Langley Advance Welcome to the Neighbourhood Page 29

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  • 8/19/2019 Langley Advance Welcome to the Neighbourhood Page 29


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    urism Langley is on themove – quite literally.

    In 2014, Destination BC

    rly Tourism BC) advisedunities to start planningfuture.meant adopting a “more, innovative, commun-ed visitor servicing” according to Tourismy’s executive directorh Kulchiski.e same time, Tourismy identified a rapid declineors to the Langley Visitormost significantly since

    More than 75 per cent ofitors utilizing the centreocal residents.criteria to operate Visitor

    s was adjusted to enable

    unities to seek opportun-utside the confines of their

    and mortar’ facilities,”ski said.

    “Ivan,” Tourismy’s mobile visitor ser-unit. The Ask Langleymobile information unitto events and visitor hot-

    providing directions, infor-, and tips to visitors.

    our organization adaptschanging travel and tour-ndscape, Tourism Langley

    realized a need to reach visitorsbeyond the traditional meansof the counter at a visitors cen-tre,” notes Teri James, chair ofTourism Langley’s board.

    Tourism Langley and visitorexperiences specialist SarahTough currently play a role onthe provincial social media pilotproject, guiding communitiesthat are embracing visitor servi-cing models.

    The Langley Advance recentlycaught up with Kulchiskiand her team to chat about

    Tourism Langley’s recent chan-ges:

    What is Tourism Langley’sprimary goal?

    Tourism Langley representsthe local tourism industry andcomplements other existingorganizations such as the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerceand local Business Improvement Associations, aswell as regionaland provincial des-tination marketingagencies.

     Its mandate isto market Langleyas a tourism des-tination. This isdelivered throughmarketing strat-egies aimed at gen-erating increasedvisitation, extendedstays, addition-al revenue opportunities, andincreased daily expenditures forbusinesses in both the City andTownship of Langley.

    Where is Tourism Langley’soffice located? In March of 2015, Tourism

     Langley unveiled a new busi-ness model whichincluded a shiftfrom the trad-itional means ofvisitor servicing to

    emphasizing anonline focus. Thechange markedthe relocation ofthe corporate officeand visitor centreat the Langley Events Centre toa new locationat Thunderbird

    Village in Walnut Grove.How have Tourism Langley’s

    format and day-to-day oper-ations changed?

    The transition to online meansthat Tourism Langley can fullyfocus efforts and resources onenriching the experiences of pro-spective and current visitors, aswell as investing more resourcesinto stakeholder developmentand support.

    Staff now pro-actively seek

    out potential guests in thetrip-planning phase to help edu-cate and assist in booking anditinerary planning. Questionsare answered in real-time via“social listening” on sites includ-ing Twitter, TripAdvisor and Instagram.

    The bureau also remains activeoffline and has increased their presence at community events.

    How does Tourism Langleylearn about events that areposted on its website?

     Local festival and event plan-ners as well as local businessesregularly submit events.

    Community events are alsosourced through a variety ofsocial media platforms thatinclude Facebook, Instagram,and Twitter.

    Can you elaborate on themobile information unit? Recognizing Langley was one

    of the communities not meeting

    the criteria a minimum of threevisitor parties per hour during peak season months, and thatthe current provincial fundinglevels were in jeopardy, Tourism Langley struck a Visitor Services Advisory Committee in the springof 2013. The purpose of the com-mittee was to:

    • review the provisions of the Langley Visitor Centre;

    • consider options to rational-ize and improve, and to increaseawareness of, the Langley VisitorCentre;

    • to review options and poten-tial to adapt visitor services toinclude/or replace with kiosks

    within the Langley communitiesand to establish a framework foran expanded network; and

    • to involve and consult withexternal stakeholders, external partners and other communityVisitor Centre operators withinthe province.

    For more, including how topost an event or request theLangley mobile visitor servicesunit at an event, contact SarahTough at [email protected] or 604-371-1477.

    van’ delivers tourism info to communityey Advance  Welcome to the Neighbourhood, 2016  A29TOURISM

    Tourism Langley photo

    The Tourism Langley team gathered inside and around ‘Ivan,’ the mobilevisitor services unit. Left to right are Mun Bagri, sport tourism anddestination development; Sarah Tough, visitor experiences specialist;Christina Marchand, destination sales and marketing manager; andexecutive director Deborah Kulchiski.

    “Tourism Langleyrealized a needto reach visitorsbeyond thetraditional meansof the counter ata visitors centre.”Teri James