Kwanini Foundation Reef Restoration Programme Report Contract No.: AID-621-TO-15-00004 Project: Building a Long-Term Partnership for Managing Marine Protected Areas in Pemba September 2020

Kwanini Foundation Reef Restoration Programme Report

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Kwanini Foundation Reef Restoration Programme Report

Contract No.: AID-621-TO-15-00004

Project: Building a Long-Term Partnership for Managing Marine

Protected Areas in Pemba

September 2020

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation i


1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 SURVEYS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1.1 CORAL BIODIVERSITY AND CORAL COVER ................................................................................................................................. 2

2.1.2 CORAL RECRUITMENT AND JUVENILE SURVIVAL .................................................................................................................. 3

2.2 RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2.1 CORAL BIODIVERSITY AND CORAL COVER ................................................................................................................................. 5

2.2.2 CORAL RECRUITMENT AND JUVENILE SURVIVAL .................................................................................................................. 5

3 REEF RESTORATION PROGRAMME .............................................................................................................. 9

3.1 BACKGROUND .............................................................................................................................................. 9

3.2 METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................... 9

3.3 CURRENT STATUS................................................................................................................................... 11

4 NEXT STEPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 14

5 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 15


Figure 1: Location of the Kwanini Marine Protected Area (KMPA) ................................................................................... 1

Figure 2: Photograph taken of 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrat during October 2019 (Site reference:

2019_Oct_SS_Deep_N_4) with red circle representing rebar stake .................................................................................... 4

Figure 3: Example of analysis undertaken of 1 m2 quadrat using CPCe ........................................................................... 5

Figure 4: In-situ Juvenile Coral Numbers – October 2019 ...................................................................................................... 6

Figure 5: Two most commonly encountered genus of juvenile corals during October 2019 in-situ surveys 7

Figure 6: Two most commonly encountered genus of juvenile corals during October 2019 Underwater

Room surveys ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Figure 7: Rubble field within the KMPA .......................................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 8: Design for rebar frames for reef restoration .......................................................................................................... 10

Figure 9: Example of mesh installed at site RR_MPA_003 ................................................................................................... 12

Figure 10: Example of rebar frames installed at site RR_MPA_005 ................................................................................ 12

Figure 11: Peg designs for reef restoration ................................................................................................................................. 13

List of Tables

Table 1: Number of coral recruits and juveniles at four in-situ monitoring sites by genus.................................... 6

Table 2: Summary of Underwater Room Coral Recruitment Data – October 2019 .................................................... 7

Table 3: Reef restoration sites, treatment and substrate notes ........................................................................................ 11

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation ii


Acronym Definition

cm Centimetre

CPCe Coral Point with Excel extensions

KMPA Kwanini Marine Protected Area

m Meter

mm Millimetre

MPA Marine protected area

PROTECT Promoting Tanzania’s Environment, Conservation and Tourism

RR Reef Restoration

USAID United States Agency for International Development

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 1


This report presents the results of the Reef Restoration Programme carried out as part of the

Kwanini Foundation’s project Building a Long-Term Partnership for Managing Marine Protected

Areas in Pemba. The Kwanini Foundation was awarded a grant under USAID Promoting

Tanzania’s Environment, Conservation and Tourism’s (PROTECT) Small Grants Program in June


The Reef Restoration Programme is undertaken within the Kwanini Marine Protected Area

(KMPA) in the north-west of Pemba, the location of which is shown in Figure 1. The KMPA covers

an area of approximately 450,000 m2 and is a no-take zone, in which no fishing activity is

permitted. The marine protected area (MPA) was established to allow the coral reef and marine

life to recover from overfishing and harmful fishing practices, such as the use of dynamite. No

fishing activity has been permitted within the MPA since it was established in 2013. The fringing

reefs of the KMPA, which start at around 5 m, have been heavily damaged due to destructive

fishing practices and as a result the reef slope is very unstable and comprised primarily of coral

rubble. During storm events strong wave action causes the rubble to shift and move further down

the reef. Despite the protection offered by the MPA, natural recovery of the coral is limited and

in the seven years since the KMPA was established extensive rubble fields remain.

Figure 1: Location of the Kwanini Marine Protected Area (KMPA)

The KMPA is considered a suitable location for the installation of reef restoration structures.

Studies by Helen Fox in Indonesia (Fox, Dahuri and Caldwell, 2000; Fox et al., 2019) conclude that

reef restoration efforts should be concentrated in locations where damaging fishing techniques

are no longer practiced, with successful enforcement in place. The protection offered by KMPA,

including regular patrols by our team of rangers, ensures that destructive fishing techniques can

no longer be practiced. Therefore, the installation of reef restoration structures in this location is

considered appropriate.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 2


As part of the Reef Restoration Programme, the Kwanini Foundation undertakes two survey

periods annually in April and October which include monitoring coral recruitment and

survivorship and coral cover and biodiversity. Two sites in the KMPA have been selected; House

Reef and Scorpions Secret, which have been chosen as they are representative of reef conditions

of the north-west coast of Pemba. These sites represent an area of reef where no fishing activity

is permitted, and offer an opportunity to monitor coral survival in early-life stages (recruits and

juveniles) and coral recovery of a degraded reef.

Prior to the USAID PROTECT Project the Kwanini Foundation had undertaken baseline surveys

starting in 2017. The following survey aspects have been undertaken:

• Underwater Room coral recruitment and juvenile survival – commenced in August


• Coral biodiversity and coral cover – commenced in November 2017; and,

• In-situ coral recruitment and juvenile survival – commenced in April 2019.


Surveys are undertaken at two depths at each site, 7m and 15m as recommended by Conand et

al., 1999, 2000 from studies in the south-west Indian Ocean, as cited in Obura (2014). The main

reef assemblages along the west coast of Pemba, where the surveys will be undertaken, are from

approximately 5m to 30m, the depth to which the reef extends varies according to the site. The

survey depth has been limited to 15m depth for safety reasons to allow sufficient dive time within

no-decompression limits. Surveys at 7m and 15m will provide data which are representative of

the main reef assemblages and will allow all sites to be surveyed at the same depths. The four

sites are:

• House Reef Shallow (approximate depth 7m);

• House Reef Deep (approximate depth 15m);

• Scorpions Secret Shallow (approximate depth 7m); and

• Scorpions Secret Deep (approximate depth 15m).


Four permanent coral monitoring stations were established by the Kwanini Foundation in 2017

to monitor changes in coral cover and species diversity inside the KMPA. The monitoring

locations comprise 10 x 10m squares which are installed with rebar markers at the four corners

which were hammered into the substrate without causing damage to any live coral colonies. The

corners are joined by a leaded line which is permanently deployed and is accreting on to the reef,

and in places stabilising the reef by preventing the movement of rubble.

The four permanent quadrats are surveyed by flipping a 1m x 1m metal quadrat in rows and

taking a high-resolution photograph taken of each quadrat, resulting in 100 photographs per

quadrat. The rows are separated by a leaded line marked at 1m intervals which was temporarily

deployed during the survey to guide the placement of the quadrat.

Survey dates for the permanent quadrats during the PROTECT Project period were as follows:

• Scorpion’s Secret Shallow: October 13th 2019

• Scorpion’s Secret Deep: October 21st 2019

• House Reef Shallow: October 19th 2019

• House Reef Deep: October 29th 2019

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 3

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic we were unable to conduct our field program programmed

for April 2020, which included the coral biodiversity and coral cover surveys.


Coral recruitment and survivorship surveys are being undertaken to establish the primary

factors which influence the survivorship of early-life stage coral on reefs in Pemba. The recovery

of the reefs is reliant upon coral recruitment and survivorship, however the factors which

influence this in Pemba are relatively unknown. Surveys are being undertaken at two locations

on the reef within the KMPA:

1. The concrete blocks which are used to secure the Manta Resort Underwater Room to the

seabed at approximately 5m depth; and

2. On the reef itself at House Reef and Scorpion’s Secret at both depths. In-situ

To monitor the natural growth and mortality of individual juvenile corals on the reef, 20 rebar

stakes were driven into the substrate at each site in April 2019. Four were installed within the

permanent quadrats, eight to the north and eight to the south and were positioned to be at

approximately 7m at the shallow sites and 15m at the deep sites. The stakes were spaced

approximately 2m apart in a zig-zag pattern. During the survey, all juvenile corals within the

mobile 0.5 x 0.5m are measured using calipers and mapped on underwater paper. A high-

resolution photograph of each quadrat is taken as a reference for future surveys, an example of

which is shown in Figure 2. Photographs are also taken of the individual corals. A juvenile coral

is defined as being between 10mm and 50mm in width or height and a recruit is less than 10mm.

Survey dates for the in-situ monitoring of coral recruitment and survivorship during the

PROTECT Project period were as follows:

• House Reef Shallow – October 14th 2019, October 15th 2019 and October 20th 2019;

• House Reef Deep – October 15th 2019 and October 20th 2019;

• Scorpion’s Secret Shallow – October 30th 2019 and October 31st 2019; and,

• Scorpion’s Secret Deep – October 30th 2019.

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible to conduct our field program

programmed for April 2020, which included the coral recruitment and survivorship surveys on

the reef.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 4

Figure 2: Photograph taken of 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrat during October 2019 (Site reference:

2019_Oct_SS_Deep_N_4) with red circle representing rebar stake Underwater Room

Since August 2017 the same eight sides of the four concrete blocks which are used to secure the

Underwater Room at the Manta Resort to the seabed have been surveyed. Two sides of each block

are surveyed every six months and the juvenile corals which grow on the vertical surface are

mapped, measured and photographed. A set of laminated photographs is taken underwater, and

the individual corals are identified in-situ.

Survey dates for the Underwater Room monitoring of coral recruitment and survivorship during

the PROTECT Project period were as follows:

• Block I ii – October 26th 2019;

• Block I iii – October 27th 2019;

• Block II iii – October 22nd 2019;

• Block II iv – October 24th 2019;

• Block III iii – October 27th 2019;

• Block III iv – October 26th 2019;

• Block IV iii – October 26th 2019; and,

• Block IV iv – October 24th 2019.

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible to conduct our field program

programmed for April 2020, which included the coral recruitment and survivorship surveys at

the underwater room.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 5



A total of 400 photographs from the October 2019 survey period were obtained from the four

sites. At the time of preparation of this report we are in the process of analysing the photographs

from the four sites using Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe) software. CPCe is being

used analyse the photographs of each 1m2 quadrat to obtain an estimate of percentage cover of

substrate (including coral cover), coral species diversity and percentage cover of crustose

coralline algae. The data collected from the April and October 2019 survey seasons will be

compared with previous data gathered in 2018 and 2017.

A code file for CPCe has been created to identify the substrate within each quadrat. The code file

includes the following substrate categories:

• Algae (includes coralline, turf, macro and Halimeda);

• Bare substrate;

• Rubble;

• Sand;

• Soft coral;

• Cyanobacteria;

• Seagrass;

• Live coral (includes 55 genus);

• Invertebrates (includes seven sub-categories);

• Dead standing coral; and,

• Other live.

An example of the analysis undertaken in CPCe using the specially created code file is shown in

Figure 3.

Figure 3: Example of analysis undertaken of 1 m2 quadrat using CPCe


All coral recruitment data has been entered into the data entry spreadsheets. The photographs

taken during the October 2019 have been analysed and all individual corals identified to genus

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 6

level. In instances where it has not been possible to identify a coral to genus level, due to either

poor photo quality or a lack of identifying features, it has been recorded as “Unknown”. This data

has been compared with data gathered in April 2019 to determine if the coral recruits and

juveniles surveyed in April have been re-surveyed in October. A summary of this analysis is

presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4: In-situ Juvenile Coral Numbers – October 2019

The number of coral recruits and juveniles surveyed from the in-situ reef surveys is presented in

Table 1 by genus.

Table 1: Number of coral recruits and juveniles at four in-situ monitoring sites by genus

Coral Genus House Reef Shallow

House Reef Deep

Scorpion’s Secret Shallow

Scorpion’s Secret Deep


Acropora 4 3 4 5 16

Cyphastrea 1 2 3

Echinophyllia 2 2

Echinopora 2 2 4

Favia 2 2

Favites 2 2

Galaxea 1 1

Gardineroseris 1 1

Leptastrea 1 1 1 3

Leptoria 1 1

Leptoseris 2 1 1 4

Lobophyllia 1 1

Pavona 16 20 16 44 96

Pocillopora 110 18 40 35 203








Total No.October 2019

No. newrecruits

No. deaths No. survivors No. Juvenilesbecome adults



er o

f Ju


ile C



HR Deep SS Deep HR Shallow SS Shallow

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 7

Porites 16 11 27 8 62

Seriatopora 2 2

Unknown 12 6 2 3 23

The two most commonly encountered species of juvenile coral surveyed on the reef are

Pocillopora and Pavona, examples of which are shown in Figure 5. Each of the corals shown in

Figure 5 measures less than 5cm in diameter.

Pocillopora species Pavona varians

Figure 5: Two most commonly encountered genus of juvenile corals during October 2019 in-situ

surveys Underwater Room

All data from the surveys of juvenile corals at the Underwater Room has been entered into the

data entry spreadsheets for each location and a summary of the total number of corals measured

and the number of recruits and losses since the previous survey period in April 2019 is presented

in Table 2. All juvenile coral photographs have been analysed and each coral identified to genus

level, where possible. In instances where it has not been possible to identify a coral to genus level,

due to either poor photo quality or a lack of identifying features, it has been recorded as


Table 2: Summary of Underwater Room Coral Recruitment Data – October 2019

Block I ii

Block I iii

Block II iii

Block II iv

Block III ii

Block III iv

Block IV iii

Block IV iv


Total 60 51 48 36 37 17 23 39 311

# Survivors 44 35 45 28 35 14 14 26 241

# Deaths 8 2 5 9 3 3 3 33

# Recruits 16 16 3 8 2 3 9 13 70

# Acropora 4 9 4 2 1 3 1 3 27

# Pocillopora 36 30 18 21 21 3 9 21 159

# Porites 13 12 13 7 11 4 5 3 68

# Echinophyllia 1 1 1 3

# Pavona 1 5 1 2 3 3 15

# Stylophora 3 5 3 1 4 5 5 26

# Leptoria 2 2

# Leptastrea 1 1

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 8

# Gardineroseris 1 1

# Leptoseris 3 3

# Favia 1 1 2

# Stylocoeniella 1 1

# Unknown 1 1 1 3

The two most commonly encountered species of juvenile coral surveyed on the Underwater

Room are Pocillopora and Porites, examples of which are shown in Figure 6.

Pocillopora species Porites species

Figure 6: Two most commonly encountered genus of juvenile corals during October 2019

Underwater Room surveys

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 9



As well as the surveys to establish the baseline conditions of the coral reef, the Reef Restoration

Programme also includes the installation of artificial substrates for settlement and growth of

corals. The reefs of the KMPA have been degraded by damaging fishing techniques; anecdotal

evidence from the dive guides operating in the area suggests dynamite was used in the past for

fishing. The Kwanini Foundation is concerned that the reefs of the KMPA, which are protected,

are not recovering. The rubble fields are extensive, the damage is uniform across the reef shelf

and during storms the rubble shifts, creating an unstable substrate for coral settlement and

growth. A rubble field in the KMPA is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Rubble field within the KMPA


Based on the findings of a detailed literature review it was determined that reef restoration

techniques in Pemba should first focus on measures to stabilize the substrate and promote

natural recovery. The treatments which will be installed have been designed by the Kwanini

Foundation to prevent the continuous shift of the unconsolidated rubble which covers the reef in

many areas within the KMPA.

Two reef restoration treatments have been designed which will each be installed over six 5m x

5m areas of reef between the permanent monitoring locations at Scorpions Secret and House

Reef. The reef restoration treatments will be installed in areas where the dominant substrate is

unconsolidated rubble; areas of sand have been avoided as the reef restoration treatments would

be ineffective in promoting natural coral recovery on sandy substrates. Each 5m by 5m square is

a minimum of 2m from the adjacent square, with greater distances in some locations where the

substrate was unsuitable. The two designs are:

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 10

• Design 1: Rebar frames

Low-lying frames with six legs which will be constructed from rebar and locked

together. The frames will be secured to the substrate by one of the legs of the frame

being hammered into the substratum. This will be undertaken without causing

damage to any live coral cover or macrofauna. The rebar frames have been designed

to interlock and form a continuous platform to stabilise the unconsolidated rubble

and provide a stable substrate for coral growth. The design of the rebar frames and

how they interlock is shown in Figure 8.

• Design 2: Steel Mesh

Steel mesh, used in construction for concrete reinforcement, will be pinned to the

seabed using rebar hooks hammered into the substratum. This will be undertaken

without causing damage to any live coral cover or macrofauna.

Figure 8: Design for rebar frames for reef restoration

The literature review conducted considered the potential for iron fertilisation to occur due to the

use of rebar. Rebar is a steel rod used in construction and contains iron, which is an important

micronutrient in regulating primary productivity in the ocean (Tagliabue et al., 2017). In regions

where iron concentrations are extremely limited such as the equatorial Pacific, the addition of

structures such as shipwrecks which contain iron, can cause iron fertilisation which can lead to

a phase shift from coral-dominated communities to high levels of algal cover (Kelly et al., 2011).

Pemba, in the western Indian Ocean, is close to the East Africa coastline which is not widely

reported as an iron limited region. It is therefore unlikely that the use of rebar in coral restoration

structures will lead to iron fertilisation, as iron is not known to be a limiting factor in algal growth

in Pemba.

In addition to the 12 sites for reef restoration, six control sites of 5m x 5m have also been marked

out and will be used to monitor the natural rates of substrate movement and coral recruitment

and survival without reef restoration structures. Table 3 details the reef restoration site IDs, the

treatment which is to be installed (rebar frames, control or mesh) and notes on the substrate

including depth.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 11

Table 3: Reef restoration sites, treatment and substrate notes

Reef Restoration Site ID

Treatment Substrate Notes

RR_MPA_001 Control Loose rubble and sand.

RR_MPA_002 Frames Loose rubble and sand.

RR_MPA_003 Mesh Predominantly sand with some rubble.

RR_MPA_004 Control Half sandy rubble, other half rubble, approximately 30cm deep.

RR_MPA_005 Frames Extensive rubble field, 10 - 40cm deep.

RR_MPA_006 Mesh Extensive rubble field, up to 50cm deep.

RR_MPA_007 Control Very bulky rubble, up to 60cm deep.

RR_MPA_008 Frames Last meter is soft coral on shallow rubble, rest is rubble, 60cm deep.

RR_MPA_009 Mesh Soft coral on rubble.

RR_MPA_010 Control Smaller rubble pieces, not extensive.

RR_MPA_011 Frames Deep rubble for 3m, 50cm deep. Top 2m smaller rubble pieces.

RR_MPA_012 Mesh Rock, approximately 2m2 in middle. Rest varying depths of rubble, 10 - 60cm.

RR_MPA_013 Control Smaller rubble pieces, 30cm deep. Sand in top right corner.

RR_MPA_014 Frames Smaller rubble, except bottom right corner, 40cm deep.

RR_MPA_015 Mesh Extensive rubble, deep 50cm.

RR_MPA_016 Control Small rubble, approximately 20cm deep. Large rubble at bottom, 50cm deep.

RR_MPA_017 Frames Small rubble, approximately 30cm deep. Large rubble, 50cm deep.

RR_MPA_018 Mesh Very extensive and deep rubble, 60cm.


In January 2020 construction commenced of the rebar frames and the installation method of the

rebar frames and mesh was trialled, shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10 respectively. To date the

following aspects of the reef restoration programme have been completed:

• All six control sites marked (sites 001, 004, 007, 010, 013 and 016);

• Two mesh sites completed (003 and 006);

• Mesh purchased for sites 009, 012, 015 and 018;

• Two and a half rebar frame sites completed (002, 005 and 008);

• Remaining 30 frames for site 008 constructed; and,

• 300 tops for the rebar frames constructed for sites 011, 014 and 017.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 12

Figure 9: Example of mesh installed at site RR_MPA_003

Figure 10: Example of rebar frames installed at site RR_MPA_005

During the installation of the mesh it was found that the U-shaped pegs which had been designed

to hold the mesh in place in the rubble were ineffective in keeping the mesh secured to the seabed

as they were not long enough. The design has since been changed, as shown in Figure 11.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 13

Original peg design Revised peg design

Figure 11: Peg designs for reef restoration

During the trial installation of the rebar frames in January 2020 it was realized that a higher

number of frames were required per site than initially anticipated. This resulted in delays to the

installation at site RR_MPA_002 as the frames needed to be constructed.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 14


As a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic it was not possible to undertake the regular six

monthly survey season in April 2020 and complete the installation of the reef restoration

structures. The normal survey programme will be resumed as soon as global travel restrictions

are lifted and the Marine and Environmental Conservation team are safely able to travel to


The bi-annual surveys of coral cover and diversity, and coral recruitment and survivorship at the

four permanent monitoring stations within the KMPA be continued. The photoquadrat data from

the permanent monitoring stations will be analysed using CPCe to determine the substrate

coverage, including adult coral cover and the coral species diversity.

Two further permanent coral monitoring stations will be established outside of the KMPA to

gather data on the coral cover and diversity on unprotected areas of the reef. As with the locations

inside the KMPA, quadrats will be established at two depths, approximately 7m and 15m and

surveyed bi-annually using the photoquadrat method.

The remaining reef restoration units will be installed, including the mesh at four sites and the

rebar frames at three and a half sites. The reef restoration structures will be monitored bi-

annually for coral recruitment and survival, using the mobile 0.25m2 quadrat, and also for success

in stabilising the unconsolidated rubble substrate.

The reef restoration programme will be expanded once the most appropriate method for

stabilisation of the rubble substrate has been determined, to meet the KMPA Management Plan

Conservation Objective of “Restore 10% of reef in unfavourable condition by 2026”. Suitable

financing mechanisms for the reef restoration programme will be applied for.

USAID PROTECT Project Reef Restoration Report

Kwanini Foundation 15


Fox, H. E., Harris, J.L., Darling, E.S., Ahmadia, G.N., Estradivari & Razak, T.B. (2019). Rebuilding

coral reefs: success (and failure) 16 years after low-cost, low-tech restoration. Restoration

Ecology, 27: 862-869. doi: 10.1111/rec.12935.

Fox, H. E., Dahuri, R. & Caldwell, R. (2000) ‘Coral reef restoration after blast fishing in Indonesia’,

in Proceedings 9th International Coral Reef Symposium.

Kelly, L. W. Barott, K.L., Dinsdale, E., Friedlander, A.M., Nosrat, B., Obura, D., Sala, E., Sandin, S.A.,

Smith, J.E., Vermeij, M.J.A., Williams, G.J., Willner, D. & Rohwer, F. (2012). Black reefs: iron-

induced phase shifts on coral reefs. The ISME Journal, 6: 638–649. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2011.114

Obura, D. (2014) ‘Coral Reef Monitoring Manual South-West Indian Ocean islands’, Indian Ocean

Commission, p. 68. Available at:



Tagliabue, A., Bowie, A.R., Boyd, P.W., Buck, K.N., Johnson, K.S. & Saito, M.A. (2017). The integral

role of iron in ocean biogeochemistry. Nature, 543: 51-59. doi: 10.1038/nature21058