LAKEVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH—Adam Metzger, Pastor “Asia, with its idola- trous myriads, is the most important field in the world for missionary effort.” Those were the words of the famous Baptist missionary Adoniram Judson as he set sale for Burma (now known as Myanmar) as a missionary with his wife, Ann. The year 2013 celebrates the 200th anniversary of his arrival to that foreign land. The work of spreading the gospel was difficult for Judson. It took years to learn a new language, translate the New Testa- ment, and earn trust among people. It took Judson 12 years to make just 18 “converts.” Although the gospel has made some headway in Myanmar over the past two centuries, Christianity is still a minority religion with only 4% of the population professing the Christian faith. Although the percentage is small, believers in that country are grateful for the work of Judson and other missionaries who chose to give their lives for the sake of the gos- pel. In fact, many Burmese Christians view Judson as a “hero of the faith,” in- cluding many of those who are a part of the Falam Baptist Church. (The Falam Baptist Church are Burmese Christians, many of whom have been resettled here in the United States because of religious persecution. They currently meet in our basement for worship on Sunday after- noons). American Baptists also hold Judson in high esteem, as he was their first mis- sionary sent under the support of The American Baptist Missionary Union, also known as the American Baptist For- eign Mission society. Today, you know this organization as International Minis- tries. International Ministries is the for- eign mission arm of the American Bap- tist Church. They are involved in in- credible missionary work around the world. For the past 2 years, International Minis- tries (IM for short) has been celebrating the missionary work of Adoniram Judson. In 2012, there was a celebration of his leaving for Burma. In 2013, the 2500 American Baptists who gathered at the Mission Summit/Biennial in Kansas City celebrated Judson’s arrival in Burma (and viewed a large scale replica of the sailing vessel he and Ann sailed on). In 2014, a grand finale celebration is planned—and you can be a part! In 2014 all the American Baptist mis- sionaries from around the world will be brought back to the U.S. for a national World Mission Conference to continue to celebrate Judson’s 200 th anniversary and to celebrate the bicentennial of Inter- national Ministries’ work all over the world. This conference will launch IM into the “third century” of world mis- sions! This celebration will take place at the American Baptist Assembly grounds (The Green Lake Conference Center), in Green Lake, Wisconsin on July 21-25, 2014. I’d love to have you join me and my family at this mission conference. * * * Now I know what you’re thinking. A mission conference? Seriously? A week long? That doesn’t sound very exciting. I thought the same thing when my par- ents told me they planned on attending a mission conference many years ago. (International Ministries used to host a conference every year). That summer, I could either stay home by myself for a week or go with them, begrudgingly. I had seen enough long slide show presen- tations to know what I was getting my- self into. Yawn. I decided to go anyway. What I experienced was nothing like I had seen in the past. The missionaries were real people with incredible stories of what God was doing through them around the world. These missionaries had kids (some of whom I became friends with that week). The morning and evening main sessions were full of praise and worship with a thousand other people, sometimes presented in different languages. There were engaging presen- tations of the work that International Ministries was accomplishing. And the afternoon “free time” was refreshing as the conference grounds are a recreational wonderland. Having experienced several of these mis- sion conferences now (yes, I went back—many times—and am going again), here are three reasons I am going again and why you should consider go- ing, too. 1) It will expand your view of God. Our God is a global God. He is not just “America’s God.” He’s the God of the Burmese, Thai, Japanese, and Cubans, etc. I knew this in my head going into the conference, but sometimes in my ethnocentricity, I forget about the lives and faith of those overseas. It is inspiring to hear and experience how God is changing lives, cities and cultures for his glory and fame. You’ll leave with a bigger view of God and his kingdom agenda for the world. 2) You’ll meet missionaries from around the world. Hearing a presenta- tion is a fine way to learn about a mis- sionary and their work, but having a con- versation over a meal with them is bet- ter. As a Baptist conference center, there are plenty of opportunities to pull a mis- sionary aside and ask them to join you at the dining commons for a buffet meal SEPTEMBER 2013 The Encourager

LAKEVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH—Adam Metzger, Pastor · Baptist missionary Adoniram Judson as he set sale for Burma ... to celebrate Judson’s 200 th anniversary ... had seen enough long

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“Asia, with its idola-

trous myriads, is the most important

field in the world for missionary effort.”

Those were the words of the famous

Baptist missionary Adoniram Judson as

he set sale for Burma (now known as

Myanmar) as a missionary with his wife,

Ann. The year 2013 celebrates the 200th

anniversary of his arrival to that foreign


The work of spreading the gospel was

difficult for Judson. It took years to learn

a new language, translate the New Testa-

ment, and earn trust among people. It

took Judson 12 years to make just 18


Although the gospel has made some

headway in Myanmar over the past two

centuries, Christianity is still a minority

religion with only 4% of the population

professing the Christian faith. Although

the percentage is small, believers in that

country are grateful for the work of

Judson and other missionaries who chose

to give their lives for the sake of the gos-

pel. In fact, many Burmese Christians

view Judson as a “hero of the faith,” in-

cluding many of those who are a part of

the Falam Baptist Church. (The Falam

Baptist Church are Burmese Christians,

many of whom have been resettled here

in the United States because of religious

persecution. They currently meet in our

basement for worship on Sunday after-


American Baptists also hold Judson in

high esteem, as he was their first mis-

sionary sent under the support of The

American Baptist Missionary Union,

also known as the American Baptist For-

eign Mission society. Today, you know

this organization as International Minis-

tries. International Ministries is the for-

eign mission arm of the American Bap-

tist Church. They are involved in in-

credible missionary work around the


For the past 2 years, International Minis-

tries (IM for short) has been celebrating

the missionary work of Adoniram

Judson. In 2012, there was a celebration

of his leaving for Burma. In 2013, the

2500 American Baptists who gathered at

the Mission Summit/Biennial in Kansas

City celebrated Judson’s arrival in

Burma (and viewed a large scale replica

of the sailing vessel he and Ann sailed

on). In 2014, a grand finale celebration

is planned—and you can be a part!

In 2014 all the American Baptist mis-

sionaries from around the world will be

brought back to the U.S. for a national

World Mission Conference to continue

to celebrate Judson’s 200th anniversary

and to celebrate the bicentennial of Inter-

national Ministries’ work all over the

world. This conference will launch IM

into the “third century” of world mis-


This celebration will take place at the

American Baptist Assembly grounds

(The Green Lake Conference Center), in

Green Lake, Wisconsin on July 21-25,

2014. I’d love to have you join me and

my family at this mission conference.

* * *

Now I know what you’re thinking. A

mission conference? Seriously? A week

long? That doesn’t sound very exciting.

I thought the same thing when my par-

ents told me they planned on attending a

mission conference many years ago.

(International Ministries used to host a

conference every year). That summer, I

could either stay home by myself for a

week or go with them, begrudgingly. I

had seen enough long slide show presen-

tations to know what I was getting my-

self into.


I decided to go anyway.

What I experienced was nothing like I

had seen in the past. The missionaries

were real people with incredible stories

of what God was doing through them

around the world. These missionaries

had kids (some of whom I became

friends with that week). The morning

and evening main sessions were full of

praise and worship with a thousand other

people, sometimes presented in different

languages. There were engaging presen-

tations of the work that International

Ministries was accomplishing. And the

afternoon “free time” was refreshing as

the conference grounds are a recreational


Having experienced several of these mis-

sion conferences now (yes, I went

back—many times—and am going

again), here are three reasons I am going

again and why you should consider go-

ing, too.

1) It will expand your view of God. Our God is a global God. He is not just

“America’s God.” He’s the God of the

Burmese, Thai, Japanese, and Cubans,

etc. I knew this in my head going into

the conference, but sometimes in my

ethnocentricity, I forget about the lives

and faith of those overseas. It is inspiring

to hear and experience how God is

changing lives, cities and cultures for his

glory and fame. You’ll leave with a

bigger view of God and his kingdom

agenda for the world.

2) You’ll meet missionaries from around the world. Hearing a presenta-

tion is a fine way to learn about a mis-

sionary and their work, but having a con-

versation over a meal with them is bet-

ter. As a Baptist conference center, there

are plenty of opportunities to pull a mis-

sionary aside and ask them to join you at

the dining commons for a buffet meal


The Encourager

meal (and all you can eat ice cream).

As a church, we might be able to in-

vite a missionary or two each year to

come to our church, but during a con-

ference week like this, you can get to

know many missionaries in a short

period of time. You can get to know

their spouses and kids, too. These

conversations often might spawn new

ideas or ways you can pray or support

the missionary financially.

3) The conference grounds are beautiful. The tag line for the

American Baptist Assembly is “the

place for your renewal.” The confer-

ence grounds aid in a restful, inspired

week for your body and soul. While

the conference has you busy in the

morning and evenings, the entire af-

ternoon is yours to use at your discre-

tion. The Golf Courses of Lawsonia

offer 36 holes of “4.5 star” golf

(according to Golf Digest). The con-

ference center itself is located along

the shores of Green Lake, Wiscon-

sin’s deepest lake with small and

large water craft rental available.

Tennis, volleyball, bicycling, hik-

ing—it’s an outdoor paradise! In

fact, many families who accompanied

us in the past have arrived a week

early or stayed the week after just

because the conference grounds pro-

vided a nice, relaxing vacation spot

for their family.

And a bonus reason:

4) It’ll deepen your relationships

with other church members. My

parents and I were the only ones to

attend that first mission conference

years ago. Each summer, however,

another family would join us. Before

too long, there were 35+ people at-

tending from our church alone. With

meals around tables to the afternoon

activities to evening campfires, each

were moments many in our church

family shared with each other. Fellow-

ship abounded.

Those are only a few reasons to con-

sider attending International Ministries

2014 World Mission Conference.

There are so many more I could have


Because of the nature of this confer-

ence (200th year anniversary, every

missionary and their families will be

present—something they’ve never

done before), it is expected to be the

most exciting and well attended con-

ference they’ve ever hosted. The con-

ference grounds is anticipating all their

housing to sell out well before the con-

ference begins. I have reserved a 4

bedroom house for the week, located

in the heart of the conference grounds.

I’d love to fill each room with families

or individuals from Lakeview Baptist

church. There are many other accom-

modations available to reserve on your

own (camping, hotel rooms, rustic cab-

ins, etc) but I have specifically re-

served a house for us to share as a

church family. If you are interested in

attending or learning more about the

conference, please see me soon. I’d

like to know who is attending by early



10:45 am Worship time resumes10:45 am Worship time resumes10:45 am Worship time resumes10:45 am Worship time resumes

September 1st September 1st September 1st September 1st





Saturday, September 7Saturday, September 7Saturday, September 7Saturday, September 7

11 am11 am11 am11 am————2 pm2 pm2 pm2 pm

Lakeview Baptist ChurchLakeview Baptist ChurchLakeview Baptist ChurchLakeview Baptist Church

7 S. 20th Street7 S. 20th Street7 S. 20th Street7 S. 20th Street

Battle Creek, Michigan Battle Creek, Michigan Battle Creek, Michigan Battle Creek, Michigan



Each year ABC churches set aside time for our World Mission Offering. This year September and October is our designated time.

Theme: “Embrace the Cause” Goal: $500

This year one of our missionary couples—Pieter & Nora Kalkman of the Czech Republic are representing a segment of World Missions.

Here is Nora’s story:

Greetings from Prague! I continue leading the language center outreach, designed for students to come in touch with the gospel. We offer English and Spanish classes and have several volunteers from our church helping us as English teachers. This year we have 56 students. I teach three Spanish classes.

I really enjoy teaching and my heart rejoices when there is an opportunity to share the gospel. I started a Spanish Bible class; one student only attends to learn the language and does not believe in God, nor has she ever heard about Jesus before. She was even afraid to study the Bible. After some classes, she told me, “This is good, yes indeed this is good!” This made me realize how many people have a fear of the gospel (or church). During Communism, Czech students were taught that Christianity was for the uneducated and was violent.

Please pray that this fear of the gospel will not be a barrier to the students. Though language school has proven an effective evangelism tool, we rely on the Holy Spirit for touching hearts. This involves your prayers. Learn more: http://www.internationialministries.org/teams/70-kalkman. “

Pieter & Nora Kalkman are members of LBC. They live in Prague with their teen-age daughter, Norita.

Submitted by

Eleanor M. VerLee


SEAN KOSCIUSZKOSEAN KOSCIUSZKOSEAN KOSCIUSZKOSEAN KOSCIUSZKO was born in Saginaw, MI on November 9, 1981. He grew up in Saginaw & Clio, MI and graduated from Valley Lutheran High School in 2000. He married Libby on October 20, 2004 in Carol, MI. He recently received his BA de-gree from the University of Michigan/Flint. They have three children: Jamie, who will be in 5th grade, Christian, who will be in 3rd grade and Au-brey who is 3. While playing soccer, his travel ex-periences included Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, & Canada. Sean plans on going back to school for his MBA & enjoys reading and playing sports. He joined Lakeview Baptist on June 30 of this year. He was active in Vacation Bible School as Zaccheus.

LIBBY KOSCIUSZKOLIBBY KOSCIUSZKOLIBBY KOSCIUSZKOLIBBY KOSCIUSZKO was born in Saginaw, MI on February 18, 1982. She grew up in Vassar, Michi-gan and graduated from Vassar High School in 2000. She and Sean were married on October 20, 2004. Both attended the membership class and joined Lakeview Baptist Church on June 30, 2013. They have three children: Jamie who is 10; Chris-tian who is 8 and Aubrey who is 3. She has trav-eled to Ireland and Canada and to the following states: California, Colorado, Florida, Kentucky, Main, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Da-kota, South Dakota, Ohio, Tennessee, Vermont & Virginia. Her hobbies include: cooking, painting and photography. Future plans include: surviving moth-erhood, then we’ll go from there. Her involvement at LBC includes: Crib nursery, Kids’ Church and she occasionally sings solo.

JAMIE KOSCIUSZKOJAMIE KOSCIUSZKOJAMIE KOSCIUSZKOJAMIE KOSCIUSZKO was born August 6, 2003 in Saginaw, MI. She grew up in Flint before moving to Battle Creek. This fall she will be 5th grade at Bat-tle Creek Montessori. She attended the member-ship class and was baptized on June 30th in Goguac Lake by Pastor Adam. Jamie was a con-test winner for Crayola and traveled to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to receive her award. She has also traveled to Chicago, IL, Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Tennessee and Toronto, Canada. Her hobbies include: painting, drawing, writing, cooking, fashion design, arts & crafts, sewing, soc-cer and dance. Future plans include to be a chef and Fashion design. Her LBC involvement in-cludes: attending Kid’s Church & Vacation Bible School. She lives with her mom and dad, brother, Chrstian & sister, Aubrey at 730 Andrus St., Battle Creek, MI 49015


ETHAN MICHAEL THOMASETHAN MICHAEL THOMASETHAN MICHAEL THOMASETHAN MICHAEL THOMAS was born on March 25, 2003 in Battle Creek, Michigan. He grew up in Battle Creek but lived in Perrington, MI for 10 months help-ing to take care of his great-grandpa. He attended Verona Elementary until 4th grade but will be attend-ing Harper Creek Middle School to start 5th grade this fall. He was baptized on June 30th in Goguac Lake by Pastor Adam. Ethan likes to play video games and playing outside. He is involved in Kid’s Church and in FROGs. He lives with his mom-Lisa, dad-Charles, grandma-Cheryl, aunt-Christi and sis-ter, Maddison at 72 Byron St., Battle Creek, MI 49017

Congratulations. We welcome all of you to Lakeview Congratulations. We welcome all of you to Lakeview Congratulations. We welcome all of you to Lakeview Congratulations. We welcome all of you to Lakeview Baptist Church.Baptist Church.Baptist Church.Baptist Church.


BETTY JEAN KNIGHTBETTY JEAN KNIGHTBETTY JEAN KNIGHTBETTY JEAN KNIGHT was born April 26, 1927 in Battle Creek, Michigan and grew up in East Leroy and Battle Creek. She attended Battle Creek Central H.S. graduating in 1942. She took some classes at KCC. She met George C. Knight at his father’s vari-ety store. They were married on August 27, 1944 by Judge Kulp at Goguac Lake. She worked at Lally’s drugstore, Professional Credit Bureau, Kellogg’s, Oliver’s, Weston Biscuit and at Knight’s Furniture Store. Betty & George both joined Lakeview Baptist Church on April 19, 1962. George passed away on December 5, 2004. They had been married sixty years. They had two children: Thomas Alan Knight and Patricia Lynn Augustyn. She has 5 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Her travel experiences include: Rio, St. Croix, Hawaii, several U.S. National Parks and Alaska. Her hobbies include golfing, play-ing bridge and reading. Her involvement with Lake-view Baptist Church includes church circle and XYZ. At one time, she and George led the youth group. Betty now lives at 355 W. Columbia Ave. #205, Battle Creek, MI 49015

Congratulations, Betty, on being a 50Congratulations, Betty, on being a 50Congratulations, Betty, on being a 50Congratulations, Betty, on being a 50----year member!year member!year member!year member!


XYZ ClubXYZ ClubXYZ ClubXYZ Club All retirees of the church are invited!

The next meeting will be Tuesday,

September 17, 2013September 17, 2013September 17, 2013September 17, 2013

11:30 a.m.11:30 a.m.11:30 a.m.11:30 a.m.

Meet in parlor for devotions with Martin & Bernadine Kelly.

Eating out and fellowship

“Olive Garden”

Lakeview Baptist Lakeview Baptist Lakeview Baptist Lakeview Baptist

Food Pantry DayFood Pantry DayFood Pantry DayFood Pantry Day

Monday, September 16th Monday, September 16th Monday, September 16th Monday, September 16th

(9:30 am) (9:30 am) (9:30 am) (9:30 am)

Directory Update…Directory Update…Directory Update…Directory Update… Dennis Allred Dennis Allred Dennis Allred Dennis Allred Kim Schuler Kim Schuler Kim Schuler Kim Schuler 152 Milton Ave. Battle Creek, MI 49017

Ocine Gray Ocine Gray Ocine Gray Ocine Gray Gilbert Residence 203 S. Huron Ypsilanti, MI 48197


The Scholarship Committee would like to announce the awards of monies to the following: Heather Truex Heather Truex Heather Truex Heather Truex will receive the Cliff & Elsie Werner Memorial Endowment and is attending Cornerstone Univer-sity. Sarah Snyder Sarah Snyder Sarah Snyder Sarah Snyder will receive a grant from the General Scholarship Fund and is attending Grand Valley State. Kathryn Linscott Kathryn Linscott Kathryn Linscott Kathryn Linscott will also receive a grant from the General Scholarship Fund and will attend Ferris State University. Congratulations to all of you and may God bless you in your academic achievements.

We would encourage members of the church to make donations to the Scholarship Fund so that we might make additional monies available to deserv-ing students in the future.

And God said, “Let there be lights in

the expanse of the heavens to sepa-rate the day from the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and


Genesis 1:14

One of the goals of American Baptist Interna-tional Ministries is to help people to pursue peace, justice and reconciliation through minis-tries of conflict transformation and education, as well as by standing with and serving the victims of conflict. This goal is led by Dan Buttry, who serves as an International Ministries global con-sultant for peace and justice. Dan works with In-ternational Ministries missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal con-structively with conflict situations. These conflicts may be social and political conflicts within a country, or they may be conflicts within the na-tional church bodies that negatively impact Christian witness.

Dan will train church and community leaders in conflict transformation skills, utilizing experien-tial education methodologies and Bible study. He will consult with church leaders about con-flicts plaguing them, and in some situations he may participate in mediation teams between conflicted parties. Dan also will explore ways for people interested in conflict transformation to accompany him and develop training and facili-tation skills alongside him.

Annual Support Goal: $500Annual Support Goal: $500Annual Support Goal: $500Annual Support Goal: $500

Rev. Dr. Daniel & Sharon Buttry (ABC Global Consultant)Rev. Dr. Daniel & Sharon Buttry (ABC Global Consultant)Rev. Dr. Daniel & Sharon Buttry (ABC Global Consultant)Rev. Dr. Daniel & Sharon Buttry (ABC Global Consultant)

Dear Lakeview Baptist Church family,

Thank you so much for the scholarship for my schooling at Ferris State University. I appreciate all your prayers and support throughout the years. I am blessed to have such a loving church family.

Thank you again,

Kathryn Linscott A little


can be

the greatest

blessing of all.



Annual Potluck

September 21st

In the church parlor.

More details to follow


Earned in June: $ 47.47$ 47.47$ 47.47$ 47.47 July: $ 30.85$ 30.85$ 30.85$ 30.85

Since start of program $7,321 $7,321 $7,321 $7,321 (93 months)

LBC earns up to 1% of your purchases each time you use your Rewards card and make a payment by Meijer Credit Card, Cash or PIN-

Debit payment.


1 Kim Schuler Betty Trumbull

8 Shauneene Crowe Dawn Corless

15 Melissa Oles Sue Rose

22 Gloria Allred Lisa Thomas

29 Marni Haapapuro Mary Kline


1 Jan Tichenor & Carol Bernard

8 Dennis Allred & Kim Schuler

15 Alaine Ratliff & Norma Carr

22 Phil & Sandy Allwardt

29 Tim & Nancy Ondracek







September Kid’s

Church leaders:

Tonya & Libby


FROM THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY: FROM THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY: FROM THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY: FROM THE FINANCIAL SECRETARY: Please remember to designate on your offering envelope how you would like your offering distributed to the various funds, i.e. General Fund, Missions, Fellowship. Since we do not have pledge cards we need your direction each time you give an offering. Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you.

If you have any trouble at all hear-

ing the morning worship service,

listening devices are now available.

Please ask an usher for assistance.


Budgeted need for:

June 2013 July 2013 Aug. 2013

Weekly: $2,621. $ 3,475. $ 3,526.

Monthly: $10,484. $ 13,900.$10,484. $ 13,900.$10,484. $ 13,900.$10,484. $ 13,900. $ 14,104. $ 14,104. $ 14,104. $ 14,104.


6/02 $ 2,387. 7/07 $ 3,007. 8/4 1,613

6/09 2,879. 7/14 1,711. 8/11 2,132.

6/16 1,377. 7/21 1,067. 8/18 1,497.

6/23 1,393. 7/28 1,941. 8/25

6/30 456.


TOTAL $ 8,492. TOTAL $ 8,492. TOTAL $ 8,492. TOTAL $ 8,492. $7,726. $7,726. $7,726. $7,726. $5,242 + $5,242 + $5,242 + $5,242 +


7 S. 20th Street Battle Creek, MI 49015

www.mylakeviewbaptist.com [email protected]

Ph. 269.963.4979 Fax:269.963.6757

SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:30 am Adult Studies 10:45 am Worship &

Kid’s Church 12:00 Fellowship

12:30 Falam Ministry 4:30 Youth & F.R.O.G.s

SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:00 am Adult Studies

10:00 am Worship & Kid’s Church 11:00 am Fellowship 12:30 Falam Ministry

4:30 Youth & F.R.O.G.s

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Communion Sunday

2 Labor Day Office closed

3 4 7 PM Prayer, Praise, Study

5 6:15 Praise Team

6 7 PM Falam Praise rehearsal

7 11 am-2 pm Kid’s Carnival—LBC lawn


9 10 11 7 PM Prayer, Praise, Study

12 6:15 Praise Team

13 7 PM Falam Praise rehearsal


15 16 9 AM LBC Food Pantry Day 6 PM Council 7 PM Bd of CE, Trustees, Diaconate

17 11:30 XYZ

18 7 PM Prayer, Praise, Study

19 6:15 Praise Team

20 7 PM Falam Praise rehearsal

21 9 am—3 pm ABC-MI Annual Mtg hosted by 2nd Baptist, Battle Creek

CHB potluck picnic

International Day of Prayer for Peace

22 23 24 25 7 PM Prayer, Praise, Study

26 6:15 Praise Team

27 7 PM Falam Praise rehearsal


29 30


9:30 AM Adult Bible Studies

10:45 AM Worship & Kid’s Church

4:30 PM F.R.O.G.s & Youth Ministries

3 Pat & Carol Bernard

7 John & Marilyn Edwards

10 Ed Marilyn McKenzie

11 Earl & Evelyn Holcomb

12 Tom & Linda Hicks

23 Steve & Cindy Wagner

7 S. 20th Street Battle Creek, MI 49015

www.mylakeviewbaptist.com [email protected]

Ph. 269.963.4979 Fax:269.963.6757

Sundays at

10:45 a.m.

25 Traudi Werner

27 Liz Schenk

28 Shirley Elser

Charles Thomas

29 Rod Bolte

Jo Norr

Autumn Sleeper

Sunday: 10:45 AM Worship & Kid’s Church Wednesday: 7 PM Prayer, Praise & Study

Anniver sar ies

1 Robert Corless

4 Ellen Taylor

5 Gael Castellanos

6 Kathryn Linscott

8 Helen Schmitz

11 Marcia Carle

12 Ashley Messenger

14 Yvonne Sexton

16 Stephanie Chmiel

18 Lou Ann Schmitz

Terri Thomson

Bir thdays