KT TAPE Tape like a pro Healthcare professionals have been teaching patients for years how to apply kinesiology tape themselves. Don’t be afraid to jump in and just go for it the first time you try and tape yourself. It generally takes 3 or 4 times to get confortable with taping before you’ll be taping like the pro’s. Here are a few tips that will help: 1. Make sure the skin is clean and dry, free from lotions / oils (suntan lotion, skin conditioner, topical treatments). We’ve even found that some bath soaps have moisturizers in them that leave a residue behind, so if you want to play it safe just clean the skin with rubbing alcohol before applying. 2. If applying KT Tape on a joint, be sure the joint is in a fully bent position. If the tape is applied over a knee or elbow in an extended position the tape will pull off as the joint is moved. 3. Never stretch the first or the last of the tape on either end. The tape on the ends should be applied directly to the skin without stretching, otherwise it will pull up and will not stick. 4. Lastly, be sure to set the adhesive by firmly rubbing tape & make sure all the adges are down. For best results apply the tape 30 minutes before athletic activity. Do not use KT Tape if you have been diagnosed with cancer as it may interfere with treatment and disease management strategies employed by your medical professionals. Do not use KT Tape on abdominal applications if pregnant. Whether you’re training for your first marathon, an Olympic Gold, reaching a personal fitness goal, or just trying to get through the day, you already know that nothing slows you down faster than pain and injury. KT Tape is lightweight, comfortable to wear, and can be used for hundreds of common injuries such as lower back pain, knee pain, shin splints, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow, just to name a few. 1

KT TAPE English Instructions

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Tape like a pro

Healthcare professionals have been teaching patients for years how to apply kinesiology tape themselves. Don’t be afraid to jump in and just go for it the first time you try and tape yourself. It generally takes 3 or 4 times to get confortable with taping before you’ll be taping like the pro’s. Here are a few tips that will help:

1. Make sure the skin is clean and dry, free from lotions / oils (suntan lotion, skin conditioner, topical treatments). We’ve even found that some bath soaps have moisturizers in them that leave a residue behind, so if you want to play it safe just clean the skin with rubbing alcohol before applying.

2. If applying KT Tape on a joint, be sure the joint is in a fully bent position. If the tape is applied over a knee or elbow in an extended position the tape will pull off as the joint is moved.

3. Never stretch the first or the last of the tape on either end. The tape on the ends should be applied directly to the skin without stretching, otherwise it will pull up and will not stick.

4. Lastly, be sure to set the adhesive by firmly rubbing tape & make sure all the adges are down. For best results apply the tape 30 minutes before athletic activity.

Do not use KT Tape if you have been diagnosed with cancer as it may interfere with treatment and disease management strategies employed by your medical professionals.

Do not use KT Tape on abdominal applications if pregnant.

Whether you’re training for your first marathon, an Olympic Gold, reaching a personal fitness goal, or just trying to get through the day, you already know that nothing slows you down faster than pain and injury. KT Tape is lightweight, comfortable to wear, and can be used for hundreds of common injuries such as lower back pain, knee pain, shin splints, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow, just to name a few.

KT Tape not only looks good, but it also provides 24 hours relief per application for days at a time through sweat, strain and humidity, and can even be worn in water thanks to our specially designed adhesive.

KT Tape is made up of reinforced 100% cotton sheathes (ORIGINAL ) or specially engineered, ultra – durable synthetic fabric ( PRO ) designed to provide durability and increased strength. These materials provide uni – directional elasticity – allowing the tape to stretch in length but preventing the tape from stretching in width. These fibers are made to provide stable support without restricting motion.

KT Tape’s unique Matrix Mesh also allows for moisture release which is critical for comfort and wear – ability. The more porous the tape’ weave, the better it releases moisture caused by sweating or being worn in the water. The design provides more breathability and release of moisture so that it is comfortable to wear for up to five days at a time without itching, irritation or reactions with the skin.

Go ahead – beat it up, swim with it, wear it on your feet during sand volleyball, or your 100 mile mud run. When it comes to our adhesive, we’ve designed it to last through showers, humidity, sweat, tears and victory.


The It Band, or iliotibial band, is a thick band of fibrous tissue that runs down the outside of the leg. The iliotibial band begins at the hip and extends to the outer side of the shin ( tibia ) just below the outside of the knee joint. The band functions in coordination with several of the thigh muscles to provide stability to the outside of the knee.

ITBS at the hip most often develops due to overuse and / or compensation for other injury and pain in the body. ITBS of the knee and hip combined make up about 12% of all running and cycling related injuries,


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and is by far the most common cause of lateral knee pain. ITBS at the hip is generally found in conjunction with this lateral knee pain.

Pain in the IT Band at the hip can be caused by a variety of conditions that make it quite difficult to diagnose. ITBS ( iliotibial band syndrome) is the result of the inflammation and irritation felt as the bursae responsible for a smooth gliding action become inflamed. The product of these conditions is inflammation that results in pain on the outside of the hip during movement.

KT Tape can help reduce inflammation at the hip from ITBS, bursitis, muscle strains, arthritis and tendonitis among other cause. Often times light progressive stretching as well as massage and icing will help to reduce symptoms as well. KT Tape will help to alleviate the pain associated with hip issues regardless of the root cause, however, please consult a medical professional for pain that worsens or becomes severe.


The calf muscles are made up of two muscles. The gastrocnemius is the larger muscle and visible on the back of the leg. The soleus is a smaller and wider muscle lower down on the leg and mostly under the gastrocnemius. Each has a lateral head and medial head – two halves. Both attach near the back of the knee and to the heel via the Achilles tendon. These muscles are responsible for extending the foot as in the push-off phase of running.

Calf muscles can be torn, pulled, or experience cramping due to extreme stretching or overuse. Abrupt acceleration or changes in direction can often be the culprit. Calf injuries are much more common in men than in women, especially among middle – aged athletes. They most always occur acutely, or all at once due to forceful and abrupt acceleration. Unfortunately, once one has had a calf tear, that individual is more likely to have another in the future.

The resulting pain and tightness can be painful, sometimes severe. Often times an audible pop is heard and the individual reports feeling like they were shot in the leg or hit with a stick. More often than not the pain radiates to the feet and to the knee where the muscles start and end. Swelling is common, but should be taken very seriously if severe.

Everyone will recover from calf injuries at a different rate, but using KT Tape will help speed the process, relax the muscles, and relieve the associated pain. Rest, ice and compression will also be valuable treatments. Severe conditions such as a DVT (deep venous thrombosis – blood clot), or compartment syndromes, could be the cause of pain. If there is any doubt, please seek professional medical care. Be very careful with NSAIDs as they may cause more internal bleeding and a great risk for DVT movement due to their blood thinning effects.

Shin splints

The shin is the common name for the front of the lower leg bone ( tibia ) and its associated muscles and tendons. While the tibialis posterior serves to point the toes and foot downwards (plantar flexion), muscles on the front of the leg (primarily the anterior tibialis) serve to point the toes and foot upwards (dorsiflexion ).

Anterior shin splints exist on the front of the lower leg and involve the tibialis anterior, while posterior shin splints present pain along the inside edge of the lower leg in the tibialis posterior tendon. As we walk or run the tibialis anterior slows and steadies the motion of the foot as it hits the ground and lifts the foot during the swing phase of gait to prevent the toes from dragging the ground and prepare the fool for heel strike. Problems in this cycle often result in anterior shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome ( MTSS ), and are the most common cause of anterior shin pain.

The causes of shin splints can be many and multifaceted. Overuse in activities like running, jogging, or cycling can result in various types of inflammation. New activities, changing running surfaces or frequent activity on hard surfaces wearing poorly fit or worn shoes, a drastic increase in activity, or running on


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uneven surfaces can also make an individual more susceptible to development of shin splints. Along with overactive calf muscles, over – striding, the tibialis anterior is very important during gait. The tibialis anterior muscle and tendon lengthen past their “normal” range when one over-strides. To compensate and find new room for movement, the muscle will separate from the tibia (shinbone) and result in inflammation and pain.

Initially the pain may be very similar to other kinds of tendonitis in that it will star off sharp and then decrease as the body “warms up”. The pain then generally returns upon the end of activity. In more serious cases, or in untreated long time sufferers, the pain can become severe and progress into stress fractures. Symptoms usually occur on the front edge of the shinbone and can be recreated when bending the foot upwards or when pressed.

KT Tape can help relieve the pressure and strain on the tissue as well as relax the muscles of the skin. KT Tape will also increase proprioceptive awareness along the tibialis anterior and increase circulation to help quell inflammation. Use KT Tape in conjunction with rest to promote the healing process and see reduced recovery times. Make certain to ice after activity as well as take NSAIDs for pain relief. As the condition worsens the pain is constant and could result in stress fractures if not managed properly. Use the following additional conservative therapies to help speed the recovery process:

Adjust to the proper footwear for foot type Run on softer surfaces Correct form Stretch sufficiently prior activity Massage Decrease stride length Avoid running on hills, especially downhill Use the KT Tape arch support application Thorough calf stretching Mix up cardio workouts; cross-train

Posterior shin splints

The shin is the common name for the front of the lower leg bone (tibia) and its associated muscles and tendons. While muscles on the front of the leg ( primarily the anterior tibialis) serve to point the toes and foot upwards ( dorsiflexion), the tibialis posterior serves to point the toes and foot downwards (plantarflexion).

Anterior shin splints exist on the front of the lower leg, while posterior shin splints present pain along the inside edge of the lower moves over the foot during the gait cycle. In medical terms, posterior shin splints is known as posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, or PTTD. PTTD describes a weakening of the tibialis posterior tendon and in severe cases may result in a rupture of the tendon. Therefore, posterior shin splints can be looked at as the onset of PTTD.

If the forces (singular or cumulative) applied to the tendon are greater than what the tendon can bear in its current state, inflammation and microtrauma will result. Excessive pronation, changes of shoe or running surface, compensations for previous injuries or poor mechanics, and general overuse are all common causes of posterior shin splints. Other causes include muscle imbalances in the leg, flat feet or fallen arches, and activity that requires frequent and abrupt changes in direction.

Posterior shin splint pain is specific to the medial ankle, just behind the medial malleolus and along the lower and inner shin. Note that this location is different from anterior shin splints. Pain will be felt to the touch and generally will not exhibit swelling. The pain can range anywhere from faint and annoying to sharp and debilitating. When the condition worsens, bumps can be felt along the area and represent major inflammation and distortions in the underlying fascia. At the onset pain is generally felt at the beginning of activity and dissipates over a short period of time. As the condition worsens the pain is constant and could result in stress fractures.


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KT Tape can be a great help with pain and speeding the healing process. KT Tape helps to increase circulation to relieve inflammation, relieve pressure on the painful area, and take stress off of the tissue. Rest is key with overuse injuries and make sure to ice after activity. Other helpful treatments include:

Adjusting to the power footwear for foot type Run on softer surfaces Correct form Stretch sufficiently prior to activity Use anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) Massage


The quads are the large set of powerful muscles that span the front of the thigh from the hips to the knees and act as hip flexors and knee extenders. The quads consist of 4 muscles: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus interomedialis. Strains involving microtears in these muscles, cramping, and tightness can be felt when the quads are injured or not performing properly. The rectus femoris is the most commonly injured portion of the muscle because of its anterior location.

Many different types of quad injuries can occur: Strains, overuse injuries and ruptures can happen at either end of the muscle or in the muscle belly

itself. Strains usually develop from overuse or overexertion and are most common in athletes who repeatedly stress the muscles by extending the knee, notably runners and cyclists. This repetitive stress cause failure at the junction between the muscles and its tendon and can progress to tears. A common example of a strain to the quadriceps tendon is Jumper’s Knee. This condition affects the quadriceps tendon just above the knee and is a direct result of repeated stress during multiple jumps. If pain is felt more towards the hips in the muscle belly, it is likely there has been a partial tear of the muscle itself. Pain is made worse with extension of the knee and to the touch.

Contusions are the most common quad injuries and are a result of a direct blow or blunt force to the thigh from an object or falling into an object. The contusion causes tissue damage and bruising. This often occurs in contact sports when participants collide and take a knee or helmet to the quad. Pain is generally constant and can be elicited by touch or any movement of the knee.

Muscle hernias can be caused by a sudden and forceful movement such as kicking, breaking into a sprint, or colliding with an object mid – sprint. Weakened or compromised quadriceps muscles will put the individual at greater risk for developing a muscle hernia. Typically a soft mass can be felt and is generally very tender to the touch.

Use KT Tape to relax the injured muscle and increase circulation to the area, as well as provide significant pain relief. Combine KT Tape with light progressive stretching, icing after activity and appropriate rest in order to speed healing.

The hamstrings

The hamstrings are the large set of powerful muscles that span the back of the thigh from the buttocks to the calves and serve to flex the knee and extend the hip. Strains involving micro- tears in the muscles, cramping and tightness can be felt when the hamstrings are injured or not performing properly. These injuries often heal very slowly and put the individual at risk for recurring injuries if not treated properly.

Hamstrings strains occur most often in active individuals and occurrence increases with age. Strains are not caused by contact, but rather by bursts of speed or an abrupt change in direction.


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Inadequate flexibility, lack of sufficient training prior to sport, muscle fatigue, poor form, and return to activity prior to complete healing of a prior injury are all potential causes of a hamstring injury.

In less severe hamstring strains, the tearing is microscopic. The muscle fibers are essentially stretched too far, and some bleeding occurs within the muscle. In very severe hamstring strains the muscle. Pain can range from nagging to severely sharp and radiating.

Use KT Tape to relax the injured muscles and increase circulation to the area, as well as provide significant pain relief. Hamstring problems can be very painful and keep you off your feet for quite some time if not treated properly. Combine KT Tape with light progressive stretching, icing after activity and appropriate rest in order to speed healing.

The following helps identify the severity of the strain: Grade I Strain: mild discomfort, often no disability. Usually does not limit activity. Grade II Strain: moderate discomfort, can limit ability to perform activities such as running

and jumping. May have moderate swelling and bruising associated. Grade III strain: severe injury that can cause pain with walking. Often people complain of

muscle spasm, swelling and significant bruising. KT Tape application is an appropriate use for Grade I and II hamstring strains. Seek professional

medical evaluation for grade III strains and use KT Tape as part of a larger treatment plan.


A groin strain is an injury to the adductor muscles that bring the leg back towards the body. Less severe strains pull the muscle beyond their normal range of motion and create incomplete microtears. More severe strains tear the muscle fibers in total and can even cause a complete tear of the muscle.

Groin strains, tears or pulls usually show up after activity involving multiple changes in direction or excessive stretching or lunging motions. Any full contact sport puts an individual at greater risk of groin strains due to the variability in motion and the jarring nature of contact sport. Missteps, falls and kicking motions are also risk factors.

Symptoms include tightness, discomfort or pain, and possibly swelling or bruising in severe cases. These strains can be very painful and keep you sidelined from life and sport without the right treatment.

Use KT Tape to relax and support the strained muscles as well as provide pain relief. A combination of light progressive stretching and KT Tape will help get you active again in a much shorter time.

Groin strains are usually graded as follows: Grade I Groin Strain: mild discomfort, often no disability. Usually does not limit activity. Grade II Groin Strain: moderate discomfort, can limit ability to perform activities such as

running and jumping. May have moderate swelling and bruising associated. Grade III Groin Strain: severe injury that can cause pain with walking. Often people

complain of muscle spasm, swelling and significant bruising.

KT Tape application is an appropriate use for Grade I and II groin strains. Seek professional medical evaluation for grade III groin strains and use KT Tape as part of a larger treatment plan.

Hip flexor

Hip flexor pain is a relatively uncommon injury to the front of the hip that is more predominant in younger adults and females. However uncommon it may be, when one suffers from a hip flexor injury or strain, it can be very painful. The hip flexor muscles consist of the psoas major and minor and the iliacus muscles. They are often referred to as a group by the term “iliopsoas muscles”. These muscles serve to flex the thigh and pull the knee upward.


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KT Tape is applied along muscles, ligaments and tendons ( soft tissue) to provide a lightweight, external support that helps you remain active while recovering from injuries. KT Tape creates neuromuscular feedback (called proprioception ) that inhibits (relaxes) or facilitates stronger firing of muscles and tendons. This feedback creates support elements without the bulk and restriction commonly associated with wraps and heavy bracing. KT Tape gives you confidence to perform your best.

Lack of flexibility in the hip, core weakness and acute trauma are all common causes of hip flexor injury. Injury is typically caused by a acute (specific ) injury during an explosive or forceful movement such as kicking, changing direction quickly or breaking into a sprint.

The pain typically presents on the front of the hip and can radiate down the thigh and will become worse when attempting to move the leg forward or upward.

KT Tape can help relax and support the muscles that make up the hip flexor group so that the healing process can begin. Using KT Tape will help to increase circulation as well as send positive signals to the muscles affected. Additional treatment entails resting, icing, light stretching and eventually balance and strength training.


The gluteus muscles are the three main muscles that make up the buttocks. These muscles rotate the hip to the outside, extend the trunk of the body and perform movements such as the squat and lunge. The gluteus muscles’ role in extending the legs is extended to stabilizing our core as we stand or move and providing a cushion as we sit. Various conditions can cause pain, and this KT Tape application can help to provide relief from it.

Causes include sitting for long periods of time (atrophy and pressure), strains from over-activity, injuries affecting the lower back or hamstrings, or any number of activities or injuries that can make any position or activity painful.

Pain can be caused by a number of different factors including knots in the muscles, inflammation of muscle attachments, inflammation of bursas, lower back problems, hamstring tightness or overactivity or referred pain from the spine.

Using KT Tape will help to relieve pressure from the area by providing support, increase blood flow, and stimulate the proper reactions from muscles to alleviate symptoms. These functions help to reduce pain and prevent compensation injuries – injuries that arise from abnormal movement due to existing pain. Rest, massage and strength training have also been shown to reverse the atrophic effects of sitting too long or inactivity and pressure. And though gluteus issues can be a real pain in the butt, KT Tape can help to relieve the pain and get you moving again.

Outer knee

ITBS is the most prevalent cause of lateral ( outside) knee pain in athletes. Along with ITBS pain at the hip, it accounts for more than 12% of all running injuries. Chances are that if you have pain on the outside of the knee and are active, or have had a rapid increase in activitu, you are suffering from issues involving the IT Band at the knee. The IT Band is responsible for moving the leg away from the body, internal rotation of hip, knee extension and knee flexion ( under particular conditions ).

Frequently ITBS is seen in runner’s who are often running on banked surfaces, doing excessive hill training or running up and down stairs or bleachers. But, any movement that repeatedly causes the knee to pass back and forth across the 30 – degree position can create ITBS at the knees.

Friction and irritation is common as the IT Band crosses a bony prominence on the outside of the knee on its way to the shinbone. Pain is usually most noticeable when running downhill and can range from a sharp sensation on the outside of the knee to pain along the entire IT Band. Often the knee feels like it is “seizing”, and the sore spot is typically painful to the touch.


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Though ITBS is very common, pain at the lateral knee can be caused by any number of issues. Many structures that are responsible for multiple types of movement meet here and any of them can become inflamed and swollen. Examples of other lateral knee pain issues include LCL strains, fibular head problems and meniscus or cartilage damage, as well as arthritis and others. This application specifically addresses It Band pain at the knee, but could also be used for any of the above.

Typical treatment includes resting, icing and light stretching. Massage therapy and the use of a foam roller can also be helpful. The KT Tape application for ITBS at the knee is very helpful in relieving much of the associated pain by relieving pressure over the bony prominence ( sore spot) and in turn increases circulation. Functional support is provided to the musculature as well. These functions help relieve pain and promote the healing process.

Inner knee

The Pes Anserine (goose’s foot) is the joining of three tendons on the front and inside portion of the lower knee area. The bursae in this area allow for smooth sliding of these tendons with the medial hamstrings and the medial collateral ligament. The bursae will often become inflamed during periods of overuse and cause mild to moderate pain. The three muscles (Sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus) whose tendons insert into this area all serve to flex the knee and affect hip position.

The primary cause of Pes Bursitis is overly tight hamstrings that put extra pressure on the surrounding bursae. Tight quads ( especially in females), a blunt force to the inside of the knee, or stretching regimen is likely going to cause issues with the Pes Anserine area in the form of inflammation of the bursae, or minor tearing of the tendons. This condition is also often found concurrently in patients who are experiencing Osgoog Schlatter syndrome, arthritis or tears in the medial meniscus.

Pes Bursitis will at its worst be mild to moderate pain at the inside and lower-front portion of the knee. Pain beyond this point could be a sign of stress fractures or more serious issues involving ligaments. When pain becomes more than a simple annoying pain, the individual should seek alternatives means for cardiovascular training and focus on a stretching regimen for the hamstrings and quadriceps.

KT Tape will help to relieve pressure off of the inflamed bursae and increase circulation to the area. Both results will drastically reduce pain and reduce the time to heal. As mentioned, a complete stretching regimen for the hamstrings and quads should be put in place as well. NSAIDs, ice after activity, and alternative means for cardiovascular fitness such as swimming should also be implemented. After symptoms are gone, focus on strength training of the lower body and continued flexibility.

Full knee support

Knee pain can be caused by any number of issues. The kneecap, or patella, could be moving incorrectly. One or more meniscus may be torn, ruptured, or inflamed. There may be arthritis, plica chrondomalacia, or any number of issues with the bones that constitute the knee. The beauty of this application is the breadth of conditions it covers with it’s relatively simple effects of balancing the muscles effect on the knee and relieving pressure on the kneecap and its tendon.

Knee issues arise from equally as many causes. Muscle imbalances, poor running form, misaligned hips or poor posture, poor nutrition, overtraining, compensation for another injury, hyperextension, arthritis and blunt trauma to ligaments are just a few of the most common causes of knee pain. Common effective treatments among all of these conditions include increasing circulation, providing support, reducing pressure and maintaining range of motion.

KT Tape serves all of these purposes without the downsides of bracing or wrapping. Common injuries such as runner’s knee or patella tendonitis, jumper’s knee, patella tracking, arthritis, meniscus tears, plica, patellofemoral pain and general instability can all be best addressed by using the fell knee support application.


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With this application you will get support, pain relief, and normal body mechanics without restricting motion or circulation like other treatments.

Osgood – Schlatter’s

Osgood – Schlatter’s is a condition that often times shows up in young people who are growing very quickly. The point of pain is typically on the tibial tuberosity, or the bump just below the knee.

This pain is caused by the patella tendon, the tendon that runs from the kneecap to the tibial tuberosity, starting to separate or pull away from the tibial tuberosity. This creates inflammation and results in varying degrees of pain. With age this condition will typically go away – but not always.

During the years of rapid growth and beyond, KT Tape can help relieve the symptoms as well as speed recovery. Combine icing after activity and small bouts of rest to further relieve symptoms.

Back of the knee

Pain at the back of the knee can be caused by many issues including hamstring tendonitis, a baker’s cyst, popliteal tendonitis, and other conditions causing swelling or inflammation.

These conditions have many causes ranging from genetic to overuse. In any case, continuing to engage in extensive physical activity without rest or treatment would exacerbate the problem.

Use this application to increase blood flow to the area and relieve the pressure. Increasing blood flow will help to reduce inflammation and reducing the pressure will help with the pain and aid in avoiding compensation injuries. As the pain subsides, light progressive stretching should be implemented along with massage.

Whatever the cause of your pain at the back of the knee, the effects of KT Tape will benefit you. Use this application in combination with the full knee support application for maximum effect.

Achilles tendonitis

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It connects the calf muscles to the heel and is active during almost all activities including walking, jumping and swimming. This dense tendon can withstand large forces, but can become inflamed and painful during periods of overuse. Pain results from inflammation (tendonitis) or a degenerating tendon ( tendinosis).

Tendinitis typically develops after abrupt changes in activity or training level, use of poorly fit or worn footwear, or training on uneven or dense running surfaces. Overuse prior to sufficient training is generally the cause. This is due to forces 8 – 10 times the body weight acting on the tendon during physical activity.

Achilles injuries range from inflammation to a breakdown in the tendon. Pain is generally felt low on the back of the heel due to the low vascularity and susceptibility for inflammation. Pain higher on the Achilles is generally more muscular pain and less tendonitis. If swollen spots or knots are found along the tendon, or if the tendon feels jagged, cease activity and seek professional medical care.

Along with proper rest, icing and anti-inflammatory medication, KT Tape can help relieve this pain and reduce the inflammation along this crucial tendon. Though even walking can become painful with Achilles injuries, KT Tape can get you moving again.

Ankle stability

This application can be used for a variety of ankle issues including ankle sprains, stretched ligaments, inflamed tendons, or general ankle weakness. The added support will give you the confidence and support during the rehabilitation phase of an injury as well as the stability and pain relief during activity.

Ankle injuries can happen a number of different ways. They can occur during an acute injury, or a sudden rolling or twisting of the ankle. These types of injuries generally involve great pain and swelling.


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Typically acute injuries are inversion ankle sprains wherein the foot rolls to the inside while stepping on an uneven surface such as a curb, hole or roof. The first strip applied will help to keepthe foot everted and decrease your tendency to suffer another sprain. The second and third strips provide excellent proprioceptive stability.

Overuse or chronic ankle injuries occur overtime and are often the result of over training or training in poor conditions such as inappropriate footwear, uneven or dense surfaces, or simply too much too soon. These injuries are characterized by inflammation and are generally the result of other injuries. The stability provided by this application allows these inflamed tendons and ligaments to rest and avoid further injury.

Ankle instability or weakness can lead to chronic sprains and tearing of ligaments and tendons and lead to other injuries. Unlike traditional ankle braces, KT Tape provides support that is very comfortable and allows you to have a greater range of motion. This application also helps to provide support without limiting your range of motion or decreasing your blood flow.

Plantar fasciitis

The plantar fascia, or arch tendon, is a thick band of connective tissue that runs from the heel to the front of the foot. It is made of three distinct parts: medial, central and lateral bands. The central band is the thickest and strongest and is the portion most likely involved in plantar fasciitis pain.

In normal function the plantar fascia acts as a shock absorber and support mechanism for the arch of the foot. During gait, or movement, the plantar fascia acts like a spring to conserve energy and provide propulsion. During gait, or movement, the plantar fascia acts like a spring to conserve energy and provide propulsion. Tension increases while foot is on the ground to store the energy and is then released during toe-off to help with acceleration.

Plantar fasciitis literally means inflammation of the plantar fascia, but most cases are more degenerative changes rather than inflammatory ones. A new term being used to accurately describe the condition is plantar fasciosis. The condition accounts for about 10 % of runner related injuries and is twice as predominant in women than in men. Because of this high incidence in runners, microtrauma from repeated stress is believed to be the primary base cause.

Causes are often multifaceted and can range from biomechanical ( poor form) to cellular (poor diet) and any combination of the possibilities in between. Activities such as running, bearing significant along the plantar fascia – especially at the junction with the heel. Those who pronate (roll their feet in during walking and running), are overweight, wear poorly fit or worn shoes, or who have abnormal foot structure are at greater risk of developing plantar fasciitis. Heel spurs on the toe side of the heel are often the result of long term plantar fasciitis, but heel spurs on the back of the heel are a separate condition.

Training errors are also primary causes. Rapid increases in activity intensity or duration, abrupt addition of explosive movements or hill workouts, or a change to running on extremely hard surfaces can all be mistakes that cause plantar fasciitis. Using appropriate footwear and adjusting the training over time is highly recommended in addition to diligently stretching the plantar fascia and calf muscles throughout new activity. Athletic shoes lose their cushion rapidly with intense activity and should be changed often to maintain healthy movement.

Tightness in the calf muscles or the Achilles tendon can greatly exacerbate or promote plantar fasciitis. Loss of movement in the ankle, weak or imbalanced leg and foot muscles, as well as the aging process can all be additional factors.

Pain is almost always felt on the underside of the heel and most often along the arch of the foot. Most individuals report that pain is worst with the few steps in the morning or after long periods of inactivity. Pain is generally made worse by walking barefoot on hard surfaces, walking up stairs, sprinting or spending long periods of time standing. Often it is difficult bending down or bringing the toes to the shin and long time sufferers who remain active without treatment often have accompanying knee and hip pain. Taking weight off of the foot generally relieves pain. However, symptoms return as soon as the foot is again placed under weight.


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Using KT Tape for this condition has shown tremendous results in alleviating pain and promoting the healing process. KT Tape provides comfortable and conformable support for the arch serving to relax the foot and reduce inflammation. Reduced activity, stretching the calves, massage therapy, weight loss in overweight individuals, foam rolling, ice and NSAIDs can all serve to help alleviate symptoms and treat plantar fasciitis. Stretch the calves and plantar fascia before going to bed and before getting out of bed.

Additional recommendations include: Wear appropriately fit shoes with the appropriate support Stretch well prior to exercise Avoid hard surfaces Ice after activity Avoid long periods of standing still Implement multiple activities for cardiovascular exercise such as swimming, cycling,

rowing, etc. Seek conservative wellness care

Peroneal fasciitis

The three peroneal muscles, now called the fibularis muscles, are muscles at the surface of the outside of the lower leg. They serve to turn the foot out (evert) and push the foot down (plantar flex). The tendons run behind the anklebone and connect the muscles to the boney structures of the foot and ankle.

The can become inflamed or torn during acute trauma or during periods of overuse. Rarely do these tendons become inflamed or torn without damage to other tendons and ligaments, so please assess other issues as well.

Common causes include inversion ankle sprains, breaking into a sprint while off balance, or simply overusing these muscles resulting in inflammation. Other causes include poorly fit or worn footwear, excessive pronation, habitually running on embanked surfaces, excessive twisting of the ankle, and poor circulation along with malnutrition during activity. Older individuals become more susceptible to these injuries as the tendons lose their elasticity with age.

Peroneal tendonitis typically results in pain on the outside of the foot below and behind the anklebone. Symptoms also include stiffness, swelling or a burning sensation around the back of the ankle and outside edge of the foot.

KT Tape can be a great help with pain and speeding the healing process by increasing circulation, providing stability and relieving the pressure on this inflamed and painful tendon. Make sure to rest the ankle and ice after any activity as well as take anti-inflammatories during the worst times. Consider using this application in combination with the ankle stability application in order to avoid further injury and provide excellent stability without the downside of wearing a brace. If pain becomes severe or the ankle becomes discolored or very swollen, please seek additional care.

Ball of foot

The ball of the foot is where the toes join the rest of the foot. The area is very muscular and is the site where many athletes put the majority of the pressure during performance. Impact can be intense, twisting on the area is common, and without sufficient rest the area can become very worn and painful. Many smaller muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons and nerves all converge here as well. These very sensitive and flexible parts at the ball of the foot are highly responsible for balance and acceleration.

Pain at the ball of the foot is most often caused by inflammation due to overuse in active people. Other common causes include poorly fit or worn out shoes, weight gain, contusions or bruising plantar fasciitis, or nerve issues related to diabetes.


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The pain can be felt while weight bearing or to the touch. The pain can range from dull and achy to very sharp and a burning sensation. In short, the pain at the ball of foot varies significantly and often needs special diagnosis to identify the specific problem.

Typical treatment of these conditions includes critical rest, ice, inserts or orthotics and light massage or stretching. KT Tape can greatly speed the pace of recovery and significantly relieve the pain through the process. It’s very hard for anyone to stay off their feet, so often times foot problems take a very long time to heal. Those who have used KT Tape to alleviate the strain they put on their feet and promote healing have seen great results and decreased recovery times.

Top of foot

The top of the foot consists of many bones, nerves, ligaments and tendons that can all be affected and painful. The foot was made for stability and mobility – two distinct and naturally exclusive functions. This demand on the foot necessitates many different “pieces” to accomplish its role in movement. Most all activity of our daily lives and our athletic lives puts significant strain on the feet and can lead to different injuries.

There are varied causes for top of foot pain. This situation makes it difficult to diagnose for a non- medical professional. However, location is the most reliable determinant and can help with early detection. The following three conditions are the most common causes of pain on the top of the foot.

Tendonitis (extensor tendons) – tendonitis is the most common cause of pain at the top of the foot among athletes and active individuals. The pain is generally felt near the toes and emanating into midfoot. Tendonitis is often caused by overly tight calves, tying shoes too tight, or general overuse tendonitis from repetitive movements such as running. Tendonitis is often experienced during the latter portions of training for a marathon when high mileage runs are prevalent. Running on hard surfaces, excessive hill training and poor footwear are factors that make an individual at a higher risk for extensor tendonitis.

Fractures – Fractures are a rare but serious cause of pain on top of the foot. They are most prevalent in older individuals that remain active without proper form and diet. Fractures can also be caused by acute trauma such as kicking a door, having been stepped on, or falling. Swelling and pain occur at the fracture location, with the pain being felt during any movement and to the touch. Tarsal fractures often occur at their distal end, near the toes.

Arthritis – arthritis conditions can cause any number of additional issues that cause pain. Spurs are often formed that then irritate the nerves. The nerves can then swell (neuroma) and become entrapped between the tarsal bones, causing severe pain during gait. Arthritis also causes a decrease in bone density and makes the individual more likely to experience fractures. Bony swelling often form at the location of arthritis joints and can easily be felt. Flat feet, genetics and increasing age are all factors that could cause arthritis in the foot.

This KT Tape application will help to reduce pressure among the different components of the feet, increase circulation to combat inflammation and relax the muscles associated with the pain. The following additional tip should be followed to combat top of foot pain effectively:

Proper footwear Evaluation can correction of gait problems Weight loss Rest NSAIDs Variation of exercise( trade run days for swimming, cycling, yoga etc) Anti-inflammatory diet Massage Thorough calf stretching regimen


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Ice after activity


The heel is obviously a very important part of our lives. It takes a great deal of repetitive force with every step and can become susceptible to injury and pain as those steps become forceful. The pain can linger for many years and end up causing many other problems if not treated correctly. This KT Tape application can not only relieve the pain you feel, but help you to avoid the compensation injuries that arise from walking around on a painful heel.

Overuse in exercise, drastic weight gain, or standing for long periods of time are often the cause of the pain. Heel pain can be caused by a number of conditions including tendonitis, inflamed bursae, arthritis, nerve damage, stress fractures, contusions or plantar fasciitis and the resulting heel spurs – among many other conditions.

Heel spurs – bony growths that occur at the attachment of the plantar fascia to the heel bone. Degradation of the plantar fascia – this degradation of the collagen fibres is commonly referred to

as plantar fasciitis. Once thought to be an inflammatory condition, plantar fasciitis is now thought to be caused by dysfunction near the attachment site.

Fat pad contusion – caused by intense or repetitive impact. These conditions can cause the fat pad to be pushed away leaving less of a protective layer between the bones in the foot and the ground.

Stress fracture – very common in road runners, a stress fracture of the heel bone can be identified by re-creating the pain by squeezing the back of the heel.

Compressed nerves – there are many important nerves that travel along the bottom of the foot. There are also multiple bones that form the foot. When these nerves get in between these bones and become “pinched” there is a great deal of pain involved.

Inflamed bursae – bursae are small sacs of fluid that provide cushion and reduce friction between bones. When these sacs become inflamed they grow in size and cause pain.

KT Tape has been very helpful for general heel pain through its ability to provide support without limiting mobility. By creating surface tension on the skin over the area needing support, KT Tape creates a light and comfortable support structure that relieves pain and facilitates mobility. In short, KT Tape along with ice and rest will help relieve the pain and help promote the healing process.


A bunion, also known as hallux valgus, results when the big toe points towards the second toe and results in inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joint. The inflammation causes the joint to become swollen and tender, making everyday activities like walking or jogging very painful.

Bunions are much more common in females than in men. This leads most to believe that bunions are often time caused by wearing tight fitting shoes or heels. Genetics also plays an important role in determining the individual’s susceptibility to developing the condition.

Often the bunion is not painful and the individual leads a normal active life. Other times the bunion can be very painful, even debilitating. Pain is usually very achy and typically radiates to the toes and along the arch of the foot. Due to the abnormal positioning of the bones in the foot, sharp nerve pains could also be present.

KT Tape can help correct this misaligned joint to relieve pain and pressure over time, as well as increase blood flow to the area for increased anti-inflammatory effect and pain relief. Unrestricted footwear should always be chosen for those with bunions. Surgery is another option for those with serious pain and worsening symptoms.

Turf toe


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Turf toe, a sprain of the metatarsophalangeal joint, is a condition that results from acute or chronic hyperextension of the big toe. The condition affects both the joint and the connective tissue resulting in painful inflammation and bruising. Often times the ligaments and tendons are stretched and in severe cases torn. Greater risk occurs when one wears flexible footwear meant to grab the running surface, such as soccer cleats, or if one has greater than normal range of motion in the ankle.

Athletes who perform on artificial and dense surfaces are expecially at risk – most notably American football players and dancers. The mode of injury is often when a force presses downward on the calf while the foot and toe remain flat on the ground. The toe becomes hyperextended and the ligaments/joint become injured. There are many instances wherein the toe can become hyperextended such as kneeling abruptly or repeatedly, breaking into a sprint, or any instance in which one pushes off of the forefoot and the toe stays flat. Running barefoot can increase the change of developing turf toe due to the lack of support to which one may be accustomed. The condition can happen all at once if the force is great enough or can develop over time with repeated extension of the toe beyond it’s normal range of motion.

Pain is felt at the base of the big toe both on the bottom and more notably on the top. Pain can radiate into the bones of the foot and swelling may occur. Pain is recreated by extending the toe upwards or leaning forward onto the toe. The condition is generally severely painful during walking or running and can create stiffness. Long time sufferers of turf toe are thought to be more prone to arthritis of the joint later in life, making it all the more important to treat the condition effectively and completely prior to continued use.

KT Tape helps to treat turf toe by providing therapeutic stability and support while maintaining a healthy range of motion. It may take up to 4 weeks for the condition to completely subside, but with KT Tape and the following guidelines, you will certainly reduce the amount of time necessary to return to normal activity levels. If symptoms do not subside at all within 12 hours, consider an X – ray to check for fractures.

Most importantly, rest the joint. Use of crutches may be necessary to totally relieve the pressure on the joint.

Use footwear with a rigid sole. This will help prevent accidental hyperextension. Make certain to KT Tape the toe at all times when barefoot. Use anti-inflammatory medication during intense bouts of pain. Ice the injury immediately after injury and after any activity. Evaluate the mode of injury and take steps to prevent further irritation or injury. Improve running form through strength training as well as gait analysis and correction.

SI joint

Low back pain is often caused by complications arising from the SI joint. Though the SI joint is not the singular cause of low back pain, attention to the joint is important in assessing and treating the pain. Athletes from all sports and people from all walks of like experience problems with the SI joint due to its pivotal position in the body.

The joint joins the sacrum to the pelvis (identified by the “dimples” on the low back) and is designed for stability rather than mobility, though motion does occur. Its function is to spread the load of the torso throughout the hips and from the hips back throughout the torso. The joint is very sensitive to pain due to the many muscles that act on the joint and the fact that the joint is highly innervated by many nerves. This fact could explain why SI joint can take so many forms and cause pain in many unique ways. Women are thought to be at an increased risk for this pain because of their broader pelvises and shorter limb lengths. Additionally, hormones released during childbirth to relax the ligaments can cause later complications with hypermobility and chronic pain.


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Causes of SI joint pain are many and many of these are not fully understood. However, there are some common causes of low back pain related to SI joint dysfunction. Asymmetric motion due to leg-length inequality, major muscle imbalances, poor physical condition, arthritis in the hips, and scoliosis are some of the more serious causes that are due to position of the pelvis. Biomechanical problems such as poor form in sport, inflammation due to overuse, trauma and poor nutrition leading to degeneration are other causes that are very commonly found in conjunction with SI joint pain. Poor footwear and training habits can be linked to SI problems as well. Motion does occur at the joint, therefore subluxations (small misalignments) or a locked and stuck position can cause pain due to unnatural movement or nor movement at all. These conditions will often present as misaligned, rotated, or tilted hips.

Pain is the most obvious symptom of SI joint pain and can range from dull and achy to sharp and debilitating. Most individuals report that the pain began suddenly with or without an event. Pain patterns are difficult to describe with SI joint pain outside of low back ad buttock pain. Patterns seem to differ among different individuals in how far it radiates, what sensation is felt, and how intense the pain can be. Sitting for long periods of time is often a trigger, and standing from sitting can recreate the pain acutely. Pain that spreads widely over the back, buttocks, and legs is more than likely something separate from SI joint dysfunction and should be diagnosed further.

KT tape can be used to take pressure off of the associated musculature, create additional space by manipulating the fascia, and increase circulation to the area for a sense of pain relief and support. Relief is generally felt immediately. Use KT Tape in combination with massage, ice after activity, myofascial release, rest, stretching, chiropractic adjustments, avoidance of pain inciting activities, NSAISs and core workouts such as Pilates.

Low back

Pain in the low back or lumbago can be a very complicated problem. As the body ages, the spine undergoes compensatory changes to adjust with the rest of the body. Some of those changes are for the good, but some of those changes can cause pain and problems in human function.

Low back pain is often aggravated by prolonged sitting or standing as well as activities where we use the body as a lever – like vacuuming. The pain is often the result of mechanical conditions such as disk disease, fractures or other breakdowns of the spinal structure. Rarely do issues involving inflammation or nerve damage cause low back pain, but research suggests that misalignments of the spine or hips could also contribute to bilateral low back pain.

Pain is generally felt near the top of the pelvis and in the center of the low back on the lower spine and typically stems from a combination of overuse, muscle strain and injury or damage to the muscles, ligaments and discs that support the spine.

Use KT Tape to relieve pressure and pain, provide proprioceptive support and increase circulation to promote the healing process. Relief is generally felt immediately and allows the body to return to a healthy posture and normal function.

Middle back

The middle back is a combination of vertebrae from the upper and middle sections of the back and muscles that run the entire length of the back. These muscles support the spine, flex and extend the torso, move the upper limbs and head, as well as function to keep your body in an upright position.

Pain found in the middle of the back is generally the result of tired and overworked muscles due to poor posture, spinal misalignments or a bout of unusual or strenuous activity. These conditions can cause muscle imbalance, muscle fatigue, pain and tears. In some cases, spasms are associated with the pain and are primarily due to poor nutrient circulation to the nervous system and can be addressed by increasing circulation.


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Use KT Tape to assist correct posture, relax overworked muscles, increase circulation and promote the body’s natural healing process. You should also make improvements to how you sit during the day, assess whether a different type of mattress could be used to reduce pressure at night, strengthen your core, and consider chiropractic adjustments and massage. Seek additional care if pain becomes severe, you have difficulty standing or breathing becomes difficult.


The ribs are the individual bones that form the rib cage. The rib cage serves to protect the vital organs such as the lungs and the heart. The rib cage spans from the neck to near the hips and is made of hard bone tissue for protection, but pieced together by flexible cartilage to allow for expansion of the lungs for breathing.

Muscles in between each rib hold the bones together, maintain proper spacing and facilitate the expansion for breathing. Humans have 12 pairs of ribs: 14 true ribs that surround the body, 6 false ribs that partially surround the body starting from the sternum and 4 false ribs that originate at the spine and do not surround the body at all.

Ribs can become bruised, broken, separated and the muscles can be pulled or torn. Excessive strain in twisting motions, abrupt direction changes or a blunt force can all cause muscle pain of the ribs, while blunt or sharp forces are almost always the cause of breaks or bruising. Rib pain is often felt at or around the ribs and can radiate into the back or abdominals. The pain can range from sore or annoying on inspiration to extremely painful and disruptive of normal breathing.

Use KT Tape to relieve pressure and pain, increase circulation to promote the healing process and relax any strained muscles. Due to the properties of KT Tape, the ribs remain flexible enough to allow for breathing, but excess motion is alleviated and increased circulation is encouraged. This flexible support provides a very unique system for managing pain and encouraging the body to heal.

Most rib injuries are left to heal on their own with little intervention. In some cases, as with muscle tears or separation, immobilization with special belts is used to allow for proper healing. Broken or fractured ribs cannot be put into a cast or immobilized like other bones of the body making the healing process long and at times quite painful. Avoid contact sports, lightly and progressively stretch and ice after activity. Seek additional care if breathing becomes difficult, extreme swelling or bruising occurs, or sharp pains radiate to other areas.


Disc pain can be caused by any number of conditions that affect the vital components of the spine. Discs can herniate and swell slip away from their correct positioning between the bony vertebrae or rupture. These issues cause pressure on the many nerves that leave the spine and make the simplest activities very painful.

With the vast number of causes of pain around the spine, it’s nearly impossible to correctly indentify exactly what is happening without professional medical diagnosis. However, increased blood flow and reduced pressure on the nerves in the area will certainly help to decrease pain and inflammation.

Using the following KT Tape application can relieve pain localized at the spine on particular vertebrae as well as some radiating pain. However, make sure that you see a medical professional to address the root cause of the pain. Remember that disc pain can be a symptom of very serious issues. You should certainly consult a physician for proper diagnosis and treatment if you have trouble breathing, sleeping, balancing or getting up and down out of a chair.



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Abdominal pain has many causes ranging from issues within the abdominal cavity itself, to tears or pains in the muscular structure surrounding the organs of the abdominal cavity.

Abdominal pain is most often caused by extreme twisting of the torso. This can happen while turning to look behind, playing contact sports wherein a force is exerted on the upper or lower half of the body or any number of other traumas to the core.

Pain is generally felt on the sides of the abdomen and fairly localized. When the pain is felt deeply or radiating, it is a sign of a more serious internal issue.

KT Tape can help to relax sore muscles, relieve pressure off of swollen areas, and increase overall circulation to promote the healing process. Often times the pain is minor and not threatening, but for more serious pain please consult a physician prior to any self-treatment. After a diagnosis has been made, you can use KT Tape to relieve the symptoms of abdominal pain and provide support to the muscular structure.

Neck and shoulder

The neck is clearly a vital component of our anatomy due to its responsibility for connecting our brain to the rest of the body. Everything that passes through the neck is vital and relies heavily on proper function of the musculoskeletal system to protect and support these structures.

Stress is stored in these muscles and can cause headaches, shoulder pain and other damaging compensations. Sitting at a computer all day, looking down while running, whiplash, sleeping poorly or sudden movements and changes in direction are also common causes of neck pain.

Factors include muscle strain, ligament sprains, arthritis, spinal subluxations, pinched nerves, knots or adhesions and countless other musculoskeletal complications. The pain is usually not only felt in categorized into two conditions: muscle strain or myofascial strain.

Muscle strain can occur when there is an injury to the muscles of the neck, causing spasm of the cervical and upper back muscles. The strain may result from the physical stresses of everyday life, including poor posture, muscle tension from psychological stress, or poor sleeping habits. Typically symptoms include pain, stiffness and tightness in the upper back or shoulder. Myofascial pain causes tight and tender areas of muscle that are sensitive to pressure. Myofascial pain in the neck can develop after trauma or with other medical conditions such as psychological stress, depression or insomnia.

KT Tape alleviates pain by relaxing the muscles, providing support, increasing circulation around the affected area, as well as reducing pressure on the myofascial tender spots- all to promote the body’s natural healing processes. Generally individuals will feel immediate support and pain relief upon taping.

Consider complimentary measures as well. Try posture improvement, massage, chiropractic adjustments and ice. KT Tape will relieve the pain and help assist in proper posture, but please seek care if pain becomes severe, there is a loss in movement or symptoms get worse. Use beige KT Tape if you don’t want to have colors visible during more formal times.

General shoulder

The shoulder is a complex and relatively unstable joint that every person uses extensively on a daily basis. There are many muscles and forces that act on the shoulder, and when any of these is overactive or underactive, problems can arise.

Caused of general shoulder pain are extensive and can be due to injuries of the many muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, cartilage or bones that make up the shoulder complex. Stress, compensation from past injury or inflammation due to poor biomechanics is often the cause of continued general shoulder pain.

Though shoulder pain can have many different roof causes, it is often associated with raised shoulders. Dropping the shoulders will almost always create more joint space and relieve the stress and pain in the shoulder.


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Use this application to create a gentle reminder to keep good posture and relax the shoulder muscles to bring the shoulders down into a healthier position. Regardless of the source of shoulder problem, this application can greatly reduce the pain and improve biomechanics. Use this app in combination with other more specific shoulder applications gor the best effect.

Rotator cuff

The rotator cuff is the group of muscles and their tendons that act to stabilize the shoulder. These muscles are relatively small, yet are extremely important in all shoulder movements. They start at the shoulder blade and connect to the upper arm in a fashion that forms a “cuff” to provide the needed stability and mechanics of the shoulder.

To further explain the vital nature of these muscles, understand that the shoulder joint is much like a golf ball sitting on a tee. This design is necessary for the wide range of motion needed from the arm, but inherently creates a relatively unstable joint. The rotator cuff muscles are the muscles responsible for countering this unstable state. Though often thought to be an injury related specifically to athletic activity, incidence of rotator cuff injury is just as high in non-athletic populations.

Rotator cuff injuries generally involve many factors. Incidences of injury increases with age and degeneration of the tendons, but younger individuals with this condition have likely overused the shoulder joint or have developed muscle imbalances or poor biomechanics. Causes include muscle tears, overuse, hyperextension or hyperflexion of the shoulder, poor throwing form, among others. The tendons at the ends of the rotator cuff muscles can become torn or inflamed and lead to pain or restricted arm movement. Torn rotator cuffs can also occur following acute trauma to the shoulder, or more commonly through the overuse of the tendons. Athletes or individuals that frequently make repeated throwing motions, swinging motions or explosive pushing or pulling motions are especially at high risk. Swimming, racquet sports and throwing sports are all good examples of activities with high incidents of rotator cuff problems.

Rotator cuff pain presents as pain among the muscles in the shoulder that are responsible for rotation and lifting. Pain is generally felt at the front and outside of the shoulder or in the shoulder itself. Symptoms include pain, weakness, raised shoulders and decreased range of motion. The pain is made worse with activities requiring the arm to operate overhead or out in front of the body. Clicking, catching or snapping are rare symptoms in rotator cuff injuries and may be indicative of other problems such as a torn labrum or fracture.

Early diagnosis and action is essential to prevent irreparable damage. KT Tape can be used during the healing process to create stability, relieve pressure, increase circulation and relax the overworked or strained muscle. Icing after activity and rest are essential and should be combined with NSAIDs to combat inflammation and pain. After the initial healing process has completed, a strengthening rehab program should be implemented.

AC joint

AC ( acromioclavicular) joint injuries are common in contact sports or accidents wherein a collision with the tip of the shoulder occurs. In fact, they are the most common reason an athlete seeks medical attention following a shoulder injury.

In an injury to the AC joint, the joint separates and causes damage to one or more of the four ligaments that keep it in place. Injuries to the AC joint may also injure the cartilage within the joint, fracture the clavicle or acromion, or tear the meniscus inside the joint. If not treated properly, these injuries can later cause arthritis and severe pain in the shoulder.


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An AC joint injury is possible in a person who feels pain on top of the shoulder, took a blunt force to the top of the shoulder, or fell on an outstretched hand. In more severe cases, the clavicle will appear prominent and be sore to the touch.

AC joint injuries can be very painful and take a long time to heal. For most separations or injuries to the AC joint, this KT Tape application will drastically reduce pain, provide needed support, and speed the healing process.

Shoulder stability

The shoulder is an inherently unstable joint, yet very important for almost all of life’s activities. The shoulder complex consists of many muscles, ligaments, tendons, bone, bursae, cartilage and other anatomical components. Shoulder instability, or the resultant pain, can be a major problem on its own. Additionally, poor shoulder movement or placement can cause many other problems in the neck, spine and chest – as well as the entire body.

Shoulder pain can have many different root causes, but is almost associated with anterior ( or forward) shoulders. Muscles imbalances, notably overly strong or tight muscles in the chest and corresponding weak muscles in the back, can aggravate this issue and exacerbate poor posture. Poor biomechanics in the hips, legs or torso can further upset the fluid movement of the shoulder and incite pain. Shoulder pain can also be caused by any number of issues in the joint space such as tears, arthritis, swollen bursae or inflammation, ligament laxity, and so on. With forward and raised shoulders the joint is put under pressure and doesn’t have much of a change to heal. This postural set also makes way for many complications in the rest of the body.

Retracting the shoulders will almost always create more joint space and relieve the stress and pain in the shoulder. Use this KT Tape application to bring the shoulders back to a normal set, take pressure off of the upper back muscles, and lengthen out the muscles in the chest. The result will be more joint space and less pressure on the already painful area. The application will serve as a gentle reminder to the muscles to keep the shoulder back in this healthy set. Use this application in combination with the General shoulder pain application for maximum effect.

Other helpful treatments include massage, muscle release therapy, muscle balancing through assessment and training, as well as a conscious effort to maintain good posture. Try to avoid steroid ahots that beak down healthy tissue. Ice after activity and use NSAIDs if pain becomes intolerable.


The wrist is made up of eight small bones ( carpals) that support a narrow passage called the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel, supported by a ligament, carries through it the tendons that control the motions of the hand and fingers as well as the nerve that causes such great pain in the condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. The wrist primarily is designed to provide range of motion and versatility, but is built in a way to provide stability as well.

Sprains can range from mild to severe, and are graded according to the amount of damage to the ligament. A sprain by definition is damage only to the ligaments when they are stretched beyond normal range and not to the bone. In some cases bone may be torn away resulting in what is called an avulsion sprain.

Grade I: ligaments are stretched but not torn, and mild to moderate pain existsGrade II: partial tears of the ligaments exist and range of motion is decreased; pain is generally

moderate and discoloration is presentGrade III: complete tears of the ligaments exist that require immediate medical intervention; pain is

generally severe and discoloration is certainly present


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Wrist sprains or instability can be caused by many factors. Overuse activities such as typing, cutting hair or racquet sports can cause inflammation of the carpal tunnel and the resultant pain. Trauma such as falling on an outstretched hand can tear or even rupture ligaments that hold everything together. The blunt force during this type of trauma can also cause fractures and bruising that make it very difficult to move the wrist. Other modes of injury include being pushed into something, extreme twisting of the wrist or mis - hitting something with only a portion of the fist. Contact sports, recreational downhill activities and occupations at heights create situations common to wrist sprains.

Pain ranges from mild to severe based on the grade of sprain and the damage done to the ligaments and bones. The pain is recreated with almost any movement of the wrist, especially extension. Swelling, discoloration and radiating pain into the arm and hand are common symptoms. Often times the wrist will be warm to the touch as well.

KT Tape is appropriate for Grade I and II sprains, and Grade III sprains after seeking medical attention. KT Tape provides stability through proprioceptive feedback and mechanical support.

Additionally, KT Tape is very comfortable and allows for slight healthy range of motion in order to speed the healing process. Other treatments include rest, ice, NSAIDs and in very severe cases surgery. It is very important to get an accurate diagnosis is moderate to severe cases in order to avoid complications in the future.

Treatment: This KT Tape application will take pressure off of the wrist and help to facilitate normal movement and decrease inflammation. As a result of the decreased inflammation and support, pain will quickly be decreased – if not eliminated.

General elbow

The elbow consists of three bones coming together at a junction, as well as the muscles that serve to flex, extend and rotate the arm. The elbow also consists of ligaments that hold these bones in place, tendons that attach muscles to bones, cartilage that allows for smooth movement of the bones at their joints, and nerves that provide functionality to the arm. Each of these different parts can become irritated or strained resulting in pain.

Many times elbow pain can be dull and achy, and not specific to any one particular area. There may also be times when you will want general support for use in sport, daily activities or outdoor work. The following application will help to provide pain relief and support during activity and can be used to address general elbow weakness due to pain.

Elbow weakness and pain can occur due to hyperextension of the elbow, overuse in sport or physical activity, or as a result from problems further down or up the arm. Those with professions that use the hands and arms with repetitive strain – such as hairstylists, mechanics, massage therapists or warehouse employees – will find that general elbow pain is unfortunately sometimes part of the job.

KT Tape will help to provide the needed support and pain relief to help recover faster and avoid further injury. More specific elbow pains can be addressed with our other elbow applications, but use this application for general elbow pain and overall support. Try to avoid activities that cause the elbow significant stress and ice after activity.

Golfer’s elbow

Golfer’s elbow or medial epicondylitis is a common overuse injury of the inside portion of the elbow. The condition is similar to tendonitis and results in inflammation of the tendons as they attach to the bony protrusion of the inside elbow.

Among golfers, this condition is most prevalent at the beginning of the season or when there is a sudden increase in activity. Causes can include poor body mechanics, improperly fit equipment and tightness in the muscles of the forearm. Any activity wherein the hand is turned out while gripping and striking puts the individual at risk of developing golfer’s elbow.


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Pain is felt on the inside portion of the elbow and often radiates down the inside of the forearm and sometimes into the hand. The pain is made worse when gripping and can range from slight to excruciating.

The condition usually goes away over time with rest. By relieving pressure, relaxing the associated muscles, and increasing circulation, KT Tape will be help in speeding that process and managing the pain so you can remain active. Remember to ice after activity and lightly massage and stretch the muscles of the forearm as well.

Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is the common name describing the condition Lateral Epicondylitis or inflammation of the outside portion of the elbow resulting in soreness and tenderness. Though, recent research has shown that the condition is not as much inflammatory as it is degenerative ( microscopic injury to the tendon). The elbow is the obvious juncture between the shoulder ( the rest of the body for that matter) and the hand.

Though often unappreciated or recognized, the elbow and especially the ligaments and nerves that pass through, are put under constant pressure and demand during even the most simple of activities. Research shows the condition is not entirely inflammatory in nature and has many root causes and presentations. Typically the condition affects individuals greater than 40 years of age with a history of repetitive activity of the forearm leading to aggravation of the tendons. Most often the condition shows up in the dominant arm and will take extended periods of time to heal due to the low blood flow to the area.

The cause of tennis elbow is not precisely known, and is very likely due to many contributing extrinsic ( activity) and intrinsic ( anatomical and nutritional ) factors. Some, but not all, of the following factors can lead to symptoms of tennis elbow and pain at the lateral epicondyle:

Poor general conditioning Improper form while training Bad technique during sport or work ( repetitive) Worn or poor fitting equipment Gripping with unnecessary force Sudden forceful pulls Overexertion General overuse

As the namesake for the condition, tennis is the most common sport directly associated with this condition. However, tennis players represent a very small portion of the total population of tennis elbow sufferers. Use of the wrist and forearm to increase power during movement, rather that the core, will create susceptibility to lateral elbow pain. Tennis is certainly a sport that often creates opportunities for these causes, but many other activities do as well. Those who engage in other racquet sports, work at a computer for long periods of time, hair stylists, construction workers, mechanics, and other that grip and use their wrists while the torso is stationary are likely to develop this condition. Other conditions such as carpal tunnel, rotator cuff calcification or tears, and biceps tendonitis may also increase the chances of developing tennis elbow.

Pain from tennis elbow is felt on or near the bump that forms the outer portion of the elbow. Symptoms are usually mild, but can be so excruciating the daily activities become impossible. They usually occur on the three days after the causal activity and typically get worse with activity and better with rest. Performing a backhand in tennis, use of a screwdriver, shaking a hand, wrist extension, lifting an object with the arm extended in front, or unscrewing a lid are all motions that will recreate the pain of tennis elbow. Pain is generally specific to the lateral elbow, but can radiate down the forearm into the wrist and hand. Rarely does swelling or bruising occur, and these symptoms may indicate a more serious condition.

KT Tape helps to treat tennis elbow by increasing circulation to a relatively nonvascular area. KT Tape also decreases pressure and creates fascial manipulations to immediately reduce pain. To minimize healing time, one should also perform light progressive stretching of the forearm muscles, ice after activity,


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implement massage and focus on core movements rather than overuse of the extremities. NSAIDs may also be taken to reduce pain and any inflammation that may be present. Once symptoms have subsided, implementation of a strength training program targeted at the shoulders, back and core will help to reduce strain on the forearm. Technique improvement during sport or occupation will also greatly reduce the occurrence of tennis elbow.

Finger jam

“Jammed Finger” is a term that refers to the many injuries of the ligaments and soft tissue around the small joints of the fingers. Jammed fingers are very common in ball handling sports or activities where there is a high degree of catching objects.

Finger jams occur when a blunt force is applied to a joint of the finger. The force is generally directly into the tip of the finger and combined with hyperextension of the joint. Ligaments and other soft tissue surrounding the joint are stretched or torn resulting in significant pain. Swelling, bruising and loss of motion typically accompanies the pain.

KT Tape can help stabilize the joint without locking it down, allowing for comfort and promoting healing to occur more rapidly. It is important to diagnose the sprain so that fractures or dislocations can be ruled out or treated effectively. Failure to do so could result in loss of movement or chronic pain. Rest, ice and NSAIDs can be very helpful in treating both the inflammation and the pain. If pain does not subside within the first 12 hours and a medical professional has not been consulted, see a clinician to properly diagnose the sprain and identify any factures or dislocations.


Thumb pain usually present as pain at the base of the thumb and wrist. A notable thumb pain condition includes De Quervain Syndrome, also known by many other names such as gamer’s thumb, mother’s wrist and mommy thumb. This condition in particular is a degenerative ( microscopic injury ) condition of the sheath ( extensor retinaculum) that surrounds the tendons passing over the thumb side of the wrist.

When this sheath becomes injured or inflamed, the tendons become entrapped and cause pain during movement of the thumb. Thickening of the tendons from overuse or trauma will also cause problems when the tendons need to slide beneath the sheath. Women are considered at higher risk due to the sharper angles of the bones in the wrist, but the actual cause is somewhat unknown. Many believe overuse is the primary cause leading to inflammation. This hypothesis is backed up by noting that most patients with this pain are new mothers who repeatedly lift their growing babies. Symptoms are most often noted in both wrists and to the same degree of pain, indicating that more overuse activity causes more inflammation leading to pain.

When these conditions are present, movement of the thumb is restrained and further perpetuates the inflammatory conditions and may create swelling in more severe cases. Pain is noted during thumb and wrist motion along with thickening and hardening of the area at the base of the thumb. Difficulty gripping, tenderness at the base of the thumb and swelling are common symptoms. Pain is usually slight to moderate and extreme pain may be an indication of a more serious condition.

Treatment of the pain is determined more by noting what has worked in the past rather than scientific data. KT Tape has been shown to provide support during motion of the thumb and wrist, and has markedly reduced pain in many subjects. KT Tape also increases circulation to reduce inflammation and speed the healing process. Corticosteroid injections are thought to be successful, but do need to be weight against the negative side-effects of increased degenerative effects. Surgery has been well accepted and successful in almost all cases, but conservative therapies are highly preferred prior to making this leap. Ice after activity, rest and avoidance of activities that incite pain are all important steps to avoid surgery. A focus on proper lifting mechanics will also help to avoid these symptoms in the future.


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The bicep muscles and tendons run along the front of your arm and to the front of the shoulder. These muscles are responsible for “curling” motions and raising your arm in front of you.

Bicep pain can be caused by a number of issues including muscle tears, pinched nerves, ligament or tendon damage, or swollen lymph nodes – among other things. Lifting too much weight, catching a heavy object or repeated strain on the muscle and tendons can lead to pain in the biceps.

The pain will either be along the biceps muscles or at the front of the shoulder, indication biceps tendonitis. Pain along the muscle is more common in acute injuries, and pain at the front of the shoulder is more common in conditions that have developed over time.

KT Tape can help relieve the pain in the bicep by relaxing a damaged muscle, increasing blood flow to reduce inflammation or relieving pressure off of the area. However pain at the bicep can range from a minor issue to a severe problem. If you are uncertain, see a medical professional.


This article will make a distinction between tricep muscle pain / weakness and tricep tendonitis. The tricep pain application is for tricep muscle pain and weaknee. For the tricep tendonitis application, please visit the KT Tape website and forum.

Tricep muscle pain/weakness – pain and weakness refers to an injury of the triceps muscles and / or the nerves that innervate these muscles causing pain in the muscle belly and / or weakness of the muscles resulting in flexor dominance. This condition is explained more fully in this article.

Tricep tendonitis – this condition is the inflammation of the triceps tendon that connects the tricep muscles to the back of the elbow. Pain is felt just above the back of the elbow and is generally caused by repeated strain or attempting to press too much weight, excessively forceful throwing motions, or falling on an outstretched arm ( may be concurrently diagnosed with tricep muscle pain / weakness)

The triceps brachii muscle, latin for “three headed muscle”, is the large group of muscles on the back of the arm that is responsible for extension ( straightening) of the arm. Each head of the muscle originates in a different location, but each of these inserts into the back of the elbow via the triceps tendon. For our purposes in this article, we will refer to all three triceps muscles as the “triceps”.

Most often triceps injuries occur in males over the age of 25 who are involved in activities that require lifting or pushing heavy weight, or repetitive arm motions in sport or occupation.

Triceps pain and weakness can be caused by muscle tears, pinched nerves, ligament or tendon damage, attempting to lift or push too much weight, or landing on an outstretched arm – among others. Weight training, throwing sports, and contact sports exhibit the highest incidence of triceps injuries due to the excessive strain put on the muscle and its tendon. The muscle will be at risk of tears and strains if it is placed under repetitive stress or pressure in excess of preparedness.

Symptoms include loss of mobility in the joint, pain at the back of the elbow and arm, and possible swelling. The best way to avoid these injuries is to warm up properly and not progress to heavier weight too rapidly. Injuries due to trauma are mostly unavoidable and can be treated conservatively in most cases.

KT Tape can help relieve the pain in the triceps by relaxing the damaged muscle, increasing blood flow to reduce inflammation and speed the healing process, and relieving pressure to relieve pain. Rest, ice after activity, light progressive stretching and massage, as well as NSAIDs can help speed the healing process as well.


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