A quick hello from Kyle’s Dad in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan


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  • 1. A quick hello from Kyles Dad inTarin Kowt, Afghanistan

2. My name is Brenton and I am in the AustralianArmy I have been in the Army for 18 years and Ihave been to help people in East Timor, Iraqand now I am in Afghanistan. I am here because the Australian Governmentand Australian people want to help theGovernment and people of Afghanistan. 3. I arrived on a Royal Australian Air ForceC-130 Hercules Aeroplane 4. Touchdown! 5. I live at an Army base withAustralians, Americans, Slovakiansand SingaporiansIts called Camp Holland becausethere used to be Dutch here too! 6. We live in strong protected shippingcontainers and share a room with 2-3other people 7. We had tomake our ownfurnitureand we onlyget 2 minuteshowers!!!(Kyle gets 4) 8. This is what the local countrysidelooks like 9. And this is what the local homeslook likeTheyre a bit different to ourhomes in Australia! 10. This is one home that is just next tothe Army base, and there are about 12children who live there. 11. We keep fit by running on the tracks its not very pretty though 12. This is an Afghan man who helps tokeep us all safe I met him whilewe were running. 13. So might be curious what Australiais doing in Afghanistan Well, some Afghan people arent listening totheir government so we are here trying tokeep everyone safe. We are also trying to help the AfghanGovernment to take care of their people andtheir country. There are lots of Australians here, not just theArmy there is AUSAID (ask your teachers toexplain) and people from the AustralianGovernment to pay for things being built. 14. Australia is doing lots of importantthings like: Teaching people to read, (only 15% can read) Building schools, (now there are 9 million childrenin schools) Helping girls go to school and get an education, Training people to get jobs like plumbing andbeing electricians, Helping to train their Police force and Army, Helping their government build hospitals andclinics, and Helping people that need food and shelter. 15. Now what about ANZAC DAY. I know ANZAC DAY is coming up and some ofyou might be going to a Dawn Service or aparade so I thought Id share my thoughts withyou I think ANZAC DAY is about having the courageto stand up for what you believe in and beingproud & grateful of your country. We are lucky to live in a safe country and itsimportant to remember people who sacrificedtheir lives so we can live in a free Australia. 16. This is where we will be for theDawn Service on ANZAC DAY 17. So that is what it is like here for us. I hope that you learnt something and enjoyedthe pictures, but before I go I just wanted tosay one more thing.. 18. I love you Kyle and Ill see yousoon! Love Dad!!