LAKE TOBA The World Super Volcano Geo Park

Lake Toba - WordPress.com · Lake Toba has its own distinct culinary peculiarities of other areas in Indonesia especially in fish dishes. There is a popular dish called Naniura known

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Page 1: Lake Toba - WordPress.com · Lake Toba has its own distinct culinary peculiarities of other areas in Indonesia especially in fish dishes. There is a popular dish called Naniura known

LAKE TOBAT h e Wo r l d S u p e r V o l c a n o G e o P a r k

Page 2: Lake Toba - WordPress.com · Lake Toba has its own distinct culinary peculiarities of other areas in Indonesia especially in fish dishes. There is a popular dish called Naniura known



LocationProvince :NorthSumateraRegency :Samosir,TobaSamosir,Simalungun,Karo,Tapanuli

Utara,HumbangHasundutan,dan Dairi

AreaCoordinative :± 113.000 HaOtoritative :+ 500Ha(ClusterofZoneDevelopment)

AccessibilityKualanamu InternationalAirport(3hourstoLakeToba)Silangit DomesticAirport(20MinutestoLakeToba)InvestmentValue

Highlights• LakeToba is the largest volcanic lake in theworld and the second

largest lake in theworld after Victoria Lake in Africa.• Lake Toba is one out of ten deepest lake in the world, reaching

around 500 metres depth.• Samosir Island in the middle of Lake Toba has area of 64.000

hectares or equals to country of Singapore.• Lake Toba was formed by three major eruption in 900.000 years

ago, 500.000 years ago, and 75.000 years ago. That causedhistorical records through the evolution of human, flora andfauna. There are total 45 Geo-Sites within 4 Geo-Area. Those arePorsea Caldera, Haranggaol caldera, Sibandang Caldera, andSamosir Caldera.


PublicInvestment Private Investment

USD840Million USD710million

IUSD= 13.600 IDR

Page 3: Lake Toba - WordPress.com · Lake Toba has its own distinct culinary peculiarities of other areas in Indonesia especially in fish dishes. There is a popular dish called Naniura known



Hiking, Swimming, Water Sport (Speed Boat,Water Skiing, Canoeing or Kayaking), Golf,Fishing, Sunset Scenery

Lake Toba has its own distinct culinarypeculiarities of other areas in Indonesiaespecially in fish dishes. There is a popular dishcalled Naniura known as Batak style sushi, rawfish served withherbs and spices.

Lake Toba Festival, Forest quality improvementand Lake Toba Cleaning, Lake Toba creationhistory promotion and Geopark (geo – bio –cultural)

Page 4: Lake Toba - WordPress.com · Lake Toba has its own distinct culinary peculiarities of other areas in Indonesia especially in fish dishes. There is a popular dish called Naniura known



1 Icon DanauToba YellowstoneNationalPark,Caldera LakeOntario

2 Tagline “TheWorldSuperVolcanoGeoPark”

“Theworld’sfirstnationalpark” “LakeofShiningWaters”

3 TouristArrival(2014)

270.837 3.076.390 2.568.000

4 HighlightsAttraction

Scenery ofLakeTobaCalderaGeopark

Grand canyonofYellowstone,Grandprismaticspring


5 Amenity

Hotel,Homestay, ParkingArea,Park,Signagewithcompleteexplanation,TIC,retail,CulinaryArea,Pedestrian,Souvenir

TIC,GasStation,Camping Area,SkiTrails,PostOffice,Hospital,Retail,Signage

Hotel, TIC,Pedestrian,Airport,Cruiseport,TourBus,CulinaryArea,ShoppingCentre,Trishaw,Sinage,Souvenir

6 Event LakeTobaFestival CycleGreaterYellowstone(bicycletour)

Lake OntarioFishingCompetitionsandEvents

7 Management LakeTobaTourismAuthorityBoard

UnitedStateNationalParkService CentralLakeOntarioConservationAuthority

Page 5: Lake Toba - WordPress.com · Lake Toba has its own distinct culinary peculiarities of other areas in Indonesia especially in fish dishes. There is a popular dish called Naniura known



§ Development and improvement ofnational roads & Highwayü Medan– ParapatHighwayü Acceleration in proposing Lake Toba Outer

Ring Roadas national roadü Medan – Kualanamu – Tebing Tinggi

Highwaydevelopment§ Development and improvement of nearest

airportü KualanamuAirportü Silangit Airportü Sibisa airport (RunwayExtension)

§ Development and improvement of Piersü Mogang Palipiü Meatü Simanindoü Tiga Rasü Sibandang Island

§ Others :v Propose Lake Toba as Global Geopark

Network (GGN)v Establishmentof AreaMasterplanv Deepening of Tano Ponggol