Execute Actual Assessment 11/12/07 (KSU5) Purpose Use this Assessment transaction, typically at the end of a month (and at year-end), for the allocation of costs incurred by one cost center to many other cost centers. To edit and/or change an Assessment Cycle. use T-code KSU2; and to display the Assessment Cycle, use the T-code KSU3. These T-codes are also accessible from within the T-code KSU5. Important Note : Since the basis of charging out costs to various Receivers could be different (i.e. wireless service costs - Actual; Other telephone costs - based on number of phones at say $20 per phone, each month), Assessment Cycles are also created differently to meet these specific cost distribution needs. Trigger Perform this transaction and related steps when there is an assessment to be carried out from one or more Sender Cost Center/s to many Receiver cost centers based on an allocation base (maybe by Activities, Costs, or Statistical key figures). Prerequisites In the case of Posted Amounts, the requisite charges must already be posted to the Sender Cost Center, for the particular month for which the cycle is being executed. There must also be valid receiver cost centers, allocation bases etc. Menu Path Use the following menu path(s) to begin this transaction: Select SAP menu Accounting Controlling Cost Center Accounting Period End Closing Single Functions Allocations KSU5 - Assessment Transaction Code KSU5 Helpful Hints From within T-code KSU5 (Execute Assessment), it is possible to access other related T-codes: KSU1 - Create Assessment Cycles, KSU2 - Change Assessment Cycles, KSU3 - Display Assessment Cycles, and KSU4 - Delete Assessment.

KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

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Page 1: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

Execute Actual Assessment 11/12/07 (KSU5)



Use this Assessment transaction, typically at the end of a month (and at year-end), for the allocation of costs incurred by one cost center to many other cost centers.

To edit and/or change an Assessment Cycle. use T-code KSU2; and to display the Assessment Cycle, use the T-code KSU3. These T-codes are also accessible from within the T-code KSU5.

Important Note: Since the basis of charging out costs to various Receivers could be different (i.e. wireless service costs - Actual; Other telephone costs - based on number of phones at say $20 per phone, each month), Assessment Cycles are also created differently to meet these specific cost distribution needs.


Perform this transaction and related steps when there is an assessment to be carried out from one or more Sender Cost Center/s to many Receiver cost centers based on an allocation base (maybe by Activities, Costs, or Statistical key figures).


In the case of Posted Amounts, the requisite charges must already be posted to the Sender Cost Center, for the particular month for which the cycle is being executed. There must also be valid receiver cost centers, allocation bases etc.

Menu Path

Use the following menu path(s) to begin this transaction:

         Select SAP menu   Accounting   Controlling   Cost Center Accounting   Period End Closing   Single Functions   Allocations   KSU5 - Assessment

Transaction Code


Helpful Hints

From within T-code KSU5 (Execute Assessment), it is possible to access other related T-codes: KSU1 - Create Assessment Cycles, KSU2 - Change Assessment Cycles, KSU3 - Display Assessment Cycles, and KSU4 - Delete Assessment.

Page 2: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment


1.       Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code KSU5.

SAP Easy Access


2.       Double-click  .

Execute Actual Assessment: Initial Screen

Page 3: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment


2.1          To view an example involving steps concerning an assessment run in test mode that generated errors, go to steps 3 through10.

2.2          To view an example involving steps concerning an assessment successfully run in test mode, go to steps 11 through13.

2.3          To view reports generated by the assessment, go to steps 14 through36.

2.4          To view an example involving steps concerning an assessment successfully run in production mode, go to steps 39 through 43

2.5          To view steps involving the reversal of an assessment, go to steps 44 through46.

2.6          To view steps involving segment adjustments, go to steps 47 through57.


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3.       As required, complete the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Period R Unit that subdivides a fiscal year.

    Enter the beginning period of the assessment.

Example:         10

To R Upper limit of the range to be selected from a list.

    Enter the ending period of the assessment. It is recommended that the beginning period and ending period are the same (i.e. Month-wise ).

Example:         10

Fiscal Year R A period of usually 12 months, for which the company produces financial statements and takes inventory.  A fiscal year need not correspond to a calendar year.

    Enter the fiscal year.

Example:         2007

Cycle R A collection of rules for cost allocation. A specific cycle can contain a number of segments.

    Enter the Cycle. The cycle can be selected using

the drop down icon   to view available selection options.

Example:         E07001 

4.       Click   to execute the assessment in test mode. The Test Run box  must be checked.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Basic List

Page 5: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

    The above screen shot indicates the assessment run in test mode encountered some problems. This is apparent due to the   message displayed.

    The above screen shot could also display an   message.


5.       Click   to view the messages that comprise the warning.

CCA: Actual Assessment: Display messages

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6.       Double-click   to view the explanation of the message.

Performance Assistant

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    This message indicates that due to the lack of transactions in Period 10, the assessment is not possible.


7.       Click   to close the Performance Assistant window.

CCA: Actual Assessment: Display messages

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8.       Click   to close CCA: Assessment: Display messages window.

9.       Click   to return to the Execute Actual Assessment: Initial Screen.

Exit list

10.     Click   when prompted.

11.     This is an example illustrating a successful assessment run. As required, complete the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Period R Unit that subdivides a fiscal year.

    Enter the beginning period of the assessment.

Example:         11

To R Upper limit of the range to be selected from a list.

    Enter the ending period of the assessment. It is recommended that the beginning period and ending period are the same.

Example:         11

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Field Name R/O/C Description

Fiscal Year R A period of usually 12 months, for which the company produces financial statements and takes inventory.  A fiscal year need not correspond to a calendar year.

    Enter the fiscal year.

Example:         2007

Cycle R A collection of rules for cost allocation. A specific cycle can contain a number of segments.

    Enter the Cycle. The cycle can be selected using

the drop down icon   to view available selection options.

Example:         E07001 Execute Actual Assessment: Initial Screen

Page 10: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment


12.     Click   to execute the assessment in test mode. The Test Run box  must be checked.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Basic List

Page 11: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

    The above screen shot indicates the assessment run in test mode encountered no problems.


13.     Steps 14 through 36 display the various reports the assessment generated. The same reports would be generated when the assessment is run in production mode.

14.     To view the reports generated, either through a test or production run, click   once to select the cycle.

15.     Click   to display the segments belonging to the cycle.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Segment List

Page 12: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

    The above screen shot indicates the cycle has two segments.


16.     Double-click   to view the segment's CO document.

Display Actual Line Items

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17.     Click   to exit the CO document screen.

Display Actual Line Items


18.     Click   when prompted.

19.     Click   to view the sender's details.

Page 14: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Sender List


20.     Click   to exit the sender's detail screen.

21.     Click   to view the receivers' details.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Receiver List

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22.     Click   to exit the receivers' detail screen.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Segment List

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23.     Double-click   to view the segment's CO document.

Display Actual Line Items

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24.     Click   to exit the CO document screen.

Display Actual Line Items


25.     Click   when prompted.

26.     Click   to view the sender's details.

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Display CCA: Actual Assessment Sender List


27.     Click   to exit the sender's detail screen.

28.     Click   to view the receivers' details.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Receiver List

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29.     Click   to return to the Assessment Basic List screen.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Basic List

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30.     Double-click   to view the cycle's CO document. This report combines the two segments.

Display Actual Line Items

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30.1        The CO document report can also be modified to provide sub-totals by Cost Centers.

30.2        To view Cost Center sub-totals, click   to select the CO cost object (Cost Center).

30.3        Click   to generate the sub-total report by Cost Center.


Display Actual Line Items

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    Scroll down to view the entire report.


31.     Click   to exit the CO document screen.

Display Actual Line Items

Page 23: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

32.     Click   when prompted.

33.     Click   to view the two segment's' sender details.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Sender List


34.     Click   to exit the sender's detail screen.

35.     Click   to view the two segment's' receivers details.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Receiver List

Page 24: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment


36.     Click   to return to the Assessment Basic List screen.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Basic List

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37.     Click   to exit the Assessment Basic List screen.

Exit list


38.     Click   when prompted.

Execute Actual Assessment: Initial Screen

Page 26: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment


39.     To run the assessment in production mode, click   to deselect.

40.     Click   to view the performance settings. This step is optional.


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41.     Click   to exit the window without changes; click   to execute changes; or click   to check entries.

42.     Click   to execute the assessment in production mode.

Display CCA: Actual Assessment Basic List

Page 28: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

    The successfully run assessment will display the message "Processing completed without errors".


43.     The reports generated through the production run are identical as the reports generated through test mode. See steps 14 through36.

44.     To reverse an assessment, complete/review the following fields:

Execute Actual Assessment: Initial Screen

Page 29: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

44.1        The Period must be the same as the period of the assessment posting.

44.2        Remove the check mark from the Test Run box  .

44.3        Include the cycle to be reversed.


45.     Select Assessment   Reverse or Shift+F8 to reverse the assessment.



46.     Click   to return to the Execute Actual Assessment: Initial Screen.

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Execute Actual Assessment: Initial Screen


47.     To adjust a segment, in the KSU5 screen select Assessment  Segment Adjustment or Shift+F11.

Execute Seg. Adjustment: Assessment/Distrib./Per. Repost.: Initial Scr

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48.     This step will go over the various sections of the Segment Adjustment screen.

48.1        In the   section, complete the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Period R Unit that subdivides a fiscal year.

    Enter the beginning period of the assessment to be adjusted.

Example:         11

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Field Name R/O/C Description

To R Upper limit of the range to be selected from a list.

    Enter the ending period of the assessment to be adjusted

Example:         11

Fiscal Year R A period of usually 12 months, for which the company produces financial statements and takes inventory.  A fiscal year need not correspond to a calendar year.

    Enter the fiscal year.

Example:         2007

48.2        In the   section, complete the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Period R Unit that subdivides a fiscal year.

    Enter the period the adjustment should take effect. Note that the period of the Posting Parameter must be a later period than the Processing Parameters.

Example:         12

Fiscal Year R A period of usually 12 months, for which the company produces financial statements and takes inventory.  A fiscal year need not correspond to a calendar year.

    Enter the fiscal year.

Example:         2007

48.3        In the   section, make sure that  ,

,   are checked. The   will repost the new values of the segment once it has been reversed and/or adjusted.

48.4        In the   section, complete the following fields:

Field Name R/O/C Description

Cycle R A collection of rules for cost allocation. A specific cycle can contain a number of segments.

    Enter the Cycle to be adjusted.

Example:         E07006

Page 33: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

Field Name R/O/C Description

Start Date O Date from which the first recurring entry is to be carried out.

    Enter the Date. This field is optional; however, the system will use the date of the cycle.


Segment from R Description of the Segment.

    Enter the Segment to be adjusted or the lowest value of the segments.

Example:         E07006-002

Segment To O Description of the Segment.

    If a range of segments are being adjusted, enter the high value of the segment.


49.     Click   to execute the segment adjustment in test mode.

Segment Reverse

Page 34: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

    The system has successfully reversed the segment in test mode without errors. Note that old data was used to process the reversal.


50.     Click   and the system will initiate the segment repost (rebook) in test mode.

Display Seg. Adjustment: Assessment/Distrib./Per Basic List

Page 35: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

    The system has successfully reposted (rebooked) the segment in test mode without errors. Note that new data was used to process the reposting.


51.     Click   to exit the test result screen.

Display Actual Line Items


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52.     Click   when prompted.

53.     Remove the check   from the Test Run and click   to execute the segment in production mode.

Segment Reverse

    The system has successfully reversed the segment in production mode without errors. Note that old data was used to process the reversal.


54.     Click   and the system will initiate the segment repost (rebook) in production mode.

Display Seg. Adjustment: Assessment/Distrib./Per Basic List

Page 37: KSU5 -Execute Actual Assessment

    The system has successfully reposted (rebooked) the segment in production mode without errors. Note that new data was used to process the reposting.


55.     The reports generated through the production run are identical to the reports generated through test mode. See steps 14 through36.

56.     Click   to exit the production result screen.

Display Actual Line Items

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57.     Click   when prompted.

58.     Click   to return to SAP main menu.

59.     You have completed this transaction.


You have successfully executed and reversed an assessment; and adjusted a segment.


The Sender & Receiver locations will now be able to display the debits and credits, using the KSB1 - Cost Center Line Item display Report.

Please note that the tracing factor information is available only in the Report generated during execution of the Cycles and not in the CO document finally generated after the execution. Therefore if you require that information, please save the reports during execution of the reports.