i LAUREN HICKLING Curriculum Vitae Personal Profile and Experience I am formally trained with a Bachelors of Architectural Studies majoring in Interior Architecture at Victoria University of Wellington where I am currently working towards my Masters in Interior Architecture, due to finish between December 2014 and February 2015. rough my education I have become proficient in the Adobe Suite, Revit and 3ds Max, using these programs to design, render and present designs from retail and hospitality to large scale public interiors. For the thesis year I am focusing on the design of contemporary fine dining spaces, using notions of surprise and atmosphere to create beautiful, memorable space reflective of the cuisine served. I have a particular interest in materials and how their inherent qualities can fuel the design and perception of space. I have a keen eye for graphic design, believing a well presented piece of work is key to its reception. In 2009 I spent a year in England working as a Gap Student at Rendcomb College, Cirencester. As part of this role I spent a large amount of my time in administration working under the Headmasters PA, Bursars Secretary and within administration itself where I learnt the ins and outs of office life and the importance of well communicated, organised work ethics. Within this role I completed anything asked of me such as photocopying, filing, being on front desk, compiling documents and typing up small pieces of writing. As a previous summer and holiday job, I have travelled home to Gisborne to work on the family sheep and cattle farm as Head-Shepherd. is type of physical work has taught perseverance, commitment and the importance of being a team player to complete a job properly and safely, qualities which have stuck with me throughout my university career. Information: +64 27 6965 605 | [email protected] 18 Colombo St, Newtown, WELLINGTON 24 years old | NZ Citizen Full portfolio at: issuu.com/laurenhickling

l k hickling | Short portfolio 2014

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CV + brief overview of skills

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iLAUREN HICKLINGCurriculum Vitae

Personal Profile and Experience

I am formally trained with a Bachelors of Architectural Studies majoring in Interior Architecture at Victoria University of Wellington where I am currently working towards my Masters in Interior Architecture, due to finish between December 2014 and February 2015.

Through my education I have become proficient in the Adobe Suite, Revit and 3ds Max, using these programs to design, render and present designs from retail and hospitality to large scale public interiors. For the thesis year I am focusing on the design of contemporary fine dining spaces, using notions of surprise and atmosphere to create beautiful, memorable space reflective of the cuisine served. I have a particular interest in materials and how their inherent qualities can fuel the design and perception of space. I have a keen eye for graphic design, believing a well presented piece of work is key to its reception.

In 2009 I spent a year in England working as a Gap Student at Rendcomb College, Cirencester. As part of this role I spent a large amount of my time in administration working under the Headmasters PA, Bursars Secretary and within administration itself where I learnt the ins and outs of office life and the importance of well communicated, organised work ethics. Within this role I completed anything asked of me such as photocopying, filing, being on front desk, compiling documents and typing up small pieces of writing.

As a previous summer and holiday job, I have travelled home to Gisborne to work on the family sheep and cattle farm as Head-Shepherd. This type of physical work has taught perseverance, commitment and the importance of being a team player to complete a job properly and safely, qualities which have stuck with me throughout my university career.

Information: +64 27 6965 605 | [email protected] Colombo St, Newtown, WELLINGTON24 years old | NZ CitizenFull portfolio at: issuu.com/laurenhickling


Presentation and Design Programs:• AdobeCreativeSuite:confidentinallprogramsfromPhotoshopto InDesign and Illustrator. 7 years’ experience• GoogleSketchUp:confidentwith4years’experience• AutodeskRevit:confidentindesignstageswith3years’experience. Minmal documentation experience.• 3dsMax:Confidentinrenderingwith4years’experience.Minimal modelling experience

Administration:• ConfidentwithprogramswithintheMicrosoftOfficebundle.• Oneyears’part-timeexperienceasafrontofhouseadminassistant, completing tasks such as compiling documents, photocopying, filing, and most day-to-day requirements of working within an administration role.• Moderatetypingspeed.

Communication:• Ihavefantasticcommunicationskills,visualandverbal,perfectedover my five years at university through presentations of final design work. My time on the farm also taught the importance of clear, concise verbal communication.• Iamaconfidentwriterachievinghighlyinessayswrittenaspartofmy degree.

Time-management:• Beingarecentgraduateandnowundertakingpost-graduatestudyI am confident with my time management and ability to juggle many things at the same time• Iliketobepunctualandseelatenessasimpolite.

Attitude:• Ihaveagoodattitudetoworkandamwillingtohelpwithanything asked of me. • Ipickupskillseasilywithgoodinitiativeandcommonsense.

Key Skills

• 2013-current,MastersofInteriorArchitectureatVictoria University of Wellington, finishing December 2014, due to graduate December 2015• 2010-2013,BachelorsofArchitecturalStudiesMaj.Interior Architecture at Victoria University of Wellington, graduated 2013.• 2003-2008,SecondaryschoolatWoodfordHouse,HawkesBay. NCEA to Level 3 achieved with Merit and University Entrance.


Past Employment + Referee’s


• 2014:SemesterOne, Tutor for SARC111: Design Research, Victoria Univeristy of Wellington. Part time

• 2009:JanuarytoDecember, Senior School GAP Student, Rendcomb College, Cirencester, UK. Full time

• 2008-2014:Head Shepherd, The Falls Station Ltd. Full time / Casual

• CharacterReferee’s:TaneMoletaandMarkSouthcombe,2014 Masters Supervisors, Victoria University of Wellington