LABELING Souvia Rahimah, STP., M.Sc. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only.

LABELING - Universitas Padjadjaranblogs.unpad.ac.id/souvia/files/2010/05/labeling1.pdf · Pengertian Label Makanan : ... END Name and address ... • The label must display clearly

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Souvia Rahimah, STP., M.Sc.

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Definisi Labeling

Kata, kalimat, pernyataan, merek (brand), atau tanda(mark) dalam tulisan ataurepresentasi apapun ataudisain atau hal yang menggambarkan sesuatuyang tertera pada atauterlampir pada ataumenyertai produk makananatau kemasan makanan.

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Pengertian Label Makanan :

Merupakan informasi nutrisi yang ditampilkan padakemasan makanan yang disesuaikan dengan undang2 atau peraturan peraturan yang berlaku.

Teknik pencantuman informasi, isi informasi umum daninformasi nutrisi juga mempunyai ketentuan sendiri

ditinjau dari produk yang dikemas, kelompok umurkonsumen dan ukuran kemasannya.

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Mengapa Labeling Penting ????

The Stakeholders –



Manufacturers and retailers

Regulatory agencies


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Untuk Konsumen

need information to –

provide identity, quantity

advice on safe storage and use

enable informed choice

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provide space for the bar code for

checkout scanning

stock control via in-store database

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Regulatory agencies and analysts –

need data to enable checking that

regulatory standards are fulfilled

labelling regulations are complied with

claims are fulfilled

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What’s on It ???

Wajib :Name and address of the manufacturer or importer or distributor

Instructions for use

Net contents

Country of origin

Batch identification

Use by date

Nutrient analysisThis must be in table form per 100g of product as eaten (or if not, clearly stating per 100g of dry product) or per 100ml for liquids.

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May contain (e.g. nuts) labellingPlace of origin (if failure to do so might mislead)

Vegetarian/ vegan labellingThe name and address of manufacturer/ packer/ seller

Graphical and pictorial informationDate of minimum durability (‘best before’ or ‘use by’)

Claims such as ‘no artificial additives’

Net quantity (weights & measures)

Guideline Daily AmountsQuantity of certain ingredients (e.g. pork (10%)

Nutrition signpostingList of ingredients

Nutrition information (if no claims made)


Voluntary* information sometimes provided

Mandatory food labelling requirements

* Based on information provided voluntarily in the UK

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Assurance schemesInstructions for use (if failure to do so might mislead)

Method of slaughter(e.g. Halal)

Allergen information (in the ingredient list)

Free range (e.g. eggs)

Alcoholic strength by volume (drinks over 1.2% only)

Marketing terms (e.g. fresh, pure, natural)

Quinine labelling

Number of servingsHigh caffeine content warning (drinks containing over 150mg/l of caffeine)

Voluntary* information sometimes provided

Mandatory food labelling requirements

* Based on information provided voluntarily in the UK

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Customary or descriptive namesPKU warning (‘contains a source of phenylalanine’)

Environmental impact (e.g. dolphin friendly)

Sweeteners labelling

Country of origin (where not required)

Polyol warning (‘excessive consumption may produce a laxative effect’)

Voluntary* information sometimes provided

Mandatory food labelling requirements

Quality type claims (e.g. ‘100% chicken breast’

Packaging gases (‘packaged in a protective atmosphere’)


* Based on information provided voluntarily in the UK

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Voluntary* information sometimes provided

Mandatory food labelling requirements

Brand informationNutritional Panel (where a nutritional claim is made: e.g. low in fat

LogosIrradiated food labelling (‘irradiated’or ‘treated with ionising radiation’)

Production methods (e.g. organic)GMO labelling

Special offer competitions Raw milk labelling


* Based on information provided voluntarily in the UK

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What’s on a label?

Name of foodIngredients

Weight /Volume Date-mark

Place of origin

Nutrition information

Storage / Preparation instructions


Name and address

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Menurut US. Food and Drugs Administration, Mei 1999

Label makanan saat ini harus mencantumkan :

•Informasi untuk setiap produk makanan.

•Format informasi harus mudah dan cepat dibaca konsumen

•Informasi jumlah penggunaan per penyajian (serving) untuk lemakjenuh, cholesterol, serat dan zat2 nutrisi

•Referensi nilai gizi yang membantu konsumen dalam mengaturkebutuhan makanan yang dikonsumsi.

•Keseragaman pengertian istilah nutrisi seperti “ light”,” Low”, High fibre dll.

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Name of food

The name of the food must be clearly stated. Some foods have made-up names, which give no information about what is in them or how they have been processed. In such cases, a description of the food must be given so that it is neither ambiguous nor misleading.

If the food has been processed in some way, the process must be included in the title, e.g. dried apricots, salted peanuts and smoked mackerel.

The name must also describe the differences between apparently similar products. For example, a ‘fruit yogurt’ must be flavoured using real fruit, whereas a ‘fruit flavoured yogurt’ can be flavoured using artificial flavourings.

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Weight or volume

• The weight or volume of the food must be shown on the label. Comparing the weight with the price of different brands enables consumers to make choices on value for money between brands.

• Some foods, such as tea and butter, are sold only in standard amounts. The actual weight of the product does not need to be exact, but must be within a few grams of the weight stated on the label.

• The symbol e is used to show that the weight complies with the EU requirement for weight under the average system, i.e. the average pack is at least the weight declared.

• If the product weighs less than 5g then the weight need not be stated.

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• Ingredients are listed in order of weight, according to the amounts that were used to make the food, starting with the largest ingredient and ending with the smallest.

• All components, including water and food additives, must be included in the list if they have been added.

• A new European Union (EU) labelling rule is being implemented in the UK which will require 12 food ingredients - milk, eggs, peanuts, nuts from trees (including Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts), fish, crustaceans (including crab and shrimps), soya, wheat, celery, mustard, sesame and sulphur dioxide – to always be clearly labelled.

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• If an ingredient in the description of the product is featured in a pack shot and other situations, e.g. Chicken and Ham Pie, the quantity of the ingredient must be declared as a percentage. This is required as part of EU labelling law, and is known as a Quantitative Ingredient Declaration (QUID).

GM ingredients• In April 2004 new rules for GM labelling came into force within the EU. The presence in foods of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or ingredients produced from GMOs must be indicated on the labels. Foods produced with GM technology (e.g. cheese produced with GM enzymes) and products such as meat, milk and eggs from animals fed on GM animal feed will not have to be labelled.

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Name and address

• The name and address of the manufacturer, packer or seller must be stated on the label.

• This gives consumers the opportunity to contact the manufacturer if they have a complaint about the product or if they wish to know more about it.

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Place of origin

• The label must display clearly where the food has come from if it would be misleading not to show it, e.g. a tub of Greek yogurt which was made in France.

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Date mark

• Perishable foods that spoil quickly, such as cooked meat and fish, have a use by date. If kept for too long these foods can cause food poisoning even though they may not taste any different.

• Other foods have a best before date, after which foods may not be at their best, with regard to flavour, colour and texture, even though they will probably be safe to eat if they have been stored according to the instructions on the labels.

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Storage/Preparation Instructions

• When necessary, instructions on how to prepare and cook the food must be given on the label. If the food has to be heated, the temperature of the oven and the cooking time should usually be stated. Instructions may also be given for heating in a microwave oven.

• Information must be provided on how long a product is likely to last once it has been bought and/or opened, and under what conditions it needs to be kept to ensure its freshness.

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Nutrition information

• Manufacturers are not obliged by law to provide nutrition information, unless they make a nutrition claim. For those that do provide nutrition information, they must provide:

* The energy value in kilojoules (kJ) and kilocalories (kcal); * The amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat in grams (g).

• Unless a claim is made, the amounts of sugars, saturates, fibre and sodium can also be optionally provided.

• Information must always be given as values per 100g or per 100ml of food. Values for a portion or serving can be given as well, provided that the number or size of portions/servings is given.

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Nutrition information

Further optional information can be added, unless a claim is made, on the amounts of other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals (if they are present in significant amounts).

The amount of vitamins and minerals in a food are given as a percentage of the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA).

RDAs are estimates of the amount of vitamins and minerals sufficient to meet or more than meet the needs of groups of adults rather thanindividuals. RDA values are part of EU food law and reflect the variation in opinion across Europe. There is only one figure for each nutrient, derived from figures for adults, rather than a range of figures that vary with age, sex and physiological status as exists for UK Reference Nutrient Intakes or RNIs.

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Nutrition information

In the UK, some pre-packaged foods also provide information about guideline daily amounts (GDAs).

GDAs are derived from the Estimated Average Requirements for energy for men and women aged between 19-50, of normal weight and fitness (2500kcal and 2000kcal respectively).

GDAs are intended as guidance to help consumers in their understanding of their recommended daily consumption of energy (calories), fat and saturates and a base against which the content of individual foods can be compared.

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Labelling jargon

RDA - Recommended Daily Amount

part of EU directive on Nutrition Labelling

estimates of the amount of vitamins & minerals needed to meet or more than meet the needs of a group of adults

GDAs - Guideline Daily Amounts

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Penjelasan mengenai hubungan antara nutrisidalam makanan dan penyakit seperti kalsium danosteoporosis, lemak dengan kanker, garam denganhipertensi dll.

Standar ukuran penggunaan untuk memudahkan pembuatanproduk yang hampir sama ( perbandingan nutrisi).Khusus untuk produk2 sari buah, penjelasan yang mudahmengenai berapa jumlah sari buah murni yang ada dalamproduk.

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Panel Informasi Nutrisi

Semua nuterisi harusDicantumkan dalam bentuk % dailyValues bisa dalam mg/gr hal iniDilakukan untuk mencegahKesalahan interpretasi mengenaiNilai2 nutrisi didalamnya.

• Pada label makanan tertera “Nutrition Fact”…….. harusmenunjukkan :

Total kaloriKalori dari lemakTotal lemakLemak jenuhCholesterolGaramTotal karbohidratSeratGulaProteinVitamin AVitamin CKalsiumBesi

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Nutrition Fact

Dimulai dari yang terpenting

Dari jumlah yang terbesar ke yang terkecil

Harus jelas

Food names must describe the true nature of the food

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Nutrition Labelling

Prescribed format

Voluntary information

Derived from Estimated Average Requirements for energy

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Contoh :

1. Makanan dengan 140 mg garam akan dapat diartikansebagai makanan berkadar garam tinggi, karena 140 merupakan nila iyang besar. Pada kenyataannya adalahjumlah garam yang mewakili kurang dari 6% dari Daily Valueuntuk garam ( 2400mg)

2. Makanan yang mengandung 5 gram lemak jenuh tidak dapatdikatakan rendah nutrisi karena kenyataanya makanantersebut mengandung ¼ dari total Daily Valuenya ( 20 gram adalah daily value untuk lemak jenuh)

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Modifikasi Format

Untuk kelompok usia anak dibawah 2 tahun (kecuali formula bayi), sebaiknya tidak memuat informasi tentang lemak jenuh, lemakpolyunsaturated, . cholesterol, lemak kalori atau kalori dari lemakjenuh. Alasannya :

“ untuk mencegah orang tua dari kesalahan asumsi dalam membatasipemberian lemak pada bayi padahal seharusnya tidak demikian”Untuk anak dibawah usia 4 tahun sebaiknya tidak memuat % Daily Values untuk total lemak, lemak jenuh, cholesterol, garam, total karbohidrat dan serat.. Tetapi sebaiknya memuat % Daily Value untukprotein, vitamin dan mineral.Untuk Label makanan anak2 sebaiknya dibuat format yang sederhanatetapi memuat nformasi nutrisi yang benar2 dibutuhkan untukpertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak.Beberapa pengecualian seperti : untuk format ukuran kecil danmenengah (ukuran kemasan kurang dari 12 inc2) contohnya, untukkemasan permen karet tidak harus memuat informasi nutrisi lengkapcukup dengan informasi bahan penyusun utamanya saja.

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Modifikasi Format

Informasi nutrisi dapat ditampilkan, dengan ukuran kurang dari 40 inc2 dalam bentuk tabel atau format melingkar (string), untukukuran lebih kecil harus singkat dan penempatannya mudahdibaca.Untuk kemasan lebih besar dar 40inc2 misalnya; kantung roti, duskue pie, kantung sayuran beku, Nutrition fact harus ditampilkanlengkap.Untuk produk2 yang memerlukan informasi mengenai persiapansebelum dikonsumsi seperti; dry cakes mixture, dry pasta dinner, breakfat cereals with milk, mie instan dll. Label harus dibuatdalam dua kolum informasi nutrisi dimana kolom pertama memuatkomponen nutrisi dan kolom kedua mengenai cara memasak ataupenyajiannya

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Ukuran porsi (Serving size)

Ukuran porsi dimuat padakemasan makanan. Jumlah iniakan membantu untukmengetahui ukuran porsi yang akan dikonsumsi.

Contoh, bila tertera 4 porsidalam kemasan, kita tahubahwa 1 porsi sebandingdengan ¼ dari jumlah isi dalamkemasan..

Ukurannya dapat berupa, cup, tablespoon, teaspoon, piece, fraction(1/4 pizza) atau dalamgram dan mililiter.

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Nutrient Content Claims

Istilah2 yang menerangkan kandungan nutrisi dalam suatuproduk makanan untuk konsumen yang perduli dengankesehatannya saat ini sudah diatur dalam peraturan sehinggakonsumen dapau mengajukan tuntutan kepada produsen bilaterjadi hal2 yang menyimpang seperti :

“free: ….. “calori free” artinya lebih sedikit dari 5 cal/serving,

“sugar free” dan “fat Free” artinya lebih sedikit dari 0.5 gram/serving, berlaku juga untuk “fat free milk” artinya skim“low”…..”low fat” artinya 3 gram atau kurang per serving,“low sodium” artinya 14 gram per serving atau kurang,“low cholesterol” … 20 mg lemak jenuh atau kurang per serving, low calori … 40 kal atau kurang per serving.High…. Makanan mengandung 20% atau lebih Daily Values untuk zat gizi tertentu per servingReduced…. Kurang dari 25% nutrisi/ kalori jumlah normalnya.

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Nutrition Claims

Any representation, other than the nutrition labelling, that states or implies that a food contains, or has a high or low amount of one or more nutrients is a nutrition claim

If a nutrition claim is made, nutrition labelling is mandatory

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Nutrition Claims

Nutrient (or content) claims

refers to the level of a nutrient in a food

e.g. source of calcium

Comparative claims

comparison of nutrient levels of 2 or more foods, using descriptors such as ‘higher’ or ‘lower’, e.g. contains % more calcium

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Nutrition Claims

Nutrient function claims

refers to physiological role of nutrient in its relationship to growth, development or other normal functions

e.g.aids in the development of strong bones & teeth

Medical claims are illegal

e.g. prevents osteoporosis

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FSA Guidelines on Nutrient Content Claims


3g/100g or 100mlLess than0.15g/100g or100ml

SATURATES Less than 1.5g/100g and shouldnot make upmore than 10%total energy ofthe product *

Less than 0.1g/100g or 100ml

SUGAR(S) Less than5g/100g or 100ml

No sugars orfoods composedmainly of sugarsadded to the foodor to any of itsingredients

Less than 0.2g/100g or 100ml


Less than40mgsodium per 100gor 100ml

No salt or sodiumshall have beenadded to the foodor to any of itsingredients

Less than 5mgsodium per 100gor 100ml

* excludes spreadable fats for which there are specific EU Regulations

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FSA Guidelines on Nutrient Content Claims


100g or 100ml orat least 3g in thereasonableexpected dailyintake of the food

More than 25%more than asimilar food forwhich no claim ismade and morethan 3 g in eitherthe reasonabledaily intake of afood for which thisis lower than 100gor 100ml or in100g or in 100ml

Either more than 6gper 100g or 100ml orat least 6g in thereasonable expecteddaily intake of thefoods

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New EU Proposal on Claims

Will define many nutrient claims

low fat

light/lite (reduced by 25%)

Will prohibit some claims

‘% fat free’ claims

use of the term ‘diet’

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Pengertian istilah “fresh” adalah untuk makanan segar

atau makanan yang tidak melalui proses pengolahan, ini hanyaberlaku untuk makanan segar, makanan tanpa prosespembekuan, pemanasan dan tanpa penambahan zat pengawet. Untuk “fresh frozen food” pengertiannya adalah makanan yang segera dibekukan selagi segar (blansing).

Pengecualian untuk “freh milk dan freshly baked bread”

Fresh Claim

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