Language is One of the Most Important Things People Use to Communicate 3

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  • 8/7/2019 Language is One of the Most Important Things People Use to Communicate 3


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    The Effects of Language on the Social Mobility of


    Cherie Skidmore

    Indiana University east

    April 22, 2011

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    How does language affect the social mobility of Latino in

    America? Language influences all aspects of ones life whether

    they speak English, Spanish or both languages. Language can have

    an effect on education, health, employment and causes

    discrimination, which in turn affect ones social mobility in

    life. In addition, if they are bilingual it can cause different

    effects, negative or positive on ones life. Outcomes will be

    different if someone is bilingual compared to if someone only

    speaks Spanish. The social mobility of Latino is limited due to

    the constraints of language. They have a harder time improving

    their life because the language barrier can hold them back. It

    is hard to move up in life when so many things are limited by

    the language one speaks.

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    Language has a large effect on social mobility. When a

    person cannot communicate effectively with those around them, it

    is harder for them to excel and move up in the world. Language

    affects health, education, employment and causes discrimination.

    These things all affect social mobility. When language conflicts

    arise, things cannot be done. Many Latinos speak only Spanish,

    while others are bilingual. When a person cannot communicate in

    a way that can be understood by those around them they might not

    receive the help they need, or they may lose out on something

    due to misunderstandings. Ones health could turn for the worse

    if you cannot explain what is wrong or receive the care you

    need. One can lose out on a good education if there language

    keeps them from learning what they need to know, and keeps them

    from graduating from high school or going to college. In

    addition, any employment they might be able to get will be

    limited if an employer is not able communicate with the employee


    A large majority of Latinos live in poverty are unable to

    move out of it. Language is one of the things that hinder this.

    Language affects all of their life and is one of the harder

    things to change, as a person gets older.

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    One of the most important things that are affected by language

    is a persons health. Many Latinos come to the United States and

    only speak Spanish and it is not as easy for them to pick up

    another language. Because of this, they might not get the

    healthcare they need, as they cannot communicate their

    needs.Many of them are reluctant to seek care because the

    experiences can be negative for them because of the language

    barrier.In addition, Latino parents area lot more apt to say

    that their children are in poorer health than parents that are

    not Latino (Tiara, 2006).

    One way language affects their health is by limiting their

    access to health care. As many of them do not speak English,

    they have a hard time making appointments, explaining to a

    doctor or nurse what is wrong and understanding any questions

    about their problem, or information about after care and any

    information about the sickness they might have. They receive

    less preventive services and less access than people who speak

    English (Taira, 1999). This increases how often they are sick

    and their chances at having a serious illness.

    Not being able to communicate will healthcare workers also

    causes many of Latinos to avoid seeking healthcare until the

    last possible minute because they only speak Spanish. When they

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    wait so long to receive needed care, it makes things worse.

    They could have an infection that could have spread far, they

    could have missed out on having cancer detected in its early

    stages and an injury might not be able to be repaired as well or

    repaired at all because they waited. In addition, many Latinos

    see caregivers as less caring when there is a language barrier

    between them and that also makes them avoid seeking healthcare,

    when they might see it as a negative experience(Sandoval-

    Griffen, 2009). One example is of a young man who had a growth

    on his leg and went to an emergency room to seek care. Because

    of his lack of English, he left withhaving received no help at

    all. The healthcare givers were not fully able to understand

    what was wrong and told him they could not help him. It was days

    later he got lucky to come across a mobile clinic with a Spanish

    speaker who was able to help him and tell he had a fungus and

    give him medicinefor him (Sandoval-Griffen, 2009). He had to

    wait longer to receive care because he only spoke Spanish and

    that is a problem many of Latinos deal with. Having to go to

    multiple places to seek help delays medical care for the

    problems at hand and can end with serious complications and

    consequences. One Latinos had injured his back and after seeking

    care at multiple places, he was finally able to be seen at one

    hospital with a translator. Due to the time he had to travel and

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    time taken to get help, it caused more damage to his back and he

    now has serious back problems and is unable to work anymore.

    This person has now been left with in poverty because he cannot

    work, taking away his chances at social mobility.

    There is also a problem for them when it comes to receiving

    prescriptions, as many are of the instructions for them are not

    translated or not translated correctly. In one investigation

    done it was discovered that in the majority of states a

    pharmacy was not required to provide anything translated for

    them or any kind of verbal explanation of the medicine (Sangha,

    2011). Many computer programs used by pharmacies have an error

    rate of 50% (Sangha, 2011). Many phrases not translated are

    apply topically, for 7 days, for 30 days, apply to

    affected areas, with juice, take with food, and once a

    day (Sangha, 2011) .More efficient methods are needed for

    translating instructions for prescriptions by either changing

    the computer programs they have or having access to a

    translator. When one does not understand how to correctly take

    the medicine they have or have the instructions translated

    incorrectly that is very dangerous for them. It could make them

    sicker, cause damage to their body or even kill them. There is

    an increased chance of overdosing on the prescribed medicine or

    not getting enough to take care of the illness at hand.

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    There have been a few studies documenting the healthcare

    problems Latinos face. One study was done using Symbolic

    interactionism. Using this can help to increase understanding

    into the experiences of those used in the study. It used

    ethnographic methods to describe immigrant Mexican-origin

    adolescents' experiences accessing health care in the U.S. and

    identified their perceived barriers to and facilitators of

    accessing health care services(Garcia, & Duckett, 2009). They

    interviewed 14 Latino youth who had not been in the US very long

    and did not speak English. They asked them to describe in detail

    their experiences in trying to get healthcare. All the

    participants said language barrier was the reason for having

    problems in receiving healthcare (Garcia, & Duckett, 2009). They

    said it was harder to receive care when they did not speak

    English and they had more negative experiences because of that

    (Garcia & Duckett, 2009).One example given by one of the

    participants was when he had a fractured arm. He had to leave

    one clinic and look for help in another because they first had

    no one there to speak Spanish and he could not communicate with

    anyone so he could receive the needed care (Garcia & Duckett,


    Another study that was done gavequestionnaires to 645

    Latinos, 584 Caucasians, and 514 AfricanAmericans who were from

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    California. They questioned the participants about how they

    rated their health, how often they got sick, and how often they

    sought medical care when they were, how often they got checkups

    and routine care. Results from the study showed that the Latino

    participants rated their health more often as below average than

    the Caucasian and African Americanparticipants did( Garcia, &

    Duckett, 2009). They also were sick more often and only a small

    percentage, 35% sought medical care when they were ill, with

    most who did seek care, was only doing so when theyno longer

    able to handle how they felt. Latinos also how fewer checkups

    and less routine care than the Caucasian and African American

    participants( Garcia, & Duckett, 2009).

    All of the things that have been mentioned above as

    problems for Spanish speaking Latinos. When they speak English,

    things are very different for them. They can easily make

    appointments, there less confusion when they speak with

    healthcare givers and they are more willing to seek help quicker

    when sick, as the language barrier is gone. They have fewer

    worries when they can be understood and their experiences are

    more positive which encourage them to continue to seek help



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    Without an education a person will go nowhere, they will not be

    able to move out of poverty. Without aneducation, one cannot

    attend college and get agood job.Language limits what one learns

    in school when they cannot speak English. 45% of Latino students

    are English language learners (Cortina, 2006). From adolescence

    and up,having to learn a second language is harder and can take

    more time, which can slow students learning at school. Latinos

    students are performing more poorly on national tests than

    others with only According to the 2005 National Assessment of

    Educational Progress, only 13% of fourth-grade Hispanic students

    and 15% of eighth-grade students met proficiency reading

    standards (Cellitti, 2008).

    There are many ELL interventions that exist and many do not

    work because they did not give enoughhelp to these students.

    The teachers focus on academic skills and not enough on language

    skills (Cellitti, 2008). There are two main types that are used.

    One is a bilingual education class, where the class is taught in

    the students home language and also in English. This way has

    been shown to help students learn English and to keep up with

    other students academically. Many people are against bilingual

    education believing school should be English only. The other way

    is the immersion class where it is taught completely in English

    as many think this is the best way to learn English the

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    fastest(Musetti, Salas & Perez, 2009). In addition, many areas do

    not even have these programs nor any Spanish-speaking faculty in

    which to help students and communicate with them and their

    families.Non-English speaking students are absent more, have

    lower grades, have higher dropout rates, and attend college


    Teachers who have not taken classes on Bilingual education may

    not be able to relate to minority children and because of this,

    they may treat them differently. Children quickly notice this

    and then are often intimidated when in the classroom. "Many

    young people may know some English but do not speak it in

    classrooms for fear of being ridiculed by peers and criticized

    by teachers.(Musetti, Salas & Perez, 2009). So many people

    think that because a lot of Latinos do not speak English they do

    not want their children to learn English, but the truth is, this

    is a big misconception. The majority ofLatinosknow that English

    is importantfor their children to succeed and achieve in the US

    (Roach, 2006). In order for anyone to be able to fully achieve

    in the society of today they need to know English. Latino

    families are the most likely to be using another language at

    home than other groups. Due to not having enough info, and long

    days at work, parents may not know when, how, or where to get

    help for their childrens education. Children then go without

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    getting the full and good education most other students receive.

    Many times Latinos students are more often pushed into the

    easier classes and more often put in special education classes

    than Caucasian students (Roach, 2006).

    Many of these Latino childrenstruggle in school because they

    have a harder time doing the work as they lack the needed

    English skills. They become frustrated and angry when they

    cannot do their work and are not able to get extra help. They

    have a low graduation rate because of this. Many drop out of

    school because they give up. In one study of immigrant Latino,

    students who came to the US when they were in the 9th grade or

    earlier, showed the students had a hard time graduating. Out of

    490 students followed using administrative data from the New

    York City School system, only 22 percent graduated from High

    School after four years(Cortina, 2006). Another thing that adds

    to low graduation rates is when Latino students have to take ESL

    classes they have less opportunity to take academic content

    classes they need to graduate and the more time taking ESL

    classes the more they miss out on. Therefore, they end up

    lacking the required high school classes and knowledge for

    entrance into a college (Cortina, 2006).The majority end up not

    getting into college and being left with dead end jobs in their

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    future.They missout on a chance at good education and bettering

    their life.

    College is dream many immigrant Latino adolescents have but

    cannot achieve because they speak no or not enough English. Even

    though a majority of Hispanics value higher education, 87% to be

    exact, only 13 % actually have a college degree (Roach, 2006).

    Many times, they lack they good grades to get into these

    schools, if they even finishhigh school in the first place.

    Most colleges requireSAT scores and many of these students are

    unable to get the scores needed to be admitted to the

    colleges.SAT tests require someone to be fluent in English to be

    able to score high enough. This lack of education is why many

    Latinos are in poverty and why many cannot get out of it.


    Americans like to make the assumption that everyone thinks

    like we do and that people from other places should just

    naturally assimilate(Cultural and language barriers, 2002). The

    truth is that language gets in the way of having working

    communication and createsproblems in the workplace.

    A high number of Latinos have a lot of education and experience

    in their home country, but because they lack the English skills

    needed, thesethings may not be recognized and do them any good

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    (Cultural and language barriers, 2006). They could have been a

    doctor before moving to the US, but because they lack the

    language skills, they are stuck in a low paying job. Experience

    does not matter much when you cannot communicate well. Even with

    a good education from their home country, many Latinos are stuck

    in the same jobs as uneducated Latinos.

    When a person speaks only a little English, they can be

    intimidated or frustrated when they attempt to communicate with

    supervisors or coworkers who only speak English and vice versa.

    Some workers may pretend they know what is being talked about,

    but the truth is, they just may not know. In a variety of jobs,

    this can beextremely dangerous. A recent Journal article that

    was written about the increasing number of Latino workers

    working in constructionstated that workers who speak little or

    no Englishhave a higher risk of being in an accident on the job

    because of not fully understanding safety standards(Cultural and

    language barriers, 2002). Training on site is available through

    varies places to help lessenmany language barriers and improve

    safety conditions. Many contractors are using this

    training,while many others act as like lets do nothing until

    we are forced to, which may end up being very expensive for

    themwhen there are high costs of injuries or deaths while on the

    job(Cultural and language barriers, 2002).Other employers are

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    the same. They know there is help availablethat can increase

    communication and lesson the language gaps, but because they do

    not want to spend the money or the time, they do not take

    advantage of what offered. It is not until something bad

    happens, such as an injury or a death, that something is done.

    Either they seek help so they will be in less trouble or they

    are forced to do things that will improve language problems.

    Not speaking English not only lessens the chances of

    getting a job but also increases the chances being injured on

    the job. Regular safety training does not work well with Spanish

    speakers as most times the training is only in English and there

    is no alternative way for the workers to learn it. This results

    in less than successful safety training. In one construction

    site a petroleum tank link was to be locked and shut off so

    welding could be done, but due to a language barrier with some

    of the Latinos workers, it was not shutoff and an explosion

    happened. There had been a problem with the communication of the

    Spanish-speaking construction workers and the English-speaking

    operators at the site (Vasquez& Stalnaker, 2004).

    Not all language barriers may cause such bad consequences, but

    they can add to to a lack of productivity, mistakes being made

    or general lack of trust between the employer and

    workers(Vasquez & Stalnaker, 2004), all of which one would not

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    have to worry about if communication were more clear. Many

    employers will not hire Spanish speakers because they believe

    language barrier can slow down the work being done. Mistakes on

    the job can be made if someone does not completely understand

    directions or instructions, causing to lose their job many

    times. Moreover, many Latino employees do not have any trust for

    their employers because of the lack of communication. They

    cannot always be sure what is being said to them or about them,

    leaving questions to what was said. One example is of some

    employees who worked for a landscaping company. The majority of

    the workers spoke no English at all and the others understood

    only a few words. Even though they continued to work for this

    company, they were not sure if they could trust their employers.

    They felt that they made fun of them and even purposely left

    checks short. This was not the case. The problem with the checks

    was when they spoke about the missing hours, they were not able

    to communicate to the secretary what they wanted and as she did

    not understand them, she did not look into the missing hours and

    nothing was done. In addition, what they though was them be

    laughed at was just the employer joking around and assuming they


    Also, even when workers speak English pretty good, the slang

    that is used veryoften by Americans can create problems for

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    Latino workers.For example, a person not familiar with

    anexpression could easily misunderstand the saying off the top

    of my head. One example is from a Latina worker who said she

    was extremely confused when she heard a person say she had a

    toboggan on. She was attempting to visualize this other person

    with a sled open herhead(Cultural and language barriers, 2002).

    We do not realize how easy we have it being understood by those

    around us. Notknowing these words does not mean a person is

    notintelligent or able, but that theyjust have not learned these

    words that are used so much by others.


    Speaking Spanish in a country where the majority speak

    English can cause many problems and the worst is discrimination.

    Being discriminated against because of your language can cause a

    person to lose out on employment, education, healthcare, social

    services and cause problems with everyday things.

    Discrimination is when because of something that makes you

    different, like speaking a different language, someone treats

    you wrong, such as denying you a job or an apartment because of

    this difference.

    Many Latinos are discriminated against because they do not

    speak English. 46 percent of Latinos feel like the language

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    barrier was the biggest source of discrimination (Kilgore,

    2011). This happens because many people think they choose not to

    learn English. This is not true though as many do want to but

    find it difficult to learn another language. Many Latinos do not

    have the time to due to jobs and family care. When they do have

    time to take English classes, many times it does not help much.

    This is because for many of these people during those times is

    the only time they really use English at all. Many live with

    only Spanish speakers, work with only Spanish speakers and only

    know Spanish speakers. Therefore, actually learning and

    remembering what they are being taught is hard when they almost

    never use outside of class.

    Many people also think that when Latinos do not speak

    English they do not deserve to be treated the same as other

    people who do. Many people use this language barrier to their

    advantage to use or trick Latinos who do not speak English. Many

    Latinos have faced this problem when renting an apartment. They

    do not completely understand what the property owner says at

    times and end up signing a lease that is for more time than they

    want a higher rent than expected and making them responsible for

    repairs. Many are also turned down for apartments because when

    property owners see they are not English speakers they choose

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    not to rent to them and tell they the place is renteddo not call

    them back and even hang up on them.

    Many Latinos are also discriminated against when looking

    for employment. While in some jobs it is necessary to have

    fluent English language skills, others it is not. Many Latinos

    are turned down for a job just because someone does not want to

    give them a chance because they speak Spanish. In addition,

    others who do get hired can face discrimination by being told

    that because they do not speak English or enough English that

    they cannot be paid as much as those who do. They also lose out

    on pay raises and promotions because they are seen as lacking a

    needed skill because of the language barrier and are not given a

    chance to prove otherwise.

    Latinos that are in school even face discrimination from

    teachers and other faculty as they sometimes see them as not

    being as intelligent because they cannot understand everything

    and do not always do as good as those who speak English. They

    discriminate against them by treating them differently and

    keeping them back from doing what they are capable of doing.

    Many are treated meanly by staff at schools because they believe

    they need to speak English and are not trying and when ESL

    classes are provided they believe they are receiving special

    treatment that they do not deserve.

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    Healthcare is one other thing in which Latinos can face

    much discrimination. Many places offer translators but many

    still are unwilling to offer this help to those who do not speak

    English. Some healthcare givers also do not offer the same

    quality of care to Latinos who do not speak English because they

    feel, as they do not understandthem it does not matter what they

    due. They might rush through and barely say anything, giving a

    prescription and sending them away. While other have ordered

    unneeded procedures, causing these Latinopatient to pay out more

    money (Bard, Goettler, & Collins, 2009). When the patients do not

    understand what the doctor is saying they sometimes agree to

    something without realizing what or if it is necessary, costing

    lots of money. They are treated differently. In one study showed

    how Latinopatients received less pain medication than others for

    injuries (Bard, Goettler, & Collins, 2009) and receive less

    follow-up or referrals because of discrimination (Bard,

    Goettler, & Collins, 2009).

    One of the most recent ways Latinos are facing

    discrimination is from English-only laws being created in the

    US. There exist three big arguments that are always mentioned in

    favor of these English-only laws. First, it will increase

    economic mobility for immigrants; second, it will unify

    immigrants to mainstream America by embracing our core values;

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    and lastly, it will force those immigrants to assimilate who

    tend to be reluctant in learning the language (Rodriguez,

    2009). We live in this global economic society where English and

    Spanish are always second and fourth in the most spoken and as

    the most desirable languages, with 508 million people speaking

    English and 392 million speaking Spanish (Rodriguez, 2009).

    Eventhough people try to say differently, census data states

    that the majority of Latinos learns and speaks English, and only

    2.5 percent speak only Spanish (Rodriguez, 2009).The statistics

    prove that mostLatinos are not reluctant to learn the English or

    integrate themselves into American society. If English were made

    the national language it would not create this immediate social

    awareness of inequality in which it would create equality. If

    this were so then any of the 29 states that have declared

    English the governments official language(Rodriguez, 2009)

    would have already experienced this social equality already.

    So many educational systems throughout the world embrace

    bilingualism as an important value, and yet The US embraces

    shadowing other languages, which are not only of economic, but

    alsoof cultural importance in the US. It is a necessary

    thingthat the US does away with this incorrect notion that

    English only will solve systematic problems in our immigration

    policies or that it will work as a saving grace for inequality

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    (Molina-Villegas, 2004). The more we continue to hide the real

    issues the more we distance ourselves from actually solving the

    real social problems in our time that arerooted on

    misconceptions as well as systematic and historical

    inequality(Molina-Villegas, 2004).

    When Latinos are discriminated against it hinders their

    social mobility because people who feel because they do not

    speak English they do not deserve the same treatment as those

    who do. Denying them this equal treatment and the same rights

    takes from them many chances of moving up in life, especially as

    so many live in poverty and already face many challenges due to

    their race and languages then makes things even harder.

    Other effects

    Language has an effect on other things that can affect social

    mobility also. One example is when Latinos speak English they

    have an increased rate of exposure to violence.In one study done

    the researchers hypothesized that youth who are more fluent in

    English would report greater exposure to violence than

    students with lower English fluency (Kataoka, Langley & Stein,

    2009).These findingshave beenconsistent with multiple other

    studies that have been done before.

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    There is also an increase in alcohol use among Latinoswho

    speak English, than those who speak just Spanish. Latinos have

    higher rates of drinking alcohol than do white or blacks

    (Eptzein, Botvin & Diaz, 1999).

    In one study, it was looked at the connection between language

    spoken and alcohol use. In the study, they interviewed 1,295

    middle school students who were Latinos (Eptzein, Botvin & Diaz,

    1999). They were given questionnaires then and at one year

    later. They measured alcohol use and language. Results showed

    there was an increase in alcohol usage among the ones who spoke

    English and Spanish. Moreover, when checked a year later the

    bilingual speakers had an even higher usage of alcohol. In the

    first part 50% of bilingual speakers had drank alcohol and that

    increased to 67% in the one year follow-upEptzein, Botvin &

    Diaz, 1999. Bilingual speakers also had a higher percentage in

    having gotten drunk Eptzein, Botvin & Diaz, 1999.


    There are many things that need to be done to help Latinos who

    are unable to speak English and stuck where they are because of

    that. More opportunities are needed to help them learn English.

    The few English language programs that exist are not enough.

    These Latinos need to have more immersion in the English

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    language and need more opportunities for it. More thorough

    English classes needed to be offered and be offered more than

    just a couple of times a week.

    Schools also need to offer ESL classes that will not take

    away from the students class times, so they will not be behind

    in the classes needed to graduate. Teachers and school faculty

    also need to be better educated in understanding these bilingual

    students. Bias need to be erased from schools. They need

    education on diversity.

    Diversity is something all people need to be more educated

    about. Colleges need to make it a requirement, along with

    foreign language classes, for all degrees, so when these people

    go to work there might be more understanding that will exist and

    dealing with people who speak another language might be made a

    little easier and better for people.

    For many Latinos to have more chances at social mobility

    discrimination needs to be gone. Many people just lack an

    understanding or the intelligence to treat these people no

    different from others. Discrimination keeps many from good jobs,

    an education and even having a good home. If people were just

    more willing to listen and give others who are a different a

    chance things could be changed even more, but so many are just

    blind to their ignorance.

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    So many are stuck in poverty and are unable to get out

    because their language holds them back, but if the US could

    worker harder like many of these Latinos due learning the

    English language might be something more easily attained by the

    many Latinos in the US.

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    Bard, M. R., Goettler, C. E. & Collins, B. A. (2004).Language

    barrier leads to the unnecessary intubation of trauma

    patients. The American Surgeon, 70, 1-5.

    Cellitti, A. (2008). Beyond educational interventions.Latino

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