Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent. You will hand in the worksheet for Lab 1 (jointly with your lab partner). You don't have to hand in anything for any of the other labs; just show me your working circuits and simulations by the end of the class on the day that the labs are due. You're welcome to complete labs ahead of schedule. This will give you extra time to work on your projects. We use the Xilinx ISE software to describe and simulate our circuits, and to generate the programming file for the FPGA. Most of the work for Labs 2 through 10 is in using this software. If you'd like to work outside the lab, you may download a free (WebPACK) version of this software from http://www.xilinx.com/support/download/index.html/content/xilinx/en/downloadNav/desig n-tools.html . We use the Digilent Adept software to download the programming files to our FPGAs. I'd prefer to leave the FPGA boards in the lab, so you don't need to install Digilent Adept on your own computer.

Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

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Page 1: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent


Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called

Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent.

You will hand in the worksheet for Lab 1 (jointly with your lab partner).

You don't have to hand in anything for any of the other labs; just show me your working

circuits and simulations by the end of the class on the day that the labs are due.

You're welcome to complete labs ahead of schedule. This will give you extra time to

work on your projects.

We use the Xilinx ISE software to describe and simulate our circuits, and to generate the

programming file for the FPGA. Most of the work for Labs 2 through 10 is in using this

software. If you'd like to work outside the lab, you may download a free (WebPACK)

version of this software from



We use the Digilent Adept software to download the programming files to our FPGAs.

I'd prefer to leave the FPGA boards in the lab, so you don't need to install Digilent Adept

on your own computer.

Page 2: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 1 Names:


In this lab project, you will download a .bit file to your board to configure the FPGA with eight

different logic circuits. The circuits use buttons and switches for inputs, and LEDs for outputs.

You must probe the logic circuits by applying all possible combinations of input signals, and

from the results write logic equations that describe the circuit’s behavior.

Set the blue "jumper" in the upper right corner of your board to PC mode.

Obtain the file “lab1_Basys2.bit” from

http://www.digilentinc.com/classroom/realdigital/M2/Lab1BitFiles.zip, and download it to your

Digilent board using the Digilent Adept software. (Click Browse to find the file, then Program.

Click Yes in response to any warning messages.) Your board will be configured with eight logic

circuits that drive the eight on-board LEDs. You must find logic equations to describe the

circuits. After the FPGA is configured with the bit file, apply all combinations of relevant inputs

(hint: see the input variable names on the top row of each truth table), and use the output LED

status to complete the following truth tables. Write a logic assignment equation that shows the

behavior of each circuit (the equations do not need to be minimum).

swt7 btn3 LED7





LED7 =

swt6 btn3 LED6





LED6 =

swt7 swt6 swt5 LED5









LED5 =

btn3 btn2 LED4





LED4 =

Page 3: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

swt4 swt3 btn1 LED3









LED3 =

swt2 btn0 LED2





LED2 =

btn1 btn0 LED1





LED1 =

swt2 swt1 swt0 LED0









LED0 =

Page 4: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 2

Problem 1: Complete Exercise 1 from Matthew Vonk's "IntroGuide to FPGA's." Have the

instructor inspect your source files and circuit, and be prepared to answer any questions.

Problem 2: Use the Xilinx HDL tool to enter and synthesize a 4-input, 2-output logic system

that behaves according to the logic equations below. Assign the inputs A, B, C, and D to SW1, SW2, SW3, and SW4, and assign the X and Y outputs LD0 and LD1. Synthesize and implement the circuits, and have the instructor inspect your circuit and source file. Be prepared to answer any questions.

Problem 3. Use the Xilinx HDL tool to enter, simulate, and synthesize a 3-input, 2-output

logic system that behaves according to the two logic equations shown. Assign

the inputs A, B, and C to SW1, SW2, and SW3, and assign the X and Y outputs

LD2 and LD3 (note that this circuit can be co-resident with the circuit in problem

2, since different LEDs are used as outputs).Simulate the source file by creating

and executing a Verilog test fixture. Note that the signal X is an output for one

equation, and an input for another - any signal used as both an input and an

output must use mode "inout".

Implement and demonstrate your circuit to the instructor. Show the instructor

your source and simulation files, and answer any questions.

Problem 4. Use the Xilinx HDL tool to implement the two logic circuits shown below. Show

the instructor your source files (you do not need to simulate the circuits), and

answer any questions.

X= AC + CD + AB + ABD __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __

Y= (A+B+C) (A+C+D) (A+B+C)

__ __ __ __








Page 5: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Problem 5. Use the Xilinx HDL tool to enter and simulate a three-

input, two-output circuit that behaves according to the

truth table shown. Show the instructor your source and

simulation files, and answer any questions. You do not

need to implement the circuit.

Problem 6. Use the Xilinx HDL tool to create a circuit that can perform the logical AND of two

four-bit numbers represented as two four-bit busses. Simulate the circuit. Implement the circuit by connecting four switches to one 4-bit bus, four switches to a second 4-bit bus, and the outputs to 4 LED’s. Demonstrate your circuit, and be prepared to show your source files and answer any questions.


0 0 0 1 1

0 0 1 0 1

0 1 0 1 0

0 1 1 0 1

1 0 0 0 1

1 0 1 1 1

1 1 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1

Page 6: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 3 This lab project presents several worded problems that serve as behavioral specifications for

digital circuits. Your job is to design, simulate, and download those circuits to your board.

Problem 1. Amy, Baker, Cathy, and David, the bean buyers for the "Overhead Coffee

Company", have designed a more complex voting system to decide when to buy

new beans. Design and implement a logic circuit that they can use to indicate

whether they should buy new beans. Use slide switches for vote entry (either

"buy" or "not buy"), and an LED to indicate when beans should be purchased. A

“buy” order is placed if:

Amy, Cathy, and David vote NO and Baker votes YES,

or Amy and David vote NO and the rest vote YES,

or Baker and David vote YES and the rest vote NO,

or Amy votes NO and the others vote YES,

or Baker votes NO and the others vote YES,

or Baker and Amy vote YES and the others vote NO,

or Cathy votes NO and the others vote YES,

or David votes NO and the others vote YES,

or Amy and Cathy vote YES and the others vote NO,

or they all vote YES.

Implement your circuit and demonstrate it. Be prepared to show your source

files, and to answer any questions about your source files and implementation.

Problem 2. Define and simulate a circuit that can detect all prime numbers less than 16.

Assume that the four inputs to your circuit (B3B2B1B0) are used to form a four-bit

binary number in the range 0 to 15. Your circuit should illuminate an LED

whenever the input binary number is a prime number. One way to solve this

problem is to create a truth-table or K-map, and then place a '1' in the

appropriate row or cell to indicate a prime number. Verify your circuit's behavior

through simulation, then synthesize and download it to your board. Use four slide

switches as inputs, and a single LED as output. Note that this circuit can co-

reside in your board with the previous problem if you use a different LED for the


After you have designed and implemented your circuit, demonstrate it. Be

prepared to show your source files, and to answer any questions about your

source files and implementation.

Page 7: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Problem 3. Use twelve 1’s in three groups of four cells to specify a 5-input, one output circuit

to serve as your K-map battleship field in the diagram below. You may want to

print additional copies of the K-map to practice designing a circuit that you think

will be the hardest to guess. Find a minimum circuit, and enter and simulate it

using the Xilinx tools. Name the inputs A,B,C,D, and E, and name the output


Download the circuit to your board, test it, and demonstrate it. Then have a

neighboring student attempt to locate all the minterms in your circuit by moving

one slide switch at a time. Before starting, the visitor can request that the five

input switches be set to any initial pattern. The visitor hunts for your minterms by

sliding the input switches one at a time to new positions. The visitor should

record their path through your K-maps in the “offense” K-map in their submission

form, and you should also record the path in your “defense” K-map. The visitor

keeps changing the input pattern until all the 1’s have been discovered. After all

1’s have been discovered, enter the total number of moves the visitor required in

the “defense” blank below. Then change roles, and probe your neighbor’s map.

Enter the total number of moves required in the “offense” blank below.



0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

0 0

0 1

1 1

1 0



0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

0 0

0 1

1 1

1 0




“Defensive” moves:_________



0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

0 0

0 1

1 1

1 0



0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0

0 0

0 1

1 1

1 0




“Offensive” moves:_________

Use this map when probing another’s


Page 8: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 4 This lab project presents several more complex combinational logic systems that would be quite

challenging to implement using structural methods, but are rather simple using Verilog.

Demonstrate each circuit, show your source and simulation files, and answer any questions.

Problem 1: Six judges need a device to help indicate particular judgments. Each judge can

enter “good” or “bad” with a single switch - you job is to build a circuit that can indicate three separate conditions: A strong majority (i.e., 5 or 6 “good” votes); a simple majority (4 or more “good” votes), and a tie (exactly 3 “good” votes). Use LEDs to indicate the outputs.

Problem 2. A digital thermometer produces a continuously varying voltage signal between

0V and 5V, where 0V represents 0 degrees, and 5V represents 100 degrees.

The thermometer outputs an 8-bit binary number proportional to the temperature

– “00000000” represents 0 degrees, each increasing binary number from

“00000000” represents a temperature increase of 100/256 degrees, and

“11111111” represents 100 degrees. Design a circuit that outputs a logic high

signal whenever the temperature is between 50 and 60 degrees. Use switches to

emulate the thermometer's output, and an LED to indicate when the temperature

is in the desired range.

Problem 3. Design a circuit that can show an 8-bit 2's complement number multiplied by -1.

Use the eight slide switches to enter any number (positive or negative), and show

the answer on the 8 LED's.

Page 9: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent



00 01 11 10

0 D D or E E xor F E xnor F

1 not D D nand E 1 0

Lab 5

Problem 1. Create a Verilog source file for a circuit that behaves according to the

requirements shown by the K-map below. Simulate the circuit using a Verilog test

fixture, and show your source and simulation files (you do not need to implement

the circuit).

Problem 2. Design, simulate and implement a mux/de-mux circuit using the Xilinx tools and

the Digilent board that can communicate 8 data signals using only 4 wires (1 data

wire, and three bits to select one signal out of 8). Use three buttons to select the

data channel, slide switches to form the eight required data channel inputs, and 8

LEDs to show the output. An LED is lit only if the corresponding channel is

selected AND the corresponding switch is HIGH. Demonstrate the completed

circuit, and be prepared to show your source files and answer questions.

Problem 3. Design and implement a “bin2hex” seven-segment decoder circuit that can drive a single digit on the 4-digit 7sd device on the Digilent board (you are not required to simulate this circuit). Your decoder should display the decimal digits 0-9 for bit patterns 0000-1001, and A-F for bit patterns 1010-1111 (you will need to get a little bit creative to show all the hex digits – think about lower-case letters). Use four slide switches as inputs to select the pattern to be displayed. Recall you will need to drive the anode signal of the digit you wish to use to 3.3 V (you can drive the others to GND to ensure they are off – note that if you drive all anode signals to 3.3 V, then all four digits will show the same pattern). Demonstrate your circuit, and be prepared to show your source files and answer questions. (Note: The circuits for Problems 3 and 4 can both be loaded into the board at the same time, if you wish).

Problem 4. Adding to your circuit from Problem 3, create a circuit that can drive a second

digit on the 7sd device with a new digit pattern defined by the other four slide switches on your board. Since there are only seven signals available to drive the digit segments, you need only one bin2hex component to drive those signals, and a 2:1 "bus multiplexor" to choose which set of switches are connected to the bin2hex component. The signal used select which switches drive the display can also be used to select which digit is enabled - using the same signal for both

Page 10: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

purposes ensures the correct data will always appear on the same display digit. A pushbutton can be used to drive the select signal.












A ‘0’ on AN2 and

AN3 turns these

digits off

The inverter allows a single digit to be driven at any time



2:1 Bus





See if you can toggle the button quickly enough to make both displays appear continually illuminated (it is unlikely you will be able to do so). Imagine that you could toggle the button very quickly - faster than about 50 times per second. Each digit would appear to be continuously illuminated, even though each was really only driven for half the time. This works because the light-sensing apparatus in the human eye becomes "saturated" after only a few microseconds, and several milliseconds are required before the eye can respond to new stimulus. We will exploit this even further in Lab 9, where we will use a "sequential circuit" to build a circuit capable of driving all four digits. Demonstrate your circuit, and be prepared to show your source files and answer questions.

Problem 5. Use the Xilinx tools to define and simulate an 8-bit shifter that can shift or rotate

left or right by 0, 1, 2, or 3 bit positions. Implement the circuit using the 8 slide switches as inputs to the shifter, and 8 LEDs as outputs from the shifter. Use the pushbuttons to control the functions of the shifter. Demonstrate your circuit, and be prepared to show your source files and answer questions.

Page 11: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 6 Problem 1. Design and simulate an 8-bit magnitude comparator.

Problem 2. Design and simulate a structural 8-bit adder, using a behavioral HA component

and seven behavioral FA components. ("Structural" means that you're creating

the desired behavior by assembling smaller components; you're not simply

describing the overall behavior with a + operator.)

Problem 3. Design and simulate a behavioral 8-bit adder that can produce a 9-bit result.

Show a case where the ninth bit is a '1'.

Problem 4: Implement a structural 4-bit adder/subtractor module. Use four slide switches to

set the A operand, four slide switches to set the B operand, and a pushbutton to

select add or subtract. Use five LEDs for circuit output. Check enough cases to

be sure your circuit works. Demonstrate your circuit, show your source and

simulation files, and be prepared to answer any questions.

Problem 5: Design an underflow/overflow detect circuit that does not need to access the

carry-in signal to the most-significant bit, and add that circuit to your design from

problem 4. Drive an LED to show when an output is in error. Demonstrate your

circuitt, and be prepared to show your source files and answer questions.

Problem 6. Implement a structural 4-bit multiplier using your HA, FA, and 8-bit behavioral adder as components. Simulate the multiplier using several representative cases stored in a test bench waveform file. Use eight slide switches as inputs (four switches per input) and the eight LED’s as outputs. Demonstrate your circuit, and be prepared to show your source files and answer questions.

Page 12: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Problem 7: Design and implement a 4-bit ALU that can perform the operations shown. Assign inputs to slide switches and pushbuttons as you see fit, and assign outputs to LEDs or the 7sd. Demonstrate your circuit, show your source files, and be prepared to answer any questions.

Op Code Function

000 A PLUS B

001 A PLUS 1


011 A MINUS 1

100 A XOR B

101 Not A

110 A OR B

111 A AND B

Page 13: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 7

Problem 1. Implement the function Y = A’.B + A.C. Define the NOT, OR and two AND operations separately, and give each operation a 1ns delay. Simulate the circuit with all possible combinations of inputs. Answer the questions below.

Observe the outputs of the AND gates and the overall circuit output when B and C are both high, and A transitions from H to L and then from L to H (you may want to create another simulation to focus on this behavior). What output behavior do you notice when A transitions? What happens when A transitions and B or C are held a ‘0’?

How long is the output glitch? ______ Is it positive ( ) or negative ( ) (circle one)? Change the delay through the inverter to 2ns, and resimulate. Now how long is output glitch? ______ What can you say about the relationship between the inverter gate delay and the length of the timing glitch?

Based on this simple experiment, an SOP circuit can exhibit positive/negative glitches (circle one) when an input that arrives at one AND gate in a complemented form and another AND gate in uncomplemented form transitions from a _____ to a _____.

Problem 2. Enter the logic equation from problem 1 in the K-map below, and loop the

equation with redundant term included. Add the redundant term to the Xilinx circuit, re-simulate, and answer the questions.









Did adding the new gate to the circuit change the logical behavior of the circuit?

What effect did the new gate have on the output, particularly when A changes and B and C are both held high?

FSOP (original):

F SOP (new):

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00 01 11 10

A 0



Problem 3. Create a three-input POS circuit to illustrate the formation of a glitch. Drive the simulator to illustrate a glitch in the POS circuit, and answer the questions below.

A POS circuit can exhibit a positive/negative glitch (circle one) when an input that arrives at one OR gate in a complemented form and another OR gate in un-complemented form transitions from a _____ to a _____.

Write the POS equation you used to show the glitch:

Enter the equation in the K-map below, loop the original equation with the redundant term, add the redundant gate to your Xilinx circuit, and resimulate.

How did adding the new gate to the circuit change the logical behavior of the circuit?

What effect did the new gate have on the output, particularly when A changes and B and C are both held high?

Problem 4. Copy the SOP circuit above to a new file, and increase the delay of the output

OR gate. Simulate the circuit and answer the questions below.

How did adding delay to the output gate change the output transition? Does adding delay to the output gate change the circuit’s glitch behavior in any way?

F POS (new):

Page 15: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Problem 5. Create a circuit for Z = (A.B) . (A.C)'. Change the delay of the AND gate to 1ns and the NAND gate to 2ns. Simulate the circuit, inspect the output, and answer the questions below.

What kind of glitch did you observe? What input conditions are required for the glitch to form?

How long was the glitch, and how is its length related to timing delays in the AND and NAND gates?

Problem 6. Design and implement an 8-bit adder. Simulate the circuit in post-route mode

(select Simulation, then change "Behavioral to "Post-Route"), then have the instructor inspect your simulation output.

How long does it take for the adder result to be valid after the inputs change?

______ What is the maximum frequency this circuit could run at? _____

Page 16: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 8 Problem 1. Create a NAND basic cell in the Xilinx tools using structural methods. Add a 1ns

gate delay to both NAND gates (for both rising and falling transitions). Label inputs S and R and the outputs Q and QN as appropriate. Create a test fixture to simulate the circuit, driving the inputs as specified below.

De-assert both inputs at the start of the simulation. At 100ns, asset S. At 200ns, de-assert S. At 300ns, assert R. At 400ns, de-assert R. At 500ns, assert both inputs. At 600ns, de-assert both inputs. At 700ns, assert both inputs. Identify the output features in the list below.

1. An undefined output 2. A set operation 3. A reset operation 4. A ‘0’ being stored in memory 5. A ‘1’ being stored in memory 6. A state where the Q and QN outputs are both driven to the same

value 7. A metastable state

Problem 2. Repeat problem 1, but use a NOR basic cell. Why are the basic cells outputs

undefined at the start of the simulation?

Complete the following table by placing the correct letter in the output column: A: set operation; B: reset operation; C: confounded outputs (both outputs at the same voltage); D: storing a value in memory; E: a metastable state.

Problem 3. Modify the test bench for the NAND basic cell by de-asserting S at 600ns and R

at 601ns, and resimulate. Comment on any differences in the output, and more importantly, give a reason for any differences seen.

Set Reset NAND Output NOR output

1 0 1 1

1 1 1 0

1 1 1 1

1 0 1 0

0 1 0 1

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1

0 1 0 0

Page 17: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Problem 4. Starting with the NAND basic cell, create a new source file for a D-latch. Be sure the basic cell NAND gates have a 1ns gate delay. Simulate this circuit, and be sure to test all possible combinations of inputs to fully document the circuit’s function. At some point during the simulation, illustrate the property of D-latch transparency (i.e., show the circuit behavior when gate input is high, and the D input changes from L-H-L or H-L-H), and also illustrate a metastable state. Observe on the simulation waveform the following output behaviors: an undefined output, transparency, storing a ‘1’, storing a ‘0’, and metastability.

Problem 5. Create a behavioral source file for a rising-edge triggered D flip-flop. Name the

inputs D and CLK, and the output Q. Simulate the flip-flop, driving CLK and D appropriately. What do you notice about the output Q? Why?

Add an asynchronous reset, and assert the reset signal at the start of the simulation, de-asserting it after a small amount of time. Resimulate, and demonstrate the proper operation of your flip-flop. Modify the simulation, and try to force a metastable state. Can you force a metastable state? Have the instructor inspect your work.

Problem 6. Create a source file for a falling-edge triggered flip-flop with clock enable and preset. Simulate the FF, showing all pertinent operating states. Have the instructor inspect your work.

Problem 7. Create a source file for an 8-bit D register with both a synchronous reset (named

SRST) and an asynchronous reset (named ARST). Simulate the register, showing all pertinent operating states. Have the instructor inspect your work.

Problem 8: Create and simulate a source file for a T flip-flop. Show all pertinent operating

states in the simulation, and have the instructor inspect your work. Problem 9: Create and simulate a source file for a JK flip-flop. Have the instructor inspect

your work.

Page 18: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 9

Problem 1. Build a 4-bit binary counter with Enable and Terminal Count functions (Terminal

Count, or TC, is asserted in the last count state before the counter resets back to

all zeros). Simulate the counter, showing the TC and Enable functions.

Problem 2. Design a circuit that increments a digit (0 – F) shown on the seven-segment

display device once each second. The circuit has four pushbutton inputs: one

button starts the counter, a second button stops the counter, a third button

increments the counter, and the fourth button asynchronously resets all memory

devices in the design. The system has the block diagram shown below. Use the

4-bit counter from problem #1 as a component, and create components for a

clock divider, seven-segment display decoder, and a controller circuit.

Demonstrate your circuit, and be prepared to answer any questions.







4-bit counter






7-seg decoder













ClkClk pin

Clk divider

Problem 3. Build a 4-bit decimal counter with Enable and Terminal Count functions - you will

use this counter as a component in the next problem.

Problem 4. Build a 4-digit decimal stopwatch, with the least-significant digit counting a rate of

1KHz (1ms update rate), and the most-significant digit incrementing once per

second (each digit on the seven-segment display will be driven from a separate

decimal counter). Use the same controller as was used for Problem 2.

This circuit requires a scanning display controller which is discussed in your

board’s Reference Manual. When complete, demonstrate your circuit, and be

prepared to answer questions. Also create and demonstrate/discuss a detailed

block diagram of your circuit showing all circuit blocks and signal connections

(and make sure to appropriately label all circuit blocks and signals).

Page 19: Labs - Department of Physics electronics/Labs.pdf · Labs Labs 1 through 9 are adapted from Clint Cole's Real Digital (where they're called Projects 2 through 10), published by Digilent

Lab 10

Problem 1. Create a circuit that displays the greatest common divisor of two four-bit numbers

read from a Verilog ROM (Example 68).

Problem 2. Create a circuit that displays the greatest common divisor of two four-bit numbers

read from distributed ROM (Example 69).

Problem 3. Create a circuit that displays numbers read from block ROM (Example 70).