LANGUAGE OF ANATOMY Language of Anatomy Martini Chapter 1 Credit: Portland Community College Edited 2009

LANGUAGE OF ANATOMY Language of Anatomy Martini Chapter 1 Credit: Portland Community College Edited 2009

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Page 1: LANGUAGE OF ANATOMY Language of Anatomy Martini Chapter 1 Credit: Portland Community College Edited 2009


Language of Anatomy

Martini Chapter 1

Credit: Portland Community CollegeEdited 2009

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• Gross anatomy: the study of body structures visible to the naked eye (without a microscope)

• Microscopic anatomy: • Cytology: Analysis of the internal structures of

individual cells• Histology: examination of tissues (groups of

specialized cells that work together to perform a specific function.

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Anatomical Position

• Anytime you describe structures relative to one another, you must assume this standard position:

• Body erect• Feet slightly apart• Palms facing forward• Thumbs point away from body

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Anterior Landmarks

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Anatomical Locations

• Abdominal: abdominal region• Acromial: the point of the shoulder• Antebrachial: forearm• Antecubital: anterior surface of the elbow• Axillary: armpit• Brachial: upper arm• Buccal: cheek of the face• Calcaneal: heel of the foot• Carpal: wrist• Cephalic: head

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Anatomical Locations

• Cervical: neck• Deltoid: round part of the shoulder• Digital: fingers and toes• Dorsum: back • Femoral: thigh• Frontal: forehead• Gluteal: buttocks• Hallux: big toe• Inguinal: groin• Lumbar: lower back• Mammary: breast

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Anatomical Locations

• Mental: chin• Nasal: Nose• Occipital: base of the skull

• Olecranal: elbow• Oral: mouth• Orbital: bony eye socket• Otic: ear• Palmar: palm of hand• Patellar: Kneecap• Pedal: Foot

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Anatomical Locations

• Pelvic: pelvis region• Perineal: area between anus and

external genitals• Plantar: sole of foot• Pollex: thumb• Popliteal: behind the knee• Pubic: genital region• Sacral: lower back between the hips• Scapular: shoulder blade• Tarsal: ankle• Thoracic: chest• Vertebral: spine

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Body Orientationand Direction

• These are relative positions• Proximal/distal

• Used to describe locations on the arms and legs

• GI tract

• Medial/lateral• Medial is closer to the


• Farther away from the midline

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Body Orientation and Direction

• Dorsal: Back• Ventral: Front• Superior or Cephalad is

toward the head• Inferior or Caudal is

toward the feet• Anterior: most forward• Posterior: toward the


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Planes of the Body

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• Dorsal cavity protects the nervous system

• Contains Brain and Spinal Cord

Dorsal Body Cavity

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• Thoracic Cavity• Heart & Lungs

• Subdivided into the mediastinum and plural cavities

• Lower border is the diaphragm• Abdominal Cavity

• Stomach, Liver, Intestines• Pelvic Cavity

• Reproductive organs Bladder, Rectum

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Serous Membranes

• Serous Membranes have two layers

1. Parietal serosa lines internal body walls

1. Visceral serosa covers the internal organs

• Serous fluid separates the serosae

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Serous Membranes

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Serous Membranes of the Heart

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• RUQ• Liver

• LUQ• Spleen

• RLQ• Appendix

• LLQ• Sigmoid colon

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Abdominopelvic Regions

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Lab Activity 2

Organ Systems

Martini Chapter 1, Pages 9-10

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Integumentary System

• Structures: Skin, hair, sweat and oil glands

• Function:• Forms external body covering• Protects deeper tissues from injury• Involved in vitamin D synthesis• Prevents desiccation, heat loss, and pathogen entry • Site of pain and pressure receptors

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Skeletal System

• Structure: 206 bones of the human body

• Function:• Protects and supports body organs• Provides a framework that muscles can use to create

movement• Hematopoiesis (synthesis of blood cells)• Mineral storage

• Bone contains 99% of the body’s store of calcium

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Muscular System

• Structures: The 600+ muscles of the body

• Function: • Locomotion• Manipulation of the environment• Maintaining posture• Thermogenesis (generation of heat)

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Nervous System

• Structures: Brain, Spinal cord,

and peripheral nerves.

• Function:• Fast-acting control system of the body• Monitoring of the internal and external environment

and responding (when necessary) by initiating muscular or glandular activity

• Information Assessment

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Endocrine System

• Structures: Hormone Secreting Glands• Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Pineal,

Parathyroid, Adrenal, Pancreas, Small Intestine, Stomach, Testes, Ovaries, Kidneys, Heart

• Functions:• Long-term control system of the body• Regulates growth, reproduction, and nutrient

use among other things.

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Cardiovascular System

• Structures: • Heart, Blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries)

• Functions:• The heart pumps blood thru the blood vessels.• Blood provides the transport medium for nutrients

(glucose, amino acids, lipids), gases (O2, CO2), wastes (urea, creatinine), signaling molecules (hormones), and heat.

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Lymphatic/Immune System

• Structures:• Lymphatic vessels, Lymph nodes, Spleen, Thymus,

Red bone marrow

• Functions:• Returning “leaked” fluid back to the bloodstream• Disposal of debris• Attacking and resisting foreign invaders (pathogens

i.e., disease-causing organisms)• Absorption of fat from the digestive tract

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Respiratory System

• Structures:• Nasal cavity, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs

• Functions:• Constantly supply the blood with O2, and remove


• Regulate blood pH

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Digestive System

• Structures:• Oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,

large intestine, rectum, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder

• Functions:• Ingestion and subsequent breakdown of food into

absorbable units that will enter the blood for distribution to the body’s cells

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Urinary System

• Structures:• Kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder,


• Functions:• Removal of nitrogenous wastes• Regulation of body’s levels of water, electrolytes,

and acidity

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Reproductive System

• Structures:• Male:

• Testes, scrotum, epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, penis

• Female:• Ovary, uterine tube, uterus, cervix, vagina, mammary


• Functions:• Making Babies

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