La Belle et la Bête (1946)

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  • 7/30/2019 La Belle et la Bte (1946)


    La Belle et la Bte (1946)

    Jean Cocteau

    Jean Cocteaus Beauty and the Beast is a film which reflects the

    artistic style of director than anything else, it isnt the typical

    Disney beauty and the beast film; its meant to be a film for all

    ages and is defiantly a romantic film.

    The Story of Jean Cocteaus Beauty and the Beast is well delivered,

    its a true fairy tale and the world shown is well done, but

    unfortunately the film doesnt age too well, even the guardians own

    Derek Malcolm states that it is almost purely visual, even if a

    Freudian analysis is possible.(Malcolm, 1999), this doesnt really

    let the film down as it achieved what it wanted to visually and

    story wise when it was released, the environmental and story aspects

    of the film went together, and nothing was similar to it in

    atmosphere and style when it was released, Jean Cocteau was able to

    create a new genre in cinema by bringing to fairy-tale story to


    Figure 1. Film Poster

  • 7/30/2019 La Belle et la Bte (1946)


    Behind the beautiful ascetics of this film is a plot which is a

    romantic fairy-tail at heart, its simply a story about a poorly

    treated beauty who is able to look behind the fearsome demeanour of

    a beast and find the good inside him, the plot of the film follows

    the fundamentals of the fairy-tail.

    As a visual piece the film was successful, and what the director

    tried to achieve is very clear; as the film goes on you begin to

    appreciate what was Cocteau was able to achieve. As the film start

    Cocteau asks viewers to indulge in the film and suspend all

    disbelief, there could be multiple reasons as to why he decided to

    have that displayed before the film started though the disclaimer

    was meant for viewers at the time of the films release, even then

    sceptical viewers would appreciate the cinematography by Henri

    Alekan though low-budget - production design adequate rewards in

    themselves.(Brown, 2002), the technology wasnt there as the film

    was made in 1946, but the artistic vision carried each concepts, a

    good example of this was the use of hands to light up the corridor

    with torches as Josette Day (Beauty) was running in hast along a

    corridor, this might have seemed random at first but it fitted the

    mood for the house she was now inside of, and it didnt seem as

    though it needed a big budget to achieve this.

    Figure 2. Corridor of the Beasts castle

  • 7/30/2019 La Belle et la Bte (1946)


    Jean Cocteaus film might not be the complete package for manyviewers in audiences but it did achieve something great things at

    the time it was made, although it may not be viewed the same way by

    modern audiences, the film is literally for everybody and with adult

    sophistication and the childish naivet that comes with the fairy-

    tale, its a film that everyone can relate to, it also relies on

    simple cinematography to create the simple effects which go a long

    way in changing peoples opinion of the films environment, the

    enormity of scenes and displaying beautiful objects on the set.

    Even the film's simple (non-digital) camera tricks can still shock

    (Anderson, 2002) and its little details like this that work together

    create the odd stylised environments in this Beauty and the Beastfilm.

    Figure 3. Beauty and the Beast

  • 7/30/2019 La Belle et la Bte (1946)




    Figure 1:

    Figure 2:

    Figure 3:


    Malcom, D. (1999)it is almost purely visual, even if a Freudian

    analysis is possible. In: guardian [online] on


    Brown, K. (2002) though low-budget - production design adequate

    rewards in themselves. In: eyeforfilm [online]

    by-keith-hennessey-brown(Accessed on 12/11/2012)

    Anderson, J. (2002) Even the film's simple (non-digital) camera

    tricks can still shock. In: combustiblecelluliod [online]

    (Accessed on 12/11/2012)