LADO Annual Report 2017 1 Safeguarding Children Standards Unit, Children and Family Services, Cornwall Council Document 2 LADO Annual Report April 26 2017 Management and Oversight of Allegations against people who work with children

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LADO Annual Report 2017

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LADO Annual Report

April 26


Management and Oversight of Allegations against people who work with children

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Page Number

1.0 Contents 2

2.0 Context 3

3.0 What does the LADO do? 3-4

4.0 How does the LADO work? 4-5

5.0 Overview of Professional Allegation Data (1st April 2016-31st March 2017)


6.0 LADO Yearly Statistics (1st April 2017-31st March 2017)


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2.0 Context

2.1 The function of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is a key aspect of the overall

safeguarding activity of the Local Authority and partner agencies. The purpose of the LADO

is to enable and ensure agencies work together effectively to safeguard children from

neglect and abuse by professionals and those in public office (employee, volunteer or

student paid or unpaid).

2.2 Working Together 2015 statutory guidance sets out the requirement that each county level

and unitary Local Authority should have a LADO or team of officers to be involved in the

management and oversight of individual cases. It emphasises the need to ensure that any

action necessary to address corresponding welfare concerns in relation to the child or

children involved should be taken without delay and in a co-ordinated manner. The LADO

Service consists of the Principal LADO, a LADO (newly appointed and commences in May

2017) and a Senior LADO Administrator.

2.3 The Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP) endorses the LADO

Service and places a duty on all agencies to co-operate with the LADO Service to protect

children from neglect and abuse from professionals and people in a position of trust

2.4 The LADO Service is committed to supporting The Partnership Plan ‘One Vision’ by

contributing to

Priority Outcome 3 Helping and protecting children from the risk of harm by co-

ordinating investigations where domestic abuse, child sexual abuse and child sexual

exploitation are identified

Priority Outcome 5 Making a positive contribution to the community in respect of

community safety by raising awareness of the LADO role within the voluntary and

community sector and supporting the Care Leavers’ Strategy in respect of raising

standards of safety and safeguarding awareness within temporary accommodation

settings and apprenticeship schemes

3.0 What does the LADO do?

3.1 The LADO provides

Advice and guidance to senior managers and employers to determine at an early stage

whether a formal referral is required and to prevent delay in the management of an

allegation and ensure that it is child focused

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Quality assurance & monitoring of multi-agency safeguarding practice and standards and

to contribute to the work of the SCP

3.2 Management and co-ordination of individual allegations against a person in a position of

trust who works with children who has

Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child

Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or

Behaved towards a child in a way that indicates that they may pose a risk of harm to a child

3.3 The LADO Service was specifically mentioned in the Ofsted Inspection report in June 2016

as a result of which Children’s Services in Cornwall are rated Good. At para 30 it states

‘management by the designated officer of allegations about professionals is thorough and

the arrangements that support the work are sound. The work of the designated officer is

clearly recorded and enquiries responded to appropriately and promptly. Cases seen by

inspectors demonstrated a good response, with prompt and appropriate steps taken to

protect children, and active follow-up to ensure that children are protected.’

4.0 How does the LADO work?

4.1 All LADO referrals are submitted via the Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU).

4.2 The LADO can offer timely advice and guidance on receipt of the referral to ensure any

immediate risk to a child is addressed

4.3 The LADO will determine what is the best route of investigation including liaising with

partner agencies, contract & commissioning services, Ofsted, Education Funding Agency,

Independent Schools Inspectorate and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate to co-ordinate

A criminal investigation

A joint police and social care investigation

An internal disciplinary investigation by an employer/fitness to practice

4.4 The LADO determines on a multi-agency decision basis whether the allegation is unfounded,

malicious, unsubstantiated or substantiated. A final Case Summary and Recommendation is prepared

which is endorsed by all parties and represents a shared understanding of the outcome of the

investigation and ramifications for those involved.

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4.5 The LADO considers with the employer whether there is a need to refer the outcome for disciplinary

procedures, training or advice or to the DBS and/or professional regulatory body

5.0 Overview of Professional Allegation Data (1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017)

Contextual Activity

5.1 In 2016/2017 the LADO Service received 205 referrals which is similar to 2015/16 where

the LADO Service operated to manage 192 referrals in respect of allegations against staff

and volunteers working with children. On average there are 50 cases open to the LADO

Service at any time

5.2 Whilst the number of formal referrals remains similar from last year, it is noted that the

average length of a case from opening to closure was 11 weeks last year, whereas this year

2016/2017 it has been reduced to 7.8 weeks which supports evidence that the LADO

processes are more effective and demonstrates a good level of engagement with partner

agencies to provide timely recommendations.

5.3 We have achieved the first full year of recording Advice and Guidance episodes which total

268. This represents the LADO’s role as an early source of support and guidance to

safeguarding leads in various organisations where a more ‘light touch’ single agency

approach is proportionate to the safeguarding concern raised. They reflect the higher

engagement of the education sector than any other agency which is not surprising in light

of the increased risk of allegation within the teaching profession and the comprehensive

Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance which clearly sets out the

circumstances in which the LADO should be contacted. It is noted that 22% of these

episodes lead to a full referral requiring a multi- agency response.

5.4 In respect of formal referrals, the trend continues that the largest proportion of professional

allegations is found within the education sector which reflects national data. The annual

report for 2014/2015 accounted for 49% and last year, it accounted for 40% and this year

for 37%. We have been able to compare the 270 schools’ different legal entities where 157

are Academies and it is noted that there have been similar numbers of referrals received on

staff members in both Local Authority maintained schools and Academies which

demonstrates that safeguarding remains a priority whatever the status of the school.

5.5 The number of referrals from Social Care (26%), the Police (20%) and the Education Sector

(27%) have remained fairly static for the last 3 years

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5.6 In terms of the primary cause for concern, physical abuse remains the highest accounting

for 37% of the referrals.

5.7 It is noted that there has been a significant increase in referrals which meet the 3rd part of

the LADO threshold – where it is deemed that an individual may pose a risk of harm to a

child. This typically relates to behaviour outside the work place which may then impact on

their ability to carry out the day job; for example – domestic abuse/ alcohol misuse.

5.8 Last year 17% of referrals related to individuals who work with children who were deemed

to pose a risk to children, whereas this year the number has risen to 30%. This may

suggest a greater awareness amongst professionals of how a person’s private and personal

life can impact on their work with children.

5.9 There has been a reduction in the number of referrals relating to sexual abuse from 38%

last year to 25%. There is no obvious explanation eg change of definition or threshold and

this will be monitored by the LADO.

5.10 The outcome of cases remains fairly consistent with last year’s statistics in

recommending 29% of allegations are substantiated; 33% unsubstantiated; 17%

unfounded; 8% false; 1% malicious. There has been a further reduction in NFA from 22%

to 12% which demonstrates the benefit of robust advice and guidance at the beginning of

the process and identifies at an earlier stage if the LADO threshold for a referral is met.

5.11 The actions taken as a result of the LADO referrals demonstrate show a significant rise in

the number of suspensions from 15% in 2014/2015 to last year which was 44% to 34% this

year during the LADO process with 100% of the final dismissals resulting in a referral to the

Disclosure and Barring Service. It is surmised that this is partly due to the agreed Case

Summary produced at the end of each case and the increased engagement with the LADO

Service and the various HR providers to ensure consistency of approach and compliance

with the DBS ‘2 stage harm test’ which obliges employers to make a referral to the barring


5.12 Whilst there have been 23 police investigations, they have only resulted in 3 convictions

and 1 caution. The remaining cases can be divided into 8 potential sexual offences where 6

of the alleged victims in the respective cases were unable to provide evidence; 7 potential

assault cases where the majority were unfounded or there was insufficient evidence to

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proceed; 1 drugs investigation and 2 involving intimidatory behaviour which were


Performance Measures

5.13 The LADO Service has developed to a position to contribute to the Children and Family

Services Quality Assurance Performance Management process where the LADO

endeavours to meet the South West Child Protection Procedures guidelines of completing

90% of cases within 3 months. The LADO Service relies on a Case Tracker to pursue

timely, proportionate responses as we recognise the importance of achieving an early

resolution of a case to assist the child in the centre of the allegation in order to

understand, assimilate and recover from any adverse impact on their wellbeing.

5.14 Currently 19% of cases are running beyond 3 months. 60% of the delay relates to

internal disciplinary proceedings; mainly due to illness where the alleged perpetrator is

unable to participate and 40% relates to Police investigations. It is noted that 64% of

alleged perpetrators were suspended during the extended investigations which offers

increased protection to children involved in the process. Professional Allegation Strategy

meetings have actively considered whether the employer can pursue parallel disciplinary

proceedings in order to complete this process and if dismissed for gross misconduct as a

result of safeguarding concerns, a referral can be made to the Disclosure and Barring

Service whilst the criminal investigation is ongoing in order to highlight any safeguarding

concerns to potential future employers.

Outcomes and Purpose – this year’s focus for the LADO Service

5.15 Consideration on how we obtain feedback from the victim, the subject and the

organisation in order to reduce future challenges associated with disputed recording and

create a more open and transparent process which has resulted in

the publication in November 2016 of 3 LADO Guidance booklets including one for the

employee/volunteer accused and one for the employer and

the formulation of an agreed Case Summary document based on the Signs of Safety

principles to summarise the conclusion and recommendations which can be adopted by

all professionals and the subject at the conclusion of a case and forms part of the

evidence base for a referral by the employer to the DBS/ regulatory body

5.16 Quality Assurance role with Head of Service, Learning and Achievement; LADO role in

respect of high profile and significant education safeguarding cases in secondary

education including appropriate liaison with the EFA and Ofsted Inspectors. Focus on

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whether Whistle-blowing policies are fit for purpose and governance arrangements are

robust and transparent.

5.17 Raising awareness - workshops targeted at HR support including external HR support to

schools, academies and other agencies to ensure that there is a common understanding


what denotes safeguarding as opposed to poor practice and

to reflect on the grounds for suspension including the number of suspensions v

number of cases where recommended suspension but employer has not taken advice;

and the number of suspensions occurring before notification to the LADO

To check that code of conduct includes notification of any police or social care

investigation to their employer –rather than expectation that only disclose arrests and


5.18 A priority has been the role of the Cornwall Council Passenger Transport Unit (PTU) and

how school contract drivers are selected and the apparent gap in safeguarding

requirements within the overall licensing of taxi drivers in Cornwall. The LADO has

provided challenge and support to the PTU and Miscellaneous Licensing committee to

achieve a safer and more robust system ; this has included liaison with the Safeguarding

Steering Group, HR Safeguarding and the SW LADO network on good practice. The

outcome was a DLT briefing and meeting with a large volunteer provider to ensure

safeguarding is a highlighted priority; ongoing work to raise safeguarding awareness

throughout the taxi and public transport business. The Monitoring Officer has supported

the LADO to ensure that after the May elections it is compulsory for the members to

have safeguarding training if they wish to sit on the Miscellaneous Licensing Committee.

The PTU is committed to rolling out safeguarding training to all licensed taxi drivers

5.19 Quality CSE consideration – already highlighted by a tick box in the LADO Referral Form

but if box is ticked ‘no’ to provide the rationale for the judgement; to propose further

consideration during the case and refer to in the final Case Summary as to whether

situation remains that there is no risk

5.20 To participate fully in the SW LADO network which links to the National LADO Network to

develop National Minimum Standards for LADOs – to be published in April 2017.

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6.0 LADO Yearly Statistics (1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017)

Total number of LADO referrals – 205

Average length of cases 7.8 Weeks

Identity of Alleged Perpetrator 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017

Alleged Perpetrator’s Employment Sector Number

Education Academy 42

Education Maintained 35

University 3

Early Years 19

Foster Carer 29

Health 12

Police 5

Social Care 7

Transport 17

Other 7

Voluntary Sector 3

Residential 3

Local Authority (excluding Social Care) 4

Faith Groups 4

Sport Groups 10

Cadet Forces 2

Private Music Teachers 3

Table 1) The number of referrals received in relation to the alleged perpetrators employment sector

1st April2016 – 31st March 2017. The ‘Other’ agency category includes individuals that are self-

employed, dance teachers, a leader of an out of school club, an assistant club Scout Leader and a

Scout Leader. For a breakdown of Foster Carer referrals please refer to table 2. It is important to note

that not all referrals made about an agency come from the same agency.

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Figure 1) Graphical representation of referrals by the alleged perpetrators employment sector for 1st

April2016 – 31st March 2017. The majority of LADO referrals (37%) are made in relation to secondary

and primary education staff. The split between academy and maintained education referrals made is

almost equal. Referrals about Foster Carers are high compared to other areas on employment making

up 14% of the total LADO referrals for the year. Table 2 shows a breakdown of which agency or

authority the alleged Foster Carer perpetrators work for.

The trend continues that the largest proportion of professional allegations is found within the education

sector which reflects national data. The annual report for 2014/2015 accounted for 49% and last year,

it accounted for 40% and this year for 37%. We have been able to compare the 270 schools’ different

legal entities where 157 are Academies and it is noted that there have been similar numbers of

referrals received on staff members in both Local Authority maintained schools and Academies. This

suggests that the implementation of the DFE Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance continues to

be consistent throughout the education sector.

Education Academy 20%

Education Maintained


University 1%

Early Years 9%

Foster Carer 14%

Health 6%

Police 2%

Social Care 3%

Transport 8%

Other 3%

Voluntary Sector 1%

Residential 1%

Local Authority 2%

Faith Groups 2%

Sport Groups 5%

Cadet Forces 1%

Private Music Teachers


Referrals by Alleged Perpetrators Employment

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Foster Care Alleged Perpetrator Referrals 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017

Table 2) A breakdown of referrals made regarding foster carers for 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017.

Overall there are approximately 245 foster placements in Cornwall and there has been a slight increase

in referrals by 5%

Identity of Referrer 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017

Referrer’s Employment Sector Number

Education Maintained 23

Education Academy 32

Social Care 54

Health 6

Member of Public 10

Police 40

Early Years 4

Cadet Forces 1

Voluntary 1

Local Authority 5


Ofsted 13

Fostering Agency 5

Faith Group 1

Other 8

Table 3) The number of referrals received from different agencies for 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017.

It is important to note that agencies will make referrals external to their own agency to address wider

safeguarding issues. The referrals counted under the category of “Other” include a referral made by a

leisure centre, a referral made by cadet forces, 3 referrals made by the Scout Association and 3

anonymous referrals.

Agency/Authority Number

Cornwall Local Authority 16

Independent Foster Care Providers 13

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Figure 3) Graphical representation of referrals by sector to the SCSU/LADO for 1st April2016 – 31st

March 2017. Academy and maintained education combined have made 27% of the overall referrals to

the LADO with academies making 5% more referrals than maintained schools. Social Care has made

the most referrals as a single agency with 26% of the overall total. Police are also responsible for a

high number of referrals compared to other agencies making 20% of the overall referrals.

The number of referrals from Social Care (26%), the Police (20%) and the Education sector (27%)

have remained fairly static for the last 3 years.

Primary Cause of Concern for 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017

Primary Cause of Concern (abuse) Number

Emotional 7

Neglect 2

Physical 76

Physical (Restraint) 8

Sexual 53

Suitability 59

Table 4) The primary cause of concern raised in referrals received by the SCSU/LADO. Emotional

abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and persistent

Education Maintained 11%

Education Academy 16%

Social Care 26%

Health 3%

Member of Public 5%

Police 20%

Early Years 2%

Cadet Forces 1%

Voluntary 1%

Local Authority 2%


Ofsted 6%

Fostering Agency 2%

Faith Group 1%

Other 4%

Referrals by Referrer's Employment Sector

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adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. Neglect is defined as the persistent failure to

meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of

the child’s health or development. Physical abuse is a form of abuse which may involve hitting,

shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocation or otherwise causing physical

harm to a child. Physical restraint refers to unauthorised holds and restraints used on a child that have

or could have caused injury. Sexual involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in

sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of

what is happening. Suitability refers to concerns that do not reach the threshold of the other definitions

described but still question an individual’s suitability to work or volunteer with children.

Figure 4) Graphical representation of the primary causes of concern reported to the LADO for 1st

April2016 – 31st March 2017. Emotional harm and neglect are the least reported concern and together

only make up 4% of the total number of LADO referrals. Physical (restraint) also only makes up 4% of

the primary concern in the referrals made to the LADO. Physical abuse (37%), sexual abuse (25%)

and suitability (30%) make the main bulk of the concerns raised.

Physical abuse remains the primary cause of concern accounting for 37% of the referrals;

It is noted that there has been a significant increase in referrals which meet the 3rd part of the LADO

threshold – where it is deemed that an individual may pose a risk of harm to a child. This typically

relates to behaviour outside the work place which may then impact on their ability to carry out the day

job; for example – domestic abuse/ alcohol misuse.

Emotional 3%

Neglect 1%

Physical 37%

Physical (Restraint) 4%

Sexual 25%

Suitability 30%

Primary Cause of Concern in LADO Referrals

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Last year 17% of referrals related to individuals who work with children who were deemed to pose a

risk to children, whereas this year the number has risen to 30%. This may suggest a greater

awareness amongst professionals of how a person’s private and personal life can impact on their work

with children.

There has been a reduction in the number of referrals relating to sexual abuse from 38% last year to

25%. There is no obvious explanation eg change of definition or threshold and this will be monitored

by the LADO.

Outcomes of Closed LADO Referrals 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017

Table 5) The outcomes of referrals made to the LADO/SCSU 1st April 2016-31st March 2017. An

allegation is substantiated when it is supported by evidence or where on the balance of probabilities

abuse or harm has been confirmed. An allegation is unsubstantiated where there is insufficient

identifiable evidence to prove or disprove the allegation. An unfounded or false allegation is where

there is no evidence which supports the allegation being made or there is evidence to prove that the

allegation is true. False as an outcome is specifically reserved for teaching personnel in schools. 22

cases resulted in no further action after initial consideration for the Cornwall LADO. 14 referrals were

de-escalated to advice and guidance only as they did not meet the LADO threshold, from 4 referrals

the named professional was discovered not to be working with children and 4 LADO referrals were

about Plymouth employees who lived in Cornwall so were handed to the Plymouth LADO.

Outcomes Number

Substantiated 50

Unsubstantiated 58

Unfounded 29

False 15

Malicious 1

No Further Action 22

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Figure 5) Graphical representation of the outcomes of LADO referrals for 1st April 2016 – 31st March

2017. The outcomes are almost equally split between substantiated, unsubstantiated and unfounded

and false combined. Unsubstantiated is the most common outcome (33%). There has only been 1

allegation that was recorded as malicious.

The outcome of cases remains fairly consistent with last year’s statistics in recommending 29% of

allegations are substantiated; 33% unsubstantiated; 17% unfounded; 8% false; 1% malicious. There

has been a further reduction in NFA from 22% to 12% which demonstrates the benefit of robust advice

and guidance at the beginning of the process and identifies at an earlier stage if the LADO threshold for

a referral is met.

Substantiated 29%

Unsubstantiated 33%

Unfounded 17%

False 8%

Malicious 1%

No Further Action 12%

Outcomes of Closed LADO Referrals

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Actions Taken of Closed LADO Referrals 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017

Table 6) The table shows the actions taken from closed cases. It’s important to note that although

there were 4 resignations these were followed up with disciplinary procedures. For a breakdown of the

outcomes of disciplinary procedures and criminal investigations please refer to figures 7, 8, 9 and 10.

The statistics show a significant rise in the number of suspensions from 15% in 2014/2015 to last year

which was 44% to 34% this year during the LADO process with 100% of the final dismissals resulting

in a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service

Figure 6) Graphical output of the actions taken following LADO involvement for 1st April 2016-31st

March 2017. Out of the 205 referrals received, 70 of these resulted in the suspension of a professional

or volunteer because of safeguarding concern. 75 cases resulted in disciplinary action with 26

dismissals and the same confirmed number of referrals to the DBS. 23 criminal investigations took

Actions Taken Number

Disciplinary Procedures 75

Criminal Investigation 23

Resignation 4

Referrals to DBS 26

Dismissal 26

Suspension 70




26 26













Resignation Referrals to DBS Dismissal Suspension

Actions Taken of Closed LADO Referrals

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place. There were only 4 resignations but these were followed up with disciplinary procedures given

that they were the result of safeguarding concerns. For a breakdown of the outcomes of disciplinary

procedures and criminal investigations please refer to figures 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Whilst there have been 23 police investigations, there is only 3 convictions and 1 caution. The

remaining cases can be divided into 8 potential sexual offences where the 6 alleged victims were

unable to provide evidence; 7 potential assault cases where the majority were unfounded or

insufficient evidence to proceed; 1 drugs investigation and 2 involving intimidatory behaviour which

was unfounded

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Actions Taken for Outcomes of Closed LADO Referrals 1st April2016 – 31st March 2017

Figure 7) The diagram shows the actions taken for the 50 recorded substantiated allegations for 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017. Nearly all

substantiated allegations resulted in disciplinary action. 4 cases although substantiated required no further action. The outcomes of disciplinary

procedures are broken down as shown. Out of the 23 dismissals there were 23 referrals to the DBS. There were 3 deregistration of Foster Carers and

these also all resulted in referrals to the DBS.



Criminal Investigation












Referral to DBS


Standards of Care



Referral to DBS


Further Training and Monitoring


Final Written Warning


Formwal Written Warning


Verbal Warning






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Figure 8) The diagram shows the actions taken for the 15 recorded s false allegations for 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017. Although the majority of

false allegations required no further action, there were 4 that required disciplinary action by the employer because of situations that could have been

handled more appropriately and/or prevented the allegation happening in the first place.



Criminal Investigation






Further Training and Monitoring


Verbal Written Warning




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Criminal Investigation






Further Training and Monitoring




Figure 9) The diagram shows the actions taken for the 29 recorded unfounded allegations for 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017. All unfounded

allegations that required a criminal investigation needed no further action by police. 28 of the 29 unfounded allegations required no further action by

the LADO however 1 did require disciplinary action by the employer resulting in further training and monitoring.

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Figure 10) The diagram shows the actions taken for the 58 recorded unsubstantiated allegations for 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017. 24 of the 58

unsubstantiated allegations required disciplinary action with the majority outcome being further training and monitoring (19). All criminal investigations

conducted for unsubstantiated allegations resulted in no further action for the police. 34 allegations required no further action after investigation.



Criminal Investigation






Final Written Warning


Further Training and Monitoring




Formal Written Warning






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Advice and Guidance

Total number of Advice and Guidance episodes recorded 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017 – 268

Advice and Guidance Requested and Recorded by Referrer’s Sector 1st April 2016-31st March


Sector of Referrer Requesting Advice and Guidance


Cadet Forces 4

Early Years 17

Education Academy 53

Education Maintained 48

Education University 1

Foster Care 10

Faith Group 4

Health 6

Local Authority 23


Ofsted 7

Other 5

Member of Public 15

Police 16

Social Care 44

Sports Association/Group 5

Teaching Agency 4

External Local Authority 4

Residential 1

Table 7) The amount of advice and guidance given and recorder to specific sectors. The section

labelled “Other” consists of advice and guidance by 2 charities, the scout association (x2) and a

woman’s refuge. Again it’s important to note that the advice and guidance requested was not always

relating to the referrer’s sector.

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Figure 11) Graphical representation of the advice and guidance given and recorded by specific

sectors. The education sector (excluding universities) has requested the most advice and guidance

(38%). As with referrals the split between Academy and Maintained is almost equal (20% for Academy

and 18% for maintained).

Cadet Forces 1%

Early Years 6%

Education Academy 20%

Education Maintained 18%

Education University 1% Foster Care


Faith Group 1%

Health 2%

Local Authority 9%


Ofsted 3%

Other 2%

Member of Public 6%

Police 6%

Social Care 16%

Sports Association/Group


Teaching Agency 1%

External Local Authority 1%

Residential 1 %

Sector of Referrer Requesting Advice and Guidance

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Identity of Alleged Perpetrator (Advice and Guidance) 1st April 2016-31st March 2017

Sector of Alleged Perpetrator (Advice and Guidance)


Cadet Forces 3

Early Years 27

Education Academy 65

Education Maintained 57

Education University 1

Faith Group 5

Foster Carer 24

Health 7

Local Authority 10

Other 15

Police 4

Residential 3

Social Care 10

Sports Association 7

Teaching Agency 11

Transport 15

Youth Group 4

Table 8) The table shows the sector of the alleged perpetrator recorded in Advice and Guidance

episodes. The category labelled as “other” includes 9 charities, 1 refuge, 2 music teachers, 1 personal

assistant, and 2 scout leaders.

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Figure 12) Illustration of the number of advice and guidance episodes in relation to the identity of the

alleged perpetrator. Alleged perpetrators in the education sector (excluding universities) were the

subject of 45% advice and guidance episodes, again almost split equally between academy and

maintained. Alleged perpetrators working in early years and foster care were the next highest alleged

perpetrators discussed in advice and guidance episodes (Foster Carers 9% and Early Years 10%).

Advice and guidance around transport is also similarly high with 6% of advice and guidance being

about alleged perpetrators in transport.

Cadet Forces 1%

Early Years 10%

Education Academy 24%

Education Maintained 21%

Education University 1%

Faith Group 2%

Foster Carer 9%

Health 3%

Local Authority 4%

Other 6%

Police 1%

Residential 1%

Social Care 4%

Sports Association 3%

Teaching Agency 4%

Transport 6%

Youth Group 1%

Identity of Alleged Perpetrator (Advice and Guidance)

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Primary Cause of Concern (Advice and Guidance) 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017

Table 9) The table shows the alleged primary cause for concern for requested advice and guidance.

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a child such as to cause severe and

persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. Neglect is defined as the persistent

failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious

impairment of the child’s health or development. Physical abuse is a form of abuse which may involve

hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocation or otherwise causing

physical harm to a child. Physical restraint refers to unauthorised holds and restraints used on a child

that have or could have caused injury. Sexual involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to

take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child

is aware of what is happening. Suitability refers to concerns that do not reach the threshold of the

other definitions described but still question an individual’s suitability to work or volunteer with


Primary Cause of Concern

(Advice and Guidance)


Emotional 13

Neglect 7

Physical 94

Sexual 55

Suitability 99

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Figure 12) The graph shows the alleged primary category of abuse for advice and guidance episodes.

Most advice and guidance was in relation to suitability (37%) and physical abuse (35%). Neglect and

emotional abuse are the smallest category of abuse for advice and guidance taking up only 8% of the


Table 10) The table shows the areas where the greatest recurrences of advice and guidance was

requested. Out of the 268 overall episodes of advice and guidance, 59 resulted in a LADO referral

being required.

Identity of Referrer Requesting Advice and Guidance

Number of Recurrences

Number of LADO Referrals Required Following Advice

and Guidance

Passenger Transport Unit 8 1

Ofsted 7 1

Secondary school/ college x 2 10 1

Primary School x 6 20 4

Independent Foster Care providers x 2 8 2

Alternative Provision Academies 4 2

Independent schools x 2 7 1

Early Years setting 3 0

Independent Residential Provision 3 0

Emotional 5% Neglect


Physical 35%

Sexual 20%

Suitability 37%

Primary Category of Abuse (Advice and Guidance)