An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda Nond ua l Trika Sai v ism ` . kundalini sadhana - .

kundalini . . s adhana · 2020. 8. 25. · An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda Nondual

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Page 1: kundalini . . s adhana · 2020. 8. 25. · An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda Nondual

An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda

Nondual Trika Saivism

.kundalini sadhana - .

Page 2: kundalini . . s adhana · 2020. 8. 25. · An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda Nondual


Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana and Nondual Trika Śaivism

This comprehensive 24-month course offers an in-depth journey into the Heart of Consciousness through Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana, an essential practice of Trika Śaivism. We will explore the darśana (view) of nondual tradition, the nature of kuṇḍalinī and the role it plays in one’s liberation, and how the upāyas (means of practice) provide a framework for understanding our spiritual growth.

• The 10-module course includes weekly classes, plus optional Intensives and Hawaii Immersions. (In-person, live-streamed, and self-paced courses)

• See schedule at end of this document



Swami Khecaranatha offers several 1 to 3-day intensives to allow time for a deeper exploration of topics that directly relate to a student’s spiritual practice and experience in life. Guided meditations, powerful śakti transmission, discussion and Q&A are blended into each intensive to deepen your practice.

• Generally offered three times a year, in-person (when possible - in Berkeley, California), live-streamed, on demand, and self-paced.

• Prerequisite: Watching the Introductory Video for those new to Khecaranatha’s practice:


1 to 3-week retreats on Maui are offered as a time to let go of daily life and immerse yourself in a deeper sādhana, which significantly shifts your experience. The schedule includes extended periods of meditation, śakti transmission, more advanced teachings, seva, and free time to visit the local beaches. • In-person but may be available live-streamed

or as on-demand and self-paced courses.• In person attendance is by permission and generally

requires prior participation in either the 24-month Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana program or attendance at two or more of the Intensives.

Page 3: kundalini . . s adhana · 2020. 8. 25. · An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda Nondual

WEEKLY PROGRAMSŚakti TransmissionThe twice-weekly open-eyes transmission class, coupled with daily meditation, is a central practice of Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana. When, through grace, kuṇḍalinī begins to awaken in us, receiving transmission allows the teacher to energize and support that unfolding.

This helps us tune in to our psychic body, internalize our life force, and maintain that connection as we move through our day. As the awakening of kuṇḍalinī cuts through all limitations within us, our awareness expands, and we experience the source of kuṇḍalinī śakti as infinite, divine Consciousness. • Prerequisite: Watching the Introductory Video.

Teatime With Swamiji These zoom sessions allow you to “sit down” in dialog with Swami Khecaranatha in an informal conversation. He may suggest a topic for discussion, or simply take questions. Feel free to bring up any concerns you have about your practice, how to apply the principles of sādhana to daily life, or some aspect of the philosophy that might need clarification.• Offered once a week, these sessions will be recorded and available

on-demand. • Prerequisite: is access to Weekly Programs, which is part of the

FREE base membership.

Discussions On Sādhana: Weekly Blog

Swami Khecaranatha’s weekly blog sheds light on various aspects of practice. These blogs are usually based on class discussions and reflect his response to questions students often have about their inner work or about how to integrate that work with daily life. With fifty years of teaching experience, Swamiji is able to offer valuable insights about the benefits and challenges of living a spiritual life. • Offered once a week. Prerequisite is access to Weekly Programs,

which is part of the FREE base membership.

Merging With The Divine: Daily Reflections

These reflections will help you focus on your sādhana by offering short, inspirational quotes on a daily basis. They are designed to pinpoint a specific aspect of practice or philosophy that you can keep in mind as you move throughout that day, offering new insight into your spiritual growth in the light of the dynamics of life. Includes a way for you to directly reflect on the message. • Offered daily. Prequisite is access to Weekly Programs,

which is part of the FREE base membership.

Page 4: kundalini . . s adhana · 2020. 8. 25. · An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda Nondual

SUPPORT & MATERIALSKuṇḍalinī Sādhana – Guided Meditations Most students benefit from using guided meditation. With almost fifty years of teaching experience, Swamiji can lead students out of the mind and into the psychic body, thereby penetrating deeply into the Heart of Consciousness within. Meditations range from those most appropriate for anyone new to the practice to more advanced explorations of the the suṣumṇa, the pure channel of light in its innermost core, the internal breath, dvādaśānta, and the complete immersion known as samāveśa.• No prerequisites but participating in the weekly Śakti Transmission

classes is strongly recommended.

Discussions On Sādhana – Audio RecordingsSwami Khecaranatha has an extensive library of class discussions that are available as audio recordings. You can survey a list of topics and pick one that might shed light on a question you have, or on your current experience with practice. Some of the recordings have been edited, others not—but in either format, these talks are a valuable tool for understanding spiritual growth.

• No prerequisites but participating in the weekly Śakti Transmission classes is strongly recommended.

Discussions On Sādhana – Video RecordingsMany of Swami Khecaranatha’s prior classes are available as video recordings. The Śakti Transmission part of the session has been edited out so that you can just watch the talks, which you can use to review topics that might shed light on a question you have, or on your current experience with the practice. There are a wide range of discussions that can be valuable as you grow spiritually.

• No prerequisites but participating in the weekly Śakti Transmission classes is strongly recommended.

Books & WritingsSwami Khecaranatha has published several books. They are available to order in paperback from Amazon.com, but PDFs of the full or abridged texts can be downloaded from this site. Listed in order of publication:

• Depth Over Time: Kundalini Sadhana - A Path of Transformation• Heart of Recognition: The Wisdom of the Pratyabhijna Hrdayam• Shiva’s Trident: The Consciousness of Freedom• Wearing God’s Mala: The Seva Sutras• The Divine Thread: The Stillness Sutras

Short articles may also be made available in PDF form.

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ADVANCED ENGAGEMENTSPilgrimage Into The Heart: Extended Immersion

Throughout history people seeking a deeper spiritual life have gone on pilgrimages to holy sites to immerse themselves in a place of refuge. Setting aside the activities, distractions, and pressures of daily life and engaging in longer periods of daily sādhana has long been a key component of reaching into the depths of one’s awareness. Swami Khecaranatha has designed an opportunity for such a pilgrimage at our retreat center, Nityakash, on Maui, Hawaii.

These in-depth journeys in the heart range from 1 to 3 months (generally in the summer) with a daily schedule that includes several hours of meditation and classes, seva (help with cooking meals and tending the five acres), group activities, and free time to explore the beaches and beauty of Hawaii.

The opportunity to spend extended time with Swami Khecaranatha is a key aspect of these pilgrimages. Nityakash is named after Bhagavan Nityananda, the satguru of Swami Khecaranatha’s lineage, who said, “The heart is the most sacred of all places, go there and roam.”

Conscious Studentship 81-Week Program Entering into a relationship with a teacher reflects the conscious choice on the part of a student to place his finite awareness in direct confrontation with the expanded consciousness of the teacher — the unbounded consciousness the student wishes to attain.

As a student comes into the guru’s field of energy and awareness, the student’s finite consciousness encounters its own Source in the person of the teacher. This releases the inner meditative current and consciousness already present but unknown to the student.

In this sacred relationship the teacher binds the student to service, growth, and the inner practices required for the single purpose of attaining freedom. The teacher only seeks to free students from their own limited awareness. — Abhinavagupta, 11th Century Tantric Master

This long-term commitment will be a powerful accelerant in your journey toward freedom.

Swami Khecaranatha has many students but will only be accepting 36 individuals into this deeply intimate spiritual relationship so that he can truly support the transformation available in the teacher-student relationship.

Prerequisites:• Ongoing participation in the Śakti Transmission Classes • Participation in two or more of the 3-day Berkeley Intensives • Application and approval by Swamiji

Prerequisites: • Completion of the Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana Program• Participation in the Pilgrimage into the Heart

Immersion in Hawaii• Initiation into the Heart of Consciousness Kula • Ongoing participation in the Śakti Transmission

Classes• Ongoing Participation Berkeley Intensives &

Hawaii Immersions• Application and approval by Swamiji

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Only twelve students will be accepted into this Two-Year Teacher Training Program


• Completion of the Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana Program • Participation in the Pilgrimage into the Heart

Immersion in Hawaii• Completion of the Conscious Studentship

Program• Initiation into the Heart of Consciousness Kula • Ongoing participation in the Śakti Transmission

Classes• Ongoing Participation in Berkeley Intensives

and Hawaii Immersions• Application and approval by Swamiji

Ācārya Training & Initiation

The essence of teaching is to serve the Divine by consciously growing in the capacity to love, nourish, and support the individuals who engage in the practice and lineage that an ācārya is empowered to carry. That service is unconditional and is enabled by sacrifice and surrender. We serve not only during class, but by connecting with and aiding students in their spiritual journey and in their daily lives.

A teacher gives spiritual nourishment, love, and support unconditionally — and without attachment. Are you prepared to do that for the rest of your life?

Teaching is not a romantic short-term tour-of-duty that we sign up for. It is not a temporary engagement. It must be a lifetime of service since the role of the teacher is twofold: to awaken the creative power of Life already present within each person, and to support that person as this power unfolds. This responsibility cannot be taken lightly. While it is a great honor to teach, it is really a life of work, sacrifice, and surrender.

A lineage is an unbroken transmission of a living spiritual force that is passed from heart to heart. It flows from one generation to the next — from a teacher to the student he wishes to initiate as a lineage carrier. Whether the initiation is an elaborate ceremony or simply the words of the teacher spoken to the heart of the person being initiated, it is the power of initiation that installs the seed of the living force in the recipient. Although this force manifests within a teacher, this living energy is greater than that which is carried within any person. A lineage carrier serves that force.

Depth Over Time: The primary criteria that Khecaranatha will use in selecting those who will be accepted into the program are:

• Commitment: Is this person truly committed to this practice and lineage as the means to their own growth? • Potential: Is this person prepared to make the sacrifices needed to cultivate the potential to teach? • Capacity: Will this person have the single focus over time required to develop the capacity to teach? • Surrender: Is this person capable of the depth of surrender that is required to selflessly serve?

An authentic teacher is committed to serving unconditionally, to working in such depth and surrender that eventually there is nothing left of themselves, and only God remains. —Nathaji

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Śakti Flow: Vinyāsa Yoga For Kuṇḍalinī SādhanaDiscover the Pranic Flow of energy through asana and prāṇāyāma to work in harmony with Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana. Ācārya Nityani Devi, a former ballerina and Master Yoga Teacher will carefully guide you through a series of postures linked to breath. Her classes are intelligently sequenced to encourage observation, feeling, and directing of śakti through the body, mind, and spirit. Explore basic postures, sun salutations, ujjayi breath, and guided meditations through this 8-week integrated series. Each class is 75 minutes. • All Classes offered on zoom and recordings will be available.

Wisdom Talks with Authentic TeachersMore information coming soon.

Mantra Sādhana: Transmission And Training This course is a deep exploration of Nāda Yoga, the Yoga of Sound, one of the oldest forms of Yoga Sādhana. Learn the principles underlying spiritual chanting and sound meditation. You will first be introduced to the Sanskrit alphabet and the power of vibration or spanda, and experience the effects of sound on the body and being. This program is a rich experiential immersion into the history, philosophy, and science of Mantra. Nāda Yoga has a unique ability to unify our experiences and is a key element used by Indian Yogis and Tantrics for thousands of years. No prior chanting experience necessary. Taught by Ācārya Pratibha Devi (Zeny Ogrisseg), who has traveled extensively in India learning Mantra and is formally initiated into Śrī Vidyā Tantra. She is based in Hawaii and teaches Yoga, Tantra, Ayurveda, and Sound Healing through her Hawaii School of Yoga.• All Classes offered on zoom and recordings will be available.

Gifts & Spiritual ParaphernaliaMore information coming soon.

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The Matrix of Sādhana & The Means to Liberation A clearly defined and articulated roadmap of the journey

to spiritual liberation through Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana.

The Darśana (The View)The imparting of knowledge and insight and the directing/empowering

of the practices that bring about that knowledge in the individual.

The Upāyas (The Means)The upāyas are at once the means of liberation, perpetually cycling in a non-linear

focus and prominence, and the state of awakened consciousness with each individual.

The Key Aspects of SādhanaEach of the key aspects are articulated in depth across and within each upāya, supported by the practices that enable each person to have the

direct experience of that knowledge/insight within themselves.

The Conduct & Lived Expression of RealizationThe spiritual insight and experience consciously forged by living in the

world, dissolving the apparent internal and externality of duality.


Open the Heart


Surrender to the Śakti


• Inner Practices and Meditations• Receiving Transmission• Teacher-Student Relationship• Selfless Service• Surrender and Stillness• Insight from Wisdom Teachings


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Heart of Consciousness Program Schedule Oct 2020 – March 2025

Date Kuṇḍalinī Sādhana &

Trika Śaivism Program Heart of Consciousness

(HOC) Kula Programs

Oct 29 - Nov 1, 2020

Foundations Course: The Triadic Dance of Śiva The View/Means/Living Expression

Berkeley 3-Day Intensive

7tht620 2021 Sun, Jan 10, 2021

12 noon – 4pm Program Introduction and Invocation Puja

Jan 11 - Mar 22 (off Feb 15)

Module One: The Darśana of Trika Śaivism

10 Monday Night Sessions

Mar 25-28 or April 1-4 (TBD)

Module Two: 3-Day Overview Intensive Kuṇḍalinī in Trika Śaivism

Berkeley 3-Day Intensive Initiation Ceremony into Heart of

Consciousness Kula if in-person allowed

April 5-June 28 Module Three: Kuṇḍalinī – The Divine Fire

Pilgrimage Retreat in Hawaii 1-3 Months—April/May/June

Work-Trade/Seva (Open to Everyone -

Application Required) April 5 - May 24 8 Monday Night Sessions

June 7 - June 28 4-Week Practice Period & Monday Zoom Q&A

July 1-4 Module Four: 3-Day Overview Intensive Āṇavopāya: The Path of Effort

Berkeley 3-Day Intensive

July 12 - Oct 4 Module Five: Āṇavopāya: The Path of Effort

July 12 - Aug 30 8 Monday Night Sessions

Aug 31 – Sept 27 4-Week Practice Period & 3 Monday Zoom Q&A

(NO zoom on Sept 6)

Sept 11 - Oct 9 HOC Kula Initiates Immersion: Hawaii – 1 to 4 Weeks

Oct 28 - 31 Module Six: 3-Day Overview Intensive Śāktopāya: The Path of Energy & Insight

Berkeley 3-Day Intensive

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End of 2021 - 2022 Nov 8, 2021- Mar 7, 2022

Module Seven: Śāktopāya: The Path of Energy & Insight

Nov 8 - Jan 24 (off Dec 20 & 27)

10 Monday Night Sessions

Jan 25-Mar 7 (off Feb 14 & 21)

6-Week Practice Period & Monday Zoom Q&A

Mar 31 - Apr 3 Module Eight: 3-Day Overview Intensive Śāmbhavopāya: The Path of Awareness

(Optional Initiation Ceremony into Heart of Consciousness Kula)

Berkeley 3-Day Intensive Initiation Ceremony into Heart of

Consciousness Kula if in-person allowed

April 11 - June 27 Module Nine: Śāmbhavopāya: The Path of Awareness

Pilgrimage Retreat in Hawaii 1-3 Months—April/May/June

Work-Trade/Seva Open to HOC Initiates Only- Prerequisite

to Conscious Studentship Program (Application Required)

Apr 11 - May 23 7 Monday Night Sessions

May 24 - June 27 5-Week Practice Period & Monday Zoom Q&A (no zoom May 30)

June 30 - July 3 Module Ten: 3-Day Overview Intensive Anupāya / Pratibhā: No Path Berkeley 3-Day Intensive

& Para Devi Puja & Ceremony (Puja for HOC Initiates Only)

July 3 – Sunday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Parā Devī Puja & Ceremony Only if In-person Attendance Is Possible

(HOC Initiation Required In Advance to Attend) July 10 - Sunday 12 noon – 4pm

Convocation Ceremony & Puja (In-person and/or online)

Aug 6 - 20 HOC Kula Initiates Immersion: Hawaii – 1 to 2 Weeks

Aug 27 - Sept 3 Module Eleven: Immersions in Hawaii

Aug 27 - Sept 3 7-Day Immersion

Sept 3 -10 7-Day Immersion:

(Optional Initiation Ceremony into Heart of Consciousness Kula)

Oct 27 - 30 Module One: Foundations Course: Conscious Studentship – Keys to Mastery Berkeley 3-Day Intensive

2023 - 2025 Jan 7 - Feb 4, 2023 HOC Kula Initiates Immersion:

Hawaii – 1-4 Weeks

Mar 2023 - Aug 2024

Ajñī & Vibhūti/Fire & Ash: The Alchemical Transformation of Conscious Studentship

Ācārya Training & Initiation Sept 2024 – August 2026 Prerequisite: Conscious

Studentship Program

Page 11: kundalini . . s adhana · 2020. 8. 25. · An Integrated Spiritual Portal Offered by Swami Khecaranatha A Carrier of the Śakti Transmission Lineage of Nityananda and Rudrananda Nondual

Sādhana is the search for ourself in the Heart of God and the

discovery of God inside our own heart.

I first met my guru, Swami Rudrananda, on October 10, 1971. That moment was so powerful and transformative that it has continued to fuel my own sādhana and teaching up to this day. Over these past five decades, I have

attempted to continuously refine the teachings that I received, and to

articulate them in a manner that would be accessible to anyone who

wishes to grow spiritually.

In the past few years I have worked to create a comprehensive framework,

a manual for liberation, in which to elucidate my teachings. In order to do so, I have reached further into the nondual wisdom teachings of

ancient India in order better express my own experience and sādhana.

As a result, I have created an immersive spiritual portal that will allow a

sophisticated Matrix for Sādhana and the Means to Liberation

framework to be explored in its scope and its depth. You can think

of the matrix as the warp and weave of the fabric of sādhana —

the journey to liberation.

I invite you to look at this program for spiritual growth and to join if

it resonates with you.

Web: heartofc.organd coming soon once the new portal is launched: kundalini-sadhana.org

— In Service, Swami Khecaranatha

Swami KhecaranathaWith a mastery etched from five decades of disciplined inner practice and selfless

service, Khecaranatha is an authentic adept in the Śakti Transmission Lineage

of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Rudrananda. Swami Khecaranatha

teaches from his personal experience and revelations. His ardent study of the richness and wisdom of ancient tantric scripture provides a means to articulate

the teachings of his lineage within the larger context of these powerful

nondual traditions—while emphasizing the essence of his teaching, which is

to empower students to discover their own innate divinity.

. .kundalini sadhana - -

nondual trika saivism

the triadic path to liberation -

Swami Khecaranatha’s teachings coincide with the Trika school of Śaivism. He has attained,

through the transmission of his teachers and a lifetime of practice and profound personal

experience, a deep understanding of the

teachings of Anuttara Trika - considered by

the Kashmiris to be the most elevated

of all the Tantric practices.

—Mark Dyczkowski, one of the world’s foremost authors

and authorities on Nondual

Trika Śaivism