LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL ART - llrc.mcast.edu.mtllrc.mcast.edu.mt/digitalversion/Table_Of_Contents_126844.pdfRobert MORRlS Steam (second verslon) 1976 pago 102 ANT FARM (Ch~p LORD Hudson

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WORKS page44



INVOLVEMEN1 page 114

IMPLEME ION page 136

IMAGINING page 174 ;g ,,k2Q&% "*%.%,*

DOCUMENTS page 190

INCEPTION page 193





IMAGINING page 272

ILLUMINATION page 279 %$%j





INDEX page 301

WORKS page44

INTEGRATION page 45 lsamu NOGUCHI Sculpture to Be Seen from Mars (unreabzed) 1947 page46

Walter M MARIA Las Vegas P~ece 1969 page46

Walter DE MARIA Desert Cross (destroyed) 1969 page 47

~ ~ n n l s OPPENHEIM Negatlve Board 1968 page 48

D~~~~~ OppENHElM Accumulation Cut 1969 page 49

Dennfs OPPENHEIM Tlme Llne 1968 page 50

Dennis OPPENMEIM Cancelled Cmp 1969 page50

j a n ATrace In the Woods In the Form of an Angle of 30" Crosslng a Path 1969 page 51

M l c h a e l m R ~ f l (deterloratedl 1968 page 52

M l c h a e l m Isolated Mass Clrcumflex 1968 page53

Michael- DoubleNegat~ve 1969-70 page51 55

RobertSMlTHSON Splral Jetty 1970 pag(r56-57 59

Robert SMITHSON Splral HIII 1971 pageMf

Robert SMITHSON Sunken Island 1971 page bl

Robert SMITHSON Amarillo Ramp 1973 paged2

Rlchard FLEISCHNER Sod Maze 1976 page63

H e r b e r t m Mill Creek Canyon Earthworks 1979-82 page 66

JamesTURRELL Roden Crater 1977-present page&$ d&Q7

Andy GOLDSWORTHY Ice P~ece 1987 page@. h9

Andy GOLDSWORTHY Tom Hole 1986 page 60

DorlsBLOOM and WI I I I~~KENTR~OGE Gate 1995 p a g e m

Dor~s@&tJM and W ~ l l ~ a m KENTRIDGE Heart 1995 page79

INTERRUPTION page 72 CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE Runn~ng Fence 1972-76 p q o 72 72

H a n s w Skyllne 1967 pago 74.

Carl ANDRE Secant 1977 page 7&

C a r l w Log P~ece (destroyed) 1968 74

Denn~s OPPENHEIM Gallery Transplant 1969 page 78

Denn~s OPPENHEIM Salt Flat 1968 p g e 74

Denn~s OPPENHEIM Whirlpool Eye of thestorm 1973 page77

DennlsOPPENHElM StarSktd 1977 page78

Denn~s OPPENHEIM Relocated B u r ~ a l Ground 1978 page 78

R l c h a r d U Stone Clrcle 1976 page 79

CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE Wrapped Coast 1969 page 80-81

CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE Valley Curtaln 1970-72 page82

CHRIST0 and JEANNE-CLAUDE Surrounded Islands 1980-83 paqe 83

C!$EJQand JEANNE-CLAUDE The Umbrellas Japan-USA 1986-91 p ige61G.S

N a n c y m The Last Map Used to Locate Burled Poem Number4for M~chael He~zer 1969-71 page%

N a n c y u Burled Poem Number4 for M~chael Helzer 1971 pagtad

Nancy HOLT Hydras Head 1974 pdgr 37

Nancy HOLT Sun Tunnels 1973-76 pagom.89

Nancy HOLT Star-Crossed 1979-81 w e 4 0

N a n c y W Stone Enclosure Rock R~ngs 1977-78 page 9O

MlchaelHElZER D~ss~pate (deter~orated) 1968 pagr P i

Mlchael- Complex C~ty 1972-76 p a p 91 Yl

Robert SMITHSON lnc~dents of M~rror-Travel In theYucatan 1969 ps~a84

Robert SMITHSON Gravel Corner Plece 1968 page 95

Robert SMITHSON Chalkand Mlrror D~splacement. 1969 page95

Robert SMITHSON Closed Mlrror Square 1969 pPge 95

Robert SMITHSON The Map of Broken Glass (Atlant~s). 1969 page96

Robert SMITHSON Glue Pour (destroyed). 1970 py)0EJ

Robert SMITHSON Asphalt Rundown 1969 page 98

Robert SMITHSON Part~ally Burled Woodshed. 1970 page 99

Robert- Observatory (first verslon destroyed) 1971 page 1..

Robert- Grand Rap~ds Project 1976 page 101

Robert MORRlS Steam (second verslon) 1976 pago 102

ANT FARM (Ch~p LORD Hudson MARQUEZ Doug MICHELS) Cadlllac Ranch 1974 page 103

Al~ce A Slmple Network of Underground Tunnels 1975 page 104

M a r y w Per~meterslPav~l~onsIDecoys 1977-78 pdge 105

M a r y m Sunken Pool 1974 paget56

Walter DE MARIA Vertlcal Earth K~lometer. 1977 page 107

Walter DE MARIA The L~ghtnlng F~eld. 1977

Walter DE MARIA The New York Earth Room. 197

Betty BEAUMONT Cable Plece. 1977 p g e 110

Meg WEBSTER Glen. 1988 page 1 I 1

Meg WEBSTER Double Bed for Dreamlng 1988 paqe Ill

R~chard- Spln Out (for Robert Smtthson) 1973 page1 ld

Tosh~katsu ENDO Ep~laph -Cyllndrlcal 11. 1990 page 113


INVOLVEMENT page 1 14 Walter DE MARIA Mlle Long Drawlng (destroyed). 1968 page 116

KazuoSHlRAGA Challenging Mud. 1955 page 115

Kazuo SHlRAGA Please Come In 1955 page 116

Denn~s OPPENHEIM ParallelStress. 1970 page 137

Peter HUTCHINSON Underwater Dam 1969 page 118

Peter HUTCHINSON FlowerTr~angle Undersea 1969 page I*

Peter HUTCHINSON Threaded Calabash 1969 page 116

Peter HUTCHINSON Par~cutln Volcano Project 1970 page 119

Charles SIMONDS Landscape - Body - Dwell~ng. 1971 page 125

Charles SIMONDS Dwelling. 1974 page I10

Ana MENDIETA Unt~tled (from the 'Sllueta series) 1979 psgo 121

Ana MENDIETA Blrth 1982 page122

Ana MENDIETA Unt~tled (from the TheTree of Llfe'serles) 1978 page 122

Ana MENDIETA Unt~l led (from the Volcano ser~es) 1979 page I23

Ana MENDIETA Untltled 1983 page 123

Ana MENDIETA lncantatlon to Olokun-Yemaya. 1977 page 123

R i c h a r d u A Llne Made by Walklng. 1967 page 124

R i c h a r d u A Line in the Himalayas. 1975 page 125

R i c h a r d m AWalk by Al l Roads and LanesTouching or Crossing an Imaginary Circle. 1977

R i c h a r d w Waterlines. 1989 page 126

R i c h a r d w Circle in Africa. Mulanje Mountain. Malawi. 1978 p a g a l a

RlchardLONG A Llne In Scotland Cul Mor 1981 wge127

Ham~sh FULTON Gazlng at the Hor~zon Llne Sky Horlzon Ground Australla 1982 page128

Ham~sh FULTON The Crosslng Place of Two Walks at Rlngdom Gompa 1986 pagr 128

Ham~sh FULTON Rock Fall Echo Dust (ATwelve and a Half Day Walkon Baffln Island Arct~cCanada Summer 1988)

1988 paqe 129

Ham~sh FULTON Rock Path Sw~tzerland. I986 pw IS0

HarnlshFULTON N~ghtChang~ngShapes I991 page130

Hamish FULTON No Talking for Seven Oays (Walking for Seven Oays In A Wood January Full Moon Cairngorms

Scotland 1993). 1993 page 131

CAI Guo Qiang The Century with Mushroom Clouds. 1996 page 132 -

Christian ~hilippMijLLER IllegalBorder Crossing between Austriaand the Principalityof Liechtenstein.

1993 page 133

Cildo MEIRELES Geographical Mutations: Rio-580 Paulo Border. 1969 page 134

Cildo MEIRELES Condensations 2 -Geographical Mutations: Rio-Sio Paulo Border, 1970 page 135

IMPLEMENTATION page 136 P e t e r w Ocean Earth: Eumpa. 1991 page 136.137

Hans- Grass Grows. 1969 page 138

Hans- Fog. Flooding. Erosion. 1969 page 139

Hans- Ten Turtles Set Free. 1970 page 140

H a n s w Rhine-Water Purification Plant. 1972 page 141

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRlSON Portable Farm: The Flat Pastures. 1971-72 page 142

Heten Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRlSON Portable Orchard. Survival Piece No. 5.1972 page 142

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON If ThisThen That Crhe First Four): San Oiego as the Center of the

World. 1974 page 143

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRlSON That Idiot Theseus Did In the M~notaur (Sketch for the Seventh

Lagoon. Buffalo Wallow). 1982 page 144

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON The Lagoon Cycle. 1972-82 page 144

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRlSON The Lagoon Cycle: Fifth Lagoon. 1972-82 page 145

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRlSON The Lagoon Cycle. Fourth Lagoon. 1972-82 page 145

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON Breathing Space for the Sava River. Yugoslavia. 1988-90 page 1.U

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRlSON Vision for the Green Heart of Holland. 1995 page 147

Robert MORRlS Untitled (reclamation of Johnson Gravel Pit). 1979 page 148

Harriet FEIGENBAUM Erosion and Sedimentation Plan for Red Ash and Coal Silt Area - Willow Rings.

1985 page 149

Alan SONFlST Time LandscapeTM. 1965-78 page 150

Alan SONFlST Circles of Time. 198649 page 191

Alan- Poolof Virgin Earth. 1975 page 152

Mierie Laderman VKELES Hartford Wash: Washing. Tracks. Maintenance: Outside. 1973 page 153

Mierle L a d e r m a n w Flow City. 1983-90 page 151.155

Bonnie= The Farm. 1974 page 156

Bonnie SHERK The Raw Egg AnimalTheatre (TREAT). 1976 page 156

Betty BEAUMONT Ocean Landmark Project. 197W0 page 157

Patricia JOHANSON Fair Park Lagoon. 1981-86 page 158

Patricia JOHANSON Endangered Garden. Sunnydale Facilities. Site Plan. I988 page 159

Agnes DENES Wheatfield-A Confrontation. I982 page 160

Agnes- North Waterfront Park Masterplan. I988 page 161

Agnes DENES Tree Mountain - A Living Time Capsule - 10.000 Trees. 10.000 People. 400 Years. 1982 page 161

herman The meadow. 1986-present page 16243

Joseph 7.000 Oaks. 1982 page 164.165

Joseph 7.000 Oaks. 1996 page 165

Viet NEQ Devil's Lake WastewaterTreatment Plant. 1990 page 166

BusterSIMPSON The Hudson Headwaters Purge-'Anti-acidTreatment'. 1991 page 167

Mel CHIN Revival Field. Pig's Eye Landfill. 1990-93 page 1MI

PLATFORM Effra Redevelopment Agency. 1992 page 169

PLATFORM Delta. 1993 page 169

Peter- Ocean Earth: Oil Free Corridor. 1993 page 170

Peter- OfkhoreSoilRig. 1993 page 170. 171

P e t e r w Ocean Earth: Site Simulator forTivat Bay. 1991 page 172

Peter- Ocean Earth: Processed Imagery from AVHRR of the North Sea. 1988 page 172

AvitalGEVA Greenhouse. 1977-96 page 173

IMAGINING page 174 Ian Hamllton FINLAY Vlew of the lochan at L~ttle Sparta Lanarkshlre page 174

Ian Hamllton E&j!& Signature of the Artlst Hodler 1987 page I75

OouglasHUEBLER 42 Degree Parallel P~ece 1968 page 176 177

ART & LANGUAGE (Terry ATKINSON MlchaelBALDWIN) Map 1967 page 176

John BALOESSARI The Callfornla Map Project Part 1 CALIFORNIA 1969 page 178 179

Gordon MAlTA-CLARK Realty Posttlons Fake Estates 1973 page 180

Jan DlBBETS Perspect~ve Corrections (Square wlth Two Olagonals) 1968 page 181

Jan DlBBETS I2 Hours Tide Objects wlth Correction of Perspective 1969 page 181

Ian HamlltonFINLAY WoodwtndSong 1968 page 182

Ian HamlltonE&j!& See Poussln Hear Lorraln 1975 page 183

Ian HamlltonE&j!& Flock 1991 page 183

Ian Hamllton H&N The Present Order 1983 page 183

Allghlero BEILl TheThousand Longest R~vers In The World 1979 page lslr

Wllllam FURLONG Tlme Garden HA HA 1993 page 185

Lothar BAUMGARTEN Theatrum Botanlcum 1993-94 page 186

Chrlstlan Phlllpp MULLER A Balancing Act 1997 page 187

M a r k w A Meter of Jungle 1992 page 188

M a r k W The Tastlng Garden (proposal) 1996 pabe 189


INCEPTION page 193 Edmund- A Phllosophlcal Enqulrylnto the Or~gln of our Ideas on the Sublime and Beautiful 1757 page193

Uvedale An Essay on the P~cturesque 1796 page 193 %

John Br~nckerhoff JACKSON The Word Itself 1984 page 194

John BARRELL The Idea of Landscape In the Eighteenth Century 1972 page 1%

Kenneth FRIEDMAN Words on the Environment 1983 page 195

Dave Earthscapes landworks and Oz 1971 page 196

W~lloughby SHARP Notes Toward an Understanding of Earth Art 1970 page 199

Mlchel FOUCAULT Space Knowledge and Power 1984 page 202

Claes OLDENBURG l Am for an Art 1961 page202

Harold ROSENBERG Oe-aesthet~c~zat~on 1972 page 202

MlchaelHEIZER OennlsOPPENHElM RobertSMITHSON lntervlewwlth Avalanche 1970 page202

INTEGRATION page 206 lsamu NOGUCHI Artist'sssttement. 1926 page 206

lsamu NOGUCHI Artist'sstatement. 1946 page 206

Jack KEROUAC On the Road. I959

RosalindKRAUSS Passages in Modern Sculpture. 1977 page207

Thomas M c N l L L N The Rightness of Wrongness: Modernism and Its Alter Ego .... 1992 page 207

Jan DlBBETS Artist's statement. 1972 page 208

Diane EU&GJj Holes without History. 1971 page 210

w r t SMITHSON A Sedlmentatlon of the Mlnd Earth Projects. 1968 page 21 1

I'&~~~SMITHSON The Splral Jetty. 1972 page 215 ' COPLANS The Amar~llo Ramp. 1974 page218

W e s NRRELL Air Mass. 1993 page 219

*esTURRELL Mapplng Spaces. I987 page220

&$yGOLDSWORTHY Stone. 1994 page220

- w a n d W~ l l~am KENTRlDGE Heart and Gate 1995 page220

a & e y m Earthworks and the New Picturesque. 1968 page221

INTERRUPTION page 223 Michael- Art and Objecthood. 1967 page 223

Carl ANDRE Artist's statement. 1970 page 224

Dennis OPPENHEIM Another Polnt of Entry lntervlew wlth Alanna H e m 1992 page 224

-and JEANNE-CLAUDE Project Notes. 1969-91 page226

N a n c y u SunTunnels. 1977. revlsed 1995 page227

Michael- lntervlew wlth Jul~a Brown. 1984 peg@ 228

Robert SMITHSON The Monuments of Passalc Has Passalc replaced Rome as the eternal c~ty? 1967 page 229

Robert- Noteson Sculpture P a r t i Beyond Ob~ects. 1969 page230

C h i p m Automerlca. 1976 page 231

g Asce nvcocK Project for a Slmple Network of Underground Wells and Tunnels. 1975 page 231 5 " Kate LlNKER Mary MISS. 1983 page232

Walter DE MARIA The L~ghtnlng F~eld. I970 page 232 F

Rosallnd @&ES Sculpture In the Expanded F~eld 1979 page 233

Donna HARKAVY Meg Webster 1988 page234

R~chard- Spln-Out '72- 73for Bob Smlthson. I973 page 234

[. P INVOLVEMENT page 235 P

Henry DavldTHOREAU Walklng. 1861 page 235 t

S I ~ ~ U ~ ~ F R E U D Mosesand Monothe~sm 1938 page235

, Guy DEBORD Theory of the Derive. 1956 page 237

Fuj~ko SHlRAGA About Myself and the Outdoor Exh~b~t~on 1955 page 237

Peter HUTCHINSON Parlcutln Vokano Project 1970 page 237 -4

LucyR LlPPARD Overlay Contemporary Art and the Art of Preh~story 1983 page 238

Charles SIMONDS M~crocosm to Macrocosm Fantasy World to Real World lntervlew wlth Lucy R L~ppard 1974

page 239

Nancy= Traclng Ana Mend~eta 1992 page 2hO

Alan SONFIST Autob~ography 1975 page 240

R l c h a r d W Flve SIX plck up stlcks Seven e~ght lay them stra~ght 1980 page 241

Ham~sh- lnto a Walk lnto Nature 1995 page 242

Stephen BANN The Map as Index of the Real Land Art and the Authentlcat~on of Travel I994 page 2W

Chrlst~an Phll~pp MVLLER Green Border 1993 page 245

GuyEEElI Clldo Melreles Through 1989 page246

OctavloL&A Gal Guo Qlang 1996 page 247

Jane TOMKINS Language and Landscape An Ontology for the Western 1990 page247

Tosh~katsuENDO On Flre 1991 page 218 t

FumloNANJO Tosh~katsu Endo 1989 page20

IMPLEMENTATION page 250 Rachel= A Fable forTomorrow. 1962 page 250

Simon- Landscape and Memory, 1995 page 251

Robert SMITHSON Unt~tled (Across the Country ) 1979 page 251

Jack BURNHAM Hans Haacke - Wlnd and Water Sculpture 1967 page 251

Helen Mayer HARRISON and Newton HARRISON If ThlsThen That (The F~rst Four) San D~ego as the Centre of the

World 1974 page 256

Robert MORRlS Notes on Art asland Land Reclamat~on 1980 page254

Jack BURNHAM Contemporary R~tual ASearch for Meanlng In Post-H~stor~calTerms 1973 page256

Alan- Natural Phenomena as Publlc Monuments 1968 page257

Lucy R LlPPARD Overlay Contemporary Art and the Art of Preh~story 1983 page 258

Lucy R LlPPARD The Garbage Girls 1991 page 259

Agnes DENES Wheatf~eld -A Confrontation 1982 page 261

Agnes= Tree Mountam -A Llvlng Tlme Capsule - 10 000 Trees 10 000 People 400 Years 1982-95 page 262

MlchaelFEHR herman s Meadow A Museum 1992 page 262

M~erle Laderman UKELES Flow Clty 1995 page 263

Peter FEND A Post-Facto Statement 1994 page 263

V~et NGO Lemna Systems 1995 page 264

Mel CHlN Revlval F~eld 1995 page 264

PLATFORM Seelng IS Bel~evlng 1992 page265

Patrlcla JOHANSON Falr Park Lagoon 1981-86 and Endangered Garden 1987-97 page265

Harnet FEIGENBAUM Reclamat~on Art 1986 page 266

Joseph lnterv~ew w ~ t h R~chard Demarco 1982 page 266

Bonn~e SHERK Crossroads Community m e Farm1 1977 page 268

BusterSlMPSON Hudson Headwaterpurge 1996 page268

Betty BEAUMONT Scr~pt from the fllm m>~ourney 1980 page 2 1

SmadarGOLAN To Ra~se the World 1987 page 268

A v l t a l m V~tal Prlnc~ples for the Greenhouse 1993 page 270

Stephen Jay E@JJ The Golden Rule A Proper Scale for Our Environmental C r ~ s ~ s 1992 page 270

IMAGINING page 272 Douglas HUEBLER Location Piece no. 14. Global Proposal. 1969 page 272

John BALDESSARI CALIFORNIA Map Project. 1969 page 272

Gordon MATA-CLARK Interview with Avalanche. 1974 page 273

George BAKER Christian Philipp Miiller. A Balancing Act. 1997 page 273

Terry ATKINSON and Michael BALDWIN Some Notes. 1967 page 273

Anne-Marie SAUZEAU B O m l Introduction to Classifying theThousand Longest Rivers

in the World. 1977 page274

Ian Hamilton More Detached Sentences on Gardening in the Manner of Shenstone. 1995 page 274

W~ l l~am FURLONG Tlme Garden. I993 page276

Guy TORTOSA ASeasoned Garden 1995 page 276

Robert SMITHSON An lnterv~ew w~ th Bruce Kurtz 1972 page 277

J G BALLARD Robert Smlthson ascargo Cultist. 1997 page277

M a r k w The Tastlng Garden. 1997 p g e 277

ILLUMINATION page 279 John BEARDSLEY Art and Author~tar~anlsm Walter De Marla s Llghtn~ng field 1981 page 279

Lawrence ALLOWAY S~te lnspect~on 1976 page 280

Cra~g OWENS Earthwords 1979 page 281

Gerry= lntroduct~on to theTelev~s~on-Exh~b~t~on Land Art 1969 page203

Walter BENJAMIN The Work of Art In the Age of Mechan~cal Reproduct~on 1936 page983

Joseph MASHECK The Splral Jetty Mov~e 1984 page 283

Jean BAUDRILLARD The Hyperreallsm of Slmulatlon 1988 page 285

Kate SOPER Nature1 nature 1996 page 285

INDEX Entries in italics referto images. Entries in

invertedcommas referto titlesoftexts.

Abstract Expressionism 15, 25

Abramovic. Marina 242

Acconci. Vito 15

Ackling. Roger 242


Adams. Ansel 2 5 1

Aldiss. Brian W. 23, 229, 23

Alloway. Lawrence 259

' S i t e I n s p e c t i o n ' 119761 280-81

Alpers.Svetlana 243

Anastasi. William 208

Anderson. Laurie 281

Andre.Carl 14, 199, 203, 210-12,

234, 259, 281, 31

' A r t i s t ' s s t a t e m e n t ' 119701 224

Log P i e c e 119681 24, 222, 74

Secant 119771 74

Ant Farm

C a d i l l a c Ranch 119741 103

see Lord.Chip

Art&Language 273-74, 281

Map 119671 176

see Atkinson.Terry: Baldwin.


ArtworkersCoalition 32, 37, 200


'Some Notes' 119671 273-74

see Aii&Language

Aycock. Alice 233

A S i m p l e Network o f Underground

Tunne ls 119751 104

' P r o j e c t f o r a S imple Network

o f Underground W e l l s and

T u n n e l s ' 119751 231-32

Bachelard. Gaston 23 1

Baker. Elizabeth 29

Baker. George

' C h r i s t i a n P h i l i p p M u l l e r , A

Ba lanc ing A c t ' 119971 273

Baldessari. John

'CALIFORNIA Map P r o j e c t ' 119691


The C a l i f o r n i a Map P r o j e c t , P a r t

1 : CALIFORNIA 119691 178-79

Baldwin. Michael 230

'Some Notes' 119671 273-74

see Art&Language

Ballard. J.G.

' R o b e r t Smithson as Cargo

C u l t i s t ' 119971 277

Bann. Stephen

' T h e Map as Index o f t h e Real :

Land A r t and t h e A u t h e n t i c a t i o n

o f T r a v e l ' 119941 243-45

Barrell. John

' T h e Idea of Landscape i n t h e

E i g h t e e n t h C e n t u r y * 119721 195

Baudrillard. Jean 226

' T h e H y p e r r e a l i s m o f

S i m u l a t i o n ' 119881 285

Baumgarten. Lothar 276- 77

Theatrum Botan icum 11993-941


Baxter. lain 212, 259

Bayer.Herbert 14, 23, 199

M i l l Creek Canyon Ear thworks

11979-821 64

Beardsley. John

' A r t and A u t h o r i t a r i a n i s m :

W a l t e r De M a r i a ' s L i g h t n i n g

F i e l d ' 119811 279-80

Beaumont. Betty 16, 260

C a b l e P iece C19771 110

Ocean Landmark P r o j e c t


' S c r i p t f r o m t h e f i lm The

Journey ' 119801 268

Becher. Berndand Hilla 36

Benjamin.Walter 258, 273, 282

' T h e Work o f A r t i n t h e Age o f

Mechanical Reproduct ion ' 119361


Bergman.Ciel 260

Beuys.Joseph 15, 23, 35, 43, 273,


7,000 Oaks C1982-961 187, 273,


Coyote : I L i k e America and

America L i k e s Me 119741 35, 35

' I n t e r v i e w w i t h R ichard

Demarco' 119821 266-68

Bhabha. Homi K 40

Bierstadt. Albert 2 5 1

The Rocky Mounta ins 118631 192

Bill. Max 245

Bloom. Doris

Gate [I9951 70

H e a r t 119951 71

' H e a r t and Gate* C19951 220

see Kentridge. William

Boetti. Alighiero

The Thousand Longest R i v e r s i n

The Wor ld 119791 184

Bolognini. Matteo 243

BorderArts Workshop 41

Bordo. Susan 38

Bordowitz. Gregg 41

Borges. Jorge Luis 282

Boyle. Susan 260

Brett. Guy

' C i l d o M e i r e l e s : Through '

[I9891 246

Bmodthaers. Marcel 36

Brouwn.Stanley 28

Brown. Julia see Heizer. Michael

Buchloh. Benjamin H.D. 36

Burden. Chris 15

Buren. Daniel 36

Burke. Edmund 26-27, 194

' A P h i l o s o p h i c a l Enqu i ry i n t o

t h e O r i g i n o f our Ideas on t h e

Sub l ime and B e a u t i f u l ' [I7571


Burnham.Jack 207, 224

'Contemporary R i t u a l : A Search

f o r Meaning i n P o s t - H i s t o r i c a l

Terms' 119731 34, 256-57

'Hans Haacke - Wind and Water

S c u l p t u r e ' 119671 251-54

Cai GuoQiang 247

The C e n t u r y w i t h Mushroom

Clouds 119961 132

Cam.Anthony 35, 204, 212.13, 223,


E a r l y One Morn ing C19621 191

Carson. Rachel 16

' A Fab le f o r Tomorrow' 119621


Chaney. Dr. Rufus 265

Chin. Mel

R e v i v a l F i e l d , P i g ' s Eye

L a n d f i l l C1990-931 168

' R e v i v a l F i e l d ' 119951 264-65

ChristoandJeanne-Claude 34, 36, 234

' P r o j e c t Notes ' 11969-911


Running Fence [1972-761 37, 227,

3 7 , 72-73

Sur rounded I s l a n d s 11980-831


The U m b r e l l a s , Japan-USA

11984-911 227, 8 4 - 8 5

Val l e y C u r t a i n C1970-721 36,

226-27, 8 2

Wrapped Coast 119691 226, 80-81

Clark. Kenneth 194, 245

ConceptualArt 12, 27-28, 35-36, 202,

208, 210, 226, 259, 264, 270, 281

Constable. John 24

The Haywain 11821) 24

Coplans. John

' T h e A m a r i l l o Ramp' [I9741


Culbertson.Janet 260

Dada 15, 32, 253

Damisch.Herbert 244

David. Catherine 273

decerteau. Michel 28

DeMaria.Walter 13-14. 23-24, 28-30,

198-200, 204, 206-7, 212. 214,

222, 233-34, 281, 283

Deser t Cross [I9691 47

Las Vegas P i e c e 119691 281. 46

M i l e Long Drawing 119681 14, 24,

30, 114

The L i g h t n i n g F i e l d 119771 244,

279-80, 2 - 3 , 108

' T h e L i g h t n i n g F i e l d ' 119801

' 232-33

The New York E a r t h Room 119771

24, 109

V e r t i c a l ~ s r t h K i l o m e t e r

119771 187, 273, 107

devries. herman 262-63

The meadow C1986-present1


Debord. Guy , .\

'Theory o f t h e D e r i v e ' 119561


Deitch. Jeffrey 37

Demarco. Richard see Beuys. Joseph

Denes. Agnes 16

N o r t h W a t e r f r o n t Park

M a s t e r p l a n 119881 161

Tree Mounta in - A L i v i n g Time

Capsu le - 10,000 T r e e s , 10 ,000

P e o p l e , 400 Years [I9821 161

' T r e e Mounta in - A L i v i n g Time

Capsule - 10,000 T r e e s , 10,000

Peop le , 400 Years' 11982-951 262

Wheatf ield - A c b n f r o n t a t i o n - 119821 160

'Wheatf ield - A C o n f r o n t a t i o n ' -

119821 261-62

Derrida. Jacques 282

Deutsche. Rosalyn 28

Dibbets. Jan 14, 199, 23

' A r t i s t ' s s t a t e m e n t ' 119721


A Trace i n t h e Woods i n t h e Form

o f an Ang le o f 30" C r o s s i n g a

Path 119691 51

P e r s p e c t i v e C o r r e c t i o n s (Square

w i t h Two D i a g o n a l s ) 119681 283,


1 2 Hours T i d e O b j e c t s w i t h

C o r r e c t i o n o f P e r s p e c t i v e

119691 181

Dion. Mark23

A Meter o f J u n g l e 119921 22, 188

The T a s t i n g Garden ( p r o p o s a l )

C19961 189

' T h e T a s t i n g Garden' 119971


Dubuffet. Jean 214

Duchamp.Marcel 31, 199, 208

Durkheim. Emile 238

EarthArt 11-17, 23, 26-30, 35,

198-200, 202-4, 207-8, 220,

222-26, 232-35, 242-45, 248,

251, 263-64, 272, 279-80

Earth Art. Andrew Dickson White Museum.

Cornell University. Ithaca. New York

119691 14, 33, 49, 51, 75, 138,

200, 208, 23

Earthworks. Dwan Gallery. New York

119681 14, 23-24, 26, 29, 220

Ehrenzweig.Anton 212. 214, 231

Edelson. Mary Beth 34, 239, 34

Eliade. Mircea 239

Endo.Toshikatsu 248-49

E p i t a p h - C y l i n d r i c a l 1 1 119901


'On F i r e ' 119911 248

Fehr. Michael

' h e r m a n ' s Meadow. A Museum'

119921 262-63

Feigenbaum. Harriet 261

E r o s i o n and S e d i m e n t a t i o n P l a n

f o r Red Ash and Coal S i 1 t Area -

W i l l o w Rings 119851 149

' R e c l a m a t i o n A r t ' 119861 266

Fend.Peter 23, 41

' A P o s t - F a c t o Sta tement ' C19941


Ocean E a r t h : Europa 119911 41,

1 3 6 - 3 7

Ocean E a r t h : O i l F ree C o r r i d o r

119931 170

Ocean E a r t h : S i t e S i m u l a t o r f o r

T i v a t Bay 119911 172

Ocean E a r t h : Processed Imagery

from AVHRR o f t h e N o r t h Sea

119881 172

O f f s h o r e S o i l R i g 119931 170-71

Finlay. Ian Hamilton

WoodwindSong [I9681 182

See P o u s s i n , H e a r L o r r a i n

119751 183

F l o c k 119911 183

'More Detached Sentences on

Garden ing i n t h e Manner o f

Shenstone' 119951 274-76

S i g n a t u r e o f t h e A r t i s t Hod ler

119871 175

The Present Order 119831 183

View o f t h e lochan a t L i t t l e


. . - .

S p a r t a , L a n a r k s h i r e 174

r Flanagan. Barry 199

fleixhner, Richard

SodMaze C19741 63

Fluxus 2 6 , 28 , 3 2 , 35

Ford.John 26, 247

The Searchers C19561 192

Foster. Hal 40

Foucault. Michel 4 0 , 282

' S p a c e , Knowledge and Power'

~ 1 9 8 4 j 201-2

Francis. Sam 252

Freud.Sigmund 26, 212, 238

'Moses and Monotheism' C19381


Fried.Michael 25-27, 198, 212, 222

' A r t and Objec thood ' 119671 1 6 ,

2 5 , 37 , 223-24

Friedman. Kenneth

'Words on t h e Env i ronment '

[ I9831 195-96

Friedrich. Caspar David 193

The Wreck o f t h e Hope C18241 107

Frohnmayer.John 265

FultonHamish 234, 245

Gazing a t t h e H o r i z o n L i n e , Sky

H o r i z o n Ground, A u s t r a l i a

C19821 128

' I n t o a Walk i n t o Nature ' 119951


N i g h t Changing Shapes C19911


No T a l k i n g f o r Seven Days

( W a l k i n g f o r Seven Days I n A Wood

January F u l l Moon Ca i rngorms

S c o t l a n d 1 9 9 3 ) C19931 131

Rock Fa1 1 Echo Dust [ A Twelve and

a H a l f Day Walk on Baf f in I s l a n d

A r c t i c Canada Summer 1 9 8 8 )

C19881 129

Rock P a t h , S w i t z e r l a n d C19861


The C r o s s i n g P l a c e o f Two Walks

a t Ringdom Gompa C19841 128

Furlong. William

Time Garden: HA HA C19931 185

' T i m e Garden' [19931 276

Gaulke.Cheri 260

Geva.Avital 4 0 , 268

' V i t a l P r i n c i p l e s f o r t h e

Greenhouse' 119931 270

Greenhouse C1977-961 4 0 , 4 0 , 173

Goffman. Erving 195

Golan. Smadar

' T o Raise t h e Wor ld ' [ I9871


Golrkworthy. Andy

I c e P iece 119871 6 8 - 6 9

' S t o n e ' C19941 220

Torn H o l e C19861 69

G6mez-Peiia. Guillermo 22

Gould. Stephen Jay

'The Golden R u l e : A Proper S c a l e

f o r Our Env i ronmenta l C r i s i s '

C19921 270-71

Graham.Dan 3 6 , 214, 36

Gren Fury 41

Green. Renee 23

Greenberg. Clement 25-26 75

212-13, 222

Greenpeace 21-22, 41 , 21

Group Material 4 1

GmupofTen 34

Guerilla Art Action Group 32

Gutaigroup 114, 116

Haacke.Hans 1 4 , 33 , 3 6 - 3 7 , 198-99,


Fog, F l o o d i n g , E r o s i o n C19691


Grass Grows C19691 33, 199, 259,


Rhine-Water P u r i f i c a t i o n P l a n t

119721 141

Sky L i n e C19671 74

Ten T u r t l e s Set Free 119701 33,


Hall. Carol 35

Hanson. Jo 260

Happenings 1 5 , 28 ,

HarawaK D O M ~ 23

Harkavy. Donna

'Meg Webster ' 119881 234

Harrison. Helen Mayerand Newton 1 6 ,

36, 250, 256-60

B r e a t h i n g Space f o r t h e Sava

R i v e r , Y u g o s l a v i a 11988-903


I f T h i s Then That (The F i r s t

F o u r ) : San D iego as t h e Center o f

t h e W o r l d 119741 143

' I f T h i s Then T h a t (The F i r s t

F o u r ) : San Oiego as t h e C e n t r e

of t h e W o r l d ' 119741 254

P o r t a b l e Farm: The F l a t

Pas tures 11971-721 142

P o r t a b l e O r c h a r d , S u r v i v a l

P i e c e No. 5 C19721 142

That I d i o t Theseus D i d I n t h e - M i n o t a u r ( S k e t c h f o r t h e Seventh

Lagoon, B u f f a l o W a l l o w ) 119821


The Lagoon C y c l e C1972-823 3 6 ,


V i s i o n f o r t h e Green H e a r t o f

H o l l a n d C19951 147

Heartney, Eleanor 36

Heiss.Alanna see 0ppenheim.Dennis

Heizer.Michael 1 3 - 1 4 , 23-24, 28-33,

196-200, 204, 206-7 , 210-12,

214, 222, 233-34, 281, 2 8 3 , 1 9 2

Complex C i t y C1972-761 9 2 , 93

D i s s i p a t e C19681 91

Doub le N e g a t i v e C1969-701 2 9 ,

32 , 196-98, 207, 210-11, 228,

234, 280-81, 2 9 , 54-55

F i v e Con ic D isp lacements C19691

' 9

' I n t e r v i e w w i t h Ava lanche '

C19701 202-5

' I n t e r v i e w w i t h J u l i a Brown'

C19841 9 3 , 228-29

I s o l a t e d M a s s , C i rcumf lex , N i n e

Nevada Depress ions C19681 53

R i f t , N ine Nevada Depress ions

C19681 5 2

Hickey, Dave

' E a r t h s c a p e s , landworks and O z '

C19711 196-99

Highwater. Jamake 239

Hiller.Susan 239

Dream Mapping 119741 192

Hoffmann. Josef 245-46

Holt. Benjamin 212

Holt.Nancy 1 4 , 32-34, 215, 218-19,

234, 261, 31

B u r i e d Poem Number 4 f o r Michae l

H e i z e r C19711 8 6

Hydra 's Head 119741 8 7

S t a r - C r o s s e d 11979-811 9 0

Stone E n c l o s u r e : Rock Rings

11977-781 90

Sun Tunne ls C1973-761 280, 88-89

'Sun T u n n e l s ' 119771 227-28

The L a s t Map Used t o Locate

B u r i e d Poem Number 4 f o r Michae l

H e i z e r C1969-711 8 6

Hopper.Dennis 1 9 7 , 191

Huebles Douglas 198. 212

42 Degree P a r a l l e l P iece C19681

176- 77

' L o c a t i o n P iece no. 1 4 , Globa l

Proposal ' 119691 272

S i t e S c u l p t u r e P r o j e c t ,

V a r i a b l e P i e c e 1 119681 2 8 , 28

Hu1me.T.E. 212

Husserl. Edmund 252

Hutchinson. Peter

Flower T r i a n g l e Undersea 119691


P a r i c u t i n Volcano P r o j e c t

C19701 119

' P a r i c u t i n Vo lcano P r o j e c t '

C19701 237-38

Threaded Ca labash 119691 118

Underwater Dam C19691 118

Huxley. Francis 258

Irwin. Robert 233

Jackson. John Brinckerhoff 28, 193

' T h e Word I t s e l f ' [ I9841 194-95

Jakobson. Roman 282

Jameson. Fredric 38

Jenney. Neil 200

Johanson. Patricia 261

Endangered Garden, Sunnyda l e

F a c i l i t i e s , S i t e P l a n 119881


F a i r Park Lagoon 11981-861 261,


' F a i r Park Lagoon' 11981-861 an

'Endangered Garden' 11987-971


Johns.Jasper 198

Map 119631 191

Johnson. Poppy 259

Judd.Donald 25, 202-3 , 211, 220,

223, 281

Kennedy. Robert 1 3

Kentridge. William

Gate C19951 70

H e a r t C19951 71

' H e a r t and Gate' 119951 220

see Blaom. Doris

Kerouac. Jack ' .A

' O n t h e Road' [ I9591 207

King Jr.. Dr. Martin Luther 13

Klein.Yves 203, 214

Kleit. Paul 261

Kosuth. Joseph 208

Krauss. Rosalind 25, 37

'Passages i n Modern S c u l p t u r e '

C19771 207

' S c u l p t u r e i n t h e Expanded

F i e l d ' C19791 3 7 , 233-34

Kurtz. Bruce see Smithson. Robert

Kusama.Yayoi 26


see EarthArt

Lefebvre. Henri 23

Leopold Committee Report on National

Parks 33

LeWitt.Sol 203, 210-11, 223, 2 3 3 ,


Linker. Kate

'Mary Miss ' 119831 232

Lippard.LucyR. 1 4 , 1 5 , 214, 239-40

' O v e r l a y : Contemporary A r t and

t h e A r t o f P r e h i s t o r y ' C19831

34, 238-39, 258-59

'The Garbage G i r l s ' 119911


Long.Richard 1 4 , 3 5 , 199-200, 224,

234-35, 241-45, 2 3 , 3 5 , 79

A L i n e Made'by W a l k i n g [ I9671

3 5 , 244, 124

A L i n e i n t h e H imalayas 119751


A Walk by A 11 Roads and Lanec

Touch ing o r CrosSlng an - 'iz *? I m a g l n d r y C i r c l e [ I9771 I?&:.+ i!

A L l n e 7n S c a t l a n d , Cirl Mar 4 C19811 127 'i


C l r c l e i n A f r i c a , M u l a n j e f

M o u n t a i n , Malawi 119781 Z,

' F i v e , s i x , p i c k up s t l e k s

Seven, e i g h t , l a y them s t r a a

C19801 241-42

Stone C 7 r c i e C19761 7 9

W a t e r l i n e s 119891 126

Lord. Ch~p

' A u t o m e r i c a ' C19761 i

see An1 Farm

Lorrain. Claude 195

Landscape w7 t h Sacr i f i ce- t *

A p o l l o 116621 191 . LOUIS. Morr~s 212

McCarthy Mary 197

Mcfvllley. Thomas

Modernism and I t s A l t e r Ego

Wwg. Ian 258

Mack. Helnz 199

McLuhan.Marshall 112

Malnnch, Kasimlr 212. 214

Mallary Robert 255

Marcuse. Herbert 259

Marqwa. Hudson see ARtFmm--

Marsh.Stanley 219. 2- -

MaNn. John 239

Masheck, Joseph

' T h e Spi r a l J e t t y Movte


Mason.John 233 . Matanarir M~lanka 261 ,-

Matla-Clark Oolden S

119741 273

R e a l t y P o s i t 7 o n s : F@

119731 180

Mayslw Brolhsrs 37 +

Mazuud h n i * 26Qh

Meddla. David 199 - 9 00

Mmreles, fltlb 246

Condensat7onS 2 - 8

Mutations: Rfo-S&

B o r d e r 119701 535

Geograph7cal Hut&

Paulo Border C19h@E

Mendtata. Ana

~ i r t h ( f r o m t h e '!

s e r i e s ) 119EE3 15

I n c a n t a t l o n t e n '

119771 I23

U n t 7 t l a d (frQiftE-M!

s e r i e s ) C19791 1.g

L l n t l t l e d ( f r l '

Life' series'


U n t i t l e d ( f r o m t h e 'Vo lcano '

s e r i e s ) C19791 123

U n t i t l e d 119831 123

see Spem. Nancy

Merrill. Nancy 260

Meyer. James 38-39

Michels. Doug see Ant Farm

Minimalism 12, 15, 26, 45, 111,

113, 226

Miss. Mary


C1977-781 105

Sunken Poo l [I9741 106

see Linker. Kate

Modernism 12, 16, 23-26, 37-38,

206, 207, 220, 233, 282

Moran.Thomas 251

Monis.Robert 13, 14, 25, 30, 35,

198, 199, 202-3, 210-12, 220, .

222-24, 226, 233-34, 259, 281

Ear thwork C19681 24, 24

Grand Rapids P r o j e c t 119741 280,


'Notes on A r t as/and Land

Rec lamat ion ' 119801 254-56

'Notes on S c u l p t u r e P a r t 4:

Beyond O b j e c t s ' C19691 223,


Observatory C19711 100

Steam 119743 102

U n t i t l e d ( r e c l a m a t i o n of

Johnson Grave l P i t ) C19791 148

Muir.John 16, 251

Muller.Christian Philipp 23, 40-41, 273


A B a l a n c i n g A c t 119971 22, 187

'Green Border ' 119931 245-46

I l l e g a l Border Cross ingbetween

A u s t r i a and t h e P r i n c i p a l i t y o f

L i e c h t e n s t e i n 119931 133

Muybridge. Eadwaerd 251

Nanjo. Fumio

' T o s h i k a t s u Endo' 119891 248-49

Nauman.Bmce 15, 226, 233

Newman. Barnett 211, 281

Ngo, Viet 4 1

D e v i l ' s Lake Wastewater

Treatment P l a n t C19901 41, 166

'Lemna Systems' C19951 41, 204.


Nixon. Richard 23

Noguchi, lsamu 204

' A r t i s t ' s s t a t e m e n t ' 119261 206

' A r t i s t ' s s ta tement ' 119461 206

S c u l p t u r e t o Be Seen f rom Mars

( u n r e a l i z e d ) 119471 45

Noland. Kenneth 25

Norton. Charles Eliot 258

'I Am f o r an A r t -. ' C19611 202

Olmsted. Frederick Law 27, 194, 258,


Ono.Yoko 28

0ppenheim.Dennis 13-14, 23-24. 29-

30, 197-200, 206-8, 212, 220,

234, 238, 244, 23, 117

ACCUmuldtiOn Cut C19691 4 9

Annual R ings C19681 208, 3 0

'Another P o i n t o f E n t r y :

I n t e r v i e w w i t h Alanna H e i s s '

C19921 224-26

C a n c e l l e d Crop C19691 50

G a l l e r y Transp lant C19691 208, 75

' I n t e r v i e w w i t h Avalanche'

C19701 202-5

N e g a t i v e Board C19681 48

P a r a l l e l S t r e s s C19701 117

R e l o c a t e d B u r i a l Ground C19781


S a l t F i a t C19681 208, 244, 76

S t a r S k i d C19771 78

Time L i n e 119681 50

W h i r l p o o l , Eye o f t h e Storm

C19731 77

0rtner.Sherry 34

Owens. Craig 27

'Ear thwords ' C19791 24, 37-38,


Pepper. David 24

PerformanceArt 15

Phillips. Patricia C. 39

Plagens. Peter 19 7


D e l t a C19931 169

E f f r a Redevelopment Agency

C19921 169

'See ing i s B e l i e v i n g ' 119921 265

S t i l l Waters 39-40, 3 9

Plato 213

Poe. EdgarAllen 213, 232

Pollock.Jackson 99, 199, 212, 214,


PopArt 13, 26, 198, 200, 210, 222

Porter. Eliot 24

Portman.John 38

Postminimalism 15

Postmodernism 23, 37-41, 233, 281,


Poussin. Nicolas 194

Landscape w i t h T r a v e l l e r

Washing H i s Feet 116481 191

Price. Uvedale

'An Essay on t h e P i c t u r e s q u e '

C17961 26-27, 193-94

Puttenham. George 197

Rainer.Yvonne 26, 213, 239, 281

Rauschenberg. Robert 26, 33, 34, 199

Rose. Barbara 13

Rosenberg. Hamld 19 7

' D e - a e s t h e t i c i z a t i o n ' C19721


Rupp.Christy 260-61

kuscha.~d 36, 198, 3 6

Ruskin. John 213. 245

Sandler. Irving 13, 15

Sauzeau Boetti. Anne-Marie

' I n t r o d u c t i o n t o C l a s s i f y i n g

t h e Thousand Longest R i v e r s i n

t h e World' 119771 274

Schama. Simon

'Landscape and Memory' C19951


Schum. Gerry

' I n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e

T e l e v i s i o n - E x h i b i t i o n : Land

A r t ' C19691 283-84

Scull. Robert 14. 29

Scully.Vincent 232, 239, 264

Serra.Richard 62, 210, 219, 233-34

S p i n Out ( f o r Rober t Smithson)

C19731 112

' S p i n - O u t '72-'73 f o r Bob

Smithson' C19731 234

T i l t e d A r c 119811 38, 40, 3 8

Shafrazi.Tony 62, 218-19

Sharkey.John 239

Sharp. Willoughby 208

'Notes Toward an Unders tand ing

o f E a r t h A r t ' 119701 199-200

Sherk. Bonnie

'Crossroads Commun'ity [The

Farml ' 268

The Farm 119741 156

The Raw Egg Anima 1 Theat re

(TREAT) C19761 156

Shiraga. Fujiko

'About M y s e l f and t h e Outdoor

E x h i b i t i o n ' 119551 237

Shiraga. Kazuo

C h a l l e n g i n g Mud 119551 115

P lease Come I n C19551 116

Simonds. Charles 233

D w e l l i n g [I9741 120, 239

Landscape - Body - D w e l l i n g

C19711 239, 120

'Microcosm t o Macrocosm,

Fantasy World t o Real World:

I n t e r v i e w w i t h Lucy R. L i p p a r d '

C19741 239-40

Simpson. Buster

'Hudson Headwater Purge' C19961


The Hudson Headwaters Purge -

' A n t i - a c i d Treatment ' C19911


Situationism 28, 235

Smith.David 212-13, 223-24

Smith.Tony 27, 212-13, 223-24, 282

Smithson.Robert 13, 14, 19, 22-33,

35, 37, 40, 199-200, 203, 206-7,

216, 218, 222, 233-34, 240, 258-

61, 277, 280-85, 22, 23, 31, 32,

56, 192

A m a r i l l o Ramp 119731 218, 280-

81, 62

'An I n t e r v i e w w i t h Bruce K u r t z '

C19721 277

'A Sed imenta t ion o f t h e Mind:

E a r t h P r o j e c t s ' C19681 24-25,

27, 206, 211-15

Aspha l t Rundown C19691 98

Chalk and M i r r o r D isp lacement

C19691 95

Closed M i r r o r Square 119691 95

Glue Pour C19701 9 7

Grave l Corner P iece 119681 95

I n c i d e n t s o f M i r r o r - T r a v e l i n

t h e Yucatan 119691 94

' I n t e r v i e w w i t h Ava lanche '

C19701 202-5

P a r t i a l l y B u r i e d Woodshed

C19701 23, 31, 9 9

S p i r a l H i l l C19711 60

S p i r a l JettyC19701 31-32, 196,

207, 226, 233, 279-84, 56-59,


Sunken I s l a n d C19711 6 1

The Map o f Broken Glass

( A t l a n t i s ) C19691 32, 96

'The Monuments of Passa ic : Has

Passaic r e p l a c e d Rome as t h e

e t e r n a l c i t y ? ' 119671 229-30

'The A m a r i l l o Ramp' C19741


'The S p i r a l J e t t y ' C19721 215-18

' U n t i t l e d (Across t h e

Count ry ... ) ' 119791 251

Smock. Kristine 260

Soja. Edward 28

Sonfist.Alan 33-34, 259, 261

'Au tob iography ' 119751 240-41

C i r c l e s o f Time 11986-891 151

' N a t u r a l Phenomena as P u b l i c

Monuments' 119681 257-58

Pool o f V i r g i n E a r t h C19751 152

Time LandscapeT* 11965-783 33,

257, 33, 150

Sontag, Susan 2 79

Soper. Kate

'Nature / "nature" ' C19961 285-87

Spem. Nancy

' T r a c i n g Ana Mendie ta ' C19921


Stella. Frank 208

Stonehenge 199. 191

Stourhead.TheGroundsof 194, 191

Stuart.Michelle 239

Summers. Montague 232

Surrealism 15

Szeernann. Harald 283

Thoreau.HenryDavid 16, 35, 251, 253

' W a l k i n g ' 235. 236

Tillim.Sidney 25, 224

'Ear thworks and t h e New

P i c t u r e s q u e ' C19681 26, 220-22

Tisdall. Caroline 266

Todd. Judith 239

Tomkins. Jane

'Language and Landscape: An

Onto logy f o r t h e Western'

119901 29, 247-48

Tortosa. Guy

'A Seasoned Garden' 119951


Trakis. George 234

Turrell. James 226, 280

'Roden C r a t e r ' 119931 219

'Mapping Spaces' 119871 219-20

Roden C r a t e r 11977-present1

6 5 , 6 7

Uecker.Gijnther 14, 199. 200, 23

Ukeles. Mierle Laderan 15, 16, 39,

250, 259-60 .

Flow C i t y C1983-901 154-55

'F low C i t y ' C19931 39, 263

H a r t f o r d Wash: Washing, Tracks,

Maintenance: O u t s i d e C19731 I 5 3

Vater. Regina 260

Vermeer. Jan 243

Vicuna. Cecilia 260

Vietnamwar 13, 23-24, 30, 32,

35. 259

Waldman. Diane 198

'Ho les w i t h o u t H i f l o r y ' C19711


Warhol.Andy 26

Watkins. Carleton 251

Webster. Meg 234

Double Bed f o r Dreaming I19881


Glen 119881 111

Weed. Leander 251


Wilson. Nancy 242

Wittgenstein. Ludwig 213

Wright. Patrick 244

Yosemite Nationalpark 251, 1 9 2

Zaya. Octavio

'Cai Guo Oiang ' 119963 247

Zube. Ervin 255