: if he smooths dowr

the rougli places, he Í9 bribed; if !

calls things by their proper names, h

is unfit fer the position of an editoiif he docs not furnish his readers wit I

jokes he is fetnpid; if he does, he i

rattle-heade- d, lacking stability; ifhcondemns the wroug, he is a gooifellow, but lacks discretion; if he letwrougs and injuries go unmen1ioue(he is a coward; if he indulges in peisonalitics, he is a blackguard; ifbdoes not, his paper is dull and insipidIn short if he edits a paper propcrl;and sticks to truth and facts, he is :

fool, and don't know how to edit t

, paper, half as .well as his readercould.

"For what we arc about to receiveO, Lord, make us truly grateful !'

would not work in this case, for aneditor receives more kus9ings thaihe is truly grateful lor, as alWus pooidevils can testify who have bceithere,


One of the most beautiful meteorsthat it lias ever been our fortune t

see passed across the sky from south-

west to northeast last night about tcio'clock. At first it looked to be abouithe size of the full moon. It traveledmuch slower than is usually the case.

At first its motion was regular binlater seemed to go by fits and startsA long tail was left behind it and to-

wards the last it gave oft' large purphsparks and finally it flew into a hun-

dred fragments and went out. It hadmuch the appearance of a Roman can-

dle, only many times larger and muchmore beautiful. It was some lonewauderer, that thought to run a shortbut brilliant course before going outforever.

Card of Thanks.

The sincere thanks of Hopper Bros,are due to Conductor Giles, YardMaster Charles Linsey, car repairerKarr and also to many others, forvaluable service rendered in savingtheir goods. The transfer meu alsohave our thanks for the efficient aidrendered us.

Card of Thanks.

Fditor Gazette:We desire to oiler through your

columns our sincere thanks to thosewho worked so valient y for the pres-

ervation of our property in the des-

tructive fire of Saturday night.Very truly,

Otero, Sellar & Co.

The Las Vegas academy opeuedyesterday under the management ofProf. Ashley and Miss Anuic Wood.Following is the first days enrolmentiu the two department:

prof, asiiley's department.Misses Carrie Stoops, Lulu McDon-

ald, Josie Stoops, Belle Teats, AnnieFlceniau. José Homero, PurleyLew- -

clliug, Laralellio lionicro, Samuel B.Lambert. Total, 10.

miss wood'i department.Jennie Cosgróve, Annie Fipps,

Frauk Moore, Albert Berry, Evy Cos-grov- e,

T. Cosgrove, Byron Janes, LeGraud Wilkinson, Maggie Brokover,Albert Wood, Clinton Talbott, JamesMartin, Fred Foster, Alice aud Char-lie Kcesee, John and Chas. Clay, MaudIlandcburger, Leon aud Marks Ilosen-wal- d,

Abbie aud Bessie Stoops, Ed-

die Allen. Total, 23. Making a totalenrolment of 33. This is a very en-

couraging number for the beginning.All should now lend this institution ahelping hand.

Ward & Tainnie have commen-ced to rebuild in earnest, yesterday,all day, Mr Ward was hunting mento make adobes. They intend tobuild a frame house next to the alleyfor present use. The adobe wallsthat were put up before the fire audwhich arc still standing will bo com-

pleted. Two thirds of the buildinghas already been rented to Marcus &

Clemni for a 6tore room, and the otherroom to Mr Gregory for a barbershop. Where the frame billiard hallstood, a two story adobe building willbe erected.

The San Miguel Rifles did goodBervice in guarding the property ta-

ken from the burning buildings.Thieves were plentiful, and had it notbeen for the efficient service of thisorganization much property wouldhave been lost. The thanks of thepeople are due 'hem for their services.This will make this company morepopular and give it a new lease uponthe nfl'eclionst)f the people. Whileothers 6lept they had to guard the

thrnuffh the long

Ptr:cnal and General, Gathered FrcmQuarters of the City and Vicinity.

- John Doughcr came up from thesouth jentt-rUay-.

T. F. Chapman went cast on Sunlay's train.

Louis Sulzbachcr went lo Sant'c yesterday.

Father Persone, went to San Miuel Sunday

Mr. Delany and daughter went t

íauta Fe, Sunday..

Tie contractor Woodworlh wento Fort Wiugate Sunday.

Mrs. Benito Baca came up fromthe south on yesterday's train.

Dr. Tipton of Tiptonville, camea Sunday. He will likely locate.

Mrs. T. B. Mills and mother, Mrs.Hinms, came in on Sunday's traiu.

"Old gold" is the fashionable col- -

r for vallcr dogs this fall in Las Ve


1. Stern's losses in the fire of Sa-urda- y,

amounted to $1,400, insurance1,100,

Mr Studcbaker and Tom. Par'cr returned from a trip to KauiisCity, Sunday,

The committee on water worksfield a meeting yesterday at the officeof Chas. Blanchard.

Mr Phillips of Kansas, is a newarrival iu town. He talks of becomingouc of our number.

A number of tents have beenreeled for temporary use ou the open

ground near the burnt block.Stage drivers arc getting scarce

in the lower country. They are be-

ginning to prize their scalps.

II. C, Moore, Chicago; E. J. Wilcox, Ft. Sumner; C. Staver, are re-

gistered at the National Hotel.

The Boston Clothiug store wjIIopen out iu a few days in one of thebuildings near the New York store.

Mr. Gage, the efficient freightagent at the depot, lo.t all his "Sun-day go to meeting ci.úhes," in thefire of Saturday.

Wcgive fair notice that we shalbegin now aud talk corp ration untilwo have it or blow ou delves to deathiu the attempt.

We arc under obligations to Mr.C. R. Browning for the diagram whichappeared in Sunday's Gazette, ofthe burnt district.

Moodv says this Republic is goingto the . Guess you're right par-son, but it depends upon who is elec-

ted, a good deal.

The low place iu front of the postoffice building is being filled up withearth taken m the cellar of Rome-ro & Son's new block.

Daily G xettes containing the fullaccount of the destructive fire of lastSaturday cn be had at this office, andalso at the book stores.

R. C. Richmond, has fitted up ahouie in the rear of where his jewelrystore formerly was and will soon beready for business again.

Stop citizens, and think a littlewhile before you erect any more tin-

der boxes. Adobe and that onlvmust be the watchword.

The scream of the engine whichcarried water from the tank to thebuildings iu danger, sounded like somehuge monster in distres?.

N. L. Rosenthal caine down fromDenver yesterday, to look after hisbusiness here. Mr. Rosenthal hassustained a very severe loss.

Wilcox has a bad cold; the resultof his devotion to business as a col-

lector of news, Saturday night. Heis a rustler end everybody likes him.

Win. Booth, the Kausas Stateagent of the Northwestern MutualLife Insurance Co., is in the city, andlike everybody else, likes is and ourcountry.

Las CrucC3 citizens organized iucompanies to suppliment or rather toantecedo the movements of the regu-lar military for whom they seem tohave an intense disgust.

Doña Ana Rafaela, a very richCuban lady, is at Saratoga, aud shemakes all the men want to go toCuba. Several arc already bound t o

to havií Ana. Boston Post.The growing popularity of the

Sumner Ilousa may be seen by themany names daily registered. Sev-

enty odd names having been register-ed since last Sunday morning.

The Pitkin (Col.) Independent,proposes to continue to publish Us

paper during this fearful winter. Theeditor says: Wc arc hero to stay andintend to stay if it freezes the hair oil.Subscribe for the Independent and as-

sist us in publishing a paper duringthe winter that will be ábenefit to the

The manuiauturc of Filigree Jewelr-y- by native workmen bring a special-ty i:i my business, and many personshaving expressed a desire to witnessthe process, I hereby extend a cordialiuvitation to all who may visit thiscity to call (presenting this card) andgive ine the pleasure of conductingthem through mv Factory Santa l eN. M.

S. II. Lucas.I have on hand 150 barrels of apples

which 1 will sell ai bottom prices.These apples are all picked over. Calland get a barrel, at McKay's Restaur-ant. J. W. Love.

Also will have a car load of potatoesin to-da- y ; hold your orders, for Iwill sell cheaper than any one. lilt

Hopper Bros, have just receiveda large supply of fresh butter Calland sec their apples and other freshfruits and learn their prices. Theywill sell cheaper for the next ten daysthan any other house in the city onall kinds of goods. They desire tobuild is the reason of this reduction Inprices. 42-4- t.

GooíI Opportunity.A young man doing business many

years in this territory, and has a largetrade, wholesale and retail, will makearrangements with any person whowishes to start business general mer-chandise in a No. 1 town in this ter-ritory. Address, A. D.,lw. Albuquerque,

Brick for sale in large or sm:Uquantities, at Lockiiaht & Co's.

Fresh oysters atHilt y Bros.

Swiss cheese atHilt y Bros.

In our gents furnishing goods nt

which is a new feature, wekeep as complete a stock as can befound in any city.

J. Rosenwald & Co. '11-t- f.

Gents, boys and childrens readymade clothing at

J. Rotenwald & Co. 11-tf.

All kinds of woKcn goods just received and for sa'e at low figures, at

.). IÍOSENW A LD ic Co. '11-t- f.

--- A large invoice of choice candiesjust received by

A.J. CkAWJ'OKD. 41. tf.

Two good carpenters wanted immediately t)V

Frank Ooden. 41-tf- .



Between the residence of Mr. Ileise.nd Herbert's drug store, a solatnirediamond ring. The finder will besuitably rewarded by leaving thesame at the store of M. Ileise. lw

I have 800 choice No. 1 chickens ouhand yet. Call and get your pick ofthem. At the Panhandle Corral.Also good No. 1 creamery butter atMcKay's Restaunut.

J. W. Love.

Any person desiring claims in theSan Carlos District would do wellto get Dan Morrow to locate them nsho has located several lor differentparties which gave perfect satisfaction. He is perfectly laminar withthe country and rocks. 3G-t- f.

A car load of apples just received atHopper Bros.

Mr. R. G. McDon.ild. while, east.bought a large stock of line whiskiesand wines ot first hands and is nowprepared to' oiler splendid bargains,and to sell at a lower

"rate than any-

body. 36-- 1 w

Situation Wanted. In :i- - dryoods, grocery, hardware or general

store. Applicant has had fourteenyears experience, speaUs Spanish,English and French. The best ofreferences. Address, A.C. Postoflice,Las Vegas. 37-l-

Ilolbrook'3 tobacco is the best.

Full clothing at C. E. Wesche'.s, oldaud now town. The latest styles, afine selection at astonishing lowfigures. Bcioro you purchase look atmv stock hi the old and new town.I sell summer clothing at cost.35-- tf C. E, Wesche.

In the lióme building, opposite toOtero, Sellara & Co's warehouse, youwill find the finest stock in town ofdry goods, notions, Gents furnishinggoods, boots and shoes,frcsh groceries,and queeuswaro. New stock I New

oods. 35-t- f.

Ladies work boxes, beautiful designs, just received by

Citarles Ilfeld

leliahte InsuranceLIVERPOOL, LON


and Marine, Mass,C. R, BRO W TNG,

Agnt.Off ce in the new town.

Coffins, Caskets andUnaerialdnri Goods ofall hinds kept constant-ly on hand by

FliAJSK UGDUJ,Las Yeúas N. M.

Orders promptly filled.

district is considerably revcrsified,uiiKiuginc location ot tiie burnedcorner, thut of (). L.IIoughton's hardware store.

It is predicted by one who is iuposition to know, that the committeeappointed by the meeting Suudavwill recommend a complete system ofivatcr works for this city.

Mr. Marble, who was so severelyburned during the fire is getting alonguicely. lie had gone into a roomand the door drew shut on him,which for a time fastened him in.

Mr, Kirkpalrick goes to Bernal-illo to-da- y. Ho will ride on horse-

back to that city. He is a famous ri-

der aud is determined to chase helthon horseback until he overtakes It. -

II. II. Strowell, N. Y.; Mrs. E. C.

Wright and children, ColoradoSprings; Miss Anuie White, RatonPass; II. C. Pearley, Liberty, Mo., areregistered at the Grand View hotel.

Mrs. T. B. Mills returned fromSt. Louis yesterday. The larger por-

tion of her visit was spent in Topeka.Her Mother came with her and ex-

pects to pass the winter in Las Ve-

gas. -

It is thought by a great many

that Buell's scouts must have sold him

out to Victorio, else the latter couldnever have gotten up to Goodsitewithout Buell's knowing it. Thirty-fou- r.

Xoticc J. A. Lockhart & Co.'s

advertisement in another column, to

sell two car load- - of furniture to thosesuffering from the fire, at cost. Thisis a liberal offer and will be appreciated. L

All those who have been compelled to change their locations on ac

count of the fire will do U3 a favor by

notifying us where, they desire theGazette to be left until they shall haverebuilt.

C. R. Browning was busily en-

gaged, yesterday, lots. The

fire has heaped an additional amount

of work upon his shoulders. His in-

surance and real estate business keepshim ou the go.

Any man is a fool in this far west

who tries to understand that con

founded Beltzhoover business. r

our part we don't know whether he is

accused of stealing chickens, or bigamy and we don't tare.

-- "If vou are a quiet, honest citizen- -

of Galveston, how d'd those skeletonkeys and brass knuckles happen to be

in your pocket ?" '"I reckon, Judge,me and the policeman must havechanged eqats in the scuffle. We

were very much excited."

A number of assault and batterycases, growing out of the conflagra-

tion came up before Judge Morrison,yesterday. They were nearly all set

tled before coming to trial, or if not,ouly light fines were imposed.

A number of strangers arc de

tained m Mesilla by the Indiau block

ade. So ma-i- reports of Indians arcconstantly arriving that people feel

very little like taking the chancas of

travel on any of the roads, especiallythe one going west. .

Messrs. Ililty & Maclcley will re

open the Old Hamilton House, to-

morrow, under the name of theMacklcy House. They will build a

large number of sleeping rooms m

connection with it so that all their

former customers can be accomoda-

ted.The Model Store has been moved

to Ilowisou & Fabian's old stand, op-

posite Browne & Manzanares, wherethey are prepared to accomodate all

their old customers. They have on

and a bountiful supply of butter,eggs, onions and a largo supply ofiauncfl goods. Give them a call,

C. L. Finer, Catskil!, N, Y.; C. II.Prentiss, Waterville; D. C. Russell,Denver; L. D. West, Rome; W. H.Brickley, La Glorietta, N. M.; C. E.Chappscll, Cananduago, N. Y.; W. M.

Booth, Leavenworth; E. Gregorey,Leavenworth; Daniel hcrual, Southbend, Ind.; John Collins, South Bend,Ind.; H. T. Ccperley, Pecos; A. Levy,Walsenburg, Col.; Mrs. Simms, Knnsa3City ; W. S. Rosenthal, Denver; Mrs.Phil, llolzman and family. El Moro:Mrs. T. C. Cooper, Topeka, are registered at the Sumner house.

High Ball mid Faro Bank.

There has been just fitted up in theback room at the Exchange Saloon, aplcndid Club room, where you can

play high ball or faro. t.

For Sale.

AWebcr upright piono.'ucarlv new.It Vfid be sold for $500, and is to boseon at- - Browne & Mantnzanarcs.

A461-- W




i or ?vi leLi ye i v


Las Vegas, X. !.

and Refurnished and Afford the Bcüt

the Traveling Public.

Found.By Blaz Ortega, of Plaza de Vijiles,

near the Hot Springs, a large pocketbook containing a large amouut'of pa-pers. The o, lier will call at this of-fice for further information.

Religious Literature.

I would respectfully announce tothe reading public, that I will soonhave on baud some fine Bibles andother religious works for sale verycheap.

E egant Family Bibles illustrated,at the lowest possible rates. Yourpatronage is solicited.

Homer Newueiuiy,Missionary Colportcm. 21-t- f.

Cottages to Rent.t Two new cottages to rent at theHot Springs. Apply to the NewYork Clothing Store. East Las Vc-Sa- s-

311-t- f.

Fine Boots.

J. V. Hanson &Co., hereby informthe public, that they are now prepar-ed to do all kinds of work in theirline. Fine work a speei.dtv. Shopon northwest corner of plaza. 16-4- m

Indian Pottery.The largest stock, in the United

States, of Indian pottery, both anci-ent and modern, at M. A. Gold's In-dian department, Santa Fe, N, M.4l-t- f


Iu the Rome building opposite toOtero, Sellars & Co's warehouse youwill find the best stock ofDRY GOODS and NOTIONS,


and Slippers,Glass and Quecnsware, Stationeryand the best selection of Staple andFancy Groceries in Town.35-- tf C. E. Wasche.

Lockhart & Co., have just receiveda car loud of sash, doors, etc. 21-- tf

O. L. Houghton has a regular ar-senal of lire-arm- s, the lv.rgest stock inall the west. It is not only for re-tail, but for a wholesale trade that heis prepared. His advantages for buy-ing enables him to sell this class ofgoods as low as they can be got any-where. .

Wines and liquors of the best qual-ity, aud oi the best brand at whole-sale or retail at M. Ilcise's, south sideof the plaza, Las Vegas, N. M. 353-t- f

The cluiccst invoice of tea everbrought to New Mexico, just receivedby A. J. Crawford.


A full assortment of Homeopathicremedie constantly kept on hand atthe Central Drugstore. 313-tf- .'

Lockhart & Co. havo the boss lum-ber yard in the territory. 249tf

Sonih side of the. Plaza,

Tills House has been Newly Refitted

Accommodations to

' Native Vegetables.Hilly Bros., have made arrange-

ments with Messrs. Webber & Miller,of Mira county, to furnish t hem fromnow on, with all kinds of native veg-etables; such as cabage, peas, beans,carrots, turnips and al! other kinds ofgarden products common to thiscountry. Native vegetables arc muchfrc-sdicr-, sweeter, aud iu the lo.ig runcheaper than those shipped here, so itwill pay. to patronize Ililty Bros. tf.

I would respectfully call the atten-tion of all persons going to and fromthe Whi'e Oak mines, and the pub-lic iu general to the fact that I haveremoved our store from Tecolote toAutor Chico, where I keep a com-plete assortment of general merchan-dise; and make a specialty of minerssupplies, provisions ect. Anion Chi-co is on the direct route to the minesand I sell goods at the lowest rates.

David Winteunitz,Anton Chico, N. M

Lot For f.iilc.Piu'tics desiring locations on which

to build houses lor business purposesor residences, would do well to callon the undersigned, who will sell lotsat reasonable rates. All said lots aresituated on the east side of the rail-

way opposite the depot. For termsetc., apply to

1,1. Salazak.Office north-eas- t corner of the

pUza. 216-t- f.


In order to reduce stock as muchas possible, I will sell for the next twoAlecks, dress goods,ginghanis,chcviotsaud all summer goods, such as sun-downs, gloves, etc., etc.. at cost.3i-t- f. C. E. Wksciik.

Wc arc prepared to furnish allkinds of building materials for con-tractors. Lockuaiit & Co.

21 -- If.

Go to M. Heisc, on the south sideof the plaza for fine wines, liquors andgars. 2ó3-t- f

Go to Jndd's Barber Shop and getscraped, Exchange Hotel. tf.

Clean towels and sharp razors atJudd's Barber Shop, ExchangeHotel. tf.

Second hand doors and windowsfor sale cheap at T. Romero & Son's.The doors are, either double or singleas may be desired, and all are in agooc' state of preservation. 28-t- f.

Pickets for sale at Lockhart & Co'yplaning mill. 29-t- f.

' To Rent. A good dwelling housewith four rooms. Inquire at thisoffice.

. . - ...

Graham's cocoauut oil soaps at theCentral Drug Store. t f.

1 havo just received a flue assort-ment of Gents underwear of all gradeswhich I will sell at t he lowest possible

C. E. Wescjie.

I. )