Kyle Academy Climate Challenge Funding Award £45,000 June 2012 Project Team 2012

Kyle Academy Climate Challenge Funding Award £45,000 June 2012

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Kyle Academy Climate Challenge Funding Award £45,000 June 2012. Project Team 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWM5HccXnr4&feature=plcp. Boys Video. Kyle Academy Bid:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Kyle Academy Climate Challenge Funding Award £45,000 June 2012

Kyle Academy

Climate Challenge Funding Award


June 2012

Project Team 2012

Page 2: Kyle Academy Climate Challenge Funding Award £45,000 June 2012

Boys Video


Page 3: Kyle Academy Climate Challenge Funding Award £45,000 June 2012

Kyle Academy Bid:

• This is a community based project adjacent to the banks of the River Ayr that will promote cycling in a safe and challenging environment for the whole family.

• Cycle trails with varying levels of difficulty will be created to support the novice bike rider and develop the enthusiast...

• We aim to reduce Carbon emissions in our local environment by 30 tonnes over the two year project.

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Description of Trails

• Multi level cycle trails to link with existing infrastructure – SAC Cycle Network

• Clearly sign posted and mapped out view so users can plan their route safely.

• Trails will turn a derelict area of land into a new woodland skills course over time.

• New Jubliee woodland 60 saplings - Planting March 2013. Further application pending for 420 saplings ( Jan 13)and further funding secured for landscaping from SAC

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Double Rollers Features of a Pump Track

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Rocky Inside Climb..Promotes balance andHandling skills, Challenging surface and terrain…

Rock Gardens:Includes unavoidable small obstaclesTests handling skills

Drop Off Slopes

Double Roller:Man made jump feature…

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1. Reduce the number of short journeys to school by car by promoting sustainable transport.

2. Increase the number of pupils cycling to school current 1% target increase 19%

3. Reduction in transport congestion and improvement in air quality in the local area at peak times.

4. Development of community space for multi-purpose use.

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Involving Stakeholders

• Stakeholder training for our pupils September

• Public Consultation September – open evening

• Public Consultation October – plans on display in school and on SAC

Website http://www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/schools/future-needs/consultations/kyle.aspx

• Please see Community News Bulletins to inform and engage wider community

• Equality and Diversity Forum - awaiting feedback (DDA compliant upper community trail)

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Stakeholder ViewsSeptember 2012

Evaluative Statement September 2012 16 responses Agree Disagree Don’t know

1. The project has the potential to reduce traffic congestion in the local area at peak times.

56% 31% 12%

1. The project has the potential to reduce carbon emissions in the local area. 50% 31% 19%

1. The project will encourage children and young people to develop healthy and active lifestyles.

81% 13% 6%

1. The facilities will provide positive diversionary activities for children and young people in the local area.

87% 6% 6%

1. The school is taking active steps to minimise any potential negative impact on the community.

75% 12% 12%

1. The school is taking active steps to minimise any potential negative impact on the environment.

81% 0% 19%

1. The proposed location for the mountain bike trails is appropriate. 56% 0% 44%

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Stakeholder ViewsCommunity Concerns about the Cycling Facilities

You said....... We did.......

We are concerned that the facilities will have a negative impact on an area of natural beauty and the environment around the River Ayr.

Council staff have surveyed the slope behind the school where the mountain bike trails will be built. The woodland at the west side of the slope is now too dense to allow the existing trees to grow well. A few trees will be removed by the Council to ensure that the most mature trees can thrive. Architrail has agreed that they will not remove any remaining mature trees on the slope when building the track. The east side of the slope has few or no trees. We will therefore plant additional trees in that area to conceal the track and naturalise the area. The trees selected will be the same species as those already growing on the slope to ensure that we retain a naturalised environment. We plan to plant twenty four trees (size 150/145cm) and in the region of one hundred and sixty saplings in this and other areas. Over time the track at that side of the slope will be concealed from view. The cost of the trees will be in the region of £5,000 but we have been gifted the saplings by the Jubilee Trust. The Council has agreed to cover the costs of the other trees.

We would like to see an adult presence in the area, particularly in the first few weeks after the facilities are opened.

We met with Inspector Mangan of Strathclyde Police who has been very helpful. He has agreed that the Police will be present during the evenings in the first two weeks after opening. They will provide training on mountain bike skills and repairs and maintenance for anyone who wishes to come along. Thereafter they will conduct hourly patrols in the area to address the concerns of local residents for the next few weeks.We are also exploring the possibility that the facilities could be let to local groups in the evenings and this seems likely.

We are concerned about increased noise levels in the area.

There will be no additional shelter or seating in the area which may attract groups of young people who are not committed cyclists. We will also plant additional trees around the mound at the back of the football pitches, as well as wild flowers, to naturalise this area and make it more attractive. We will use some of the trees referred to above for this purpose. As they mature, these and other trees will act as a sound baffle. We can plant additional trees closer to residents’ homes in subsequent years should this be required. There are already large mature trees around the area where the cycle agility skills course will be built which will act as further sound baffle.The area is well covered by CCTV cameras and so will be monitored in the evenings and weekends so that any issues arising can be addressed.

We think that members of the community should be involved in planning and managing the project

As proposed at the meeting, a Community Sub-Group is being set up. Mr Richard North will act as the representative from the Residents’ Association. Councillors Ian Douglas and Mary Kirkpatrick have also expressed a willingness to attend to represent the views of the community. An invitation has been extended to the Community Council to send a representative to attend. The Head Teacher, Inspector Mangan, staff and pupil representatives will also attend. The first meeting will be held soon to review the feedback on consultation about the plans.

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Stakeholder Engagement October• It looks cool. I would love to have a go• I have looked at the plans and I think it is a great idea, and it encourages a healthy lifestyle among the school pupils who will use it

all the better• A really good choice to do bike trails. Everyone will get fitter and won’t get bored• I think it is a really good idea because kids will have more choice and get fitter• Really good idea. Pump track sounds good.• I like it cause it is cool• I think that the tracks look really interesting, especially the pump track. I would like a go.• I think this is a really good idea and it looks like a well thought out set of trails. I hope this goes ahead and I would love to have a

go!• It looks great. I would love to have a shot of it when it is built• Chuck Norris. Like!!!• It is a waste of money. It could be improved by a Pro. It should be longer tracks available with a variety of bumps• Improvements need to be made to the ground of the track as it will get dangerous when it rains meaning it will be mucky and

slippy. We need new equipment for classes such a text books etc• Too easy• EPIC!!! AWESOME!!! Chuck Norris like!!!• I think it is a waste of money which could be spent on planting more trees. It’s also destroying the environment. Earth Liberation

Front• I think it is a waste of money and not very good for the environment• I think the cycle track is a great idea. It doesn’t look too challenging but it will test people’s abilities. I like how many parts to the

track there are• I think the cycle track is a really good idea. It looks amazing because of the jumps• I think the cycle track looks amazing• A really good idea. I really like it and really active. I hope we all get a go• It looks good

Primary concern would be motorbikes being driven around the course causing noise pollution and danger to cyclistsFantastic idea! Will offer a great opportunity for pupils to enhance skills and safety on their bikes. May also encourage people to embark on healthy, purposeful activity. Will add to the already good cycle paths around Ayr. Pleased to see the inclusion of trees/woodland and wild flower areasPlans look good. What a fantastic opportunity for the community and the school to have this facility on their doorstep. I know my sons are desperate for its completionAbsolutely fantastic. Can’t wait, No objections whatsoever.

Our young people at school said:

Local Residents said:

Please refer to Community Bulletins for full feedback

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Working with PartnersPromoting Modal Shift In Behaviour

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• Model shift in pupil behaviour – to and from school and also on

short journeys

• Proactive education program GO MTB Qualifications for all pupils

• Reduced congestion on local roads to the school at peak times.

• A safe environment for community members to learn new skills

• Local Cycling Club established to empower young people and to

develop the enthusiast.

• Carbon sink woodland created and developed to store carbon from

car emissions

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• Cycling Centre of excellence in South Ayrshire

• Opening Ceremony with Olympians present?

‘ I thought of that while riding my bike.’Albert Einstein

On the theory of Relativity