Lake and Sea Monsters - (Malestrom)

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  • 7/29/2019 Lake and Sea Monsters - (Malestrom)




  • 7/29/2019 Lake and Sea Monsters - (Malestrom)




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  • 7/29/2019 Lake and Sea Monsters - (Malestrom)







    LINDA S. GODFREYConsulting Editor: Rosemary Ellen Guiley

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    Lake and Sea MonSterS

    Copyright 2008 by Inobase PublishingAll rights reserved. No part o this book may be reproduced or utilized in any orm or byany means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any in-ormation storage or retrieval systems, without permission in writing rom the publisher.For inormation contact:

    Chelsea HouseAn imprint o Inobase Publishing132 West 31st Street

    New York NY 10001

    Liby f Cgss Clgig-i-Publici dGodrey, Linda S.

    Lake and sea monsters / Linda S. Godrey ; consulting editor, Rosemary Ellen Guiley. 1st ed.

    p. cm. (Mysteries, legends, and unexplained phenomena)Includes bibliographical reerences and index.ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9393-1 (alk. paper)ISBN-10: 0-7910-9393-X (alk. paper)1. Sea monstersJuvenile literature. 2. Animals, MythicalJuvenile literature.

    I. Guiley, Rosemary. II. Title.QL89.2.S4G63 2008001.944dc22


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    Foreword 6

    Introduction 11

    1 Swimming through Time: Birth o the Sea Monster 17

    2 Water Animal Planet: Global Legends 27

    3 Merolk and Other Scaly Humanoids 35

    4 Saltwater Serpents 43

    5 Kraken, Giant Squids, and Octopuses 55

    6 Lake Lurkers 63

    7 Nessie: Scotlands Sea Monster Superstar 75

    8 Monsters that Were and Still May Be 85

    9 Mistake or Fake: Natural Creatures and Hoaxes 93

    Timeline 103

    Glossary 107

    Endnotes 111

    Further Resources 117

    Index 120

    About the Author 126

    About the Consulting Editor 127


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    id you ever have an experience that turned your whole world

    upside down? Maybe you saw a ghost or a UFO. Perhaps you hadan unusual, vivid dream that seemed real. Maybe you suddenly knew

    that a certain event was going to happen in the uture. Or, perhaps you

    saw a creature or a being that did not t the description o anything

    known in the natural world. At rst you might have thought your

    imagination was playing tricks on you. Then, perhaps, you wondered

    about what you experienced and went looking or an explanation.

    Every day and night people have experiences they cant explain.

    For many people these events are lie changing. Their comort zoneo what they can accept as real is put to the test. It takes only one

    such experience or people to question the reality o the mysterious

    worlds that might exist beyond the one we live in. Perhaps you havent

    encountered the unknown, but you have an intense curiosity about

    it. Either way, by picking up this book, youve started an adventure

    to explore and learn more, and youve come to the right place! The

    book you hold has been written by a leading expert in the paranor-

    malsomeone who understands unusual experiences and who knows

    the answers to your questions.

    As a seeker o knowledge, you have plenty o company. Mythol-

    ogy, olklore, and records o the past show that human beings have

    had paranormal experiences throughout history. Even prehistoric cave

    paintings and gravesites indicate that early humans had concepts o

    the supernatural and o an aterlie. Humans have always sought to

    understand paranormal experiences and to put them into a rame oreerence that makes sense to us in our daily lives. Some o the greatest


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    minds in history have grappled with questions about the paranormal.

    For example, Greek philosopher Plato pondered the nature o dreamsand how we travel during them. Isaac Newton was interested in the

    esoteric study o alchemy, which has magical elements, and St. Thomas

    Aquinas explored the nature o angels and spirits. Philosopher William

    James joined organizations dedicated to psychical research; and even

    the inventor o the light bulb, Thomas Alva Edison, wanted to build

    a device that could talk to the dead. More recently, physicists such as

    David Bohm, Stephen Hawking, William Tiller, and Michio Kaku

    have developed ideas that may help explain how and why paranormalphenomena happen, and neuroscience researchers like Michael Pers-

    inger have explored the nature o consciousness.

    Exactly what is a paranormal experience or phenomenon? Para

    is derived rom a Latin term or beyond. So paranormal means

    beyond normal, or things that do not t what we experience through

    our ve senses alone and which do not ollow the laws we observe in

    nature and in science. Paranormal experiences and phenomena run the

    gamut rom the awesome and marvelous, such as angels and miracles,

    to the downright terriying, such as vampires and werewolves.

    Paranormal experiences have been consistent throughout the ages,

    but explanations o them have changed as societies, cultures, and tech-

    nologies have changed. For example, our ancestors were much closer

    to the invisible realms. In times when lie was simpler, they saw, elt,

    and experienced other realities on a daily basis. When night ell, the

    darkness was thick and quiet, and it was easier to see unusual things,such as ghosts. They had no electricity to keep the night lit up. They

    had no media or constant communication and entertainment. Travel

    was dicult. They had more time to notice subtle things that were

    just beyond their ordinary senses. Few doubted their experiences.

    They accepted the invisible realms as an extension o ordinary lie.

    Today, we have many distractions. We are constantly busy, rom

    the time we wake up until we go to bed. The world is ull o light

    and noise 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have television, theInternet, computer games, and cell phones to keep us busy, busy, busy.


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    lake and sea monstersi

    We are ruled by technology and science. Yet, we still have paranormal

    experiences very similar to those o our ancestors. Because these oc-currences do not t neatly into science and technology, many people

    think they are illusions, and there are plenty o skeptics always ready

    to debunk the paranormal and reinorce that idea.

    In roughly the past 100 years, though, some scientists have studied

    the paranormal and attempted to nd scientic evidence or it. Psychic

    phenomena have proven dicult to observe and measure according to

    scientic standards. However, lack o scientic proo does not mean

    paranormal experiences do not happen. Courageous scientists are stilllooking or bridges between science and the supernatural.

    My personal experiences are behind my lielong study o the para-

    normal. Like many children I had invisible playmates when I was very

    young, and I saw strange lights in the yard and woods that I instinc-

    tively knew were the nature spirits who lived there. Children seem

    to be very open to paranormal phenomena, but their ability to have

    these experiences oten ades away as they become more involved in

    the outside world, or, perhaps, as adults tell them not to believe in whatthey experience, that its only in their imagination. Even when I was

    very young, I was puzzled that other people would tell me with great

    authority that I did not experience what I knew I did.

    A major reason or my interest in the paranormal is precogni-

    tive dreaming experienced by members o my amily. Precognition

    means ore knowing, or knowing the uture. My mother had a lot

    o psychic experiences, including dreams o uture events. As a teen

    it seemed amazing to me that dreams could show us the uture. I was

    determined to learn more about this and to have such dreams mysel.

    I ound books that explained extrasensory perception, the knowing

    o inormation beyond the ve senses. I learned about dreams and

    experimented with them. I taught mysel to visit distant places in my

    dreams and to notice details about them that I could later veriy in the

    physical world. I learned how to send people telepathic messages in

    dreams and how to receive messages in dreams. Every night becamean exciting adventure.

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    Those interests led me to other areas o the paranormal. Pretty

    soon I was engrossed in studying all kinds o topics. I learned dier-ent techniques or divination, including the Tarot. I learned how to

    meditate. I took courses to develop my own psychic skills, and I gave

    psychic readings to others. Everyone has at least some natural psychic

    ability and can improve it with attention and practice.

    Next I turned my attention to the skies, to uology, and what might

    be out there in space. I studied the lore o angels and airies. I delved

    into the dark shadowy realm o demons and monsters. I learned the

    principles o real magic and spell casting. I undertook investigationso haunted places. I learned how to see auras and do energy healing. I

    even participated in some ormal scientic laboratory experiments or


    My studies led me to have many kinds o experiences that have

    enriched my understanding o the paranormal. I cannot say that I can

    prove anything in scientic terms. It may be some time yet beore

    science and the paranormal stop firting with each other and really get

    together. Meanwhile, we can still learn a great deal rom our personalexperiences. At the very least, our paranormal experiences contribute

    to our inner wisdom. I encourage others to do the same as I do. Look

    rst or natural explanations o strange phenomena. I natural expla-

    nations cannot be ound or seem unlikely, consider paranormal expla-

    nations. Many paranormal experiences all into a vague area, where

    although natural causes might exist, we simply dont know what could

    explain them. In that case I tell people to trust their intuition that they

    had a paranormal experience. Sometimes the explanation makes itsel

    known later on.

    I have concluded rom my studies and experiences that invisible

    dimensions are layered upon our world, and that many paranormal ex-

    periences occur when there are openings between worlds. The door-

    ways oten open at unexpected times. You take a trip, visit a haunted

    place, or have a strange dreamand suddenly reality shits. You get

    a glimpse behind the curtain that separates the ordinary rom theextraordinary.


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    10 lake and sea monstersi

    The books in this series will introduce you to these exciting and

    mysterious subjects. Youll learn many things that will astonish you.Youll be given lots o tips or how to explore the paranormal on your

    own. Paranormal investigation is a popular eld, and you dont have

    to be a scientist or a ull-time researcher to explore it. There are many

    things you can do in your ree time. The knowledge you gain rom

    these books will help prepare you or any unusual and unexpected


    As you go deeper into your study o the paranormal, you may come

    up with new ideas or explanations. Thats one o the appealing aspectso paranormal investigationthere is always room or bold ideas. So,

    keep an open and curious mind, and think big. Mysterious worlds are

    waiting or you!

    Rosemary Ellen Guiley

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    he bodies o human beings are made o 61.8 percent water, and

    the planet Earth sloshes at its seams with nearly three-quarters oits surace covered by H20. Small wonder, then, that so many creatures

    o lore and legend spring rom lakes, rivers, and seas. Sporting ns,

    scales, and sometimes horns or ur, a riot o unidentiable aquatics

    have poked their dripping heads above the waves throughout recorded

    history to shock grizzled sailors and hardy sherolk alike. But survi-

    vors o water monster encounters are usually let as puzzled as they are

    terried. Where do these beasts come rom, and why are they so elu-

    sive? Any schoolchild can describe what a sea monster looks like, yetno museum boasts a skeletonor even an irreutable photographo

    a sea serpent or the Loch Ness Monster.

    O course, not all stories o unknown water creatures involve over-

    sized animals. Legends o mermaids and mermencreatures with

    human tops and shy bottomsswim rampant through the olktales

    o every country and are still occasionally reported in modern times.

    Circa 1936, a Norwegian hunter at Cape Horn sighted a green-haired

    mermaid.1 Many Native American traditions tell o rivers inhabitedby tiny humanoids or little people that live alongside mystical water

    lynxes known asMishipeshu.2

    Some sightings and even many ancient legends could possibly be

    explained by either known marine animals or species that are as yet

    undiscovered. Humanity has not yet documented all o creation; spe-

    cies previously unknown to science are discovered every year. In 2006,

    30 previously unknown species o sh were discovered on the island

    o Borneo alone.3 Several new species o deep-diving beaked whales


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    12 lake and sea monstersi

    have been discovered in the past two decades. The primary scientic

    evidence or one o them, called Andrews Beaked Whale, is a serieso carcasses that have washed up onto beaches in or near Australia and

    rare, stranded, live specimens.4

    Beaked whales even share a ew characteristics with the standard

    sea monster since some o them possess teeth inside a dened, nar-

    row muzzle and lack the telltale bulk o larger whale species. And

    since beaked whales are rarely seen near the surace, preerring to

    gulp squid and other prey ound near the ocean bed, ew people are

    amiliar enough with them to know a beaked whale i they see one.But beaked whales cannot possibly explain the ull variety o strange

    creatures that have been seen, so what other mysterious beasts might

    still be out there?

    Oceanographers admit theyve barely begun to explore the vast

    depths o the seas, and with present knowledge it is impossible to

    say exactly what might lurk in the deepest regions, the byssp-

    lgic z, 13,00020,000 eet below the surace,and hl z,

    20,00036,200 eet deep,zones o the oceans. Are there strange, giantcreatures that live so ar o humanitys beaten path that they seem like

    monsters when people encounter them? I so, it has probably always

    been that way.

    In his book,Monsters,author David D. Gilmore discusses the places

    unidentied beasts are most oten said to inhabit: In every cultural

    tradition, monsters are said to live in borderline places, inhabiting an

    outside dimension that is apart rom, but parallel to and intersecting

    the human community. They oten live in lairs deep underground, in

    an unseen dimension as it were, or in watery places like marshes, ens,

    or swamps.5

    Few places on earth seem more like an unseen dimension than the

    lightless ocean bed or the lowest reaches o a deep, murky lake.

    And water monsters, like all cypis, or hidden animals, also beg

    the added question o whether they exist as fesh-and-blood creatures or

    belong to the shadowy realm o myth and imagination. Unintentional,alse monster sightings can happen easily. Almost everyone has had

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    Iuci 13 j

    the experience o coming upon a gnarled rock or tree stump andor

    one stunned momentbelieving it is something else entirely. Thatmistaken identication can be enhanced when the object is seen in or

    on a body o water. The waves, ripples, and refections o sunlight that

    occur naturally in water can play tricks on the sharpest o eyes. Add

    in normal surace covers like foating rats o algae, pond lilies, and

    other aquatic plants to uzz things up even more, and the chances o

    mistaking a log or a monster grow.

    Yet, thousands o people over the years have sworn they saw water

    creatures they could not identiy: creatures too large or too weird tobelieve. Witnesses have observed these creatures as they swim, dive,

    jump, raise their heads, open toothy jaws, ram boats, paddle, devour

    prey, or even stare a chosen ew humans straight in the eye. Their

    beastly actions prove they are not tree trunks or mere tricks o light

    and shadow. Still, its dicult to imagine how creatures so large could

    evade scientic scrutiny, especially with modern tools o exploration.

    Investigators are oten tempted to look to the past to explain the

    unexplainable. Many sea and lake monsters seem to have very closecousins known rom the ossil record. Despite their ocial extinct

    status, prehistoric reptiles, sh, amphibians, and aquatic mammals

    have all been suggested as explanations or everything rom the Loch

    Ness Monster to mythic beasts. Perhaps, the argument goes, a ew

    individuals managed to survive as lics in isolated, avorable spots,

    and surace now and then to tease people with their presence.

    That may seem unlikely, but it has actually occurred. The most a-

    mous example o a relict is the resurrection o the coelacanth, a large,

    snappy species o sh that was presumed to have died out 65 million

    years ago. Fossils o coelacanths, relatives o the modern lungsh, are

    abundant in layers rom the Devonian period where the rst amphib-

    ians are ound. Coelacanths were believed to have survived only until

    the end o the Cretaceous Period, when fying pterosaurs and a whole

    slew o dinosaurs perished. But in 1938 a London museum curator

    shocked the world when she discovered a live, 127-pound coelacanthin the catch brought up by a sea trawler at Cape Horn, Arica. Other

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    14 lake and sea monstersi

    specimens have since been taken in Indonesia, Madagascar, and other

    points around Arica.Some protest that the coelacanths story is a rare example o a true

    relict, and that it looks too much like a sh to explain giant monster

    sightings. But there are other examples. The megamouth shark, rst

    discovered in 1976 o Hawaii, can measure up to 18 eet long and eeds

    by using its huge mouth as a lter to sit tiny sea creatures out o the wa-

    ter. Again, however, its size is the only characteristic that people might

    nd monster-like. Most prehistoric creatures cited as explanations or

    sea monsters simply dont ll the bill in terms o physical appearanceand behavior. Also, climatic conditions were very dierent in prehis-

    toric times, making it hard to imagine how an animal could survive over

    so many eons o habitat change. And yet, the coelacanth did.

    Others preer a supernatural rationale or behemoths o the deep,

    believing that sea and lake monsters are not living creatures at all. The

    idea that they are water spirits rather than water animals is an old one

    and is widespread in the traditions o all peoples. Those who choose

    this explanation today reason that the creatures seem to appear anddisappear suddenly, they are very dicult to lm or photograph, and

    they provoke an almost universal, eerie eeling o dread in those who

    see them. Many cultures have interpreted their appearances as omens

    o disaster.

    There are many conficting belies about these unidentied lake

    and sea creatures. Whatmay saely be said about them is that stories

    and reports o their appearances are universal, and that there are more

    examples, theories, and tales regarding their existence than can pos-

    sibly be covered in one book. Water monsters run the gamut rom

    colossal squids to tiny merpeople (part sh and part human), rom

    scientically accepted species to exotic beasts that are pure antasy.

    And or all the mystery and terror they incite, people do love them . . .

    rom a sae distance.

    The 1954 lm Creature rom the Black Lagoon about a gilled, man-

    like aquatic being is one o the most amous movies o all time. Theamphibious Japanese gargantuan, Godzilla, splashed onto the big

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    Iuci 15 j

    screen that same year, and has since become an icon o monsterdom.

    The Abyss(1989) was a science ction thriller that pitted sophisticatedhuman technology in a showdown with an alien, aquatic species. (And

    yes, there are people who believe sea monsters are related to UFOs.)

    The media have oered sillier takes on sea monsters, too; a genera-

    tion o Americans grew up watching the cartoon antics oCecil the Sea-

    sick Sea Serpentand the live-action Sigmund and the Sea Monstersby Sid

    and Marty Krot, to mention just two classics. On top o countless

    lm and TV water monsters, sea and lake beasties appear in myriad

    comics, games, and books. Despite the act that most people will neveractually see such a monster, the modern world is awash in mythic sea

    creatures in every genre o mass media.

    To thoroughly explore humanitys ascination with Godzilla,

    Nessie, and all the other wet wonders o the world, this book will

    examine ancient legend and myth along with contemporary eyewit-

    ness stories and the latest scientic discoveries. Although most en-

    counters with sea and lake monsters will probably never be completely

    explained, light may still be shed on them in the uture as the scienticcommunity learns more about the secrets o the sea. And whether the

    monsters are myth or reality, they may serve a purpose as gigantic as

    their bodies i they continue to inspire the worldwide quest or un-

    known water creatures.

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    Swmmg tg Tm:Bt t S Mst

    When rost and re meet, the consequences may be dire. In the

    ancient lands o Scandinavia, Loki the re god married Angr-

    boda, the giant goddess o rost and ice. Loki was a shape-shiter, and

    oten used his talents to trick the other gods. Over time his pranks

    became more menacing and cruel. No wonder then, that the threechildren Angrboda bore him grew to be dangerous, giant monsters:

    Fenrir, an oversized wol with super-strength;Jmug (or Jor-

    mungandr), a huge, scaly sea serpent; and Hel, the hal-fesh, hal-rot-

    ted queen o the dead.

    The gods were so araid o the trios potential or evil that Odin,

    eldest o all the gods and known or his mastery o wisdom and magic,

    arranged to have them kidnapped and brought to his ortress, Asgard.

    Jormungand, which means wol serpent, so worried Odin that heimmediately grabbed the creature and heaved it into the ocean. With

    whales and other creatures o the sea or nourishment and nothing to

    restrain him, Jormungand began to grow. His undulating body be-

    came so long that he could encircle the entire globe and still bite his

    own tail. Fearul sailors called him the Midgard serpent; Midgard was

    the Norse word or the middle world, the land o men between the

    abode o the gods and the regions o the dead. Now all o the Midgard

    ocean served as Jormungands playground.


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    1 lake and sea monstersi

    Jormungand could be as tricky as his ather. He was able to take

    the orm o a monstrous cat to ool the thunder god, Thor. Anothertime he was almost pulled into a shing boat by Thor, but Thors

    companion, a giant named Hymir, cut the line at the last minute to

    release him.

    Jormungand still waits in the ocean depths, according to legend

    written in the ancient Scandinavian verses called the Edda, or the

    nal battle o the gods, Ragnarok. (Some Norse traditions believe

    Ragnarok happened in the distant past.) At that time, the sea will spit

    him back onto the land and he will ght Thor. Thor will hurl hishammer at Jormungands huge, green head and kill him, but beore

    death overtakes him, Jormungand will vomit poison on Thor. Thor

    will stagger exactly nine paces and then die, too. With the old gods

    destroyed, a new heaven and earth will come orth.

    The sagas o the Norse gods date back at least to the time o the

    Vikings, between about 750 and 1050 ce. But earlier tales o sea beasts

    can be discovered in other parts o the world.

    LaBBu and LeviaThan

    The people o Mesopotamia occupy an area o the Middle East oten

    called the cradle o civilization. Chie among the legendary creatures

    o their homeland was Lbbu, a sea monster whose snakelike body

    stretched or 300 miles. Labbu would have been rightening enough

    had he stayed in the water, but he also developed the terriying habito crawling onto land to snack on the local populace. It was said that

    even the gods eared Labbu, whose stories date back to around 3000

    bce, according to an ancient Sumerian inscription in The Sumerian

    Epic o Creation and Paradise:

    In heaven the gods ask in haste,

    Who will go and kill Labbu?

    He let his clouds rise up,And slew Labbu. 6

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    swiig hugh ti: Bih f h s m 1 j

    West o Iraq lies Syria, called Canaan in the Bible, and home to the

    seagoing Phoenicians. One o its great cities was Ugarit, which lay on

    the shores o the Mediterranean Sea. Ugarit was a bustling populationcenter and sophisticated metropolis between 17001200 bce, but it was

    figure 1.1 An artists rendering of Jormungand, the ancient sea serpent off-spring of Scandinavian gods Loki and Angrboda. (Nathan Godfrey)

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    20 lake and sea monstersi

    not without its mythic terrors. Ugaritic texts and art portray a hellish

    variety o monsters and divinities, including the sea godYmwho wasoten described as a serpent, although he sometimes took dierent

    orms. One ancient bronze statue o Yam shows him as a slim man

    encircled by a snake rom shoulder to ankle.7 Yam represented the

    orces o nature to the Ugaritic people, earning his reputation as a de-

    structive chaos-monster8 with every natural disaster that came upon

    them. Many sources relate Labbu and Yam to a similar sea monster,

    Lvih, described in the Hebrew Old Testament. Since all three

    mythic creatures sprang rom the same small corner o the world, it

    isnt surprising that their legends overlap. Leviathan is sometimes

    thought o as a massive crocodile, but his description in Job 41 makes

    him sound more like a traditional dragon:

    Can you pull in the leviathan with a shhook or tie down his

    tongue with a rope? . . .Can you ll his hide with harpoons or

    his head with shing spears? . . . His back has rows o shieldstightly sealed together; each is so close to the next that no air

    can pass between . . . His snorting throws out fashes o light;

    his eyes are like the rays o dawn. Firebrands stream rom his

    mouth; sparks o re shoot out. Smoke pours rom his nostrils

    as rom a boiling pot over a re o reeds. His breath sets coals

    ablaze, and fames dart rom his mouth . . . When he rises

    up, the mighty are terried; they retreat beore his thrashing

    . . . Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think

    the deep had white hair.

    The Bible describes Leviathan more plainly as a serpent in Isaiah


    In that day, the Lord will punish with his sword, his erce,

    great and powerul sword, Leviathan the gliding serpent; Le-viathan the coiling serpent; he will slay the monster o the sea.

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    swiig hugh ti: Bih f h s m 21 j

    Leviathan made a splash outside the Bible as well, especially in

    the mythology o Canaan. And the book o Enoch, a Hebrew textthat dates rom the second centurybce or earlier and that is consid-

    ered sacred Scripture by the Ethiopian Church, mentions Leviathan

    as a emale monster that lived in the abyss over the ountains o


    BeaSTS of Greece and The

    incrediBLe of indiaThe ancient Greeks were not only expert sailors but lived surrounded

    by water, and their monster myths reveal their bottomless ascination

    with the ocean. Legends o strange sea creatures, written by Greek

    poet Homer, date back to 700 bce. While the Greek king o the sea,

    Poseidon, was usually shown as a man, his son,ti, was hal-man

    and hal-sh, later called a merman. Triton was eared mainly due to a

    conch shell he possessed that made a terriying screech and lashed thesea into towering waves whenever Triton blew on it.

    The Greeks believed in kindler, gentler water spirits as well, such

    as the lovelyis, water nymphs who appeared as attractive young

    women. Even the naiads, however, were not above luring an unwary

    man to their home in the depths.

    Considerably nastier was the six-headed Scyll, a sea nymph-

    turned-monster who lived in a narrow sea channel. Scylla ed upon

    large marine mammals and any sailor unlucky enough to drit within

    her reach. Just the sight o her might have rightened anyone to death;

    her razor-like teeth grew in rows o three, and she thrashed about on

    six dog-like sets o limbs. Her six heads sat upon long, snakelike necks

    that wove and bobbed around one another, while a shlike tail waved

    rom her hindquarters. Because o the tentacle-like necks, some have

    wondered i Scyllas image was inspired by glimpses o a giant squid.

    Whatever Scyllas origin, she was a earsome addition to any Greek seatravelers nightmare closet.

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    22 lake and sea monstersi

    Apep: From Ancient Egypt to TV Star

    Legends o the deities o ancient Egypt are as old or older than any

    on the planet and are lavishly packed with a hierarchy o gods

    and demi-gods. One deity, however, was considered so evil that Egyptian

    priests conducted an annual ritual to repel and banish it. Apep, known

    to the Greeks as Apophis, ruled the oceans as a giant serpent, although

    he could also appear as a mighty crocodile. Also known as Evil Lizard

    and Encircler o the Earth, Apeps chie sin was his constant attempt to

    stop the sun god, Ra, rom completing his journey through the sky every

    day. Apep would wait until Ras ery barge had passed the horizon at

    sundown and then attack rom the watery depths o the ocean. Apep

    was blamed whenever a solar eclipse occurred and also took the heat or

    violent storms and other natural disasters.

    Priests considered containment o Apep so crucial that they wrote a

    complete manual on the subject, The Books o Overthrowing Apep.

    Part o the ritual involved chopping, burning, and spitting upon a waxegy o Apep, as verses were chanted to leave no question as to his

    deeat. A sample o the anti-Apep rally rom ancient sources reads: Taste

    thou death, O Apep, get thee back, retreat, O enemy o Ra, all down,

    be repulsed, get back and retreat! I have driven thee back, and I have cut

    thee in pieces.10

    Many Egyptian illustrations o Apep show him hacked into many sec-

    tions or posed in other stages o deeat. The ancient priests would have

    been astonished to know that some 4,0005,000 years ater Apep wasrst mentioned in their manuscripts, he would achieve great ame on the

    other side o the world.

    The TV show Stargate SG-1 (19972007), about a United States mili-

    tary team that used an ancient portal to visit other places and times, ea-

    tured an alien named Apophis who was a lord o the tyrannical, powerul

    Goauld race. Apophis, like other Goauld in the show, was based on the

    Egyptian character bearing his name.11 As in Egyptian myth, Apophis and

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    swiig hugh ti: Bih f h s m 23 j

    figure 1.2 Apep, an ancient Egyptian serpent-god that ruled the seas, isabout to be sacrificed. (Linda Godfrey)


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    24 lake and sea monstersi

    India, home to one o the most ancient civilizations on earth,

    also identies serpent-like creatures with the sea in its earliest lit-

    erature.a Shsh (or Sesha), which means endless serpent,

    was a massive snake with 100 heads. Considered k ing o the gs,

    godlike creatures that were part snake and part human, Ananta

    Shesha was strong enough to rip a mountain rom its base. And he

    was said to have done just that in order to create an instrument ormaking ocean waves. Tales o Anantas epic deeds come rom the

    Mahabarata, the Hindu scripture that by tradition was rst spoken

    in 3137 bce,12 but was recorded around 200 bce. It is typical o an-

    cient myths to have a long oral tradition beore being recorded on

    papyrus or carved in stone.

    Which caMe firST,The MonSTer or The MyTh?

    Ater looking at these ancient examples, it is evident the concept o the

    serpentine sea monster is both universal and timeless. The question

    modern monster-seekers must ask is whether aquatic chaos demons

    and mega-snakes are simply ancient myths or descriptions o real crea-

    tures glimpsed in the long ago past.

    British researcher Paul Harrison says in Sea Serpents and Lake Mon-sters o the British Isles, Undoubtedly, sea-aring olk did witness giant

    Ra were enemies. In the myths, Apophis wasnt able to kill Ra, but in

    Stargate SG-1, a U.S. team o experts managed to do what Apep never

    could, deeating Ra and leaving Apophis ree to rampage throughout

    the universe. The ancient priests o Egypt would have been horried.


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    swiig hugh ti: Bih f h s m 25 j

    creatures in the seas and oceans o the world and many were hitherto

    unknown species. For example, those who encountered the whale orthe rst time could be orgiven or misinterpreting it as a nemesis o

    evil, suracing rom the deep to wreak carnage and devastation upon

    civilization as we know it.13

    Or did some o the ancient seaarers glimpse species that, unlike

    the whale, are still unknown to us? Legends oten contain a kernel o

    truth. Its possible that early Greek, Phoenician, Egyptian, and Indian

    sailors saw the same creatures that bafe monster witnesses today. I the

    serpent-like creatures spotted around the globe are actually letoversrom prehistoric times, they would have appeared just as strange and

    mysterious to humans o ancient times as they do to modern people.

    And i its easy to understand how a whale could inspire tales o mythic

    animals, its even simpler to imagine that a marine dinosaur might have

    led onlookers to assume they were seeing some urious water god.

    O course, the snake-beasts o the sea were ar more than mere

    potential predators to the people who recorded their stories so care-

    ully. The image o the great serpent in the ocean occurs so requently

    across cultures that it may be what Swiss psychologist Carl Jung would

    have called an chyp, or subconscious mental image common

    to all o humanity. Jung believed that all humans carry within their

    psyches certain symbols, and that we see these symbols refected back

    at us when we look out into the world. It is almost as i we interpret the

    natural world by our pre-programmed, archetypal sotware. Accord-

    ing to this theory, something has conditioned humans to associatelarge serpents with bodies o water, and thereore the same creatures

    seem to pop up wherever humanity wanders.

    Researchers may never know all o the religious, historical, and

    psychological reasons that Leviathan, Labbu, Yam, and Ananta Shesha

    dominated early oceanic myth or where the rst sea serpent image actu-

    ally came rom. But these creatures were very real to the ancients who

    believed that ocean waves were churned by chaos demons. Perhaps they

    knew something that modern civilization doesnt. That thought is enoughto keep present-day explorers on the lookout or Leviathans return.

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    Wt aml Plt:Glbl Lgs

    Sturdy brick buildings line downtown Manistee, a once-great

    lumber town on the eastern shore o Lake Michigan. East o

    Manistee and south o the Manistee River State Game Area lies little

    Claybank Lake. Just o a dense national orest, the area is a paradise

    o woods and water or all wildlie, known or unknown.A 1987 newspaper article in Traverse City, MichigansRecord Eagle

    recounted an old lumberjacks tale o two shermen who had tried

    their luck in Claybank Lake one day. As the sun was about to set, they

    began packing their lines and lures and were ready to row to shore

    when they spotted an animal swimming toward them. One o the men

    owned a coonhound, and the pair gured the dog had somehow got-

    ten loose on shore and plunged into the lake to nd his master. But as

    the supposed coonhound paddled closer, the men realized they weremistaken. What they had taken or a coonhound had a dogs head,

    but the body looked strangely man-like. The men panicked when the

    creature began to climb into the boat.

    Wielding oars, they clubbed the scary and bafing animal to pre-

    vent it rom coming aboard. Eventually it gave up and slunk back into

    the lake and the men were able to row back to shore. Michigan re-

    porter Sheila Wissner later contacted one o the men, but he was still

    too spooked to talk more about the animal.14


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    2 lake and sea monstersi

    Dog men are not traditionally thought o as lake monsters, but

    native North Americans have a long tradition o urry water crea-

    tures. The unktehi,15 thought to look like oversized oxen by mem-

    bers o some Plains tribes, are water spirits that may cause people

    to drown, canoes to tip, or catastrophic foods to threaten villages.

    The unktehiare especially eared because o their avorite ood: thespirit or soul o a human being. They may only be deeated by chop-

    ping o their tails.

    A story in the December 2005 issue o National Geographic

    magazine tells the Cherokee version o this monster, the unktehila.

    It is described as more like a snake than a cow, resembling some o

    the skeletons o prehistoric marine animals that the Cherokee had

    discovered around parts o the Badlands or centuries. According to

    the quoted storyteller, Kevin Locke, the skeletons were proo to his

    figure 2.1

    Artists interpretation of the encounter between two fishermen and adog man in Claybank Lake in Michigan. (B.M. Nunnelly)

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    W ai P : Gb lg 2 j

    people that these water monsters o their ancient traditions actually

    once lived there.16

    Still another source holds that the unktehila (or uktena) looks like

    a huge rattlesnake with horns.17 These river-dwellers breathed poi-

    son on humans when disturbed, and the mere sight o one could

    cause death.

    North America is hardly the only place to continue the ancient

    tradition o water monsters. The only thing more amazing than the

    wide geographic spread o aquatic unknowns is the sheer variety o

    orms that they take.

    Pacific PaddLerS: honG KonG To JaPan

    Not all sea monsters are ancient. The kaikwaior sea devil that slith-

    ers around the waters o the Pacic island o Hong Kong was spotted

    as recently as March 1969,18 according to author John Keel. A group o

    university students reported seeing a big, black creature on a Hong

    Kong beach one night that month. The monster made crying noisesas it popped up rom the sea only about 20 eet away rom them. The

    students estimated its length at about 30 eet and added that it had a

    big head with round, green eyes.

    Japan, according to traditional belie, is inested with small water

    monsters called kappa that can also go airborne, traveling on fying

    cucumbers. A sort o vampire, the kappa lurks underwater awaiting

    swimmers and travelers, then sucks their blood ater it drags them

    under. Its appearance is grotesque, with long hair, the body o a tor-

    toise, scaly limbs and an ape ace, according to Jan Knapperts Pacic


    The ape ace has a legendary explanation since, according to an-

    other source, the kappa were once monkeys who served as messengers

    or the god o the rivers.20 But probably their weirdest eature o all

    is the bowl-shaped indentation on the top o the kappas skull. The

    dent is used by the kappa to carry water. Its an unortunate eatureor the kappa, however, since spilling the water rom the indentation

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    30 lake and sea monstersi

    will cause the creature to lose its magical powers. This problem turns

    doubly atal when combined with the kappas tendency to be very hon-orable and polite, which in Japan requires requent bowing. As soon as

    it bows, o course, the kappas skull water sloshes out and the creature

    is at anyones mercy.

    Japan also contains more amiliar marine beasts. Dragons, usually

    thought o as winged lizards by the Western world, are also consid-

    ered water monsters in Japan and can live in any body o water. Like

    the kappa, Japanese water dragons are chims, or creatures made

    o parts rom many dierent types o animals. Covered with shlikescales, they can rake prey with claws like those o a large cat, and they

    have heads like those o a horse or camel. Horns o various shapes

    adorn their brows. They do have wings like dragons o other cultures.

    But Japanese water dragons also possess the unusual ability to increase

    or decrease in size. They appear in a variety o colors that are associ-

    ated with positive virtues like love or courage, although white dragons

    may signiy amine.21 There is also a dg kigthat is considered

    ruler o all lakes, with the power to drain or rell lakes at will.

    Polynesians, people living on a number o islands in the Pacic

    that include Hawaii, Samoa, and the Marquesas, have traditionally

    worshipped a god o the sea namedtg. Tangaroa was consid-

    ered the creator o human beings. But Polynesian seas were lled with

    other water deities and monsters such as rg Mi, a large whale

    and the king o all other whales.

    Hawaiians have the mooo, a shiny black lizard up to 30 eet longthat inhabits sh ponds. Although their presence in a pond will turn

    any sh inedible, they are usually considered guardians or protector

    spirits, and are spoken o in the earliest creation stories. However,

    they are also shape-shiters, and can disguise themselves as beauti-

    ul, alluring women in order to trick unwitting men into the water

    or their dinner.

    Australia possesses a ull roster o water creatures. The Aborigines

    have long believed in a snakelike creature they called the devil-devil.They told E.S. Hall, a European settler who encountered an unknown

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    W ai P : Gb lg 31 j

    creature in Lake Bathurst in 1822, that the devil-devilwas a danger-

    ous monster that preyed on children. Hall and a companion had beenwashing themselves in the lake and were just getting dressed when

    the animal came gliding with the rapidity o a whaleboat toward

    them.22 What they were able to observe was a long neck with a tiny

    head adorned with black faps. Ater having a look at the men, it

    plunged back into the water and departed.

    This devil-devilis just one description o a more general Australian

    term or aquatic monsters: the buyip. An early printed mention o a

    bunyip in the Sydney Gazette in 1812 says the creature was seal-like.23(E.S. Hall had a second sighting o a bunyip that looked like a seal or

    dog.) But other descriptions have ranged rom a sheepdog-like creature

    with fippers to a cattle-sized, man-eating creature with sharp claws.

    One 1848 aboriginal drawing o a bunyip does exist, and according

    to author Ronan Coghlan, who wroteA Dictionary o Cryptozoology, it

    strongly resembled the prehistoric ip. The diprotodon was a

    msupil the size o a hippo that is believed to have died out around

    40,000 years ago, but still inhabited Australia when the rst humans

    arrived. It did have claws on its eet but was not a water animal.

    Bunyip reports continued into the twentieth century, including a

    1947 sighting o a river creature with remarkable whistling ability and

    a bunyip with two heads spotted in New South Wales in the 1930s.24

    Other names or the bunyip are moolgewanke, kajanprati, and dongus.25

    african aquaTicSThe continent o Arica is known or its amazing wildlie: tigers, el-

    ephants, giraes, and all the other animals that have become staples o

    our zoos and circuses. But there are creatures, according to those who

    have lived there, that have yet to be captured or displayed.

    One o the most amous is Mokele mbembe, or river-stopping

    monster. A German captain reported it in 1913 as a smooth, elephant-

    sized creature with brownish gray skin, a very long neck, and onelong tooth.26 The indigenous people o Cameroon believed that the

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    32 lake and sea monstersi

    creature would attack any canoes that came near it, and would kill but

    not eat the occupants. It has also been reported in the Congo.An explorer and reptile expert named James Powell made a trip

    to Gabon in 1976 to investigate the possibility o unknown reptiles.

    He became riends with a shaman o the Fang people, who told him

    o a creature called a nyamala that looked very much like a small

    apatosaurus, an extinct, long-necked dinosaur. While it lived in riv-

    ers, it was known to emerge rom time to time to eed on certain

    jungle plants.

    Powell made several other trips, including one with biologist andauthor Roy P. Mackal in 1980 to the Northern Congo. They did not

    see the mokele mbembe or nd any direct evidence o it, but they did

    conduct interviews o local eyewitnesses. Powell and Mackal showed

    them pictures o a variety o animals, both currently living and extinct,

    and the witnesses consistently chose representations o long-necked

    dinosaurs as most closely resembling their water monster. They ur-

    ther inormed the team that the creature ranged up to 30 eet in length

    with a rounded body and long tail.The search or mokele mbembe has continued to the present day,

    with many expeditions to Cameroon and around Lake Tele in the

    Congo. Scientist and cultural anthropologist William Gibbons has

    made several o them, and has written that because o a Japanese teams

    1988 sighting o a large, hump-backed creature in Lake Tele, bobbing

    along as i munching on water plants, he believes the creatures are real

    and still hopes to see one.27

    Gibbons also tells a convincing and astonishing story that he

    learned rom the pygmies who live in the area o Lake Tele and rom

    a missionary named Eugene P. Thomas. Around 1960 the members

    o the Bangombe tribe managed to spear and kill a mokele mbembe

    that had long disrupted their shing harvest. It was about the size

    o a large elephant and possessed strong claws on all our eet as well

    as a comb atop its head. Although it took some doing due to the

    animals size, they eventually were able to butcher the creature andserve it as part o a victory party. However, the pygmies told Gibbons

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    W ai P : Gb lg 33 j

    that every person who partook o the beasts fesh died. Gibbons notes

    that members o these tribes had very short lie spans to begin with,and that this incident may have been what started many superstitions

    about the animal.28

    Mishipeshu, the Horned Water Panther

    Great cats are usually not thought o as especially good

    swimmers, much less water dwellers. But one o the major

    players in the creature lore o North Americas Ojibwe and Cree people

    is Mishipeshu, the great water lynx or water panther. Its name has

    been spelled in myriad ways due to its wide territory, and descriptions

    can vary, but these tribes believed it to be the special guardian o the

    ancient copper mines o Michigans Upper Peninsula. Its home was

    Michipicoten Island, and taking any o the pure chunks o copper ore

    rom that island was considered strictly taboo. One ot-repeated storyis o our Ojibwe who tried to steal copper rom Mishipeshu, only to

    be ollowed home by the screaming water panther. The trip was atal

    or all our thieves.29

    The curse o Mishipeshu continued as Europeans discovered the

    ortune in copper nuggets on the Upper Peninsula in the mid-1800s.

    Ships carrying copper would capsize in sudden storms, such as the

    one that sank the Algomain 1885 with 45 people aboard. The storms,

    the Ojibwe believed, were stirred purposely by Mishipeshu. Ten ships

    were sunk in the area o Isle Royale alone.

    Mishipeshu is not alone in his quest to guard the sacred copper.

    Mishi Ginabig, a serpent-like creature that bore antler-like horns and

    measured the same length as the tallest pine trees, was reportedly

    spotted in the Great Lakes area in the early 1800s. Both Mishipeshu

    and Mishi Ginabig are enemies o the great Thunderbird, a spirit-be-

    ing in the shape o a giant bird, which battles them to restore balance

    between powers o the water and o the air.

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    34 lake and sea monstersi

    By the time Gibbons began making his own trips to Arica, the na-

    tive peoples around Lake Tele had become too rightened o the mokelembembes supposed magical powers to reveal to any outsiders exactly

    where the creature could be ound.

    And yet, the lure o a possible living dinosaur has continued to

    attract individual explorers and the media. Although no concrete evi-

    dence o its existence has been ound, it inspired the 1985 movie Baby:

    Secret o the Lost Legendabout living dinosaurs discovered in the Congo.

    And in May 2006, a National Geographic Channel show called Dan-

    gerous Encounterslmed an unsuccessul investigation o Lake Tele.Skeptics believe that those claiming to see mokele mbembe have

    actually witnessed a crocodile, hippo, or rhinoceros partially camou-

    faged by the eects o moving water. Believers insist the reports are

    too widespread to ignore, and that the cave-lined rivers and dense or-

    ests o Cameroon and the Congo would provide a perect habitat or a

    relict population o undersized sauropods. The pygmies who compete

    with it or sh have no doubt as to its existence. Perhaps their past

    experience with eating the beasts fesh will prompt them to bring thenext dead mokele mbembe to one o the many eager scientists or the

    nal proo that dinosaurs still walk among us.

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    Mlk otSl hms

    Its hard to say which is scarier to the human psyche: monsters so

    radically dierent romHomo sapiensthat their alien appearance

    alone makes them terriying, or monsters thatbut or a ew scales or

    angscould be human.

    Its easy to be repulsed by creatures that are clearly not people. Butadd a lovely ace to a sh tail and the monster becomes more complex.

    Should it be eared or admired? Is it dangerous or riendly? I some-

    thing that looks almost human may live submerged in water, might a

    ull-fedged human also survive beneath the waves?

    Actor Tom Hanks played out that antasy in the 1984 movie Splash.

    Darryl Hannah starred as a mermaid who saved Hanks rom drown-

    ing as a boy, and later took him back to her mesmerizingly beautiul

    world under the sea. And this conclusion seemed a natural one sincethe mermaid was both human-like and attractive.

    MiddLe eaSTern MerPerSonS

    Perhaps that perception o being related to these creatures helps

    explain humanitys long preoccupation with merpeople: mythic,

    sh-tailed humans who live in some type o water. Archaeologists

    have ound egies o the sh-god, os, in present-day Iraq


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    36 lake and sea monstersi

    that were sculpted by Babylonians more than 7,000 years ago.30

    The story o Oannes is known due to a history o Babylon writ-ten in Greek by a Babylonian temple priest named Berossus around

    200 bce. He described how the sh-god came rom the Red Sea to

    teach men everything they needed to know or civilization: writing,

    mathematics, and agriculture. Oannes did not resemble the modern

    physical idea o mermaids or mermen, however. He possessed the

    complete body o a sh, with the additions o a human head above

    the shs head and human eet sticking out beneath the tail o the

    shs body.31

    Another early Middle Eastern god was dg(or Dagan). In the

    Bible, it was Dagons temple that Samson brought down ater Delilah

    helped the Philistines capture him. Conorming more closely to mod-

    ern waterolk depictions than Oannes, Dagon was shown in ancient

    art as a classic merman with the upper body o a man and the lower

    part o a sh.32

    fiSh-TaiLed eGyPTianS and GreeKS

    The ancient Egyptians believed that male and emale merpeople origi-

    nated in the Nile River. Besides shy tails, these scaled ones were also en-

    dowed with muscular human legs and eet with webs between the toes.33

    The original Greek merman, Triton, roiled the waves with his

    magical conch shell, as discussed in the rst chapter o this book. But

    there were later merpeople named ater him. The Tritons earned their

    daily minnows by pulling the chariots o Poseidon and the goddess

    Aphrodite. Some looked like Triton, although a ew o them boasted

    two tails. Others appeared downright monstrous and acted accord-

    ingly. One ancient description by second-century Greek traveler

    Pausanius (quoted in the online resource Theoi Project: Guide to Greek

    Mythology) paints a lurid picture o these creatures:

    I saw another Triton among the curiosities at Rome, lessin size than the one at Tanagra. The Tritones have the

    ollowing appearance. On their heads they grow hair like

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    mf oh scy Hui 3 j

    that o marsh rogs not only in colour, but also in the im-

    possibility o separating one hair rom another. The resto their body is rough with ne scales just as is the shark.

    Under their ears they have gills and a mans nose; but the

    mouth is broader and the teeth are those o a beast. Their

    eyes seem to me blue, and they have hands, ngers and

    nails like the shells o the murex. Under the breast and

    belly is a tail like a dolphins instead o eet.

    Pausanias, Guide to Greece 9.20.434

    Modern MerfoLK and deforMed huManS

    The notion o aquatic humanoids persisted and mutated through the

    centuries. Medieval seaaring Europeans sometimes claimed to spot

    the bizarre monksh. This weird monster eatured a bald, human-

    like head, scales that hung down in the shape o a monks robe, and

    elongated fippers or arms. The sea monk was said to dunk boats andsailors alike into the drink, either by raising a storm or by direct at-

    tack, and was much eared. And the monksh was not the only sea

    creature with a religious angle. Sailors also sometimes claimed to see

    the equally strange bishop-sh, which was topped o with a head

    shaped like a Catholic bishops mitre (a tall, pointed hat).35

    At some point, merolk lost their reputation as monsters and be-

    came much more sympathetic characters. Danish author Hans Chris-

    tian Anderson wrote his story o The Little Mermaid, who sacricesher lovely, immortal lie or the love o a human prince, in 1836 (today

    it is known mainly or the animated Disney movie based on the tale).

    And the Readers Digest bookStrange Stories, Amazing Factsincludes

    two earlier legends o appealing merolk.36

    The rst tale dates to 558 ad, when residents o Northern Ireland

    heard a woman singing beneath the waves o Belast Lough. They sent

    a crew out on the lake to catch her with a net, and learned that sheonce had been a human child who was plunged into the waters with

    her amily during a catastrophic food. She was baptized and named

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    3 lake and sea monstersi

    Murgen, or born in the sea. The townsolk set up a water tank or

    her home, and she was said to have done many miracles and was locallyworshipped as a saint.

    The second legend recounted in that book took place in the Neth-

    erlands, a nation inused and surrounded by the North Sea. The sea,

    with all its tributaries and canals, provided a natural backdrop or wa-

    ter creature legends in this small country. But consider the plight o

    the merpeople: Once out o their native element o water, they have

    no way to move about and may end up stranded. Thats just what hap-

    pened in 1403, the story goes, when villagers discovered a beachedmermaid covered in sea-mosse.37 The mute maid was taken in by

    kindly women who cleaned her up and took care o her or 15 years.

    She was nally buried there in holy ground.

    figure 3.1 Illustration of a merman. (Nathan Godfrey)

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    mf oh scy Hui 3 j

    One o the weirdest mermaid reports ever led was an item rom

    a Pennsylvania newspaper, the Columbia Spy, which wrote on March7, 1863, that a traveler named Hernando Grijalva saw a creature he

    described as hal-monkey, hal-sh o the coast o southern Calior-

    nia in 1823. According to the article posted by Loren Coleman on

    the Cryptomundo Web site, the creature easily dove and leapt around

    the boat, and was able to foat nearby in a sitting position. It was

    said to have a dogs head and eyes, arms like a man, breast and body

    like a woman, with a long tail like a sh and divided at the end like a

    swallows tail . . .38

    The sea-ape was the same color as a porpoise, the article added,

    and may have had scales on its tail. Grijalva and others observed the

    animal or more than an hour, he said, and compared its size to that

    o an otter. They were so impressed with its strange appearance that

    Grijalva even wondered whether they had actually seen a vision o the

    Blessed Virgin,39 despite the lack o the creatures resemblance to any

    known depictions o the revered Christian gure.

    I witnesses are to be believed, merolk still rolic in modern times.According to Ulrich Magin in a 1992 issue oStrange Magazine,40

    a hal-woman, hal-sh creature was spotted o an island in the

    South Atlantic in the early 1920s, and a green-haired mermaid was

    discovered by a Norwegian hunter near Aricas Cape Horn in the

    mid-1930s. Magin also notes a shlike emale with human legs he said

    was captured near Yemen in 1973.

    The main point o Magins article, though, is that many creatures

    touted as mermaids and mermen were really only human beings

    with birth deormities such as legs used together or unusual skin

    conditions. As an example, he cites the October 1950 birth o an

    Austrian child whom newspapers described as having head, arms

    and breasts . . . o a woman, but it had the tail o a sh. The media

    also called the child a siren. Sis were originally island bird-

    maidens o Greek mythology that, over time, evolved into beautiul

    sea nymphs known or luring seaarers o course, and the word also

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    40 lake and sea monstersi

    reers to a class o animals including manatees, dugongs, and sea

    cows (see sidebar).Births o this nature are regularly reported in the papers, said

    Magin, and I assume they are due to some genetic deciency. We

    can easily understand how, in earlier centuries, they were explained as

    the result o rape by a water spirit so the unortunate woman could in

    some way rationalize the tragic event.41

    Magin gives other examples, such as a so-called siren born in 1973

    in Peru with legs joined by a membrane. The child did not survive

    and was discovered two years later preserved in ormaldehyde at the

    police station in the city o Arequipa.

    Mnee r Mermid?

    Attempts to nd a natural explanation or the sightings o mermaids

    and mermen over the ages usually center around a group o

    animals o the order Sirenia, named or the ancient Greek water nymphs.

    But anyone looking at a blubbery manatee or its cousins, the dugong and

    sea cow, might have a tough time imagining how these massive, gray sea

    beasts could be mistaken or anything even remotely human. With their

    tiny eyes, split upper lip, and stubby bristles, manatees average about

    seven eet in length and weigh between 4501,000 pounds. Dugongs

    can measure nine eet long, and sea cows, extinct Sirenians that once

    occupied the waters o Bering Island in the ar reaches o the north,could reach 30 eet in length and weighed up to our tons!

    Its true that Sirenians hold their young in their fippers to nurse them,

    much like humans, and that the manatee is a sociable animal. But unlike

    mermaids, they cannot actually live underwater; they must come up or

    air every 15 minutes or so.

    Manatees live in three main locations: along the Amazon and Orinoco

    Rivers in South America, between the eastern coastal waters o the United

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    mf oh scy Hui 41 j

    LeaPin Lizard PeoPLe

    There are other types o near-human quic cus besides al-

    leged mermaids. In at least two U.S. states, Wisconsin and South Car-

    olina, witnesses have reported a manlike being covered with scales,

    closer in appearance to a lizard than a sh.

    The South Carolina lizard-like biped appeared in a swamp area near

    Bishopville in 1988, as reported by 17-year-old witness Christopher Da-

    vis. The seven-oot creature with dark green scales and our-inch claws

    hopped onto the teens car as Davis attempted to fee, and Davis was only

    able to dislodge it with great diculty and extreme auto maneuvers.

    States and the northern shores o Brazil, and along the western coast

    o Arica. When some o Americas rst settlers arrived in Jamestown,

    Virginia, they were surprised to see manatees in what they later named

    Manatee Bay. One record rom 1739 stated A Sea-Cow was killed upon

    Old Womans Valley beach, as it was lying asleep, by Warrall and Green-

    tree.42 The animal was probably already dead or dying, as manatees live

    in water and cannot move on land. This act also reutes a Mexican su-

    perstition that male manatees may steal out o the coastal waters at night

    and kidnap human emales.43

    Its hard to see how creatures rom the Americas and Australia could

    account or old tales o mermaids seen o European shores or ound on

    beaches. (Its remotely possible, but unlikely due to habitat requirements,that a ew o the sea cows that once inhabited the area near Bering Island

    may have strayed southward.) However, it is possible that sailors near

    Arica or parts o the New World where these creatures are ound might

    have glimpsed a dugong or manatee coming up or air a long way o

    and somehow had the impression it was partly human. Perhaps even the

    ancient Babylonians managed to spy a Sirenian animal somewhere and

    took it or a sh-god named Oannes.

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    42 lake and sea monstersi

    Wisconsins lizard man crawled out o the Mississippi River in La-

    Crosse on the states western border in 1993 or 94. It surprised a manand his son out hunting or a lost dog one evening along the riverbank.

    The pair was able to back away as the creature glared at them with

    slanted yellow eyes, and they estimated its height as taller than the

    average man. It was covered with mud-colored scales.44 (The dog

    was eventually ound unharmed.)

    Both these examples appear to be amphibious rather than strictly

    water creatures, and they are not the last o this type to be reported at

    large on the planet. In March 2005 an amphibious man was seen pad-dling in the Caspian Sea not ar rom Iran, according to the Russian

    newspaper Pravda (rst reported in the Iranian newspaper Zindagi).

    The creature was a pale, whitish color45 with a protruding belly and

    had what looked like dark green hair on its head. It was said to have

    arms with webbed hands.46 Locals claimed to have seen it or several

    years swimming near shing trawlers, rom approximately the same

    time oshore oil production was increased in the area. It was also seen

    chasing schools o sh. Despite the numerous sightings, no photos orother proo have been oered to date o Casper, the ghostly-colored

    merman o the Caspian.

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    Sltwt Spts

    The powerul currents o the Gul Stream carry lie-giving warmth

    through the oceanic waters south o Florida. And its breezy trade

    winds have made the area a popular route or sailing vessels since man

    rst gured out how to top a boat with billowing abric. But the well-

    used route has claimed its share o casualties. The ancient coral rees

    that surround the Florida Keys lie dotted with wrecks o ships large

    and small that succumbed over the ages to the oceans perils: storms,

    pirates, and perhaps one danger a bit less known than the rest.

    An unusual sight startled three scientists, all members o the Brit-

    ish Zoological Society, one early December day in 1905, as they sailed

    in the yacht Valhalla somewhere south o Key West. The Valhalla,

    named ater the mythic Norse hall o the gods, was a 17-ton cruise

    vessel owned by an aristocratic astronomer, Lord Lindsey, Earl o

    Craword. He and his riends E.G.B. Meade-Waldo and M.J. Nicollall witnessed a six-oot-long n in a dull green seaweed color knie

    through the waters surace about 100 yards away. Lindsey described it

    as somewhat crinkled at the edge, according to an account by James

    B. Sweeney in his book, Sea Monsters.47

    Lindsey probably almost dropped his binoculars when he saw what

    came next. He wrote to the respected Zoological Society that, A

    great head and neck rose out o the water in ront o the rill. The

    neck appeared about the thickness o a mans body. It was rom seven


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    44 lake and sea monstersi

    to eight eet out o the water. The head and neck were all o about the

    same thickness.Lindseys companion M.J. Nicoll said the creatures head was like

    that o a turtle, that it had eyes, and that the head and neck swayed rom

    side to side. Unortunately, the yacht was traveling at high speeds and

    soon outdistanced the strange creature, ending the scientists scrutiny.

    But a ew hours later, two crewmen on the Valhalla also glimpsed a

    huge beast just below the surace o the water. They said they did not

    know what it was, but it had no blowhole and was not a whale.

    The Valhalla sighting was widely reported, particularly since thewitnesses were considered impeccable due to their scientic stand-

    ing. But saltwater serpents had been in the news or many years by

    that time, especially along North Americas eastern coastal waters.

    One o the most amous was the Gloucester serpent, which was

    sighted a bit arther north in the chillier waters o Massachusetts,

    in 1817.

    The huge and mysterious marine beast was seen so many times,

    in act, that a local scientic committee was ormed to look into the

    matter. The group o three men devoted themselves to taking detailed

    statements rom witnesses such as two women and a number o sher-

    men who all saw a large, unknown creature swim right into the harbor

    just north o Gloucester at Cape Ann in August o that year. (A similar

    creature had been sighted in Cape Ann as early as 1639.) Numerous

    sightings ollowed in the days and weeks ater, including one simulta-

    neous sighting by 20 people.The investigative group interviewed a Gloucester man named

    Amos Story who swore that he saw a serpent-like animal in the middle

    o the day in Gloucesters harbor, and was able to watch it or over an

    hour as it darted about in the water. The turtle-like head poked about

    one oot above the water, said Story.48 On this day, I did not see more

    than ten or twelve eet o his body, he added.49

    Passengers and crew on many ships passing in or out o the harbor

    continued to see the monster until the end o August, when sightingscuriously stopped. The creature returned in October, however, or a

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    sw sp 45 j

    ew nal glimpses. By that time several hundred people had claimed

    sightings. Not all the reports agreed on the monsters size or appear-ance, but the general conclusion was that it had a smooth, snakelike

    body and a horse-sized head shaped like that o a turtle. Most people

    described the color as very dark brown, and many observed a row o

    humps ollowing along behind the head. It was said to move its body

    like a caterpillar, hunching and straightening vertically.

    Estimates o its speed varied, since some people observed it swim-

    ming rapidly and others saw it at rest. The committee was never able to

    come to a decision on exactly what the creature wasand indeed theew strange conclusions they did reach brought them only embarrass-

    ing, public scorn. For instance, they decided a three-oot blacksnake

    discovered near the harbor beach must be a baby sea serpent, and

    solemnly named the new species Scoliophis atlanticus. To their dismay,

    a reptile specialist who correctly identied the specimen almost im-

    mediately proved them wrong.

    Further diculties were caused by the act that, possibly due to

    dierences in weather, light, and distance, many o the witness re-

    ports varied in their recollection o the creatures appearance. This

    also caused people to ridicule the committees nal report, as skep-

    tics argued that a real creature should have produced more consistent

    reports. Most researchers today agree, however, that the committee

    did perorm a valuable service in questioning so many witnesses and

    recording their accounts.

    checKinG ouT cheSSie

    New Englands Chesapeake Bay is the site o yet another well-known

    Atlantic sea creature, nicknamed Chssi. This particular creature

    is an exciting example o monster lore, partly because Chessie inci-

    dents need not be dredged up rom ancient documents. The greatest

    bulk o sightings occurred in the 1980s, and Chessie has even starred

    in a home video, the subject o which was grudgingly pronounced liveby a Smithsonian-sponsored group.

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    46 lake and sea monstersi

    Chesapeake Bay, a huge channel o water that Chessie calls home,

    slices into Virginia rom the Atlantic Ocean near Virginia Beach, thencuts a wide swath north into Maryland. Known or its sheries, the

    waters o the great bay could provide plentiul nourishment or a large

    marine animal. Chessie may be one o the ew cryptids, or unknown

    animal species, that can boast its own page on a states ocial De-

    partment o Natural Resources Web site, with history, photos, and

    possible explanations.50

    According to Marylands Web site, the sightings go back to at

    least 1936, when the crew o a military helicopter buzzing the BushRiver spotted an unrecognizable, reptilian creature slithering

    through the water below. Other sightings occurred sporadically, but

    in 1978, a man named Donald Kyker and some o his neighbors saw

    not one but our serpents! Kyker, ormerly with the Central Intelli-

    gence Agency, was considered a very credible witness.51 And in 1980,

    a woman named Trudy Guthrie saw what might have been a mana-

    tee, but which received enough publicity to spark a wave o Chessie


    Then, an amazing break occurred on May 31, 1982, when a ser-

    pentine creature showed itsel to Maryland residents Robert and

    Karen Frew. The Frews were able to shoot just under two minutes

    o videotape o the enigmatic animal as it swam about 100 eet rom

    shore. Members o a Chessie research group called the Enigma Proj-

    ect arranged or the videotape to be examined by a panel o scientists

    aliated with the Smithsonian Institute in August 1982. While nodenite conclusions were reached regarding Chessies true character-

    istics, the group at least conceded that the lm showed an animate

    or living object.

    Further attempts to identiy the animal shown in the lm were

    made by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics lab in Laurel, Mary-

    land. Technicians made computer enhancements o the creature and

    revealed an impressive, unmistakable, serpentine shape.52 Unortu-

    nately, money or the project ran out beore urther progress could bemade, but the Enigma Project has continued its research.

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    sw sp 4 j

    A Maryland journalist named Bill Burton has also taken up the

    call to document Chessies existence and has accumulated 78 reports,according to Marylands DNR Web site, the most recent occurring

    in 1995.53 And according to the sites Chessie act sheet, most o those

    witnesses report that Chessie is 2030 eet long with an elongated neck

    and a ootball-shaped head. Chessie is about the thickness o a tele-

    phone pole, and ranges rom dull green to brown. A ew have reported

    fippers and horns, and Chessie appears unconcerned about humans,

    with no aggressive behavior observed. Chessie is usually seen on the

    eastern side o Chesapeake Bay, at dawn or dusk in spring and sum-mer.54 And at least one enterprising company, Chessie Tours, L.L.C.,

    oers Chessie cruises around the bay. There is reason to hope that

    one o these tours might produce the next video o Chessie; in 1980,

    25 witnesses rom our charter boats saw her.

    Sea BeaSTS and SuBMarineS

    While the U.S. Atlantic coast seems to be a true hotspot or serpent-like, oceangoing animals, modern observations o these creatures

    are just as ar-fung around the globe as ancient sea serpent myths.

    Some o the strangestand least knownsightings were made dur-

    ing World War I (19141918) by crewmembers o German U-boats,

    or early submarines. In act, one U-boat (or undersea boat) may

    actually have impaled a giant, prehistoric-looking sea monster on

    its prow!

    According to author and oceanographer James B. Sweeney, Ger-

    many had dispatched hundreds o U-boats o all dierent sizes around

    the world.55 Because so many were sunk by Allied orces, ew o their

    ships logs survived, which makes it all the more amazing that so many

    still recorded seeing large, unidentiable marine monsters.

    A German commander named Schultze made one such report.

    Schultze wrote that his U-boat and two others were about 30 eet

    beneath the surace when his vessel suddenly ran into some kind olarge object and started to sink, the bow orced downward. With

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    4 lake and sea monstersi

    some eort, the crew managed to surace. They immediately rushed

    to the conning tower to have a look at what they had impacted. Totheir great shock, they discovered the object that had almost sent

    them to the oceans bottom was a giant creature like none they had

    ever seen.

    It was not a whale, Sweeney quoted rom the commanders report.

    It had a long neck, body like an elephant and a head resembling a very

    large turtle. The beast was all o 50 eet in length.56 The creature was

    so thoroughly impaled on the submarines prow that the commander

    had to send men outside to chop it away piece by piece beore they

    could get underway again.

    Another event involving a similar beast proved even more amaz-

    ing. Another submarine crew suraced to recharge its batteries, only

    to discover that a massive marine animal was attempting to clamber

    onto the U-boats deck! It was so heavy that it threatened to sink the

    vessel, orcing the German crew to open re upon it. The beast nally

    decided the ocean was a riendlier environment than the submarinedeck and slid back into the water. It had damaged the boat so badly,

    figure 4.1 A German U-boat. During World War I, many U-boats reportedsightings of unidentified sea creatures. (Bettmann/Corbis)

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    sw sp 4 j

    however, that the sub had to remain on the surace where it was easily

    picked o by a British patrol two days later.Ater being captured, the German boats captain told the British

    what had happened and described the creature as having a small head,

    but with teeth that could be seen glistening in the moonlight.57

    Sweeney recounts several other sightings, and also mentions a

    communication proving that the German military suspected the

    Allies were foating monster-shaped decoys in order to lure them

    into traps. This shows that large marine beasts must have been

    appearing with some regularity in the North Atlantic during thosewar years.

    O course, the Atlantic is not the only ocean on the planet. The

    Pacic, too, has had its share o seaaring monsters and, like the east

    coast o the United States, claims its own sea serpent hot spots.

    MonTerey BayS oLd Man of The Sea

    and BoBoOne notable center o activity is Monterey Bay, o central Caliornia.

    Historian Randall A. Reinstedt spent a lietime studying not only the

    numerous shipwrecks o this coastline, but reports o unidentied

    sea creatures as well. In his book, Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters o

    Caliornias Central Coast, Reinstedt notes that although there are

    plenty o known sea animals such as whales and many varieties o

    great sh, two airly distinct creatures have been reported over andover again that are dicult to explain. One, a serpent-like animal,

    is known as Montereys ol M f h S, and the other,

    described as elephant-like, is called Bb the Sea Monster.58

    Reinstedt makes a case that Monterey Bay is a likely place or

    large marine creatures to show up, since it contains the Monterey

    Submarine Canyon, a vast and deep chasm that stretches out into the

    Pacic Ocean.

    It was when the og rolled in, usually near the mouth o the SalinasRiver, that Bobo the Sea Monster would poke its massive, bullish head

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    50 lake and sea monstersi

    Identifying the Unidentifiable

    Ancient myths paint unknown sea creatures as true monsters, or

    beings that combine characteristics o dierent species and that

    may possess supernatural powers. But the modern view o sea monsters

    is usually that they are unknown, natural animals. But what kindo animal

    are they? Reptile? Amphibian? Mammal? Some researchers have analyzed

    as many eyewitness accounts as possible and created models that most

    closely match all these descriptions.

    The task itsel is monstrous, given the many stories reported over

    the years by hundreds o people in all types o weather and light condi-

    tions, rom varied distances and points o view. Creatures that resemble

    giant whales, squid, or other known ocean dwellers demand separate

    categories. And those that most closely t the publics mental image

    o sea monsters have been described with many combinations o long

    necks, humps, fippers, heads ranging rom turtle-like to horse-like,

    lengths rom 20 to over 100 eet, and skin both scaled and smooth.Yet most classiers have managed to boil them down into some basic


    In 1963 French zoologist Bernard Heuvelmans wrote a classic book,

    In the Wake of the Sea Serpents, that attempted to place sightings rom

    around the world into nine categories: long-necked, merhorse, many-

    humped, super-otters, many-nned, super-eels, marine saurians, yel-

    low-bellies, and athers-o-all-the-turtles.59 While it is now alleged that

    Heuvelmans skewed data to t his own ideas in some cases, he is still

    known as the ather o cryptozoology or his pioneering work on un-

    known species.

    Inspired partly by Heuvelmans work, scientists Dr. Paul H. LeBlond

    o the University o British Columbias Institute o Oceanography and Dr.

    John Sibert looked at reports o large, unknown creatures inhabiting the

    waters o British Columbia and ound three subtypes that sound much

    like sea monsters reported around the world. These were repeated in

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    sw sp 51 j

    a 1980 book by biologist and author Roy P. Mackal, who cautionedthat the three categories may not represent separate species and in act

    might simply show dierences between male and emale:

    A creature with large eyes set laterally on a horse- or camel-shaped

    head mounted at the end o a long neck. This animal is a ast



    figure 4.2 The three types of unidentified sea creatures described by Dr.Paul LeBlond. (Linda Godfrey)

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    52 lake and sea monstersi

    rom the water and let orth a trumpeting bellow rom its infatedtrunk. Witnesses who saw him either rom shore or rom a boat said

    he had large, red eyes that glowed, small ns, and a snakelike body.

    But Reinstedt appeared satised with the verdict o a local scientist

    that Bobo was nothing more than a stray elephant seal, a massive ani-

    mal that can weigh as much as two tons.

    The Old Man o the Sea was a little harder to account or. De-

    scriptions over the years stuck to a airly consistent pattern, said Re-

    instedt. Most witnesses agreed it had a long, thin, snakelike body,

    swimmer, has short, dark-brown ur and no mane. It is probably a

    mammal and may be related to seals.

    An animal similar to the rst type but with small eyes, sometimes

    described with horns or mane. Both types are not only ast, but also

    smooth swimmers, submerging vertically as i pulled under.

    A long, serpentine animal, showing loops o its body above waterand swimming ast, with much thrashing. Its head is described as

    sheeplike with small eyes, and it has a dorsal n running along part

    o its back.60

    Cryptozoologists Loren Coleman and Patrick Huyghe mentioned

    LeBlond and Siberts list in their 2003 book on the classication o un-

    known water animals, The Field Guide to Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents, and

    Other Mystery Denizens of the Deep. Coleman and Huyghe noted that

    LeBlond later decided that the three categories listed above might be just

    one creature, ater all: An unknown reptile with mammalian traits.61

    But Coleman and Huyghe, ater undertaking a massive study o the

    best-supported sightings worldwide, came up with a 14-part identication




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    sw sp 53 j

    and an evil-appearing human-like head. Its length was estimatedbetween about 50 and 150 eet long, and its color said to be dark

    gray with lighter markings. It also had a mane o red hair, said wit-

    nesses, and would oten rise eight eet or so out o the water to stare

    at boaters with mournul expressions.59 Although Reinstedt thinks

    some scientists may be correct in assuming the Old Man is actually

    an oarsh, which has a red, modied dorsal n that could look like

    hair, and which can grow to 50 eet in length, the creature itsel is

    no less astonishing or its possible identication. As Reinstedt says,

    system or unknown aquatics. It includes sea and lake monsters, as well

    as many types (mystery salamander, giant beaver, and giant octopus) that

    do not sound much like the long-necked sea monster. Their