Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    8e f]Z`Xc glYc`ZXk`fe f] k_\Bli[`jkXe I\^`feXc >fm\ied\ek

    Bli[`jkXe@ E M < J K @ E ; < D F : I 8 : P )'((

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    Asiacell is the first and only telecom operator to extend

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    its coverage to all 18 governorates of Iraq.

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    ATCONZ (est. 2000) was formed in Auckland,New Zealand as the consulting trading companyto provide commercial services to the market ofIraq, and soon the Iraq New Zealand TradeCenter was formed. As the country wentthrough change in 2004, BITCO (BaghdadInternational Trading Co. Ltd.) was formed andhas since delivered more than 100 contracts forUS and Iraqi governments.

    In 2006 ATCONZ opened a branch in Erbil City,the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, for Investmentand Real Estate Development. Also, a newATCONZ headquarters opened in Dubai, UAE.

    Today, the New Azadi residential project,north of Erbil City, is underway with more than1,600 houses, and setting new standards in theKurdistan Region.

    ATCONZ Group strives to be The ProfessionalSolution Provider of Choice.

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011



    Xi\k_ JkXej\c[fm\ied\ek# C`YiXip f] :fe^i\jj#Gi\jj 8jjfZ`Xk fe# G_fkfc`YiXip# I\lk\ij

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    Welcome to the American Village, the one and only exclusive residentialdevelopment in Kurdistan. Re ned design, unrivalled quality in the safe andbeautiful surroundings of Tarin Hil ls, only 15km from Erbil .Our residents are already enjoying the best facilities in town. Everything and all theservices you need are here in this fully independent and self-suf cient community.

    Come now, choose your dream villa and customize it with our architects team,and we will deliver it within six months.

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    BLI;@JK8E1 @EM

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    The success of DNO in Kurdistan is mainly due to thecooperation between the regional authorities and DNO,represented through the management committee.

    As an international oil company with decades of experience,DNO has been dedicated to ensuring constant progress towards

    the early expor t of crude oil from Kurdistan for the bene t of the Iraqi people and all stakeholders.

    The outstanding contribution of KRG towards exercising thehighest security measures has been key to DNOs success in

    mobilising international oil-related service providers to work inKurdistan. The Security Commander of Dohuk Governorate, Mr.Said Shengaly, has ensured a secure work environment for all,right from the day of DNOs inception in the region.

    The contribution of the government-trained personnel has beencritical for the DNOs success. They have not only assisted inproduction operations, but also trained other local personnel toenhance work performance; creating jobs for the local populationand bene ting the regions economy.

    The caTalysTs of our successcreaTing a beTTer Tomorrow

    Dno i t t asa

    Stranden 1, Aker Brygge, N-0250 OsloP.O. Box 1345 Vika, 0113 OsloNorway

    Phone: (+47) 23 23 84 80Fax: (+47) 23 23 84 81

    d @d .

    Dno i q as

    Of ce 3902, 39th Floor Shatha Tower, P.O. Box 502503Dubai Media City Dubai - UAE

    Phone: +971-4-3642620Fax: +971-4-3688447

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    BLI;@JK8E1 @EM\e\iXc ]fi k_\

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    PricewaterhouseCoopers has re reshed its branding in order tostrengthen, and modernise how it represents its worldwide network to itsclients, its people and the communities in which it operates.

    The emphasis on a new brand refects PwCs desire or a more uni edrepresentation across its global network. PwCs decision to make thischange now is testament to the companys growing success over the lastdecade, and highlights PwCs move to establish a concise consistent brandposition, making it easier or people to appreciate who we are, what wedo, and how we operate across markets.

    PricewaterhouseCoopers remains the ull name o the global organisationor legal purposes, and will be the name used by PwC rms to sign

    company audits.

    Creation o the new brand positioning was the work o PwCs Global Brand Team and its Network Leadership Team with assistance rom the globalbrand consultancy Wol Olins. PwCs global website, pwc.com, has beenredesigned to refect the changes.About PwCPwC rms provide industry- ocused assurance, tax and advisoryservices to enhance value or their clients. More than 163,000 peoplein 151 countries in rms across the PwC network share their thinking,experience and solutions to develop resh perspectives and practicaladvice.

    PwC is the brand under which member rms o PricewaterhouseCoopersInternational Limited (PwCIL) operate and provide services. Together,


    these rms orm the PwC network. Each rm in the network is a separatelegal entity and does not act as agent o PwCIL or any other member rm.PwCIL does not provide any services to clients. PwCIL is not responsible orliable or the acts or omissions o any o its member rms nor can it controlthe exercise o their pro essional judgment or bind them in any way.

    PwC in Central and Eastern EuropePwC Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has achieved much since its creation

    more than ten years ago. As a rm, we have been active in some territorieso CEE or nearly 20 years our Hungarian o ce opened in 1989, we werein Russia in 1990, and Poland and Czechoslovakia (as it was then) in 1991.By the mid-1990s, we had o ces in most o the major territories o CEE aswe now know it.

    PwC across the world Today, more than 7,000 people in practices across 29 countries and48 o ces work together in assurance, advisory, and tax and legal services. They are committed to delivering lasting solutions to client issues,providing insights into their business and helping them to capitalise onopportunities. We are the only Big Four rm to have a ully integratednetwork spanning CEE and CIS countries. This helps us to provide aseamless service or our clients and means greater international exposureand mobility or our people.

    PwC in AzerbaijanPwC Azerbaijan currently has more than 120 sta serving an extensivelist o national and international clients. Besides, PricewaterhouseCoopersenjoys an unrivalled presence in the region, with o ces in Almaty andAstana (Kazakhstan), Tbilisi (Georgia), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Tashkent(Uzbekistan), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia). The client base has grown along with PwC and covers all sectors o theeconomy, including energy, nancial services, consumer and industrialproducts, telecommunications and services.

    For urther in ormation about our services:The Landmark Ofce Plaza III12th Floor90A Nizami StreetBaku AZ1010Azerbaijan

    Tel: +994 (12) 497 2515Fax: +994 (12) 497 7411www.pwc.com/az/en

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    () =FI8J# 8E; _Xj XZk`m\cp]XZ`c`kXk\[ \Zfefd`Z [`m\ij`ZXk`fe% N\ _Xm\ Zi\Xk\[ XeXkkiXZk`m\ `em\jkd\ek cXn# n_`Z_ gcXZ\j k_\ gi`mXk\ j\ZkZ\ek\i f] fli \Zfefdp% N\ XZk`m\cp gifdfk\ ]fi\`^e [`i\Zk`em\jkd\ek Xe[ gi`mXk\ \ek\igi`j\ `e dfjk \c[j# Xe[ _Xm\g`fe\\i\[ `dgifm\d\ekj `e \jj\ek`Xc j\im`Z\j jlZ_ Xj \c\Zki`Z`kp#ifX[j# Zc\Xe nXk\i# Xe[ `e]iXjkilZkli\% K_\ i\jlckj jg\Xb ]fik_\dj\cm\jn\ efn _Xm\ Xggifo`dXk\cp (' k`d\j dfi\\c\Zki`Z`kp g\i _fli k_Xe k_\ i\jk f] @iXh# Xe[ n\ Xcjf _XmZ`k`\j Xe[ ^ifn`e^ `e[ljki`\j%

    Jk`cc# dlZ_ f] k_\ I\^`fej gfk\ek`Xc `j lekXgg\[% 8j X\d\i^`e^ dXib\k# n\ gfjj\jj m\ip XkkiXZk`m\ Xjg\Zkj1 lekXgg\eXkliXc i\jfliZ\j2 `eZi\Xj`e^ [\dXe[ Xe[ gliZ_Xj`e^ gfn\i2fggfikle`kp ]fi ^ifle[$c\m\c `em\jkd\ek2 X iXg`[cp ^ifn`e^ \ZfefdXe[ ^fm\ied\ek jlggfik ]fi gi`mXk\$j\Zkfi XZk`m`kp Xe[ `eefmYlj`e\jj jfclk`fej% @em\jkfij j_flc[ \ogcfi\ k_\ fggfikle`k`\j n\f]]\i `e X^i`Zlckli\# c`^_k `e[ljkip Xe[ dXel]XZkli`e^# k\Z_efc

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    k_\ i\jk f] @iXhX gcXZ\ kf Zfee\Zk kf k_\ \Zfefd`Z gfk\ek`e k_\ i\jk f] k_\ Zflekip% 9lk @ Y\c`\m\ `k `j Y\kk\i ]fi `Zfej`[\i fli I\^`fe Xj X YXj\ `e @iXhX gcXZ\ n_\i\ jlYjkXe`em\jkd\ek Xe[ gifa\Zkj ZXe Y\ le[\ikXb\e% N\ cffb ]finXi[k_\ [Xp n_\e k_\ i\jk f] @iXh \eafpj fli c\m\c f] j\Zli`kp XejkXY`c`kp# \eXYc`e^ idj n`k_ Xe \jkXYc`j_\[ gi\j\eZ\ `e k_Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe kf \ogXe[ k_ifl^_flk k_\ @iXh` dXib\k%

    JF:@8C >IFNK? 8E; I

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011



  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    Ster CompanyProvides a wide-range o all-inclusive services and supportto industrial, commercial and government clients.

    Ster InsuranceWas ounded in 2004 and is the largest private insurancecompany in Iraq and Kurdistan.

    Kani WaterPure natural mineral water. Produced in Bekhal in Kurdistan.www.kani-water.com

    Employment opportunities available at StergroupE-mail us at [email protected] or visit www.karoxjobs.com

    TarinNet started in 2005 as a WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider) in Erbil. Today it covers25 cities and towns in Kurdistan with many additional services. TarinNet is now the biggest ISPand WISP company in our region with the best network coverage.

    TarinNetIs part o the Ster Group and provides internet services inKurdistan.

    Ster SecurityIs a leading provider o security services. Together with Vanguardwe provide both local and oreign clients with the best solutions.

    Control Dept. : Sales Dept. Erbil :Sales Dept. Duhok :Website : www.tarinnet.netE-mail : in [email protected] o


    Next to VSAT, WiFi, VoIP and Intranet services we now also provideHigh-Speed Fiber Internet Connections in Duhok and Erbil.

    Our clients include the consumer market, the business market,universities and industrial clients. We also serve all the governmentagencies belonging to the KRG.

    With more than a 150 companies, the government, universitiesand 20,000 home users, we are the biggest player in the market.


    +964 (0) 66 256 4562+964 (0) 750 418 3060+964 (0) 750 414 5303

    [email protected] [email protected] o

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    Group of companies are leaders in:

    Water and Sewage system (EPC, Water networks, Water treatment, Telemetric, Pipe connection)

    SCADA system Oil utility projects Irrigation Construction (Tunnels, Bridges, General buildings

    and road construction) Dam construction and Dam Project Management Power generation

    Priman St, Soresh Q.Erbil, Iraq

    www.hardam-co.com [email protected] www.ev-yol.com www.omrab.caMobile: 00964 750 1331 567 / 00964 770 6500 402 L/L: 00964 66 259 3433

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011



    8j k_\ Gi`d\ D`e`jk\i f] k_\ BI># `k `j dp ^i\Xk gc\Xjli\ kfn\cZfd\ k_`j glYc`ZXk`fe# n_`Z_ `j X[[i\jj\[ kf k_fj\ `ek\i\jk\[ `ebefn`e^ dfi\ XYflk fli i\dXibXYc\ i\^`fe% Bli[`jkXe `ji\dXibXYc\ ]fi dXep i\Xjfejefk c\Xjk k_Xk Bli[`jkXe Xe[ `kjg\fgc\j _Xm\ Y\\e kiXej]fid\[ fm\i k_\ cXjk knf [\ZX[\j%K_Xeb]lccp# Bli[`jkXe `j X kfkXccp [`]]\i\ek gcXZ\ kf n_Xk `j nXj `e(00(% @] pfl _X[ m`j`k\[ lj k_\eefk k_Xk `k nXj m\ip \Xjp kf [f jfn`k_ k_\ @iXh` [`ZkXkfij_`g YcfZbX[`e^ ljk_\ jZ\e\ pfl nflc[_Xm\ Y\\e d\k n`k_ nflc[ _Xm\ Y\\e fe\ f] [\mXjkXk`fe ZXlj\[Yp p\Xij f] Zfe`Zk Xe[ fggi\jj`fe# Xe[ k_\ dXe`]\jkXk`fej f]XYlj\ Yp X Z\ekiXc ^fm\ied\ek k_Xk nXj Xk `kj Y\jk `e[`]]\i\ek# Xe[Xk `kj nfijk m`fc\ekcp _fjk`c\# kf k_\ n\c]Xi\ f] k_\ Bli[j% @ jXp k_`jefk kf ^X`e pfli jpdgXk_p# Ylk Y\ZXlj\ `k `j `dgfikXekm`kXccp`dgfikXekk_Xk n\ i\d\dY\i ]ifd n_\i\ n\ jkXik\[ `e fi[\i kfle[\ijkXe[ Zc\Xicp n_\i\ n\ Xi\ ^f`e^%

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    your people should do

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    +964 (0) 750 4487503spectrummideast.com

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011



  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    Integrated solutions from PetrofacPetrofac is a leading international provider of facilities solutions to the oil & gas industry.It provides specialist well engineering, drilling and project management solutions; state-

    of-the-art engineering services and consultancy; designs and constructs oil & gasfacilities; operates, maintains and manages facilities; provides world-class competencyassessment and training across the asset lifecycle; and brings technology solutions via a rangeof consultancies (Engineering Services, Eclipse, Caltec, SPD, Plant Asset Management).

    Petrofac provides integrated solutions to meet customer needs and is willing to co-investto develop upstream and infrastructure projects where it can apply its service capability.

    To learn more, visit www.petrofac.com or call +44 207 811 4748

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    )) =FI

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines:your choice for Erbil

    If you are travelling to Erbil, AustrianAirlines and Lufthansa offer youa choice of nine ights a week via

    either Frankfurt or Vienna.

    From Vienna, Austrian Airlines iesdirect ve times a week - Mondays,Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays andSaturdays with a fight time o 3 hours40 minutes.

    Lufthansa operates four direct ights a week to Erbil from Frankfurt on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdaysand Sundays with a ight time of around 4 hours 30 minutes.

    Both airlines offer Business andEconomy C lass to Erbil. Whichevertravel class you choose, your fareincludes all taxes, fees and charges,a free baggage allowance, freeseat reservation, free refreshments,comfortable seats with plenty of legroom and the excellent service youwould expect from one of the worldsleading airline groups.

    To book, visitlufthansa.com or austrian.com

    Save time with online or mobile check-in

    To save time at the airport, you cancheck in online from 23 hours before

    departure, choose your seat and printout your boarding pass at home or at theof ce. O nce at the airport, simply checkin your luggage at the Austrian Airlines orLufthansa baggage drop-off counter andgo straight to security.

    Even more conveniently you can check inen-route on your internet-enabled mobilephone and have your boarding passsent to your phone. Simply place the 2Dbarcode on the scanner at your gate whenyou are ready to board.

    Earn frequent yer miles on ightsWith M iles & M ore, you can earn valuableaward miles on ights with Austrian,Lufthansa and many other airline partners,as well as with a large number of partnersoutside the airline industry. T hese miles canthen be exchanged for a wide variety of rewards, from hotels to rental cars. For moreinformation, visit www.miles-and-more.com

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    )- 89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    Gif]\jjfi >Xi\k_ JkXej\c[ `ek\im`\nj Gi`d\ D`e`jk\i;i 9Xi_Xd JXc`_

    Gi`d\ D`e`jk\i# n_Xk `j pfli m`j`fe ]fi Bli[`jkXe6

    Dp m`j`fe `j j`dgc\`k `j kf j\\ Bli[`jkXe k_i`m\ Xj X ]\[\iXc i\^`fef] k_\ @iXh` jkXk\% =fi k_`j kf _Xgg\e# @iXh Xj X n_fc\ _Xj kf Y\g\XZ\]lc# jkXYc\# [\dfZiXk`Z`e j_fik# X jkXk\ `e n_`Z_ Bli[`jkXeZXe XZ_`\m\ `kj gfk\ek`Xc kf k_\ ]lcc n`k_flk ]\Xi# `ek`d`[Xk`fe#k_i\Xk fi _`e[iXeZ\% 9lk Bli[`jkXe Xcjf _Xj kf Y\ Xe X^\ek `e `kjfne jlZZ\jj% N\ e\\[ kf Yl`c[ jljkX`eXYc\ \Zfefd`Z jkilZkli\j#`dgifm\ k_\ jkXe[Xi[ f] c`m`e^ f] fli g\fgc\# Xe[ jki`m\ kfnXi[j`ejk`klk`feXc`q`e^ fli [\dfZiXk`Z gifZ\jj\j Xe[ gifZ\[li\j]lik_\i# lek`c k_\p Y\Zfd\ efidj ]fi fli jfZ`\kp Xe[ fli gfc`k`ZXcc`]\% Dp m`j`fe ]fi Bli[`jkXe `j efk kf j\\ `k Xj Jn`kq\icXe[# efi kfj\\ j gcXej kf [\m\cfg k_\I\^`fe kf k_\ ]lcc# n_Xk nflc[ `k Y\6

    @k nflc[ Y\ \Xjp \efl^_ kf gf`ek `dd\[`Xk\cp kf k_\ `em\jkd\ekn\ _Xm\ dX[\ `e k_\ _p[ifZXiYfej j\Zkfi# Xe[ `k nflc[ Y\ Zfii\Zkkf [f jf% Fli gfc`Zp `e k_`j j\Zkfi _Xj Y\\e YiXm\# jlZZ\jj]lc# Xe[n`cc ^f ]ifd jki\e^k_ kf jki\e^k_ `e k_\ ]lkli\% ?fn\m\i# k_\i\ `jfe\ `e`k`Xk`m\ n\ Xi\ glijl`e^ k_Xk j_flc[ Y\ Zfej`[\i\[ \m\edfi\ `dgfikXek `e k\idj f] _fn n\ X`d kf [\m\cfg fli I\^`fe%K_`j `j k_\ `em\jkd\ek n\ Xi\ dXb`e^ `e fli _ldXe i\jfliZ\j%

    J\kk`e^ X Zflij\ ]fijkXY`c`kp Xe[ jlZZ\jj

    Fli ^fXc `j kf kXg k_\ \e\i^p# \eki\gi\e\lij_`g# Zi\Xk`m`kp# X`ek\cc`^\eZ\ f] fli g\fgc\% N\ n`cc [f k_`j Yp dXb`e^ jli\ k_X]lkli\ ^\e\iXk`fej n`cc Y\ gifm`[\[ n`k_ k_\ Y\jk \[lZXk`feXe[ k_Xk fli g\fgc\ ZXe jXk`j]p k_\ [\dXe[j f] \dgcfp\ij%

    K_Xk `j# `e[\\[# Xe `dgi\jj m\ ^fXc% :flc[ pfl \ogXe[ fe _fnpfl `ek\e[ kf XZ_`\m\ `k6

    N\ _Xm\ Xci\X[p Y\^le k_\ gifZ\jj f] `dgifm`e^ k_\ \[lZXk`feXe[ jb`ccj f] fli g\fgc\% 8[d`kk\[cp# `k `j X gifZ\jj k_Xk i\hdlZ_ `em\jkd\ek# fm\i jlZZ\jj`m\ p\Xij# Y\]fi\ Xe \e[ i\jlck `jj\\e% ?fn\m\i# k_\ gif^i\jj n\ _Xm\ dX[\ `j Zc\Xi ]fi Xcc kf:fej`[\i k_\ _`^_\i$\[lZXk`fe j\Zkfi# ]fi \oXdgc\% @e (00(# k_nXj fecp fe\ le`m\ij`kp `e k_\ \ek`i\ I\^`feJXcX_X[`e Le`m\ij`e

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    )/ 89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    lg kf X c\m\c k_Xk `j Zfdd\ejliXk\ n`k_ k_\ `ek\ieXk`feXcZfddle`kp% N\ e\\[ kf \ogfj\ fli Yi`^_k\jk d`e[j kf \og\i`\eZ\jXZifjj k_\ nfic[ jf k_Xk k_\p ZXe i\klie kf Bli[`jkXe Xe[ Y\^`e k_\gifZ\jj f] Yl`c[`e^ fli fne ZXgXZ`k`\j% N`k_ k_`j `e d`e[# k_\ BI>_Xj cXleZ_\[ k_\ ('' d`cc`fe ?ldXe :XgXZ`kp ;\m\cfgd\ekGif^iXd# n_`Z_ n`cc gifm`[\ jZ_fcXij_`gj ]fi jkl[\ekj kf jkl[pdXjk\ij Xe[ [fZkfiXc [\^i\\j Xk i\efne\[ `ek\ieXk`feXcle`m\ij`k`\j% N\ e\\[ kf Y\ ]fZlj\[ Xe[ [`jZ`gc`e\[ Xe[ kf k_`ebX_\X[ kf \ejli\ k_Xk fli g\fgc\ i\Z\`m\ k_\ Y\jk kiX`e`e^ k_\p ZXe#Xe[ k_Xk k_\`i \og\i`\eZ\j Y\e\k k_\ i\jk f] Bli[`jkXe%

    @e pfli \Xic`\i ]fi\nfi[# pfl Xccl[\[ kf k_\ k\ii`Yc\ Zfe[`k`fej\m`[\ek `e Bli[`jkXe `e k_\ (00'j% ?fn [f\j k_\ BI> gcXe kf

    `dgifm\ c`m`e^ jkXe[Xi[j `e Bli[`jkXe# Xk X k`d\ n_\e k_\gfglcXk`fe `j `eZi\Xj`e^# k_\ liYXe \em`ifed\ek `j \ogXe[`e^ Xe[\og\ZkXk`fej Xi\ Y\`e^ `eZi\Xj\[6

    K_`j `j# f] Zflij\# X Zi`k`ZXc hl\jk`fe# \jg\Z`Xccp n_\e k_\ BI> `j jf_\Xm`cp [\g\e[\ek lgfe k_\ i\m\el\ ^\e\iXk\[ Yp _p[ifZXiYfej%N\ Xi\ n\cc XnXi\ f] k_\ g`k]Xccj f] Yl`c[`e^ Xe \Zfefdp jf[\g\e[\ek lgfe fe\ jfliZ\# Xe[ n\ e\\[ kf [f \m\ipk_`e^ n\ ZXekf \dYiXZ\ k_\ Y\e\kj f] k_`j Xe[ elcc`]p `kj gifYc\dj% =`ijkcp# n\_Xm\ kf \ejli\ k_Xk fli g\fgc\ _Xm\ jXk`j]XZkfip gcXZ\j `e n_`Z_kf c`m\% K_`j jfle[j fYm`flj# Ylk n_\e gcXZ\[ `e k_\ Zfek\ok f] k_\[\jkilZk`fe nifl^_k fe Bli[`jkXe fm\i k_\ [\ZX[\j# k_\ Yl`c[`e^ f]

    e\n _fd\j `j f] gXiXdflek `dgfikXeZ\% N\ j`dgcp e\\[ kf\ejli\ k_Xk k_\ YXj`Z i\hl`i\d\ekj kf c`m\ X i\XjfeXYc\# _fefc`]\ Xi\ XmX`cXYc\ kf k_\ Z`k`q\ej f] k_\ I\^`fe% K_\i\]fi\#_flj`e^ j\Zkfi# k_\ BI> _Xj XccfZXk\[ Xe \jk`dXk\[ (.' d`cc]fi k_\ j\Zfe[ g_Xj\ f] jlggfik ]fi k_\ ?flj`e^ =le[k_\gligfj\ f] n_`Z_ `j kf Yl`c[ .#''' _flj`e^ le`kj XZifjj k_\ I\^`fe`e Zffg\iXk`fe n`k_ `em\jkfij%

    @k `j Xcjf XYjfclk\cp `dg\iXk`m\ k_Xk n\ `dgifm\ glYj\im`Z\j `e ^\e\iXc% K_`j `j X dXafi le[\ikXb`e^ `e[\\[% Bli[ef cfe^\i X cXi^\cp iliXc jfZ`\kp% Fli Z`k`\j Xi\ cXi^\# fli keld\iflj# p\k k_\ glYc`Z j\im`Z\j XmX`cXYc\ n`k_`e k_\d Xi\#Y\jk# _Xg_XqXi[ `e k_\`i fi^Xe`qXk`fe# Xe[# Xk nfijk# efe$J`eZ\ (00(# n\ _Xm\ [flYc\[ k_\ eldY\i f] fli _fjg`kXcj kf ,'#Xe[ dfi\ k_Xe ki`gc\[ k_\ g_pj`Z`Xej n\ _Xm\ kf Xifle[ *#-''dXep [`]]\i\ek jg\Z`Xc`qXk`fej% N\ _Xm\ Yl`ck Xifle[ 0''bd fifX[j Xe[ `ejkXcc\[ Xifle[ +#''' [i`eb`e^ nXk\i gifa\Zkj% @eX[[`k`fe# n\ _Xm\ ZfejkilZk\[ dfi\ k_Xe -#/''bd f] j\n\iX^\^i`[j `e Xcc fli Z`k`\j Xe[ kfnej% K_`j `j `dgi\jj`m\# Ylk `kjkXik% N\ _Xm\ dlZ_ kf ZXkZ_ lg fe%

    Jf# Gi`d\ D`e`jk\i# n_\e `k Zfd\j kf m`\n`e^ Bli[`jkXej ]lkli\#`j k_\ ^cXjj _Xc]$]lcc fi _Xc]$\dgkp6

    @k `j m\ip dlZ_ fm\ifn`e^% @ [fek n`j_ kf jfle[ fm\iZfeYlk k_\i\ `j c`kkc\ kf jl^^\jk k_Xk Bli[`jkXej ]lkli\ j_flc[ efm`\n\[ `e Xepk_`e^ fk_\i k_Xe gfj`k`m\ k\idj% @ Z_Xcc\e^\[\kiXZkfij kf gf`ek kf Xep jf$ZXcc\[ gifYc\d k_Xk Bli[`jkXeK_\p jXp Klib\p fggfj\j lj# p\k Klib\p `j fe\ f] fli dfjkgifd`e\ek kiX[\ gXike\ij2 k_\p jXp 8iXY jkXk\j fggfj\ lj# p\kk_\p Xi\ fg\e`e^ ZfejlcXk\j `e

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    89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    ;Xm`[ IfdXef# Gif]\jjfi f] D`[[c\

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    *' 89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    jkXe[ Xj X k\jkXd\ek kf n_Xk j\c]$[\k\id`eXk`fe `e k_\ _Xe[j f]^ff[ c\X[\ij ZXe XZZfdgc`j_ `e \m\e X j_fik k`d\% K_\ ijk ]i\\Xe[ ]X`i \c\Zk`fej \m\i _\c[ `e @iXh fZZlii\[ `e (00)# ifl^_cpjgc`kk`e^ k_\ mfk\ Y\kn\\e k_\ Bli[`jkXe ;\dfZiXk`Z GXikp B;GXe[ GXki`fk`Z Le`fe f] Bli[`jkXe GLB %

    N_\e @ ijk m`j`k\[ k_\ I\^`fe `e k_\ jldd\i f] (00+# k_\]\n g\fgc\ \ek\i`e^ ]ifd flkj`[\ ^\e\iXccp Yifl^_k n`k_ k_\dYffbj fe Xep kfg`Z Xe[ `e Xep cXe^lX^\ # d\[`Z`e\# Xe[ n_Xk\m\iZfejld\i ^ff[j k_\p Zflc[ ZXiip% Bli[`jkXe i\dX`e\[ jlYa\Zk kf

    knf j\kj f] jXeZk`fejk_\ `ek\ieXk`feXc jXeZk`fej `dgfj\[ fe@iXh# Xe[ 9X^_[X[j fne jXeZk`fej `dgfj\[ fe k_\ Bli[`j_Xlkfefdflj Xi\X% N`k_ k_\ c`kkc\ i\jfliZ\j XmX`cXYc\# ]\n c`ebj kfk_\ flkj`[\ nfic[ k_`j nXj Y\]fi\ n`[\jgi\X[ `ek\ie\k XZZ\jj #`ek\id`kk\ek \c\Zki`Z`kp# Xe[ Xe `ej\Zli\ Xe[ k\elflj gfc`k`ZXcjkXklj# @ jXn @iXh` Bli[j Ylj`cp i\Yl`c[`e^ k_\`i jfZ`\kp% @ kiXm\c\[n`k_ X Bli[`j_ [fZkfi kf ZXdgj f] g\fgc\ [`jgcXZ\[ Yp JX[[XdjZXdgX`^ej f] k_\ (0/'j# nXkZ_`e^ n`k_ XdXq\d\ek Xj _\ ki\Xk\[gXk`\ekj n`k_ _`j m\ip c`d`k\[ XiiXp f] jlggc`\j% @ n`ke\jj\[ Z`m`cjfZ`\kp jkXik`e^ kf \d\i^\# n`k_ i\fg\e\[ le`m\ij`k`\j# e\ne\njgXg\ij# Xe[ gif]\jj`feXc XjjfZ`Xk`fej jgiflk`e^ lg `e QXb_f#;l_fb#

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    *89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    8 b\p gcXp\i `e Yl`c[`e^ Xdf[\ie# ]\[\iXc @iXh

    K_\ i\^`fe _Xj Y\\e `dgfikXek `e jk\\i`e^ k_\

    Zfejfc`[Xk`fe f] k_\ @iXh` jkXk\# ni`k\j HlYX[ KXcXYXe`#BI> i\gi\j\ekXk`m\ `e k_\ LJ

    K_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe [f\j efk \o`jk `e X mXZlld% @k `j gXik f] k_\n`[\i j\kk`e^ f] @iXh Xe[# Xj jlZ_# _Xj Y\\e Xe `dgfikXek c\X[\i `ek_\ Yl`c[`e^ f] k_\ e\n jkXk\# `kj \Zfefdp# Xe[ e\n gfc`k`ZXcjkilZkli\j% K_`j i\cXk`fej_`g `j jpdY`fk`Z`k `j [`]Zlck kf `dX^`e\k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe Y\`e^ j\gXiXk\ ]ifd @iXh# X ]\[\iXc @iXh# aljkXj `k `j efn aljk Xj _Xi[ kf Zfej`[\i @iXh jlYal^Xk`e^ k_\ Bli[`jkXeI\^`fe `e k_\ ^i`\mflj nXpj Zfdd`kk\[ Yp gi\$)''*^fm\ied\ekj% K_`j i\cXk`fej_`g `j efn efk fe\ Z_XiXZk\i`q\[ Yp XZ\ek\i Xe[ X g\i`g_\ip# fi k_\ Bli[j Y\`e^ jlYfi[`eXk\ kf k_\

    ^i\Xk\i gfn\i f] k_\ Z\ekiXc jkXk\ ]Xi ]ifd `k% K_\ :fejk

    )'', `j ni`kk\e `e jlZ_ X nXp k_Xk gif_`Y`kj jlZ_ X [\m\cfgdfZZlii`e^% @k `j fe\ f] gXike\ij_`g Xe[ dlklXc Y\e\k# n`k_`e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe\Zfefd`ZXccp# gfc`k`ZXccp# jfZ`Xccp_Xm`e^ X gfj`k`m\ `dgXZk lgfe k_\ \ek`i\kp f] @iXh# Xe[i\$\d\i^\eZ\ Xe[ i\_XY`c`kXk`fe f] k_\ @iXh` jkXk\ Xj X ]\[\[\dfZiXk`q`e^# gcliXc`jk`Z jkXk\ lck`dXk\cp Y\e\k`e^ Xcc @`eZcl[`e^ k_fj\ `e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe%

    K_\ ifX[ kf k_`j gf`ek _Xj efk Y\\e \Xjp# Xe[ k_\i\ i\dZ_Xcc\e^\j X_\X[ ]fi Bli[`jkXe Xe[ ]fi @iXh% K_\ Bli[`jkXe`e )''*# _X[ dfi\ k_Xe X [\ZX[\ f] \og\i`\eZ\ f] \o`jk`e^Xlkfefdfljcp ]ifd k_\ i\jk f] @iXh# Y\`e^ ^fm\ie\[ Xe[X[d`e`jk\i\[ Yp k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`feXc >fm\ied\ek BI> j`eZ\

    An ofcial closes a ballot box in Sulaimania at theend of voting in the 2010 parliamentary elections

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    *) 89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    k_\ ]fidXk`fe f] k_\ Bli[`jkXe EXk`feXc 8jj\dYcp BE8 ]fccfn`e^dlck`$gXikp \c\Zk`fej `e (00)% K_\ [\ZX[\ X]k\i (00) nXj efk \Xjp]fi Bli[`jkXe\o`jk`e^ le[\i LE jXeZk`fej `dgfj\[ X^X`ejk @iXh#le[\i k_\ 9XXk_ i\^`d\j jXeZk`fej X^X`ejk k_\ i\^`fe# Xe[ _Xm`e^kf ]XZ\ k_\ ZfejkXek `ek\im\ek`fej f] e\`^_Yfi`e^ gfn\ij% P\k k_\i\^`fe jcfncp# Ylk jli\cp# jkXY`c`q\[% @kj \[^c`e^ `ejk`klk`fejdXkli\[ Xe[ k_\ n`[\i D`[[c\

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    89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    >Xi\k_ JkXej\c[# Gif]\jjfi f] D`[[c\

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    *+ 89FLK BLI;@JK8E

    dfi\ Zfe[\ek# cffb`e^ ]finXi[ `e nXpj k_Xk n\i\ j`dgcp

    `dgfjj`Yc\ `e gi\m`flj [\ZX[\j% Ef cfe^\i [f k_\p c`m\ `e ]\Xi f]k_\ 9XXk_ i\^`d\ Xe[ `kj j\Zli`kp fi^Xe`qXk`fej# Xe[ k_\pi\Zf^e`q\ k_Xk# n_`c\ dXkk\ij `e @iXh i\dX`e [`]Zlck# k_\ Bli[`j_gfj`k`fe n`k_`e `k ^lXiXek\\j k_Xk `k `j m`iklXccp `dgfjj`Yc\ ]fi k_\gi\m`flj k\ii`Yc\ `dgfj`k`fe f] Xlk_fi`kXi`Xe ilc\ kf i\klie%

    K_`j e\n]fle[ ]i\\[fd# Zflgc\[ n`k_ Xe \Zfefdp k_Xk _Xj[\m\cfg\[ j`^e`ZXekcp j`eZ\ k_\ ]Xcc f] k_\ [`ZkXkfij_`g# _Xj`em`^fiXk\[ Bli[`jkXej jfZ`\kp%

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    D`Z_X\c D >lek\i Xjj\jj\j k_\ [\m\cfg`e^ i\cXk`fej_`gjY\kn\\e k_\ I\^`fe Xe[ `kj e\Xi e\`^_Yfij# Xj n\cc Xj

    ^ifn`e^ k`\j n`k_ k_\ Le`k\[ JkXk\j Xe[ %

    CFFB@E> =FIN8I; E\m\i Y\]fi\ _Xm\ k_\ Bli[j Y\\e XYc\kf fYkX`e X c\^Xccp i\Zf^e`q\[ \ek`kp f] k_\ jkXkli\ f] k_\ BI>%=lik_\idfi\# Bli[`jkXe jkXe[j flk Xj Xe `jcXe[ f] i\cXk`m\ g\XZ\Xe[ gifjg\i`kp `e Xe @iXh jk`cc XYcXq\ n`k_ m`fc\eZ\ Xe[ \Zfefd`ZdXcX`j\% P\k 8iXY @iXh i\dX`ej k_\ BI>j gXike\i `e k_\ gifa\Zk f]Yl`c[`e^ X [\dfZiXk`Z ]\[\iXc @iXh% 8j jlZ_# k_\ i\cXk`fej_`gY\kn\\e @E> 8KK@KL;

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    *- JK89@C@KP

    K_`j `j \jg\Z`Xccp kil\ f] k_\ Le`k\[ JkXk\j# ^`m\e `kj Xcc$`dgfikXekifc\ `e Zi\Xk`e^ Xe[ jlggfik`e^ Bli[`jkXe# \m`[\eZ\[ Yp Bli[`jkXe\jkXYc`j_`e^ X i\gi\j\ekXk`m\ f]Z\ `e NXj_`e^kfe# ;:%

    @e X[[`k`fe# `e AXelXip )'('# Gi\j`[\ek 9XiqXe` m`j`k\[ k_\LJ ZXg`kXc% 8cjf# `e J\gk\dY\i )'('# ;i =lX[ ?ljj\`e# :_`\] f]JkX]] kf Gi\j`[\ek 9XiqXe`# Xe[ =XcX_ 9Xb`i# k_\ ?\X[ f] Bli[`jkXej;\gXikd\ek f] =fi\`^e I\cXk`fej# Zfe[lZk\[ X j\i`\j f] d\\k`e^jn`k_ LJ ^fm\ied\ek f]Z`Xcj `e Yfk_ k_\ \o\Zlk`m\ Xe[ c\^`jcXk`m\

    YiXeZ_\j% =lik_\idfi\# Klib\pj fe^f`e^ XZZ\jj`fe gifZ\jjn`k_ k_\

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    KiXejZ\e[`e^ k_\gfc`k`Zj f] Zfe]ifekXk`fe

    Klib\pj `eZi\Xj\[ fg\ee\jj `e `kj XggifXZ_ kf i\cXk`fejn`k_ k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe _Xj i\Xg\[ jkiXk\^`Z Xe[\Zfefd`Z Y\e\kj ]fi Yfk_ j`[\j# ni`k\j C`Xd 8e[\ijfe

    Fe (( DXiZ_ )'('# Zfejlc ^\e\iXc 8p[`e J\cZ\e Xii`m\[ `e

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    */ JK89@C@KP

    K_\ jki\e^k_\e`e^ f] i\cXk`fejY\kn\\e 8ebXiX Xe[ k_Xk _Xj fZZlii\[fm\i k_\ cXjk Zflgc\ f] p\Xij% 8 i\cXk`fej_`g feZ\ Z_XiXZk\i`q\[ Yp

    `dgcXZXYc\ _fjk`c`kp Xe[ gleZklXk\[ Yp `eXddXkfip i_\kfi`Z _XjY\\e jlg\ij\[\[ Yp i\Zf^e`k`fe f] j_Xi\[ jkiXk\^`Z `ek\i\jk Xe[k_\ i\Xc`qXk`fe k_Xk Yfk_ j`[\j Xi\ Y\kk\i f]] Xj Xcc`\j k_Xe Xj\e\d`\j% ;i`m`e^ k_`j kiXej]fidXk`fe _Xj Y\\e X ]le[Xd\ekXci\ZXcZlcXk`fe fe 8ebXiXj gXik f] `kj jkiXk\^`Z Xe[ \Zfefd`Z`ek\i\jkj `e @iXh Xe[ k_\ i\^`fe Xj X n_fc\%

    ;fd\jk`ZXccp# k_\ Klib`j_ ^fm\ied\ekj XeefleZ\[ gfc`Zpf] [\dfZiXk`Z fg\e`e^ kfnXi[ `kj fne Bli[`j_ gfglcXk`fe `e8l^ljk )''0 `dgc`\[ X i\Zf^e`k`fe k_Xk k_\i\ Zflc[ Y\ ef gli\cpd`c`kXip jfclk`fe kf Klib\pj gi`Zbcp gifYc\d n`k_ k_\ GBB% @e Xepe\^fk`Xk\[ jfclk`fe# @iXhj Bli[`j_ c\X[\ij Xi\ c`b\cp kf gcXp X b\pifc\% =ifd X giX^dXk`Z g\ijg\Zk`m\# d\Xen_`c\# k_\ 8BG i\c`\j_\Xm`cp fe Bli[`j_ mfk\j kf jljkX`e `kj [fd`eXek gfj`k`fe `e Klib`j_gfc`k`Zj# gifm`[`e^ Xefk_\i `eZ\ek`m\ ]fi ]i`\e[cp i\cXk`fej n`k_ # k_\ Klib`j_ ^fm\ied\ek n`j\cp jn`kZ_\[ Zflij\[li`e^ )''/$'02 k_\i\X]k\i# X dfi\ jkl[`\[ Xe[ jkXk\jdXec`b\XggifXZ_ kf i\cXk`fej n`k_ k_\ BI> _Xj p`\c[\[ dXafi Y\e\kj ]fiKlib\p% K_\ `dd`e\ek [\gXikli\ f] 8d\i`ZXe kiffgj# d\Xen_`c\#n`cc Zi\Xk\ Xe `el\eZ\ mXZlld `e @iXh k_Xk i\^`feXc gfn\ij#efkXYcp @iXe# n`cc Zfdg\k\ kf cc% 8ebXiXj Y\jk _fg\ f] `el\eZ`e^\m\ekj `e 9X^_[X[ n`cc Y\ m`X ^ff[ i\cXk`fej n`k_ @iXh` Bli[j%?\eZ\# ]fi 8ebXiX# k_\ ifX[ kf 9X^_[X[ ilej k_ifl^_

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    Fggfikle`kp kf ]fi^\ id\i c`e

    K_\ Xci\X[p Zcfj\ i\cXk`fej_`g Y\kn\\e k_\ Bli[`jkXe

    I\^`fe Xe[ k_\ Le`k\[ JkXk\j `j j\k kf Y\Zfd\ jkife^\i#ni`k\j HlYX[ KXcXYXe`# BI> i\gi\j\ekXk`m\ `e k_\ LJ

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    =lik_\i# Xj X jpdYfc f] Zfek`el\[ ]i`\e[j_`g Xe[Zffg\iXk`fe Y\kn\\e k_\ LJ Xe[ k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe f]@iXh# :fe^i\jjd\e C`eZfce ;Xm`j ;\dfZiXk K\ee\jj\\Xe[ Af\ N`cjfe I\glYc`ZXe Jflk_ :Xifc`eX ]fidXccp Zi\X Bli[`j_ 8d\i`ZXe :fe^i\jj`feXc :XlZlj n`k_`e k_\ LJ ?flj\f] I\gi\j\ekXk`m\j# X`d\[ Xk jki\e^k_\e`e^ 8d\i`ZXj k`\jn`k_ k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe%

    President of the Kurdistan Region Masoud Barzani (thirdfrom left), at a meeting with US President Barack Obama

    in the Oval Ofce, Washington DC, in January 2010

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    +' JK89@C@KP

    Dfi\fm\i# k_\ Zfek`elflj LJ$BI> [`Xcf^l\ i\\Zkj j_Xi\[mXcl\j% Fe\ f] k_\ dXep jpdYfcj f] k_\ BI>j Zfdd`kd\ek kf[\m\cfgd\ek f] k_\ I\^`fe fe k_\ 8d\i`ZXe df[\c `j `kj Zi\Xk`fef] k_\ 8d\i`ZXe Le`m\ij`kp f] @iXh `e JlcX`dXe` 8L@$J % =fle[\[ `e)''- Xe[ Zfdd`kk\[ kf gifm`[`e^ Xe 8d\i`ZXe$jkpc\ c`Y\iXc Xikj\[lZXk`fe Xk Yfk_ le[\i^iX[lXk\ Xe[ ^iX[lXk\ c\m\c ]fi @iXh`jkl[\ekj# 8L@$J _Xj Y\\e ]lccp XZZi\[`k\[ Yp k_\ 8d\i`ZXe8ZX[\dp ]fi C`Y\iXc cffbj ]finXi[ kf `eZi\Xj\[ [`gcfdXk`Z Xe[\Zfefd`Z i\cXk`fej Y\kn\\e k_\ LJ# @iXh Xe[ k_\ Bli[`jkXeI\^`fe% Dfi\fm\i# k_\ BI> n\cZfd\j k_\ LJ ;\gXikd\ek f]JkXk\j [\Z`j`fe kf \jkXYc`j_ X [`gcfdXk`Z ZfejlcXk\ `e dlklXc jkiXk\^`Z# Ylj`e\jj Xe[ ZlckliXc`ek\i\jkj% K_`j ZfejlcXk\# Zflgc\[ n`k_ fli i\gi\j\ekXk`fe `e kLJ# n`cc j\im\ efk fecp Xj X jpdYfc f] k_\ leYi\XbXYc\ YY\kn\\e k_\ LJ Xe[ k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe# Ylk Xcjf Xj X Yikf _\cg jki\e^k_\e k`\j `e k_\ ]lkli\%

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meeting KRG President Masoud Barzaniat the State Department, Washington DC, during his visit in January 2010

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    J D`e`jk\i f] k_\ @ek\i`fi# _`^_c`^_kjk_\ `dgifm\d\ek `e k_\ I\^`fej j\Zli`kp Xe[ \ogcX`ejfe^f`e^ [\m\cfgd\ekj `e cXn \e]fiZ\d\ek

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    +) J

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    Contact a Vance expert,4,( (TLYPJHZ

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011



    How long has GardaWorld had aninterest in Kurdistan?Gardaworld is extremely proud to have beenthe rst international security provider to fo-cus on the Kurdistan Region, with dedicatedoperations starting in 2003. We focused onbuilding a business using Kurdish personnel,

    primarily with expatriates purely in trainingand management functions. The intention tobe the rst security provider in the KurdistanRegional Government (KRG) to focus on theoil and gas sector came to fruition in 2005 withthe commencement of seismic operations onthe Taq Taq concession. Today, 95 percentof our personnel are Kurds, many of whomhave been with our company for more thanve years.

    Initially, our business focused on providingsecurity for telecommunications and electri-cal power-line infrastructure projects, whichprogressed to providing cover for more than3,000 sq km of oil and gas exploration acre-age, and low-prole Kurdish-led executiveprotection for over 20 clients. Working withour clients on Corporate Social Responsibil-ity programmes is also a growing area for us.We provide increasing amounts of remote

    primary-care medical support to rural com-munities within oil and gas concession areas,with which we actively engage to determineways our clients can assist from buildingschools to providing electricity, or drillingwells.

    What is the security situation like onthe ground?Security in the Kurdistan Region remainsvery stable. Since establishing operations inthe Region in 2003, there has not been a sin-gle terrorist incident targeting foreigners, andthere has not been a signicant successfulattack in the Region in more than two years.The current economic boom is bringing withit ever-increasing numbers of foreign work-ers and large-scale commercial tourism, andretail projects are now commonplace.

    What are your guiding principles?To provide as high a quality service to interna-tional best practice standards using as greata proportion of Kurdish people as possible,to invest heavily in training, internal careerprogression, and paying competitive salaries.As a global publicly listed company, we are

    bound to the highest ethical standards andare able to leverage our international experi-ence. As a major security services operatorin the Region, we consider ourselves to beunique in this respect.

    What does the future hold for theKurdistan Region?The KRG is clearly leading the way in Iraq byensuring an environment that is extremely ap-pealing to both domestic and foreign investors,with its huge opportunities in a variety of busi-ness sectors, particularly agriculture, tourismand oil and gas. I am extremely excited by theeconomic, political and social progress that isbeing made in the Region. With the eagerlyanticipated resolution of the Oil Law, which willclarify the economic future of the Region, Kurd-istan promises to be one of the most excitingregions of the Middle East in the coming years.

    Oliver Westmacott is president of GardaWorld, Gardas(TSX:GW) Global Risk Consulting Group.


    [email protected]

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    +- J6 ?fn `j k_`jZflek\i\[6 N_Xk gcXej _Xm\ Y\\e glk `ekf \]]\Zk kf \ejli\ k_Xkk_\ gfc`Z\ Xe[ al[`Z`Xip Xi\ efn k ]fi gligfj\6

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    Gifjg\i`kpXe[ j\Zli`kp

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    +/ K?< M@J@FE

    @j `k XZZliXk\ kf [\jZi`Y\ \Zfefd`Z `ek\iXZk`fe Xj \jj\ek`Xc kf pflii\cXk`fej_`gj n`k_ e\`^_Yfij Xe[ k_\ `ek\ieXk`feXc Zfddle`kp6

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    ]fi\`^e `em\jkfij kf Y\Zfd\ `emfcm\[ `e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe6

    K_\ gi`mXk`jXk`fe gifZ\jj# n_`Z_ nXj \e^`e\\i\[ Yp ]fid\i Gi`d\D`e`jk\i E\Z_`imXe 9XiqXe`# _Xj gifm\e kf Y\ X ^i\Xk jlZZ\jj jkfip%=fi\`^e `em\jkd\ek n`k_`e k_\ \c\Zki`Z`kp j\Zkfi efn d\Xej k_Xkk_\i\ `j X _l^\ [`]]\i\eZ\ Y\kn\\e k_\ jkXklj f] \c\Zki`Z`kpgifm`j`fe `e Bli[`jkXe Xe[ k_\ i\jk f] @iXh% 9p jfcm`e^ jlZ_ X dXafigifYc\d `e k_`j nXp# n\ _Xm\ ^X`e\[ mXclXYc\ \og\i`\eZ\ Xe[ Xi\efn \ogXe[`e^ kf fk_\i j\Zkfij n`k_`e k_\ I\^ fe%

    8ZZfi[`e^ kf fli jkXk`jk`Zj# k_\i\ `j Zlii\ekcp X e\\[ ]fi(*,#''' _flj`e^ le`kj XZifjj k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe% K_`j `j n_\i\`em\jkfij Xe[ k_\ gi`mXk\ j\Zkfi ZXe gcXp Xe `dgfikXek ifc\% Efk

    fecp [f\j k_\ _flj`e^ j\Zkfi gifm`[\ X j`^e`ZXek fggfikle`kp ]]fi\`^e `em\jkd\ek# Ylk `k Xcjf \ejli\j X i\klie fe `em\jkd\ekj`eZ\ k_\ BI> _Xj \jkXYc`j_\[ k_\ _flj`e^ e[ n_`Z_# cXjk p

    jg\Z`ZXccp XccfZXk\[ )'' d`cc`fe kf Y\ jg\ek `e jlZ_ X nX^lXiXek\\[ X gifk ]fi k_\ `em\jkfij%K_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe \ogXe[j XZifjj /'#''' jh bd Xe[#

    [\jg`k\ `kj mXjk liYXe Xe[ iliXc Xi\Xj# k_\i\ `j efk fe\ j`e^_`^_nXp Rf] Xe `ek\ieXk`feXc jkXe[Xi[T% K_\i\]fi\# k_\ ifXZfejkilZk`fe j\Zkfi `j Xefk_\i Xi\X k_Xk gifm`[\j j`^e`ZXek`em\jkd\ek gifjg\Zkj j`eZ\ `k _Xj p\k kf Y\ i\XZ_\[ Yp k_\ gj\Zkfi `e k\idj f] fg\iXk`fe# ZfejkilZk`fe Xe[ dX`ek\eXeZ\%

    @e k_\ _\Xck_ j\Zkfi# n\ Y\c`\m\ k_\i\ Xi\ ^ff[ fggfikle`Y\ZXlj\ f] X i`j\ `e k_\ jkXe[Xi[ f] c`m`e^ Xe[ Xe `eZi\Xj\`eZfd\2 g\fgc\ Xi\ efn cffb`e^ ]fi X Y\kk\i hlXc`kp f] j\im`Z\#kiXm\cc`e^ kf Afi[Xe# @iXe Xe[ Klib\p kf j\\b d\[`ZXc ZXi\

    The construction sector holdspotential for foreign investors

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    n`k_ k_\ ^fm\ied\ekj Yli\XlZiXZp Xj `k Zlii\ekcp jkXe[j# k_\i\ Xi\jfd\ c`d`kXk`fej kf k_\ `dgifm\d\ek f] hlXc`kp fi \ogXej`fe f]Zfm\iX^\# gXik`ZlcXicp n`k_ jg\Z`Xck`\j Xe[ e\n k\Z_e`hl\j% K_\j\c`d`kXk`fej _Xm\ c\[ kf X i\m`\n f] k_\ _\Xck_ jpjk\d `e Bli[`jkXeXe[ _Xm\# jlYj\hl\ekcp# fg\e\[ [ffij ]fi ]fi\`^e `em\jkfij Xe[ k_\gi`mXk\ j\Zkfi2 ]fi \oXdgc\# _\Xck_ `ejliXeZ\ ZfdgXe`\j%

    N`k_ k_\ dXjj`m\ \ogXej`fe f] # n\ Xi\ gi\gXi`e^ XeelXc gcXej `e X[[`k`fe kfcfe^$k\id gcXej% N_\e pfl i\]\i `e[`m`[lXccp kf

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    The worlds economicstruggles in recent

    years do not seem tohave affected Iraq asmuch as the politicalvolatility that hasheld back its economyand the rebuildingof the country

    Type of investment Number of projects % by type % in capital $ Volume

    National 226 86 68.7

    Foreign* 20 7.6 26.42

    Joint Venture** 17 6.4 4.83

    *Only 11 foreign investment countries listed. In our observation,the UAE and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Japan, China,India, Australia, Italy are not included on that list.

    ** From the KRG BOI data, UAE joint venture with Iraqicompanies. Total investment is $11.55 million, Iran $1.85 millionand some major countries are non-existing.

    [email protected]

    Having been present in the Iraqi real-estatemarket for a decade, ATCONZ has accumu-lated a good understanding of how the bigmachine works, and has considered where,when and how to start rebuilding Iraq. We foundthe answers in 2005, when we engaged in aKurdistan-Iraq market survey, which resulted ina $100 million housing project north of Erbil.The project is expected to be completed at theend of 2012.

    In total, 263 all-sector licenses wereawarded by BOI in the Kurdistan Regionbetween August 2006 and August 2010, of which 78 were allocated to housing projects,with investments of $5.807 billion 42.19percent of the $13.766 billion total capitalinvested through all 263 licenses.

    Common opinion is that joint-venture (JV)investment allows for a truly benecial invest-ment partnership, with the transfer of edu-cation, management skills and professionalworkmanship. However, statistics show thatthis type of investment represents only 4.83percent of the capital invested and, collectively,the foreign and JV investments represent only

    14 percent of total projects. Perhaps this iswhy economic development is moving at sucha slow pace.

    In our opinion, unless these gures reachthresholds of 30 to 40 percent in the mediumto long term, Kurdistan-Iraq will not see seri-ous economic development. There are manyopportunities for foreign investors to enrich thelocal economy and create the solid foundationfor future growth and prosperity.

    According to a UN report, the growth rateof the population 2007 was 8.1 percent,which is considered very high. Twenty thou-sand new units were needed yearly in Erbilalone from 2007 onwards, and the KRG hasstarted to implement housing programs suchas the Housing Fund, which targets the low-income population.

    We have identied the following major chal-lenges in the housing sector:s 5NDERDEVELOPED INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICESs 4HE HIGH COST OF BUILDING MATERIALSs ,ACK OF lNANCE OR HIGH INTEREST RATES


    s .O STRINGENT QUALITY ASSURANCE Cauthorities to enforce accepted internationalor local standards


    Using our experience as investors, developers,contractors and traders, we can carry out mul-tiple projects in the KRG and the rest of Iraq.We believe that the challenges facing the hous-ing sector can be addressed by implementinga special program involving a pragmatic part-nership between three parties: government;nancial organizations, and developers.

    We know that the government is willing toassign free lands for housing projects and,as an oil-rich state, can afford to subsidizemortgage interest rates. It could also offerstate guarantees to nancial organizations,making it possible for experienced developersto start work immediately on the developmentof Iraqs infrastructure and the completion of integrated projects, in compliance with localand international standards. Such a programwill be successful if it is implemented by astrong government.

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    8e `ek\im`\n n`k_ J`eXe :_XcXY`# D`e`jk\i f] KiX[\ Xe[@e[ljkip `e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`feXc >fm\ied\ek

    D`e`jk\i# gc\Xj\ gifm`[\ Xe fm\im`\n f] k_\ Zlii\ek jkXklj f] `e[ljkip`e Bli[`jkXe# Xe[ k_\ jkiXk\^p ]fi gifdfk`e^ kiX[\ n`k_`e k_\ I\^`fe%

    @ _Xm\ Y\\e D`e`jk\i f] KiX[\ Xe[ @e[ljkip j`eZ\ k_\ \jkXYc`j_d\ekf] k_\ j`ok_ ZXY`e\k f] k_\ BI> `e FZkfY\i )''0% =ifd k_\ ijk [Xp f]dp Xggf`ekd\ek# `k nXj Zc\Xi k_Xk k_\ \Zfefd`Z Z_XiXZk\i`jk`Zj f]k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe _X[ Z_Xe^\[ [iXdXk`ZXccp j`eZ\ )''*% K_\ fc[jpjk\d# [fd`eXk\[ Yp jfZ`Xc k`\j# _X[ Y\\e i\gcXZ\[ Yp Xe fg\e$dXib\k jpjk\d# `e fi[\i kf `ek\^iXk\ Bli[`jkXe n`k_ k_\ i\jk f] k_\nfic[% =XZkfi`\j k_Xk _X[ ]fid\icp Y\cfe^\[ kf k_\ BI> n\i\ jfc[ kfk_\ gi`mXk\ j\Zkfi# n`k_ k_\ `ek\ek`fe k_Xk k_\p dljk kXb\ k_\ c\X[%

    N`k_ i\^Xi[ kf gifdfk`e^ kiX[\# n\ Xi\ `dgfik`e^Xggifo`dXk\cp 0' g\iZ\ek f] ^ff[j ]ifd flkj`[\]ff[#dXel]XZkli\[ ^ff[j# Xe[ jf feXe[ _Xm\ Y\\e XYc\ kf [f jf XjX [`i\Zk i\jlck f] k_\ _l^\ i\m\el\ n\ i\Z\`m\ ]ifd fli f`c kiX[\%?fn\m\i# kf jki\e^k_\e k_\ I\^`fej [\m\cfgd\ek# n\ e\\[ kfXZ_`\m\ X YXcXeZ\ Y\kn\\e k_\ ^ff[j n\ Xi\ `dgfik`e^ Xe[\ogfik`e^# k_\ cXkk\i Y\`e^ Xe Xi\X k_Xk e\\[j Xkk\ek`fe% F] Zflij\#

    Xe `dgfikXek jk\g `j kf XkkiXZk `em\jkfij jf k_Xk n\ ZXe Y\e\k]ifd k_\ befnc\[^\ Xe[ \og\ik`j\ k_Xk k_\p ZXe f]]\i `e k_`j Xi\X%

    Pfl d\ek`fe\[ k_Xk k_\ m`j`fe f] k_\ D`e`jkip Xe[ k_\ BI> `j kf_Xm\ Xe \Zfefdp k_Xk `j c\[ Yp k_\ gi`mXk\ j\Zkfi# Ylk n`k_ k_\BI>j jlggfik% @e X[[`k`fe kf k_\ cXnj k_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e gXjj\[#gc\Xj\ \ogcX`e _fn k_`j jlggfik nfibj%

    K_\ BI> `j [\[`ZXk\[ kf \jkXYc`j_`e^ Xe XkkiXZk`m\ \em`ifed\ek ]ficfZXc Xe[ ]fi\`^e `em\jkd\ek2 k_\ I\^`fe Y\e\kj ]ifd X _`^_ c\m\cf] j\Zli`kp# f]]\i`e^ X Zfd]fikXYc\ Xe[ jkXYc\ j\kk`e^ n`k_`e n_`Z_k_\ I\^`fej \Zfefd`Z [\m\cfgd\ek ZXe Y\ \eZfliX^\[% ?fn\m\i#

    9ffjk`e^ \ogfikjkf YXcXeZ\ kiX[\

    n\ Xi\ ]lccp XnXi\ k_Xk n\ ZXeefk i\jfcm\ fli `jjl\j fm\ie`^_k`j X ^iX[lXc gifZ\jj k_Xk dljk Y\ XggifXZ_\[ jk\g Yp jk\g%

    N\ Xi\ nfib`e^ fe \jkXYc`j_`e^ k_\ 8ek`$Dfefgfcp CXn#:fdg\k`k`fe CXn Xe[ k_\ :fejld\i Gifk\Zk`fe CXn# n`k_ k_\`ek\ek`fe f] jki\e^k_\e`e^ Xe[ `eZi\Xj`e^ kiX[\% N\ Y\c`\m\ k`em\jkd\ekj ]ifd k_\ gi`mXk\ j\Zkfi j_flc[ Y\Zfd\ fe\ f] k_\dX`e g`ccXij f] fli \Zfefdp# Xe[ Xi\ k_\i\]fi\ Zfdd`kk\[ kff]]\i`e^ X jX]\ Xe[ gifk\Zk`m\ \em`ifed\ek ]fi ]fi\`^e `em\jkd\ekf [\m\cfg `e Bli[`jkXe%

    @k `j ]X`i kf jXp k_Xk k_\ mXi`flj j\Zkfij f] `e[ljkip n`k_ e k_I\^`fe Xi\ le[\i[\m\cfg\[# gi\j\ek`e^ j` e`ZXek fggfikle`k`\j]fi `em\jkd\ek% N_Xk [f pfl k_`eb gfk\ek`Xc `em\jkfij j_flc[ Y\cffb`e^ Xk# jg\Z`ZXccp6

    Bli[`jkXe _Xj jl]]\i\[ ]ifd [\ZX[\j f] le[\i`em\jkd\ek%Gi\m`fljcp# fecp gifa\Zkj Xe[ `em\jkd\ekj k_Xk n\i\ Y\e\Z`X]fi k_\ i\jk f] @iXh n\i\ `dgc\d\ek\[ `e k_\ efik_1 ]fi \oXdgc\[Xdj n\i\ ZfejkilZk\[ `e fi[\i ]fi k_\ i\jk f] @iXh kf ZfekifcnXk\i c\m\cj Xe[ kf ^\e\iXk\ \c\Zki`Z`kp%

    ?fn\m\i# ef Zfej`[\iXk`fe nXj ^`m\e kf k_\ X^i`ZlckliXc

    Xjg\Zk f] k_\ I\^`fe% K_\i\]fi\# Bli[`jkXe `j efn \og\i`\eZ`e^^i\Xk ]X`c`e^j n`k_`e k_`j j\Zkfi f] `e[ljkip# n_`Z_ Zc\Xicp gj`^e`ZXek fggfikle`kp `e k_\ ]lkli\%

    Bli[`jkXe `j `e Xe `ek\i\jk`e^ ^\f\Zfefd`Z gfj`k`fe# f]k\e[\jZi`Y\[ Xj n\Xb Y\ZXlj\ `k `j cXe[cfZb\[# p\k X g`mfkXc I\^`fXdfe^ dXep [`]]\i\ek jkXk\j% KiX[\ `j X m\ip `dgfikXek gXik fk_Xk g`mfkXc Xjg\Zk% ?fn j` e`ZXek `j kiX[\ Y\kn\\e Bli[`jkXXe[ k_\ n`[\i D`[[c\

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    K?< M@J@FE

    gif[lZkj Xe[ k_\ `dgifm\d\ek f] fli gfc`k`ZXc i\cXk`fej_`g n`k_ `k%

    F] k_\ (#(.' ]fi\`^e ZfdgXe`\j Zlii\ekcp i\^`jk\i\[ le[\i k_\@em\jkd\ek CXn# Xggifo`dXk\cp -' g\iZ\ek Xi\ Klib`j_%=lik_\idfi\# @iXh _Xj j`^e\[ X kfkXc f] +/ gifkfZfcj n`k_

    Klib\p Xe[ `j gcXee`e^ kf ZfejkilZk knf \okiX Yi`[^\j fm\i k_\B_XYfli I`m\i `e Xek`Z`gXk`fe f] k_\ _l^\ `eZi\Xj\ f] kiX[\k_ifl^_ k_\ @YiX_`d B_Xc`c cXe[ gfik% K_\ Zfdgc\k`fe f] k_\ _`^_nXp]ifd D\ij`e kf QXb_f n`cc Xcjf ]XZ`c`kXk\ Xe[ \eZfliX^\ kiX[\Y\kn\\e k_\j\ knf Zfleki`\j%

    9\kn\\e DXp )''0 Xe[ DXp )'('# (#+++ e\n ZfdgXe`\j n\i\i\^`jk\i\[ n`k_ k_\ BI># X i`j\ f] Xcdfjk (+ g\iZ\ek `e fe\ p\Xi% F]k_\j\# (', n\i\ ]fi\`^e ZfdgXe`\j% K_`j `eZi\Xj\ \dg_Xj`j\j k_\[\dXe[ ]fi `em\jkd\ek Xe[ Ylj`e\jj n`k_`e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe%

    N_Xk nflc[ pfl jXp kf gfk\ek`Xc `em\jkfij `e fi[\i kf \eZfliX^\

    k_\d kf Zfd\ kf k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe6

    DXep g\fgc\ Xi\ le[\i k_\ `dgi\jj`fe k_Xk `k kXb\j X YiXm\kf Zfd\ ]ifd X ]fi\`^e Zflekip Xe[ `em\jk _\i\ `e Bli[`jkXe# Y[`jX^i\\% 9\]fi\ @ Y\ZXd\ d`e`jk\i Xe[ nXj `e k_\ gi`mXk\ j\@ `em\jk\[ dfi\ k_Xe +' d`cc`fe ]ifd Klib\p Xj X ]fi\`^e `emkf Yl`c[ Xe @ek\ieXk`feXc 9XZZXcXli\Xk\ jZ_ffc `e

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    ,+ K?< M@J@FE

    Gif]\jjfi >Xi\k_ JkXej\c[ `ek\im`\nj ?\i`j_ Dl_XiXd#:_X`idXe f] k_\ 9fXi[ f] @em\jkd\ek ]fi Bli[`jkXe

    ?fn `j kiX[\ Xe[ `em\jkd\ek Y\`e^ \eZfliX^\[# Xe[ n_Xk _XjY\\e [fe\ kf ]XZ`c`kXk\ `em\jkd\ek `e`k`Xk`m\j `e Bli[ jkXe6

    N\ Xi\ b\\e Xj X 9fXi[ kf Zi\Xk\ fggfikle`k`\j ]fi `em\jkd\ek Xe[#k_ifl^_ \eXZk\[ c\^`jcXk`fe# n\ efn _Xm\ X c\^Xc ]iXd\nfib Xe[`ejk`klk`feXc`q\[ `em\jkd\ek XZk`m`k`\j% @k `j Zc\Xi efk fecp kf d\# Ylkkf flkj`[\ij Xj n\cc# k_Xk k_\ 9fXi[ f] @em\jkd\ek `e gXik`ZlcXi Xe[k_\ BI> `e ^\e\iXc Xi\ dfm`e^ `e knf [`i\Zk`fej1 fe\ [`i\Zk`fe `j kf

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    i\c`^`fe# Xe \hlXc fggfikle`kp k_\p dXp efk ^\k \cj\n_\i\ Ypgifd`j`e^ ]i\\_fc[ fne\ij_`g f] gifg\ikp Xe[ gifk\Zk`fe ]ifd

    Zfdglcjfip gXike\ij_`g% K_fj\ `emfcm\[ n`k_ k_\ gXjj`e^ f] k_`jCXn ZXi\]lccp Zfej`[\i\[ k_\ \em`ifed\ek f] Bli[`jkXe Xe[ k_\Zc`dXk\ `e n_`Z_ Xep gfk\ek`Xc `em\jkd\ek n`cc kXb\ gcXZ\# Xj k_\X`d `j efk fecp kf ^\e\iXk\ dfe\p ]fi Bli[`jkXej \Zfefdp# YlkXcjf kf Yi`e^ befnc\[^\ Xe[ \og\i`\eZ\ kf k_\ I\^`fe%

    =lik_\idfi\# k_\ 9fXi[ f] @em\jkd\ek _Xj kXb\e jk\gj kf`dgifm\ fe k_\ fggfikle`k`\j n\ gi\j\ek Yp _fc[`e^ [`jZljj`fej n`k_fli gXike\ij# Xkk\e[`e^ Zfe]\i\eZ\j Xe[ k_ifl^_ dXkZ_dXb`e^\o\iZ`j\j n`k_ fli Zflek\igXikj `e fk_\i Zfleki`\j% N\ gifm`[\ Xe\ek`i\ jlggfik gXZbX^\# ]ifd k_\ dfd\ek Xe `em\jkd\ek gifgfjXc`j jlYd`kk\[ kf k_\ 9fXi[# i`^_k k_ifl^_ kf k_\ dfe`kfi`e^ Xe[jlg\im`j`e^ f] X gifa\Zk feZ\ `k _Xj Y\\e c`Z\ej\[%

    :Xe pfl hlXek`]p k_\ Xdflek f] `em\jkd\ek `e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe6

    :lii\ekcp# k_\i\ Xi\ )0' XZk`m\ gifa\Zkj# ^\e\iXk`e^ Xcdfjk(+ Y`cc`fe f] `em\jkd\ek% K_`j Zfej`jkj f] ), g\iZ\ek ]fi\`^e [`i\Zk

    `em\jkd\ek# m\ kf j\m\e g\iZ\ek ]fi af`ek m\ekli\j d`o\[[fd\jk`Z Xe[ ]fi\`^e `em\jkd\ekj # Xe[ k_\ i\jk Zfd`e^ ]ifd`em\jkfij n`k_`e Bli[`jkXe% =ifd k_`j# Xcdfjk *%, Y`cc`fe nfik_ f]gifa\Zkj _Xm\ Y\\e Zfdgc\k\[% =fi\`^e [`i\Zk `em\jkd\ek `jdfjkcp ]ifd 8iXY Zfleki`\j# gXik`ZlcXicp k_\ L8< Xe[ C\YXefe#k_\e k_\i\]fi\ \em`jX^\[ Bli[`jkXe Y\`e^ X ^Xk\nXp kf k_\ i\jk f] @iXh%K_`j ZfeZ\gk f]]\ij Xe XkkiXZk`m\ `em\jkd\ek fggfikle`kp# YlkBli[`jkXe `kj\c] `j Xcjf XkkiXZk`m\% K_\ BI> _Xj X c\^Xc ]iXd\nfibk_Xk ^`m\j ]lcc gifk\Zk`fe n_`c\ Y\`e^ fg\e$d`e[\[ Xe[ ]lccp\o`Yc\ n_\e [\Xc`e^ n`k_ gfk\ek`Xc `em\jkfij% Dfi\fm\i# k_\ BI>jn`cc`e^e\jj kf XZbefnc\[^\ Xe[ ^_k Zfiilgk`fe n`k_`e k_\ I\^`fe`j Xefk_\i XkkiXZk`m\ hlXc`kp%

    N_Xk fggfikle k`\j Xi\ Xi`j`e k_Xk `ccljkiXk\ kf gfk\ek`Xc `em\n_p Bli[`jkXe `j Xe \oZ`k`e gcXZ\ kf Y\ fm\i k_\ e\ok m\ p

    Jf ]Xi# n\ _Xm\ Y\\e kip`e^ kf lj\ k_\ c\^Xc ]iXd\nfib n\ _X`dgc\d\ek\[ kf fm\iZfd\ jfZ`Xc gifYc\dj# jlZ_ Xj _flj`e^% K_\9fXi[ f] @em\jkd\ek _Xj [\m\cfg\[ Xe `e`k`Xk`m\ kf jlggfikcfn$`eZfd\ ]Xd`c`\j `e fne`e^ X _flj\# [iXdXk`ZXccp `dgifm`ec`]\jkpc\j f] Zfddle`k`\j% 8efk_\i j\Zkfi `e n_`Z_ n\ _Xm\ dX`dgifm\d\ekj `j k_Xk f] gfn\i Xe[ \c\Zki`Z`kp% K_`j `ccljkiXkBli[`jkXe _Xj jlZZ\jj]lccp klie\[ `kj j_fikZfd`e^j `ekffggfikle`k`\j ]fi ]fi\`^e `em\jkd\ek%

    Dfi\fm\i# @ ZXe \Xj`cp j\gXiXk\ Bli[`jkXej `em\jkd\ekXZk`m`k`\j `ekf knf ZXk\^fi`\j2 `em\jkd\ek gifa\Zkj n`k_ hl`Zi\kliej# jlZ_ Xj k_\ Yl`c[`e^ f] _flj\j# Xe[ cfe^$k\id`em\jkd\ekj# jlZ_ Xj k_\ Yl`c[`e^ f] m\$jkXi _fk\cj% K_\j\cfe^$k\id fggfikle`k`\j _\cg kf gifdfk\ k_\ i\^`fe f] Bli[`jkXeYp dXb`e^ `k Xe XkkiXZk`m\ gcXZ\ kf m`j`k Xe[# lck`dXk

    8^i`Zlckli\ `j Xe Xi\X k_Xk [\jg\iXk\cp e\\[j kf Y\[\m\cfg\[% K_\ 9fXi[ f] @em\jkd\ek `j Zlii\ekcp nfib`e^ `eZfccXYfiXk`fe n`k_ Zfddle`kp$YXj\[ fi^Xe`jXk`fej kf jlggfik]Xid\ij `e ^f`e^ YXZb kf k_\`i m`ccX^\j# `ekif[lZ`e^ k_\d kf`em\jkfij n_f _Xm\ gliZ_Xj\[ k_\ cXe[ Xe[ \eZfliX^`e^ k_\d knfib Xj ]Xid\ij ]fi k_\d% K_\ i\jlck `j k_Xk ]Xid\ij \Xie XnX^\ Xe[ XZ_`\m\ X Y\kk\i jkXe[Xi[ f] c`m`e^ n_`c\ `eZi\Xjc\m\c f] gif[lZk`m`kp n`k_`e k_\ I\^`fe%

    8ep eXc k_fl^_kj6

    Bli[`jkXe j_flc[ Y\ Zfej [\i\[ Xj X df[\c ]fi _fn Zfleki`\j j_flc[Y\ c`m`e^ kf^\k_\i `e k_\ D`[[c\

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  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    ,/ K?< M@j ;\gXikd\ek f] =fi\`^e I\cXk`fej

    D`e`jk\i 9Xb`i# Xj pfl befn# `em\jkfij Xe[ gi`mXk\$j\Zkfii\gi\j\ekXk`m\j XkkXZ_ i\Xk `dgfikXeZ\ kf k_\ XY`c`kp f] k_\Bli[`jkXe I\ `fe kf dX`ekX`e jkife^ i\cXk`fej n`k_ d\dY\ijf] k_\ `ek\ieXk`feXc Zfddle`kp% :Xe pfl k\cc lj XYflk k_\[\m\cfgd\ek f] k_\ ;\gXikd\ek f] =fi\`^e I\cXk`fej Xe[`kj ifc\ n`k_`e k_\ BI>6

    K_\ ;\gXikd\ek f] =fi\`^e I\cXk`fej ;=I ZXd\ XYflkY\ZXlj\ f] X ^ifn`e^ e\\[ kf Y\kk\i Zffi[`eXk\ fli `ek\iXZk`fen`k_ ]fi\`^e i\gi\j\ekXk`m\j Xe[ m`j`kfij% @k nXj# `e dXep nXpj#X eXkliXc gif^i\jj`fe# Xe[ @ Y\c`\m\ k_Xk k_\ [\gXikd\ek efnj\im\j Xe `dgfikXek Xe[ le`hl\ gligfj\ ]fi k_\ BI>% G\ijfeXccp#`k _Xj Y\\e X gc\Xjli\ Xe[ Xe _fefi kf gXik`Z`gXk\ `e X Zi`k`ZXcXjg\Zk f] BI> gfc`Zp# Zi\Xk`e^ gXike\ij_`gj fm\ij\Xj Xe[jki\e^k_\e`e^ ]i`\e[j_`gj n`k_ b\p Xcc`\j# `e Zffi[`eXk`fe n`k_@iXhj ]\[\iXc =fi\`^e D`e`jkip%

    8e \oXdgc\ f] k_`j `j k_\ iXg [ \ogXej`fe f] [`gcfdXk`Zi\gi\j\ekXk`fej gfjk\[ `e

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    K?< M@ KiX[\ Xe[ @em\jkd\ek :fe]\i\eZ\ `e Cfe[fe# XiiXe^\[Yp k_\ BI>$LB f]Z\ `e Zffi[`eXk`fe n`k_ fli ;\gXikd\ek% K_\Zfe]\i\eZ\ nXj X i\jfle[`e^ jlZZ\jj Xe[ _\cg\[ kf iX`j\ fligifc\ Xj X jkife^ \Zfefd`Z gcXp\i `e k_\ D`[[c\ \eZfliX^\j [\c\^Xk`fej kf j\\ k_\ i\Xc`kp% N\ Zffi[`eXk\ Zcfj\cpn`k_ k_\ m`j`k`e^ ^fm\ied\ekj ]fi\`^e d`e`jkip# `eZcl[`e^ i\m`\n`e^fgk`fej ]fi jg\Z`Z j`k\ m`j`kj Xe[ gXik`ZlcXi j\Zkfi$jg\Z`Z Xi\Xj

    f] `ek\i\jk% K_\ ;=I Xcjf \ejli\j k_Xk k_\ [\c\^Xk`fe XYjfiYjjfd\ f] fli Zlckli\# ljlXccp `eZcl[`e^ X m`j`k kf k_\ :`kX[\c Xe[ XZ_XeZ\ kf \eafp Bli[`j_ Zl`j`e\# `e X[[`k`fe kf f]Z`Xc d\\k`e^j%

    K_\ [\gXikd\ek _Xj X GifkfZfc Xe[ ;\c\^Xk`fej ;`i\ZkfiXk\kf _Xe[c\ cf^`jk`Zj Xe[ dX`ekX`e Zfek`el\[ Zfddle`ZXk`fe# Xe[Xe @ek\ieXk`feXc I\cXk`fej ;`i\ZkfiXk\ kf X[[i\jj jlYjkXek`m\dXkk\ij n`k_ ]fi\`^e i\gi\j\ekXk`m\j fe X [X`cp YXj`j% J\gXiXk\cp#fli @ek\ieXk`feXc Fi^Xe`qXk`fej ;`i\ZkfiXk\ kXb\j k_\ c\X[ fek_\ m`j`kj Xe[ gif^iXdj f] k_\ Le`k\[ EXk`fej X^\eZ`\j Xe[efe$^fm\ied\ekXc fi^Xe`qXk`fej%

    8iiXe^`e^ k_\j\ m`j`kj i\hl`i\j Xkk\ek`fe kf gifkfZfc# YlkXcjf ZXi\]lc Xkk\ek`fe kf k_\ Zfek\ek f] k_\ m`j`k# jf k_Xk fli ^l\jkj

    fYkX`e X kil\ j\ej\ f] k_\ I\^`fe n_`c\ \e^X^`e^ `e k_\ i`^_kf] d\\k`e^j% @k _Xj Y\\e dp gc\Xjli\ kf \ejli\ k_Xk m`j`k`e^[\c\^Xk`fej kilcp le[\ijkXe[ k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe% @e dXep ZXZfddle`ZXk`fe Xe[ jlYjkXek`m\ ]fccfn$lg n`k_ ^l\jkj X]k\i jlZm`j`kj `j Xj `dgfikXek Xj k_\ m`j`k `kj\c]% K_\ ;=I `j XcnXkf \ogcX`e k_\ gfc`Zp Xe[ k_\ [\m\cfgd\ekj f] k_\ I\^`fe kf f]i`\e[j fm\ij\Xj Xe[ ]fccfn lg fe dXkk\ij f] dlklXc `ek\i\jk%

    Fe\ f] k_\ gi`m`c\^\j f] dp gfj`k`fe `j kf n\cZfd\ Xe[ Y]Xi\n\cc kf fli ^l\jkj% K_\ dfjk Zfddfe i\XZk`fe `j k_\ ^\el`e\

    Xggi\Z`Xk`fe f] fli gif^i\jj# jkXY`c`kp# Xe[ gifjg\i`kp# n_`Z_f]k\e X gc\XjXek jligi`j\ ]fi [\c\^Xk`fej% M`j`kfij ]ifd e\Xi X]Xi Xi\ XdXq\[ k_Xk k_`j `j _Xgg\e`e^ `e @iXh# Xe[ @ [fnflc[ _Xm\ Y\c`\m\[ `k _X[ k_\p efk j\\e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fen`k_ k_\`i fne \p\j%

    ;f pfl _Xm\ X d\jjX^\ k_Xk pfl nflc[ c`b\ kf \ok\e[ kf flii\X[\ij Xe[ kf gfk\ek`Xc `em\jkfij YXj\[ fe pfli \og\i`\eZ\ Xj?\X[ f] k_\ =fi\`^e I\cXk`fej ;\gXikd\ek6

    K_\ BI> _Xj Y\\e [\m\cfg`e^ k_`j I\^`fe Xe[ k_\ ZfeZ\gk f]jX]\# `em\jkfi$]i`\e[cp \em`ifed\ek j`eZ\ (00)% N\ _Xm\\eZflek\i\[ dXep fYjkXZc\j Xe[ \]]fikj ]ifd k_\ ]fid\i i\^`d\kf k_nXik fli gif^i\jj% @e k_\ cXjk j\m\iXc p\Xij# fli ^fm\iXe[ fli g\fgc\ _Xm\ Y\\e XYc\ kf i\Xccp ^ifn Xe[ \ogcfi\ flifgk`fej ]fi X jkife^\i \Zfefdp Xe[ X Y\kk\i c`]\% 8e[ Xck_fl^k_\i\ Xi\ jk`cc Z_Xcc\e^\j X_\X[# @ Y\c`\m\ n\ _Xm\ X Zc\m`j`fe Xe[ jkife^ c\X[\ij_`g kf ^l`[\ lj kfnXi[j X jkXYc\ Xe[gifjg\iflj ]lkli\%

    K_\ Zlii\ek j`klXk`fe `e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe `j k_\ i\jlckdXep [\ZX[\j f] _Xi[ nfib Xe[ jkil^^c\% @ Xd gc\Xj\[ kf `e`em\jkfij# Ylj`e\jj g\fgc\# ^fm\ied\ek f]Z`Xcj# Xe[ [`gcfdXkjZfd\ kf k_\ I\^`fe Xe[ j_Xi\ `e fli jlZZ\jj%

    Falah Mustafa Bakir welcomes US Vice-President Joe Biden to the Region in 2009

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    -' K?< M@\e\iXc ]fi k_\I\glYc`Z f] Klib\p `e \e\iXc# n_Xk kXi^\kj [`[ pfl j\k `e fi[\i kf jki\e^k_\ek_\ i\cXk`fej_`g Y\kn\\e k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe Xe[ Klib\p6

    Klib\p `j fe\ f] k_\ ]Xjk$[\m\cfg`e^ eXk`fej% Fli \Zfefd`Z ^ifnkiXk\ `e )'(' `j /%0 g\iZ\ek% Jf# \Zfefd`ZXccp jg\Xb`e^# n\ _X

    Klib`j_ `em\jkd\ek1 [\m\cfg`e^[liXYc\ i\cXk`fej_`gj

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    K?< M@

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    -) K?< M@j Zfdd`kd\ek kf gifdfk`e^`ek\ieXk`feXc Zfdd\iZ\# ni`k\j Kfd ?Xi[`\$=fijpk_\

    @ ijk \ek\i\[ Bli[`jkXe `e @iXh `e DXiZ_ (00(% K_\e @ nXj X 9i`k`j_8idp f]Z\i# gXik f] Fg\iXk`fe JX]\ ?Xm\e% Fli d`jj`fe nXj kfgifk\Zk k_\ k\ej f] k_fljXe[j f] g\fgc\ n_f _X[ ile ]fi k_\`i c`m\j`ekf k_\ dflekX`ej# glijl\[ Yp JX[[Xd ?ljj\`ej ]fiZ\j% K_\jliifle[`e^ cXe[jZXg\ nXj c`b\ X dffejZXg\# ilYYc\ Xe[ p\k dfi\ilYYc\# [l\ kf k_\ [\jkilZk`fe f] fm\i +#''' m`ccX^\j `e JX[[Xdj8e]Xc ^\efZ`[\ ZXdgX`^e X^X`ejk k_\ g\fgc\ f] k_\ Bli[`jkXeI\^`fe% N_Xk @ Zflc[ efk j\\ k_\e nXj k_\ kil\ YXZb[ifg f] Xg\fgc\ gfjj\jj`e^ Yfk_ i\dXibXYc\ i\j`c`\eZ\ Xe[ X ZXgXZ`kp ]fidfi\ k_Xe aljk jlim`mXc%

    E\Xicp knf [\ZX[\j cXk\i# _Xm`e^ jg\ek jfd\ k`d\ Xj Yfk_n`cc`e^ gcXp\i Xe[ fYj\im\i `e X i\dXibXYc\ kiXej]fidXk`fe f] k_`jcXe[\e^`e\\i\[ dX`ecp Yp Xjklk\ BI> dXeX^\d\ek `egXike\ij_`g n`k_ `ek\ieXk`feXc X^\eZ`\j# E>Fj# Xe[ Ylj`e\jj`ek\i\jkj@ ]fle[ dpj\c] j`kk`e^ `e X _fk\c cfle^\ `e k_\ :`kp f]Cfe[fe# i\d`e`jZ`e^ XYflk _fn dlZ_ _Xj Z_Xe^\[% @ jX`[ kf 9XpXeJXd` 8Y[lc IX_dXe# k_\ BI>j ?`^_ I\gi\j\ekXk`m\ kf k_\ LB# @e(00(# n\ Zflc[ YXi\cp ^\k j`o g\fgc\ `e X iffd kf kXcb XYflk

    Bli[`jkXe% Efn n\ _Xm\ -'' j_\ i\gc`\[%K_\j\ n\i\ k_\ [\c\^Xk\j n_f ^Xk_\i\[ `e Cfe[fe ]fi k_\Bli[`jkXe KiX[\ Xe[ @em\jkd\ek :fe]\i\eZ\ `e Ale\ )'('% K_\pZXd\ kf _\Xi ]ifd k_\ BI> Xe[ k_\ gi`mXk\ j\Zkfi XYflk n_p k_\pj_flc[ [f Ylj`e\jj n`k_ k_\ I\^`fe% @k nXj X k\jkXd\ek kf k_\BI>j j\i`flje\jj `e gifdfk`e^ `ek\ieXk`feXc Zfdd\iZ\ k_XkGi`d\ D`e`jk\i 9Xi_Xd JXc`_ Xe[ j\m\e f] _`j ZXY`e\k d`e`jk\ijZXd\ kf jg\Xb Xk k_\ Zfe]\i\eZ\%

    N_`c\ kiX[\ [\c\^Xk`fej ]ifd Xifle[ k_\ nfic[ _Xm\ m`j`k\[Bli[`jkXe Xe[ fli Z_XdY\ij f] Zfdd\iZ\ _Xm\ kiXm\c\[\ok\ej`m\cp# k_\ BI> nXek\[ kf `ekif[lZ\ k_\ I\^`fe kf ZfdgXe`\jXe[ aflieXc`jkj k_Xk _X[ efk p\k m`j`k\[ fi be\n c`kkc\ f] `k%

    Cfe[fe Zfe]\i\eZ\ gcXZ\jBli[`jkXe Z\ek\i jkX^\

    9XpXe JXd` 8Y[lc IX_dXe fi^Xe`q\[ k_\ Zfe]\i\eZ\befn`e^ k_Xk k_\i\ nflc[ Y\ jfd\ `ek\i\jk `e fli \d\i^`e^ dXib\kYlk j_\ Xe[ _\i Zfcc\X^l\j n\i\ k_i`cc\[ n_\e k_\ Zfe]\i\eZ\Y\ZXd\ fm\ijlYjZi`Y\[ Xe[ ]lcc kf ZXgXZ`kp%

    K_\ knf$[Xp \m\ek _X[ X Ylqq# n`k_ [\c\^Xk\j d`cc`e^`e k_\ Yi\Xbj Xe[ aflieXc`jkj ]ifd :E9:# k_\ 99:#K_\ >lXi[`Xe #K_\ NXcc Jki\\k AflieXc # Xe[ k_\ e\njn`i\j `ek\im`\n`e^ k_\_`^_$gifc\ jg\Xb\ij `e k_\ gi\jj iffd% K_\ 9i`k`j_# `ek\ieXk`fXe[ D`[[c\

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    K?< M@

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    -+ K?< M@j ?`^_I\gi\j\ekXk`m\ kf k_\ LB# [\jZi`Y\j k_\ [\\g\e`e^i\cXk`fej_`g Y\kn\\e Bli[`jkXe Xe[ 9i`kX`e

    @ ijk i\klie\[ kf Bli[`jkXe `e (00) Xj X \[^c`e^ i\gfik\i# X]k\i^ifn`e^ lg `e \o`c\ `e k_\ LB% @ m`j`k\[ dXep gcXZ\j# `eZcl[`e^?XcXYaX# X Z`kp `e ilYYc\ n`k_ ]Xd`c`\j c`m`e^ Xdfe^ k_\ il`ej Xe[dle`k`fej j_\ccj% =fli p\Xij \Xic`\i# JX[[Xdj ]fiZ\j _X[ YfdY\[k_\ Z`kp n`k_ Zfem\ek`feXc n\Xgfej Y\]fi\ XkkXZb`e^ `k n`k_Z_\d`ZXcj# b`cc`e^ ,#''' g\fgc\ Xe[ `eali`e^ k_fljXe[j dfi\% 8kk_\ k`d\ f] k_\ XkkXZb fe ?XcXYaX Xe[ fk_\i Bli[`j_ Zfddle`k`\j`e @iXh# k_\ Bli[`j_ [`XjgfiX `e 9i`kX`e _\c[ [\dfejkiXk`fej Xe[cfYY`\[ k_\ 9i`k`j_ ^fm\ied\ek# gXic`Xd\ek Xe[ d\[`X% @k j\\d\[k_Xk fli Xgg\Xcj kf jkfg JX[[Xd ?ljj\`ej ^\efZ`[\ ZXdgX`^e#Xe[ kf _\cg fli ]\ccfn Bli[j# ]\cc fe [\X] \Xij%

    DlZ_ _Xj Z_Xe^\[ j`eZ\ k_\e% @iXh _Xj Y\\e c`Y\iXk\[ Ypk_\ LB# LJ Xe[ fk_\ij k_Xk af`e\[ k_\ ZfXc`k`fe2 JX[[Xd `j efcfe^\i2 Xe[ @iXhj gXic`Xd\ek Xe[ Jlgi\d\ :flik _Xm\ i\Zf^e`j\[Yfk_ k_\ XkkXZb fe ?XcXYaX Xe[ k_\ 8e]Xc fg\iXk`fe Xj ^\efZ`[\%

    9i`k`j_ DGj Xe[ g\\ij dXib k_\ Xee`m\ijXip f] k_\ ^\efZ`[\ `egXic`Xd\ek XeelXccp%K_\i\ `j jk`cc X ^i\Xk [\Xc kf [f# Ylk `k `j ]X`i kf jXp k_Xk

    Bli[`jkXe _Xj Y\\e kiXej]fid\[ Xe[ k_Xk k_\ kiXej]fidXk`fe _XjY\\e efk\[ Yp k_\ LB ^fm\ied\ek# gXic`Xd\ek# Ylj`e\jjZfddle`kp Xe[ `ejk`klk`fej% J\m\iXc _`^_$c\m\c m`j`kj fe Yfk_ j`[\jj`eZ\ k_\ c`Y\iXk`fe `e )''*# eld\iflj kiX[\ [\c\^Xk`fej# Xe[\e^X^\d\ek Yp `ejk`klk`fej i\\Zk [\\g\e`e^ [`gcfdXk`Z k`\jY\kn\\e Bli[`jkXe Xe[ 9i`kX`e%

    @e )'',# @ nXj Xggf`ek\[ k_\ BI>j ?`^_ I\gi\j\ekXk`m\ kfk_\ LB% K_\ f]Z\# n`k_ X pfle^ Xe[ [\k\id`e\[ k\Xd# `j X [peXd`ZXe[ XZk`m\ [`gcfdXk`Z d`jj`fe `e Cfe[fe% K_\ afY `j dX[\ Xcc k_\

    I\gi\j\ek`e^ k_\Bli[`jkXe I\^`feXc>fm\ied\ek `e Cfe[fe

    KRG Prime Minister Barham Salih meetsUK Foreign Secretary William Hague

  • 7/28/2019 Kurdistan Investment Guide 2011


    K?< M@ ZXY`e\k# k_\ Gi`d\ D`e`jk\i Xe[k_i\\ d`e`jk\ij n\i\ \[lZXk\[ `e k_\ LB%

    9\j`[\j dX`ekX`e`e^ i\cXk`fej n`k_ k_\ =fi\`^e Xe[:fddfen\Xck_ F]Z\# k_\ BI> LB I\gi\j\ekXk`fe nfibj n`k_k_\ 9i`k`j_ ^fm\ied\ekj `em\jkd\ek Xid# LB KiX[\ Xe[ @em\jkd\ek

    LBK@ # Xj n\cc Xj n`k_ j\m\iXc kiX[\ XjjfZ`Xk`fej# le`m\ij`k`\j#k_`eb kXebj# ZlckliXc fi^Xe`qXk`fej Xe[ efe$^fm\ied\ekXcfi^Xe`qXk`fej E>Fj % Jfd\ \oXdgc\j `eZcl[\ k_\ N\jkd`ejk\i=fle[Xk`fe ]fi ;\dfZiXZp# k_\ EXk`feXc JZ_ffc f] >fm\ied\ek#XZX[\d`Z `ejk`klk`fej jlZ_ Xj k_\ Le`m\ij`kp f]

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    -- :FDD

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    -/ =@E8E:@8C J

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    =@E8E:@8C J

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    E8KLI8C I f`c Xe[ ^Xj cXn `e )''.# k_Xk n\n\i\ XYc\ kf j\k k_\ ]fle[Xk`fej kf eXccp \ogcf`k fli i\jfliZ\j ]fik_\ Y\e\k f] k_\ g\fgc\ f] Bli[`jkXe# Xj n\cc Xj Xcc f] @iXh%

    N_Xk _Xm\ Y\\e k_\ dX`e XZ_`\m\d\ekj6

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    Genel Energy is one of the rst to explore for petroleum in the

    Kurdistan Region of Iraq and today is the biggest investor and the

    biggest reserve-holder in the KRG.

    Following successful operations in Taq Taq, Genel Energy

    expanded its interests to other Production Sharing Contracts

    (PSCs) in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Taq Taq and Tawke

    licence areas are at the development and production phase, and

    Kewa Chirmila, Ber Bahr, Dohuk, Miran and Chia Surkh licence

    areas at the exploration phase. Currently, Taq Taq and Tawke

    have production capacities of 60,000 bopd and 50,000 bopd

    respectively. Genel Energy is the operator under the Ber Bahr

    PSC and co-operator in Taq Taq.

    Genel Energys objective is to grow rapidly and with a view to

    becoming a highly regarded global E&P company.

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    DNO: exploring and shaping a better futureWhat is the background of DNO?DNO was established as a public company andlisted on the Oslo Stock Exchange in 1971. Thecompany, which was completely revitalized in1996, is in the upstream sector with focus onboth onshore and offshore activities.

    The operatorship of the Heather eld on theUKCS in 1997 was a stepping stone for DNOduring the rst growth cycle. From an offshoreoperatorship on the UKCS, DNO moved toonshore Yemen in 1998. Today it operatesfour licenses in Yemen and is partner in one.

    The entry to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

    was in 2004 with DNO being the operatorof two licenses initially, which became threefollowing the review of the contracts in 2008.

    DNO has still a presence offshore withoperatorship in an offshore license in UK,and is also partner in an offshore license inEquatorial Guinea.

    The corporate headquarters is in Oslo,with operating units in Mozambique, Yemen,Dubai, and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.Africa and the Middle East are currently thekey focus areas of DNO.

    What has DNO achieved in Kurdistan?Following extensive geological work, DNOdecided to drill the rst exploration well inKurdistan in late 2005, on the Tawke geologicalanticline, close to the border with Turkey.

    While the acquisition and processing of seismic data was ongoing in summer 2005,DNO acquired the equipment to drill its rstwell in a Region where none existed at thattime. The Tawke-1 exploration well discoveredcommercial quantities of crude oil.

    A eld development program was initiatedimmediately, and a central processing facilityand a 43 km export pipeline were constructedin record time, along with the drilling of additional development wells. The eld wasfully developed in June 2007 only two yearsafter commencement of seismic explorationactivities on the ground.

    Export of crude oil from the KurdistanRegion to the international market is essen-tial to create full value from current and futureoil discoveries. Export was allowed for a shortperiod, for about 3 months from 1 June 2009,

    but was halted because of non-payment for

    crude oil being exported. The eld has, mean-while, supplied crude oil to the local market.

    The rst exploration well made a discoveryin the Erbil PSC contract area in 2007. Thiseld is being appraised.

    What are the longer-term aspirations ofDNO in Kurdistan?DNO has long-term commitments to allstakeholders of the Region. At least three newexploration wells are planned for 2010-11, onein each of the licenses operated by DNO.

    The near-term aspirations are to have

    all matters resolved such that crude oilfrom Kurdistan will again be exported tothe international markets, for the benet of the Region, the whole of Iraq and to the oilcompanies engaged in E&P activities. DNO ishopeful this may happen soon. The companyrecommenced the export of crude oil fromTawke on 2 February 2011 at rates in excessof 65,000 bpd, and is also assisting the KRGby receiving third-party crude oil for exportusing the DNO export infrastructure.

    What focus is placed onCorporate Responsibilities?Corporate responsibilities take various shapesand forms. DNO supports local reconstructionwith $12 million dened as Capacity BuildingBonuses in the contracts signed with the KRG.

    Apart from providing jobs to the localcommunity, DNO is also contributing greatlytoward bettering the infrastructure, health, andhygiene standards of the Region. The sum of $150 million is being contributed toward thebuilding of a water purication plant in Dohukfor the benet of the city and nearby villages.

    DNO has invested in local school upgradesand equipping local hospitals with requisitemedical facilities, and the company willcontinue to partner with the local communityin shaping a better future.

    DNO International ASA

    Stranden 1, Aker Brygge,N-0250 OsloP.O. Box 1345 Vika, 0113Oslo, NorwayPhone: (+47) 23 23 84 80

    Website: www.dno.no

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    E8KLI8C Ifm\ied\ek `j jlggfik`m\ f] ]fi\`^e `em\jkfij%

    K_\ I\^`fe `j efk# _fn\m\i# X e\n eXd\ `e k_\ _p[ifZXiYfejj\Zkfi% @e[\\[# `k `j fe\ f] k_\ fc[\jk% K_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe f] @iXhnXj k_\ Y`ik_gcXZ\ f] k_\ @iXh` f`c j\Zkfi Xe[# _\eZ\# k_Xk f] k_\D`[[c\ J \jk`dXk\[ k_\ QX^ifjk_iljk Y\ck ZfekX`e\[ dfi\ k_Xe +* Y`cc`fe YXii\cj f] f`c%

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    /) E8KLI8C I

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    OMV has been active in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq since 2007, with operationsthat started in 2008. OMV can draw from its broad expertise from operatingdiligently in harsh environments and apply experience already gained in a numberof countries in the region. The company is ready to provide integrated solutions andrely on its very strong team of local and international experts.

    OMV is a global company that investsup to EUR 40mn in each individual well.

    Move & More.

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    Advisory servicesConcept to commissioning

    Feasibility studiesBasic engineering

    FEEDDetailed engineering

    EPCM servicesPMC services

    Procurement solutions

    PipelinesOffshore topsides

    LNG, LPG, CNGPetroleum storage facilities

    ReneriesPetrochemicals facilities

    Onshore surface facilitiesHeavy oil processing

    Clean development mechanismCarbon capture and storage


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    E8KLI8C I cXleZ_\[ `kj

    K_\ gfj`k`m\ `dgXZkf] _p[ifZXiYfej

    Workers at the Tawke oil eld in Zakho,which started exporting in June 2009

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    I\Xg`e^ k_\ i\nXi[j f] f`c

    J`eZ\ Bli[`jkXej f`c Xe[ ^Xj j\Zkfi \d\i^\[ ]ifd k_\j_X[fn f] [`i\Zk Zfekifc ]ifd 9X^_[X[# k_\ I\^`fe _Xj

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    K_ifl^_flk @iXhj _`jkfip# lek`c )''*# 9X^_[X[ \o\iZ`j\[ kfkXcZfekifc fm\i k_\ f`c j\Zkfi k_ifl^_ X eXk`feXc`q\[ f`c `e[ljkip%Hl`k\ c`k\iXccp# 9X^_[X[ [`ZkXk\[ \m\ip j`e^c\ Xjg\Zk f] @iXhj f`cj\Zkfi# `eZcl[`e^ _fn Xe[ n_\i\ i\jfliZ\j XZZil\[ ]ifd f`c nflc[Y\ jg\ek% K_\ j`klXk`fe j`eZ\ )'', _Xj Y\\e jfd\n_Xk [`]]\i\ek#n`k_ k_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe \o\iZ`j`e^ ]\[\iXc Zfekifc fm\i `kj f`c Xe[^Xj j\Zkfi Xj dXe[Xk\[ Yp k_\ @iXh` :fejk`klk`fe% K_`j _Xj# Xkk`d\j# Y\\e m`\n\[ n`k_ ZfeZ\ie# Xe[ \m\e _fjk`c`kp# Yp k_\ @iXh`^fm\ied\ek `e 9X^_[X[% ?fn\m\i# `] ZfdgXiXk`m\ \m`[\eZ\ `jkf Y\ X ^l`[\# k_\ BI> kffb efk fecp X YiXm\ jk\g Ylk X j\ej`Yc\fe\ Yp j\\b`e^ kf [\m\cfg `kj fne j\Zkfi j\gXiXk\cp ]ifd# Ylk

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    E8KLI8C I

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    MOL Group is a leading international, integrated oil and gas company fromHungary, the heart of Europe, with over 70 years experience and a proven track record. In addition to the companys strong renery and commercial position inCentral, Eastern and Southern Europe, its upstream operations extend to theMiddle East, Africa, South Asia and the CIS countries. As an integral part of

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    GFN D`e`jk\i ]fi \dYXib\[ lgfe X [peXgfc`Zp kf \ejli\ k_Xk fli i\jfliZ\j nflc[ Y\ lj\[ kf Y\e\k k_\c`m\j f] fli Z`k`q\ej% IXk_\i k_Xe [\g\e[`e^ fe k_\ ^fm\ied\ek kj_flc[\i k_\ \ek`i\ i\jgfej`Y`c`kp# k_\ BI> fg\e\[ k_\ Y`[[`e^ kfhlXc`\[ gi`mXk\ idj% Fli eXkliXc i\jfliZ\j Xi\ efn kiXej]fid\[`ekf \c\Zki`Z`kp k_ifl^_ jkXk\$f]$k_\$Xik i\e\i`\j Xe[ gfn\i gcX

    Xe[ fli I\^`fe Zlii\ekcp \eafpj lg kf )' _flij f] \c\Zki`Z`kp \XZ_[Xp# Xe[ n\ Xi\ nfib`e^ kf dXb\ k_Xk )+>8@E@E> =IFD

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    0+ GFN \Zfefd`Z gfc`Zp Xe[ _Xj\oZ\\[\[ Xcc \og\ZkXk`fej `e k\idj f] \c\Zki`Z`kp ^\e\iXk`fe Xe[[`jki`Ylk`fe `e fli I\^`fe% C`b\ dfjk fk_\i \Zfefd`\j Xifle[ k_\nfic[# k_\ BI> XZbefnc\[^\j k_Xk k_\ ]i\\ dXib\k n`cc Xccfn k_\Y\jk idj kf i\XZ_ e\n Xe[ \]Z`\ek jfclk`fej# jf cfe^ Xj k_\^fm\ied\ek Zi\Xk\j Xe[ \e]fiZ\j n`j\ gfc`Z`\j%

    K_\ j\Zfe[ c\jjfe `j k_Xk jlZ_ glYc`Z$gi`mXk\ gXike\ij_`gjZXe k_\e ZXkXcpq\ [\m\cfgd\ek `e fk_\i \c[j# Zi\Xk`e^ Xdlck`gcp`e^ \]]\Zk% K_\ jlggcp f] \c\Zki`Z`kp `j X g\i]\Zk \oXdgc\ f]k_`j% K_\ Bli[`jkXe I\^`fe efn _Xj X eldY\i f] df[\ie d\[`ZXc

    Z\ek\ij# ]XZkfi`\j# j_fgg`e^ ]XZ`c`k`\j# _fk\cj# Xe[ fk_\i gifa\Zkjj\k kf Zfd\ fec`e\ `e k_\ e\ok ]\n p\Xij% :fddfe ZfeZ\iej ]fi`ek\ieXk`feXc Xe[ cfZXc `em\jkfij `eZcl[\ k_\ XjjliXeZ\ f] i\^lcXij\im`Z\j ^lXiXek\\[ `e X[mXeZ\[ \Zfefd`\j1 ifX[j# nXk\i jlggcp#Xe[ \c\Zki`Z`kp% 8j n\ Xi\ efn XYc\ kf gfn\i ]XZkfi`\j# Zc`e`Zj#le`m\ij`k`\j# Xe[ fk_\i ]XZ`c`k`\j k_Xk i\hl`i\ ZfejkXek \c\Zki`Z`kpXcY\`k n`k_ k_\ Xjj`jkXeZ\ f] YXZb$lg ^\e\iXkfijj\Zkfij f]\Zfefd`Z XZk`m`kp k_Xk n\i\ gi\m`fljcp X ^i\Xk Z_Xcc\e^\ Xi\ efnn\cc n`k_`e k_\ iXe^\ f] fli ZXgXY`c`kp% N\ Y\c`\m\ k_Xk# `e X ]\np\Xij# k_\ I\^`fe n`cc gif[lZ\ \efl^_ \c\Zki`Z`kp kf d\\k Xcc f] fligfn\i e\\[j Xe[# gfk\ek`Xccp# Y\Zfd\ X e\k \ogfik\i%

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