Landing a job in Academia Landing a job in Academia Robin K. Cameron Department of Biology Hamilton,Ontario, Canada

Landing a job in Academia Robin K. Cameron Department of Biology Hamilton,Ontario, Canada

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Landing a job in AcademiaLanding a job in Academia

Robin K. CameronDepartment of Biology

Hamilton,Ontario, Canada

Why I think I’m qualified to give advice on getting an Academic job

2 academic & 1 industry interviews - 1st job

7 academic interviews - 2nd job

Know what to expect, be preparedKnow what to expect, be prepared

Know what to expect, be preparedKnow what to expect, be prepared

Know what to expect, be preparedKnow what to expect, be prepared

Landing an academic jobLanding an academic job

1. Applying for the job

2. Preparing for the Interview

3. The Interview

4. After the interview

Applying for the jobApplying for the jobWhat to send?

What they ask for.

-Cover Letter ( your fit, what would you add)

-CV-Research Interests

-Teaching Interests or Philosophy-letters of reference

-most significant publications

Applying for the jobApplying for the job

CV-standard academic style

- don’t list your skills (weave them into your

research interests/statement)

You are applying for an Academic positionnot graduate school or a post-doc

Applying for the jobApplying for the job

Research Statement, Plan, Interests-a mini grant proposal (2- 5 pages)

-include people who will do the work(students, post-docs, yourself)

Show them that you have a plan to answer interesting and important scientific or engineering


Applying for the jobApplying for the job

Teaching Interests or Philosophy (1-5 pages)

-teaching style-how do you inspire students?

-what ideas or concepts do you want to convey?- what topics have you taught

- what would you like to teach?-get advice from lecturers you admire

Preparing for the InterviewPreparing for the Interview

Go to the Departmental web site and get toknow the Faculty

-especially those you will be meeting with during your interview

Potential collaborators?Expertise that might be useful to you?

Expertise that you have & who might benefit?

Preparing for the Interview:Preparing for the Interview: the Job Talk the Job Talk(45 to 50 minutes, don’t go over)

-Find out about the audience (experts & non-experts?)

-Introduction that everyone can follow (10’)

-get across why your research isinteresting and significant in your field (25’).

-Discuss your future plans (10’)

-know who the experts in your field are and imaginewhat types of questions they will ask

-practice with your supervisor and/or lab mates

Preparing for the InterviewPreparing for the Interview

Preparing the Teaching Lecture

-get advice from experienced lecturers-the faculty will pretend to be students &

will ask questions-if possible, don’t pick a topicthat you are not familiar with.

-know which faculty are the experts & if youdon’t know, admit it!

The InterviewThe Interview1.5 to 2 days in length

You will meet with the:Chair, Dean/Assoc. Dean, members of the

search committee,other interested Faculty, Graduate Students

Job Talk, Teaching Lecture

Lunch and Dinner and Breakfast

The Interview - Practical TipsThe Interview - Practical Tips

If you have trouble eating when you are nervous, snack before you go to the interview.

Don’t be too shy to ask for a bathroom break.

How to dressHow to dressBiologists - almost anything goes, although wearing

jeans may be too casual.

Engineers - wear a good suit

Chemists, Physicists?

The InterviewThe Interview

Your GoalYour Goal -impress them with your Science &


-convince them that you fit the job & dept.

-check out the equipment & facilities

-convince them that you are ready to make the jump from Grad Student or Post-

doc to Supervisor

The InterviewThe Interview

Their GoalTheir Goal

-to find out if you & your research fit the department (do they want to work with you on

committees for the next 20-30 years).

-to impress you with their Science, Personalities and Facilities.

-to find out if you are ready to become a supervisor?

The Interview - Meetings with…The Interview - Meetings with…

ChairChair Describe the department, take you

on a tour of the facilities, talk about teaching, inform you about the tenure process, answer any question you might have.

Dean/Associate DeanDean/Associate Dean Tell you about the University

The Search CommitteeThe Search Committee (4-8 people)

Faculty in your field or related fields, A Graduate Student, a Faculty member

from another department

The InterviewThe Interview Meeitng with theMeeitng with the Search CommitteeSearch Committee

-the most difficult part of the interview, often done over lunch (try to eat right away)

-standard questions that each candidateis asked

-plus ones specific to each candidateor department

The InterviewThe Interview - Search Committee Search Committee MeetingMeeting

Sample QuestionsSample Questions

Name two scientists whose work has inspired you?

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the $

Defend your Publication record (too little or low impact)

What sorts of projects would you give to students

(undergrad & grad) or post-docs?

The Interview, Search Committee The Interview, Search Committee MeetingMeeting

Sample Questions continued

What sort of a supervisor will you be?

Do you want a big or small research group?

Funding Sources? Can you compete for funding?

What specialized equipment will you need?

Sample Questions continuedSample Questions continued

Can you see yourself collaborating with anyonein the Department or the University?

What would you like to teach?

Tell us about your teaching experience.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Sample Questions continuedSample Questions continued

What sets you apart from others in your field?

Will you be competing directly with others in yourfield and if so, will you succeed?

Why should we hire you?

How will you contribute to the Dept?

What novel contributions have you made to your field?

The Interview The Interview - Individual Meetings with FacultyIndividual Meetings with Faculty

-know what each works on-they will tell you about their work

Show interest, Ask QuestionsShow interest, Ask Questions

-specific questions about your work or your talk-discuss potential collaborations

-they may tell you about why they like theUniversity, the neighbourhood, the city, the country

- you can ask questions about the city etc.

The InterviewThe Interview - Meeting with Graduate StudentsMeeting with Graduate Students(often over lunch the second day)

They may ask you what sort of supervisor you would like to be?

They will try to get an idea of whether youwould be a good supervisor & teacher

You can ask about the Grad program &how they feel about it.

You can often get an idea about problems bychatting with the Graduate students

Who Decides who gets an offer?Who Decides who gets an offer?

Non-committee members submit comments & can influence the committee

The committee decides in some departments


The committee makes recommendations and the whole department votes

After the InterviewAfter the Interview

-some people e-mail to thank the chair foran interesting and enjoyable visit.

-some e-mail to say thank you and ask whenan offer will be made

After the InterviewAfter the InterviewIf you were prepared & the interview went well, but you don’t’ get an offer, don’t take it to heart.

You may not have been the right fit in terms of research or teaching.

They may have interviewed you even though your research didn’t quite fit because

- you are a woman- or a visible minority

They may have realized that they didn’t have enough Start-up $ to support your research

Start preparing right now for yourStart preparing right now for yourAcademic interview and careerAcademic interview and career

-go to job talks in your department-think about why you think some are better than others

-critique seminars you attend in the same way

Work on improving your own seminar presentation skills now

-think about why you enjoy some lecturers more than others

-think about what you’ve learned as a teaching assistant

(your teaching style, how you convey important concepts)

Start working on your teaching philosophy nowSee if you can a guest lecture for your


Know what to expect, be preparedKnow what to expect, be prepared