June 2013 1 The Lantern of Saint Christopher Lighting the Way for Christ June 2013 Volume CXIX Ruth’s Reveries Do you have a rule of life? Most of us do in some matter of being or another - things that we do routinely or ritually that orders our daily life. Our rules come from many sources: familially, culturally, socially, religiously… you name it. All those things about our lives which intersect serve as part of our rule making mechanism. Do you have a spiritual rule of life that you follow? There are any number of them as well. Created to provide a sense of order in monastic life and living, they were guidelines in how one conducts their life in community and in relationship to God. There is the Ignatian Rule of Life, for instance. Based on Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius based his rule upon the spirituality of decision making. With that basis in mind, the characteristics of one following this rule would keep these in the forefront of their mind each day: The greater glory of God, being in union with Jesus, self-awareness, spiritual direction, effective love ( love shown in deed), detachment, prayer efforts at self-conquest and reflection, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Eucharist, and the Virgin Mary, zeal for souls, finding God in all things, examen of consciousness, discernment (God at work in one’s life), and service with humility. Sounds like a lot of “stuff” to follow, but there are many books which translate this sort of spiritual venture into secular terms. Personally I follow the Rules of St. Benedict. I have always felt drawn to his phrase “Always we begin again.” For me, this is a daily truth. We may fall short of the mark one day, one moment in time, yet we always begin again. It is a comfort and consolation for me.

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June 2013 1

The Lantern of

Saint Christopher

Lighting the Way for Christ

June 2013 Volume CXIX

Ruth’s Reveries …

Do you have a rule of life? Most of us do in some matter of being or another - things that we do routinely or ritually that orders our daily life. Our rules come from many sources: familially, culturally, socially, religiously… you name it. All those things about our lives which intersect serve as part of our rule making mechanism.

Do you have a spiritual rule of life that you follow? There are any number of them as well. Created to provide a sense of order in monastic life and living, they were guidelines in how one conducts their life in community and in relationship to God.

There is the Ignatian Rule of Life, for instance. Based on Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius based his rule upon the spirituality of decision making. With that basis in mind, the characteristics of one following this rule would keep these in the forefront of their mind each day: The greater glory of God, being in union with Jesus, self-awareness, spiritual direction, effective love ( love shown in deed), detachment, prayer efforts at self-conquest and reflection, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Eucharist, and the Virgin Mary, zeal for souls, finding God in all things, examen of consciousness, discernment (God at work in one’s life), and service with humility.

Sounds like a lot of “stuff” to follow, but there are many books which translate this sort of spiritual venture into secular terms. Personally I follow the Rules of St. Benedict. I have always felt drawn to his phrase “Always we begin again.” For me, this is a daily truth. We may fall short of the mark one day, one moment in time, yet we always begin again. It is a comfort and consolation for me.

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June 2013 2

In the book Monk Habits for Everyday People by Dennis Okholm (ISBN 10:12-58742-185-8) Okholm nicely consolidates the rules of life to seven which are as follows:

� Learning to Listen – Listening to God in the world and in the still small voice � Poverty- Sharing of our possessions and goods with others � Obedience- Objectifying Providence � Humility- Letting Go of the Mask � Hospitality- The Guest as Christ � Stability- Staying put to get somewhere � Balance- God in everything

Just for the heck of it, why not, this summer, look into a rule of life. I have suggested two. There is also the Franciscan Rule as well as that the of the Taize` community. Do some research and see what is the best “fit” for you. Why do this at all, you ask? (Even though I suppose you didn’t…) If we change our lives from the inside out, we can change our world. We can bring Christ and peace to a chaotic world. We therefore live into the missional church. We pay it forwards so to speak, because Christ did the same thing with our salvation. Give it a whirl, or a good ole college try. See what can occur in 21 days or 3 months. You will see yet another miracle!

St. C’s Miracle!

Speaking of Miracles, we have our own to praise God for! God always works in wondrous ways both known and unknown in our lives. However, we have our own wonderful story to share with others about the generosity of this community and the miracles which occur here.

We were able to raise over $3700 in less than two weeks to get the three children out of Rwanda and reunited with their mother. They are the Sister and nieces, and nephew of Jean and Grace Mukunzi. Praise be to God! And thank you St. C’s Family! This is where our resources are a blessing to others.

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June 2013 3

‘Tis the Season

Always and every day we should be praying for those who share in the journey of life with us, no matter where they may reside. But our nation has had horrendous tragedies this year with tremendous loss of life, esp. that of children. We are in the wake of lives lost due to natural disasters in Texas and Oklahoma. This is just the beginning of this season, with hurricane to follow. Please, remember our sisters and brothers who must find strength and courage to go on as they mourn the loss of loved ones and possessions. There but for the grace of God, go we!

Welcome The Rev. Dcn. Arthur Mills

We would like to welcome the Rev. Dcn. Arthur Mills to the family of St. C’s. Arthur was ordained to the vocational diaconate in 2008. Some of the duties he will perform in service to our community is proclaiming the Gospel, occasionally preaching, setting the table for Eucharist, and announcing the dismissal. Under the purview of the Diaconate, Arthur is also allowed to officiate at weddings and baptize. The service of the deacon is that he/she is under the jurisdiction of the Bishop directly, and deacons are ministries of service. Arthur will be a wonderful blessing to the congregation.

Sunday Attendance It is important that we are aware of how many people are in attendance on Sunday. So each month

we show the attendance numbers. Remember, statistics indicate that to have a thriving and

prosperous congregation, we need to shoot for 100 as the average Sunday attendance.


Attendance Feb March April May

1st Sunday 67 74 69 63


Sunday 82 71 62 81

Ash Wed



Sunday 82 63 71 72


Sunday 57 72 71 tbd

Holy Week


Maundy Thurs


Good Friday

13, 8


Sunday n/a 112 n/a n/a

TOTAL 338 480 273 (to date)


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June 2013 4

Treasurer’s Report

St. Christopher's Financial Report by Robin Jones

February March April YTD

Operating income 12,332.15 16,807.50 12,725.00 53,450.90

Operating expenses 10,796.59 12,101.49 13,065.40 52,389.01

Difference 1,535.56 4,706.01 (340.40) 1,061.89


Toni Olgeaty

There are some major changes coming down the line. We are a growing congregation, and need to grow with our church – and little by little, we are. Some changes I am grappling with – trying to understand how they will be implemented. Every new idea must be tested against how or if we should implement them, given that we have such a diverse congregation (old school, young school, new school, no school). Rest assured, any changes made are not made lightly, and all will be for the betterment of our St. Christopher’s family.

We had our first Worship Committee Meeting and all will agree that it went very well. You will begin to see small changes here and there as we streamline our services to suit the majority, as best we can. I was very impressed with the ideas put forth and discussed – we certainly covered a myriad of ideas. There were gently phrased thoughts and concerns presented and discussed, from the many factions (or levels of worship) housed within the walls of St. Christopher’s. There was compromise on all fronts, and amazingly, a solution was discussed and agreed to on all fronts. Kudos to our Worship Team for a job well done.

Some items discussed were the length of our services. You will find that we will not always sing every verse of every hymn; the postlude will be for special occasions only; we will continue with the Prayers of the People as is; there will be developed a list of songs to not sing, ones that the congregation is unable to sing, etc.

We wish to welcome Deacon Arthur Mills. St. Christopher’s is very fortunate to have you! We look forward to seeing you on the Altar, getting to know you, and are delighted to welcome you as “one of our St. Christopher family.”

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June 2013 5


Toni Olgeaty

I was once asked why we could not give testimony or witness to the wonder of our Lord and Savior in our lives. Were I to give testimony, it would go like this:

My name is Toni Olgeaty (well, really Barbara, but let’s not go there). During my long life, the Lord has seen me through poverty, hunger, two different types of breast cancer at the same time – one stage 2b, the other 4T (which means it invaded the chest wall), with extensive lymph node involvement, skin cancer, removal of a brain tumor (benign), and endometrial cancer. I have broken more bones than I care to remember since my cancer treatments, and the Good Lord has seen me through it all. He brought me to St. Christopher’s, where I have become very active in Worship and Healing activities, which is very unlike me. The important thing, for purposes of this article, is that I do Healing Prayers for others. I do them because of my need to let others know how much I believe in the healing power of our Savior. I need a way to thank my Savior for all he has done for me, for all he is doing, and for all he will do for me and for all those I lift in prayer to his care and keeping. Jesus is with me 24/7, and wants you to know he is with you and all those you love as well.

This is my story – why don’t you share yours. Send me an email, and I will share your “testimony,” and it can be anonymous, if you prefer. It may be something as simple as prayer for an A on a test, or as complicated as peace to a dying person, or healing to a loved one, or yourself. Send your message to me via email at [email protected], and try to join us, if possible at noon on Tuesday’s, or if you are not able, come back to our healing station Sunday morning’s after you have received communion. Joyce, David or I am available every Sunday to pray with you.

12:00 noon every Tuesday, or

Back of the church, at the Healing Station, every Sunday during Communion.

Membership News

Who Is This Mystery Kid?

By, Nancy Mitchell, Membership Commissioner

This month’s “Mystery Kid” had some pretty interesting answers to my questions:

Question: How old are you? Mystery Kid says, “I am 5 years old”.

Question: What grade are you in and where do you go to school? Mystery Kid says, “I’m in preschool. I go to Fairborn Preschool at Fairborn United Methodist Church.

Question: What do you not like at all at school? Mystery Kid answers, “I don’t like long coloring times.”

Question: What do you like to do when you’re not at school? Mystery Kid says, “I like to play my Wii sometimes, and I like to play with my little brother and pretend to be Batman.

Question: What is your favorite color? Mystery Kid answers, “I’m always a fan of blue!”

Question: What is your favorite food? Mystery Kid replies, “Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with water to drink and sides of goldfish and cheesy chips.”

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June 2013 6

Question: Do you have any pets? Mystery Kid says, “I have a dog named Lizzy. She’s a Corgi. I also have a guinea pig named Candace.”

Question: What do you think is very scary? Mystery Kid ponders, “Ghosts. There’s some other things but I can’t really think of them right now. . . “

Question: What would you like to be when you grow up? Mystery Kid answers, “I want to be policeman fireman scientist dinosaur egg rescuer!”

Question: What are your favorite toys or games? Mystery kid says, “Batman superhero building toys.”

And lastly, is there anything else about you that you’d like the people at church to know? Mystery Kid proudly states, “Yes, I’m very good at reading.” Who IS this Mystery Kid?

(The answer is hidden somewhere else in this issue of The Lantern.)


Nancy White wishes to express her appreciation for all the cards and good wishes that she has received from her St. Christopher family. She has lovingly served as Director of the Altar Guild for over 25 years, and has retired with mixed emotions. She never thought herself capable of efficiently fulfilling the duties of the Altar Guild Ministry, and she is grateful to all who have served with her over the years. There is a special place in her heart for each and every one of you, and St. Christopher’s will always be her place of worship. From all of us to you, Nancy – Well Done!

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June 2013 7


by Linda Canas / Tammy Elliott

The school year may be winding down but St Christopher’s continues to support education and reach out to children and their families with school supplies, cold weather accessories and clothing donations.

Box Top and Labels for Education collection is ongoing and helps in the classroom with the purchase of teaching materials and supplies. Previously, the staff has purchased small playground items like balls and jump ropes. This year’s box tops

and labels were used to purchase classroom headphones for individual practice with phonics and reading. Classroom teachers also received manipulative materials to use during fine motor practice.

Our Box Top Challenge in the fall will be to purchase books used for instructional reading. Our resources have diminished over the years and many levels are incomplete. These materials will not be replaced by any funds within the district. We have 250-plus kindergarten students at the Wright Campus that use these materials in their first experiences with books and reading.

Every box top is worth 10 cents and every book set (5) is $20.00. Please remember to clip your box tops and labels-bring any and all over the summer and drop in the collection can. No need to trim them-we have volunteers that process them.

Thank you!

Tammy Elliott


Melody Kelley

Thank you to the congregation of Saint Christopher's for another year of affirmation and support in our worship.

Thank you to our faithful choir members who rallied to sing Rutter this past Sunday and all the other musical offerings given.

Thank you to those who have helped with musical assistance throughout the year and offered their literature or gifts of praise.

Thank you to Ruth for her musical support and openness to that which is new.

We look forward to an interesting community exchange in our summer worship program again; so if you know of talent or wish to share your own, please inform me.

May the breath of the Holy Spirit inspire new praise this summer and bless you all.

Sincerely, your musical servant,

Melody Kelley


e M







n H




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June 2013 8

Honeysuckle Update

Spring is here and the honeysuckle removal project is underway again. This year I have received a huge amount of help from Hayward Learn. He has come out multiple times with his gas-powered chain saw and an electric-powered chain saw, both of which make cutting the honeysuckle almost fun. (At least it seems that Hayward smiles a lot while cutting.) We have used Mary Donnellan’s truck to haul branches to the Greene County Yard Waste recycling center (across from Rona Hills) and our church neighbor Ron has taken away a lot of the bigger limbs and tree trunks. So, progress is continuing and, hopefully, the project will be completed this year.

– Terry Mitchell

June Birthdays

1 Gail Stauffer

8 Nancy Aubel

10 Val Biteng

15 Cameron Elliott

18 Andrea Haberecht

18 John Stauffer, Jr.

21 Nathan Turner

24 Melissa Borden

June Anniversaries

2 Diane and Neil Cannon

14 Darlene and Gordon Walbroehl

18 Toni and Ed Olgeaty

May Anniversary (missed in May)

26 Amy and Matt Kopp

St. Christopher’s Prayer ListSt. Christopher’s Prayer ListSt. Christopher’s Prayer ListSt. Christopher’s Prayer List For illness, healing:

Linda, Laura, Hans Petter, Jim, Barbara, Dottie, Christie, Barb, Ruth, Marilyn, Rose, Sheri, Ellen, Evelyn, Dorothy, Bill, Marilyn, Dick, Joyce, Charles, Cory, Sofi, Larry, Mara, Melissa, Edie, Kristin, Bob, Roy, Judith, Ann, Jimmy, Noah, Dorothy and James,

In our Long-term Prayers: Dottie, Corey

For our soldiers: Mark, Sabrina, Peter, Keith, Erik, Jeremy, Elyse, Kurt, Justin, Greg, and Chun Ho

Prayer Concerns:Prayer Concerns:Prayer Concerns:Prayer Concerns: Please call or email Joyce D'Allessandris to activate the

Prayer Chain when needed. e-mail: [email protected] phone 254-0005

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June 2013 9

Please take a moment


add your name to the



in Christopher’s Corner

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June 2013 10

The view from

This Little Row in the Lord’s Vineyard Anita and Michael Dohn, Missionaries in Health Ministries May 2013 - Mission E-mail

Anita and Michael Dohn are physicians serving as SAMS missionaries with La Iglesia Episcopal Dominicana at the diocesan Clínica Episcopal Esperanza y Caridad. They live along the southern coast in San Pedro de Macorís in the Dominican Republic.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The US Family Medical Leave Act

For the blessing of family, we give thanks.

We made a home visit recently to evaluate the level of assistance needed by a woman patient so that her family member who lives in the USA could get leave from work. The 88-year old woman was blind and was almost totally paralyzed on her left side from a stroke. She was verbally interactive, but confused.

This woman obviously needs help with almost all of the activities of daily living – dressing, eating, etc. When we saw her, she was dressed and sitting in a wheelchair in the small living room, with windows and doors wide open. What struck me during our visit was the number of family members and friends who were there and participating in this woman’s care. The family has not thought of a nursing home nor hired help (not that either of those options are very common or possible here).

The occasion of two US physicians making a scheduled house call may have prompted more people being present than normal that day. However, families commonly take care of their own here – whether the elderly or children with disabilities.

Michael completed the FMLA form. The relative from New Jersey was actually using her vacation time and personal days at this point, but wanted to have the form on file with her employer if she needed to return when her mother’s condition worsens.

What a blessing to have family. When other resources are scarce, involvement of a loving family can compensate.

Keep praying, Anita

Pastor Ruth will be out of the office June 2-8. In case of emergency while Ruth+ is out, please contact Lauren Faller. For pastoral emergencies: the Rev. Mike

Kreutzer. We will have a Morning Prayer service on June 2, 2013

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June 2013 11

A Gentle Reminder: When planning church activities please check the calendar posted in the church office to avoid scheduling conflicts.

June 2013June 2013June 2013June 2013 Events Events Events Events and Announcements, and Announcements, and Announcements, and Announcements, OpportunitiesOpportunitiesOpportunitiesOpportunities

� Sunday June 2 – We will have a Morning Prayer service.

� Sunday June 9 – 15 – Youth summer mission trip to Mountain Top.

� Sunday June 9 – St. Vincent’s Volunteers

� Sunday June 16 – Father’s Day

� Sunday June 16 – Discretionary Fund offering

� Sunday June 16 – ECW used book sale

� Sunday June 16 – at 11:30, Vestry meeting.

� Sunday June 23 – St. Vincent’s Volunteers

� Monday June 24 – deadline July/August 2013 Lantern articles/info

� The June Lantern – is online at stchristophersfairborn.diosohio.org. A printed copy is available upon request.

� Check sign-up sheets – for Altar flowers, sanctuary candles, fellowship, St. Vincent’s, ECW activities, Prayer Chain, Bible Study, etc.

� Tuesdays – at 10:00 a.m. Saint Clare’s Creature Comforts Needleworkers’

� Weekly Healing Service – Tuesdays at noon a Healing Service with Holy Communion is held in the church proper. The service is open to anyone who wants to attend.

� Outreach – Please keep the canned goods, etc. coming for FISH. And – Remember to bring your change on Sunday mornings to feed the bank for two cents a meal. Also, Bring in donations of shoes for “Soles4Souls.”

� Prayer Concerns: Please call or email Joyce D'Allessandris to activate the Prayer Chain. e-mail: [email protected], phone: 254-0005.

� We are still collecting used printer cartridges. They can be recycled at the office supply stores. There is a plastic container in Christopher's corner for you to fill!!

*** A Special Opportunity:

The Westminster Concert Bell Choir will perform in Dayton on Wednesday, June 5, 7:30pm at the Westminster Presbyterian Church: 125 N. Wilkinson St., Dayton.

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St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church June 2013 Fairborn, OH

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

May 26 May 27 1 CHURCH PICNIC

HOLIDAY for Memorial Day

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Second Sunday Pentecost 10 am Morning Prayer Service

Ruth + will be out June 2–8

6:30 GS mtg 30240

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

Bulletin Deadline

6:30 GS mtg 31280

New moon

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Third Sunday Pentecost

10 am Eucharist

St. Vincent’s Volunteers

Youth Mountain Top Mission Trip thru June 15

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

Bulletin Deadline

6:30 Youth Comm. Mtg

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Fourth Sunday Pentecost

Father’s Day

10 am Eucharist Discretionary fund offering

ECW used book sale

11:30 Vestry mtg

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

Bulletin Deadline

First Day of Summer

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fifth Sunday Pentecost

10 am Eucharist

St. Vincent’s Volunteers

Full moon

Lantern Information Deadline

10 AM – St. Clare’s Creature Comforts

Noon Healing Service

Bulletin Deadline

30 Sixth Sunday Pentecost

10 am Eucharist

(937) 878-5614 1501 N Broad St., PO Box 1026, Fairborn OH 45324

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Second Sunday Third Sunday Fourth Sunday Fifth Sunday Sixth Sunday

After Pentecost After Pentecost After Pentecost After Pentecost After Pentecost

June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 June 30

Worship Leader Diane Cannon Toni Olgeaty Ron D’Allessandris Tammy Elliott Diane Cannon

Chalice Bearer n/a Buddy Schneider David Christmas Ed Smith Alan Haberecht

1st Reader


2nd Reader

Nathan Turner 1 Kings 18:20-29

John Stauffer Galatians 1:1-12

Diane Cannon 1 Kings 17:8-24

Gordon Walbroehl

Galatians 1:11-24

Michael Brainard

1 Kings 21:1-21a

Sierra Lester Galatians2:15-21

Cindy Feltz 1 Kings 19:1-15a

Hayward Learn Galatians 3:23-29

Karl Johnson 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14

Judy Brainard Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Acolyte Danielle Lester Colin Turner Ed Smith Danielle Lester James Lester

Ushers Cheryl and Buddy

Schneider Iyabo Eguaroje David Manship

Nancy and Terry Mitchell

Carol Sharp Clay Rivers

Eleanor and Becky Wood

Healing Prayers Joyce D’Allessandris Joyce D’Allessandris Toni Olgeaty Toni Olgeaty Joyce D’Allessandris

Greeters Nancy and Terry

Mitchell Linda Canas

Gordon Hermann

Charlotte Garman David Woodward

Darlene and Gordon Walbroehl

Tammy Elliott Michael Brainard

Altar Guild Ginny Buckley

David Christmas Andrea Haberecht

Kathy Smith Betty Crichton Eleanor Wood

Melody Bigi Nancy White

Judy Brainard Ginny Buckley

Tellers Rosalie Arnold

Bob Bigi Ed Smith

Gordon Walbroehl Millie Roach

Gordon Hermann Susan Brainard John Stauffer

Debbie Snavely

Fellowship Pat Emanuel

Melissa & Don Jensen open open open open

PLEASE check the schedule and note your assignment(s). If you are not able to serve, try to find a substitute, and notify both the office (878-5614) and the person responsible for that assignment.

Toni Olgeaty 864-5140 Worship Leaders, Chalicers, Lectors, Acolytes, Ushers Andrea Haberecht 546-1208 Coffee Hour/Fellowship Nancy Mitchell (937) 912-9381 Greeters Lauren Faller 740-606-1985 Senior Warden Melody Bigi 878-4058 Altar Guild Melody Kelley (937) 372-6687 Director of Music Rosalie Arnold 878-5097 Tellers Ruth Paulus+ 878-5614 Prayer Requests

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: 10 AM to 2 PM, Monday through Friday