Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010

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  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


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    eatures inside10 |Marijuana Regulator by Noelle Leavitt

    14 |Strain Review: Blue Dream

    18 |Growers Grove by Josh Kaplan

    22 | The New MMJ Ordinance by Noelle Leavitt

    30 |How to Roll a Joint with Slightl Stoopid by Maggie St. Thoma

    50 |About Me by James Vester

    62 | Q&A with Mason Tavert by Noelle Leavitt

    66 | Holida Parting or Legalization by Noelle Leavitt

    72 | Colorado Live Music Preview

    78 |O-RoadingBy J Mark Sternberg

    86 |We Dig ThisBy Josh Kaplan

    90 |Dailbuds.com Dispensar Director

    24 Bud HutsLooking or a getaway on the slopes where you can escape or a recre-

    ational smoke bud huts will provide shelter rom the cold and more!

    34 Cooing It UpSt. Patricks Day and yummy snack edible recipes rom Che Herb.

    42 Coachella Music FestivalWarm up with the desert heat and hot musical line up at one o the best

    concert estivals o the year!!

    48 LegislatureFeaturing Colorados ongoing legislative attempts to deal with medical

    marijuana, legal limits o possession and the control o dispensaries.

    54 Patients RelieSurviving with HIV and struggling to maintain a positive liestyle, medical

    marijuanas role in Morgan Gales battle to overcome health hurdles.

    colorados premier cannabis lifestyle magaz

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    kushA Division o Dbdotcom LLC

    rom the editors

    edica Marijuana Paiens in Coorado are now over hiry-ve housandsrong wih cardhoders rapidy increasing by housands each week. Dispensaries,which now number in he severa hundreds hroughou he sae, are doing heirbes o keep up wih his hecic and uid growh. Tis is a par o he CooradoGreen Rush -- adding jobs, opporuniies, and much needed money o anoherwise sagnan and suering economy. Bu is his new inux susainabe?

    Te sae egisaure and many ciies saewide are scurrying o wrie and passmedica marijuana ordinances o nip in he bud wha some egisaures ee is arunaway indusry, bu a he same ime, ap ino his goose ha ays he godeneggs. And wih he iing o moraoriums and he new aws come subsania eesand coss o he medica marijuana providers here. In Denver or exampe, henew ordinance, which goes ino eec on March rs, requires dispensary ownerso now pay new ees o over $5,000 o say in business.

    Te sae is aready charging paiens $90 a head or he priviege o having heirconsiuiona righ o possess and smoke heir meds.

    So where is a o his money going? We he answer is no cear, and medicamarijuana proponens are crying ou. In a recen eer o Te CooradoDeparmen o Heah, Rob Corry, a eading medica marijuana awyer here, asksjus ha. According o saisics daing back o Sepember o 2009, ha sae hadcoeced over $1.7 miion rom paiens, and Mr. Corry wans o know where ia wen. Simiary in Denver, and oher ciies where dispensaries proierae, herewi soon be a o o addiiona money changing hands.

    Ahough Amendmen 20 o he Coorado Consiuion may be one o he moreibera medica marijuana aws in he counry, as wih mos i no a o he oher13 egaized saes i is vague and ambiguous. In oher words, i is u o grayareas. Te aw has a compee disconnec when i comes o geing he harvesrom he grow o he paien. Tere are no provisions or disribuion or poin opurchase saes anywhere in he aw.

    Isn is abou ime ha paiens, caregivers, dispensaries and growers comeogeher and suppor workabe sae and oca aws ha no ony provide saeand sane access or a invoved, bu are ransparen puing everyone on a eve

    paying ed?

    Tere are hundreds o miions o doars a pay here. Te governmen needs ourmedica marijuana revenue base and we wan hem o have i. Bu i has o be onerms we can a ive wih.

    Te medica marijuana indusry is susainabe i new aws are wrien ha donjus ax saes, charge paiens regisraion ees, and dispensaries un-precedenedicense ees, bu require u accounabiiy and reinvesmen in he indusry, so ahe end o he day he paiens righs are inac and proeced! I shoud ruy bea win win!

    Kush Editorial Board, www.dailybuds.com


    The government needs ourmedical marijuana revenuebase

    and we want them to have it.

    Publishers | Dbdotcom LLC & Michael Lerner

    Editor-in-Chie| Michael Lerner

    Editor | Lisa Selan

    Associate Editor| Josh Kaplan

    Business Operations Manager| Bob Selan

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    Art Director | Robb Friedman

    Senior Designer | Coco Lloyd

    Design & Laout | Dave Azimi & Cristine Moonan

    Cop Editor | Jason Middleton

    Contributing Writers

    Che Herb, Ryan James, Josh Kaplan, Noelle

    Leavitt, J Mark Sternberg, Maggie St. Thomas

    Accounting | Diana Bayhill

    Administration / Ofce Manager| Lisa Selan

    General Manager Dailbuds.com| Randy Malino

    Dailbuds.com Team| JT Kiloil & Houston

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    colorados premier cannabis lifestyle magazine

  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


    A w Sa B sav Ca Ja. 20,

    pps w pcs a scs a wapscas pscb mca majaa pas.

    Sa B 109 sas a appv b sa w

    s a saas w b s w cs ss s

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    b. Aa, b w ca a mca majaa vw

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    a mca c a w pmp m s caabs.

    MAriJuAnA regulAtory Bill WendS

    through ColorAdo legiSlAture

    Tis bi is curren as we go o press. I wi be amended severa imes beore i

    is poeniay approved by Coorados Genera Assemby.

    I hink here are some posiives and negaives o he bi. Generay we

    appaud he egisaure or rying o reguae he indusry. Our main concern is he

    weare o paiens, said Brian Vicene, execuive direcor o Sensibe Coorado,

    a non-pro organizaion ha obbies on beha o medica marijuana paiens.

    Our primary concern is making sure paiens have access o medica marijuana.

    A he same ime, here is a broad oca and naiona discussion abou he need o

    re-examine our marijuana aws or paiens and non-paiens.

    Vicene ees ha he curren aw does make i prey easy or hose seeking

    recreaiona use o cannabis o access he drug, hereore he hinks igher

    reguaions aren necessariy a bad idea. Ye, he aso hinks he bi needs some

    major amendmens beore he compeey suppors he egisaion.

    We are absouey opposed o ha board. My undersanding is ha i wi ikey

    come ou o he bi in commiee. Ta board woud add an addiiona hurde o

    paiens in need o medica marijuana, he said.

    For exampe, i a 20-year-od AIDS paien needs access o medica po, he

    review board woud urher compicae he paiens ques o obain he medicine.

    I hink i undamenay weakens he docor-paien reaionship, Vicene said.

    Esseniay, he bi is rying o creae ways o imi he recreaiona use o

    marijuana. Many ee ha marijuana shoud be ega across he board. Coorado

    Aorney Rob Corry od Kush-Coorado ha po shoud be accessibe o everyone,

    oherwise i creaes a gray area ha wi aways be quesioned by he governmen

    an issue ha migh aso be addressed hroughou his years egisaive session

    and he amendmen process.

    Advocacy groups si have ampe opporuniy o obby or heir iniiaives. For

    now, Senae Bi 109 is he ony bi concerning medica marijuana has hi he

    desk o Coorado egisaures.

    Te bi has severa House and Senae sponsors incuding Sen. Chris Romer,

    D-Denver, who has ong advocaed sricer sancions regarding medica marijuana.

    t vw b , vs www..sa.c.s.

    ByNOEllE lEAVItt

    10 kush

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    Lifes A DreAm, smoke it Up

    Srn R:

    Blue DReamA high rom he Bue Dream srain makes you ee ike youre up in he

    couds. Above a he BS in ie. Youre geing work done and making su

    happen. Puing ie in moion. living he dream, wih nohing bu cear

    bue skies ahead.

    Bue Dream is a member o he saiva species o Cannabis. A saiva high

    ends o invove more hinking, produciviy, and increased energy in

    genera. Signican eves o pain and nausea are usuay aso curbed. Andwhie an indica srain wi hep you o reax, de-sress, chi ou, and/or

    overcome insomnia, a pure saiva ike his shoud inspire exercise, a deep

    conversaion, or an ambiious o-do is.

    Fis o augher and an overwheming sense o we being are some oher

    nice side eecs. (Why is his su iega again?)

    Te physica characerisics o his srain consis o copious red hairs and

    crysas wih a moderaey sicky and dense ee. Te sme is pungen and

    dank, a sme ha amos gives you a high on is own. Bue Dream is very

    swee, boh beore and aer ingesion. I has an undeniabe ruiiness.

    Te bue par o is name ikey comes rom is paria roos in he bueberry

    srain. Dream is a somewha odd choice o words, considering seep is no

    oen a par o he package. Day dreaming was probaby he inspiraion.

    its the perfect

    setting: sUnny DAy,

    heADphones on,

    joint in hAnD,DAyDreAming AboUt

    everything AnD

    nothing At the

    sAme time.

    thAt is where bLUe

    DreAm wiLL tAke yoU.

    pUre bLiss.

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    Aernaivey, wih an indica youre ikey o dream whie

    seeping, ahough you probaby won remember hose

    dreams upon awakening.

    On he darker side o he Bue Dream, and saiva or ha

    maer, many peope become overwhemed wih paranoia,

    anxiey, and an increased hear rae. Tis can be a bi

    righening, bu shoudn as more han 10-15 minues.

    An indicas negaives woud ikey poin owards aziness,

    orgeuness, and a ack o moivaion. Depending on

    wha youre needing, hese negaives can quicky become

    rereshing posiives.

    Marijuana is a person-o-person, siuaion-o-siuaion,

    srain-o-srain experience. Your high wi oen depend on

    he mena sae, physica condiion, and environmen you

    bring o he abe. And o course, ones geneic makeup and

    heah are undeniabe acors. Bu when everyhing is righ

    and you know i, is a good... and you know i.

    Overa a very peasan experience is in sore or he Bue

    Dream oker. I is a airy cheap saiva, averaging around $45

    or an eighh a mos esabished dispensaries.

    Go RiDe the Blue DReam wave!

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    young branch a ew miimeers above he previous nodes

    newy ormed eaves. Is aso advisabe o use sma scissors as

    opposed o simpy pucking o he growing ips by hand.

    4.) Kow what youre pruig

    Never prune more han he singe growing ip, or upper-

    mos node, rom any branch on he growing pan. the upper-

    mos growing ip o an un-pruned marijuana pan wi aways

    be more poen han ha o he op o a pruned pan grown

    in simiar condiions. Bu es no ge caugh rippin onjus he op. les hink abou he whoe pan . Pruning he

    aes branches ensures ha he ower branches grow upward,

    orming a arger surace area or he igh o cover. the cear

    uid ha oen ows rom he end o a newy pruned branch

    conains subsances which sea he wound and aid he heaing

    process. Ahough i is recommended ha you remove a

    dying eaves rom he pan, you shoud resis he empaion o

    prune oo many heahy eaves. Keep in mind ha even hough

    i may be beer deveoped, a pruned marijuana pan does no

    aways produce more buds han an un-pruned pan. Anoher

    good reason or pruning is o ake heahy cuings rom a

    srong growing, or avorie pan, or urher hydroponic

    deveopmen (coning).

    5.) Use i eeded as your pruig rule o thumb

    Marijuana growers oen prune heir pans in an aemp o

    imi heir heigh and preven unwaned deecion. I you have

    ha ype o operaion, a o his is probaby od ha or you. I

    you are he average home grower, remember ha by pruning

    a growing ip, you are removing he mos poen par o he

    pan, hereby spoiing is chance o reaching u mauriy. By

    pruning a he buds a harves ime, raher han cuing he

    sem o above he ground, you coud easiy harves your pana second ime. One grea advanage o pruning your marijuana

    pan is ha youre owering heir resisance o harmu naura

    enemies such as insecs, ungus and emperaure ucuaions.

    Do no prune any growing ips i you noice ha your

    pans heah is decining or has sared osing eaves. Ahough

    smoking your pruned ips is ok, pans shoud be pruned o

    deveop heir growh, raher han or smoking purposes.

    Whie i may be emping o prune emae buds during eary

    owering, your harves wi be severey reduced by doing

    so. Cannabis indica is geneicay smaer and bushier han

    cannabis saiva, and usuay requires ess pruning.

    So remember, be paien and concise when pruning. You

    know when you need a haircu don you? We he same

    paience and concern shoud be aken wih your ie babies.

    Good luck, andhappy growing!!

  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010

    20/10020 kush

    2527 1/2 Broadway St.Boulder, Colorado 80304

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    byNOEllE lEAVItt

    Break ou he ape measure i you pan on opening a medica marijuana dispensary

    in Denver, as you wan o cacuae a eas 1,000 ee beween you and he neares

    schoo, daycare cener or compeing medica po shop.

    In January, Denvers Ciy Counci changed he icensing procedures or medica

    marijuana dispensary owners, resricing hem rom opening cannabis shops

    wihin 1,000 ee o schoos, chidcare esabishmens and oher dispensaries. And

    i you curreny operae a dispensary ha vioaes he new specs, you mus reocae.

    Te new aw goes ino eec on March 1, 2010, aong wih a sew o oher

    requiremens ouined in he counci bi, incuding igher reguaions surroundingcrimina background checks or dispensary owners. Ta means i youve spen

    ime in jai in he as ve years or convicing a eony, youre appicaion o open

    a dispensary wihin he ciy and couny o Denver wi be denied.

    We don wan drug deaers o run dispensaries wihin he ciy or couny, Denver

    ciy counciman Charie Brown od Kush-Coorado. I hey hink hey can come

    in here and have no reguaion, heyre crazy.

    Anoher sipuaion saes ha medica marijuana canno be smoked, eaen or

    ingesed inside or around he premises o dispensaries.

    I hink has anoher imporan piece. You don go ino a iquor sore and have

    our drinks when you buy acoho, said Candace Gi, manager o Aameda

    Weness Cener, a dispensary ocaed in Denver. I hink proper icensing is

    imporan. I don have a probem wih someone needing a crimina background

    check. Is a sicky marke -- is viewed as drugs. I have paiens ha are od ves,

    and were no deaing wih your basic pohead. So Im excied o see ha heres

    going o be some basic guideines.

    I coss $2,000 o appy or a medica marijuana dispensary icense, pus addiiona

    coss or a background check or each parner wih a eas a 10 percen sake in

    New DeNveR meDical

    maRijuaNa oRDiNaNce:city coUnciL sets pArAmeters on DispensAries

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    he business. Bu, wai, heres more a medica marijuana

    dispensary icense aies $3,000 a year. Denvers Deparmen

    o license and Excess approves or denies medica marijuana

    dispensary icenses.

    Te new bi is in compiance wih Amendmen 20 a sae aw

    approved by Coorado voers in 2000, aowing hem o egay

    se medica marijuana. Ye, a edera aw resricing he medica

    marijuana indusry pre-emped he sae aw uni as Ocober

    when he edera governmen ied he sancion, opening he

    ood gaes in Coorado or new dispensary business.

    Te origina bi, proposed by Brown, saed ha dispensaries

    were resriced o open wihin 500 ee o schoos, daycare

    ceners or oher po shops o eiminae cusers o dispensaries

    around he ciy, bu oher counci members amended he bi o

    sae 1,000 ee.

    I hough he 1,000 oo was excessive, Brown said. I

    was a compromise.

    Additioal requiremets related to a medicalmarijuaa dispesary licese iclude:

    Dispsais mst b closd to th pblic fom 9p.m. to 7 a.m.

    Licsd stablishmts a qid to hav24-hour surveillace o the premises with eithersecurity cameras, security guards or saes or

    overight storage o marijuaa. Oly dispsay ows listd o th licsad maagers listed o the applicatio camaage the property.

    Displayig maiaa sals podcts iwidows is orbidde, ad must ot be visiblerom the exterior.

    Psos d th ag of 18 a ot allowd othe premises.

  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


    A m 75 mils wst of Dv, dow th I-70 coido, ad

    over Berthoud Pass is the Witer Park ski resort. Te area aroudthe West Portal o the Moat tuel was reamed Witer Park i1939 ad has b svig catioal skis v sic.

    I you are ooking or your ypica amiy-oriened witer woderlado sow, you have ound i. Bu i you are ooking o ge away rom heamiies, he hoards o ski schoo skechies and, possiby o enjoy somerecreaiona smoke ... we raveer, you wen one e urn oo ar.

    You wan o ake he earier e-hand urn he one ha eads o Mary Jane. Tis mounains name sake, Mary Jane, was a andowner and woman o i-repue, having suppied cerain age-od services o he rairoad workers and no an over reerence omarijuana.

    Whie i is echnicay par o he Winer Park ski resor, the Jae is a oay dieren anima. As he crue and remorseessMr. Hyde o Winer Parks smar and riendy Dr. Jeky, Mary Jane is home o prisine gades, ricky rees, and o course, word cassbumps.

    Neverheess, i you ook hard enough, here is a soer side o Jane. Whie youre shredding bumps ha make oca phenom JeremyBoom swea, here are a number o man-made sheers ha can oer a much-needed respie rom he grueing repeiions.

    I you are consany reminded o every nagging injury youve susained since junior high, here is a pace o ease your pain. Deepwihin and beween he egendary runs on Mary Jane Mounain, you can nd a sheer or he weary. As you uncick your sicks, i

    occurs o you ha his isn jus a pi sop or your burning quads... hey, did someoe just ru over a skuk?

    Tis is a Bud Hut. Tere are rumored o be as many as wo dozen o hese Kind Cabins scaered abou.

    Mos smoke shacks are very simpe sheers. Usuay made wih hand oos, hese sheers are made rom whaevers cever. Bouder

    cusers, arge ree cusers, downed rees ... everythig is air game.

    Syes incude he simpe ean o, A-rames, and og cabins. Ohers are bui wih a ie more creaiviy, ikey by powder-hardenedoca gnar-dogs who have bui hus beore.

    Te cave hu, he swing hu, he Jane hu, and he paro hu (ou o bounds) are among hose specia chronic coses ha dispay

  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


    ByRYAN JAMES in he 303

    the kid o crafsmaship that has shaped these hills orth past 70 yas.

    Te ruh is, hese resin rooms aren reay supposed o behere. Good uck geing Winer Park/Mary Jane empoyees oadmi ha hey even exis ... and don ever ask he ski paro eiher.

    Te concep o he occasiona candesine sesh-shed hasevoved ino a sysem o mid-mounain andmarks. Once privyo his underground nework, your reguar mounain roues areorever aered ... jus in case you ee he urge.

    Mos cannabis coages aren much o ook a. Troughhem hough, you can gain insigh o a he Jane has o oer.Mos are sma, no a enough o sand or hod more han hreepeope. Ohers are arger, accommodaing as many as en. A arehoroughy agged by he requen visiors. One candidy noes

    ha you are pondering your exisence a 11,420 ee. Aotherartist shares his/her emotios or kuckle-draggers.

    You can e ha is a in good un.

    I youre ooking o make riends, save your brown rown or

    he car ride home. Here, its all about quality medicie.like wih mos socia experiences, occupiers o hese hash havensare a mixed bag.

    Many are happy o heir share sories, secres, and sashes ohers, no so much. Eiher way, heyre a die-hard Janers anknow his sysem o hidden gems ike heir backyards.

    And in case you wan o program a Bud Hu or wo ino you

    GPS, keep in mind he cuure youre ivadig. like Geor

    Cooney es Quenin taranino in Fom Dsk Til DawEverybody be cool. You, be cool.

    Ca i paranoia, or ame, or eiis ... has ne. Jus don e

    down myVilla de la mota. In ac, i youre even worryinabou his, you shoud probaby jus go o Summi Couny.

    As ski seasons pass, new hus are bui. Wha o he oder oneWe, es jus say is saer or everyone ha some are removed

    Proper hu mainenance can be difcu as hey avera350 inches o resh snow during he winer. As I wrie his, Ireminded o hus rom he pas. Te Sunnyside hu? CoapseTe Ci hu? Air-ied ou. Te tee Pee hu? Casino.

    Have u i you discover your ow riedly chalet dcheeba just keep it i the amily.

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  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010


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  • 8/9/2019 Kush Magazine /Colorado/Feb-2010



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    Medical Marijuana Hash Edibles Tincture Vaporizers Glass and More!

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    CHEF HERB whs ickam is Mta, which is Spaish maijuaa,kws th bfts mdical maijuaa ad has dcidd t icpat his tw

    passis: ckig ppls plasu ad catig gumt mdicial d. I th

    Basics, Ch Hb tachs us hw t cat THC butt ad il that ca b usd i

    cutlss cips m paty d hsduvs t swt dssts.

    This mth Mach Ch Hb will hav ath bithday. I yu wuld

    lik t sd him bithday wishs yu ca ctact him at his wb sit

    WWW.COOkWITHHERB.COM mail him at: [email protected].

    I yu a itstd i laig m abut ckig with caabis wat t d

    his gat DVD sis call: 310.462.1649

    Saint Patrick dayand great winterparty food



    3 pounds corned bee briske wih spice packe

    10 sma red poaoes

    5 carros, peeed and juienned

    1 arge head cabbage, cu ino sma wedges


    Pace corned bee in arge po or Duch oven and cover

    wih waer. Add he spice packe ha came wih he corned

    bee. Cover po and bring o a boi, hen reduce o a simmer.Simmer approximaey 50 minues per pound or uni ender.

    Add whoe poaoes and carros, and cook uni he vegeabes

    are amos ender. Add cabbage and cook or 15 more

    minues. Remove mea and e res 15 minues.

    Pace vegeabes in a bow and cover. Add as much broh

    (cooking iquid reserved in he Duch oven or arge po) as

    you wan. Sice mea across he grain.





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    1 pound cabbage

    1 pound poaoes

    2 eeks

    1 cup mik

    sa and pepper o ase

    1 pinch ground mace

    1/2 cup tHC buer

    cookIng InstructIons

    In a arge saucepan, boi cabbage uni ender; remove andchop or bend we. Se aside and keep warm. Boi poaoesuni ender. Remove rom hea and drain.Chop eeks, green pars as we as whie, and simmer hem in

    jus enough mik o cover, uni hey are so.Season and mash poaoes we. Sir in cooked eeks and mik,sa a pepper o ase, and mace. Bend in he kae or cabbageand hea uni he whoe is a pae green u. Make a we inhe cener and pour in he meed tHC buer. Mix we.



    12 sices rm whie bread

    1/2 cup tHC unsaed buer, soened

    3/4 easpoon dry musard

    1 cove garic, ney chopped

    1/2 pound (2 cups) shredded Swiss cheese

    2 easpoons chopped resh chives

    1 easpoon Worcesershire sauce

    Sa and pepper o ase

    4 eggs1-1/2 cups ha and ha

    2/3 cup mik

    1/2 cup chicken broh

    cookIng InstructIons

    Cu he cruss o he bread sices.In a sma bow, sir ogeher he tHC buer, musard and

    garic. Spread each sice o bread wih some o he bueArrange 6 sices, tHC buer side down, in a 9 by 13-incbaking dish.In a medium bow, combine he shredded cheese, choppechives, Worcesershire sauce, sa and pepper. Eveny sprinkhe cheese over he bread in he baking dish. top wih hremaining bread, tHC buer side up. In a medium bow, behe eggs, ha and ha, mik and chicken broh. Pour over hbread. Cover ighy and rerigerae overnigh.Prehea he oven o 350 degrees F. Uncover he ondue an

    bake i or 1 hour, or uni he op is ighy browned and hinside is airy rm.Remove he ondue rom he oven. le i res or 10 minueCu ino 8 or 10 wedges.



    2 cups granuaed sugar5 arge beaen eggs2 cups mik2 easpoons pure vania exrac3 cups cubed Iaian bread , aow o sae overnigh in a bow1 cup packed igh brown sugar1/4 cup (1/2 sick) tHC buer, soened1 cup chopped pecansFor he sauce:1 cup granuaed sugar1/2 cup (1 sick) tHC buer, meed1 egg, beaen2 easpoons pure vania exrac

    1/4 cup brandy


    Prehea he oven o 350 degrees F. Grease a 13 by 9 by 2-incpan. Mix ogeher granuaed sugar, eggs, and mik in a bowadd vania. Pour over cubed bread and e si or 10 minueIn anoher bow, mix and crumbe ogeher browsugar, tHC buer, and pecans.Pour bread mixure ino prepared pan. Sprinke brown sugmixure over he op and bake or 35 o 45 minues, or unse. Remove rom oven.

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    For the sauce

    Mix ogeher he granuaed sugar, buer, egg, and vania in

    a saucepan over medium hea. Sir ogeher uni he sugar

    is meed. Add he brandy, sirring we. Pour over bread

    pudding. Serve warm or cod.



    3 cups a-purpose our1 abespoon baking powder

    1/3 cup whie sugar

    1 easpoon sa

    1 easpoon baking soda

    1 egg, ighy beaen

    2 cups buermik

    1/4 cup tHC buer, meed


    Prehea oven o 325 degrees F. Grease a 9 x 5 inch oa pan.Combine our,baking powder,sugar,sa and baking soda.Bend egg and Buermik ogeher,and add a a once o heour mixure.Mix jus uni moisened. Sir in meed tHC buer. Pour inoprepared baking pan.Bake or 65 o 70 minues or uni a oohpick insered inocener o oa. Comes ou cean. Coo on wire rack and wrapin oi over nigh or bes avor

    Fun Food

    THC CARMEL CORNIngredIents

    3 quars popped popcorn

    3 cups dry roased mixed nus, unsaed

    1 cup brown sugar, rmy packed

    1/2 cup igh or dark corn syrup

    1/2 cup tHC buer

    1/2 easpoon sa

    1/2 easpoon baking soda

    1/2 easpoon vania exrac


    Prehea oven o 250. In a arge roasing pan combine hepopcorn and nus. Pace in he oven whie preparing gaze.In a medium saucepan combine brown sugar, corn syrup,tHC buer, and sa. Bring o a u boi over medium hea,sirring consany, hen coninue o boi or 4 minueswihou sirring. Remove rom hea; sir in baking soda and

    vania, hen pour over he warm popcorn and nus, ossing ocoa we. Bake anoher 60 minues, sirring reqeny, abouevery 10 minues. Coo and break apar. Sore in an airighconainer.


    Tree recipes in one, hink o he Eggs Benedic recipe asoas and ham opped wih a poached egg recipe, opped wiha hoandaise sauce recipe.

    4 Engish mufns, spi, oased and buered or 8 crumpes

    8 1/4-inch sices ham, warmed and cu o

    8 poached eggs

    1 1/4 cups (abou) Hoandaise Sauce

    Poached egg recIPe


    1 abespoon sa

    2 abespoons vinegar (any variey) 8 eggsBring 2-3 inches o waer amos o a boi in a arge sau pan.Add he sa and vinegar. One a a ime, crack he eggs inoa cup and hen sip he eggs, one a a ime, ino he bareysimmering waer. Reduce he hea, i need be, o mainain ha

    ow simmer.Cook jus uni he whies are se and he yoks are gazed busi very so, abou 3 minues. (Wai uni he eggs are se odisodge any ha may have suck o he boom o he pan.)Using a soed spoon, ranser he poached eggs ono a dishowe o drain. trim he edges o any sreamers so heyrenice and idy. (I he eggs ge oo cod, sip hem back ino hesimmering waer or a ew seconds and drain again.)

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    Make-ahead dIrectIons

    Cook as above bu remove he eggs rom he waer aer 2minues. Immediaey pace hem in ice waer o preven hemrom cooking urher. Cover and rerigerae he eggs andwaer or up o 12 hours. to rehea, sip hem ino simmering

    waer or abou 30 seconds.

    hollandaIse sauce recIPe

    4 egg yoks

    4 abespoons resh emon juice

    1 abespoon waer

    1/8 easpoon sa, or o ase

    1/8 easpoon ground whie pepper, or o ase

    1 pinch o cayenne pepper

    1 cup tHC meed buer

    Combine he egg yoks, emon juice, and waer in a sma,heavy saucepan. Whisk he mixure consany over very owhea uni hickened. Immediaey remove he pan rom hehea bu coninue whisking or 1 minue. Add he sa, pepper,and cayenne. Coo sighy.Scrape he mixure ino a bender. Wih he moor running amedium-high speed, add he meed (bu no ho) tHC buerin a sow, seady sream uni i is we-incorporaed. tase andadjus he seasonings, i necessary.to keep warm, pace he Hoandaise Sauce in a bow over (buno ouching) ho waer, sirring occasionay, or simpy pace

    he bender conainer in warm (no ho) waer.

    now Put It together

    how to Make eggs BenedIct

    Sar by preparing he Hoandaise Sauce. Keep i warm.Sar he waer or he eggs. Warm he ham sices, and oasand buer he mufns or crumpes. Keep hem warm in a

    warm oven.Finish preparing he Poached Eggs.to assembe, pace a sice o ham aop an Engish mufn haor crumpe, pace a poached egg on he ham, and spoon a ieHoandaise Sauce over he op. Serve immediaey.Makes 8 servings

    EASy CRAB CAkES2 pounds ump crab mea

    2 abespoons tHC oive oi and/or tHC buer

    1/2 cup green onions, minced

    1/4 cup red be pepper, diced

    2 easpoons resh garic, minced

    2 eggs, beaen

    1/2 cup tHC mayonnaise

    1 abespoon Dijon musard

    1/3 cup resh parsey, mincedSa and ground back pepper o ase

    2 1/4 cups oased bread crumbs (more or ess)

    4 abespoons tHC buer and/or tHC oive oi

    how to Make craB cakes that dont

    Fall aPart

    Firs, horoughy pick he crabmea over or she ragmenand se aside.Sau he green onions, be pepper, and garic in tHC oivoi and tHC buer. Coo.In a arge bow, combine he crab mea, saued mixur

    beaen eggs, mayonnaise, musard, parsey, sa, pepper, an1/4 cup o bread crumbs.Pour he remaining (2 cups) bread crumbs ono a pae. linebaking shee wih wax paper or pasic wrap.Form he crab cake mixure ino 1/2-inch hick paies, 8 argor 12-16 sma ones.Press boh sides o he paies ino he bread crumbs, anpace hem on he baking shee. Cover wih pasic wrap anrerigerae or 3 o 6 hours, uni rm.In a arge, non-sick sau pan, brown he paies in tHoive oi and/or tHC buer over medium-high hea, abo4 minues each side. Drain on paper oweing.

    Serve wih emon wedges or arar sauce. Makes 8 arge 12-16 sma crab cakes.

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    Caca Mic a A Fia w i a

    CoAChellA Fest, i Mcca f Mic a A Fia.I a bcma b wic m fia a cm-

    a, wwi. sa i 1999 (mii a i 2000, ac f ic a), Caca a cm bac

    a the West CoAst FestIvAl a ac si. Awi three MAIn stAges And MultIple dJ tents,

    a a a a iaai a cmx.F ac-caz, a-mi a, i a

    cia aa j dAnCe MusIC - All Weekend.t i i f ba w a i a a i a w

    w f cma c . Wi c ai ac a

    BeCk, red hot ChIlI peppers, oAsIs, rAdIoheAd, theCure, roger WAters, prInCe, MAdonnA, rAge AgAInstthe MAChIne, pAul MCCArtney & dAFt punk, i i

    a m a i wi wa wa.Af m f ma ba a b , -awai-

    a f i aicia i a b a.I m a a a gic/Aeg li a c

    aai a kICk-Ass lIneup For 2010.

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    FrIdAy And sAturdAy

    Coachea is back o being a hree-day esiva, his year ndsevery nigh ed wih grea acs rom across he musica dia.

    Among he Friday nigh ececic acs is he robo-Diva, GraceJones - sure o pu on a show, given her magnicen perormancea he Hoywood Bow as year.

    Aso on Friday, super-group Tem Crooked Vuures (eaur-ing John Pau Jones rom he mighy led Zeppein on bass andDave Groh rom, we, you know) brings is ass-kicking rockback o he masses. DO NOt MISS tHIS!!!!!!

    Friday nigh aso eaures he reunion o he oh-so-sweeJohnny Roen back o he sage wih his pos-Sex Pisos groupPubic Image limied (PIl), bu mos noaby, headiner Jay-Z(Hova, Mr. Shawn Carer) wi be poppin boes ino he deser

    sky, bringing hi aer hi ino he ae nigh. So ar so good, righ?

    We, save your energy kids -- is a ong hree days. Wheheryoure parying or no? And es ace i, Coachea Fes is no onya haven or grea ive music and ar, bu i has aso become a saehaven or hose who .ike o parake in mind-aering sub-sances... Aong wih he we socked VIP en wih ood andmixed drinks, here are peny o concessions and riendy sa omake he whoe Coachea experience grea.

    Saurday nigh is chock u o grea bands oo. Favoriespudboys, Devo, are making he scene, as we as MGMt, anda reunion by Faih No More - shoud be grea. Musica genius

    Jack Whie is preseny drumming in his aes venure Te DeadWeaher and hes aways a rea.

    Saurdays ae-nigh roser promises o be grea -- one side ohe gian Poo ed nds DJ exraordinaire tieso reurning romhe Neherands, ing dance ens wih hordes o oya oow-ers and on he oher side, Briish darings Muse aack he mainsage wih heir wordy and grandiose sound.

    prep thyselF For sundAy

    Being ha his show is in he deser, i can be a ong, grueinweekend. I ges ho, and wih a he parying going on, somepeope orgo he Sunday wrap-up in exchange or a reaxing daya he resor poos. Tis is a grea opion o have, bu his yearmigh nd hose poos empy, as Sundays ineup is jus as srongas Fridays and Saurdays.

    Saring wih he reunion o Sunny Day Rea Esae, even he

    Emo kids wi be ou a Coachea - a ahered up in sunscreenO skoo hip-hoppers De la Sou wi be on hand wih heirquirky yrics and jazzy beas, whie eecronic pioneer Gary Nu-man pugs ino he deser sky wih his oen imiaed synhesizehooks.

    Among oher noabe egends and he requisie hrowbackband -- is he sighy unpredicabe, bu aways grea Sy and Tamiy Sone. Sunday nigh aso has he reunion o indie, o-aves Pavemen. Tom Yorke, o Radiohead ame and ousand-ing soo work, wi be paired up wih bass maser Fea or whapromises o be a grea se. Tese wo are a ruy kisme pairing.Head over here eary, as his wi surey be high on everyoneswach is.

    Cosing he weekend is a pop-ar projec caed Goriaz, de-signed as a virua band composed o our animaed characerIn he pas, Goriaz have perormed ive, using video screens oprojec heir animaed counerpars as he main ac, urher seing heir audience on heir soryine. Whas in sore or his se,we have o wai and see.

    Coachea has become a avorie weekend or serious concergoers, bringing a riendy amosphere and good vibes o a whoaend - so wheher youre a rs imer panning a one day ouinor a diehard weekend warrior ready o punge ino he u hreeday commimen, make sure you ge your ickes eary, as yearspas have sod ou.

    Come eary - say ae - kick o your shoes and enjoy hegreaes Music and Ars Fesiva in he word. Once you go oCoachea, you be hooked or ie. So remember, have a HappCoachea, and pass i on.

    Coachea Music and Ars Fesiva akes pace 4/16,4/17,and4/18 a he Empire Poo Fied in Indio CA. You can nd ou moby visiing www.Coachea.comor see wha he peope hink

    abou i a www.haCaca.cm.

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    lison suppors he use o medica marijuana, bu opposrecreaiona use, earu ha i wi increase drug-reaed crimacross he sae. He has ye o see he egisaion, so he decined commen on wha migh happen a he capio in coming monhregarding medica marijuana reorm.

    Tere are going o be some drasic seps ha are going have o be aken o reguae i, lison said, noing ha he dohink i can hep cancer paiens who are prescribed cannabis, bhe does no necessariy suppor recreaiona use.

    Aorney Rob Corry represens hose in avor o using hgreen subsance, which is now disribued o more han 15,80

    regisered paiens in Coorado, according o gures reeased bhe Coorado Deparmen o Pubic Heah and Environmen December 2009.

    Is no compeey sae uni is ega or everybody becaupaiens are aways going o ge caugh up in his gray neherworwhere is aways pariay ega and pariay no, Corry said an inerview wih Kush, aer pubicy backing u egaizaioa he ray. You aways see he governmen second-guessinand quesioning physicians judgmen i is ruy medica or noYoure aways going o see growers and caregivers who are guiuni proven innocen. I mean, ha is si he prevaiing aenorcemen paradigm.

    Te deparmen o heah aso repored ha, as o Dec. 12009, a oa o 820 physicians had prescribed cannabis medica purposes in Coorado.

    Medica marijuana proponens are aso ghing a baagains hose in heir movemen who woud seek o egaize across he board.

    Teres aso he menaiy ha a use is medica, hevery singe use o marijuana is medica and coners physicaemoiona, spiriua and mena benes on he user and hawhy peope desire i and has why peope bene rom i, Cor

    expained o Kush Coorado whie sanding inside he marboored Sae Capio rounda.

    I do hink heres a recreaiona componen o i. I hink can make a person more open-minded, i can make a personbeer conversaionais ... here is ha recreaiona par o i, bno one can dispue ha here are medica benes.

    As he egisaive session wears on, senaors and represenaivwi have much o discuss and debae concerning medicmarijuana, is reguaion and is roe in Coorado.

    at Colorado State Capitol fuelsfire for legislative support

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    U.S MARInE VEERAnAnD MeDICInAL MArIjuAnAMy name is James Veser. And I am no araid o eing my name.

    I am proud o using medica marijuana. I has change my ie.

    So es sar wih who I am. I am 23 and I ive in Berhoud, Coorado.

    Ive been here or he pas year now. I jus moved rom Chicago where I was

    in he Unied Saes Marine Corps. I served amos 6 years in he Marine

    Corps and did a our overseas in Iraq.

    During my ime in he Corps I was diagnosed wih PtSD (pos raumaic

    sress disorder) insomnia, personaiy disorder, bown-ou knees, a broken hip,

    orn igamens in my anke, severe anxiey and severe anger.

    I was an acohoic and was geing ocked up a grea dea or drinking and

    ghing when I go back rom overseas. When I e he Marines hey e

    me wih 12 medicaions: I was aking rom Percoce, Oxyconin, trazadone,

    Seroque, ihium, and much more. In oa, abou 32 pis a day. I was ike a

    zombie on a his ... I mean hink abou my iver. A hose pis.

    One day my aher and I were driving around own and my PtSD was

    kicking in and he had some medica marijuana. He said Son, I hink you

    shoud ry medica marijuana I hink i woud reay hep you. I orgo whaI was sressing abou and why my PtSD was kicking in bu I said Fine!

    Give me ha gass and e me ry i. So I wen ahead and medicaed.

    Abou ve minues aer I orgo abou everyhing ha was on my mind and

    was no sressed. I e happy and grea. I hink i was a saiva/indica bend.

    So I decided o go ge my icense. I wen o see he docor and gave him my

    medica record and he ooked a me ike How is his guy sanding? once he

    reaized how jacked up I am aer reviewing my 869 page medica record.

    We, o course I go approved due o my disabiiies. Since hen my ie has

    changed. My ie siser who is 16 comes o my house o visi every once in

    awhie and i we are hanging ou and I have no medicaed she woud be abe

    o e. She woud say Jimmy, have you medicaed ye? and I woud say no.

    Ten she woud repy You need o now because you are a angry and shor

    and no ooking good. I woud go and medicae and come back and she woud

    hank me, since i woud make me a beer person o be around.

    Since hen I began sudying medica marijuana and reay waned o

    hep peope ike me. Now I work in a medica marijuana weness cener in

    Berhoud caed Herbs Medicinas Inc.

    James Vester

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    were born, and heyve been baing he eha disease or more han 20 years.

    Born in Grass Vaey, Cai., hey were esed or HIV shory aer heir moher

    became reaivey i when Gae was jus hree-years-od and his siser was ve.

    Basicay we ound ou ha I was HIV posiive. I go i rom my moher rom

    eiher birhing or breas eeding, Gae expained. Bu my aher, uckiy, was no

    posiive, and I woud probaby no be here oday i i wasn or him being abe o

    sick around.

    Gae doesn know how his moher conraced he disease. Is somehing his

    amiy doesn discuss. Curreny, he, his aher and his siser a ive in Bouder, Coo.

    She became more and more sick, and basically wasnt

    my mother anymore. She was just a body. I would change

    ByNOEllE lEAVItt

    We could all learnsomething from Morgan

    Gale. He likes to live in thepresent and not get too

    wrapped up in the future.He chooses to savor everymoment with his friends

    and family and doesntwaste time on the little

    stuff, for he is infected withHIV and never knows what

    tomorrow will bring.

    Te 21-year-od consrucion worker woud

    raher ocus his energy on he big su -- su ike

    educaing he pubic on how medica marijuana

    heps him uncion on a daiy basis. Hes reay

    good a expaining his sance on imporan

    issues, which hes had o do his whoe ie. Gae

    and his siser were ineced wih HIV when hey

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    her oxygen tanks when I was five years old,

    and wipe sweat off her face. Bu as she becamemore and more sick, she wasn reay my moher anymore, andha was reay a hard hing o see, Gae said, noing ha heexperience made him grow up aser han mos kids.

    Unorunaey, Gaes mom wasn abe o ge he propermedicine she needed o gh HIV. I was he ae 80s, and i wasdifcu o obain anivira drugs o bae he immune deciency

    disease. Gaes moher passed away when he was seven, exposinghim o he harsh reaiies o AIDS a a very young age.

    Te siuaion orced Gaes aher o ake a more hoisicapproach o reaing Gae and his siser when hey were chidren.Very ie pediaric medicine was on he marke or HIV posiivechidren a he ime, and he anivira drugs ha were avaiabehad harsh side eecs, especiay on kids.

    Desperae o keep Gae and his siser heahy -- hey were siiving in Caiornia a he ime -- his aher ook hem o Chineseherbaiss in San Francisco and severa dieren psychic heaersor aernaive reamens.

    Tey woud hep aer my die and aign shakras and visuaizeheaing picures or myse o ry o hep boos my immunesysem, Gae said. We woud aso go o dieren herbaiss.

    It was a constant battle trying to find the

    right form of treatment, which was one of

    several battles the family fought during that

    time. Gale and his sister were also exposed

    to rejection.

    Eemenary schoos didn wecome heir aendance,concerned ha oher chidren woud cach he disease by being inhe same room wih hem. A he ime, no one ruy undersoodhe disease.

    I ended shuing down an eemenary schoo jus because omy presence. Tey were so worried ha hey were going o gei rom me, a hese parens were ike Oh, were aking our kidsou o he eemenary schoo, his kids go HIV, hes going o givei o everyone ese, Gae said. Tey waned me o sop akingJudo when I was a very young kid, because hey hough ha Idbeed on anoher kid or he kids woud ge i hrough he air. Soha resriced a o o socia su or a ie whie, and we had

    o reay educae he communiy rom he ground up, even i wewere being hreaened and (had) o eave he own.

    As ime wore on, hoisic medicines weren conroing he

    disease, and Gae evenuay had o sar aking anirerovira drugs.

    I was about eight years old. It got to

    the point that I was getting pretty sick

    from the virus. When I first got on those

    medications, I had some severe reaction,

    such as pancreatic infection, he said.

    He woud oen have severe nausea, demenia and personai


    A lot of my family friends saw me go throug

    states of mind that just werent me, Gae sainoing ha he had no oher choices. He had o ake he medicin

    o survive.

    He was 15 years old when he first trie

    marijuana recreationally with friends an

    found that the drug made him hungry.

    I sared eaing more ood ... I was abe o hod dowmore ood and aso hod down my medicaion. Some o hemedicaions, hey no ony ook ike chak, ieray, hey sao ase ike i and heyre hard o inges. Unorunaey, i yodon sar aking one medicaion wih ood and one wihou, yosar osing he bene o he medicaion. Someimes I woudn

    be abe o ake anoher pi. And someimes when I smoke aeviaes ha eeing. I heped me sick o medicaion ha wso crucia o survive, Gae said.

    I ook him a ew years beore he ound a good baancbeween his aniviras, marijuana and a heahy-organic die. Hhope is ha he governmen wi coninue o ook a cases sucas his when reviewing medica marijuana egisaion. He doesnhink mos poiicians undersand is medica benes.

    When I smoke, I literally see my immun

    system stay at a plateau, if not slowly climb,

    Gae said.Ahough here is no hard evidence ha marijuana hep

    conro HIV, Gae credis he drug or heping him say aive.

    His mom never smoked po. Te amiy was oo araid hhe governmen migh barge in and ake Gae and his siser awaBu imes have changed since he 80s and 90s. Much o socienow embraces cannabis or medica reamen, and peope arenso araid o hose suering rom HIV, making i easier or Gae ive a heahy ie wihou a he poiics.

    I don hink o i necessariy as a cure. For some peope i works or hem, has incredibe, has awesome, Gae sai

    Bu or me is jus somehing ha heps me suppemen my webeing, personay and adhere o my medicaion. I I don adheo my medicaions I can easiy die. I guess i has a very big impaupon my ie.

    And thats the message Gale want

    government officials to hear.

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    Q & AMASon TAVerT



    Mas Tvt kws hw tgt thigs d at th CladStat Capitl. Th 28-ya-ldus a p-maijuaa gaizaticalld SAFer (Sa Altativ ejyabl rcati), that cuss ducatig th public abut thsa us caabis.

    Tvt has stg piis

    hw th public ls abut mdicalmaijuaa, ad ctly shad hisviws with Kush Clad.

    Q. Wha is he bigges misconcepion aboumedica marijuana?

    A.Te bigges misconcepion surrounding

    marijuana is ha i is so harmu and ha i

    mus remain iega. Ye every objecive sudy on

    marijuana has concuded ha i is ar saer han

    acoho, which is avaiabe on jus abou every

    corner in viruay every ciy in he counry.

    Tis begs he quesion: why is i such a probem

    or adus o obain and use marijuana? Is even

    more perpexing when i comes o hose wih

    serious medica condiions whose physicians

    have recommended hey use marijuana o rea

    heir condiions or sympoms.

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    Q. Whas nex in he medica marijuana indusry?A. Te rapid emergence o dispensaries around Coorad

    was a huge sep oward a more sensibe approach o marijuan

    As coud be expeced, i is now acing he hyseria ypica

    associaed wih somehing unknown or misundersood by

    signican racion o sociey. Tus, he nex sep or his ne

    indusry is o esabish sensibe rues and reguaions, and

    perhaps mos imporany -- oow hem. As he pubic adjuso he concep o marijuana being made avaiabe in such a pub

    ashion, i is criica ha he indusry se a good exampe o

    broader reorm and reguaion ha is sure o oow.

    Q. Whas nex in your career?A. A his poin I am ocusing on jus he nex coup

    years and wha seps mus be aken o bring abou signican

    reorms in erms o pubic poicies and pubic aiudes, boh

    Coorado and naionwide. We wi coninue o buid he SAFE

    movemen around he sae, as we as on coege campuses an

    in communiies around he counry.

    Q. Wha can we expec in he upcoming Coorado egisaisession concerning medica marijuana?

    A. Te egisaure wi be considering muipe biperaining o he reguaion o medica marijuana and h

    growing dispensary indusry. I is hoped hey wi review h

    evidence and ac in a reasonabe ashion ha reecs he reaive

    benign naure o boh he subsance and he businesses providin

    i in compiance wih he consiuiona amendmen approve

    by he voers. Tere are aso ikey o be severa signican

    changes o Coorados broader marijuana aws, incuding hde-eonizaion o persona cuivaion (up o 6 pans), he d

    eonizaion o possession o marijuana concenrae, and a hos

    oher improvemens o curren sae marijuana aws.

    Q. Does your amiy suppor wha you do?A. Absouey, and more so every day. In ac, my moh

    has become quie engaged receny, appearing on a eevisio

    news eaure regarding her suppor o me and he cause, as we

    as a grea sory abou moms who suppor reorm, which w

    eaured on he parening Web sie Momlogic.com.

    Q. Where can socia media hounds oow you? twieFacebook, bogs?

    A. Te SAFER Web sie -- www.SAFERchoice.org incudes our bog, news, and oher resources.

    Te SAFER Campuses Campaign sie www.SaFeRcmpuss.org

    is geared oward sudens invoved in or ineresed in saring SAFER campaig

    FACEBOOK www.Fcbook.com/SaFeRchoic

    tWIttER www.twir.com/SaFeRchoic

    Q. Wha are he mos dramaic chaenges curreny acinghe medica marijuana indusry?

    A. I uimaey bois down o an issue o percepion versusreaiy, and how eecivey he reaiy o marijuana is being

    conveyed o eeced ofcias, he media, and he pubic. too many

    peope are si earu o marijuana, which is irraiona in igh

    o our socieys genera accepance o acoho as a recreaiona

    subsance and pharmaceuica drugs as medica reamens.For exampe, Coorado is one o jus a handu o saes where

    prescripion drugs are now he number one cause o unineniona

    deah, surpassing even rafc accidens. Ye here is ar more

    hyseria surrounding he growing number o medica marijuana

    paiens and dispensaries, despie he ac ha marijuana use

    aone has never conribued o a singe deah in hisory. I we

    wan o see comprehensive changes in our marijuana aws, we

    mus inspire comprehensive changes in he way peope hink

    abou marijuana.

    Q. How hard was is o ge SAFER o he ground?

    A. launching SAFER was simpy a maer o ing ou ormsand esabishing a non-pro organizaion. Te rea chaenge

    was capuring he hears and minds o hose who suppor

    marijuana reorm, he pubic, and he media. An organizaion is

    ony as srong as he suppor i receives, and SAFER is powered

    by is supporers. O course inspiring hose supporers required

    a compeing mission and sraegy, we-panned acics, and

    eecive oow hrough. From here, success ends o oser

    growh in suppor, hus coninued success.

    Q. You co-auhored a book ied, Marijuana is Saer, SoWhy Are We Driving Peope o Drink, I have wo quesions,

    1) Is Marijuana saer han acoho?

    Marijuana is one o he mos researched subsances in he

    word, and every objecive sudy on i has concuded ha i is ar

    saer han acoho boh o he user and o sociey. I is ess oxic,

    ess addicive, ess harmu o he body (in boh he shor- and

    ong-erm), and i does no conribue o he serious probems

    requeny aribued o acoho use, such as injuries, domesic

    vioence, sexua assau, and oher vioen crimes.

    2) And why does sociey drive peope o drink?

    Acoho and marijuana are he wo mos popuar recreaionadrugs in he word, ye we ive in a sociey ha embraces he useo acoho, bu criminaizes and condemns he use o marijuana.Whereas i is viewed as perecy accepabe o enjoy a cockaia a pary or a beer a a ba-game, i is a crime o enjoy usingmarijuana in he privacy o ones own home. We are aso acedwih a aundry is o negaive consequences ha can resu roma marijuana convicion or aied drug es, whereas empoyers seeno probem joining heir empoyees a happy hour aer work.Te overa eec o aws ha aow and promoe he use oacoho whie prohibiing and discouraging he use o marijuanais sending he dangerous message ha peope are beer odrinking, when in ac hey are ar saer using marijuana insead.

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    ByNOEllE lEAVItt

    Hes he owner o Herba Remedies,a medica marijuana dispensary in

    Wesminser, and he organized an exciinghoiday bash or his empoyees in January,

    reaing hem o an Iaian dinner, a ive

    Cheech and Chong show and drinks a apopuar bar in Bouder o end he nigh.

    the bes par was he charer bus haWemho hired o drive empoyees, heir

    signiican ohers and Kush magazinepubisher Michae lerner around own.Abou 35 peope enjoyed he esiviies.

    Cal Wmh kws hw t thw a paty.

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    I got a big, real ice coach bus. Ad the bus driver

    was ie with us smokig i it. We had a photographer

    there or the ight ad he could hardly get his camera

    to ocus throughout the ight because the bus was illed

    with smoke, Wemho jokingy said.

    Aer enjoying dinner and drinks a Buca di Bebbo

    Iaian Resauran, he pary spied ono he bus and headed

    norh o Bouder or a Cheech and Chong Gt it Lgal

    show a Macky Audiorium, where he veeran marijuana

    ceebriies enerained he Bouder ganja communiy wih

    cassic Cheech and Chong skis.

    hey are a little rouder, theyre a little slower,

    Wemho said o Cheech and Chong, noing ha hey were

    a big hi among his empoyees.

    the Bouder perormance was he irs o severa shows

    Cheech and Chong have panned across America, o rayin avor o u egaizaion o marijuana. Wemho donaed

    $5,000 o tommy Chongs Marijuana Poicy Projec.

    I thought itd be a real good idea to help urther that

    Wemho said. hey were real gracious ad real ice.

    Herba Remedies assisan manager Juia Sepuveda sa

    ha Cheech and Chongs message o he nigh reay h

    home wih wha dispensaries across Coorado are curren

    acing increased reguaion.

    It was really kid o appropriate or us because wev

    bee dealig with so much resistace ad tolerace

    Sepuveda said. But I had a blast. Beore, I had bee

    listeig to their tapes ad I listed to them o viyl whe

    I was youger.

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    Jason Aldean3.18.10 @ Odeum Colorado (Broomfeld)

    Wih hree abums, nine singes, and hree number one hison he Biboard Counry Chars, Jason Adeans career isheaded in he righ direcion. Since he was a chid, hes hada guiar in his hand, quick o pick up his avorie counrysongs. He soon became a sar, singing his origina songs oever growing crowds. You coud say ha his sar is si risingbecause hes ha young. And seeing him beore hes reay big

    woud be prey coo, huh? We heres your chance.

    Vampire Weekend3.19.10 @ Ogden Theater (Denver)

    Named aer ead singer Ezra Koenigs amaeur im, VampireWeekend have become he darings o he New York IndieRock scene, saring in 2009. Coming ou o he Xl Recordingsabe and having running maes ike the Whie Sripes pusVW in good company. they received major accoades romRoing Sone in 2007, Spin in 2008, and hi he top 20 singeschars in he UK and U.S. in 2009. Wih heir aes abumConra (2010) jus reeased, and a recen spo on the tonigh

    Show wih Conan OBrien, he ony hing e is heir March19h show a he Ogden theaer in Denver CO. Come see

    wha a he NYC hype is abou....

    Jay-Z3.22.10 @ Pepsi Center (Denver)

    Jay-Z, he undeniabe top-Dog, Number One,King o Hip Hop, and a ha is coo in his urbanjunge is breezing ino own. When Jay-Z wears i,raps i or uncorks i, i somehow becomes a hi.His hi is is so soid ha i is ony rivaed by heaundry is o peope hes heped make ino sars.

    Did I menion his personaized diversions?things ike a cohing ine, ashion accessories,champagne, coogne, or he NBA eam heowns (NJ Nes). Oh yeah, and hes married ohe hoes Diva ou here - Beyonce. Enoughsaid. Im gad his guys in charge!

    John Mayer3.23.10 @ Pepsi Center (Denver)

    Since coming ono he scene in 1997, JohnMayer seems o have become he orch beareror grea buesmen - we can ony hope he

    rused sources handing o said orch arecorrec. In 2003 he won he Bes Mae PopVoca Perormance Grammy Award. In 2005he paired up wih R&B egends B.B. King,Eric Capon, and Buddy Guy - prey soidreerences, o be sure. In 2007 he ook homemore Grammys or Bes Pop Voca Abumand Bes Mae Pop Voca Perormance. Johnmay have sod his sou a he crossroads odae Jessica Simpson, bu he deiniey earned hisbuesman sripes whie daing Jennier Anison.Check ou his aes arm candy and musica musea he Pepsi Cener.

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    Talk about ominous over

    tones --theTruck ofth


    Year award given out a

    ttherecentNorth Ame


    AutoShowwas givent









    Addingtothat, Jeep



    fuelsuckingV-8 engines are about as

    envogue as





























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    Tere are evens hed a over Coorado or amaeur o-

    roaders, i you are ineresed in earning more abou a paricuar

    spor, he bes hing o do is ge invoved. Proessionas and

    o-road veerans have a weah o knowedge, and are usuay

    wiing o share heir (usuay passionae and someimes ong-

    winded) opinions.

    Key o ricking ou your o-road vehice is he ires.

    A he engine and suspension modicaions in he word,

    won accompish anyhing i he ires don have any racion

    on he ground. Tere are a muiude o opions avaiabe or

    hese knobby beass, and making he righ choice can be a

    dauning ask.

    As usua, a grea pace o sar your research is onine.Tirerack.com oers a raing sysem or a he ires avaiabeon heir websie, i aso oers Yep-sye user reviews.

    An oen overooked o-road modicaion is he

    dierenia. Te di, as expained so we in he movie My

    Cousin Vinny, conros how much power goes o each whee

    when one sars o sip. Tis can be a massive advanage when

    o-roading because o he sippery condiions encounered

    on oose or uneven suraces. Some 4x4 rucks oer a ocking

    dierenia rom he acory, his wi be more or ess good

    enough or mos rais, bu i you inend o ge more serious,

    an aermarke dierenia migh be in order.

    I you wae keeps pace wih your ineres, and your

    desire o push he ruck ino more and more chaenging areas

    increases, an aermarke suspension migh be he nex sep.

    li kis vary in cos and quaiy, so doing your homework

    here can be essenia. Some kis are designed or ooks, and

    don reay oer he perormance needed or ruy hardcore

    o-roading. Ohers si are designed o ake a ruck o he

    and back, bu oen a a prey subsania cos.

    Is worh noing here ha modicaions oen bring wi

    hem a drop in drivabiiy. Some dedicaed enhusiass s

    drive heir heaviy modied rucks daiy, bu a a cerain poin

    i migh be worh considering an aernae vehice, or a eamaking compromises when modiying your ruck in order

    keep i somewha civi on he road.

    Make a goa is beore pouring yourse ino he projec

    I is mud or snow, design your vehice around your speci

    wans and needs. Is easy o ge caugh up in he excieme

    o buiding he uimae o-road beas, bu, in he end, wh

    maers mos is geing ou here and enjoying yourse.

    Joining a cub can no ony be a grea way o ear

    more abou your spor o choice, bu is aso a grea way

    make riendships ha can as a ieime. (You can peek www.cosports.com/fwhldr/clubs.htm or a srong is o cubs

    Te bond among car enhusiass is a consan rom Hond

    drag racers o 4x4s o European road racers. We are a boun

    by a common ineres in he auomobie and he reedoms h

    come wih i.

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    DISPENSARy Listing

    "Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: [email protected]



    Roc MountainCaregivers(720) 329-5763


    Sensitiva Hollistic

    Therapeutics451 Santa Fe Ave

    Alamosa, CO 81101

    (719) 589-0420


    South ParCananbis Club

    99 S. Main St.

    (970) 485-5263



    Care o Colorado7777 W. 64th Ave.

    Arvada, CO 80004

    (720) 375-0319

    Special kinds4804 W. 60th Ave.

    Arvada, CO 80003

    (303) 847-3238


    Alternative MedicalSolutions106 S. Mill St., Ste 203

    Aspen, CO 81611(970) 544-8142

    Locals Emporiumo Alternative Farms(L.E.A.F.)100 S. Spring St., Ste 2

    Aspen, CO 81611

    (970) 920-4220


    Tree Line PremierDispensar40801 US 6

    (970) 949-1887

    AURORA (Doctors)

    Canna Health3033 S. Parker Rd., Ste 720

    Aurora, CO 80014

    (888) 420-4204


    BMMC Services2206 Pearl St.

    Boulder, CO 80302

    Boulder AlternativeMedicine

    1325 Broadway St., Ste 213Boulder, CO 80302

    (720) 210-4021

    Boulder CountCaregivers2955 Valmont Rd.

    Boulder, CO 80301

    (303) 495-2195

    Boulder kind Care2031 16th St.

    Boulder CO, 80302

    (720) 235-4232

    Boulder MedicalMarijuana Dispensar2111 30th Street Unit A

    Boulder, CO 80301

    (303) 449-2663

    Boulder MMJ1909 N. Broadway St., # 103

    Boulder, CO 80302

    (303) 732-MMJ4 (6654)

    Boulder Rx6560 Odell Place

    Boulder, CO

    Boulder Rx1035 Pearl St., 3rd foor

    Boulder, CO 80302

    Boulder Vital Herbs2527 N Broadway St.

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (303) 440-0234

    Boulder WellnessCenter5420 Arapahoe Ave., Ste F

    Boulder, CO 80303

    (303) 442-2565

    Boulders UniqueDispensar900 28th St.

    Boulder, CO 80303

    Canna Med1750 30th St., #8

    Boulder, CO 80301

    877 420-MEDS or

    (303) 477-2220

    Colorado Care Inc2850 Iris Ave.

    Boulder, CO 80301(303) 250-9066

    Crme de la Chron2450 Central Ave.

    Boulder, CO 80301

    DrReeer.com1121 Broadway, Unit G-1

    Boulder, CO 80302

    (720) 727-0711

    Evolution MedicineServices4476 N. Broadway St.

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (303) 588-3335

    Flower o LieHealing Arts, Inc.3970 N. Broadway, Ste 201

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (303) 444-1183

    Green Bell Co-opBoulder, CO

    (720) 381-6187

    Green Lea Farmac

    1644 Walnut St.Boulder, CO 80302

    (303) 440-1323

    Healing House1303 Broadway St.

    Boulder, CO 80302

    High Grade Alternatives3370 Arapahoe Rd.

    Boulder, CO 80303

    (303) 449-1905


    Medicines LLC1200 Pearl St., #35

    Boulder, CO 80302

    (303) 402-6975

    JTR Caregivers2714 28th St.

    Boulder, CO 80301

    Medican on the Hill1089 13th St.

    Boulder, CO 80302

    MediPharm800 Pearl St.

    Boulder, CO 80302

    MountainMedicine Group2515 Broadway St.

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (720) 542-9943

    Natural AlternativeMedicine5370 Manhattan Cir.

    Boulder, CO 80303

    (720) 363-9877

    New Options Wellness2885 Aurora Ave., Ste 40

    Boulder, CO 80303(720) 266-9967

    Ohana PC918 University Ave.

    Boulder, CO 80302

    Table MesaWellness Center4730 Table Mesa Dr.

    Boulder, CO 80305

    (303) 554-5399

    THC Ministr o Boulder1221 Pearl St., No. 10

    Boulder, CO 80302

    (303) 449-4437

    The Bud2500 Broadway, Ste 100

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (303) 565-4019

    The Farmac845 Walnut St.

    Boulder, CO 80302

    (720) 375-3777

    The Greenest Green2034 Pearl St.Boulder, CO 80302

    (303) 953-2582

    The Medication Compan4483 N. Broadway St.

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (303) 635-6481

    The MountainMedicine Group2515 Broadway St.

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (720) 542-9943

    The Village GreenSociet

    2043 16th St.Boulder, CO 80302

    (720) 746-9064

    TherapeuticCompassion Center1501 Lee Hill Dr., No. 22

    Boulder, CO 80202

    Top Shel Alternatives1327 Spruce St., Ste 301

    Boulder, CO 80302

    (303) 459-5335

    Trill Alternative2043 16th St.Boulder, CO 80302

    Trill Alternative1537 Pearl St.

    Boulder, CO 80302

    Vape Therapeutics1327 Spruce St., Ste 300

    Boulder. CO 80302

    WELL Dispensar3000 Folsom St.

    Boulder, CO 80304

    (303) 993-7932


    Medicine Man101 N. Main St., Ste 6

    Breckenridge, CO 80424

    (970) 453-2525


    C.M.D.1101 Village Rd.

    Carbondale, CO 81623

    (970) 306-3231

    Sopris LEAF580 Main St., 3rd foor #300

    Carbondale, CO 81623

    (970) 704-0420

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    "Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at:[email protected]

    DISPENSARy Listing



    Mile High MedicalGardens880 Happy Canyon Rd., # 145

    Castle Rock, CO 80108

    (720) 203-5450

    The Lil Green House

    518 Wilcox St.Castle Rock, CO 80104

    (303) 993-3070


    Canna Mart8006 E. Arapahoe Ct., Ste 30

    Centennial, CO 80112

    (303) 771-1600


    Cannabis Centers ForAlternative Wellness

    6590 S. Broadway St.Centennial, CO 80121

    (720) 223-5551


    Gods Git571 32 Rd.

    Cliton, CO 81504

    (970) 609-4438

    Herbal Medical Center3258 F Rd., Unit B

    Cliton, CO 81520

    (970) 433-0399


    A Cut Above1150 E. Fillmore St.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80907

    (719) 434-1665

    Canna Care1675 Jet Wing Dr.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80916

    (719) 596-3010

    Canna Caregivers3220 N. Academy Blvd., Ste 4

    Colorado Springs, CO 80917

    (719) 597-6685

    Canna Med (doctor)2935 Galley Rd.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80909

    (877) 420-MEDS

    Cannabis Science, Inc.6946 N Academy Blvd, Ste B #254

    Colorado Springs, CO 80918

    (719) 641-1188

    Cannabis TherapeuticsCaregivers Cooperative907 E. Fillmore St.Colorado Springs, CO 80907(719) 633-7124

    Care West, LLC1351 Pecan St.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80904

    (719) 459-5532

    Colorado CannabisCaregivers2203 N. Weber St.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80907

    (719) 634-7389 or

    (719) 440-4124

    Colorado CannabisCenter1905 N. Academy Blvd.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80909


    Epic Medical Caregiver3631 Galley Rd.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80909

    (719) 638-4596

    Front Range AlternativeMedicinesP.O. Box 60744

    Colorado Springs, CO 80960

    (719) 213-0118

    Medical MarijuanaConnection2933 Galley Rd.

    Colorado Springs, CO 80909

    Natural Advantage 420925 W. Cucharras St.Colorado Springs, CO 80905(719) 533-1177

    Natures MedicineWellness Center11 S. 25th St., Ste 220Colorado Springs, CO 80904(719) 213-3239

    Old WorldPharmaceutical6347 E. Platte Ave.Colorado Springs, CO 80915(719) 393-3899

    Pies Pea AlternativeHealth and WellnessCenters1605 S. Tejon St., Ste 101Colorado Springs CO, 80905(719) 575-9835

    Pies Pea CannabisCaregivers3715 Drennan Rd.

    Colorado Springs, CO

    (719) 216-5452

    Pies Pea CompassionateCare Center

    2845 Ore Mill Rd. #6Colorado Springs, CO 80904(719) 633-8499

    Springs Health Alliance3470-H Chelton Loop N.Colorado Springs, CO 80909(719) 574-1742

    Sunshine WellnessCenter31 N. Tejon St., Ste 400Colorado Springs, CO 80903(719) 632-6192

    THC (The Highland

    Collective)332 W. Bijou St., Ste 101Colorado Springs CO, 80905(719)-442-6737

    The Green EarthWellness Center519 N. 30th St.Colorado Springs, CO 80904(719) 633-6337

    The Healing Canna3692 E. Bijou St.Colorado Springs, CO 80909(719) 637-7645

    The HighlandsCooperative332 West Bijou St., Ste. 101Colorado Springs, CO 80905(719) 442-6737

    Tree o Wellness1000 W. Fillmore St., Ste 105Colorado Springs, CO 80907(719) 635-5556

    Trichome HealthConsultants2117 W. Colorado Ave.Colorado Springs CO, 80904(719) 635-6337


    Colorado Coalitiono Caregivers7260 Monaco St.Commerce City, CO 80022(720) 987-3669


    High Valle HealingCenter and CannaTea400 Galena Ave.Crestone, CO 1131(303) 877-7452

    DACONODacono Meds730 Glen Creighton Dr., Unit CDacono, CO 80514(303) 833-2321

    DENVER(Deliver Services)

    303 Deliver ServiceDenver CO, 80224(303) 993-7022

    Chronic Express(Deliver Service)

    (303) 656-7300

    DENVER (Doctors)

    CannaMed USA6855 Leetsdale Dr.

    Denver, CO 80224

    (877) 420-6337

    Happclinicdenver.com1211 S. Parker Rd., #101

    Denver, CO 80231

    (720) 747-9999

    DENVER (Smoeshops)

    Blown Glassand Accessories4815 E. Colax Ave.

    Denver, CO 80220

    (303) 388-1882

    Head Quarters1301 Marion St.Denver, CO 80218(303) 830-2444

    Heads o State3015 W 44th Ave.

    Denver, CO 80211

    (303) 433-6585

    High Fashion Glass42 S. BroadwayDenver, CO 80209303-766-5473 or 303-766-5437

    Mar Jaz Cool Stu4014 Tennyson St.Denver, CO 80212(720) 855-7451

    DENVER (Central)

    985 Dispensar985 Santa Fe Dr.Denver, CO 80204(303) 446-0420

    All Green HealthAlternatives2757 Bryant St.Denver, CO 80211(303) 868-4753 or(303) 955-6552

    Alternative Medicine onCapital Hill1401 Ogden St.Denver, CO 80218(720) 961-0560

    Bac to the GardenWellness Center1547 Gaylord St.Denver, CO 80206

    (720) 877-3562

    Cannabis Medical762 Kalamath St.Denver, CO 80204(303) 912-2013

    Capitol Hill MedicineShoppe1410 Grant St., #B104Denver, CO 80204(303) 993-5777

    Caregivers or Lieo Cherr Cree310 Saint Paul St.

    Denver, CO 80206(720) 536-5462

    Cherr Cree Health155 Cook St., #150Denver, CO 80206(303) 388-0086

    Denver Metro MedicalCannabis CouriersDenver, CO 80203

    (720) 227-6939

    Denver Relie1 Broadway St.Denver, CO 80223(303) 420-MEDS

    Discount MedicalMarijuana970 Lincoln St.Denver, CO 80203(303) 355-9333

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    DISPENSARy Listing

    "Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: [email protected]


    Front Range DispensarDenver, CO 80203

    (720) 620-4463

    Green Cross o CherrCree128 Steele St., Ste 200

    Denver, CO 80206

    (303) 321-4201

    Green karma Medical1115 Grant St., Ste G2

    Denver, CO 80203

    (303) 815-1585

    Green Werz907 E. Colax Ave.

    Denver, CO 80218

    (303) 647-5210

    Health Star MedicalEvaluation Clinic710 E. Speer Blvd.

    Denver, CO 80203(303) 586-1200

    Herbal Health419 W. 13th Ave.

    Denver, CO 80204

    (720) 542-8364

    Herbal Wellness Inc.771 Santa Fe Dr., #204

    Denver, CO 80204

    (720) 299-1919

    Herbs 4 you20 E. 9th Ave.

    Denver, CO 80203

    (303) 830-9999

    Lincoln Herbal424 Lincoln St.

    Denver, CO 80203

    (303) 955-0701

    Mile High AlternativeMedicineDenver, CO 80203

    (720) 289-9654

    Mile High Green Cross852 Broadway St.

    Denver, CO 80203

    (303) 861-4252New MillenniumDenver, CO 80203

    (720) 318-3275

    Pain Management oColorado110 Cook St., Ste 103Denver, CO 80206(303) 423-7246

    Pride in Medicine731 W. 6th Ave.Denver, CO 80204(303) 999-0441

    Remed Care Center1850 S. Federal Blvd.Denver, CO 80219

    (303) 935-2694

    Roc Mountain Farmac1719 Emerson St.Denver, CO 80218(720) 389-9002

    The GrasshopperAlternative Medicine1728 East 17th Ave.Denver CO, 80218303-388-4677

    Zen CaeDelivery ServiceDenver CO, 80203

    (720) 306-8339


    24/7 Health Care Centers3535 Walnut St.Denver, CO 80205(720) 479-8756

    Alternative Medicine OnThe 16th Street Mall910 16th St., #805Denver, CO 80205(303) 623-1900

    Apothecar o Colorado

    1730 Blake St., Ste 420Denver, CO 80202(303) 296-5566

    Ballpar HolisticDispensar2119 Larimer St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 953-7059

    Botanico, Inc.3054 Larimer St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 297-2273

    Denver Compassionate

    Caregivers1538 Wazee St.Denver, CO 80202(303) 623-7246 (PAIN)

    Denver kush Club2615 Welton St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 736-6550

    Denver Patients Group2863 Larimer St., Unit BDenver, CO 80205(303) 484-1662

    Discount MedicalMarijuana2028 E. Colax Ave.

    Denver, CO 80206(303) 355-9333

    Dr. Green Genes1400 16th St., Ste 4067Denver, CO 80202(720) 932-8004

    Elevated Medical3660 Downing St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 530-4338

    GreenDocs L.L.C.1550 Larimer St., Ste 309Denver, CO 80202

    (303) 339-0214

    J&J Green Clinic3462 Walnut St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 284-5610

    Lotus1444 Wazee St., Ste 115Denver, CO 80202(720) 974-3109

    Mahooa Meds2400 Larimer St.Denver, CO 80205(720) 536-0850

    Mile High Cannabis899 Logan St.Denver, CO 80203(303) 955-6203

    Mind Bod Spirit3054 Larimer St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 297-2273

    Natural Remedies1620 Market St., Ste 5WDenver, CO 80202(303) 953-0884

    Peace in MedicineCenter2042 Arapahoe St.Denver, CO 80205(720) 242-9308

    RiNo Suppl Co3100 Blake St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 292-2680

    Summit Wellness2117 Larimer St.Denver, CO 80205(720) 407-8112

    The Farmac1400 Market St.Denver, CO 80202

    (303) 260-7036

    The Happ Harvest2324 Champa St.Denver, CO 80205(303) 997-4425

    Zen Dispensar26th Ave. & Ogden St.Denver CO, 80205(303) 297-1466


    Colorado Care Facilit5130 E. Colax Ave.

    Denver, CO 80220(303) 953-8503

    Flavored Essentials3955 Oneida St.Denver, CO 80207(303) 377-0539

    Herbal Care2866 N. Colorado Blvd.Denver, CO 80207(303) 321-4433

    Med Stop5926 E. Colax Ave.Denver, CO 80220

    (303) 573-6337 (MEDS)

    Supreme Care Strainsand Wellness Center6767 E. 39th Ave., Ste 105Denver, CO 80207(720) 877-5216


    Aordable Medicine orColorado Patients5650 E. Evans Ave., #405Denver, CO 80222(720) 275-1845

    Doctors Orders5068 N. Federal Blvd.Denver, CO 80221(303) 433-0276

    Elite CannabisTherapeutics6401 N. Broadway, Unit JDenver, CO 80221(303) 650-4005

    Green Medical ReerralsClinic -- Denver5115 Federal Blvd., #9Denver, CO 80221(303) 495-5000

    Natures Choice2128 S. Albion St.

    Denver, CO 80222(720) 447-3271

    The Healing HousePharmac123 W. Alameda Ave.Denver, Colorado 80223(720) 389-6490


    Alive Herbal Medicine4573 Pecos St.Denver, CO 80211(720) 945-9543

    Altitude OrganicMedicine1716 Boulder St.Denver, CO 80211(970) 691-1661

    B*GOODS MMJApothecar80 S. Pennsylvania St.Denver, CO 80209(303) 803-8256or (303) 777-5239

    BC Inc.4206 W. 38th Ave.

    Denver, CO 80212(720) 988-3184

    Biocare2899 N. Speer Blvd., Ste 105Denver, CO 80211(303) 455-3187

    Chronic Wellness3928 Federal Blvd.Denver, CO 80211(303) 455-6500

    DenCo5830 W. 38th Ave.Denver, CO 80212

    (303) 518-0303Denco AlternativeMedicine2828 Speer Blvd., #117Denver, CO 80211(303) 433-2266

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    "Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at:[email protected]

    DISPENSARy Listing


    Doc Dans4785 Tejon St., Unit 101Denver, CO 80211(720) 276-5956

    Grass Roots Healthand Wellness2832 W. 44th Ave.

    Denver, CO 80211(720) 838-7637

    Herbal Connections2209 W. 32nd Ave.Denver, CO 80211(720) 999-6295

    Herbal Spa4347 Tennyson St.Denver, CO 80212(303) 339-0116

    Herbal Wellness, Inc.3870 N. Federal Blvd.Denver, CO 80211

    (720) 299-1919

    Highland Health2727 Bryant St., Ste 420Denver, CO 80211(303) 455-0810

    Highland HerbalConnections2209 W. 32 Ave.Denver, CO 80211(720) 999-6295

    Highland SquaresApothecar3460 W. 32nd Ave.

    Denver, CO 80211(303) 433-3346

    Local Caregiverso Colorado5316 Sheridan Blvd.Denver, CO 80214(720) 233-5482

    Mar Jaz NaturalTherapeutics4900 W. 46th Ave.Denver, CO 80212(720) 855-7451

    Roc MountainPatient Services934 S. Federal Blvd.Denver, CO 80211(720) 882-5521

    Sunnside AlternativeMedicine1406 W. 38th Ave.Denver, CO 80211(303) 720-6761

    Sweet Lea Inc.5100 W. 38th Ave.Denver, CO 80212(303) 480-5323

    The Cosmic Compan3460 W.32nd Ave.Denver, CO 80211

    (303) 433-3346

    The Giving Tree o Denver2707 W. 38th Ave.Denver, CO 80211(303) 477-8888

    The ReLea Center2000 W. 32nd Ave.Denver, CO 80211(303) 458-LEAF (5323)

    The Tea Pot Lounge2008 Federal Blvd.Denver, CO 80211(303) 656-9697

    Total Health Concepts2059 Bryant St.Denver, C