Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module

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  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module



    K to 12 Basic Education CurriculumTechnology and Livelihood Education

    Learning Module



    Grades 7 and Grade 8  

    Republic of the Philippines


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  1 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 



    What is this Module About? ................................................................................................. 2

    How do you Use this Module ............................................................................................... 3

    LESSON 1 – Use and Maintenance of Cleaning Tools and Equipment............ 4 - 25

    LESSON 2 - Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures ................ 26 - 61

    LESSON 3 – Maintain an Effective Relationship with Clients/Customers ..... 62 - 89

     Answer Keys ................................................................................................................ 90 - 95

     Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................... 96

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  2 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Welcome to the world of Househo ld Services!  

    This Module is an exploratory and introductory course on Househo ld Servic es  which leadsyou to Househo ld Services   National Certificate Level II ( NC II)1. It cover 3  commoncompetencies in Hous ehold Services  that a Grade 7/Grade 8 Technology and LivelihoodEducation (TLE) students like you ought to possess, namely:

    1) Use and maintenance of cleaning tools/equipment;2) Practice occupational health and safety procedures;3) Maintain an effective relationship with clients/customers; and

    These 3 common competencies are covered separately in 4 Lessons. As shown below, eachLesson is directed to the attainment of one or two learning outcomes:

    Lesson 1 – Competency : Use and maintenance of cleaning tools/equipment Learning Outcomes (LO) 1 Use appropriate cleaning tools, equipment, supplies

    and materials; andLearning Outcomes (LO) 2 Maintain cleaning equipment.

    Lesson 2 – Competency : Practice occupational health and safety proceduresLearning Outcomes (LO) 1 Identify /Evaluate hazards and risks;Learning Outcomes (LO) 2 Control hazards and risks; andLearning Outcomes (LO) 3 Maintain occupational health and safety awareness.

    Lesson 3 – Competency: Maintain an effective relationship with clients/customers Learning Outcomes (LO) 1 Maintain a professional image; andLearning Outcomes (LO) 2 Build credibility to meet customers/clients’


    1 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (NC) is a certification issued to individuals who achieved all the required units of competency for a nationalqualification as defined under the Training Regulations. NCs are aligned to specific levels within the PTQF. (TESDA Board Resolution No.2004-13, Training Regulations Framework)

     NATIONAL CERTIFICATE LEVEL refers to the four (4) qualification levels defined in the Philippine TVET Qualifications Framework( PTQF ) Where the worker in:

    a. NC I performs a routine and predictable tasks; has little judgment; and, works under supervision;

    b. NC II performs prescribe range of functions involving known routines and procedures; has limited choice and complexity of functions, and has little accountability;

    What Is This Module About?

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  3 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    This Module has 3 Lessons. Each Lesson has the following:

      Learning Outcomes

      Performance Standards



      Definition of Terms

      What Do You Already Know?

      What Do You Need to Know?

      How Much Have You Learned?

      How Do You Apply What You Learned?

      How Well Did You Perform?

      How Do You Extend Your Learning?

    To get the most from this Module, you need to do the following:

      Begin by reading and understanding the Learning Outcome/s and PerformanceStandards. These tell you what you should know and be able to do at the end of thisModule.

      Find out what you already know by taking the Pretest then check your answer againstthe Answer Key. If you get 99 to 100% of the items correctly, you may proceed to thenext Lesson. This means that you need not go through the Lesson because you

    already know what it is about. If you failed to get 99 to 100% correctly, go through theLesson again and review especially those items which you failed to get.

      Do the required Learning Activities. They begin with one or more Information Sheets. An Information Sheet contains important notes or basic information that you need toknow. After reading the Information Sheet, test yourself on how much you learned by meansof the Self-check. Refer to the Answer Key for correction. Do not hesitate to go backto the Information Sheet when you do not get all test items correctly. This will ensureyour mastery of basic information.

      It is not enough that you acquire content or information. You must be able to

    demonstrate what you learned by doing what the Activity / Operation /Job Sheetdirects you to do. In other words, you must be able to apply what you have learned inreal life.

      How well did you perform? Accomplish the Scoring Rubrics.

    Each Lesson also provides you with references and definition of key terms for your guide.They can be of great help. Use them fully.

    If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for assistance. 

    How Do You Use This Module?

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  4 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Use and Maintenance of Cleaning Tools

    and Equipment

    LESSON 1

    LO 1. use appropriate cleaning tools, equipment, supplies andmaterials; and

    LO 2. maintain cleaning equipment

    LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this Lesson you are expected to do thefollowing:

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  5 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Corrective or reactive activity - unscheduled, unplanned task, usually associated with

    greater hazards and higher risk levels like repairing something to get it working again.

    Floor buffer  - an electrical appliance that is used to clean and maintain non-carpeted floors,such as hardwood, marble, tile or linoleum. It is also known as a floor polisher or floorburnisher. If it is a high speed floor buffer with a pad it rotates at over 1000 RPM (rotation perminute). 

    Housekeeping - the act of cleaning the rooms and furnishings of a home. 

    Maintenance - an act or process of preserving a tool or equipment. It is working on somethingto keep it in a functioning and safe state and preserving it from failure.

    Management - the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals,working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.

    Preventive or proactive activity - usually a planned and scheduled process that is usuallycarried out to keep something functional.

    Tools - devices that can be used to achieve a task, but not consumed in the process.

    Vacuum cleaner  - a device that uses an air  pump to create a partial vacuum to suck updust and dirt, usually from floors, and optionally from other surfaces as well.

    Definition of Terms


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  6 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

      Cleaning Tools and Equipment enumerated in the lessons 





      Used appropriate cleaning tools and equipment properly.

      Prepared appropriate supplies and materials for cleaning different

    areas.  Followed instructions correctly in handling different tools, equipment,

    supplies and materials.

      Observed safety measures/ precautions in doing.


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  7 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    What Do You Already Know?

    Name: ______________________________ Section: _________________________

    Directions: Fill up the circles by writing a cleaning tool, equipment, supply or materialsand its use.

    Cleaning tools,

    equipment, supplies

    and materials

    Let us determine how much you already know about the use farm tools and

    equipment. Take this test.

    Pretest LO 1

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  8 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Today, cleaning is a very serious concern to have a well conducive environment for

    living. Our home, working places and the whole environment require serious treatment inorder to give us clean atmosphere where we can easily live.



    Broom is a cleaning implement for sweeping made of bundle ofstraws or twigs attached to a long handle.

    Dustpan is a cleaning tool commonly used to scoop the dirt andwastes on the floor.

    Vacuum cleaner  is a device that uses an air  pump to create apartial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually from floors, andoptionally from other surfaces as well. The dirt is collected byeither a dust bag or a cyclone for later disposal.

    Water Hoses are hollow tubes designed to carry fluids from one

    location to another. Hoses are also sometimes called  pipes (theword pipe usually refers to a rigid tube, whereas a hose is usuallya flexible one), or more generally tubing . The shape of a hose is

    usually cylindrical (having a circular  cross section).

    Bucket is a watertight, vertical cylinder or  truncated cone, with anopen top and a flat bottom, usually attached to a semicircularcarrying handle that is used to hold water or any liquid solutionused in cleaning.

    What Do You Need To Know?

    Read the Information Sheet 1.1 very well then find out how much you can

    remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.1.

    Information Sheet 1.1


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  9 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Cobwebber  is used for reaching and sweeping of floor without astool. It is also used to in stairwells, ceiling corners and other highareas.

    Sponge is characterized by readily absorbing water andbecoming soft when wet while retaining toughness: used in

    bathing, in wiping or cleaning surfaces, etc.

    Dishcloth is used in the kitchen to dry dishes and other surfaces.

    Typically they are made of  cotton or other cloth, suchas microfiber, and measure 11" to 13" inches square.

    Cleaning Cloth is used to wipe the cleaning tools andequipment.

     A floor buffer  is an electrical appliance that is used to clean andmaintain non-carpeted floors, such as hardwood, marble, tile orlinoleum. It is also known as a floor polisher.


    Cleaning detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactantswith "cleaning properties in diluted solutions that is also used incleaning purposes.

    Liquid Detergent is a detergent in liquid form used for cleaningtools and equipment.

    Scrubbing Foam is used to remove the contaminants of any tooland equipment.

    Paper towel is an absorbent textile made from paper instead ofcloth used in drying hands, wiping windows, dusting and cleaningup spills.

    Water  is a liquid used for cleaning most of the tools andequipment. It is also known as the universal solvent.


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  10 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    A waste container  is a container for temporarily storing refuseand waste.

    Baking soda otherwise known as bicarbonate of soda orsodium bicarbonate is used to deodorize refrigerators. 

     A glove is a garment that covers the whole hand of a person thatperforms household services.


    Directions: Match the meaning and functions in Column A with the terms in Column B. Writeonly the letter of your answer.

    Refer to the Answer Key. What is your score?  

    How Much Have You Learned?

    COLUMN A1. It is used to hold water or any liquid solution used in

    cleaning.2. It is a cleaning tool commonly used to scoop the dirt and

    wastes on the floor.3. It is used to remove the contaminants of any tool and


    4. They are devices used to achieve a task but notconsumed during the process.

    5. An implement for sweeping.6. A device which uses an air pump.7. It is also known as bicarbonate soda.8. It is a garment which covers the whole hand.9. It is a bin for refuses and wastes.10. It is the universal solvent.

    COLUMN Ba. waterb. waste containerc. gloved. baking sodae. vacuum cleaner

    f. broomg. toolsh. Scrubbing Foami. dustpan j. bucket

    Self-Check 1.1


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  11 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Directions: Identify the following tools, equipment, supplies and materials used in cleaning.

     _________ 1. _______________ 6.

     ___________ 2. _______________ 7.

     ____________ 3. _______________ 8.

     ____________ 4. _______________ 9.

     ____________5. ______________ 10.

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  12 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Directions: Group yourselves into five. From the given box below, pick three (3)tools/equipment/supplies/materials used in cleaning. One of you from the group will act thetool/equipment/supplies/materials picked and the rest of the members will guest what will beshown. The group who has the most number of correct answers in the earliest time willdeclare as winner.


    Directions: Group yourselves into five. Each group will be given a specific area to clean. Applythe uses of necessary cleaning tools/equipment/supplies/materials. The actual performancewill be evaluated by the given Scoring Rubrics.

    Group 1: Inside the classroom including the Comfort RoomGroup 2: School’s Lobby/Guardhouse Group 3: Lawn/Yard in front and back of the classroomGroup 4: Principal’s Office Group 5: Home Economics Room/School Canteen

    Show that you learned something by doing this activity  

    How Do You Apply What You Have Learned?

    Broom  Dustpan Vacuum cleaner  Water Hoses 

    Bucket glove Napkin cobwebber

    Sponge  Cleaning Cloth  floor buffer  Bowl Cleaner 

    Cleaning detergent  Liquid Detergent  Baking soda  Scrubbing Foam 

    Talcum Powder  Paper towel  water  waste container 

     Activity Sheet 1.1

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  13 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Criteria HighlySkilled

    Skilled ModeratelySkilled

    Unskilled No Attempt Score

    Use oftools



    (29-30) (27-28) (25-26) (23-24) (21-22)


    selection,preparationand use ofmaterials


    ent all thetime


    selection,preparationand use of

    materials andtools/equipment most of

    the time


    selection,preparationand use of

    materials andtools/equipment some of

    the time

    Never selects,

    prepares anduse

    appropriatematerials andtools/equipme


    No attempt

    to use tools/equipment

    Application of



    (29-30) (27-28) (25-26) (23-24) (21-22)


    of procedureall the time


    Systematicapplication of

    proceduremost of thetime withminimum


    Systematicapplication of

    proceduresome of the

    time withconstant


    Never followssystematic

    application ofprocedure and


    on supervision

    No attemptto apply

    procedure toproject


    (24-25) (22-23) (20-21) (18-19) (16-17)

    Highly self-motivated

    andobserves all

    safetyprecautionsat all times


    and observesmost safetyprecautionsmost of the



    and observessometimessome safetyprecautions

    Needs to bemotivated and

    does notobserve safety


    Nomotivationand totallydisregardsprecautions

    Speed /Time(15%)

    (14-15) (12-13) (10-11) (8-9) (6-7)

    Workfinishedahead of


    Workfinished on


    Work finishedclose to given


    Work finishedbeyond thegiven time

    No conceptof time

    Total Score

    Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely. Remember it is

    your learning at stake! 

    How Well Did You Perform?

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  14 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Housekeeping is not just cleanliness. It includes keeping work areas neat and orderly;maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards; and removing of waste materials(e.g., paper, cardboard) and other fire hazards from work areas.

    Safe Use

    Risks can vary greatly. What important is, whoever has to use any tool or piece ofequipment as part of their job does so with care. To ensure safe use, employers must orientworkers and provide suitable information. They must also check that workers have theappropriate qualifications to use intricate tools and equipment. In addition, as part of theirhealth and safety strategy employers should offer orientation and training. This isn’t necessaryfor basic items, but when certain tools and equipment change, orientation and orientationimproves skills and reminds users of safety procedures.

    Material handling safety

    Handling material is a daily function in the workplace. All too often it is a task taken forgranted, with little knowledge of or attention to the consequences if done incorrectly.

    The National Safety Council offers tips on the following:

    Power Lifting

    Protect Yourself

      Use the correct hand protection; wear gloves to prevent cuts.

      Wear safety shoes to prevent injury to your feet from a dropped item.

    Size up the Load A. Determine if you can carry a load comfortably; tip it on its side.

    B. Get help if the load is too big or bulky for one person.

    C. Check for nails, splinters, rough strapping, and rough edges.

    Lift It Right

      Make sure your footing is solid.

      Keep your back straight, with no curving or slouching.

      Center your body over your feet.

      Get a good grasp on the object and pull it close to you.

      Lift with your legs, not your back.

      Move your feet to turn. Don't twist your back.

    What Do You Need To Know?

    Read the Information Sheet 1.2 very well then find out how much you can

    remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.2.

    Information Sheet 1.2

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  15 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Tough Lifting Jobs

    Oversized Loads

      Don't try to carry a big load alone. Ask for help.

      Work as a team. Lift, walk, and lower the load together.

      Let one person give the directions and direct the lift.

    High Loads  Use a step stool or a sturdy ladder to reach loads that are above your shoulders.

      Get as close as you can to the load.

      Slide the load toward you.

      Do all the work with your arms and legs, not your back.

    Low Loads

      Loads that are under racks and cabinets need extra care.

      Pull the load toward you, and then try to support it on your knee before you lift.

      Use your legs to power the lift.

    Power Carrying Tips

    Your Checklist

      Make sure your footing is firm.

      Ensure enough clearance at doorways to keep your hands and fingers safe.

      Check your route for hazards.

      Take extra care at platforms, loading docks, ramps, and stairs.

      Carry long loads on your shoulders, with front end high.

      Make sure the next person has a firm grip before you hand off the load.

      When you carry with others, everyone should carry the load on the same shoulder,walk in step, and put the load down as a team.

    Back Safety Tips

      Wear the right personal protective equipment for lifting and carrying.

      Lift with your legs, not your back; pivot, don't twist.

      Get help with tough lifting jobs.

      Spend a few minutes each day before work on power warm-ups.

      Exercise regularly to keep your back strong and healthy.

      Eat right, stay slender, and cut down on stress to avoid back injuries.

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  16 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Directions: Answer the table below by writing the safety measures to be observed ingiven activities.

    Safety Measures

    Protect yourself Checklist for power carryingtips

    Tough lifting jobs

    Refer to the Answer Key. What is your score?  

    How Much Have You Learned?

    Self-Check 1.2

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  17 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Name of Student: _____________________________ Date: ____________

    Types ofTools/Equipment,Supplies/Materials

     ACCOMPLISHED JOB(place a check if applicable)

    Verified/acknowledged by

    General Cleaning Parent/s

    Yes No

    How Do You Extend Your Learning?

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  18 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Directions: Fill in the blank circles with answers on general guidelines on the use andmaintenance of electrical cleaning equipment.

    What Do You Already Know?

    Let us determine how much you already know about maintaining and cleaningequipment. Take this test.

    Pretest LO 2


    GeneralGuidelines on


    GeneralGuidelines onMaintenance

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  19 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


     A vacuum cleaner   is a device that uses an air  pump tocreate a partial vacuum to suck up dust and dirt, usually fromfloors, and optionally from other surfaces as well. The dirt is

    collected by either a dust bag or a cyclone for later disposal.Vacuum cleaners, which are used in homes as well as inindustry, exist in a variety of sizes and models— small battery-operated hand-held devices, domestic central vacuum cleaners, huge stationary industrial appliances that can handle severalhundred liters of dust before being emptied, and self-propelled vacuum trucks for recovery of large spills or removal ofcontaminated soil.

     A f loor buffer  is an electrical appliance that is usedto clean and maintain non-carpeted floors, such ashardwood, marble, tile or linoleum. It is also known asa f loor pol isher  or floor burnisher. If it is a high speed floorbuffer with a pad it rotates at over 1000 RPM (rotation perminute).  It has a large, round scrubbing pad spinning in acircle in one direction which is powered by a small motor, usually directly over the center of the pad.


    POLISHER (refer to r eferences)

    Correct Maintenance of Tools and Equipment

     A further part of a health and safety strategy is to maintain tools and equipmentregularly. This helps to identify safety problems before they become a serious hazard. Onlyqualified people should carry out the maintenance. They should also keep records of theirinspections.

    What Do You Need To Know?

    Read the Information Sheet 2.1 very well then find out how much you canremember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 2.1.

    Information Sheet 2.1


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  20 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    There is one important way to follow the rules and to manage the safe use andmaintenance of tools and equipment. This is to assess and control the risks.

    Employers should conduct Risk Assessments that cover the setting up, use andmaintenance of tools and equipment at work. The risk assessment process must identify theenvironments in which workers will use the tools and equipment; any local conditions that mayaffect safety; and how the workers will actually use each item in practice.

    Risk assessments such as these let employers know what orientation and training they

    need to run. The assessments also show what information employers must make available in

    the form of posters, user guides and Safety Signs. 

    By limiting risks in this way, employers have some control over potential hazards.

    Specifically, employers should:

      Place guards on machinery to protect fingers and limbs.

      Ensure that system controls have appropriate warning devices.

      Insist staff wear personal protective clothing as necessary.

       Arrange for maintenance when equipment is safely shut down and not in use.

    General Rules in the Use of Cleaning Equipment1. Check electrical appliances and equipment before use. Check if there are frayed wires,

    loose plugs ad connections. Never use any appliance that is defective.2. Handle equipment with care and make sure it does not bump on hard surfaces.3. Clean and store equipment in their custodial room immediately after use.4. Empty dust bags of dry vacuum cleaners before they overload and after each use.5. Follow manufacturer’s operating instruction. 6. Schedule a regular check-up of equipment to prevent serious breakdown.

    7. To avoid electric shock or short circuit, do not expose equipment to rain or water. Storethem indoors to protect them from getting wet. Electrical equipment should never beused in wet surfaces.


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  21 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Directions: Write a paragraph about the lesson presented on how to use and maintain thevacuum cleaner and floor polisher.

    How Much Have You Learned?


















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    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  22 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 



    Satisfactory Satisfactory Poor

    Clarity 30%

    ( 29-30 ) Clear



    ( 26-27 ) Relationship


    concepts isevident

    ( 24-25 ) Unclear



    ( 22-23 ) Little or No

    attempt at all to



    ( 24-25 )Information isclear accurate

    and precise

    ( 21-22 ) Information is


    ( 19-20 ) Information is


    ( 17-18 ) Little or No

    attempt at all toexplain

    Coherence 25%

    ( 24-25 ) Logical


    components tosub-


    ( 21-22 ) Components

    and sub-components are


    ( 19-20 ) Components

    and sub-components are

    not organized

    ( 17-18 ) Little or No

    attempt at all toexplain

    Presentation 20%

    ( 19-20 ) Presentation is

    orderly andeffective

    ( 16-17 ) Presentation is


    ( 14-15 ) Presentation is

    not orderly

    ( 12-13 ) Little or No

    attempt at all toexplain

    Total Score

    Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely. Remember it is

    your learning at stake! 

    How Well Did You Perform?

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  23 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Directions: Answer the table below by indicating thetools/equipments/materials/supplies used in performing the given household tasks andthe safety practices to be observed.

    Household Tasks

    Task Tools/EquipmentUsed


    Safety Precautionsto be observed

    Sweeping yard/lawn


    Cleaning comfortroom

    Washing dishes

    Ironing of clothes


    Show that you learned something by doing this activity 

    How Do You Apply What You Have Learned?

     Activity Sheet 2.1

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  24 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 



    Satisfactory Satisfactory Poor

    Clarity 30%

    ( 29-30 ) Clear


    ( 26-27 ) Relationship

    betweenconcepts is


    ( 24-25 ) Unclear


    ( 22-23 ) Little or No

    attempt at all toexplain


    ( 24-25 )Information isclear accurate

    and precise

    ( 21-22 ) Information is


    ( 19-20 ) Information is


    ( 17-18 ) Little or No

    attempt at all toexplain

    Coherence 25%

    ( 24-25 ) Logical


    components tosub-


    ( 21-22 ) Components

    and sub-components are


    ( 19-20 ) Components

    and sub-components are

    not organized

    ( 17-18 ) Little or No

    attempt at all toexplain

    Presentation 20%

    ( 19-20 ) 

    Presentation isorderly and


    ( 16-17 ) 

    Presentation isorderly

    ( 14-15 ) 

    Presentation isnot orderly

    ( 12-13 ) 

    Little or Noattempt at all to


    Total Score

    Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely. Remember it is

    your learning at stake! 

    How Well Did You Perform?

    Congratulations! You did a great job!Rest and relax a while then move on tothe next lesson. Good luck!

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  25 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

























  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  26 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Practice Occupational Health And Safety


    LESSON 2

    LO 1. Evaluate/identify hazards and risks;LO 2. Control hazards and risks; andLO 3. Maintain occupational health and safety awareness.

    LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this Lesson you are expected to do thefollowing:

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  27 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    Clean Air  Act - the constitutional law designed to make sure that all Filipinos have air that issafe to breathe.

    Corrosive wastes - generally aqueous wastes with a pH less than or equal to two (2) orgreater than or equal to 12.5.

    Earthquake - the shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from undergroundmovement along a fault plane or from volcanic activity.

    Ergonomic Hazards  - include improperly designed tools or work areas, improper lifting orreaching, poor visual conditions, or repeated motions in an awkward position which can resultin accidents or illnesses in the workplace.

    Fire drills - intended to ensure by means of training and rehearsal, that in the event of fire.

    Fire  safety - a set of precautionary measures that are taken to prevent or reduce thelikelihood of a fire that may result in death, injury, or property damage.

    First Aid - the provision of initial care for an illness or  injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment canbe accessed.

    Hazardous equipment - refers to plant equipment which by their very nature has the potential

    of causing severe or fatal injury to the worker or operator.

    Hazardous work processes - refer to work operations or practices performed by a worker inthe establishment or workplace in conjunction with or as an incident to such operations orpractices and which expose the employees to hazards likely to cause any disabling injury,illness, death or physical or psychological harm.

    Hazardous materials or substances  - refers to substances which upon exposure results ormay result in adverse effects on health and safety of humans in an occupational setting.

    Ignitable wastes - liquids with a flash point below 60°C or 140°F.

    Imminent Danger  - refers to a condition or practice in any workplace that could reasonably beexpected to cause death or serious physical harm before abatement until the enforcementprocedures can be accomplished.

    Mitigation activities - done to eliminate or reduce the probability of disaster occurrence, orreduce the effects of unavoidable disasters.

    Occupational Hazards - refers to various environmental factors or stresses that can causesickness, impaired health, or significant discomfort in workers and can be classified aschemical, physical, biological or ergonomic.

    Occupational Health Service - the continuous, systematic use of routinely collected healthdata to guide OSH decisions and actions.

    Definition of Terms


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    OSH Trainings - interventions conducted to facilitate learning on occupational safety andhealth, the results of which can contribute to the attainment of better and improved OSHconditions.

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - refers to devices worn by workers to protect themagainst hazards in the work environment including but not limited to safety helmet, safetyspectacles, face shields, ear plugs/muffs, respirators, chemical gloves, safety belt/harness,

    working clothes, and safety shoes.

    Preparedness programs - done to achieve a satisfactory level of readiness to respond to anyemergency situation through programs that strengthen the technical and managerial capacityof governments, organizations, and communities.

    Primary Prevention Program on OSH - the promotion of health by personal, workplace andcommunity-wide efforts.

    Reactive wastes  - those wastes that are unstable, explosive, and capable of detonation orreact violently with water.

    Recovery - a measure that augments the affected population who is capable of undertaking agrowing number of activities aimed at restoring their lives and the infrastructure that supportsthem.

    Response - aims to provide immediate assistance to maintain life, improve health andsupport the morale of the affected population.

    Safety device  –  refers to mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or other device which prevent orrestricts the dangerous or harmful influence on a person that can be caused by the machinery,the processed materials and their surroundings.

    Technical Services - refer to occupational safety and health services extended to workplacessuch as but not limited to health examinations, safety audits, work environment measurement,testing of personal protective equipment, environment assessments as these relate to workconditions and procedures.

    Threshold Limit Value - refers to the Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Standardsset for airborne concentrations of substances and represents conditions under which workersmay be repeatedly exposed for an 8-hours workday at a total of 48 hours per week, withoutadverse health effects; (OSHS).

    Toxic wastes - chemicals that pose a hazard to health or the environment.

    Waste management - the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal of wastematerials.

    Work Environment Measurement - shall mean sampling and analysis carried out in respectof the atmospheric working environment and other fundamental elements of workingenvironment for the purpose of determining actual conditions therein.

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      First Aid Kit

      Personal Protective Equipment


    Identify/Evaluate Hazards And Risks


      Effects of hazards are determined.

      OHS issues and concerns are identified in accordance with workplacerequirements and relevant workplace OHS legislation.

      Hazards are identified.


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    Directions: Identify the following sentences and write the correct answer that will make thesentences complete by selecting the right word given in the box.

    1. What executive order governs the Establishment of an Occupational Safety and Health

    Center in the Employees’ Compensation Commission?2. It is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting

    the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work.3. It is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or  environment. 4. They are the workers, companies, public or private offices, trade unions and workers’

    organizations or any organizations/communities requesting for or requiring technicalassistance from the OSHC.

    5. This refers to the office, premises or worksite where a worker is temporary orhabitually assigned.

    6. He/She refers to any member of the labor force, whether employed or unemployed,wage or non-wage.

    7. The goal of all occupational safety and health programs is to foster a __________.8. It is a type of hazard wherein an organism that is foreign (in presence orconcentration) to the organism being affected.

    9. It is a physical factor within the environment that harms the musculoskeletal system.10. It is defined as the probability that exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative


    What Do You Already Know?

    Worker Executive Order No. 307 Client

    Risk Workplace

    Biological Technical Assistance & Advice

    Orgonomic Hazard

    Occupational Health & Safety

    Let us determine how much you already know about the use farm tools and

    equipment. Take this test.

    Pretest LO 1


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    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  31 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    Occupat ional Safety and Health  is a cross-disciplinary area concerned withprotecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work. The goal of all

    occupational safety and health programs is to foster a safe work environment. As a secondaryeffect, it may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers,nearby communities, and other members of the public who are impacted by the workplaceenvironment. It may involve interactions among many subject areas, including medicine,occupational well-being, public health, safety engineering / industrialengineering, chemistry, health physics and others.

    The Occupation Safety and Health Center in the country is established by Executiveorder No. 307. The implementing rules and regulations are issued by the EmployeesCompensation Commission (ECC).

    These Implementing Rules and Regulations are issued pursuant to the authority of the

    Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) under Section 8 of Executive Order No. 307establishing the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC).

    The main objectives of the OSC are follows:

    1. prevent, eliminate or reduce work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths2. implement effectively occupational health and safety programs that will promote the

    health, efficiency and general well-being of the Filipino workers through theimprovement of the quality of his working life that will enhance significantly theproductivity of industries and business

    3. maintain an expert intelligence and training center for industrial disease and

    occupational safety

    Coverage of Services 

    The Services of the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) covers thepreventive (primary, secondary, tertiary prevention) aspects of occupational safety and healthin every workplace, public or private.

    The Center serves as the authority on Occupational Safety and Health in the areas ofresearch, training, and information dissemination and technical services.

    The Center undertakes studies and research in all aspect of occupational safety andhealth. It focuses and studies:

    What Do You Need To Know?

    Read the Information Sheet 1.1 very well then find out how much you can

    remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 1.1.

    Information Sheet 1.1


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    1. To prevent and reduce occupational and work-related injuries and illnesses;2. To continuously review and support the updating of the list of occupational illnesses as

    prescribed in PD 626, Employees’ Compensation and State Insurance Fund; and 3. To aid standard setting and enforcement of OSH Standards.


     A hazard is a situation that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or  environment. Most hazards are dormant or potential, with only a theoretical risk of harm.However, once a hazard becomes "active", it can create an emergency situation. A hazarddoes not exist when it is not happening. A hazardous situation that has come to pass is calledan incident. Hazard and vulnerability interact together to create risk. 

    Hazards are sometimes classified into three modes:

      Dormant - The situation has the potential to be hazardous, but no people, property,or environment is currently affected by this. For instance, a hillside may beunstable, with the potential for a landslide, but there is nothing below or on thehillside that could be affected.

      Armed - People, property, or environment are in potential harm's way.

      Active - A harmful incident involving the hazard has actually occurred. Often this isreferred to not as an "active hazard" but as an accident, emergency, incident,or  disaster. 


    1. Biological

     A biological hazard is one originating from an organism that is foreign (in presence orconcentration) to the organism being affected. Many biological hazards are associated withfood, including certain viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria, and plant and seafoodtoxins. Pathogenic Campylobacter and Salmonella are common food borne biologicalhazards. The hazards from these bacteria can be avoided through risk mitigation steps suchas proper handling, storing, and cooking of food. Disease in humans can come from biologicalhazards in the form of infection by bacteria, viruses, or parasites.

    2. Chemical

     A chemical can be considered a hazard if by virtue of its intrinsic properties can causeharm or danger to humans, property, or the environment. Some chemicals occur naturally incertain geological formations, such as radon gas or  arsenic. Other chemicals include productswith commercial uses, such as agricultural and industrial chemicals, as well as productsdeveloped for home use. Pesticides, which are normally used to control unwanted insects andplants, may cause a variety of negative effects on non-target organisms.

    3. Mechanical

     A mechanical hazard is any hazard involving a machine or process. Motor vehicles,aircraft, and air bags pose mechanical hazards. Compressed gases or liquids can also beconsidered a mechanical hazard.


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    4. Physical

     A physical hazard is a naturally occurring process that has the potential to create loss ordamage. Physical hazards include, but are not limited to, earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes. Physical hazards often have both human and natural elements. Flood problems can beaffected by climate fluctuations and storm frequency, both natural elements, and by landdrainage and building in a flood plain, human elements. Another physical hazard, X-rays, arenaturally occurring from solar radiation, but have been utilized by humans for medicalpurposes; however, overexposure can lead to cancer, skin burns, and tissue damage.

    5. Ergonomic

    It is a physical factor within the environment that harms the musculoskeletal system.Ergonomic hazards include uncomfortable workstation height and poor body positioning. Ergonomic hazards are caused by poorly designed workplaces or processes. Examples arepoor lighting, or a job that requires you to repeat the same movement over and over. An officereceptionist that has to type an abundant amount of documents may be affected by ergonomichazards. If she/he is not seated they will have back pain, neck pain, bad eye sight and legcramps.

    One of the most basic health practices in any workplace is having it free from commonworkplace hazard. Workplace hazards vary from one working environment to another.Because there are so many types of hazards, the three that will be discussed are mechanicalhazards, biological hazards, and chemical hazards.

    Effect of Hazards in Workplace1. Mechanical Hazards

    The severity of the injury depends on mostly how the accident happens likeslips, falls and entanglement. It is the responsibility of the company to make sure allrisks are minimized.

    2. Chemical Hazards

    Everywhere around us see chemical and mixture of chemicals. Somechemicals are acidic while some are extremely volatile. The workplace health risksinvolved any particular chemical is hard to determine without first knowing what exactlythe chemical is and what environment it is in.

    3. Biological Hazards

    Viruses, diseases and other forms of sickness and biological hazards are thehardest to manage when it comes to the workplace. The most common areas of

    transmitting disease are in public areas and at work so workplace health is seriouslythreatened by biological hazards. One more reason why biological hazards are hard tomanage is their ability to travel from place to place.

    Hazard vs. Risk

    The terms hazard and risk are often used interchangeably, however, in terms of riskassessment, these are two very distinct terms. As defined above, a hazard is any biological,chemical, mechanical, or physical agent that is reasonably likely to cause harm or damage tohumans or the environment with sufficient exposure or dose. Risk is defined as the probabilitythat exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative consequence, or more simply, Risk = Hazard

    x Dose (Exposure).


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    Directions: Tell whether the following sentences are true or false. If false, supply the correctword.

    1. A hazard is a condition that poses a level of threat to life, health, property, or  environment. 2. The situation has the potential to be hazardous, but no people, property, or

    environment is currently affected by this is categorized active hazard.3. For every company, all job descriptions must have occupational hazards.4. Accident prone areas should have signs that warn people.5. Risk is defined as the probability that exposure to a hazard will lead to a positive

    consequence.6. All chemicals are hazardous to man.7. Ergonomics hazards include earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes. 8. Ergonomics is a physical factor within the environment that harms the musculoskeletal


    9. Compressed gases or liquids can also be considered a mechanical hazard.10. Pesticides are normally used to control unwanted insects and plants may cause a

    variety of negative effects on non-target organisms.11. A hazardous situation that has come to pass is called an accident. 12. Regular medical checkups that will monitor the employees’ health can also prevent the

    transfer of diseases between employees.13. A biological hazard is one originating from an organ that is foreign to the organism

    being affected.14. Motor vehicles, aircraft, and air bags pose mechanical hazards.15. Removing occupational hazards is only one way of improving worker protection.

    Refer to the Answer Key. What is your score?  

    How Much Have You Learned?

    Self-Check 1.1


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    Directions: Classify and describe the following pictures as to the types of hazard  – Biological,Chemical, Mechanical, Physical or Ergonomic.

    Show that you learned something by doing this activity  

    How Do You Apply What You Have Learned?

     Activity Sheet 1.1

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    Directions: Identify the following sentences by choosing correct word provided in the box.

    1. It is a constitutional law designed to make sure that all Filipinos have safe air to

    breathe.2. It is otherwise known as the Philippine Clean Air Act.3. These are precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of fire that

    may result in death, injury or damage of property.4. This is the collection, transport, processing recycling, or disposal of waste materials.5. It aims to reduce, or avoid the potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and

    appropriate assistance to victims of disaster, and achieve rapid and effective recovery.6. This is a written emergency procedures plan which describes what actions must be

    taken to minimize hazards.7. It refers to various measures taken to prevent contagious diseases from being spread

    from a patient to other patients, health care workers, and visitors, or from others to aparticular patient.

    8. This process is the reduction or removal of chemical agents.9. This plan is used to describe the need to remove all participants from the safe grad

    area and the hotel due to a fire alarm (real or false) or other reason.10. A kind of isolation that is used for diseases that are spread through particles that

    are exhaled. 


    Directions: Identify the following Personal Protective Equipment by writing its name on yourpaper.

    What Do You Already Know?

    Decontamination RA 8749 Disaster ManagementContingency Plan Evacuation Respiratory IsolationIsolation Clean Air Act Fire SafetyWaste Management

    Let us determine how much you already know about Safety Regulations. Takethis test.

    Pretest LO 2


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    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  37 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    1. 6.

    2. 7.

    3. 8.

    4. 9.

    5. 10.

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    1. The Philippines Clean Air Act of 1999

    The Clean Air Act is the constitutional law designed to make sure that allFilipinos have air that is safe to breathe. Public health protection is the primary goal,though the law also seeks to protect our environment from damage caused by airpollution. In 1999, Congress enacted Republic Act No. 8749, otherwise known as thePhilippine Clean Air Act, a landmark legislation setting a comprehensive air qualitymanagement policy and program which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for allthe people in the Philippines.

    The Clean Air Act is guided by the following principles:

    a. Protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology

    in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature;b. Promote and protect the global environment while organizing the primary

    responsibility of local government units to deal with environmental problems;c. Recognize that the responsibility of cleaning the habitat and environment is

    primarily area-based; andd. Recognize that a clean and healthy environment is for the good of all and

    should therefore be the concern of all.

    2. Waste  management  is the collection, transport, processing, recycling or disposal ofwaste materials. Waste Management program helps manage hazardous chemical,radioactive, medical and other wastes safely and legally.

    Types of Waste

    Waste includes all items that people no longer have any use for, which they either intend to get rid of

    or have already discarded. Many items can be considered as waste like household rubbish, sewage

    sludge, wastes from manufacturing activities, packaging items, discarded cars, old televisions, garden

    waste, old paint containers and others. Thus all our daily activities can give rise to a large variety of

    different wastes arising from different sources.

     A. Solid wastes

    Solid waste is defined as any waste that is dry in form and is discarded as unwanted. It can describe

    the solid waste from general housekeeping as residential waste, refuse, household waste or domestic

    What Do You Need To Know?

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    remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 2.1.

    Information Sheet 2.1

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    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  39 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 

    waste. Examples are plastics, styrofoam containers, bottles, cans, papers, scrap iron, and

    other trashes. 

    B. Liquid Wastes

    Liquid waste includes human waste, runoff (storm water or flood water), sullage, industrial  

    wastewater  and other forms of wastewater from different sources. Examples are chemicals, oils,

    waste water from ponds.

    Classification of Wastes According to their Properties

     A. Bio-degradable

    Biodegradable wastes are those that can be broken down (decomposed) into their constituent

    elements by bacteria and other microorganisms. The term can be applied to both liquid and

    solid waste. Examples are Human and animal wastes, food waste, paper, and agricultural


    B. Non-biodegradable

    Non-biodegradable trash is any discarded item that cannot be broken down by living

    organisms. Non-biodegradable trash accumulates in the environment because it cannot return

    to its origins. Examples are plastics, bottles, old machines, containers and others.

    Classification of Wastes According to their Effects on Human Health and the


     A. Hazardous wastes – are unsafe substances used commercially, industrially, agriculturally,or economically. Examples are paint, motor oil, pesticide, drain opener, prescription drugs, airfresheners, batteries.

    B. Non-hazardous  –  are safe substances used commercially, industrially, agriculturally, oreconomically. Examples are papers, cardboard, linings, wrappings, paper packaging materials

    or absorbents.

    Process Flow of Waste Management

    The process flow refers to the 3 (or 4) Rs of  reduce, reuse, recycle,  and recover which

    classify waste management  strategies according to their desirability. The Rs are meant to be a

    hierarchy, in order of importance. However, the waste hierarchy has 5 steps: reduce, reuse, recycle,

    recovery, and disposal.

    Reduce - to buy less and use less.

    Reuse - elements of the discarded item are used again.

    Recycle - discards are separated into materials that may be incorporated into new products.


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    Recover  - capturing useful material for waste to energy programs.

    3. Disaster Preparedness and Management  aims to reduce, or avoid the potential

    losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to victims of disaster,and achieve rapid and effective recovery.

    Disaster Management Cyc le  

      Mitigation - Minimizing the effects of disaster.Examples: building codes and zoning; vulnerability analyses; public education.

      Preparedness - Planning how to respond.Examples: preparedness plans; emergency exercises/training; warningsystems.

      Response - Efforts to minimize the hazards created by a disaster.Examples: search and rescue; emergency relief.

      Recovery - Returning the community to normal.Examples: temporary housing; grants; medical care.

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    I. Directions: Classify the following recyclable and waste materials in the boxes

    under each process flow.

    Refer to the Answer Key. What is your score?  

    How Much Have You Learned?

    Self-Check 2.1

    Plastic bags Glass Bottles Cans

    Paper bags Paper wrappers

    Old clothes Candy wrappers Left over foods

    Batteries Plastic bottles

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    II. Directions: Identify the following wastes. Put a check (√) mark according to the types, properties and effects to human health and environment.


    Types PropertiesEffects to Human

    Health andEnvironment

    Solid LiquidBiodegrad






    1. styro cup

    2. candywrapper

    3. syringe

    4. paint

    5. left overfoods

    6. Glass bottles

    7. pesticide

    8. cooking oil

    9. paperwrapper

    10. oldclothes

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    Directions: Make a Slogan and Poster out of the following topics:

      Clean Air Act

      Electrical and Fire Safety Code

      Waste Management

      Disaster Preparedness and Management

    Workmanship - 30%Content (details of the output

    and appropriateness) - 20%Compliance to standards - 15%Totality (appearance, physical impact) - 15%Work Habits/Technique - 10%Speed - 10%

    Show that you learned something by doing this activity  

    Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely. Remember it is

    your learning at stake! 

    How Well Did You Perform?

    How Do You Apply What You Have Learned?

     Activity Sheet 2.1

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     A contingency plan is a written emergency procedures plan which describes whatactions must be taken to minimize hazards from fires, explosions or unplannedreleases of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to air, soil or water.

    What Must a Contingency Plan Include? 

      A description of the emergency procedures to be followed by facility personnel inresponse to fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents to the air, soil or water;

      A description of arrangements agreed to by local police departments, fire departments,hospitals, contractors, and state and local emergency response teams;

      An up-to-date list of names, addresses and phone numbers (office and home) of all

    persons qualified to act as emergency coordinator. When more than one person islisted, one must be designated as primary emergency coordinator and the others mustbe listed in the order in which they will assume responsibility as alternates;

      An up-to-date list of all emergency equipment at the facility, including the location andphysical description of each item, along with a brief outline of its capabilities. Examplesof emergency equipment include, but are not limited to, fire extinguishing systems,communications and alarm systems, personnel protective equipment, spill containmentor clean-up equipment, and decontamination equipment; and

      An evacuation plan for facility personnel.

    Evacuat ion  is the immediate and rapid movement of people away from the threat or actualoccurrence of a hazard. Examples range from the small scale evacuation of a building due toa bomb threat or fire to the large scale evacuation of a district because of a flood,bombardment or approaching weather system. In situations involving hazardous materials orpossible contamination, evacuees may be decontaminated prior to being transported out ofthe contaminated area.

    Isolat ion  refers to various measures taken to prevent contagious diseases from being spreadfrom a patient to other patients, health care workers, and visitors, or from others to a particularpatient. Various forms of isolation exist, some of which contact procedures are modified, andothers in which the patient is kept away from all others.

    What Do You Need To Know?

    Read the Information Sheet 2.2 very well then find out how much you can

    remember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 2.2

    Information Sheet 2.2


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    Forms of Isolation

    a. Strict isolation is used for diseases spread through the air and in some casesby contact.

    b. Contact isolation is used to prevent the spread of diseases that can be spreadthrough contact with open wounds.

    c. Respiratory isolation is used for diseases that are spread through particles thatare exhaled. 

    d. Blood and body fluids precaution is used when there is concern aboutcommunicable diseases found in a patient's body fluid.

    e. Reverse isolation is a method to prevent a patient in a compromised healthsituation from being contaminated by other people or objects.

    Decontaminat ion  is the reduction or removal of chemical agents. It may be accomplished byremoval of these agents by physical means or by chemical neutralization or detoxification.


    Directions: State the importance of having a contingency plan for an emergency case.

    How Much Have You Learned?

    Self-Check 2.2


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    Satisfactory Satisfactory Poor

    Clarity 30%

    ( 29-30 ) 

    Clear relationshipbetweenconcepts.

    ( 26-27 ) 


    concepts isevident

    ( 24-25 ) 



    ( 22-23 ) 

    Little or Noattempt at all

    to explain

    Comprehensiveness 25%

    ( 24-25 )Information isclear accurate

    and precise

    ( 21-22 ) Information is


    ( 19-20 ) Information is


    ( 17-18 ) Little or No

    attempt at allto explain


    ( 24-25 ) Logical

    organization fromcomponents to


    ( 21-22 ) Components

    and sub-components are


    ( 19-20 ) Components

    and sub-components are

    not organized

    ( 17-18 ) Little or No

    attempt at allto explain



    ( 19-20 ) Presentation is

    orderly andeffective

    ( 16-17 ) Presentation is


    ( 14-15 ) Presentation is

    not orderly

    ( 12-13 ) Little or No

    attempt at allto explain

    Total Score

    Find out by accomplishing the Scoring Rubric honestly and sincerely. Remember it is

    your learning at stake! 

    How Well Did You Perform?

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    Personal Protect ive Equipm ent (PPE)  refers to protective clothing ,helmets, goggles, or other garment or equipment designed to protect the wearer's bodyfrom injury by blunt impacts, electrical hazards, heat, chemicals, and infection, and job-related health purposes.

    List of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)



    1. Non-specialtysafety-toeprotectivefootwear

     A steel-toe boot (also known as a safetyboot, steel-capped boot or safety shoe) is adurable boot or  shoes that has a protectivereinforcement in the toe which protects thefoot from falling objects or compression,usually combined with a mid sole plate toprotect against punctures from below.

    2. Non-specialtyprescription safetyeyewear

    Glasses, also known as eyeglasses (formal),spectacles or simply specs (informal), areframes bearing lenses worn in front ofthe eyes. They are normally used for  visioncorrection or  eye protection. Safety glassesare a kind of  eye protection against flyingdebris or against visible and nearvisible light or  radiation. 

    3. Sunglasses/sunscreen

    Sunglasses allow better vision in brightdaylight, and may protect againstdamage from high levels of  ultraviolet light. Other types of glasses may be used forviewing visual information (suchas stereoscopy).

    4. Sturdyworkshoes

     A shoe is an item of  footwear intended toprotect and comfort the human foot whiledoing various activities.

    5. Lineman'sboots

    Lineman’s Boots are worn both for theirfunctionality – protecting the foot and leg fromwater, snow, mud or hazards or providingadditional ankle support for strenuousactivities.

    Read the Information Sheet 2.3 very well then find out how much you canremember and how much you learned by doing Self-check 2.3

    Information Sheet 2.3


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    6. Ordinarycoldweathergear

     A jacket or ordinary cold weather gear isa hip- or  waist-length garment for the upperbody. A jacket typically has sleeves, andfastens in the front. A jacket is generallylighter, tighter-fitting, and less insulating thana coat, which is outerwear. 

    7. Loggingboots

     A logging boot is a type of  footwear and aspecific type of  shoe. Most boots mainly coverthe foot and the ankle and extend up the leg, sometimes as far as the knee or even the hip. 

    8. Ordinaryrain gear

     A raincoat is a waterproof or  water-resistantcoat worn to protect the body from rain. Theterm rain jacket is sometimes used to refer toraincoats that are waist length. A rain jacket

    may be combined with a pair of rain pants tomake a rain suit.

    9. Back belts

    Back belts, or  lumbar support belts, aregenerally lightweight belts worn around thelower back to provide support to the lumbar.

    10. Longsleeveshirts

     A long-sleeved shirt is a type of  shirt, of astyle and fabric similar to a T-shirt, although,

    of course, with long sleeves. A long-sleeved t-shirt is sometimes worn underneath a short-sleeved shirt for warmth, typically during coldseason.

    11. Longpants

    Long pants or long trousers, pants (usually inthe plural) a garment extending from the waistto the knee or ankle, covering each legseparately.

    12. Dustmask/respiratorsused

     A dust mask is a flexible pad held over thenose and mouth by elastic or rubber straps toprotect against dusts encounteredduring construction or  cleaning activities,such as dusts from drywall, concrete, wood, fiberglass,  silica(from ceramic or  glass production),or  sweeping. 


  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  49 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 


    How Much Have You Learned?

    Directions: On an index cards or slips of paper and complete the following prompts:

      The most important thing I learned about Personal Protective Equipment is _____________________________________________.

      The two (2) things I still want to know more about Personal Protective Equipment

    are(1) __________________________________(2) __________________________________

      The question/s I still have in mind is/are: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

    (Be sure to discuss this activity with the class)

    Self-Check 2.3

  • 8/20/2019 Kto12 House Hold Services Learning Module


    HOUSEHOLD SERVICES  50 K to 12 –  Technology and Livelihood Education 




    Satisfactory Satisfactory Poor

    Clarity 30%

    ( 29-30 ) 



    ( 26-27 ) 


    concepts isevident

    ( 24-25 ) 



    ( 22-23 ) 

    Little or Noattempt at all to



    ( 24-25 )Information isclear accurate

    and precise

    ( 21-22 ) Information is


    ( 19-20 ) Information is


    ( 17-18 ) Little or No

    attempt at all toexplain

    Coherence 25%

    ( 24-25 ) Logical
