Promote, Act, Live Promote, Act, Live Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAy Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAy Rights for Human The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAy Promote, Act ... · @invasionescreativas Promote, Act, LivePromote, Act, Live Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAy for Human Rights The European

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Page 1: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAy Promote, Act ... · @invasionescreativas Promote, Act, LivePromote, Act, Live Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAy for Human Rights The European


Promote, Act, LivePromote, Act, LiveLas Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAyLas Palmas de Gran Canaria - 13/19 MAy

Rightsfor Human

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Applicant organization

Invasiones Creativas is a non profit Association, inspired by the princi-ples of democracy. Its core objectives are sharing, promoting and giving value to art in all of its forms and aspects. The Association fosters the use of art as a tool to favour dialogue, dee-pent knowledge and stimulate debate about values such as human di-gnity, freedom of expression and respect for diversity.

The Association wants to give visibility and develop creativity of every person, including people with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups; mapping social environment to create a network of commu-nication to promote culture. Favouring social inclusion and promoting dialogue and solidarity among cultures, also through different artistic expression forms.

Our beliefs and actions can be reflected in:

- Use of Art as a visual language to develop creative, esthetic and expres-sive skills- Promotion of the development of an artistic, ecological and sustainable collective idea; sensibilization and development of the concepts of re-u-sing and recycling, stymulating the art, and encouraging free exchange markets- Promotion of non formal learning activities, to activate creative paths to share personal and practical experiences- Growth and development of intellectual and practical capacities throu-gh workshops; the ones dedicated to children- Proposing of workshops on arts and crafts for youth and adults on reu-sing and recycling old objects- Promotion of self-produced artistic activities, giving value to crafting, design, photography and painting- Contributing to social inclusion through art and crafts towards forei-gners and immigrants, persons with disabilities and other disadvantaged groups

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Summary of the project

“Promote, Act, Live for Human Rights” is an international trai-ning course developed to fill the gap of information and knowle-dge of youth workers, leaders and activists, about human rights in a youth perspective. under the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus Plus Programme.

The training course will look at what we can do through ourorganizations for human right education and how we can work with young people in our wider communities to reduce violen-ce, discrimination, racism, xenophobia and gender-based forms of nonrespect.

The main objectives of the course are:

- To train youth workers in acquiring knowledge about human rights, skills for their promotion, and developing attitudes in a human rights perspective;- To support young trainers to get practical working experience on HRE for youth;- To familiarize with the approaches of the revised Compass ma-nual as well as other relevant manuals and publications;- To share examples, issues and best practices for human rights education for youth in different contexts;- To explore new challenges and international trends in human rights education for youth;- To reinforce the network of youth workers and trainers on hu-man rights education for youth;- to foster the spreading of the Erasmus + programme as a tool for promotion of HR for youth in Europe.

Methodology: The methodology used will be the one of non-for-mal education, based on the Compass manuals, completed by theoretical inputs about the history and legal frameworks of Hu-man Rights in Europe.

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Participant selection

The project will engage 17 participants from 7 countries: Spain, Italy, Lithuania, France, Estonia, Croatia and Portugal, with 1 trai-ners and 2 supporting staff, involved in educational process and logistics.

There will be 2 participants per country.

The project will also engage at least 7 participants with fewer opportunities, arising due to economic, geographic, social and cultural obstacles.

The target groups of the participants include:

YOuTH wORkeRs: the project will engage those delivering activities for youth in partner organisations including the ones providing training for youth workers and young people in the field of social inclusion, youth participation, citizenship, human rights education and other areas that overlap with the concept of social inclusion. .

LeAdeRs And ACTIve MeMbeRs Of YOuTH ORgAnIsATIOns: Youth leaders already involved and committed in activities im-plemented by organizations which daily deal with exclusion and marginalization.

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Participant selection


- having an intermediate/advanced english level- being active members of the own local community (as a vo-lunteer or as a worker)

The gender balance will be one of the criterion considered for the selection.

The selection will be based on the following criteria:- experience;- motivation;- interest in the topic and possibilities to share the outcomes;- opportunity to use actively their learning to implement activities;- pro-active ideas to contribute to the activity, follow-up and dis-semination plan;

The process aimed to choose the profile of the participantswill be developed in 2 phases:

1) a first screening of the application forms received 2) a discussion with the sending organization about the appli-cation form answer.

You can find the application form to fill here:


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The participants of the training course will be invited to sha-re their experience gained during the project with their pe-ers in different ways:

- Using all the materials that are filmed and shot during the working week, we will compile a video of the overall of the activity, adding interviews of the participants.

- Oral presentations in various events organisation by project partner and other organisations The project partners will prepare and disseminate press re-leases presenting the main results of the project to the local media.

They will also publish them on their social media and web-sites.

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Financial Procedure

During all the activities of this project, the financial rules will follow the rules of Erasmus Plus programme as follow:

Each participant will receive 100% of his/her reimbursement only after:- Presentation of travel documents (boarding passes, invoi-ces and tickets).- Filling of the official mobility tool report.- Implement the dissemination activity.

nOTICe: do nOT buy any ticket without our confirmation or permission, before to buy the tickets you should always address to us and send us travel plan of the participant and OnLY after our authorization you can proceed.

All the amounts foreseen by the project were calculated ac-cording to the official address of each organization.

nOTICe: The travel reimbursement will be done by bank transfer only to the partner organization accounts for group of participants, according to the rules by the Spanish Natio-nal Agency.

sTOPOveRs In AnY CITY AROund sPAIn OR In euROPe ARe nOT ACCePTed bY THe sPAnIsH nATIOnAL AgenCY. In CAse YOu wOuLd LIke TO bOOk A TICkeT ARRIvIng befORe OR sTAYIng MORe YOu sHOuLd fIRsT ReCeIve THe APPROvAL Of THe HOsTIng ORgAnIsATIOn “InvAsIOnes CReATIvAs”

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TDM 2000






All the amounts foreseen by the project were calculated according to the official address of each organization:

€ 0

€ 820

€ 820

€ 530

€ 360

€ 275

€ 360

Financial Procedure

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About the venue

The project will be LOfT CAnTe-RAs in Las Palmas de gran Canaria.

You will be accommodated in a hotel near the beach of Las Palmas.In a duble or triple rooms with ba-throom and kitchen.

- Hotel provide towels and bed sheets;

- In rooms you will be divided by gender;

- Hotel have Laundry service: ma-chines of auto washing by coins.

- Hotel and every rooms have wi-fi, and also in the near area of the hotel are many bars, café and restaurants with free Wi-Fi.

- You will have guaranteed dishes (breakfast, lunch, dinner) that will reflect the culture of spanish cuisine and 2 coffee breaks per day (mid-morning, mid-evening)

For more details > http://www.loft-canteras.com/

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How to get there

ARRIvAL dAY - 13TH MAYdePARTuRe dAY - 19TH MAY 2019

At Las Palmas Airport, go outside and in front of the exit you will find the bus stop. You should get “global bus” n° 60 and get down at the bus station santa Catalina Park in Las Palmas.

The airport is very near, 22 km from the Hotel.

Hotel address:Loft Canteras el salvadorstreet, nº33.


Try searching for the most convenient pri-ce and route on skyscanner, mo-mondo, volagra-tis or expedia!

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In santa Catalina Park you can catch a city bus “GuaGua” (yel-low bus) or a taxi to Loft Cante-ras el salvador street, nº33.

In santa Catalina Park you can also take a bus to Calle el salva-dor, 35010 Las Palmas

> the schedule is are available on google maps, here an exam-ple of the schedule >

How to get there

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What to pack

We suggest you to consider that in Las Palmas, in May, the temperature ranges are between 17°C and 23°C so, we sug-gest you to bring comfortable clothes and shoes.

These are recommended things to bring with you:

- Health insurance (or E111 card if you are from an EU country).

- Don’t forget to bring with you any medicine you might need even if we hope it will not be necessary.

- Bring something which can represent your country at the best during InTeRCuLTuRAL nIgHT (short presentation, food, drinks, clothes, flag, booklets, PowerPoint presenta-tions, pictures, posters, etc.). The will be a kitchen and we will have the possibility to cook.

The Hotel is not providing any personal care products (shampoo, toothpaste, bath foam, hair dryer, etc.), please re-member to bring it with you.

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See you soon!!

To facilitate the communication between all, we have crea-ted the official Facebook group of the project.

Please add yourself to the group through the link:


Official mail of the project:

[email protected]

Other useful Contacts (for extreme cases):

- Elide Sandrin: +39 324 6203022