L4b) Meditation as Verse and as Spiritual Science. By Dr Robert Rose There are many perspectives to Steiner’s ideas about meditation as spiritual research and self-development. This lecture focuses on just one of these, namely that of the role of verse in developing a deeper perception of the World and of the Self and the interconnection between them. The verses and meditations shown are intended to help the work of teachers in Steiner Schools, they are not meant for teaching material or to present to the children. Their purpose is simply to aid the teacher in the Self-Development of their thinking, feeling, imaginative and perceptive capacities. These then become the primary Character Disposition, through which teaching content and method can be enhanced. 1

L4b) Meditation as Verse and as Spiritual Science. By Dr

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L4b) Meditation as Verse and as Spiritual Science.By Dr Robert Rose

There are many perspectives to Steiner’s ideas about meditation as

spiritual research and self-development. This lecture focuses on just one of these, namely that of the role of verse in developing a deeper perception of the World and of the Self and the interconnection between them.

The verses and meditations shown are intended to help the work of teachers in Steiner Schools, they are not meant for teaching material or to present to the children. Their purpose is simply to aid the teacher in the Self-Development of their thinking, feeling, imaginative and perceptive capacities. These then become the primary Character Disposition, through which teaching content and method can be enhanced.


The meditations are drawn from the works of Rudolf Steiner,

particularly the collection called “Verses and Meditations”. The ones selected pay particular attention to the Kingdoms of Nature as well as the nature of the Human Being. In this way, the inner aspect of the two major branches of the curriculum are addressed: Nature Studies / Science and the Humanities.


From Virtues to Meditations

Steiner saw cognitive and moral virtues as lying at the foundation of meditation. In particular, as has been shown, he saw observation of the natural world and of humanity as providing the starting ground for meditative development and this has to be born in mind in considering the meditations that he presented. The generic process for this may be symbolised in this way as showing a process beginning with observation, gradually ascending through the levels of the human being and then descending back to the World of the senses:


Thinking – Imagining


Memory - Will



The verses are not intended to take the practitioner away from the

sense-world, but to enhance the experience of it through contemplation. So it needs to be kept in mind that a keen engagement with the world of sense has to accompany the verses as a grounding condition.

When it comes to the transformation of a meditative practices like previously discussed, i.e. into a verse, we are looking at another stage in the meditative process. Meditative verses have a similar relationship to sense-perceptible reality as mathematical formulas do to sense perceptions. A formula or an equation does not contain the details of a particular sense situation such as the special conditions which are present in a solution. The formula just contains the essence of that type of equation.


A verse is similar in some respects, in that it contains the essence of something, of the Human Being or of Nature, without the particular detail of a special condition or special situation. In contemplating a verse, the practitioner inwardly engages with the essence of the content and participates in the rhythms, beats, feelings and imaginations evoked. In that sense, the inner life of the practitioner makes a transition to the poetic meditative level of the Human-World experience.


The verses are particularly related to the deeper dimensions of the

Kingdoms of Nature. Steiner conceived these as having different levels of reality to them as manifest in the lived World. As with the exercises discussed in the “Meditation as Practice” section, here the verses provide opportunities to access the Depth Dimensions, or Inner Reality, of the Kingdoms of Nature. The next two images below give a brief overview of the kingdoms of nature and the Depth Dimensions to those kingdoms as conceived by Steiner:



The Stars and the Planets

The Sun and Light


Warmth – Fire



Kingdom of Nature

Dimensions of the Beings in the World

Human: Physical / Mineral

Life Power Soul: thinking, feeling, willing, imagination, perception.


Animal: Physical / Mineral

Life Power Soul / Sentience

Plant: Physical / Mineral

Life Power

Mineral / Physical:

Physical / Mineral


As will be seen in the following verses, each of the above appear, either

singularly or in combination. The aim of the verses is to enable the practitioner to gain a deeper experience of the World in terms of the different kingdoms of nature or of the different dimensions or levels of reality.

In the first set of verses on Human Nature, a number of different themes are explored: the connectedness of the higher self with love and truth, the responsibility of knowing oneself, the nature of the human soul in thinking, feeling and willing and how they correspond to World reality; the “I” and responsibility; the interrelationships between thinking, imagination, feeling and will; the human body and the soul; the connection between the human being and the cosmos and the elements of nature.


The second set of verses concerns the kingdoms of nature. But they also show a set of relationships to the inner aspects of the human being: thinking, feeling, willing and “I” as well as to the outer aspect of the human body: head, heart and limbs. The beings of nature include the Stars, the Sun, the elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire and are shown, in verse form, in their deep inner connection to the dimensions of the Human Being.


Meditations on Human Nature

The Higher Self

In Love lives the seed of Truth, In Truth seek the root of Love: Thus speaks thy higher Self.

The fire's glow transmutes Wood into warming raysWisdom's resolving Will Changes the outer work Into abiding strength.

So let thy work be the shadow Cast by thine I When it is lit by the flame­Flame of thy higher Self.

Steiner, R, “Verses and Meditations”, p. 119.



In seeking know thyself,

So shalt thou become thy being.

But if thou cease from seeking:

Whate’er thou hast,

Whate’er thou art,

This will itself take away from thee

The truth of thy own being.

Ibid, p. 109.


Self-Knowledge and the World

In your Thinking live World Thoughts,

In your Feeling weave World Forces,

In your Willing work World Being.

Lose yourself in World Thoughts,

Experience yourself through World Forces,

Create yourself from World Being.

Yet tarry not in Worlds afar

In dreamy play of thought.

Begin in the vast reaches of the Spirit,

And end in thine own Being’s depths.

There wilt thou find

Eternal aims of Gods,

Knowing thyself in thee.

Ibid, p.111 13

The I and Responsibility

Vain fancyings and figments of illusion, What have you to do With the high purpose that is set before me? The spiritual Beings want it of me. Then will I be my own soul's adversary, And summon up this vacillating heart To clear and honest thinking-The heart that serves me, strong and true, If I but will it so.

Ibid, p. 53


Pure Thinking and the Soul

In pure Thinking thou dost find

The Self that can hold itself.

Transmute the Thought into Picture-life

And thou wilt know creative Wisdom.

Condense thy Feeling into Light:

Formative powers are revealed through thee.

Forge thy Will into deeds of Being:

So shalt thou share in World-creation.

Ibid, p. 153


Human Body and Soul

In the Heart weaves Feeling,

In the Head lights Thinking,

In the Limbs powers Will.

Weaving Lightening,

Powering Weaving,

Lightening Powering:

That is the Human Being

Ibid, p. 105


Human Nature and the Soul

In my Head I feel

Warm fount of Love.

In my Heart I feel

Raying Light of Thought.

Now the warm fount of love

Joins with the light of Thought

So make strong my Hands

For the good work of Man.

I Feel me.

Ibid, p. 185


Humanity and the Cosmos

My Head bears the being

Of the resting Stars.

My Breast harbours the life

Of the wandering stars.

My Body lives and moves

Amid the elements.

This am I

Ibid, p. 183


The Human being and the Elements

The Elements allow the spirit

To form them through and through.

And they receive the last and deepest

Informing of the Spirit,

That they might clothe the being of Man

With life of Soul and Spiritual stature.

Ibid, p.57.


The Stars, the Planets, the Elements and “I”

My Head bears the being of the resting Stars.

My Breast harbours the life of the wandering Stars.

My Body lives and moves amid the Elements.

This am I.

Ibid, p. 183


Meditations on the Kingdoms of Nature

The Sun and the Human Soul

The Light of the Sun Brightens all Space When dark night is past. The life of the soul Now is awakened From restful Sleep. O thou, my soul, Give thanks to the Light. In it shines forth The Power of God. O thou, my soul, Be strong for deeds.

Ibid, p. 39


The Sun and the Elements:Earth, Water, Air and Fire

See thou, mine eye, The Sun's pure rays In crystal forms of Earth.

See thou, my heart, The Sun's Spirit-power In Water's surging wave.

See thou, my soul, The Sun's cosmic will In quivering gleam of Air.

See thou, my Spirit, The Sun's indwelling God In Fire's abounding love. Ibid, p. 141


Nature in Summer and Winter

Asleep is the soul of Earth

In Summer's heat,

While the Sun's outward Glory

Rays through the realms of Space.

Awake is the soul of Earth

In Winter's cold,

While the Sun's inmost Being

Lightens in Spirit.

Summer's day of joy

For Earth is sleep.

Winter's holy night

For Earth is day.

Ibid, p. 6523

Meditations for Teachers

Imbue thyself with the power of imagination,

Have courage for the truth,

Sharpen thy feeling for responsibility of soul

Steiner, R (1919): The Study of Man, Rudolf Steiner Press.



Take some time with each of the above verses and consider their detail and how they may help with teaching in a Steiner Education setting.

Concentrate and practice on one of the verses and consider its value for the teacher.

Make some notes for yourself on these.

Use your notes to help you complete the assignment in the Module Descriptor.