IT Y L a ° YY R B r v THE SEEP EARL1IAL TON Y l sf THE SUNDAY SCHOOL i LESSON IX FIRST QUARTER INTER + NATIONAL SERIES MARCH 2 I w Next tot tho Lesson Acts IIliJ to j Till 2 Memory Verses SO lIoGold 1 en Text Mntt v Commentary Prepared by Hey D 31 Stearns f Copyright 1002 by American Press Association t G4 C5 But he being full of the Holy ft Ghost looked up steadfastly Into heav ¬ Yu With great power and boldness be R ing filled with tho Spirit Stephen bad spoken tho truth and like Peter bad ac ¬ cuBed the council of being tho murderers x of Jesus Christ They were so cut to the j heart that they were filled with fury and y gnakbcd their teeth at hIm Hon ttug > e gcstive wns their conduct of the place to which they were journeying where there v Is weeping and gnashing of teeth not against others so much as because of i I their own torment Matt xiii 42 CO sjxxii13 i 50 And said Behold I see the bens fl Iins opened and tho Son of Man standing i on the right hand of God This Is one i of lie seven times that we find the phrase t t in Scripture heaven opened The pas < ags nro zekll Matt III 10 John I HI Acts vII 50 x 11 Key lr 1 xir r 31 and they well repay a caeful study tot the Lord Jesus is always the central t to person and the more we look Into heaven the more heavenly we become and there is so much room for Improvement in that V direction t 57 58 Then they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears and inn upon him with one accord This Is 5 the first of the four one accords of the devils followers In this book of the Acts u tP the others being xII 20 svlll 12 sir 20 f tThe number four suggests the four cor f ners of the earth llcv vII 1 or the = r whole earth nud reminds us that the ift whole world lIeth in the wicked one l IK John v in n Vnnd thowicked ono will never cease his hatred of God or of tho people of God We pre wise when WQ stop our curs as David did and refuse to hear the mischievous things that evil people speak Ps xxxvlll 12 13 but to x stop ones cars from hearing the things i I v of God is truly the devils work Ilcfus Snp the truth they were believing a lie II Thess K 10 11 and believing that Jceus of Nazareth was an impostor they judged Stci yen to be guilty of bias 1 > phcmy and in stoning him thought they lywere obeying their law Let xxiv 1C they themselves Were before God f the blasphemers and the guilty ones but < they were blinded by the god of this f world II Cor Iv 3 4 This is our first T introduction to the young man named Saul Unless as some think be is the Gf + same young man who went away front Jesus one day sorrowfully because he kV loved his possessions K 59 Lord Jesus receive my spirit X Thus said Stephen as they were stoning i him to death for be knew whom be bo i Ucvcd and saw Him even before he went k > out to be with Him When our Lord B Himself was dying He said v Father If into Thine hands I commend My spirit Ef And similar vordg came from David by the same spirit long before Luke xxlii 40 Ps xxxi 5 for he also could truly > < sayr I trusted in Thee 0 Lord M- ytintsuro In Thy hand Ps xxxl 14 15 These dying words of Stephen and y of the Lord Jesus give no encouragement to the belief that between death and f > resurrection the spirit Is asleep and un- conscious If any are not fully per 1fsunded concerning the life and bliss of apart from the body let It 1 them read and bellcvo Luke xvi 22 xxill I O1- 1f 43 II Cor T 8 Phil I 21 23 Rev vl CO Lord lay not this sIn to their fc charge Llko his adorable Lord nnd Master ho prayed for his murderers Si Luke xxiii 34 Our Instructions fire JT Love your enemies bless them that curso you do good ta them that hate you I und pray for them which despitefully use iyou and persecute you Matt v 44 r And while this is Impossible to tho natu fa ral map if any man be in Christ he is a new creature born from above a temple of the Holy Spirit a mansion In which IIcS the Father and Son have come to dwell II Cor v 17 I Cor vi 19 20 5 John xlv 23 and Christ In us can do what Ho did when here on earth In tbe tj body prepared for Hum It Is our prIvl- J lego to yield fully to Him and take as W our motto Not I but Christ Gal II N 20 yf vIII lj And Saul was consenting unto > jiliis death Hear ibis own account of C what he to the Lord Jesus long aft ciwnrd And 1 said Lord they know In that I imprisoned and beat in every syn Kf ngogucr them that believed on Thee nnd f when the blood of Thy martyr Stephen c V was shed I also was standing by and eon scntlng unto his death and kept the ra- lf ment of them that slew him Acts xxII i 19 20 Before Agrlppa he said I verily f thought with myself that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth which thing I also- F did in Jerusalem Acts xxvI 010 And f V then lie went on to tell how not only In y Jerusalem but In other cities being ox ceedlngly mad against the saints he was the means of their imprisonment punish nient and death Opr lesson tells of the Jk j greatness of the persecution itf Jerusalem after the death of Stephen and low nil St the believers except the apostles were if scattered through Juda a and Gamarin r Hbo Lords command was to go Into all v the world and preach the gospel to every j A creature To bo His witnesses unto the ° uttermost parts of the earth Mark xvi 7 15 Acts I 8 butup to thla time they i seem to have confined their testimony to j Jerusalem and it required a persecution to scatter them that they might obey His > v command Thus Ho maketh the wrath- S c of man to praise Him and restrains what Ift does not see fit to use Pd Ixxvl 10 I 2 And devout then carried Stephen tn his burial and male great lamentation kt over hIm Well they did not bury A3telhenlbut they burled all that was on tho earth the house In hlchhe lied sojourned Stephen Wm < eclf was absent from tho body preecnt c with tho Lord but his body was asleep V even as Jesus bad said of Lazarus when > speaking of his death Our friend Laza rug Blecpeth John xl 1114 There V was no occasion to lament for Stephen t fotto him it was a great gain but it d i seemed thnt the church could ill afford to si dose such a witness We still think when E flhe faithful witnesses are called home it Is strange when there seems to be flET such great need ot them here and there wore seemingly so few but we must rc SSs member that the work is His who lu un STf w disturbed majesty Is at Gods right baud Io r 1 OUR COLORED CITIZENS Mrs CR Bnlley returned from Louisville with her son Wlllio who is very ill Tuesday night Ho Is re ¬ ported bettor 7 He has pneumonia IllShe Mrs Ella Morlweather is yet very sick Sirs Jane Gotigh mother of Rev J t H + Gough is better SCHOOL NOTE- SWashingtonLincoln exercises at pleasmgand were out to hear them Help the children by feeing that perform ¬ will be what you make them Think that you will soon be gone from your children or they gone from you and try to give them all the benefits of a Christian mother and father HAD ly OCCURRED TO YOU That there are some of the most expensive babies In Earllngton Children are compelled to loso two and three days from school to attend the little angels They are too precious for earth That our mothers used to carry a young car load of clothes to some pond or river a mile away and laun ¬ dry them and return and prepare dinner for ten or twelve but now a mother has to keep all the children out of school two or three days to wash and then wonder why they halnt alarnln S H 842 Mana Oherry Tenn JOE T BISHOP Manager Palmer House Broadway Paducah Ky i OAPT T L LEE Manager Corner Main and Auction Memphis Tenn A S FORD Manager 827 i Upper Second Street Jill Ind That many women havent time to train their children and look after their futuro interest but they havo time to visit from house to houso and gossip That Mortons Gap news was too lato last week and tho sender failed to sign any name That we hear much about tho amounts of money to bo raisedby- our religious loaders but very little about the desire or pains to raise tho precious souls of men from tho pits of sin That Christ is yet being crucified between two thieves Honor and MoneyThat men do many things to ob- tain ¬ love that they will not do to retain it That there is no appetite in a pure heart for alcoholic drinks nor to ¬ bacco nor any other sin That one had ns well drink whisky as s noko That as is the homes so are the children as is the teacher so is the school as is the preacher so is the church and as is the church so is the world AMONG TIlE CHURCHES Rev S F Aldrldge pastor of A M E Zion church Madisonville Ky will preach in the rally Sunday at the A ME Zion church Earl Ington at 11 a mand 780 pm The MadiBonvllle choir will render music at 780 service Rev J H Gordon will preach at 8 p m Every person is earnestly requested to lend a helping hand I < ThoYCE will meet at Opm Sunday only on account of the rally It will meet after that at 280 as usual Come everyone Topic for next Sunday The Joy of Service Ps 1205 Literary Tips As a guide to tho choice of authors in any one direction the socalled prescriptions are invaluable For clearness read Macixulixy For logic read Burke and Bacon For action read Homer and Scott For conciseness read Bacon and 1ope For sublHnity of conception read MiltonFor vivacity read Stevenson and Kipling imagination read Shakespeare and Job For elegance read Virgil Milton and Arnold For common sense read Benjamin Franklin For simplicity read Burns Whit tier and Bunyan For humor read Cervantes Chau- cer and Mark Twain Modern Cul ¬ ture Kidney complaint kills more peo plo than other diseae This is duo to the disease being so Insidious that it gats a Rood hold on the ¬ FoloysKIdney opment of fatal if taken in time SQld by John X Taylor A man feels like a boy again when he imprisons a bee in a trumpet flower but ho knows he is the same old fool when the insect gets In its work IH IGHES CHILL TONIC PALATABLE Bettor than Calomel or Quinine Contains no Arsenic Th6 Old Reliable EXCELLENT GENERAL TONIC as well as A Sure cure for V CHILLS AND FEVERS MALARIAL FEVERS SCAMP FEVERS AND BILIOUS FEVBBS IT NEVER FAILS Just wnat you need at this season MILD LAXATIVE NERVOUS SEDATIVE SPLENDID TONIC Guaranteed by your Druggists Dont take any substituteTry ft 500 AND 100 BOTTLES Prepared by ROBINSON PETTET CO INCORPORATED LOUISVILLE KY F V ZININI- ERAttorneyatLaw MADISONVILLE KY Will in the Courts of Hop ¬ kins and adjoining counties Foleys Honey and Tar iorcblIdr fSafcsure No opiates WMNW ST BERNARD MINING CO INCORPORATED Nome Office EARIINCnoN KY Miners nclShippers Of THE FAMOUS NDv3 oAu j VianufacCurer f COKE IForDomestic BASEBURNERSdo thee same work ton for ton as the best AND r f Anthracite > I FURNACES I Largest Producers of Coal arid t Coke m the V > StaJeofJ Kentucky Branch Offices NEWBOLDIManager Kyi ¬ Streets Ev- ansville ¬ Wholesale < Agents HUNT BRO Memphis Tennessee HESSER MILTON RENAHAN GOAL CO Rialto Building St Louis Mo J W BRIDGMAN 808 Dearborn StGhiaKo I i I RETAIL AGENCIES EVERYWHERE 7 f i OPERATES SEVEN LARGE MINES to M III On Lines of Louisville and Nashville and Illinois Central Railroads in Hopkins County Kentucky < These I Mines produced more Coal In 1901 than In any previous year eclipsing the enormous output of 1900 by2 595 tons The figures 1 i f > OUTPUT DFST BERNARD MINES i Total Tons of Coal Produced in 1900 T I 872593 Tons Total Tons of Coal ProducedIn 1901 875188 Tons Jill Gain Over Largest Previous Annual Production 2595 Tons SUPPLY CONSTANT SHIPMENTS PROMPT JIll I ShiplQentslveFJ Dainthe year Except Zllfldas MWWIWWWVW 1WNM mmmmmIM ow t CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR Topic Per the Week neglnningPebt w 13 Comment Jly Rev S H Doyle 0 TopicObediencet Cam xv 22 2 I Kings 11114 Rev xxll U ili Tho obedience of the topic is obedl everyiJman R Pear God and keep Ills command V meats This Is the whole duty of < man But wo should not only obey j + God but our obedienCe should 16 prompt and cheerful Our obedience should be characterized by s J a- of the psalmIst when he said I n t fun In the way of Thy couimandinchls k- ailll I wilt delight to do Thy will God jft c not only loves cheerful giving but < cheerful obediencei But If 1 dud is of such great importance what P > does God want us to do Gods will Is revealed within us and in his revela- tion the Bible conscience the voice Of i IjJ God within us tells us what Is tight and what Is wrong and urges to shun evil and to do good The Bible also V i teaches us what titan Is to believe b l concerning God and what God rcqulresof man How Important that x we hear and heed the voice of con j science How Important that weknov 10 mid understand the word of God There > God tells us that Ho wants us tonccept a c3 Jesus Christ ns our Saviour and that lIe wants us to obey Ills laws and dt jn s His will In Christt V The topical references present two r A Important facts both of which should > Inspire us to obedience to the will of v J r- God I 1 The consequences of disobedience > i lfi should Inspire us to obedience mjI obedience means rejection by God and i the ruination of life How awfully ISi i this Illustrated In the case of Saul No 1I i a young man ever faced life under lUorci promising circumstances than Soul theF r first king of Israel In physical apjir pearancc In Intellectual attainments V lu political powers In spiritual equipS i Nr meat Saul stood preeminent among the men of his day Yet all his hopes and prospects for life were blasted inrMr- an hour One net of disobedience led II to his rejection of God nUll he fell to f the lowest depths and died by his own hand What a wrecked life null nil be cause of disobedience I And how many f modern Sauls are wrecking their Hye3 > p t by disobeying the laws of God Tatt I ants opportunities positions count > ti naught if we are trampling under footN the will and laws of God 2 The blessings of obedience Should Inspire us to It Precious promises are V y attached to Gods commands to obedi- ence 3 God promises tb bless uV in this life If we will obey him If thou wilt ° walk In My ways to keep My statutes ir and My commandments then I will lengthen thy days God prom Iscs to bless us In the future if obey him Blessed are they that wer His commandments that they may < have right tothe tree of life and nit > enter in through the gates to the city v Such precious promises should Inspire l us to obey God promptly cheerfully jr fully c BIBLE HEADINGS ti Deut xl 2028 xxvIII 114 PaxI Kam 8 cxlr 0 3240 Matt vll 2120 John tJ v 1010 Rom xvi 10 Phil II 112 J iias ° i p CIirlitH Sympntbf 7 S Christ shows Himself especially sym pathetic with questions of domesticity i as when at the wedding In Cana He alleviated a housekeepers predicament as when tears rushed forth at the bro- ken homo of Mary and Martha and Lazarus Men are sometimes ashamed to weep There arc men who If the a tears start will conceal them They think it Is unmanly to cry They do 1 not seem to understand it manliness t > and evidence ofa great heart I am afraid of a man who does not know y how to cry The Christ of the text was s not ashamed to cry over human mis ¬ fortune Look at that deep ako oL < tears opened by the two wordsiof the evangelist Jesus weptl Bqhold Christ on the only day of Ills early triumph marching on Jerusalem glittering domes obliterated by the blinding rain ijY i of tears in Ills eyes nnd on Hs check for when Ho beheld the city He wept over It Oman of the many trials 0 r woman of tho heartbreak why do not touch Him Talmagc t Jfothlnu but Hl Own Will I Nothing but the setting tip of f own will separates man from his 1 life in God And in the strong guage of an old writer Nothing burn eth In hell but self will The human wl11must be harmonized with the DI- vine will the human spirit must be re united to the Divine spirit or hopeless disaster overtakes the soul To accom ¬ this restoration Is the work of the Invisible Christ within us 1118 Spirit broods always over the chaotic waste af our restless livesrestless and shape ¬ a less until recreated Into the image of Ills Father and rclnsplred with the t breath of Ills own eternalj being We Pjiil ourselves we know ourselves tve are ourselves only In Him LubyLar corn I The Sonic of the Angels No sweeter song no richer bcnedlc tlon over thrilled the air of earth than r that of the angels of Bethlehem 1 Peace on ealthJs surely n gift of y heaven Thus Is the world of sin and so peace UUc Its Prince llnds ho room in the inn Enmity hatred murder red nnaed war are tho nat uralfrultBof sin Pence like its Prluc is a stranger and a protest and struggles for a place and a homo and n kingdom on earth How strorijprand happy are wo In our confidence that ono day ipeaco shall hew as a riser f- and righteousness n8 the waves of the sca1Centrdl Presbyterian > Not iu wlthdrnvying from the world but In keeping yauielf unspotted from tlte world is your virtue or teliglon > P jhown Episcopal jltceorder lJ P Jl r

L THE SEEP sfnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42sn12/data/0092.pdf> v command Thus Ho maketh the wrath-S c of man to praise Him and restrains what ... amounts of money to bo raisedby-our religious

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Page 1: L THE SEEP sfnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7pvm42sn12/data/0092.pdf> v command Thus Ho maketh the wrath-S c of man to praise Him and restrains what ... amounts of money to bo raisedby-our religious


L a ° YY R





w Next tot tho Lesson Acts IIliJ toj Till 2 Memory Verses SO lIoGold

1 en Text Mntt v CommentaryPrepared by Hey D 31 Stearns

f Copyright 1002 by American Press Association

t G4 C5 But he being full of the Holyft Ghost looked up steadfastly Into heav ¬

Yu With great power and boldness beR ing filled with tho Spirit Stephen bad

spoken tho truth and like Peter bad ac¬

cuBed the council of being tho murderersx of Jesus Christ They were so cut to the

j heart that they were filled with fury andy gnakbcd their teeth at hIm Hon ttug

> e gcstive wns their conduct of the place towhich they were journeying where there

v Is weeping and gnashing of teeth notagainst others so much as because of

i I their own torment Matt xiii 42 CO

sjxxii13i 50 And said Behold I see the bens

fl Iins opened and tho Son of Man standing

i on the right hand of God This Is onei of lie seven times that we find the phraset t in Scripture heaven opened The pas< ags nro zekll Matt III 10 John I

HI Acts vII 50 x 11 Key lr 1 xirr 31 and they well repay a caeful study

tot the Lord Jesus is always the centralt

to person and the more we look Into heaventhe more heavenly we become and thereis so much room for Improvement in that

V directiont 57 58 Then they cried out with a

loud voice and stopped their ears andinn upon him with one accord This Is

5 the first of the four one accords of thedevils followers In this book of the Actsu

tP the others being xII 20 svlll 12 sir 20

f tThe number four suggests the four corf ners of the earth llcv vII 1 or the=r whole earth nud reminds us that the

ift whole world lIeth in the wicked one lIK John v in n Vnnd thowicked onowill never cease his hatred of God or oftho people of God We pre wise whenWQ stop our curs as David did and refuseto hear the mischievous things that evilpeople speak Ps xxxvlll 12 13 but to

x stop ones cars from hearing the thingsi I v of God is truly the devils work Ilcfus

Snp the truth they were believing a lieII Thess K 10 11 and believing that

Jceus of Nazareth was an impostor theyjudged Stci yen to be guilty of bias

1> phcmy and in stoning him thought theylywere obeying their law Let xxiv 1C

they themselves Were before God

f the blasphemers and the guilty ones but< they were blinded by the god of this

f world II Cor Iv 3 4 This is our firstT introduction to the young man named

Saul Unless as some think be is theGf + same young man who went away front

Jesus one day sorrowfully because hekV loved his possessionsK 59 Lord Jesus receive my spirit

X Thus said Stephen as they were stoningi him to death for be knew whom be boi Ucvcd and saw Him even before he wentk> out to be with Him When our LordB Himself was dying He said v FatherIf into Thine hands I commend My spiritEf And similar vordg came from David by

the same spirit long before Luke xxlii40 Ps xxxi 5 for he also could truly

> < sayr I trusted in Thee 0 Lord M-ytintsuro In Thy hand Ps xxxl 1415 These dying words of Stephen and

y of the Lord Jesus give no encouragementto the belief that between death and

f > resurrection the spirit Is asleep and un-

conscious If any are not fully per1fsunded concerning the life and bliss of

apart from the body letIt 1 them read and bellcvo Luke xvi 22 xxill

I O1-1f

43 II Cor T 8 Phil I 21 23 Rev vl

CO Lord lay not this sIn to theirfc charge Llko his adorable Lord nnd

Master ho prayed for his murderersSi Luke xxiii 34 Our Instructions fireJT Love your enemies bless them that

curso you do good ta them that hate youI und pray for them which despitefully use

iyou and persecute you Matt v 44r And while this is Impossible to tho natufa ral map if any man be in Christ he is a

new creature born from above a templeof the Holy Spirit a mansion In which

IIcS the Father and Son have come todwell II Cor v 17 I Cor vi 19 20

5 John xlv 23 and Christ In us can dowhat Ho did when here on earth In tbe

tj body prepared for Hum It Is our prIvl-

J lego to yield fully to Him and take asW our motto Not I but Christ Gal II

N 20yf vIII lj And Saul was consenting unto

> jiliis death Hear ibis own account ofC what he to the Lord Jesus long aft

ciwnrd And 1 said Lord they knowIn that I imprisoned and beat in every syn

Kf ngogucr them that believed on Thee nnd

f when the blood of Thy martyr Stephenc V was shed I also was standing by and eon

scntlng unto his death and kept the ra-lf ment of them that slew him Acts xxII

i 19 20 Before Agrlppa he said I verilyf thought with myself that I ought to do

many things contrary to the name ofJesus of Nazareth which thing I also-

F did in Jerusalem Acts xxvI 010 And

fV then lie went on to tell how not only In

y Jerusalem but In other cities being oxceedlngly mad against the saints he wasthe means of their imprisonment punishnient and death Opr lesson tells of the

Jk j greatness of the persecution itf Jerusalemafter the death of Stephen and low nil

St the believers except the apostles wereif scattered through Juda a and Gamarinr Hbo Lords command was to go Into allv the world and preach the gospel to every

j A creature To bo His witnesses unto the° uttermost parts of the earth Mark xvi

7 15 Acts I 8 butup to thla time theyi seem to have confined their testimony toj Jerusalem and it required a persecution

to scatter them that they might obey His> v command Thus Ho maketh the wrath-



of man to praise Him and restrains whatIft does not see fit to use Pd Ixxvl 10

I 2 And devout then carried Stephentn his burial and male great lamentation

kt over hIm Well they did not buryA3telhenlbut they burled all that was

on tho earth the house Inhlchhe lied sojourned Stephen Wm

< eclf was absent from tho body preecnt c

with tho Lord but his body was asleepV even as Jesus bad said of Lazarus when

> speaking of his death Our friend Lazarug Blecpeth John xl 1114 There

V was no occasion to lament for Stephen

t fotto him it was a great gain but itd i seemed thnt the church could ill afford to

si dose such a witness We still think whenE flhe faithful witnesses are called home

it Is strange when there seems to beflET such great need ot them here and there

wore seemingly so few but we must rcSSs member that the work is His who lu unSTfw disturbed majesty Is at Gods right baud





Mrs CR Bnlley returned fromLouisville with her son Wlllio whois very ill Tuesday night Ho Is re ¬

ported bettor 7 He has pneumoniaIllSheMrs Ella Morlweather is yet verysick

Sirs Jane Gotigh mother of RevJ t H + Gough is better

SCHOOL NOTE-SWashingtonLincoln exercises atpleasmgand

were out to hear themHelp the children by feeing thatperform ¬

will be what you make them Thinkthat you will soon be gone from yourchildren or they gone from you andtry to give them all the benefits of aChristian mother and father


That there are some of the mostexpensive babies In EarllngtonChildren are compelled to loso twoand three days from school to attendthe little angels They are tooprecious for earth

That our mothers used to carry ayoung car load of clothes to somepond or river a mile away and laun ¬

dry them and return and preparedinner for ten or twelve but now amother has to keep all the childrenout of school two or three days to

wash and then wonder why theyhalnt alarnln

S H842


TennJOE T BISHOP Manager

Palmer House BroadwayPaducah Ky

i OAPT T L LEE ManagerCorner Main and Auction

Memphis TennA S FORD Manager 827

i Upper Second StreetJill Ind

That many women havent time totrain their children and look aftertheir futuro interest but they havotime to visit from house to housoand gossip

That Mortons Gap news was toolato last week and tho sender failedto sign any name

That we hear much about thoamounts of money to bo raisedby-our religious loaders but very littleabout the desire or pains to raise thoprecious souls of men from tho pitsof sin

That Christ is yet being crucifiedbetween two thieves Honor and


men do many things to ob-


love that they will not do toretain it

That there is no appetite in a pureheart for alcoholic drinks nor to ¬

bacco nor any other sinThat one had ns well drink whisky

as snokoThat as is the homes so are the

children as is the teacher so is theschool as is the preacher so is thechurch and as is the church so isthe world


Rev S F Aldrldge pastor of AM E Zion church MadisonvilleKy will preach in the rally Sundayat the A ME Zion church EarlIngton at 11 a mand 780 pmThe MadiBonvllle choir will rendermusic at 780 service

Rev J H Gordon will preach at8 p m Every person is earnestlyrequested to lend a helping hand

I <

ThoYCE will meet at OpmSunday only on account of the rallyIt will meet after that at 280 asusual Come everyone Topic fornext Sunday The Joy of ServicePs 1205

Literary TipsAs a guide to tho choice of authors

in any one direction the socalledprescriptions are invaluableFor clearness read MacixulixyFor logic read Burke and BaconFor action read Homer and ScottFor conciseness read Bacon and

1opeFor sublHnity of conception read

MiltonForvivacity read Stevenson and

Kiplingimagination read Shakespeare

and JobFor elegance read Virgil Milton

and ArnoldFor common sense read Benjamin

FranklinFor simplicity read Burns Whit

tier and BunyanFor humor read Cervantes Chau-

cer and Mark Twain Modern Cul ¬


Kidney complaint kills more peoplo than other diseae This isduo to the disease being so Insidiousthat it gats a Rood hold on the ¬

FoloysKIdneyopment of fatal if taken intime SQld by John X Taylor

A man feels like a boy again whenhe imprisons a bee in a trumpetflower but ho knows he is the sameold fool when the insect gets In itswork



Bettor than Calomel or QuinineContains no Arsenic

Th6 Old Reliable


as well asA Sure cure for


IT NEVER FAILSJust wnat you need at this season


Guaranteed by your DruggistsDont take any substituteTry ft




F V ZININI-ERAttorneyatLaw

MADISONVILLE KYWill in the Courts of Hop ¬

kins and adjoining counties

Foleys Honey and TariorcblIdr fSafcsure No opiates



Nome OfficeEARIINCnoN KY

Miners nclShippers Of


VianufacCurer f

COKE IForDomesticBASEBURNERSdo thee same work ton for ton as the best

AND r fAnthracite > I


I Largest Producers of Coal aridt

Coke m theV >

StaJeofJKentuckyBranch Offices


Kyi ¬






HUNT BRO MemphisTennessee


Rialto BuildingSt Louis Mo

J W BRIDGMAN 808Dearborn StGhiaKo





On Lines of Louisville and Nashville and Illinois Central Railroads in Hopkins County Kentucky < TheseI

Mines produced more Coal In 1901 than In any previous year eclipsing the enormous output of1900 by2 595 tons The figures




Total Tons of Coal Produced in 1900 T I 872593 TonsTotal Tons of Coal ProducedIn 1901 875188 Tons


Gain Over Largest Previous Annual Production 2595 Tons


I ShiplQentslveFJ Dainthe year Except ZllfldasMWWIWWWVW 1WNM mmmmmIM


Topic Per the Week neglnningPebt w13 Comment Jly Rev S H Doyle 0

TopicObediencet Cam xv 22 2 IKings 11114 Rev xxll U ili

Tho obedience of the topic is obedleveryiJman R

Pear God and keep Ills command Vmeats This Is the whole duty of <man But wo should not only obey j +

God but our obedienCe should 16prompt and cheerful Our obedienceshould be characterized by s J a-

of the psalmIst when he said I n t

fun In the way of Thy couimandinchls k-

ailll I wilt delight to do Thy will God jft c

not only loves cheerful giving but <

cheerful obedienceiBut If 1

dud is of such great importance what P >does God want us to do Gods will Isrevealed within us and in his revela-tion the Bible conscience the voice Of iIjJGod within us tells us what Is tightand what Is wrong and urges to shunevil and to do good The Bible also V i

teaches us what titan Is to believe b lconcerning God and what Godrcqulresof man How Important that x

we hear and heed the voice of con jscience How Important that weknov 10

mid understand the word of God There >

God tells us that Ho wants us tonccept a c 3Jesus Christ ns our Saviour and thatlIe wants us to obey Ills laws and dt jn s

His will In Christt VThe topical references present two r A

Important facts both of which should >Inspire us to obedience to the will of

v J r-

God I1 The consequences of disobedience > i lfi

should Inspire us to obedience mjIobedience means rejection by God and ithe ruination of life How awfully ISi i

this Illustrated In the case of Saul No 1I ia

young man ever faced life under lUorcipromising circumstances than Soul theF r

first king of Israel In physical apjirpearancc In Intellectual attainments Vlu political powers In spiritual equipS i Nrmeat Saul stood preeminent amongthe men of his day Yet all his hopesand prospects for life were blasted inrMr-an hour One net of disobedience led II

to his rejection of God nUll he fell to fthe lowest depths and died by his ownhand What a wrecked life null nil because of disobedience I And how many fmodern Sauls are wrecking their Hye3 >

p tby disobeying the laws of God Tatt I

ants opportunities positions count >ti

naught if we are trampling under footNthe will and laws of God2 The blessings of obedience Should

Inspire us to It Precious promises are V y

attached to Gods commands to obedi-ence

3God promises tb bless uV in this

life If we will obey him If thou wilt °walk In My ways to keep My statutes ir

and My commandments thenI will lengthen thy days God promIscs to bless us In the future ifobey him Blessed are they that werHis commandments that they may <

have right tothe tree of life and nit >enter in through the gates to the city v

Such precious promises should Inspire lus to obey God promptly cheerfully jrfully c

BIBLE HEADINGS tiDeut xl 2028 xxvIII 114 PaxI Kam8 cxlr 0 3240 Matt vll 2120 John tJv 1010 Rom xvi 10 Phil II 112Jiias°

i p

CIirlitH Sympntbf 7 SChrist shows Himself especially sym

pathetic with questions of domesticity ias when at the wedding In Cana Healleviated a housekeepers predicamentas when tears rushed forth at the bro-ken homo of Mary and Martha andLazarus Men are sometimes ashamedto weep There arc men who If the atears start will conceal them Theythink it Is unmanly to cry They do 1

not seem to understand it manliness t >

and evidence ofa great heart I amafraid of a man who does not know


how to cry The Christ of the text was s

not ashamed to cry over human mis ¬

fortune Look at that deep ako oL <tears opened by the two wordsiof theevangelist Jesus weptl Bqhold Christon the only day of Ills early triumphmarching on Jerusalem glitteringdomes obliterated by the blinding rain ijY


of tears in Ills eyes nnd on Hs checkfor when Ho beheld the city He weptover It Oman of the many trials 0 r

woman of tho heartbreak why donot touch Him Talmagc t

Jfothlnu but Hl Own Will INothing but the setting tip of f

own will separates man from his 1

life in God And in the strongguage of an old writer Nothing burneth In hell but self will The humanwl11must be harmonized with the DI-

vine will the human spirit must be reunited to the Divine spirit or hopelessdisaster overtakes the soul To accom ¬

this restoration Is the work of theInvisible Christ within us 1118 Spiritbroods always over the chaotic wasteaf our restless livesrestless and shape ¬ aless until recreated Into the image ofIlls Father and rclnsplred with the t

breath of Ills own eternalj being WePjiil ourselves we know ourselves tveare ourselves only In Him LubyLarcorn I

The Sonic of the AngelsNo sweeter song no richer bcnedlc

tlon over thrilled the air of earth than rthat of the angels of Bethlehem 1Peace on ealthJs surely n gift of y

heaven Thus Is the world of sin andso peace UUc Its Prince llnds horoom in the inn Enmity hatredmurder red nnaed war are tho naturalfrultBof sin Pence like itsPrluc is a stranger and a protest andstruggles for a place and a homo andn kingdom on earth How strorijprandhappy are wo In our confidence thatono day ipeaco shall hew as a riser f-

and righteousness n8 the waves of thesca1Centrdl Presbyterian >

Not iu wlthdrnvying from the worldbut In keeping yauielf unspotted fromtlte world is your virtue or teliglon > Pjhown Episcopal jltceorder lJ


