DAILY SUN 61ISESTZLLE FLORIDA MARCH Ifi 1906 1 = taT NY IF 1316- CNUTAUBA MEET Taw ftaapia A Saam la Pfezwrea bf tia- Airttmrca WM- aatwithetaaa t aj f 84 th BfafftaaB Of M tfca Tafc raee- ln inn aril a pits lffaUaw4 vkaaav- ta watea aaaator- at to v ff faa jMtermtt fee to kigarf aaaeaelate A vialla rataaaiaae ply with aaaca ex bar atltciiaaa ara af that aa te tea UMM wile r lajhf bMrtily reeiTea duller It talk Ikcaa aeteatiaaa tatufy- Tte laataft tfftJa- Tfca laji tatertaiaateat af Chaa- TMaaiaf mote arMattea4- catlMaiaatie awlieaca axd Hit mating pii it mf n t n aajafeal M I ahart iatamiatiec Dr triad a few reBMrka tad tea Utt a l fer their totally f xc aM tear to sake iw- MHla tWl Dr CItrtBee B tritmdt ia NIW SOIL MAP att awattaVMtal a Wt vvW IWWQR ateaawwli anal VfcinH- yaVfawtfaffa FastaaaMtr Gee J maar ihr i ia ta af wf Afitaiara f Ua- lMl OwvanHBtat rweitei a r af what ia wf Oaia tTille Lad lelaU nap ara printed at a great la ski favaraaMai tad are fajf ulaatto ara eagrared aad a teal tarrey Illot- ajuiag nestle aaadi sod sails of- awaatfriiery by tfiffertat colored back Tfca tettraatiaM freaa the Depart af Aricaltart to Pottnatter rep ta wiMHb t the nape ftfc praaaaetaa ealy gifiBg them to- srkaat fta w U f 4 they woaM- b tfeatfaabl ia the filler fiat tkara VM act a tafficieat- r faral w 4 wad tba gtaial pctt baa Waa imieged with re wf ta ta wha rosily them to to kaaMl UMI Jadge Araow will a asaikvr rtajaMtiea GROVE PARK An Intaraatlng Lai af Fram Thia trey Little Town Grava Park March IS T J Pea aaak ia aaviaf hie retideac aaiated Oar little towa to oa a boom tftkiac the basins Use progreti lag faa and everyone busy doing aaaatklag Matter Gey Walt little ton of Mr M4 Mrs S F attended a stet at Hawthorn a few uighti ago Ka vaa allowed to go alone Elmo Masifleld who now aside JaefcfaavSlle bet formerly lived at lien Pith was a welcome visitor at a r little tows a short while Friday ftfteraooa He were on hit way to Ro mills to attend the drama Mm T L JehaioB ha a milliner tore which will be such a help to our tarts Mra Johnson ht just returned from Ohio where h ha been tUJy iag the baiinett Jar a ir St x U have her spring openiuc March JOtb to alit Mr 8 F Vaitt nd Mr F 111 T c- fI A1I1 t OF MANAGER j F t- Q J J A nil ah lie 1M I 1hI111I i f1- De I LkJe eee It II I aria air aeeea I 4 II lit p- et T- nf t0 Joe the Jt L M I 1 t oren1M I 1M hfciell tab 1M clerueed- NIa 1 H UIJt1 w year and f IN y J aU rims the Ysi Fine f nee tees j 1 l f l t a i sf E I 1 a W lW L ctT Os Ilt 311liea- tCLOSINS IEYAlI1Kl tefedA Mvitg d ihMM lies tlrtq a tatrised udieete- e I IIa1Ira Mm s tn aatMd d- M W dew des l 1 l ri at urats tMM by 9fe Is 1eda 1tM etrlia b Mts lla all tlib tuand wpa id test wren Lt tr wMiaet MI- s1saSsi p 1auyet eoter- e alNJs osb tn a so- y W si mMd l lss Naadta r III tYt1M1 suMM rues a- twl drttM t sot toe1 i t ttatea sew 4t Ytiad irete iMW a wr wiMa 1 NNan a i w i 6 fl Aabl Chs- ulliaid u natsA 11 11 alts pad sad Nt Oeaatagea heel Shad 3d bo des rgireb weer he t sha m1 sad ether aria pr1 at espreisd a I S ah e ay w d iw deere eke Wee e- xa Map t- ap tMttrit eke pail I uIMd s a fee Npau Thin p raleud fpm geol the asl ware k r flee r Melt arose s tt reed aM x y News rh tti afar pi- Ma a a < pieta 1 1 > > > > < < + > AND ARMS ALL BROKEN OUT Trwbled a YctrPhyi- CMt Did ft GoodCompIexkM- Nw Perfect and Skin Soft White M Vihffty TiMiessee Lady HIGHLY RECOMMENDS CUTICURA SOAP I Mad beta troclled with a bretk for a year said had the tervie of teveral but trey Bees to do wd Some time sRo oee of my- revoaaaMsded Outrun to me I aerated some aaxi after uwag it teas teal aiottthi I eyed I sera mommcftd Soap at bejwj the very belt heap Baaae It creates a perfect roar the ttcm white velvety I sow use icura Soap asd use to Aaf 11905 No 1 Sylvia Ti ANOTHER CURE I have the Cotirjn Medicinal Teflct for ban A year r i fur deaaaanf punfric- tbe it eanrxX be ezreiled bed trj time to tonw- tbia to tie the punpl off aad Mace I find that it it the very thing for di of the aloe G W Oct Cadiz Ky STILL ANOTHER CURE 1 to ay that I had a rrcat deal- c dandruff and after u ing puny called cure I started to me Soap and am troubled with dandruff Ida Maier Oct 1905 Philadelphia PxI- T lbU f rw CBN Bay Uuun Capell made a riling trip to Hawthorn Moaday aftrrnooa- Mrt R E Johuvoa wad Mrs E L Jobnvoa of Oraag Lane were Mrs S F Wednesday The torpeaiinettillof Mettr Phifr- A Waitt it near completion We J it orgatit d a good S ir day thool a re tad all teen rvr iateretted Everyone it to attend Elliot Waits of Hawthorn tuperisteadt the school for at Elliott Will aid Miss Lizsie John toa were welcome viiitor to our little heels Sunday Julia Brows of Magnesia wat walling ia our tow Tuesday afternoon Paifer of Gainesville rats ia our town a dip or two this week He wat- aeeoaapaaled by hit little daughter Aeeatba- MU Jennie Crane and Slow Lynch attended errieet at the Catholic chorea in Hawthorn Sunday Mrs Bell alter riming in St Algu fire and Palatka for er ral days r turned home Tuesday She retorts a good tiaie Everything it beautiful around the Park now The overage trees fetch sneer aad pear trees are all in bloom and the beautiful prvadinR- uakt hove put on their spring growth J J Liadtay wat on the tick Soaday Little MISS Bryan of Uala it visiting her grandmother Mr S F Waiu- Mn T J Peacock a few day vititisg her mother at R chelle Jan c k A Guaranteed For Piles Itching blind bleeding protruding pUN Druggittt are authorized to r fad money if PAW OINTMENT fails to sure in 8 to 14 day 60e- Government Will Have Powder Plant Wsufin r n March l Th fnatr- ommlttf apprupriatlons here afloped an am mnt to forlncaUona bill pmvldloi fur a government factory An Advance for Colurabu March 1J At tn bl monthly i 5 i n f tfc Xaional Iron St l and Tin Worker th rate fur puddling aianrt to C scats f fate ad I dido I users CtJm lea Cut ftIo rid its fIi i bud L aiM R F D used e a J n 1 1905 tIe C11fS DOW rro I 1m Seltzer St 16 kt taw It tot CKI fA c- ef t t I tug Walt have I ill fro I fu U Bernice Cur I I the I Puddle I FAcE Aimed slag ee o arms altts cat t ray ere ad resort get face moo Ir er 1WI4I d sell Cekra auR a t A C1ri w re- r pr w yb 1d r rsusaa- xor N r a4f U r 54e week Ir Tit lie sf eat pow- der wan 1 d t > > > < < <> + + + + + + BETEL NUT CHEWING M I Cfe SatUaal- Ttr xra of S- fron to i- Lalil asd pre 4r jUi J far box i ia ertrj tu ra jsit a trari of teif It ce ai t len than tray of U x lis aod ni f tobacco l a ttt Crab jr a tt- cca a SUB ra Jiif op a truii tisor foil ty f tt coco iist Liat 4 except for its bo a of a top where again Uke t e the grow ia cVr attAl l- tazrctxt to Lanlva ti rvWra Urfcrv The canlasoi r clove u aa extra cf of th iroa a TLe cocson ptt 4 of tot arco after cr t ratbag t ever their surer The bright nd aMa tram cbewing is in tbe warm boo carefollj depo 2ted In a hodoee Ill vet receptacle la the ap cooitry LOOM t wr n tl open taaboo flooring obrut the n c ait7 for ucla njct Bat on fonal occa teen is the jone edit ttrl tat cbewer t lox for ly howlers juice that rtayt the a dt which aaoa Utter with care tw toa ttcocee lid this t trrtra of Siaat mat tllfcltfrifd cla i whom contact with from th betel tout aM dook rvl teeth In Barffkok I takfl with of roYAl blooi anal hi iff toth of tad lired fTvral Tf4r In England yet tLe teeth of each wr brick a eboay ai the woEtn fratiti xpr d cr di pit at wLt of fortgu r Logs and fated aulmaU Lair Lte tttrtb Bleu ed ia wutvfctatt Outa PYTHONS AS PETS to Dr r Ar Dr JM an rtiu ia tic lover of cst coiitn to r cit Eng Iisi volume a which pxs to Bhow tLat tLf ar r kjt l of cnratur tray Lav far more charac- ter and ra t a tl a they are Jy jirv rLt tv 3 fce writes a rare I UJP a ay aroca l my feet U rftrctJy ctill vtrj seldom d tnrl m r uccutoaally he to lay f u to lick It 1 fre quvLtly tak a pytt vu to lJ tot pr Tit Le U dad if he cannot fiLl my f t of tte bU asd curls her lf on tL rr5 r I not mywlf Mieve that any python or toa ii avagr tat they are ur a lfuUy tm l wjiiay from th ill trtntnnt rtwive wha flr t cacctt and th rL Ty terror tlur n voyas There anoth- er thrs Th y no yiJt and on forth to th litrht from the Riar arutHy It b t thrfor to hde ia your hatJ or OLJer your coat Harillt th Tii often j ve tt n3 r lnc thr h il cn5y rto It I f l iny u 4si ftxrj itiy icy Land Nut the I o2f rrnl a python a JUt a f c the lay e cai l- aL i the python took la tL of my iu ta l Ill v i J rnl Lit 4tak an l wa4 erty i tr- J rul U l h n l egsEt ay L 1 r rnnl to tar tome yet of pus UhD U- TSnc that time I bar bad rr tt difficulty in jrua lia ha to at I nur hm or toke hm to bd when he wll th r who night with his bead la any Land What that liD Jour making therey asked the grocer Fresh rgV replied the new clerk Slake It laid egg Why er everybody knows egji were freah when they were laid Exactly and that all that Its ufe for ui to ay about them Philadel- phia Press 4ar Work Little boy laid the clergy- man you fthoulJ not bv working on- Sumlay What would your father aayr Why pas working What I 1 diwngy tL r iui la yer church choir New York lrfts Seaboard Parlor Cars The ritoard Air Lira operate hu- fft ptrjor car Between Waldo and Tampa nn tram Waldo that conotct with the morning tran from Dl he Jt L1 f E oj to et T J wean iuttU be tsars a or b ror a111 doad vwtJf tG aloes for the dams a Lly l black world s14tan tst for tb other Prrrtlt f u a lot 6t lJ crl lttrl with toI i I at lID crawl t they and uskate flr3tsfJ their heads wed lat bill bra < un- ItS Fresh too Ihs rsla et th fiarei- rk el liar t the Ctiai 11 Ins 1 eat Lag iirlclr 1 La flit 1Ltear tw 1fn i xa ta wr sera ea alter oae Bees ptdaflers hosier e o acts iratr- 7De ietrl tat atrvej the solve wets sake c cute pthrnd ted the well to e a J Lana aWtw tr ct tr s sJ3 a slits liar caries tae free terra red arri f nlsLe true the octudt to Wa oat whom tea fist she des lari Aeeerdlag flea The liarwan these t general Lira t and craw e they the it List o t ua t rs aI suffer try water fro time wally Lan Lr Wir eaaeI the era tn lasers rat Geerthr m > < < > > > < < > > ¬ > > > > < > > ¬ < < > > < < ¬ ¬ >< > = + + + + < + > + ± + + + I Y hJ OeJ t n- S n I l rc t n arJ tJd of Lc j r t fO d r h t Hrr a t S h r a e f r t lair 1 If i a1 c t 1- t3 y- J 1IIit 11 iii ri c1n a tzar va T t W th are F C Ice e h ct ti a r trl s = = + CHAS BLUM CO DEALERS Whisk Wiits BAY STREET JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA iMfi hr Piist lihmkN tar Exwrt hbM dor ill prdoz II 25- B l6t a pr DM Ic dot 112 doz 1150 Jugs IhciiwaH IM tart tar Ptr bbl If dot dot 1 We pay might or express charges the following liquors LEWIS IWi Away Above vtrythin in the Whisky Lint 4 full quarts 5 00 12 full quarts 12 75 HUMS MONOGRAM 10 Years Old 4 fu 1 quart 4 20 12 full quarts 12 00 EARLY TIMES Pure Sour Mash Whisky fettled is Read Eider KottntBuat HapmUlea 4 full quarts del 4 Ou lull quarts 55 12 full quarts lo 75 I Old 4 full quarts a 20- t full quarts 4 50 12 full quarts 00 SHEHIDAN CLUB 4 full quarts 2 75 6 full quarts 4 00 12 full quarts f 00 i t Liquor line Whiskies Gins Rum and from l5o to gal EAST FLORIDA TELEPHONE COMPANY Head 0 Gaiawlll Fla Tell SUtiea Hrswu H0B sad Delfta TUaJV Company ht onn ction with the following point and butinetf men il sate mocty ry uting these in traniacting business Arher- Arredocdo Bland Rronton Cur Double sick Eve Etrton Fort White CtfTe Park Hkfcetwonh Hawthorn Hiph Spring Kirkwood L Cro e Lake City Jnctn Rochelle Rocky Point Meredith Montbrook Rex Mormton Sawannee River Melatoth Tacoma Tyler Oracee Lake hogs Trenton Prairie Creek Willinon- Wacahoota THE FRUIT VEGETABLE ROUTE OF FLORIDA Table in effect February 25 ma- NT 5 So 3 Ho 1 Daily Dairy Dally LT P M fv A M I T p M 1 iu 00 5 i o r MI 9 V 45 65 10 CO 0- M 1 10 15 3 OAr 15 A r D- Ar PM T AM Ar P 5 J B CUTLER STATIONS t ftellamy A C L Crossing ttanenrille- A L Trolling Lower Cannon Crofiia Tacoma Mlcanoiiy Late Simoctoo Irvine Fort Punt No a No 4 So Dally Dally Ex Sun AT AM ArPM Ar PM 700 7 IB 8 46 t 12 20 8 88 6 W 12 00 8 23 6 SO 11 35 12 i 6 14 11 15 OS tf 11 06 oo 6 co 11 P 45 Ar P 40 P 35- t 20- P 15 P 03 I E BARKER Traffic MirY Advertise in THE SUN G 1 51151 r 1 1 > t t I 3 ILUS SYLVAN GLEN 7- t I 4 W eaT in everything in the ines 00 per HUD Stwbf I Palmer GainesYille Gulf Railway Company Time u e Dlil E un I ZJ 8amplOll 1 40 3 703 1 I 9 e 8 6 I 10J 00 4 h l I I 5 S c a C tJIV r J 3 H ro I In routb DUDD arTan l rJ j j OJ I II Gnl S 1 L L P t- yfi D rE 2 aid Litinr 11 ai Nes r 4 l4 5 u p per Ifs per t- on c 11 l 158 Y ears dealers i t e This liars tachn f Dutton Ralelrh t City it d 4 2 45 6 f j t Lt loLv 8 13 s 4 li Rocky Point 5 iii 5 lS Klrkwood Mitt c 45 15 31 3o fb 15 idea c 3 55 h5 f 32 11slydetd LvASILtFILA3 rVt < > > > > > + + +

lair Advertise in THE - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01425/00529.pdf · Ytiad irete iMW a wrwiMa1 NNan a i w i 6 fl Aabl Chs-u ulliaid natsA 11

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Taw ftaapia A Saam laPfezwrea bf tia-Airttmrca WM-


t aj f84 th BfafftaaB Of

M tfca Tafc raee-

ln inn aril a pitslffaUaw4 vkaaav-

ta wateaaaaator-

at to v ff faa jMtermtt fee to

kigarf aaaeaelate Avialla

rataaaiaaeply with aaaca ex

bar atltciiaaa ara afthat

aa te tea UMM wile

r lajhf bMrtily reeiTeaduller It talk Ikcaa aeteatiaaa tatufy-

Tte laatafttfftJa-

Tfca laji tatertaiaateat af Chaa-TMaaiaf mote arMattea4-

catlMaiaatie awlieaca axdHit mating pii itmf n tn aajafeal M

I ahart iatamiatiec Drtriad a few reBMrka tad

tea Utt a l fer their totally


xc aM tear

to sake


MHla tWl Dr CItrtBee B

tritmdt ia


att awattaVMtal aWt vvW IWWQR

ateaawwli anal VfcinH-yaVfawtfaffa FastaaaMtr Gee Jmaar ihr i ia ta af

wf Afitaiara f Ua-lMl OwvanHBtat rweitei a

r af what iawf Oaia tTille Lad lelaU

nap ara printed at a greatla ski favaraaMai tad are

fajf ulaatto ara eagrared aada teal tarrey Illot-

ajuiag nestle aaadi sod sails of-

awaatfriiery by tfiffertat colored back

Tfca tettraatiaM freaa the Departaf Aricaltart to Pottnatterrep ta wiMHb t the nape

ftfc praaaaetaa ealy gifiBg them to-

srkaat fta w U f 4 they woaM-b tfeatfaabl ia the

filler fiat tkara VM act a tafficieat-r faral w 4 wad tba gtaial pctt

baa Waa imieged with rewf ta ta wha rosily them

to to kaaMl UMI Jadge Araow willa asaikvr rtajaMtiea


An Intaraatlng Lai af Fram Thiatrey Little Town

Grava Park March IS T J Peaaaak ia aaviaf hie retideac aaiated

Oar little towa to oa a boomtftkiac the basins Use progreti

lag faa and everyone busy doingaaaatklagMatter Gey Walt little ton of Mr

M4 Mrs S F attended astet at Hawthorn a few uighti ago

Ka vaa allowed to go aloneElmo Masifleld who now aside

JaefcfaavSlle bet formerly lived atlien Pith was a welcome visitor ata r little tows a short while Fridayftfteraooa He were on hit way to Romills to attend the drama

Mm T L JehaioB ha a millinertore which will be such a help to our

tarts Mra Johnson ht just returnedfrom Ohio where h ha been tUJyiag the baiinett Jar a ir St x

U have her spring openiuc MarchJOtb to alit

Mr 8 F Vaitt nd Mr F

111 Tc-




F t-


nil ah

lie 1MI1hI111Ii







aria air aeeeaI


II lit p-et T-nf


theJt L



t oren1M I

1M hfciell tab1M clerueed-

NIa1 HUIJt1w year and


y J aU rimsthe


Fine f






lta i






lW L


Os Ilt 311liea-



dihMMlies tlrtq a tatrised udieete-

e I

IIa1Ira Mm s tn aatMd d-

M W dew desl

1 l ri at

uratstMM by 9fe Is1eda 1tM etrlia b Mts lla

all tlib tuandwpa id test wrenLt

tr wMiaet MI-s1saSsi p1auyet eoter-


alNJs osb tn a so-y W si

mMd l lss Naadtar III tYt1M1

suMM rues a-

twl drttM t sottoe1 i



4tYtiad irete

iMW a

wrwiMa 1 NNana

i wi6 fl Aabl Chs-

ulliaidu natsA 11 11

alts pad sadNt Oeaatagea heel Shad

3d bo desrgireb weer he


sha m1 sad etheraria pr1 at espreisd

a I S

ah e ayw d iw deere eke Wee e-




ap tMttrit ekepail

IuIMds afeeNpau

Thinp raleud fpm geol



kr fleer Melt arose






tti afar pi-


















Trwbled a YctrPhyi-CMt Did ft GoodCompIexkM-

Nw Perfect and Skin Soft White

M Vihffty TiMiessee Lady



I Mad beta troclled with a bretkfor

a year said had the tervie of teveralbut trey Bees to do

wd Some time sRo oee of my-revoaaaMsded Outrun to me

I aerated some aaxi after uwag it teasteal aiottthi I eyedI sera mommcftd Soapat bejwj the very beltheap Baaae It creates a perfect roar

the ttcm whitevelvety I sow use icura Soap

asd use to

Aaf 11905No 1

Sylvia Ti

ANOTHER CUREI have the Cotirjn Medicinal

Teflct for ban A year r i furdeaaaanf punfric-tbe it eanrxX be ezreiledbed trj time to tonw-tbia to tie the punpl offaad Mace I find thatit it the very thing for di of thealoe G WOct Cadiz Ky

STILL ANOTHER CURE1 to ay that I had a rrcat deal-

c dandruff and after u ing punycalled cure I started to meSoap and am troubledwith dandruff Ida Maier

Oct 1905 Philadelphia PxI-

T lbU f rw CBN Bay Uuun

Capell made a riling trip to HawthornMoaday aftrrnooa-

Mrt R E Johuvoa wad Mrs E LJobnvoa of Oraag Lane wereMrs S F Wednesday

The torpeaiinettillof Mettr Phifr-A Waitt it near completion

We J it orgatit d a good S irday thool a re tad all teen rvr

iateretted Everyone itto attend Elliot Waits of Hawthorntuperisteadt the school for at

Elliott Will aid Miss Lizsie Johntoa were welcome viiitor to our littleheels Sunday

Julia Brows of Magnesia watwalling ia our tow Tuesday afternoon

Paifer of Gainesville rats ia ourtown a dip or two this week He wat-aeeoaapaaled by hit little daughterAeeatba-

MU Jennie Crane and Slow Lynchattended errieet at the Catholicchorea in Hawthorn Sunday

Mrs Bell alter riming in St Algufire and Palatka for er ral days rturned home Tuesday She retorts agood tiaie

Everything it beautiful around thePark now The overage trees fetch

sneer aad pear trees are all inbloom and the beautiful prvadinR-uakt hove put on their spring growth

J J Liadtay wat on the tickSoaday

Little MISS Bryan of Ualait visiting her grandmother Mr SF Waiu-

Mn T J Peacock a few dayvititisg her mother at R chelle Jan

c k

A Guaranteed For PilesItching blind bleeding protruding

pUN Druggittt are authorized to rfad money if PAW OINTMENTfails to sure in 8 to 14 day 60e-

Government Will Have Powder PlantWsufin r n March l Th fnatr-

ommlttf apprupriatlons here aflopedan am mnt to forlncaUonabill pmvldloi fur a government


An Advance forColurabu March 1J At tn bl

monthly i 5 i n f tfc Xaional IronSt l and Tin Worker th rate furpuddling aianrt to C scats

f fate adI dido




ftIo rid itsfIi i bud L aiM




J n1 1905


DOW rroI

1m Seltzer St16

kt taw It totCKI fA c-

ef tt

I tugWalt






fu U










slag ee o arms altts cat







Ir er

1WI4I d sell CekraauR a t A C1ri w re-r pr w y b 1d r rsusaa-xorN r a4f U r 54e

week Ir Tit


sf eat








> <




+ + +




M I Cfe SatUaal-

Ttr xra of S-

fron to i-

Lalil asd pre 4r jUi J far

box i ia ertrj tu ra jsit a trariof teif It ce ai t

len than tray of U x

lis aod ni f tobacco la ttt Crab jr a tt-

cca a SUB raJiif op a truiitisor foil ty f ttcoco iist Liat 4 except for its bo aof a top where again Uke t e

the grow ia cVr attAl l-

tazrctxt to Lanlva ti rvWra Urfcrv

The canlasoi r clove u aaextra cfof th iroa a TLe cocson

ptt 4 of tot arco after cr t ratbag tever their surer The bright nd aMatram cbewing is in tbe warm boocarefollj depo 2ted In a hodoee Illvet receptacle la the ap cooitryLOOM t wr n tl open taabooflooring obrut the n c ait7 for uclanjct Bat on fonal occa

teen is the jone edit ttrltat cbewer t lox forly howlers juice that rtayt thea dt which aaoa Utter

with care tw toa ttcocee

lid this t trrtra of Siaat mattllfcltfrifd cla i whom contact with

from th betel tout aM dook rvl teethIn Barffkok I takfl with of roYAl

blooi anal hi iff toth of tadlired fTvral Tf4r In England yet tLeteeth of each wr brick a eboay aithe woEtn fratiti xpr d cr dipit at wLt of fortgu rLogs and fated aulmaU

Lair Lte tttrtb Bleued ia wutvfctatt Outa


to Dr r Ar

Dr JM an rtiu ia tic lover ofcst coiitn to r cit Eng

Iisi volume a which pxs toBhow tLat tLf ar r kjt l ofcnratur tray Lav far more charac-ter and ra t a tl a they are

Jy jirv rLt tv 3 fce writes arare I UJP a ay aroca l my feet

U rftrctJy ctill vtrjseldom d tnrl m r uccutoaally he

to lay f u to lick It 1 frequvLtly tak a pytt vu to lJ totpr Tit Le U dad if he cannotfiLl my f t of tte bU asdcurls her lf on tL rr5 r

I not mywlf Mieve that anypython or toa ii avagr tat they areur a lfuUy tm l wjiiay from thill trtntnnt rtwive wha flr tcacctt and th rL Ty terrortlur n voyas There anoth-er thrs Th y no yiJt and on

forth to th litrht from the RiararutHy It b t thrfor to

hde ia your hatJ or OLJeryour coat

Harillt th Tii often j ve tt n3

r lnc thr h il cn5y rtoIt I f l iny u 4si ftxrj itiyicy Land Nut the I o2f rrnl apython a JUt a f c the lay e cai l-

aL i the python took la tL ofmy iu ta l Ill v i J rnlLit 4tak an l wa4 erty i tr-

J rul U l h n l egsEt ayL 1 r rnnl to tar tome yet of pus

UhD U-TSnc that time I bar bad rr tt

difficulty in jrua lia ha to atI nur hm or toke hm to bd

when he wll th r who night withhis bead la any Land

What that liD Jour makingtherey asked the grocer

Fresh rgV replied the newclerk

Slake It laid eggWhy er everybody knows egji

were freah when they were laidExactly and that all that Its ufe

for ui to ay about them Philadel-phia Press

4ar WorkLittle boy laid the clergy-

man you fthoulJ not bv working on-

Sumlay What would your fatheraayr

Why pas workingWhat I 1 diwngy

tL r iui la yer churchchoir New York lrfts

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe ritoard Air Lira operate hu-

fft ptrjor car Between Waldo andTampa nn tram Waldo thatconotct with the morning tran from


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lasers rat





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Whisk Wiits




iMfi hr Piist lihmkN tarExwrt hbM dor ill prdoz II 25-

B l6t a pr DM Ic dot 112 doz 1150

Jugs IhciiwaH IM tart tarPtr bbl If dot dot 1

We pay might or express chargesthe following liquors

LEWIS IWi Away Above vtrythin in

the Whisky Lint4 full quarts 5 00

12 full quarts 12 75

HUMS MONOGRAM 10 Years Old4 fu 1 quart 4 20

12 full quarts 12 00EARLY TIMES Pure Sour Mash Whiskyfettled is Read Eider KottntBuat HapmUlea

4 full quarts del 4 Oulull quarts 5 5

12 full quarts lo 75


4 full quarts a 20-

t full quarts 4 5012 full quarts 00


4 full quarts 2 756 full quarts 4 00

12 full quarts f 00



Liquor line Whiskies GinsRum and from

l5o to gal

EAST FLORIDATELEPHONE COMPANYHead 0 Gaiawlll Fla Tell SUtiea Hrswu H0B sad Delfta TUaJV

Company ht onn ction with the following point and butinetfmen il sate mocty ry uting these in traniacting business



Double sickEve

EtrtonFort WhiteCtfTe Park

HkfcetwonhHawthornHiph Spring

KirkwoodL Cro e

Lake City Jnctn RochelleRocky Point

MeredithMontbrook RexMormton Sawannee RiverMelatoth Tacoma

TylerOracee Lake hogs

TrentonPrairie Creek Willinon-



Table in effect February 25 ma-

NT 5 So 3 Ho 1

Daily Dairy Dally

LT P M fv A M I T p M1 iu 00 5i o r MI

9 V45 65

10 CO 0-

M 1 10 153 OAr 15 A r D-

Ar PM T AM Ar P 5




A C L Crossingttanenrille-A L Trolling

LowerCannon Crofiia


Late Simoctoo

IrvineFort Punt

No a No 4 SoDally Dally

Ex Sun

AT AM ArPM Ar PM700 7 IB8 46 t 12 208 88 6 W 12 008 23 6 SO 11 35

12 i 6 14 11 15OS tf 11 06oo 6 co 11

P 45 ArP 40P 35-t 20-P 15P 03

I E BARKER Traffic MirY

Advertise in THE SUN






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WeaT in everything in the

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GainesYille Gulf Railway Company


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ZJ 8amplOll1 403

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11l 158 Years









t Cityit d

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4 li Rocky Point5 iii5 lS Klrkwood Mitt

c 4515 31 3o

fb 15

ideac3 55 h5

f32 11slydetd









