L o g o Management and office work. Document circulation of the pharmaceutical enterprise. Management and computer science.

L o g o Management and office work. Document circulation of the pharmaceutical enterprise. Management and computer science

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Management and office work. Document circulation of the pharmaceutical enterprise. Management and computer


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1. Concept and importance of documents. Classifications of documents.

2. Flow of documents in chemist's establishments.

3. Document registration, the control over their performance.

4. Management and informatics.

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A Document is a material information carrier, which is in legal force.

Documents are of great importance: for controlling bodies (taxation bodies, audit firms,

judicial bodies, etc.); for the organization itself (documents regulate activity

and control; goods traffic; turnover of commodities); in the case of making claims, complaints, challenge; staff documents are used for granting a pension (work

records, personnel ar rangement; staff orders, etc.).

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Classifications of documents Specialization - General, special documents Application - Organizational-administrative and reference documents Origin - Internal and external documents Direction (orientation) - Incoming and outgoing ("in" and "out") documents Sources - Basic and secondary documents Form - Standard and individual documents Way of drawing up - Manuscript and printed (or type-written) documents Degree of openness - General, in-house and confidential documents Stages of working up - Rough drafts, original documents, copies

(duplicates) Keeping of documents - Documents of short-term, long-term, constant

keeping Validity - Authentic and forged (counterfeit) documents


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Organizational-administrative documents involve:

Organizational documents statements on structural departments; Statute of association, Corporate charter; personnel arrangements; internal regulations; duty regulations

Order documents: orders; directions; decrees; dispositions

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Reference documents: Protocolsacts, certifications letters, applications reportsexplanatory notesreference books,

manuals directories.

Financial, accounting, warehouse, accompanying, etc.

Staff documents:application for a job staff orders work-books characteristicsPersonal official

documents: complaints proposals Receiptswww.themegallery.com

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Requisite elements of documents are essential data, which give validity to the


They include:name of the organization legal address, phone numberdocument index and date special code of the organization stamp (seal of an organization) у signature.


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Office work is activity of administrative personnel on creation of docu ments and organizations of work with them during realization of administrative functions.

Flow of documents is movement of documents since the moment of their creation or arrival till the moment of their fulfillment and surrender for record keeping.


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Three approaches to office work exist: centralized when all operations connected with the

administrative documen tation are concentrated in uniform office or at the secretary-reader;

decentralized when all operations connected with the administrative docu mentation are concentrated in different departments of the organizations;

combined when the part of operations with the documentation is carried out at office (for example, reception and sending the documents) and at the same time other part of operations is carried out both at office and in divisions of the organization.


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In pharmacy establishments the following kinds of flow of documents are allocated:

pharmaceutical, scientific and administrative.


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The essence of pharmaceutical flow of documents consists in organiza tion of the account and the directed movement of information documents on various aspects of medical products. That is simultaneously with receipt in a chemist's network of new medical products, the documents of information char ter displaying their properties and reception rules are distributed. Such documents include: the instruction on a medical product (summary), review, pharmacopoeias articles, etc.


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Scientific flow of documents provides movement in the organization of scientific and technical documentation. The most wide-spread documents of this group in pharmaceutical science and practice are books, monographies, textbooks, curricula, manuals, dictionaries, magazines, normative and technical documents, price-lists, copyright certificates, patents, dissertations, author's abstracts, etc.


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Administrative flow of documents includes a stream of the various information providing performance of organization scheduled, administrative functions. With a view of rationalization of work with administrative documents they are divided into two groups:

1) The planned documentation (record and accounting documents);

2) The organizational-administrative documentation.


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Stages of flow of incoming documents:1. Processing of the document.2. Registration.3. Transfer for performance.4. Performance.5. Sending and filing.


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Stages of flow of outgoing documents:1. Elaboration of a project of the

document.2. Preparing of the document.3. The agreement.4. Signing (statement).5. Registration (in day of signing).6. Sending filing.


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Sequence of the internal coordination of the document: The composer of the document; The head of structural division where the document is

made; Interested officials of other divisions of the enterprise; Public organizations (if it's necessary); The head of financial or accounting service; The deputy head of the enterprise supervising the given

direction of activity The head of legal service or the legal adviser of the



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The provisional list of the documents which are subject to the statement:

Regulations Contracts Programs Tasks Tariffs Instructions Estimates Specifications Standards Lists Reports Plans Structure and regular number Forms of the unified documents Staff lists and changes in them.


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Document registration, the control over their performance

Documents are registered in a special logbooks or journal. A manager or a responsible person must

entry date of taking up, name of a document, name of sender, content, person for inspect a


Control of documents includes: control of fulfillment a document; control of issuance of a document;control of timeliness of fulfillment.

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Management and informatics The information technology is a complex of

interconnected scientific, technological, engineering disciplines engaged in processing and storage o| information and methods of the organization of its interaction with people| an industrial equipment, their practical application and social and cultural problems associated with it.

Automation of management includes: interrelation, gathering, storage| access to the necessary information, its analysis, preparation of the text, support of individual activity, programming of decisions of special problems.


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The basic directions of automation of the information-administrative activity:

Automation of processing of texts (electronic typewriters);

Automation of information interchange (automatic telephone exchange, "e-mail", videoterminal systems, local networks, video information systems)

Automation of administrative activity on the basis of using of computers


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Directions of using of the computer in management:

computer-assisted manufacturing; management information systems; diagnostic medical systems; automated information retrieval systems; control systems of experiment.


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Characteristics of Useful Information Accurate information provides a true, reliable picture of

the situation. Timely information is available for use when needed Complete information includes all the facts and details

required for a par ticular situation. Relevant information meets the requirements of the

manager's particular needs and circumstances.


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To gain access to accurate, timely, complete, and relevant information, many organizations have turned to management information systems to manage a sometimes overwhelming amount of information. A management informa tion system (MIS) organizes past, present, and projected data from both inter nal and external sources and processes them into usable information, which it then makes available to managers at all organizational levels. Because manag ers — and other users of MISs — have different needs, information systems must be able to organize data into usable and accessible formats.


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Management information system is set of economic-mathematical methods and

means of scientific management of different spheres of human activity.

Types of maintenance of the Management information system:

Information; Mathematical; Programme-technical.www.themegallery.com

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Another classification determines basic types of information systems exist,

including transaction support systems, decision support systems, executive

information systems, and expert systems.


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Often the first computerized form of information system adopted by an organization, a transaction support system (TSS) handles routine, repetitious transactions. TSSs are best suited for managing high volumes of similar transactions where large amounts of raw data must be summarized. Ex pies of information that a TSS might be designed to handle include order І charges and payments to accounts, and the preparation and transmission monthly billing statements.


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A decision support system (DSS) aids managers in decision making helping them anticipate the possible outcomes of alternative actions. A DSS, for example, can determine how sales and profits might be affected by higher or lower interest rates or how sales forecasts, advertising expenditures, production levels, and the like might affect overall profits. For this reason, a decision; port system is often a major component of a business's management information system.


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A group decision support system (GDSS), a special set of computer terns designed to aid group decision making, focuses on expediting change of ideas about the solving of a particular problem within a group setting. Such systems are commonly used in соmputerized or electronic brainstorming in which all group members can participate at their own pace without fear of interrupting or possibly offending other, more senior members of the group can occur with the more traditional face-to-face brainstorming format


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One of the more recent developments in decision support systems executive information system (EIS), an easy-to-use DSS designed for executives who have limited experience using computers but need access to the database. A properly designed EIS will place summarized key information at the executive's fingertips, ready for rapid retrieval and review.


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Expert Systems and Neural Networks Decision support programs may incorporate artificial

intelligence, which seeks to make computers able to work—to "think"—as much like the human mind as possible. The study of artificial intelligence led to the development of expert systems, which mimic human decision-making processes by using a col lection of thousands of "if-then" rules to solve complex problems. They are of ten used to capture and computerize rare decision-making expertise, such as that possessed by an individual who has performed a highly complex and spe cialized task for a number of years.


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Process of creation of an automated workplace includes:

1. Studying conditions and organization of work of users.

2. The analysis of information needs.3. Formation of a database and systems

of data processing.


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The general approaches to designing of management information system:

the analysis of decision-making system the analysis of information needs

aggregation of decisions designing of processing of the information

designing and control of monitoring system


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