Langley Advance Welcome to the Neighbourhood page 16

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  • 8/19/2019 Langley Advance Welcome to the Neighbourhood page 16


    Langley AdvanceWelcome to the Neighbourhood, 2016 EDUCATION

    gley is home to aof [email protected]

    There’s something brew-ing at the Kwantlen

    Polytechnic Universitycampus in Langley.ey’s KPU Brewing andy Operations program is

    brewing diploma pro-its kind in B.C. – and

    only three in Canada.pring 26 students could

    y graduate from the pro-nd therefore be fullyd to be employed by one

    more than 100 craft brew-B.C.rogram is part of a

    ewery movement that’sng across B.C. and muchh America. Last year, 22eweries opened in B.C.

    bine that with the 24s in 2014, and 46 craftes that opened for busi-the province over thes two years.Craft Brewers Guild exec-rector Ken Beattie notedther 15 are slated tothe province this year,there are craft brew-

    cated in roughly 50 com-s across’s more to Langley’san beer.5 acre campus located1 Langley Bypass offers,other things:ng-edge science labs, a

    ab, Venlo-style green-

    houses, polyhouses, a 0.1 hec-tare container nursery, and anin-ground nursery;

    • a horticulture field lab featur -ing 0.3 hectares of gardens andbeds representing a full rangeof maintenance levels found inresidential and commercial land-scapes;

    • a one hectare turf train -ing facility, including USGA-specification greens and onemodified soil green that are usedfor turf management courses;

    • nursing labs that use sophis -ticated sim technology – alife-sized computer-controlleddummy that simulates the symp-

    toms of various illnesses throughchanges in breath, pulse and eyemovements;

    • a 250-seat auditorium usedfor rehearsals and concert per-formances; and

    • music classrooms, teachingstudios and individual practicerooms are specially-designed formusic instruction from solo per-formance to orchestral.

    KPU offers bachelor’s degrees,associate degrees, diplomas,certificates, and citations inmore than 120 programs at itsfour campuses in the LowerMainland, including Langley.

    Roughly 20,000 students annu-ally attend courses at KPU cam-puses in Langley, Cloverdale,Surrey, and Richmond,

    For more about Langley’s KPUcampus, visit or call (604) 599-2100.

    TWU nation’s largestHead north along Langley’s

    Glover Road and you’ll findTrinity Western University.

    Founded in 1962, TWU isCanada’s largest Christian uni-versity, with a total annualenrolment of 4,000 students atTWU’s sprawling 157-acre cam-pus at 7600 Glover Road.

    TWU offers to its students:School of Arts, Media &

    Culture; School of Business;School of Education; Schoolof Human Kinetics; School ofNursing; Faculty of GraduateStudies; Graduate School ofTheological Studies (ACTSSeminaries).

    At Trinity Western, studentshave more than 60 academ-ic programs to pursue theirundergraduate degrees, as

    well as graduate programs ineight areas, including Business,Humanities, and Linguistics.

    TWU’s athletic program hasa high standard of excellenceas articulated in its CompleteChampion Approach (CCA).

    The TWU Spartans track andfield, basketball, volleyball, andsoccer teams compete in theCIS, and the Spartans men’s

    hockey team plays in the B.C.Intercollegiate Hockey League.The Spartans indoor teams

    play their home games at theLangley Events Centre.

    To reach TWU, call 604-888-7511. Visit the university’s web-site at

    Continue educationLooking to upgrade your skills

    after high school? Look no fur-ther than Langley ContinuingEducation.

    Continuing Education offersthe largest selection of computercourses in the province.

    This also marks its eighth

    year as a Microsoft partnerand Microsoft IT Academy andMicrosoft Certification TestingCentre, which allows students tonot only enrol in and completeContinuing Education courses,but to receive Microsoft MOScertification, according to direc-tor Jim Verkerk.

    The Continuing EducationRegistration Office is locatedinside the Langley TownshipCivic Facility, Suite 305, 2033865th Ave., across the street fromWalmart and London Drugs.

    Office hours are 9 a.m. until7:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday,and 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. on


    gher learning: Kwantlen Polytechnic, Trinity Western

    Trinity Western University photos

    Trinity Western University is Canada’s largest Christian university and offersa diverse range of courses to students.

    blic and private educationions make for plenty of

    oices in learning.DA [email protected]

    Choice is an important elementwhen it comes to education.Not only do children and youthwant choice in what they do,

    arents want choice in the types ofols they send their children to. Inround Langley, there are a numbertions to explore.ngley School District 35 is still goinggh a significant amount of growtho the influx of young and growingies in the region. There are current-proximately 22,000 students in thect.air of Langley’s board of educationMcFarlane, noted the district iscting growth into the future.efinitely long-term growth iscted,” McFarlane said.e Willougby neighbourhood is pri-y driving the increase.enerally speaking, Willoughbywing and the rest of the schoolct is more or less stable at theent,” McFarlane the needs of all kinds ofnts, in addition to neighbour-schools the district has a number

    novative programs called Choiceams. This range of education

    options encourages students to learn inthe way they like while keeping theminvolved in the public system.

    “We view [the Choices Program] asvery important because it’s importantto give parents and students choice tochoose the option that fits them best,”McFarlane said.

    U-Connect is a kindergarten to grade10 program that blends at home learn-ing with on-site education through theU-Connect Education Centre. Together,

    students, teachers, and parents create anindividual learning plan to guide the stu-dent’s education year.

    French Immersion programs areoffered throughout the communityat both public and private schools.Find French Immersion at BelmontElementary, James Kennedy Elementary,Alex Hope Elementary, Noel BoothElementary, Betty Gilbert MiddleSchool, Aldergrove CommunitySecondary, Brookswood secondary,and Walnut Grove Secondary, aswell as at provincially run Ecole desVoyageurs and a variety of Montessorischools (Langley Montessori, GlobalMontessori, Wise Owl Montessori, andSunflower Montessorri Preschool andKindergarten), as well as private kinder-gartens such as Core Education and FineArts Junior Kindergarten (CEFA), andtutoring firms.

    There are three fundamental schoolsin the district’s system: LangleyFundamental Elementary, CoghlanElementary, and Langley FundamentalMiddle/Secondary.

    Those interested in the world of finearts will find specialty courses throughLangley Fine Arts School (Grades 1through 12), H.D. Stafford Middle Schooland Blacklock Fine Arts ElementarySchool.

    A Fine Arts Intensive Program is also

    offered at Langley Secondary School.Students focused on athletic achieve-

    ments may be interested in the LangleySecondary and Aldergrove CommunitySecondary Hockey Canada SkillsAcademy, while Langley Secondary alsoprovides a baseball and softball pro-gram, Langley Gymnastics Academy,and Fraser Valley Soccer Academy.

    There are other offerings within theChoices Program as well, to give as widea range of options as possible.

    “Making sure that there is as good anopportunity as possible for students toend up in the program that’s best forthem,” added McFarlane.

    Outside of the Choices Program andthe standard school system, individualslooking to complete their high schooleducation can turn to the LangleyEducation Centre for the opportunity tocomplete courses toward a BC SecondarySchool Graduation (a Dogwood diplo-ma) or a BC Adult Graduation (adultDogwood). Plus, the school district’sCommunity Education Services coordin-ates a broad range of courses of interestto adults, who want to improve skills orengage in recreational activities.

    There are also private schoolsaround Langley. Most are faith-based(Aldergrove Christian Academy, CredoChristian Elementary, Fraser ValleyAdventist Academy, King’s School,Langley Christian, and St. Catherine’s).

    No matter what makes the most sensefor children, youth, and their guardians,great education choices are possible inLangley.

    ducation in the Langleys is about having choices

    Matthew Claxton/Langley Advance

    Students such as Matthew Armstrong atSimonds Elementary U-Connect work onhigh tech subjects such as virtual reality androbotics.