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Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza









Presented to

Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University of Malang

In partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the degree of Sarjana Sastra (SS)


Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza

NIM 13320017


Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph.D

NIP 19690628 20060 4 1004







Name : Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza

Register Number : 13320017

Department : English Language and Letters

Faculty : Humanities

Declares that the thesis she wrote to fulfill the requirement for the Degree

of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Letters Department, Faculty of Humanities,

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang entitled “An Analysis of Language Style in

Exclusive Interview Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV” is truly her original

work. It does not incorporate any materials previously written or published by

others person, except those indicated in quotations and bibliography. Due to this

fact, she is the only person responsible for the thesis if there is any objection or

claim from others.

Malang, November 24, 2017

The writer,

Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza



This is to certify that thesis of Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza, entitled “Language

Style in Exclusive Interview Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV” has been

approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the board of examiners as

one of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Le tters

Department, Faculty of Humanities at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

Malang, October 12, 2017

Approved by Acknowledged by

Advisor, Head of English Letters Department,

Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph.D Rina Sari, M. Pd

NIP 19690628 20060 4 1004 NIP 19750610 200604 2 002

The Dean of Faculty of Humanity

Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Dr. Hj. Syafiyah, M.A

NIP 19660910 199103 2 002



This is to certify that Sarjana thesis of Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza, entitled

“Language Style in Exclusive Interview Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV”

has been aproved by the board of examiners as one of the requirements for the

Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S) in English Language and Letters Department,

Faculty of Humanities at Universitas Islam Negri Mulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

The Board of Examiners Signatures

1. Dr. H. Langgeng Budianto, M. Pd (Main Examiner) 1.

NIP 19711014200312 1 001

2. H. Djoko Susanto, M. Ed., Ph.D (Chair) 2.

NIP 19670529 200003 1 001

3. Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph.D (Supervisor) 3.

NIP 19690628 20060 4 1004

The dean of Faculty Humanities

Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Dra. Hj. Syafiyah, M.A

NIP. 19660910 1991032 2 002



“Success needs a process”

“Courage takes distance higher than Intelligent”



This thesis especially dedication to:

My beloved father and mother, Muh Nizar Hasyim and Siti Nurana who always

give me their irreplaceable endless love and pray.

The greatest inspiration in my way of life

I always hope that I can make you happy in this world and hereafter.

My brother, Muhammad FirmaAfriza, a million thanks to you for always love me

and supporting me.

My best friends of life, Ahmad Faruq Zamzamy, thank you so much for





All praises and thanks to Allah the one and the only lord in the univers. His

uncountable graces, faith, and helps always stand behind me, show me the right

way, and carry me out the to the final step of my thesis writing. A million of

thanks for you, my Lord.

God‟s mercies and blessing may always be poured upon our beloved prophet,

Muhammad SAW, the greatest figure in the world, who shares inspiration, spirit

and power to be good man here and here after.

Thus, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Abdul Aziz,

M.Ed., Ph.D who has given his valuable guidance, inspiration, and patience,

which finally lead me to finish the process of thesis writing. I remain amazed that

despite his busy schedule, he was able to go through the final draft of my thesis.

He is an inspiration.

Secondly, my wholehearted gratitude is delivered to my father, Muh Nizar

Hasyim and my mother, Siti Nurana, millions of thanks to them for praying and

loving me. I am so lucky to be yours. And thanks to my brother, Muhammad

Firma Afriza, for always give me support. Special thanks to my best friend of life,


Ahmad Faruq Zamzamy, for unconditional love, who always gives support every

day and prayers for me.

Thirdly, my deepest appreciation reaches to all of my lectures in English and

Letters Department for being so kind and generous in introducing and leading me

to the world of linguistics and literature. My sincere gratitude is also reserved for

my examiner for their helpful comments and suggestions to review my thesis.

I would also thank to my friends, Mbuters team, and thank you for being part

of my life. I cannot forget every memory that we have created together. I hope

that Allah always protects us whenever we are and keep our relationship. See you

all on top. Last but not least, I thank to every person who gave me lessons and

blessing that cannot be mentioned one by one. I hope that Allah always protects

you all.

Finally, it is my maximum effort of conducting this study and I know it is

imperfect. Any constructive critics and advice are gratefully welcome. I really

wish that this thesis can be useful for anyone. Amin.

Malang. December 04, 2017

Irkhas Ziana Rizqi Afriza



Afriza, Irkhas Ziana Rizqi. 2017. Language Style in Exclusive Interview of Jessie

J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV. Thesis, English Language and Letters

Department. Humanities Faculty. Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic

University of Malang. Advisor: Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph. D

Key Words: Sociolinguistics, Language Style, Exclusive Interview Program.

Language is media for communication. It is used to convey wishes and

commands, to tell truths and lies, to influence our hearer, to vent our emotion, and

to formulate ideas which could probably never arise if we have no language.

People use language to communicate with other persons. To communicate means

to transfer idea from one person to the others

In accordance to those reasons, this research is aimed to find what aimed to

find what types of language style that used in Exclusive Interview of Jessie J and

Sarah Sechan on NET TV and also to interpret how the language style used in that

exclusive interview. The researcher uses Chaika (1982:31) and Keraaf (2002:17)

to identify and investigate about the types of language style in that Exclusive


The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative research because the researcher

effort to analyze and discuss the sentence or dialogue which perform the language

style based on those videos. The researches use her as to key instrument to collect

and to analyze the data that taken in youtube. The findings reveal that there are

four types of language style; informalstyle, casual style, consultative style,

colloquial style. The types of language style that mostly appear in Exclusive

Interview of Jessie J and Sarah Sechan is informal style.



Afriza, Irkhas Ziana Rizqi. 2017. Gaya Bahasa pada exclusive interview dari

Jessie J dan Sarah Sechan di NET TV. Thesis, Kebahasaan, Jurusan Bahasa Dan

Sastra Inggris. Fakultas Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negri Maulana Malik

Ibrahim Malang. Pembimbing: Abdul Aziz, M.Ed., Ph. D

Kata kunci: Sosiolinguistik, Gaya Bahasa, Exclusive Interview.

Bahasa adalah media untuk komunikasi. Bahasa digunakan untuk

menyampaikan keinginan dan perintah, untuk memberitahu kebohongan dan

kebenaran, untuk mempengaruhi pendengar kita, menyelidiki kembali emosi kita,

dan merumuskan gagasan yang mungkin tidak pernah muncul jika kita tidak

memiliki bahasa. Orang menggunakan bahasa untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang

lain, untuk berkomunikasi berarti mentransfer ide dari satu orang ke orang lain.

Sesuai dengan alasan tersebut, penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa

tujuanya dan untuk menemukan tipe dari gaya bahasa yang ada di dalam exclusive

interview dari Jessie J dan Sarah sechan di NET TV dan juga untuk

menginterpretasikan bagaimana gaya bahasa terjadi di exclusive interview

tersebut. Peneliti memakai teori dari Chaika (1982:31) dan Keraaf (2002:17)

untuk mengidentifikasi dan meneliti tipe dari gaya bahasa di exclusive interview.

Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif karena peneliti berusaha

menganalisa dan membahas kalimat atau dialog yang menampilkan gaya bahasa

berdasarkan video tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan dirinya sebagai instrumen

kunci untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisa data yang di ambil dari youtube.




TITLE SHEET ........................................................................................ i

STATEMENT OF AUTHETICITY....................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET................................................................................ iii

LEGITIMATION SHEET....................................................................... iv

MOTTO...................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION........................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMENT........................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT............................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................... x

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study..................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of Problem........................................................................... 5

1.3 Objective of the Study......................................................................... 5

1.4 Significances of the Study................................................................... 6

1.5 Scope and Limitation........................................................................... 6

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms................................................................ 7


2.1 Sociolinguistics..................................................................................... 8

2.2 Language Style..................................................................................... 10

2.3 Classification of Language Style.......................................................... 12


2.4 Function of Language Style.................................................................. 18

2.5 Exclusive Interview Program on Net TV............................................ 22

2.6 Previous Study..................................................................................... 23

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHOD............................................ 24

3.1 Research Design.................................................................................. 24

3.2 Data sources......................................................................................... 24

3.3 Research Insrtument ............................................................................ 25

3.4 Data Collection..................................................................................... 25

3.5 Data Analysis........................................................................................ 26

CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS............................... 27

4.1 Findings................................................................................................. 27

4.2 Discussions............................................................................................ 40

CHAPTER V: CONCLUTION AND SUGGESTION........................ 45

5.1 Conclusion............................................................................................. 45

5.2 Sugggestions.......................................................................................... 46

REFERENCES ..................................................................................... 48

APPENDIXES ……………………………………………………………..50




This chapter explains about some important points some related to the area

of the research, namely the reason of choosing the topic in the background of the

study which consist of previous study, problem of the study which are

investigated, purpose of research are in the objectives of the study, significance

of the study and also scope and limitation .

1.1 Background of the Study

In our daily conversation people never speak in the same way because they

have their own way to speak. It means that their way to speak is their style to

convey their message to others. Styles in speaking play large part on how people

can communicate with others.

Language is an important part in human life. Language is one of the vital

factors that differentiate human from another creatures. As human being, we need

language to express our emotions, ideas, feelings, and thoughts to people by using

sounds, gestures and signals that have pattern. The use of language one to

maintain relationship with other people in an interaction. So, language is a

communication device using sounds, signs, and symbols which have meaning. In

communiction, people use language in a practical way. We use it virtually in

everything we do. Language is so automatic and natural that people pay less

attention to it, but sometimes emphasized by the fact that they do not speak quite


good as other do. Many people need to have prefessional to learn about language,

although to simply being able to use it.

Sapir (1965:78) states that “Language is purely human and non-instinctive

method of communicating ideas, emotions, and desires by means of a system pf

valuntarily produced symbols”. From the quotation above, it is known that

language plays a crucial role and a vital role in human life and also has many

advantages of many various aspects of human life. By language, people are able to

interact and communicate one another for whatever they do. Moreover, Lado

(1957:18) says that language is the system of speech sound by which human

beings, communicate with one another. The study of language that is related to

society is called Sociolinguistics. This consist of two words Socio means social

or related to society linguistics means the science of language.

Fishman in Chaer (1995:4) states that sociolinguistics is the study of

characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their function, and the

characteristics of their speakers as these three contantly interact, change and

change one another within a speech community.

However, language is a complex. In other words, it is not enough just to know

the meaning of the sentence uttered, such as it is public or privat, formal or

informal, who is being addressed, and who might be hear the sentence.

There are two kinds of language, spoken language and writen language.

Spoken language is an utterance which is formed from sound, such as

conversation, speech, storytelling, discussion, radio, television broadcast, and etc.


While, written language is an utterance which is formed in the written form, such

as novels, comics, newspaper, magazines, letters, books, journals, articles, and etc.

In expresing or delivering ideas in both forms, spoken and written language,

people have and use their own style because it is related to the social aspect.

Chaika(1982:112) states that style refers to selection of the linguistics forms to

convey social or artistics effects. Style also act as a set of instructions. Other

opinion comes from Keraf (1984:112). He states that style is the ability and the

competence to make a sentence in a good way.

In this case, islam has thought and clearly described in Qur‟an (Al-Hujurat:13)

how to avoid us from the problem of making relationship with other people. The

researcher has described how God created human in different nations and tribes.

For example, in Java there are East Java and Central Java. Most of them use

Javanese language but both of them have different style althought their language

are almost the same.

Considering the problem above, the researcher enthusiastically focuses her

study on the language style because from communication in the right way and

determines how a social interaction will processed (Chaika, 1982:20). In this case,

style determines how a speaker speak and how the listener takes the meaning of

the communication in the right way; whether it is serious, humorous, dubious, or

any other possible sense.

Chaika (1982) describes characteristics of style, those are: (1) Style forms a

communication system in its own right, (2) Style tells how to intepret a messege,


(3) Style form a mini communication system that works along with the language

itself, (4) Style control the interaction, (5) Style is so integral with social function

that interaction cannot run well if one does not speak with the right style.

The language style of spoken and written language can be analyzed from

different poin of view: words, grammer, and pronunciation (Chaika: 1982).

Furthemore, Keraf (1984) states that language style can be analyzed based on the

linguistics context which are divided into word choice, tone, sentence structure, as

well as direct and direct meaning. Nowadays, we can get information in the form

of visual or audio data easly. Complete information in the form of audio and

visual can we find on television footage. In television footage, we often find some

public figures or some host who use language style when they speak in television

shows. On of television show which the host and the guest use language style is “

Exclusive Interview Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV channel. Therefore,

the researcher aims to highlight the phenomenon of language style in the

utterence of Jessie J and Sarah Sechan.

The researcher select Exclusive interview of Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on

NET TV as a data source is it is printed media that can be long life and person can

see anytime they want, that easy for them to know the style of language used. this

study has same relation to the previous researcher on the same field. Zahra (2006)

on her thesis under the title “The Language Style Used By Bloggers In The

Blogosphere”. She used language style theory to investigate how the language

style were used by the bloggers in blogosphere. Besides that, the researcher found


Ummi (2008) on her thesis under the title “Language Style Used In Beauty And

The Beast Fairytale”. She used language style theory to investigate the kinds and

how the language style used in the Beauty And The Beast Fairytale especially in

term of sentence structure. The researcher also found Uman(2007) on his thesis

under the title “English Language Style Used By The Mamber Of Pondok

Pesaantren Darul Abidin Pare Kediri”. He used language style theory to

investigate the kinds and how the language style used in the communication by

the mamber of Pondok Pesantren Darul Abidin Pare Kediri.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Based on the description on the background of the study above, this study

conducted to find out the answer of some problem in relation with the discussion

above, as follow:

1. What types of language style are used in the Exclusive interview of

Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV?

2. How are the language style used in the Exclusive interview of Jessie j

and Sarah Sechan on NET TV?


1.3 Objective of the study

Related to the previous study above, the objectives of the study are:

1. To get descriptive knowledge about the types of language style use

in the Exclusive interview of Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV.

2. To get descriptive knowledge the ways of language style used in

the Exclusive interview of Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The principal purpose of this study is to contribute a richer and more

systematic conceptual understanding of rethorical structure. Furthemore, this

study provide for linguistics students to develop their knowledge in lnguage style.

And the last, the study of language style in television is expected to give very

significant contribution for many people to enrich their style in communication

that they can use a language style. Hopefully this study expected to help other

people to more know and understanding about languag style.

1.5 The Scope and Limitation

This study is focus to analyze the language style toward conversations that

uttered by Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV. This research studies and

focusses about interview of Jessie j and Sarah Sechan. This researcher uses

Chaika‟s Theory(1982) because she explaines the kinds of language style very



The limitation of this study is the researcher only examines the human

linguistics behaviour by the utterance without considering other influence which

are produce by the host and guest of Exclusive Interview by Jessie j and Sarah

Sechan on NET TV.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

To avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the term used in this study, the

definitions are given as follow:

1. Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating between

language and society with the goal being a better understanding of the

structure of language and of how language functions in


2. Language style

Language style are the way expressing feeling or delivering the

message in certain circumstances, with manner of variation in language

use, either orally or written form.

3. Exclusive Interview Program is it present on Net TV that uses

English as the medium language in the program. It explore about the

daily life some singer from UK. That deliver by Jessie J as guest and

Sarah Sechan as host.




2.1 Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating between language and society

with the goal being a better understanding of the structure of language and of how

language function in communication; the equivalent goal in the sociology of

language is trying to dicover how social structure can be better understood

through the study of language (Hudson, 1996, p. 4). This is a broad area of

investigation that developed though the interaction of Linguistics with a number

of other academic disciplines. It has strong connections with antrophology

through the study of language and culture, and with sociology through the

investigation of the role language plays in the organization of social groups and

institution. It is also tied to social psychology, particularly with regard to how

attitudes and perspection are expressed and how in-group and out-group behaviors

are identified. We use all these connection when we try to analyze language from

a social perspective.

Sociolinguistics may be usefully defined as the study of variation in language,

or more precisely of variation within speech communities, since the purely

geographical aspects of variation had been studies for generation by the students


dialect geography, the study of regional dialects. In a speech community of any

size, there is considerable variation among individuals: stockbrokers do not speak

like plumbers, women do not speak like man, and young people do not speak like

old people, and so on. Moreover, even a single individual is not a confined to a

single variety of the language: you do not use the language in the same way when

you are chatting to friends in a bar, when you are being interviewed for a job,

when you are writing an essay, and when you are being introduced to the Dean.

The brunch of sociolinguistics focusses on language as a social phenomenon.

If we take a closer look at the use a language within society, we find that,

characteristically, speakers can be distinguished from each other and distinguish

themselves from other speakers by their different use of language. Thus, while

two speakers may use the same language they usually do not show the linguistic

behavior. Instead, linguistic variation-stylistic, regionally, and socially is a typical

features of language use in society. That is, based in individual communicative

competence, speakers can vary their language systematically (1) with respect to

the communicative demands of the speech situation, (2) depending on where they

come from regionally, and (3) based on their social background which is

determined by socioeconomic status, age or ethnicity.

From the above definition, it can be concluded by sociolinguistics is the sub

diciplin of linguistic which study the use of language of society. It concern with

the phenomenon of language use in all kind of social interaction, why people use

language differently in different social context and how they can establish and

maintain social relationship by language they choose.


2.2 The Language Style

Chaika (1982:29) states that language style is the way people use the language

in communication, it can be written or oral language. Language style actually

refers to the selection of linguistics from to convey social or artistics effects. Style

also acts as a set of instruction. We manipulate other with style; even We

manipulade ourselves whether consciously or unconsciously. In doing

communication people usually use formal or informal style which depend on the

situation they are communicating with others. Style also tells the listener to take

what is being said; seriously, ironically, humorously, in some others ways.

From the statement above, we understand that style is the way how people

convey ideas or messages. It is easier to receive ideas or message if we have

known the condition and style used by the speaker or author. Its mean that how

the way of speaker or author delivers his or her ideas or messages in formal or

informal occasion; seriously, ironically, humorously style. Romane (1994:74)

argues that styles not only do some of the same linguistic features in pattern of

both regional and social dialect differentiation but they also display correlations

with other social factors. From Romane statement above, it is clear that style

displays the correlation between social factors and the language that is used by

society. It means that the society can predict what the style that they will use in

their communication according to the running situation.


In addition, Giles and Powesland (1975), Giles and Sinclair (1979) in

Thomas and Wareing (1999:146), state that people may use different style in the

way they talk depends on the situation and context they are talking in. This theory

is based on the premisses that people are mainly seeking to show solidarity and

approval there, dealing with others. According to statement above, the use of

language style occurs during conversation where it depends on situation and

context they talk about.

It is used in order to make the listener and reader understand. The style of

language in a communication mainly focuses on an intended social message rather

that gets the message of communication. Chaika (1982:31) state that

communication occurs transformations message from the speaker to the listener,

so they are conveyed by intonation or infections that are given by style. Actual

words are used only on the rare occasions that the offending party is too abuse to

get “the message” . It must be emphasized that the social message conveyed style

is not coded directly into actual words that mean what intended social message is.

By the statement above, in using language style, one must determine the

purpose of communiction. One of them is abusing to get the message, because in a

society, they are many people who have different characters. So, using the

language style in society‟s communication will help us in communication with

other people without distrubing others either partially or personally.

There are some ways of using language style in communication. People

possess themselves in relation to other with the way they talk in different kinds of


interaction. People do not always talk exactly in the same way all the time: they

do not always use the same grammatical forms (Thomas and Wareing, 1999: 146).

Therefor, Chaika (1982:31) argues that speakers give a great deal of

information about themselves just by the word, grammer, and pronunciation they

choose both unconsciously and consciously. Thus, the listeners have the same

interpretation as speaker‟s style. But the information reveals to the hearer such as

the speaker‟s social grate, educational background, or regional affiliation. The

style markers of a particular social group or region may be deriberately used for

other purposes; it will make the listeners have some meaning of word such as

emotional definition that can be attached from the style of speaker.

In conclusion, language style is the way people manipulate others and control

their interaction in bringing messages or ideas conveyed in word and tone of


The characteristics of language style are: selecting and choosing the linguistic

forms appeared from a person of group of people.

2.3 The Classification of Language Style

Schneider and Wellek, Rene, and Austin (1956:179) states that variaton of

style depends on the environment at which the message is presented. The

language style used in upper class environment is different to the style used in the


lower class environment. The environment also refers to the other stratification,

such as age, gender, and other social status.

The same opinion is delivered by Romaine (1994:75). She states that style can

change from formal to informal depending on social context, relationship of the

participants, social class, sex age, physical environment, and topic. Althought

each class has a different average scores in each style, all groups style shift in the

same direction in their more formal speech style, that is, in the direction of the

standard language.

Yule (1986:190) argues that in taking communication, people should be care

with the social background of the speakers according to class, education,

occupation, age, sex, and a number of the social patterns. From those statements

above, it is clear that language style is inseparable with the social background of

the speaker‟s class, education, occupation, age, sex, and number of the social

patterns that will influence the language style used by the speaker.

Furthemore, the use of language style depends on context of the civilization as

stated by Wormuth (1981:10) that the style refers to the way in which language is

used in a given context, by the given context, by the given person for a given

purpose and so on. Boas in Landar (1966:135) states that language are in contact,

borrowing of linguistics element often takes place. Controversies have arisen and

persisted about whether and to what extent phonemes, morphemes, or

grammatical rules can be borrowed or diffused from on language to other



The first style according to Keraaf (2002:17) is about general types of language

style here, thoose are:

2.3.1 Formal Style

Formal style is the language style used in the formal opportunity and use in the

perfect form

The characteristics of formal style are;

a. Sentence: Relative long, complex in structure, extensive use in parallel and

periodic structure

b. Diction: More conservative, extensive vocabulary, learned words, often

abstract, avoidance of construction.

c. Tone: Personal, identified, few reference to the readers.

d. Distance: Considerable

The example of formal style is: This morning, we will discuss about

television. What are the positive effect of the television and the bad effect

of the television.

2.3.2 Informal Style

Informal style is the language style used the standard language, especially

used in the informal opportunity and the form is not conservative, shortly,

informal style is the general language.


The characteristics of the informal style are:

a. Sentence: Medium lenght (twenty to thirty words), chiefly standard

sentence, frequent parallel, and some periodic sentences, fragment rare

but occasional.

b. Diction: Range go the colloquial, but mostly populer from abstract to

concrete, occasional constractions and some slang‟s.

c. Tone: Range from personal to the interpersonal, usuaally addresed to

the readers as “you” with low intonation.

d. Distance: Moderate.

The examples of informal style is: you know, would not you see?

2.3.3 Colloquial Style

Colloquial style is a language style using the populer words, morphologies,

and syntatics together with the form of the colloquial style. The sentence are more

relax than formal style. It is construction and shortened forms of words. The

sentences are suitable for informal or familiar conversation. For example, Ok,

Thank you Mr. Wachid. So, do you agree about cigarette? Existence of cigarette

in our country may be.


Meanwhile Language style, according to Joos (in Alwasilah, 1993:45), is

classified into five types based on degeree of formality, that is frozen, formal,

consultative, casual, and intimate style.

2.3.4 Frozen Style

Frozen or oratorical style is the most formal style. It is usually used in

situation that is very formal and has symbolic value, such as in formal ceremonies

and court, constitutions, and state documents. The characteristics of frozen style

are the use of maintained and unchanged sentence structures, the use of long and

careful sentence constructions, the use of exaggerated intonation, and also almost

no responses between the speakers and hearer. For examples, “We the people of

the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish Justice, insure

domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general

welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do

ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.... ‟‟

2.3.5 Consultative Style

Consultative Style is a style that shows our norm for coming, Joos (in Chaer

and Agustina, 1995:92). It is the usual style ` speech in small groups, chance

acquaintances, and strangers. Usually it is used by the speakers who does not plan

his utterance before speaking. Therefore, probably any mistakes and repetition of

words can happen. This style is usually signed by some words, such as; That is

right, Oh! I see, Yeach, Yes, I know or well.


2.3.6 Casual Style

Casual style is defined as a style used in an informal and a relaxed situation.

Casual is used, for example, between frirends or between family members.

Meanwhile, Joos (in Chair and Agustina, 1995:92) states that Casual style is the

style used to integrate an audience into social group. This style is usually not in

good grammatical sentence. Such as there is no subject and no auxiliary verb.

Moreover,this style also does not used article before the sentence.

For example; I believe that I can find one (consultative grammar) believe I

can find one (casual grammar).

2.3.7 Intimate Style

Intimate style is the most casual style, and it is usually used between family

mambers, couples or lovers, and intimate friends. The characteristics of this style

are the use of private codes, the use of words signaling intimate relation, the use

of rapid and slurred pronunciation, the use of non-verbal communication, and the

use of non standard forms, for instance; Mbul, kemana aja kamu? „Mbul, where

have you been? `The speaker addressed the hearer by using the word “Mbul”,

which shows intimate relationship between the participants


2.4 The Function of Language Style

Chaika (1982:31) states the speaker gives a great deal of information about

themselves just by the word, grammar, and pronunciation they choose bot

unconsciously and consciously. This informations reveals to the hearer such

things as the speaker‟s social background such as educational background and

regional affiliation. The style markers of a particular social group or region may

be deliberately used for other purposes. It means that using the language style

must determine the purpose of communication. One of them is used to get the

message, because in a society, there are so many people who have different

characteristics. So, the use of style is expected withouth distributing others either

partially or personally.

Other opinions come from Ramos in Fishman (1970:108) states that

language operation on the basis of more precise information as to the age, number,

location, and interaction of the speakers of various local languages.

From the statement above, the education and environtment are very important

for people. Their language is used toward and selectively different in the same

social networks or communities on two different occasions. Trudgill (1974:14)

states that the two aspects of language behaviors are very important from a social

point of view: first, the function of the language is establishing social relationship;

and second, the role played by language in conveying information about the

speaker. From the statement above, it describes clearly that both those aspect of


linguistics behaviors are the reflection of the fact that there is a close inter

relationship between language and society.

Hymes in Wardhaugh (1986:117) states that the way in which people view the

language they speak also important, that is, how they evaluate accents; how they

establish the fact that they speak one language rather than another; and how they

maintain language boundaries. Moreover, rules for using a language may be just a

important feeling about the language itself.

Mathioth and Gavin in Wardhaugh (1986:31) state that the language‟s

function is unit‟s individuals and groups within a larger communities. Therefore,

it can be imployed to reflect and symbolize some kind of identity: religion, social,

ethnic, or religious.

However, Trudgill (1974:24) states that speakers are aware of the social

significance of pronunciation and their attitudes towards it are favorable because

of their social attitudes. In the same case, Chaika (1982:29) states the function of

language style is to convey social or artistic effect.

It means that the language style can be very important factor in group

identification, group solidarity and the signaling of differences, and when a group

is under attack from outside, signals of difference may become more important are


Furthemore, Chaika(1982:36) states that using style carried along with

greeting and conversation message is more effcient than having to encode that


information at the outside or continually during conversation. Badiah(1994)

defines the functions of language style as;

1. To increase the reader’s taste

Language style increases what the readers willing to follow and what is being

said by the writer. It will raise the reader‟s opinion about what the writer‟s

messages that the expressed on his or her text and also what purposes going to be

communicated by the writer. For examples in poem, how the writer is used the

suitable words to mix a romantic combination of poem that pictured about love.

Thus, the listener or reader will taste the language that is used by the writer

touches their sense.

2. To persuade the reader

Language style makes the reader feel sure and trustful toward what is being

said by the writer. The writer or speaker asks the reader or listener attractively by

using rhetoric language. For example, the politicians who attract many masses use

the language that makes them sure and trustful.

3. To add the artistic effect of the idea being offered by the writer

Here, one of function of language style contributes to the artistic effect. It will

make the reader or listener enjoys and attracts, for example: the language in

literary works, such as poem, drama, novel etc. Here, the writer uses certain

style to express ideas or messages. The writer can use romantic or heroic style in

novel, drama, or poem to support the writer‟s ideas or message. Thus, it is

purposed to make the reader or listener enjoy and interested in delivering the

ideas or messages either from the written or oral text.


4. To make the writer’s idea clearer

Every writer wants the reader to understand and catch the messages and

ideas that are carried by the text. Thus, the writer should use the correct and

certain word and language style to make his or her messages and ideas clearly

transfered to the reader. For example: the role of goverment for civilization uses

common or usual language style in order to be understood easly by the

civilization, so they will not wrong in interpreting the role.

5. To creat certain mood

The language style that is used by the writer influences that reader in the

case of creating the mood. It can also influence about the listener or reader‟s

feeling or thought. So, how the speaker or writer uses the language style in their

communication, it consequently will creat certain mood. Example: Joker uses

the humor or joke style in their presence. Furthemore, it will bring the listener‟s

mood into happy mood.

So, the function of language style referring to the statement above are to tell

the hearer or reader how they act to the messages given by the speakers or author

seriously, humorously, happy or sadly, or in some others way. The other

function is to control for one style that must be choosen, in oder to control the

speakers or author in delivering the messages. Thus, the reader or hearer should

understand the messages.


2.5. Exclusive Interview Program on Net TV

Exclusive Interview provide conversation between the host and the guest

with some topic which considered to be interesting. Exclusive interview is a

television show in which noted people such us authorities in a particular field,

participate in discussion are interviewed and often answer question from viewer or

listeners. (farlex:2005). It is mean that exclusive interview by the host and the

guest who expert in some field relating to the topic that they want to talk about.

Exclusive interview is included in factual program, which is mean it present

nonfiction program. Exclusive interview present the discussion between the host

and the guest about certain topic. Usually the topic is related to the her daily life.

Recently many television broadcaster has made various talk show program

which is more interesting to the audience. Moreover the aim of talk show is to

give information and entertain.

Exclusive interview is on of Net TV‟s program which is broadcoasted at May

31st 2016. It program broadcoast when there is some singer, actor and actress

from other country come to Indonesian. This program presenting Sarah Sechan as

the host and Jessie J as the guest. This program present some topic about daily

life of Jessie J. Exclusive interview is program which is use English as the

medium language on the program. The speaker here must use English during their

conversation, the host must use English in every situation in conversation.


2.7. Previous Study

The same research about language style had been conducted by Zahra (2006)

on her thesis under the title “The Language Style Used By Bloggers In The

Blogosphere”. She used language style theory to investigate how the language

style were used by the bloggers in blogosphere. And the data are classified based

on their language style.

Ummi (2008) on her thesis under the title “Language Style Used In Beauty

And The Beast Fairytale”. She used language style theory to investigate the kinds

and how the language style used in the Beauty And The Beast Fairytale especially

in term of sentnce structure.

Umam (2007) on his thesis under the title “Engliah Language Style Used By

The Mamber Of Pondok Pesaantren Darul Abidin Pare Kediri”. He used language

style theory to investigate the kinds and how the language style used in the

communication by the mamber of Pondok Pesantren Darul Abidin Pare Kediri.

In this research, the researcher discussed of language style used in Exclusive

Interview of Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV.




3.1 Research Method

This chapter discussed the method used in the research. It relates to the

research design, data sources, research instrument, data collection, and data


3.1.1 Researh Design

In conducting this research, this study uses descriptive qualitative. Descriptive

is used because the researcher collected the data from the transcript of

conversation between the host and guest of Exclusive interview on NET TV.

Then qualitative method was used because this study is aimed to portray and

understand the language style made by Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV.

3.1.2 Data sources

The data in this study were taken from the transcripts of conversation between

the host and the guest in the exclusive interview on NET TV. I choose the host

and guest of exclusive interview on NET TV because I found that many language

style by themselves. Therefore, I decided the transcript of conversation between

Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV.

The data source of this study was the transcripts of conversation between

Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV.


3.1.3 Research Insrtument

The researcher will become the main instrument in accomplishing the study

since the researcher is the analyzer the equalizer of the study. By watching the

videos of Exclusive interview Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV that the

researcher downloaded from https.//youtu.be/8abwn9veis0, and watching the

video of Exclusive interview Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV, the

researcher will comprehed and present the main problems issues being discussed.

3.1.4 Data Collection

The data of the research gathered from the transcript of conversation between

Jessie j and Sarah Sechan in exclusive interview on NET TV. In collecting the

data the researcher applied the systematic ways as follow: First, the researcher

downloaded the videos of Exclusive interview on NET TV in the site

https.//youtu.be/8abwn9veis0. Then, the researcher went to official website of

NET TV (http://www.nettv.com).

Second, the researcher toke the transcripts of Exclusive interview Jessie j and

Sarah Sechan, which broadcoasted at May 31st 2016. Third, the researcher

watched and listened the video and read carefully the transcripts of Exclusive

interview that the language style are repaired by the host and guest. The last step,

the researcher identified the data contains of language style in the transcript of

Exclusive interview Jessie j and Sarah Sechan on NET TV.


3.1.5 Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher clasified the data which belong to the

types of language style, such as interupting the utterence, editing terms, and

correction and its relation to the original utterance by Chaika‟s theory (1982) and

found the language style used in Exclusive interview by the host and guest. It is

used to give evidence to the application of Chaika‟s theory in the conversation of

host and guest Exclusive interview on NET TV. After that the researcher

discussed the finding to draw the conclusion after getting the result of the





In this chapter the researcher presents two sections, namely findings and

discussion that can be obtained from the result of analysis.

4.1 Findings

There are two sets of data presented in this section. They are the types of

language style used in Exclusive Interview of Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET

TV, and the way they used it.

4.1.1 Language Style of the Host and the Guest

This part is explained about the language style which are used by the host and

the guest in Exclusive Interview on NET TV.

Datum 1

Host: any particular food s do you looking to try? You know, The last you here

you have to taste any food?(1.1)

Guest: I was always ask any people to recommendetion , what you like to eat.



The sentence above consist of one style based on sentence structure is

informal style. Informal style is the language style used the standard language,

especially used in the informal opportunity and the form is not conservative,

shortly, informal style is the general language. In this sentence include informal

style because that sentence chiefly standard sentence, frequent parallel, and some

periodic sentences, fragment rare but occasional. And about the tone is range from

personal to the interpersonal, addresed to the readers as “you” with low


Datum 2

Host: you okey.(2.1)

Guest: yeah, I’am good.

Host: Jet Lag?

Guest : always

Host: hungry?

Guest: a little bit.


The sentences above consist of one language style is consultative style.

Consultative style is that shows our norm for coming. It is usual style speak in

small groups, chance acquaintances and strength. “you okey”, “yeah, I’m good”,


“Jet Lag”, “always”, “hungry?”, “a little bit”. All of the conversation before

include consultative style because the speakers who does not plan his utterance

before speaking. Therefore, any mistakes and repetition of words.

Datum 3

Host: do you like a spicy food?(3.2)

Guest: yes, really I like

Host: okey, you can try oncom , you can try nasi padang its very spicy, they have

kari, and lot of chilli, it is very nice. You get somebody of NET TV to buy a nasi

padang for you.(3.1)

Guest: yes, okey.


The conversation above consists of two styles. The first language is informal

style. Informal style is the language style used in the standart language, especially

used in the informal opportunity and the forms is not conservative, shortly. In the

sentence “do you like spicy food?”, “okey, you can try oncom, you can try nasi

padang its very spicy, they have kari, and lot of chilli. You get somebody of Net

TV to buy a nasi padang for you”. It called formal style because tones are range

from personal to the interpersonal. And the diction that sentence arerange go the

colloquial, but mostly populer from abstract to concrete, occasional constractions

and some slang‟s.


The second style is consultative style. Consultative style is a style that shows

our norms for coming. It is usually used by the speaker who does not plan his

utterances before speaking. “Yes, really I like”, “oh oke.”. The sentence before

include consultative style because they has a characteristics such as the repetition

of words, any mistakes of words. Besides, the speaker explain if she really like

this and clarify it. So, if we are as a listener we knows if she really like it.

Datum 4

Host: We was read some article about your sister is more have ability in

academic side, and you are in creative side. Writing song since eleven ages, yes,

you are right having more creative side. (4.1)


This datum is classified as informal style based on sentence structure.

Informal style is the language style used the standard language especially used in

the informal opportunity and the form is not conservative, shortly, informal style

is the general language. In sentence “We was read some article about your sister

is more have ability in academic side, and you are in creative side. Writing song

since eleven ages, yes, you are right having more creative side. Any advice that

you remember from your parents?” it include informal style because the sentence

are chiefly standard sentence, frequent parallel, and some periodic sentences,


fragment rare but occasional. The speaker speak with correct sentence and there is

no mistake.

Datum 5

Any advice from your parents that you remember may be, and until now still have

very careful in your head? (5.1)


The sentence above consist of one style only is colloquial style. Colloquial

style is a language style using the populer words, morphologies, and syntatics

together with the form of the colloquial style. In sentence “any advice from your

parents that you remember maybe, and until now still have very careful in your

head?” are include colloquial style because the sentence are suitable for informal

and familiar conversation. The sentences are more relax more than formal style. It

is construction and shortened forms of words. The speaker speak with familiar

vocabulary and make the listener easy to understand.

Datum 6

First job ever? (6.1)


The data include casual style. Casual style is defined as a style used in an

informal and a relaxed situation. “First job ever” include casual style because the


question is not in good grammatical sentence and no subject and auxiliary verb, it

must to “what you are the first job?”.

Datum 7

Was probably I worked to the store in the market, selling a sweets and nut (7.1). I

am afraid because I have to account the money by myself, and I not bring

calculator because it don’t. I often wrong to account the profit side. Then, I was

worked to store in London, I did nails art so I can do nail arts my nails.(7.2)


The data is classified into two styles. The first style is casual style. Casual

style is defined as a style used in an informal and a relaxed situation. Casual is

used, for example, between frirends or between family members. Meanwhile, Joos

(in Chair and Agustina, 1995:92) states that Casual style is the style used to

integrate an audience into social group. This style is usually not in good

grammatical sentence. Such as there is no subject and no auxiliary verb.

Moreover, this style also does not used article before the sentence. Was probably I

worked to the store in the market, selling a sweet and nuts, the sentence before

called casual style because in a not good grammatical, no subject and no auxiliary.

The second style is informal style. Informal style is the language style used

the standard language, especially used in the informal opportunity and the form is

not conservative, shortly, informal style is the general language. I am afraid


because I have to account the money by myself, and I not bring calculator,

because it don‟t. I often wrong to account the profit side. Then, I was worked to

store in London, I did nails art so I can do nail arts my nails. The sentence

consists of informal style because they are having many characteristics such as,

the sentence are chiefly standard sentence, frequent parallel, and some periodic

sentences, fragment rare but occasional, and the diction is range go the colloquial,

but mostly populer from abstract to concrete and occasional constractions and

some slang‟s, then about the tone is range from personal to the interpersonal.

Datum 8

Now I am I am I am lucky can be singing every day. (8.1)


The data include consultative style. Consultative style is a style that a shows

our norms for coming. . Usually it is used by the speakers who does not plan his

utterance before speaking. Therefore, probably any mistakes and repetition of

words can happen like now I am I am I am lucky can be singing every day, there

is any repetition in word I am until three time because they does not plan his

utterance before speaking.


Datum 9

Host: But any particular skill that you have not?(9.2)

Guest: I want can make a bread, I want learn another language, I want can

massage well, I want can sew my clothes. (9.1)

Host: First time ever, trying some things else?


This datum consists of two styles. The first style is casual style. Casual style

is defined as a style used in an informal and a relaxed situation. In the sentence “I

want make a bread, I want learn about another language, I want can massage well,

I want can sew my clothes, it called informal because the language looks relaxed.

The second sentence is “First time ever, trying some things else?” it also include

casual style because the sentence not good grammatical, and no subject and no

auxiliary verb.

The second style is informal. Informal style is the language style used the

standard language, especially used in the informal opportunity and the form is not

conservative, shortly, informal style is the general language. “But any particular

skill that you have not” in sentence before is informal style because chiefly

standard sentence, frequent parallel, and some periodic sentences, fragment rare

but occasional. Then, about the tone is range from personal to the interpersonal.


Datum 10

We are going to play game right now, and we want you answer some questions

from the fans. We have three hundred questions you must to answer. Are you

ready for three hundred questions? You get time? (10.1)


The data include colloquial style. Colloquial style is a language style using

the populer words, morphologies, and syntatics together with the form of the

colloquial style. We are going to play game right now, and we want you answer

some questions from the fans. We have three hundred questions you must to

answer. Are you ready for three hundred questions? You get time? The sentences

are more relax than formal style. It is construction and shortened forms of words.

The sentences are suitable for informal or familiar conversation.

Datum 11

Host: He is a percussionist, he is a good percussionist

Guest: what what what kind of percussion do you can? (11.1)



In this datum, the researcher finds one style is consultative style. Consultative

style is a style that shows our norm for coming, Joos (in Chaer and Agustina,

1995:92). It is the usual style ` speech in small groups, chance acquaintances, and

strangers. “what what what kind of percussion do you can”,in datum (11.1) finds

consultative style besause the guest have repetitions on her spoken, and the

speakers does not have plan utterance before speaking.

Datum 12

Do you ever forget the lyrics? So, what happen? So, what do you do?(12.1)


In the datum above consist of one style only is colloquial style. Colloquial

style is Colloquial style is a language style using the populer words,

morphologies, and syntatics together with the form of the colloquial style. In the

datum (12.1) include colloquial style because it sentence has relax situation, the

host speaks to Jessie J as a guest feel so enjoyed, she looks have conversation with

her close friends actually. The sentence actually construction and shortened forms

of words.


Datum 13

What hidden tallent do you have?(13.1)

Hidden talent? Yeah, hidden talent?(13.2)


In the datum above consist of two styles. The first style in (13.1) is informal

style, informal style is the language style used the standard language, especially

used in informal opportunity and the form is not conservative, shortly, informal

style is general language. In the datum the researcher finds some characteristics

informal on that sentence is aboute tone, range from personal to the interpersonal,

addresed to the listener as “you” with low intonation.

The second style in (13.2) is consultative style. Consultative style is a style

that shows our norm for coming, Joos (in Chaer and Agustina, 1995:92). It is the

usual style ` speech in small groups, chance acquaintances, and strangers. In that

sentence is consultative style because the speakers dos not have utterance before

speaking, and the spekers speech has any repetition and any mistakes in

grammatical correct.

Datum 14

I don’t know well, may be. (14.1)



The datum classified as colloquial style. Colloquial style is a language style

using the populer words, morphologies, and syntatics together with the form of

the colloquial style. The sentence are more relax than formal style. It is

construction and shortened forms of words. The sentences are suitable for

informal or familiar conversation. Informal style happens when she says he world

“may be” because it words refers to relax situation.

Datum 15

Okey, right any hidden tallent?

Hmmmm,,,,, I can have some voice in the box. Some voice out of my mouth when

my mouth form circle.(15.1)


The researcher only found one style is casual style. Casual style is defined

as a style used an informal and relaxed situation, for example, between frirends or

between family members. Meanwhile, Joos (in Chair and Agustina, 1995:92)

states that Casual style is the style used to integrate an audience into social group.

Casual style happen in the datum (15.1) “Okey, right any hidden

tallent?Hmmmm,,,,, I can have some voice in the box. Some voice out of my

mouth when my mouth form circle”, because in those sentence have not good

grammatical sentence, no subject and no auxiliry.


4.2 The ways of Language Style Used in Exclusive Interview Jessie J and

Sarah Sechan on NET TV

Based on the last problem, the researcher will explore the result of finding

above based on the second problems. The ways of Language Style used in

Exclusive Interview of Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV in the sentence and


a. Informal style

In the informal style, the sentence or dialogue used this style in the beginning,

middle and final. It used in order to give the listener the information about life of

jessie J as the guest on that program. It usually many show in the beginning of the

conversetion. This style is begun with the low intonation. In addition, this style

used in order to mention that this conversation have standard language and

general language.

b. Colloquial style

In the colloquial style, the sentences or dialogue of this conversation used this

style to create relax situation. This style starts with pupolar words. It used in order

to avoid awkwardness between the guest and the host.


c. Casual style

In the casual style, the sentence or dialogue of this conversation used this

style to have casual grammar, both of them (the guest and the host) want to have

conversation look like friends and family member.

d. Consultative style

In consultative style, the sentence or dialogue of this conversation used this

style to chance acquaintances and strangers.and this style used to emphasize

something important of the sentence. This style happens in the beginning of the

sentences. It is used by the speaker who does not plan his utterance before

speaking, but this style create to make the listener can more relax to enjoy those

video. The consultative occurred in the same words, phrases, or clauses.

4.3 Discussion

This part discussed about the result of data analysis of language style used by

Chaika theory (1982:29). According to Keraaf (2002:17) and Joos (in Alwasilah,

1993:45) there are seven types of language style which are commonly occured in

human speking, they are formal, informal, colloquial, frozen, consultative,casual,

intimate styles.

However, based on the findings and analysis data above, the researcher

meanly found four types of language style., they are informal style, colloquial


style, consultative style, and casual style. In this part, after finding and analysis

the data are represented, a discussion of the finding is important to answer the two

research poblems, they are types of language style and how language style used in

that video.

4.3.1 Language Style used in Exclusive Interview of Jessie J and Sarah

Sechan on NET TV

Language style is is the way people use the language in communication, it

can be written or oral language. Language style actually refers to the selection of

linguistics from to convey social or artistics effects. Style also acts as a set of

instruction. We manipulate other with style; even we are manipulade ourselves

whether consciously or unconsciously. In doing communication people usually

use formal or informal language which depend on the situation they are

communicating with others. Style also tells the listener to take what is being said;

seriously, ironically, humorously, in some others ways (Chaika,1982).

After representing and analyzing 16 data from Exclusive interview of Jessie J

and Sarah Sechan on NET TV, this study found four types of language style:

a. Informal style

Informal style is the language style used the standard language, especially

used in the informal opportunity and the form is not conservative, shortly,

informal style is the general language.


The characteristics of the informal style are about sentence side are medium

lenght (twenty to thirty words), chiefly standard sentence, frequent parallel, and

some periodic sentences, fragment rare but occasional. And diction one are range

go the colloquial, but mostly populer from abstract to concrete, occasional

constractions and some slang‟s.

And the tone are range from personal to the interpersonal, usuaally addresed to the

readers as “you” with low intonation. Distance is moderate. The examples of

informal style is: you know, would not you see?. The researcher found informal

style occurred 6 times, it showed in the datum. (1.1), (3.1), (4.1), (7.2), (9.2),


The example of informal style in the analysis above as stated in the datum

(3.1), “Host: do you like a spicy food?Guest: yes, really I like Host: okey, you

can try oncom , you can try nasi padang its very spicy, they have kari, and lot of

chilli, it is very nice. You get somebody of NET TV to buy a nasi padang for

you.Guest: yes, okey. I did it”. They uses this style because they have

conversation with standard language and general language.

b. Colloquial style

Colloquial style is a language style using the popular words, morphologies

and syntatics together with the form of the colloquial style. The sentence are more

relax than formal style. It is construction and shortened forms of words. The

sentences are suitable for informal or familiar conversation. For example, Ok,

Thank you Mr. Wachid. So, do you agree about cigarette? Existence of cigarette


in our country may be. The researcher found colloquial 4 times, it showed in the

datum (5.1), (10.1), (12.1), (14.1).

The example of colloquial style in the analysis above as stated in the datum

(10.1), “We are going to play game right now, and we want you answer some

questions from the fans. We have three hundred questions you must to answer.

Are you ready for three hundred questions? You get time?”. The sentence before

called as colloquial style because those sentences have relax conversation, and

using popular words for example “must to answer”.

c. Casual style

Casual style is defined as a style used in an informal and a relaxed situation.

Casual is used, for example, between frirends or between family members.

Meanwhile, Joos (in Chair and Agustina, 1995:92) states that Casual style is the

style used to integrate an audience into social group. This style is usually not in

good grammatical sentence. Such as there is no subject and no auxiliary verb.

Moreover,this style also does not used article before the sentence.

For example; I believe that I can find one (consultative grammar) believe I can

find one (casual grammar). That is occurs in the datum (6.1), (7.1), (9.1) and

(15.1). The example of casual style is in the datum 15, “Okey, right any hidden

tallent? Hmmmm,,,,, I can have some voice in the box. Some voice out of my

mouth when my mouth form circle. This style happens when she told more relax


situation than before, why this style occurs in thus datum, because they have

conversation look like as friends.

d. Consultative style

Consultative style is a style that shows our norm for coming, Joos (in Chaer and

Agustina, 1995:92). It is the usual style ` speech in small groups, chance

acquaintances, and strangers. Usually it is used by the speakers who does not plan

his utterance before speaking. Therefore, probably any mistakes and repetition of

words can happen. This style is usually signed by some words. The researcher

found consultative style occurred 5 times. It showed in the datum (2.1), (3.2),

(8.2), (11.1) and (13.1).

The example of consultative in the analysis above as stated in the datum 8.

“Now I am I am I am lucky can be singing every day”. Consultative style occurs

in the beginning of utterance. It happens because she has repetition in word “I am”

and the speakers does not plan the utterance before speak.




This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion dealing with the findings

of the analysis. It presents the summary of the findings which is discussed in the

previous chapter and the sugeestions for the reader. Conclusion is the statement

based on the result of this study, while suggestion is a recommendation for the

next researcher, English Department students, and public speakers. All of these

sections discussed as follow:

5.1 Conclusion

This study is conducted to find the language style used in Exclusive

Interview of Jessie J and Sarah Sechan on NET TV. The conclusion of this study

can be formulatedbased on the research questions. The researcher uses Chaika‟s

theory in analyzing the data. The researcher finds fifty data which are

appropriated with the kind and characteristics of language style. They can devided

four types of language style base on the analyzing, namely: informal style,

colloquial style, casual style, consultative style.

The first is informal, it usually present in the beginning of event. The

sentences or the dialogue begin with standard language and general language. The

second is colloquial style, it is used to mention that sentences are construction and


shortened forms of words, colloquial also using the populer words, morphologies,

and syntatics based on grammatical structure. The third is casual, it is present with

more relax situation, the guest and the host make casual style because for listener

and reader to more understand. As the characteristics of this style, in those video

have conversetion that lool like family mamber and bestfriends. So, it is very

more relax then others style. The fourth is consultative style; it is used to

emphasize something important of the sentences. It usually happens in the

beginning of the sentences, and usually has repetition in their sentences.

5.2 Suggestion

After doing the research, the researcher provides some suggestions for

following researcher, readers, English department students and lectures, fresh

graduate, and public speaker.

This study analyzes about language style in “Exclusive Interview of Jessie J

and Sarah Sechan on NET TV”.

For the readers, hopefully they should be aware about language style, and

they can improve their competence of reading text and applying the theory in

order to make the clrar understanding of the messages or ideas of those video


For the students, to understand the type of language style, especially in

language style based on Chaika‟s theory. Thus, they may have a good


comprehension on the written text by reading the whole texts. It will be able to

help them to avoid having wrong interpretation. Furthermore, it can be improving

the skill in English language, especially in writing and speaking skill.

For the teachers, in order that their students can easily comprehend the

language style theory. It is also suggested that they should take examples of

language style from other researcher.

Therefore, for the next researcher who concerned on this topic, they can

conduct the research about language style in sociolinguistics approach in different

areas such as sentences structure, context of the sentences and the function of

language style. Furthermore, the next researchers are suggested to use different

data sources and the other theory of language style.



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Cambridge University Press.



Informal Style : (IS)

Colloquial Style : (CLS)

Casual Style : (CSS)

Consultative Style : (CNS)

NO Data Types of Language Style



1. any particular food s do you

looking to try? You know, The last

you here you have to taste any


2. Host: you okey.

Guest: yeah, I‟am good.

Host: Jet Lag?

Guest : always

Host: hungry?

Guest: a little bit.

3. do you like a spicy food?

4. okey, you can try oncom , you can

try nasi padang its very spicy, they

have kari, and lot of chilli, it is

very nice. You get somebody of

NET TV to buy a nasi padang for



5. We were read some article about

your sister is more have ability in

academic side, and you are in

creative side. Writing song since

eleven ages, yes, you are right

having more creative side.


Any advice from your parents that

you remember may be, and until

now still have very careful in your


7. First job ever? √

8. Was probably I worked to the store

in the market, selling a sweets and

9. I am afraid because I have to

account the money by myself, and I

not bring calculator because it

don‟t. I often wrong to account the

profit side. Then, I was worked to

store in London, I did nails art so I

can do nail arts my nails

10. Now I am I am I am lucky can be

singing every day.

11. But any particular skill that you

have not?

12. I want can make a bread, I want

learn another language, I want can

massage well, I want can sew my


13. We are going to play game right

now, and we want you answer

some questions from the fans. We

have three hundred questions you

must to answer. Are you ready for

three hundred questions? You get



14. Host: He is a percussionist, he is a

good percussionist

Guest: what what what kind of

percussion do you can?

15. Do you ever forget the lyrics? So,

what happen? So, what do you do?

16. What hidden talent do you have? √

17. Hidden talent? Yeah, hidden


18. I don‟t know well, may be √

19. Okey, right any hidden tallent?

Hmmmm,,,,, I can have some

voice in the box. Some voice out of

my mouth when my mouth form




Sarah S ( Host) : Welcome back to Jakarta….

Jessie J (Guest): I am happy so bad

Sarah S: Are you okay?

Jessie J: Yeah, I am good.

Sarah S: Jet Lag?

Jessie J: Always

Sarah S: Hungry?

Jessie J: a little bit

Sarah Sechan: Tired?

Jessie J: I do not know

Sarah S: Any particular foods do you looking to try? You know, The last you here

you have to taste any food?

Jessie J: I was always try ask any people to recommendetion , what I like to eat.

Sarah s: Do you like spicy food?

Jessie J: Yes, I like

Sarah S: Okey, you can try oncom

Jessie J: oh oncom, okey

Sarah S: You can try nasi padang, very spicy


Jessie J: Yeah, is that kari?

Sarah S: they have kari, they have lot of chilli, it is very nice. You get somebody

of NET TV to buy a nasi padang for you.

Jessie J: yes, okey.

Sarah S: We was read some article about you sisters is more have ability in

academic side, and you are in creative side. Writting song since eleven ages?

Jessie J: yes, it is first time but probably in 17-18 my songs can recording.

Sarah S: And you having more creative side, any advice from your parents that

you remember may be, and until now still have very careful in your head?

Jessie J: never compare intellegent soeone from final examination,

Sarah S: Thats good

Jessie J: They always more know me than me, and always be strong, my mama

told be must always be strong, and know the solution to solve the problem.

Sarah S: They say that one people if have creative side usually they separated. Sre

you separated from others people? Doing something alone?

Jessie J: yes, actually I crowded, I do not play but I make some lyric about war

and etc.

Sarah S: First job ever?

Jessie J: Was probably I worked to the store in the market, selling a sweets and

nut. I am afraid because I have to account the money by myself, and I not bring

calculator because I am don‟t. I often wrong to account the profit side. Then, I

was worked to store in London, I did nails art so I can do nail arts my nails.

Sarah S: do you basically can do anythings?


Jessie J: Yeah I can nails arts, I can do anything but now I am Iam Iam lucky to be

singer. I can singing every day.

Sarah S: But any particular skill that you have not?

Jessie J: I want can make a bread, I want learn another language, I want can

massage well, I want can sew my clothes.

Sarah S: First time ever, trying some things else?

Jessie J:I don not know, I can answer to well.

Sarah S: have you ecer try to sky diving?

Jessie J: no I scare.

Sarah S: Bungie Jumping, it is not also. We will teach you another language,

indonesia language.

Jessie J; Okeyy please.

Sarah S: We are going to play game right now, and we want you answer some

questions from the fans. We have three hundred questions you must to answer.

Are you ready for three hundred questions? You get time?

Jessie J: okey I am ready.

Sarah S: Jessie beside me he is good pecussionis in indonesia., but he did not sing.

Jessie J: what what what kind of percussion do you can?

Ditto: Bongo, Conga, Latin Percussion also.

Jessie J: When I was little, I save my money to buy bongo.

Ditto: If you need percussion in your band, you can call me okey.

Jessie J: oh okey

Sarah S: ohh okey next tome she comes here, find Ditto percussion.

Ditto: what memorable moment that you in your life as a singer?


Jessie J: one of one always in memories is probably when I performance in

olimpiade with queen. It is never forget.

Sarah S: Do you get nerveous? Ow do you do handle your nerveous

Jessie J: I always get nerveous, if I not nerveous I have some problem.

Sarah S: What hidden tallent do you have?

Jessie J: Hidden talent? Yeah, hidden talent?

Sarah S: Okey, right any hidden tallent?

Jessie J : Hmmmm,,,,, I can have some voice in the box. Some voice out of my

mouth when my mouth form circle.

Sarah S: Okey,, can you please try.

Sarah S:I have something to you to bring go back

Jessie J: oh thank you it is amazing

Sarah S: See you for the next performance on NET TV annyversarry. Are you


Jessie J: I am very happy and thank you so much