1 Community Contact is compiled from the contribuons of the people of South Westland. Arcles, items, news, recipes, stories, etc. from everyone are most welcome. All personal opinions should be signed and publicaon is at the discreon of the Community Contact team. The views expressed in Community Contact are not necessarily the views of the CC board. Send your arcles or adverts to your contact or e-mail to [email protected] by 15TH October to be included in the November issue ADVERTISING RATES Full Page $150.00 1/2 Page $80.00 1/4 Page $40.00 1/8 Page $20.00 Address: Brenda Monk - Lake Paringa Post Centre, South Westland 7834 We prefer online banking payments directly into the Bank Account: Community Contact 12 3166 00423000 02 with your name & what the deposit is for. Please do not send cash. Lambs & Lightning Spring really lived up to its reputation during the past few weeks: mild, sunny, grass-growing weather with lambs frolicking among the daffodils one day, and ferocious thunderstorms the next. The big lightning storm wreaked havoc and caused widespread damage throughout South Westland, not to mention the wild weather on the East Coast and the rest of the country. Slips on the Haast Pass caused the road to close for more than a week, and meant tragedy for a young couple from Canada— our hearts go out to the families. Let’s hope October brings more of the good stuff and less of the wild, especially since it’s school holiday time! And, of course, Labour Weekend—see you all at the Bruce Bay Sports Day and Ball on the Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday! Solo around the Coast of New Zealand: Brando August and September saw an amazing young man, Brando Yelavich, passing through our corner of paradise. Brando, 19 years old with ADHD and Dyslexia, is currently walking (and when necessary kayaking) solo around the coast of New Zealand to raise funds for Ronald McDonald House and awareness. While doing so he is living off the land, the sea and the kindness of others. Brando leE Cape Reinga on the first of February, travelling down the West Coast, swim- ming across some harbour crossings and raEing across another. Once he arrived in Wel- lington, Brando crossed the Cook Strait courtesy of SoundsAir.com. The Interislander has agreed to transport Brando across as well, so if he chooses not to kayak back across the Cook Strait he will take the ferry on his return journey. Connued on next page [email protected]

Lambs & Lightningketewestcoast.peoplesnetworknz.info/documents/0000/0000/0499/C… · Solo around the Coast of New Zealand: Brando August and September saw an amazing young man, Brando

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Community Contact is compiled from the contribu�ons of the people of South Westland. Ar�cles, items,

news, recipes, stories, etc. from everyone are most welcome. All personal opinions should be signed and

publica�on is at the discre�on of the Community Contact team. The views expressed in Community Contact

are not necessarily the views of the CC board. Send your ar�cles or adverts to your contact or e-mail to

[email protected] by 15TH October to be included in the November issue


Full Page $150.00 1/2 Page $80.00

1/4 Page $40.00 1/8 Page $20.00

Address: Brenda Monk - Lake Paringa Post Centre, South Westland 7834

We prefer online banking payments directly into the Bank Account:

Community Contact 12 3166 00423000 02 with your name & what the deposit is for. Please do not send


Lambs & Lightning Spring really lived up to its reputation during the past

few weeks: mild, sunny, grass-growing weather with

lambs frolicking among the daffodils one day, and ferocious

thunderstorms the next.

The big lightning storm wreaked havoc and caused widespread

damage throughout South Westland, not to mention the wild

weather on the East Coast and the rest of the country.

Slips on the Haast Pass caused the road to close for more than

a week, and meant tragedy for a young couple from Canada—

our hearts go out to the families.

Let’s hope October brings more of the good stuff and less of

the wild, especially since it’s school holiday time!

And, of course, Labour Weekend—see you all at the

Bruce Bay Sports Day and Ball on the SundaySundaySundaySunday!

Solo around the Coast of New Zealand: Brando

August and September saw an amazing young man, Brando Yelavich, passing through

our corner of paradise.

Brando, 19 years old with ADHD and Dyslexia, is currently walking (and when necessary

kayaking) solo around the coast of New Zealand to raise funds for Ronald McDonald

House and awareness. While doing so he is living off the land, the sea and the kindness

of others.

Brando leE Cape Reinga on the first of February, travelling down the West Coast, swim-

ming across some harbour crossings and raEing across another. Once he arrived in Wel-

lington, Brando crossed the Cook Strait courtesy of SoundsAir.com. The Interislander has

agreed to transport Brando across as well, so if he chooses not to kayak back across the

Cook Strait he will take the ferry on his return journey.

Con�nued on next page

[email protected]

Page 2: Lambs & Lightningketewestcoast.peoplesnetworknz.info/documents/0000/0000/0499/C… · Solo around the Coast of New Zealand: Brando August and September saw an amazing young man, Brando


Con�nued from previous page

Brando then borrowed a kayak from Pip Maslen, a supporter from Ngakuta Bay near Picton, and paddled his way

through and around the Marlborough Sounds including travelling around D’Urville Island to finish in Nelson, where

he con�nued on foot. AEer passing farewell spit, he walked and—where required—climbed the Kahurangi

wilderness coast (recognised by many as some of NZ toughest and most rugged coast line) to meet the Heaphy

track at the Heaphy river, which he crossed using his pack raE. He con�nued his way down the coast past

Westport, Greymouth, Hoki�ka and South Westland.

Brando inspires and touches people everywhere he goes. He has spoken about his journey at a number of schools

along the way, and also at The Last Resort in Karamea, where locals passed the hat around and donated $225. In

Greymouth, a similar talk raised around $313 from the patrons at a local Workingmans club, plus the club also

donated $500 towards Brando’s fundraising efforts for Ronald McDonald House Charity.

Brando’s journey down our coastline was helped by many locals, including Brian and Raewyn McLennan, at whose

place at Okarito he spent a few days. Thank you Brian for the informa�on and the pictures. Brando’s father and

chief supporter, Todd, would also like to thank the following people and businesses:

“Lindsay Molloy kayaked and walked with Brando down from the Poerua river, driving his ute across…and then

unfortunately got stuck on his way back. Bit of a walk to phone for assistance, and tractor to pull ute out.

JH and Shirley McIntosh gave Brando accommoda$on in Hari Hari overnight and also Deb James was also a great

organiser of people.

I would just like to make a special thanks to Michelle Clarkson, Deb & Ian James and Raewyn & Brian McLennan,

Paul and Maree at Hunts Beach

Mahitahi Lodge, Jacqui and John

Curly Tree White Bait Company

Collyer House

The Fron$er Café n Bar

Kaisalina Sauvao Jackson (Lina) and family

Haast World Heritage Hotel Jackson Bay Rd

plus anybody I forgot to thank! I know others have helped but as I write this I do not have their names to hand.

You have made Brando’s transi$on through your area so amazing.”

From here he headed for Milford Sound, then on to Invercargill and Bluff before working his way up the East Coast

un�l he arrives back at Cape Reinga.

Brando at Franz Josef Glacier and Okarito Bluff

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Here are some more facts about Brando:

• Brando had wanted to circumnavigate the NZ coastline for several years—inspired by the movie "Into the Wild"

• He aOended LSV (limited Service Volunteer - military style outward bound)—where he received the pres�gious

"Warrant officer of the defence force award" for the most effec�ve Team Member and for leadership.

• Brando had a dream to join the Army, but aEer aOending a military prep school he was told because of his

learning difficul�es he would not be able to pass the entry exam.

• He decided to wipe the slate clean and do something great which helps others so he decided to support the

Ronald McDonald House Charity (he has always loved kids) and carry out his Adventure to circumnavigate the

NZ coastline over 6000km—living off the sea, the land and the kindness of others.

• Brando’s original plan was to run, but it turned out to be too difficult to find a support crew to follow him

around and carry his gear, so he is carrying everything he needs in his pack, which at the beginning weighed 42-

50kg and he has now trimmed down to around 35kg as it was just too much for some of the very difficult

situa�ons. He travels around 15-35km per day 6-10 hours

• Brando carries with him: GPS naviga�on device, Satellite phone, PLB personal locator beacon, Spot GPS

tracker, mobile phone, camera and we update his Facebook page which has over 2222 followers so far with

posts and Brando’s latest photos from around the coast line almost every day.

• He charges his devices using a large fold solar panel.

• Amazing support from so many people everywhere he goes, everybody is ready to help, it's just amazing when

people hear what he is doing they seem to instantly offer support, a place to stay, a meal, a shower, harbour

crossing, forward planning for access to farm land, etc.

• Many people are making dona�ons online to His Ronald McDonald House

Charity, (so far over $7,000 has been raised). They provide accommoda�on

to families so they can be close when their children are sick in hospital.

If you’d like to follow Brando and/or make a dona�on to his charity, please use

these links:

- www.WildBoy.co.nz - Brando Yelavich - An adventure to remember

- www.FollowBrando.co.nz - On his GPS tracker

- www.SupportBrando.co.nz - Ronald McDonald House Charity

- www.WatchBrando.co.nz - On TVNZ 7 Sharp

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Bruce Bay OCTOBER 2013

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Fox Glacier OCTOBER 2013


Far out where have the months gone!! They’re slipping by so fast that before I know it, 2 months have raced by without

geSng our very important Fox input into the past 2 issues! Or something like that…

Well Spring has well and truly arrived with daffodils everywhere and unstable weather paOerns. Since the start of August

�ll now, 22nd

Sept, we’ve had 545mm of rain and that day of nasty lightning that became way too close for comfort for

some Pekanga drive residents.

Luckily we have our very own fireman Sam who along with the help of Simon, who called the fire brigade, got the good

old garden hose, and dealt to the fire before it got too carried away. Good on ya Sam!!

Meanwhile Annie and MaOhew had to spend the rest of the day wondering what became of Snow White as their DVD

watching was cut short as their TV went out with a bang!


As we look back on term 3, there has been plenty going on as well as a big focus on fundraising for the school. First up

was the aEernoon of make-up, scarves and jewellery up for sale with a por�on of sales going to the school, followed a

week later, by the great quiz night at the pub.

Room 1 also welcomed Kerah Alexander into their midst at the end of August.


A HUGE thank you to all the families of the school, who donated such fantas�c items for both the auc�ons and the raffle.

Also a big thank you to Nick who was the master quiz master and to the Heartland Hotel and Luton and Janine for

hos�ng the event, and then to Peter Halford who was our awesome auc�oneer.

Also a very big thank you to those of you on the fundraising commiOee, who made this night happen!

Final figures for the night were… Entries - $380

Raffles - $638

Auc�ons- $2,475

GRAND TOTAL OF - $3,493 !!!


The school pet day is to be held on the 21st

October (wet weather con�ngency day 22nd

October) Everyone is welcome to

come along and join in the fun and/or carnage of having a wide range of “pets” in one place and to view the kids pet

projects, art work and baking that will be on display from 12.30 onwards.

There is also a sausage sizzle to keep you going with a great aEernoon tea put on, once the prizes and trophies have

been handed out.

This day always provides great entertainment, so come along and check it out.

I cringe in fear as I write this, but some things just have to be said!!

CONGRATULATIONS Robert ScoO and Krissy Mitchell on your engagement! :)

Well that’s about it from here, as always please let me know if you have a good story or anything to contribute,

otherwise see ya next month.

I have been meaning to email you for some months now to tell you what a great job you and your fellow contacts are doing with Community Contact. Brenda did a great job of it too of course and it is wonderful for me as one of the 5 originators of CC to see it still going strong after all of these years. My oldest son just turned 31 and he was about 1 when we started it with our crummy little portable typewriters and our gestetner duplicator working away monthly in the priest’s house in Whataroa. Actually, we used to gather and work in the priests house each month but the gestetner was in the Postill's garage and Bruce Postill a Senior park ranger at Fox at the time used to draw on his printing skills from a former life to persuade it to print the 150 or so copies.

I feel you have got it going from strength to strength. Good on you all and great that you have the wonderful skills of Ruth Gordon on board.

Kind regards, Carrol Browne

We your feedback

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Commercial &




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We now offer 2 new services:


of oil and grease, all freight FREE to our depot


saw, power saw cuOer, Electric saw plus a range of electric

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Excavator is now available in Fox


Ian: 027 695 6988 Kathy: 0274 741 306

Donation to Community Contact.

If you would like a receipt for your donation, please use this form and we will send you one.

Community Contact,

C/o Lake Paringa Postal Centre

South Westland 7834

We prefer you to make a direct payment to Community Contact

ASB 12 3166 0042300 02—please include your name as a reference & what the deposit is for.


Email address for receipt…………………………………………………

Or Postal address……………………………………………………………..


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Haast OCTOBER 2013


August 2013 Haast School

Haast Community Allstars

We had a great turn out at the Haast School where some Hannah’s Clearing residents put on a meal for the Allstars. We had Joy and Evan McLean visitors from out of town join us and Anne Nichol had her first day with us from the Turnbull.

A big thank you to Margaret, Linny, Mauryne, and Phillipa, who put on a beau�ful meal.

Also special thanks to Glubby who was our chief waiter.

We had a choice of two meat casseroles, pumpkin, peas, silverbeet, cabbage mix, mashed potatoes and bread nibbles. For dessert we had a wide variety of cream cakes, slices and treats. Everyone was amazed at the wide variety and selec�on of dessert to choose from.

The Allstars were privileged to have the Haast School Children read their stories to us before dinner. What a wonderful effort they made, we were all thrilled to listen to the children and see how well they are doing at school. It was most entertaining. We would like to thank Liz Hawker for arranging the children to perform for us.

We now have got Housie running every Wednesday night at the Haast World Heritage Hotel. If there is anyone able to help out with baking for the cake raffles each week please contact Barbara on 7500-805. The proceeds from the raffles and Housie will go to the Allstars to help pay for an ou�ng to Dunedin to go on the Taieri Gorge Rail Car.

Our computer course has stopped for whitebait season and may resume in November.

Our next meet will be at the Haast World Heritage Hotel on 18th

September at 12pm.

Haast Playgroup

Monday 10:30am to 12:30pm Wednesday 11:30am to 1:30pm pre-school for the big kids with Karyn

Thursday 10:30am

Wear your high visibility vests when on the road.

Worst times to see you are early morning and late evening. Be seen!!!

Haast Community Library

Open Saturdays 1pm – 4pm

at the Hall in the Haast township.

Books are issued out on a three weekly basis,

And we are lucky enough to get 100 books

changed over every 3 months

from the Hoki�ka Library.

Don’t forget to return your

books on �me

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Okarito OCTOBER 2013


Once again a pretty quiet month in Okkers. Although the Whitebait season has opened you would hardly know it...there’s hardly anyone with their nets in the water. At least this year the bar hasn’t blocked for the start of the season! Please note: the Okarito Community Association AGM date has been changed and will now be held on the 5th October 7.30pm, Donovans Store. There will be a pot luck at 6pm, and an ordinary meet-ing at 7pm. Keep December 1st free so you can come along to The Eastern who are playing again at Donovans Store. They really are an act not to be missed. Tickets from Okarito Nature Tours 03 7534 014. Ad-am McGrath, lead singer from The Eastern was here earlier this month playing a concert to help raise funds for Laura and Ryan after fire destroyed all of their belongings. What an amazingly gener-ous thing to do!! There were a lot of generous donations from all sorts of individuals and businesses. A huge thanks to everyone who contributed. It was very much appreciated. Remember, the best way to hear about upcoming events at Donovans is by joining Donovans Store on Facebook. There are a number of fabulous acts coming up next year, starting early January. Some of these acts are new to Okarito, and some, like the fabulously talented and entertaining violin-ist Fiona Pears, are welcomed back for a repeat show. And Remember:

"Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."

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Email: [email protected]

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Franz Josef OCTOBER 2013

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Whataroa OCTOBER 2013

We wish to express our appreciation of the contribution made by the outgoing Chairman of the Whataroa

Community Association, Terry McBride, to the Whataroa Town Planning project.

Terry shares the vision of what this town could become and has been unfailingly encouraging and support-

ive. Thank you Terry.

We hope that you will continue to be part of the project as it progresses.

Junior Rugby At the end of August South Westland Junior Rugby finished their season off with the break up being held at the

Greymouth Aqua�c Centre. The kids had lots of fun swimming and playing on the hydro slides. AEerwards we had

a BBQ and prize giving in the court yard at the pool, the hot sun was streaming down, it was a really enjoyable

day. Thank you to Tom for driving the rugby bus, the kids love the bus trip! Thanks to all the dedicated coaches

and parents for the season it wouldn't happen without you. To all our wonderful kids who play hard all year, you

should be all very proud of your effort and enthusiasm, you are a great bunch, we all look forward to next year!


Under 8

Keenest Willie McBride

Fairest Dan Treanor

Best Tackler Harry Friend

Player of the Season Jack Dennehy Coles

Under 10

Best Forward Liam Straight

Best Back Sam Jewell

Fairest Jack Rankin

Keenest Rhytham Thind

Under 12

Most Improved Joe Glancy

Best Forward Logan Shaw

Best Back James Nicolas

Fairest Cameron Mathieson

Player of the Season Ronan Shilling


Keegan Straight Mana Cup Lucas Bron

Sportsmanship Niall Alexander & Tom Hodges

Best Presented Team Under 10

Inland Revenue

Inland Revenue will be continuing to visit

Franz Josef and Fox Glacier throughout

the SUMMER on the following dates:

Franz Josef : 1st Tuesday of the month,

starting 1 October, 1pm-3pm, Medical Centre

Fox Glacier: 3rd Tuesday of the month,

starting 15 October, 11am-1pm, Fire Station

Appointments can be made by ringing Juliette

on 03 906 0317 or Tina on 03 906 0307.



For all your concrete

needs in Westland

Call Tim Gibb on 0211584043 to

discuss your requirements.

Driveways, dairy sheds, lime bins,

foundations, pole sheds, animals

shelters, standoff areas, farm race

ways etc.

Now might be the time to add a concrete

patio or pathway.

Glacier Contracting can also provide

gravel , sand, large stones for soak holes

etc and can do your site preparation

work. Call Tim for a free no

obligation quote. Email

[email protected]

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*Need a painter?

*Need a Gib Stopper?

Kevin Hansen Painters

Whataroa 0275 753405

Kids! Kids! Kids! Kids! ...and all other ...and all other ...and all other ...and all other

keen hunters! keen hunters! keen hunters! keen hunters!

I have hidden a little

mouse somewhere in

Community Contact!

Can you find it?

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Hari Hari OCTOBER 2013

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Hari Hari OCTOBER 2013

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Hari Hari OCTOBER 2013

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Hari Hari OCTOBER 2013

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Ross OCTOBER 2013

Ross Ramblings

Ross School has had a busy term three, with students recently returned from a 'damp' but fun school camp visi�ng

South Westland's scenic wonders. The juniors had an exci�ng night at Okarito; special thanks have to go out to the

Aviator Cafe and Kimmy for hos�ng these mul�tupes on a wet Tuesday! The seniors kayaked, hot pooled, tramped,

visited Kiwi and had a guided walk on the ice of Fox Glacier.

The annual PTA carwash was a great success, thanks to the many locals who supported the day. These important

events help keep events like camp affordable for everyone.

Pet day is also coming on the last day of term – 27 September. No doubt children are busy training and grooming their

favourite furry friends.

Gardening is also geSng under way at the school, with new fruit trees being mulched and the extremely solid

greenhouse geSng planted out by parents and children.

The next Playgroup Melody Makers session is now on 21 October, and yoga is s�ll being held with Laksmi at playgroup

on Wednesdays at 7pm. No experience is necessary for this, and anyone interested can call Marie Gill on 7554013.

Congratula�ons to local girls Meg Cornish, Smanatha Birchfield, Libby Manera-Wilson and Danielle O'Brien for making

it in to Hoki�ka Rep Netball teams this season. The girls played three tournaments – Greymouth, Westport and

Rengiora – a preOy impressive representa�on from our small popula�on. Samantha Birchfield and Brooke Manera also

went to South Island Secondary Schools netball tournament with the Westland High School A team, coming 8th out of

32 teams.

With spring well advanced we should see cherry trees blossoming at the beginning of October, and there may be a few

weeds in our curbside gardens that could be pulled by anyone green fingered. Pool season is coming up too, and we

can look forward to another season mee�ng up at this fantas�c community resource.


On behalf of the Canterbury/Westcoast Cancer Society I wish to thank most sincerely all in South Westland who helped make Daffodil Day such a success. Many people in Hokitika and South Westland will benefit from your generosity. Special thanks to Terrace Motels, Glacier Helicopters, Franz Hot Pools, and The Landing Bar Ltd who provided the wonderful 1st prize of a weekend escape,

A huge thank you to you all, we are so lucky to live in such a generous and supportive area of New Zea-land.

Raffle Results. 1st` 03 7555325

2nd` 03 7556577

3rd` 0211551743

4th` Wayne. PO Box 68, Hari Hari

5th 03 7500727 Haast

6th 03 7557857

Chris Cuff Cancer Support Co-ordinator Hokitika Ph 03 7557010 Email : [email protected]

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Astronomy OCTOBER 2013

Planet Watching

Sky watching, like whitebaiting, cultivates patience. Last month I wrote about the spectacular evening line up of Venus, Saturn, and the new Moon which would occur early in September. But the fickle weather gods intervened, and when I ventured down to the beach on the evening of the 10th, during a brief lull, there was not a star to be seen.

October brings another month, and another sky. The Venus/Saturn/Mercury show continues to dazzle early in the month, although as the days lengthen Saturn and Mercury will become increasingly hard to pick out in the evening twilight and will be lost to view by month end. The three planets move swiftly. Venus is always the brightest and highest of the three, and by month end will have swung well to the southwest, setting four hours after sunset. Saturn lies more or less directly below Venus, and – although fainter – will be brighter than any star in the immediate vicinity, and easily visible until about the 15th. Mercury is fainter again, and appears more star-like than its two companions, but will be particularly easy to identify on the 6th, when it will lie immediately to the left of Saturn at the same altitude.

For the next three nights, the new Moon returns to the party. On the 7th its thin crescent (only 6% illuminated) lies directly above Saturn, and will form a right angled triangle with Mercury, a little higher than Saturn. The Moon will lie below Venus on the 8th, and above her on the 9th, now well on the way to first quarter. At such times, the unlit portion of the Moon is often clearly visible thanks to reflected earthlight, a phenomenon called the ashen glow or – more poetically – the old Moon in the new Moon’s arms.

On the 17th, Venus lies directly beside the star know to the Greeks as Antares, and to the Māori as Rehua. One of the brightest stars in the sky, Antares is a red supergiant with a radius 880 times larger than our own Sun: if it were placed in the centre of the Solar System, its surface would lie beyond the orbit of Mars.

Early risers should keep a watch out for Jupiter, now prominent in the morning sky to the northeast. For this year and next, the vagaries of Solar System geometry mean that Jupiter never rises very high, as its orbit lies low above the northern horizon like the Sun in winter. Even so, it is the brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus, and is fat enough to look distinctly non-stellar. If you have binoculars, and can find a way to keep them steady – try leaning them against a high rail or fence – try looking for Jupiter’s four Galilean moons. Strung out on either side of Jupiter like beads on a wire they change position nightly, occasionally dis-appearing from view as they pass behind or in front of Jupiter.

Martin Unwin

Hannah’s Clearing

[email protected]

Constellations and Asterisms

In a sky randomly scattered with bright stars, it’s hard to resist mentally joining the dots. Humans have identified the most compelling patterns with mythological figures since an-cient times: the stars marking the face and horns of Taurus the bull appear on the Las-caux cave paintings of 15,000 B.C. Equally vivid are Orion the hunter, Leo the lion, and the curling sting of Scorpius. In 150 A.D., the scholar Ptolemy compiled a list of 48 group-ings of stars – con-stellations – which are still recognised. When trying to identify a con-stellation, bear in mind that most merely honour their namesakes. Expecting Virgo to look like a young woman is like expecting Mt Cook to resemble James Cook.

New constellations added in the 17th and 18th centuries filled southern gaps hidden from Athens and Alexandria. Often named for inventions seen as important by observers of the day, such as the chemical furnace (Fornax) and pendulum clock (Horologium), their names now seem prosaic but have stuck. Today’s constellations number Ptolemy’s 48, plus the modern 40. Defined by internationally agreed boundaries since 1930, they divide the heavens into 88 regions analogous to countries on a world map.

The stick figures that most of us associate with constellations are more correctly known as asterisms: patterns with an easily recognisable shape, but no defined boundary. The Southern Cross is an asterism, enclosed within the larger rectangular border of the con-stellation Crux. Asterisms – Orion’s belt is another – lack official status, but are the sign-posts by which we can learn to navigate the night sky.

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Royal New Zealand Plunket Society (Inc)

Westland Car-Seat Rental Scheme

“Baby Seats” - “Toddler Seats”

Phone Anne 03 755 4039


Catholic 6th 13th 20th 27th

Hari Hari 9am 6pm Sat. 9am

Whataroa 10.30am 9am 10.30am 7pm Sat.

Franz Josef 5pm 5pm

Fox Glacier 11am 9.30am

Haast 5pm

South Westland Catholic Parish: Contact Fr. Michael Mahoney, 0210333746 or 037534140

Note: This mass is the normal parish schedule. It is wise to check that a mass has not been changed for some special reason.

Anglican 6th 13th 18th 27th

Ross 10.30am 10.30am

Hari Hari 5pm 5pm

Whataroa 1pm

Franz Josef 3pm

Jacobs River

Haast 6pm

Anglican Contact: Rev’d Vivien Harber (03) 755 5125

Lifeline – West Coast Toll Free 0800 353 353

Kidsline – 4pm – 6pm every school day

0800 543 754

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) (03) 7534005


HEALTH ADVICE 0800 611 116


West Coast contact numbers are:-

Westland Victim Support – ask for

Victim Support (03) 755 8088

Arthritis Foundation (03) 768 7254

Women’s Refuge (9am – 3pm)

(03) 7898025 AH 0800 208 339

Child Support Agency – queries re

child support 0800 221 221

Disability Information Service

0800 100 946

West Coast Rural Support—

Dianne Milne 0800 787 254