Lamison 32 Mill Farm A

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  • 8/8/2019 Lamison 32 Mill Farm A




    Citibank, TrusteeorAmerican omeMortgageAssetsTrust2006-3ryl Jtg ge_Backedass_ThrouihCertificates,eries 006-3, ptaintiff, INDEX O.:10-02914DEFENDANTS,ERIFIEDANSWER ITHAFFI MATIVEDEFENSES

    DOE91man amison,nd ,JOHNDOE 1,, hroughJOHN#10" he astnamesbeing ictitiousndunknowno thePlaintiff,heperson r partiesntendedeingne personOrparties,f any,having rclaimingn nterestnorLienupon hemortgagedremisesiescribedin hecomplaint,Defendants.

    Defendant,HermanLamisonby his attorneysGilmartinandBregman or hisanswer o thecomplaint,alleges o this Courtas ollows:

    1' Deny information or knowledgesufficient to form a belief as to the allegations et forth inparagraphFIRST,, of the Complaint.

    2' Denies nformation or knowledgesufficient to form a beliefas o the allegations et orth inparagraphs SECOND", "THIRD", .,FOIJRTH" ,.FIFTH", ,,SIXTH", ,,SEVENTH", ,,EIGHTH","NfNITH", "TENTH" "ELEVENTH", "TWELFTH", and ,.THIRTEENTH,,, ,,FOURTEENTH,,,"FIFTEENTH", "SIXTEENTH", "SEVENTEENTH" and ,,EIGHTEENTH" of complaint except oadmit that Defendantexecuteda Mortgage with American Home Mortgage n the principal sum of$2'250'000'00' Defendantrefers the court to the Mortgage referred o in paragraphs,THIRD,,"and "FIFTH" of the Complaintfor it's legal interpretationand states hat the allegationsset forth in

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    paragraphssECoND", .,THIRD", ,FOURTH" ,FIFTH", .slxTH", ..SEVENTH",,E,IGHTH","N[NITH',, ,.TENTH,' ,,ELEVENTH,,,,,TWELFTH,,,and ,,THIRTEENTH,,, ,FOURTEENTH,,,"FIFTEENTH"' SIXTEENTH","SEVENTEENTH"and,,EIGHTEENTH,,ofhecomplaint ttemptto characterizendsummarizeacts, ircumstances,vidence nd aw and he Defendantespectfullyrefers ll questionsf factand aw to theCourt.

    3. Plaintiff lackscapacity o commencehe nstant awsuit.

    4. Plaintiff sclaimsarebarredn wholeor in partby thestatute f frauds.RD SE

    5' Plaintiff s claimsarebarred n whole or in partyby thedoctrineof uncleanhands.

    6. Plaintiff s damages,f any,werecausedn wholeor in partby is own wrongful conduct.IVE FEN

    7. Plaintiff s claimsarebarredby documentary vidence.

    8' Defendant' Herman Lamison is of a class ntended o be protectedunder recent federallegislation' elated o lendingpractices' ypesof mortgages nd foreclosures, nd expressly eserves llrights andremedies'now or laterpromulgated,with respect o suchprotectionandpreservation f realproperty nterests.

    9' That the Defendant,HermanLamison, admits hat he obtaineda mortgage rom AmericanHome Mortgage, but has no knowledgeof, nor was Defendant,ever notified of an assignment o

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    Citibank, N.A. as Trustee, upon information andHerman Lamison with a proper assignmentof the

    beliel, Plaintiff has never provided Defendantmoftgageand thereforeDefendantalleses hat

    Plaintiff doesnot havestanding o commencehis action.

    EIGHTH AFFIRMATIVE DEFEN$Ei0' That the Plaintiff has not complied with the terms of Chapter Section 17, amending

    RPAPL Section 1302 having failed to give proper notice to the Defendant.RpApL Section 1302states:

    "l ' Any complaintserved n a proceedingnitiatedpursuanto this articlerelating oa high-costhome oanor a subprimehome oan,as such ermsaredefined n section6-l and 6-m of the banking ,u*, respectively,must containan affirmativeallegationthat at the time the proceeding s .o--"n".d, the plaintiff (a) is the owner andholder of the subject mortgageand note, or has bein delegated he authority toinstitute a mortgage foreclosureaction by the owner and holder of the subjectmortgageand note; and (b) hascompliedwith all of the provisionsof Banking LawSection 595-a ["Regulation of mortgage brokers, mortiage bankersand exemptorganizations"],and any rules and regulationspromutga6athereunder,Section6-lf"High-costhome oans") or 6-m ["subprime home oais"]of the Banking Law, andSection1304["Required riornotices"] f thisarticle".I 1' Upon information and belief, he loan issuedby Plaintiff is a high cost or subprimehome


    1' Dismissing the Plaintiffs complaint herein and awarding interest, costs andexpenses,ncluding attorney's ees;and

    2' For suchotherand furtherrelief as this Court deemsust and properandequitable.

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    SUPREMECOURTOF THE STATEOF NEWYORKCOUNTYOF SUFFOLK --------xCitibank, .A. sTrusteeorAmerican omeMortgageAssets rust2006-3Mortgage-Backedass_Throu!h-Certificates,eries 006-3,Plaintiff.

    VERIFICATION-against-Herman amison,nd JOHN OE 1, throughJOHN OE#10" he astnames eingictit iousndunknowno hePlaintiff,heperson r partiesntended einghepersonOrparties,fany,having rclaimingn nterestnorLienupon he mortgagedremisesescribedn hecomplaint,

    ?:1t_t.11tlt_..____._.._..xSTATEOFNEW YORK )COLTNTY FSUFFOLK )ss.:


    Herman Lamison, being duly sworn, deposesand says that I am a Defendant in the withinI have read the foregoing Verified Answer with Affirmative Defensesand know the contentsthat the same s true to my own knowledge,except as to those matters stated therein to beupon nformationandbelief o thosematt ievethem o be true.

    Sworno beforeme his54


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    Dated: May 5,2010Southampton, ew york 1196g

    TO: Michael J. Chatwin,Esq.Attorney for plaintiffShapiro,Dicaro & Barak,LLp250 Mile CrossingBoulevardSuiteOneRochester, y 14624Your File No. l0-000039Clerk of the CourtSupremeCourt of the Stateof New yorkSuffolk County Clerk's Offrce310 CenterDriveRiverhead, ew york 11901

    Attomey for DefendantHermanLamison320HamptonRoadSouthampton, ew york l l96g

    Gilmarfin & B-regman--

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    DONNA MARSZYCKI, beingduly swom, deposes nd,says:I am not aparty to the action,am over eighteen 18)yearsof ageandresideat 99

    Jessup venue,Quogue,New york 11959.on May i ,2010,I served he within ANSWER by depositinga true copy

    thereofenclosedn a post-paidwrapper n an official depositoryunder he exclusivecareandcustodyof theU'S' PostalServicewithin New York State,addressedo the followine at the astknown address et orth aftereachname:

    Michael .Chatwin,Esq.Attorney or PlaintiffShapiro, icaro& Barak, Lp250Mile Crossing oulevardSuiteOneRochester,ew york 14624YourFileNo. l0-000039Clerkof theCourtSupreme ourtof the Stateof NewyorkSuffolkCountyClerk'sOffice310Center riveRiverhead,ewYork. l90l


    Sygrn o beforeme hisJ "' dayof May,2010

  • 8/8/2019 Lamison 32 Mill Farm A


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