Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitates Rick Sarg, Suriamin, Mike Sweirenga, Katie Logan, Carl Symcox, & Kati Tanavsuu-Milkeviciene Colorado School of Mines Paul Wright Cardiff University

Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

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Page 1: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Lacustrine Carbonates – Beaches,

Microbes, & Chemical Precipitates

Rick Sarg, Suriamin, Mike Sweirenga, Katie Logan,

Carl Symcox, & Kati Tanavsuu-Milkeviciene

Colorado School of Mines

Paul Wright

Cardiff University

Page 2: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Eocene (50 Ma)

Eocene 50 Ma (52-48)

Lake Gosiute

Uinta Uplift Sevier

Thrust Front








Lake Uinta

Green River Paleogeography

Page 3: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Green River Lake Waters:

Brine Evolution and Chemical Divides

Green River Inflow Waters: Low temperature chemical weathering:

Minerals + dissolved atmospheric CO2 produce ions Na, Ca, Mg, K, Cl

HCO3, SO4 which then form chemical sediments in closed basin lakes.

HCO3 + CO3 > Ca

CaCO3 Precipitation, use up Ca, Mg; extra HCO3 + CO3

forms alkaline (pH 9-10) brines.

Precipitation of Na-carbonates,

i.e., nahcolite, trona, and halite

Accelerated chemical weathering with elevated

atmospheric CO2 in the Eocene (Smith et al., 2008)

Page 4: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Carbonate Stable Isotopes Co-vary –

A Closed System

Page 5: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

• Piceance basin (~54 to ~48 Ma)

• Uinta basin (~54 to ~44 Ma)

• Divided into:

• 1. Members, based on lithofacies

• 2. Rich and lean zones (R/L), based on kerogen content

Modified after Self et al. 2010; Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene & Sarg 2012


Page 6: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Modified after Tucker & Wright, 1990

Carbonate Lake Environments

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0 10 20 30 40 50 Kilometers Outcrops of Uteland Butte member





3 1




15 14







6 7

16 17

to R





Hells Hole Canyon

Texas Creek

Missouri Creek Canyon

Evacuation Creek


e Li


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Missouri Creek 1 2 3 4 62 km

NBU 921-22M

5 m










Core depths in feet


4900 5 m

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5 m

Oolitic & ostracod lime grainstones

Uteland Butte shoreline grainstones

Dolomitic intraclastic packstone

Page 10: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene








Mud Wacke Pack Grain Float Rud Bnd

Page 11: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

1 mm

1 mm

Page 12: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene
Page 13: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Brazil & West Africa

Page 14: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Bioclastic Bar Deposits Comprise units >10m thick of grain supported, to densely packed molluscan calcrudites with thin (<5m) layers of bioclastic calcarenite and calclutite. No siliciclastic intercalations are present. This facies association forms thick deposits 20-550m thick.

These units are interpreted to result from the amalgamation of relatively thin (0.2-1m thick) cross bedded molluscan calcrudites deposited in shallow, high energy settings. They are mainly associated with steep sided palaeohighs and are believed to be the product of storms.

From Dolores de Carvalho M. et al. 2000 AAPG Studies in Geology 46, 245-256

Page 15: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Bioclastic Calcarenites/Beach Deposits

Comprise <10m thick units of bioclastic calcarenites associated with thinner (<5m) layers of siltstone, shale and calcilutite. Calcarenites show low angle cross bedding and comprise abraded bivalve fragments and rare gastropod fragments together with micrite envelopes. This facies association is generally 50-150m thick.

From Dolores de Carvalho M. et al. 2000 AAPG Studies in Geology 46, 245-256

Page 16: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Microbialites -Three Mile Canyon, Evacuation Creek

USGS: Johnson et al., 2010

Page 17: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Littoral Microbialite Deposits, Green River Fm., Three Mile Canyon

Page 18: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Color Key Orange: Intraclastic

rudstone/grainstone Yellow: Dendrolitic stromatolite Gray: Thrombolite/columnar

stromatolite Red: Agglutinated stromatolite Blue: Oolitic/peloidal

gnst/pkst/wackest Green: Spheroidal stromatolite White: Fine-grained stromatolite

Depositional Cycles

Page 19: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene


Depositional Architecture

Page 20: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Lower Mid-Littoral Setting

Page 21: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Stromatolite bioherm

Page 22: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

A. f. g. stromatolite with alternating dolomite and calcite lamina

B. Columnar stromatolite with dolomitized outer coating

C. Dendrolite layer D. Agglutinated

stromatolite with alternating dolomite and calcite lamina

E. Agglutinated stromatolite with dolomite and calcite lamina

F. Agglutinated stromatolite with irregular laminations

Stromatolite Microtextures

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Stromatolite Heads Dendrolite

Thrombolites & Stromatolites

Page 24: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

A. Dolomitic thrombolite

B. Arborescent dolomitized thrombolite

C. Calcitic thrombolite with interstitial mud

D. Calcitic thrombolite

E. Partially dolomitized thrombolite clots

F. Fully dolomitized thrombolite

Thrombolite Microtexture

Page 25: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Intraparticle (after oogonia)

Enhanced fenestral

Dendrolitic framework


Interparticle & fracture

Vuggy framework


Page 26: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Carbonate-Claystone Cycles

Depositional environment - Lower sublittoral to upper profundal

Fine-grained Laminated Stromatolites

Page 27: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Photomicrograph of fine-grained, laminated stromatolite

Fine-grained Laminated Stromatolites – Upper Profundal

Page 28: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Brazil & West Africa

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Stromatolite – Associated with Coarse Clastics; Mucua 1 well, Kwanza Basin, Angola

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From Wasson M S et al., 2012 AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90153

Lacustrine Microbial Carbonates, Toca Fm. Lower Cretaceous, offshore Angola

Kambala Well A core: core is approx. 8.4 cm wide.

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Profundal deposits

Page 32: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

4 cm



3 cm

Continuity of profundal deposits

Soft-sediment-deformed deposits

Laminated oil shale Oil shale breccia

Profundal deposits

Page 33: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Redox Conditions for Ferroan Dolomite

a (ankerite) = 0.1;

[Fe(II) aq] = 10-4

Inorganic C conc. = 10-2.7

Grosz et al. (2006) Geofluids 6, 137-153

Oil Shale

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Shell 23X-2

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Brazil & West Africa

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Barra Velha Fm. carbonate components

Crystal shrubs –mm-cm-sized

Spherulites -mm-sized

Carbonate silt

Facies 1

Facies 2

Facies 3

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Diaz J L B. Geoci. Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 13, n. 1, p. 7-25, nov. 2004/maio 2005

Shrubs - Campos Basin

Page 38: Lacustrine Carbonates Beaches, Microbes, & Chemical Precipitatesgeology-consortia.mines.edu/Green_River/Lacustrine... · 2016. 11. 17. · Cardiff University . Eocene (50 Ma) Eocene

Terra G J S et al. B. Geoci. Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 1, p. 9-29, nov. 2009/maio 2010

Spherulites with silica and silicate matrices

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Source – ANP Pre-Salt Libra Geological Assessment : 17/9/2013

IN situ spherulites, with stevensite

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Terra G J S et al. B. Geoci. Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 1, p. 9-29, nov. 2009/maio 2010

Spherulites with dolomite threads and pseudo-fenestral porosity

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Textural “model”

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Lacustrine Carbonates – Beaches,

Microbes, Springs, & Chemical


It’s all about the CHEMISTRY – driven

by climate, tectonics, & provenance

(ions to the lake)!