Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE Lab 2B: Modeling and Experimentation: Compound Pendulum Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at Austin June 19, 2014 ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

Lab 2B: Modeling and Experimentation: Compound Pendulumdsclab/leks/L2B_Modeling... · 2014-06-19 · Case 1: Compound pendulum with only linear damping Consider a linear damping torque

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Page 1: Lab 2B: Modeling and Experimentation: Compound Pendulumdsclab/leks/L2B_Modeling... · 2014-06-19 · Case 1: Compound pendulum with only linear damping Consider a linear damping torque

Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Lab 2B: Modeling and Experimentation:Compound Pendulum

Prof. R.G. Longoria

Department of Mechanical EngineeringThe University of Texas at Austin

June 19, 2014

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

1 Modeling

2 Simulation

3 Block Diagrams

4 Summary

5 Pre-Lab/LE

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE


This lab will focus on developing and evaluating a model of thecompound pendulum system.

The concept of state equations is introduced as a form convenient forsimulation, which is to be used to predict the response of thependulum for comparison with measured data.

Block diagrams are introduced as a way to describe systems withinsimulation environments, and LabVIEW examples are provided.

A model simulation should be thought of as another way toexperiment with a system.

Pre-Lab and LE will be discussed

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Lab 2B Specific Objectives

1 Practice system modeling methods, including constitutive modeling forfriction effects

2 Become familiar with the National Instruments Control Design andSimulation module

3 Use a simulation model to compare with measured data and fine tunesystem parameters

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Use modeling to build insight and derive a proper dynamicsystem model

Understand the type of model that is needed. To predict thependulum response observed in the lab, we need a dynamic systemmodel in the form of ODEs

Recognize any special considerations. There is significant friction inthe pivot/bearing causing the pendulum oscillation to decay, so themodel needs to include torques induced by friction.

Make sure the model can be used for the intended purpose. Given aproper model, we need to be able to solve the equations. Since theODEs cannot be solved in closed-form, we need to put the model in aform suitable for simulation.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

In introductory dynamics courses, you often solved forforces, accelerations, or velocities of bodies at specificinstants in time. Consider the example below.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Example continued...

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

We seek system dynamics models as ordinary differentialequations (ODEs) for key variables of interest in order tostudy how a system behaves over all time.

The measured decay of the pendulum oscillations in the lab indicates lossof energy over time due to dissipative effects.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Example: the simple pendulum model

A simple pendulum modelrepresents dynamics of a pointmass at the end of fixed length,massless, rod or string, constrainedto move in a plane as shown below.Gravity acts downward.

If there are no other forces, the nettorque for rotation about the pivotis, ∑

T = −Tθ = −mgl sin θ

Now, apply Newton’s law,


dt= h = Jθ =


where J = ml2, so a 2nd orderODE in θ is found,

ml2θ +mgl sin θ = 0

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Contrast the simple pendulum with the compoundpendulum

Simple pendulum:

J = ml2

m is the total mass, l is distance fromthe pivot to the mass

ml2θ +mgl sin θ = 0

θ +g

lsin θ = 0

Compound pendulum:

J0 = J +ml2C

m is the total mass, lC is distancefrom the pivot to the CG

J0θ +mglC sin θ = 0

θ +mglCJ0

sin θ = 0

Modeling a compound pendulum as a simple pendulum would incur error thatdepends on how widely mass is distributed. In some cases, a simple pendulummight be a reasonable approximation.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Additional torques in the pendulum model

Aside from proper modeling of the inertia effects, the model also needs toconsider other torques that cause changes in the angular momentum. Primarily,we are concerned here with torques due to dissipative effects (friction at thepivot, air friction, etc.), or any applied torques or forces on the pendulum body.Both can be included in the Newton’s law equation,

h = −Tθ − Tf − Ta

where Tf is the net torques due to friction/losses and Ta are applied or actuatortorques.

It is clear that the pendulum studied in the lab is not lossless since it does notoscillate indefinitely, and there are no other applied forces or actuator torques.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Modeling frictional torques

Frictional effects can be modeled as frictional torques that act about the pivot.These torques are modeled as functions of angular velocity, T = f(ω). Considertwo types:

These models represent different types of physical processes. For example, if abearing has a (viscous) fluid film, induced forces tend to vary linearly withvelocity (left). On the other hand, bearings with dry contact result in forces moresimilar to Coulomb-type friction, being relatively constant with velocity (right).

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Case 1: Compound pendulum with only linear damping

Consider a linear damping torque in the pendulum equation,

h =∑

T = −Tθ − Tb

whereTb = bω = linear damping torque

where ω = θ. Now,J0θ + bθ +mglC sin θ = 0

This equation can be made linear by assuming small motion, so sin θ would be

approximately θ and the equation becomes a linear 2nd order ODE known to have

closed-form solutions.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Case 2: Compound pendulum with linear damping andnonlinear friction

Now include a nonlinear friction torque,

h =∑

T = −Tθ − Tb − Tc

whereTc = Tosgn(ω) = Coulombic (nonlinear) frictional torque

Linearizing for small motion as done for Case 1 is problematic, because of the‘sgn’ (signmum) function.

The signum function has a very large change in value when its argument is closeto zero: sgn(a) = +1 if a > 0 and sgn(a) = −1 if a < 0.

Closed form solutions for motion cannot be found as readily as for Case 1. It turns

out that this type of friction is more prevalent in many practical systems. Solving

this ODE requires numerical integration schemes for simulating the system.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Basic idea behind ODE system simulation

When we talk about system simulation in DSC, this typically refers to solving anODE initial value problem. This means that we have a set of ODEs that modelour system of interest1.

Consider the simplest type of dynamic system, a first order ODE,


dt= f(x, u, t)

which we’ll call a state equation for the state variable, x. The right hand side is afunction of x itself, an input to the system, u, and time, t.

The modeling process provides f(x, u, t).

Numerical integration requires an initial value at initial time, t0, x(t0) = x0.Then, the solution at the next step, t = t0 + ∆t, is to be approximated.

1Some systems may involve both differential and algebraic equations (DAEs), whichwon’t be considered in this course.ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Euler ODE Solver

You may recall that numerically solving ODEs for initial value problems is simplymarching forward in time. The solution is found at discrete time steps, given theinitial value at t0. Given x0, the value at initial time, an estimate of the value att1 is,

x1 = x0 + ∆x0

The job of the solver is to estimate ∆x0. The simplest algorithm is the Eulersolver, which is basically a Taylor series approximation.

The Euler solve estimates ∆x0 by,

∆x0 = f(x0, u0, t0) · ∆t

using an approximation from the ODE∆x/∆t ≈ f(x, u, t), and given allinitial values. There is always error inthe estimate of the true value, x1.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Selection of ODE Solvers

The Euler method is the simplest ODE solver, and it usually uses a fixedtime step. To get good solutions (more accurate, stable), usually you needto make the time step very small.

The Euler method is a 1st order Runge-Kutta (RK) method. You may havelearned about Runge-Kutta methods in a computational methods course.The most commonly used RK algorithm is 4th order, which uses fourevaluations of the ODEs to estimate the next value of x, as opposed to thesingle evaluation made by the Euler routine. The RK4 algorithm allows youto take larger time steps than Euler, is more stable, but as for Euler the errormust be managed by the user. More sophisticated algorithms use variabletime step to control numerical errors.

Many commercial and open-source software packages have built-in fixed-stepand variable step algorithms that can be used for ODE simulation. Thiscourse will provide practice in using the algorithms available in LabVIEW.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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ODE solvers require that the equations be put into 1storder form

The Euler solver was described using the simple 1st order ODE in the variable x.This is the form required by ODE solvers.

Consider the single x variable generalized as a vector x formed by n statevariables of a system.

ODE algorithms are designed to accept descriptions of the system ODEs as avector formed by the model equations. In general, the 1st order vector of stateequations is,

x = f(x,u, t)

where u is now a vector of r inputs.

Writing the equations in this form can either be done by converting the nth orderODE to n 1st order ODEs, or the n 1st order ODEs can be derived directly. Thelatter method is the way equations are directly derived when the bond graphmethod is used.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Example: Convert the simple pendulum model from 2ndorder to 1st order form

Recall the simple pendulum model

ml2θ +mgl sin θ = 0

To convert this 2nd order ODE to 1storder, first define n = 2 state variablesas x1 = θ and x2 = θ. We now wantto write two 1st order ODEs in termsof these new state variables. The firstone is found by taking the derivativeof the first variable, x1 = θ, which isrecognized as x2. Therefore, the firstequation is,

x1 = x2

Now, take derivative of secondvariable, x2 = θ. To find thisequation, we must use the original 2ndorder ODE, which has θ as well as θ.Solve for θ,

θ = −(g/l) sin θ = −(g/l) sinx1

This gives us the second stateequation,

x2 = −(g/l) sinx1

These two equations are the statespace equations for the simplependulum.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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State space form

Here are the simple pendulum state space equations in matrix form:

x =


]= f(x,u, t) =


−gl sin(x1)


The rightmost term is a vector of the n nonlinear, state equations.These are in the form required by ODE solvers.

The state equations are generally coupled; i.e., each equation can bea function of any and all system states.

Each equation quantifies how each state changes over time (the slopeat each time step).

In a numerical algorithm, each equation is used to estimate the valueof the state at each time step, as illustrated for the simple Eulerroutine.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Using solvers with script files

Commercial software packages such as Matlab and LabVIEW have solversthat will numerically integrate ODEs. The ODEs are usually formatted ina script function file.

For example, for the simple pendulum, a script file may take the form:

function filefunction f = PendulumEqs(t,x)

global g l

f1 = x(2);

f2 = -g*sin(x(1))/l;

f = [f1;f2];

Here, the values returned by this function are sent to the ‘solver’ (e.g., ode45).The use of script files is very effective. In this course, we will be learning adifferent approach that uses block diagrams to graphically describe the ODEs.Using this approach allows use of LabVIEW for simulation.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Block diagram representations of systems

Block diagrams are used to graphically represent signal flow andfunctional relationships between signals.

A directed line (with arrowhead) indicates a ‘signal’, which canrepresent a system variable or a control input.

Nodes, shown as blocks, represent input-output relationships betweensignal variables..

Basic functions are gains, summers, integrators and differentiators,and as such block diagrams are effective in representing differentialequation models.

Modern software programs use block diagrams as a way tocommunicate system representations to computer-aided analysis tools.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Block diagram programming environments have becomevery popular as part of computer-aided engineeringpackages


They allow us to describe systems using a graphical form, which canbe useful for communicating how different components interact.

Block diagrams are functional and not just schematics (as we willsee).

There is a rich history not only in describing control systems but alsoin how (analog) computational algorithms were originally designed.

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Block diagram algebra

Summing point

Branching point

Let x(t) input and y(t) output. For

general nonlinear systems, the output

is simply, y = g(x).

If the system is linear, y = G · x

G (gain) may be a constant or asystem transfer function, G(s).

The ‘s’ represents the ‘Laplace


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Block diagram calculus

Other blocks especially useful for

representing physical system models

include the integrator:

There is also a derivative

These are common blocks, but they

are sometimes shown in software

products using the s’ Laplace operator.

For example, the integrator is:

and the derivative block is

Important: these are just symbols - the blocks performnumerical integration/differentiation (not Laplacetransforms).

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

How do you build a block diagram of system stateequations?

For a given complete set of state equations (as you will learn to derive in ME344), the following steps are taken:

1 Identify an integrator for each first order equation, so each integratorgenerates a state

2 Form the terms of each equation using system parameters, gain blocks, andfunctional blocks

3 Use summing blocks form the state derivatives (i.e., add terms as needed toform the right hand side of each 1st order equation)

4 Specify initial conditions, x(0), and system inputs, u

NOTE: There are some systems that result in equations where the ODEs do nottake this desirable form. You may learn about algebraic loops and derivativecausality in your DSC course.

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Block diagram of nth order state space system

The system equations generate the dx/dt for each state, and the nintegrators produce the states, which are then passed back into the systemequations.

Note each integrator requires an initial condition, x(0).

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Example: block diagram for linear 1st order ODE

Re-write the 1st order ODE in the form:




τ[−x+ u(t)]

Then we can use basic block elements to describe the algebra and thecalculus in the equations, as shown below.

Remember that to find x the integrator needs to have an initial condition,x(0).

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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Outline Modeling Simulation Block Diagrams Summary Pre-Lab/LE

Two popular software products that use block diagramsare LabVIEW and Matlab/Simulink.

These programs feature:

combined structured and block diagram programming

a capacity to communicate with physical hardware

efficient means for designing a human-user interface

modeling and simulation tools for physical and engineering systems

We have adopted LabVIEW for use in this course.

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LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module

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LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module

Build your block diagrams within theCD&S Loop:

Basic block diagram VIs are foundunder Signal Arithmetic:

and Continuous Linear Systems:

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)

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The integrator block is a key element for integrating yourstate equations

Remember that the input to theintegrator block will be the derivativeof your state:

and the output is the state.

By double-clicking the integrator VIblock, you can access settings:

The settings allow you to configurehow you will set key integrationparameters and whether you will setthem in the dialog box or wire to aterminal.

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Example: LV simulation diagram for standard 1st ordersystem

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Example: LV simulation diagram for the simple pendulum

In this example VI for the simple pendulum, a formula node used as analternate way to code the state equations rather than with block diagrams.

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Experimentation and modeling

The experimentation is now to be conducted using a numerical model.

Here are some suggestions for using your simulation model:

determine if your estimates of the pendulum moment of inertia allowspredictions to compare well with measured response data; show howthe simulation can be tuned to improve the model

show that the simulation gives the same type of responsecharacteristics, especially with proper frictional torque models; weighthe effect of linear versus nonlinear type friction

calculate stored energy, and improve prediction on how energydecreases with each cycle

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Build experience building system models from physical laws

Use a known physical problem for purposeful learning aboutconstitutive models, especially linear vs. nonlinear types

More opportunity to experiment with LabVIEW VIs for simulation,learning about CD and Sim

Use LabVIEW for analyzing data from experiments, relating tomodeling results

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Summary of Pre-Lab 2B – see the clog for details

1 Derive the second order differential equation model of a compoundpendulum and convert this model into state-space form. Describe thephysical laws and constitutive relations used in this derivation.

2 Sketch a block diagram of the compound pendulum state equations

3 Submit calculations (using SI units) of the following parameters for thecompound pendulum system: total mass, mass moment of inertia, centroidlength from pivot. Use the geometry and material information provided inlab. Pendulum data available on clog

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LE 2B – see the clog for details

1 Demonstrate a VI that compares simulation data to experimental data ofangular displacement for a nonlinear compound pendulum.

2 Use your simulation VI to adjust the damping and Coulomb friction requiredso your model results match the experimental measurements. Determine thebest values for these coefficients.

ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)