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Lab Safety. Accidents Occur When You Least Expect Them Could these have been prevented?

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Lab Safety Slide 2 Accidents Occur When You Least Expect Them Could these have been prevented? Slide 3 Being in the Lab Labs can be a fun and exciting learning environment. It is a privilege for those who can follow instructions. Labs can be a very dangerous place if people are careless and take things for granted. Slide 4 Practicing Lab Safety You can enjoy science more often. You gain the trust of your teacher. You keep yourself and others from harm and even death. So lets begin Slide 5 What is wrong with this picture? Slide 6 What can we do to prevent accidents? Be well prepared. Follow instructions. Actively seek signs of danger. Know the proper procedures. Slide 7 10 Safety Rules 1. Get permission before starting. 2. Study the procedures. 3. Use safety equipment like goggles. 4. Always point materials away from you and other students. 5. Never eat or drink in a lab; do not inhale or taste any chemicals. Slide 8 10 Safety Rules 6. Know the location of safety equipment and how to use it: fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit, eyewash and fire alarm. 7. Be aware of open flames; tie back long hair and loose clothing. 8. Never run if you are caught on fire. 9. Keep area organized and clean. 10. Report any incidences to the instructor, no matter how minor. Slide 9 Basic First Aid Always notify your instructor. Burns: apply cold water. Cuts: stop bleeding by applying direct pressure. Cover cuts with a clean dressing. Bruises: Apply cold compresses to bruises. Fainting: Leave the person lying down. Loosen tight clothing and dont crowd Slide 10 Basic First Aid Foreign matter in eye: Use the eyewash station and flush with plenty of water. Poisoning: Note the suspect poisoning agent FIRST then call teacher/poison control. Inducing vomiting is not always the remedy. Chemicals on skin: Flush with large amounts of water. Slide 11 Lab Clean-Up Turn off water/gas. Unplug electrical devices. Return materials to their proper places. Properly dispose of materials as instructed. Clean your work area. Wash your hands!!! Slide 12 Top 5 Tips to Safety Stick to these 5 tips and you wont have to worry about safety. Stick to these 5 tips and you wont need first aid. Stick to these 5 tips and you can have fun in science this year! Slide 13 Top 5 Tips to Safety #5: Always check the equipment. Slide 14 Top 7 Tips to Safety #4: Be attentive to those around you. Slide 15 Top 7 Tips to Safety #3: Always keep your eyes on the experiment and never leave it unattended. Slide 16 Top 7 Tips to Safety #2: Stay calm and dont panic! Inform the teacher of any incident, no matter how minor. Slide 17 Top 7 Tips to Safety #1: Be attentive to the task(s) at hand.