Richard Schomberg Smart Cities Council member IEC Smart Grid Strategic Group chair EDF VP Smart Energy Standards CICED 2014 Shenzhen, China September 2014 *

KS7 Smart Energy - CICED 2014 - Schomberg - Sep 2014 V6 · Smart City Technology Market: The Regional View Smart Energy: challenges, trends & strategy - CICED Shenzhen - Schomberg

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Page 1: KS7 Smart Energy - CICED 2014 - Schomberg - Sep 2014 V6 · Smart City Technology Market: The Regional View Smart Energy: challenges, trends & strategy - CICED Shenzhen - Schomberg

Richard SchombergSmart Cities Council memberIEC Smart Grid Strategic Group chairEDF VP Smart Energy Standards

CICED 2014Shenzhen, ChinaSeptember 2014 *

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The promise of Smart GridOpportunities for controlling the electric systemOpportunities for the Demand SideTechnological ruptures can be game changersFrom Smart Energy to Smart CitiesConclusion

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Smart Energy: “connecting” any point of generation with any point of consumption

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common data


common behaviourEquipmentVendor A

EquipmentVendor B

interchangeabilityfrom specifications, not from blueprints

to allow competition for innovation !

World market – what « investors » wantopen international standards to pre-resolve complexity

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Transition towards Active Distribution Networks

Customer participation driven by resilience, economics & environmental objectives

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Operational systems are challenged by increased span of control and decreasing timing of information and decision and control responses



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Now Micro-synchrophasors on the Distribution system can detect local conditions

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Enhanced time micro-scale management

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Example: Feasible and affordable technical solutions

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Nanogrid: buy, sell, use at the optimal time !

10kWh / 4kW


Power flow control

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Residential Nanogrid integrating micro-cogénérationHonda Micro CHP (1,2 kWe+ Heat)

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Residential Storage:inverter in the trunk

PV , Electrical Storage, EV, Micro CHP, hot water


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Korea - Micro Energy Grid (K-MEG) = Microgrid + Energy Management System

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IEC Project Committee (PC118) for cross-connecting applications:

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• Consumer applications

• Smart homes and buildings

• Electric Vehicle

WG1- Consumer interfacesWG2- Demand Response

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Advanced Power Line Carrier G3-PLCCost effective performance for Smart Energy massive deployment

• Standardization at all levels to ensure interoperability and reduce technology risk for utilities

• Enables common application layer services over various wired and wireless communication technologies

IEEE 802.15.4g(FSK, DSSS, OFDM)

IEEE 802.15.4MAC (including FHSS

6LoWPAN (RFC 6282)


Routing IPv6 / IPv4 Addressing, Multicast, QoS, Security

IEEE 802.3Ethernet 2G / 3G / LTE


IEEE 802.16WiMax


Web Services/EXI

IEEE 802.15.42.4GHz DSSS

IEEE 802.15.4MAC


IEC 61968 CIMANSI C12.19/C12.22



/ MA











. La



m. N





802.1x / EAP-TLS based Access Control Solution



G3-PLC MAC802.15.4e MAC enhancements





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Beware ! Technological Ruptures can suddenly change the game !

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Who pays? Who benefits ?

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Source: CISCO Gridonomics


Who pays? Who benefits ?

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Cities are under enormous pressure

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Smart Energy often viewed as a foundationfoundation for a Smart City

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Beyond ICT Technology to improve operations:smartness in planning and design is necessary !

• Energy long term planning– Local energy potential,

– Energy demand - buildings, mobility

– Energy Networks

• Solutions for low carbon and smart cities – Energy efficiency, eco-districts– Electric mobility– Smart grid to enable local

renewable and demand response

An integrated and systemic approach to better serve the citizensand improve cities’ attractiveness and sustainabilitySmart Energy: challenges, trends & strategy ‐ CICED Shenzhen ‐ Schomberg ‐ Sep 2014

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Smart Energy planning: simulation to understand long term impact of today’s decisions

Complex – system ‐modelingMulti scale, Interactions, non deterministicPersistent for the long term 

3D intelligence for smart         actionable results

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Smart design: many counterintuitive clues !

In this case: More MWh from PV installed on less exposed buildings

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Some concrete key opportunities

From smart grid cities to smart energy communities Cities can drive the next phase in energy grid and market modernization More focus on reporting, monitoring, and reducing energy consumption

Smart transportation and urban mobility Disruptive innovations in technology, business models, and policy How bold will cities be in remodeling their approaches to mobility?

Water management a growing concern But technology adoption lags

Smart street lighting Intersection of interest in energy efficiency, public services, and multipurpose networks

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Conclusions The world is changing at a frantic pace to serve its vital

needs in clean sustainable energy The never-ending evolution of ICT technologies provides

incredibly more data for hopefully much more « intelligence » and new value

As any revolution, Smart Energy exposes to unknown and risks, but open up for unprecedented opportunities

Standardization is a key to pre-resolve the extreme challenge of complexity

A major challenge of Smart Energy is striking new balance between all stakeholders (Utilities Regulators, Vendors)

Wide scale deployments, require strategies to make appropriate risk informed investment decisions, taking into account the legacy, while enabling reasonable incremental transitions towards dependable solutionsSmart Energy: challenges, trends & strategy - CICED Shenzhen - Schomberg - Sep 2014

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CISCO report: 12 investment areasthat generally define the scope of smart grid deployments

• Energy conservation (via real-time energy use information)• Conservation voltage reduction (CVR)• Demand response (DR)• Dynamic line rating (DLR)• Substation automation• Advanced teleprotection• Failure detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR)• Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI)• Distribution-feeder condition-based maintenance• Distributed storage infrastructure• Distributed-generation integration infrastructure (DG support) • Electric-vehicle integration intelligence (EV support)

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CISCO study: results analysisMuch of the value identified is derived from

a) reduction of energy purchases through energy conservation and reduction of losses; b) reduction in incremental generation and network capacity; c) operational benefits; d) reliability improvementse) reduction of carbon

Customer value is derived principally from lower energy bills as a result of consuming less energy and reduced peak demand. (However, to realize the potential $40 billion in customer value requires new products and services, so part of the identified value would be shared with other market participants).

The $16 billion in uncaptured value is derived from carbon emissions reductions, reliability, and other benefits that are not monetized in those U.S. markets.While this analysis focuses on the U.S., the results are analogous to other markets including the EU, Australia, and New Zealand.

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Counterintuitive cost of complexity….

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Traditional bottom-up approach

System and standards approach

Total cost of ownership and operation


X %

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Real Options for informed investment decisions in fast technology evolution context

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common data


common behaviourEquipmentVendor A

EquipmentVendor B

interchangeabilityfrom specifications, not from blueprints

to allow competition for innovation !

World market – what « investors » want

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IEC offers a Computer Aided standards navigation system: Advise about all standards relevant to a subsystem, component, or link

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IEC IEV 191-02-03IEC TC 56

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Dependability “just as needed” by design

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Deploying smart city technologies could save 15% of global emissions and $900 billion $900 billion a year in energy savings by 2020. — Mark Kenber, CEO, The Climate Group

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Smart City Technology Market: The Regional View

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- Asia Pacific region represents the largest opportunity between 2014 and 2023 - Europe enthusiastic but economic situation still a drag on growth - Interest in North America has grown rapidly over 18 months amongst cities and suppliers

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Smart City Technology Market: The Industry View

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- All sectors show strong growth, though energy sector will slow as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) rollouts complete - Smart Transportation sector worth almost $6.5 billion by 2023 - Smart Water the fastest growing sector at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.9%

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Drilling Down: Smart Street Lighting Control Node Unit Shipments by Lamp Type and Application

Shipments of control nodes are forecast to experience a 20.4% CAGR from 2014 to 2023, growing to 6.8 million shipments in 2023 Smart Energy: challenges, trends & strategy - CICED Shenzhen - Schomberg - Sep 2014

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Emerging Themes

Innovation in finance and governance Overcoming the top down/bottom up dichotomy New approaches to procurement Need to drive innovation off major infrastructure investments

Big data and analytics – still a meme on the rise Need to move beyond the hype – helping cities obtain real benefits Integration of analytics into business case

Resilience as an attribute of the smart city Growing focus on climate adaptation Can bring long-term and connected thinking to smart city programs

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Emerging Themes

Air quality and pollution Increasing focus on air quality in North America and Europe as well as in China and other rapidly developing countries Driving innovation in transport policy and adoption of clean fuel vehicles Also improved monitoring and city management

Standards Multiple initiatives underway Need to focus on collaboration and connection Benchmarking to support transparency

Security and data privacy need to be addressed Expect more stories about hacked traffic sensors and street lights Cities will need to be proactive in the privacy debate

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NanoGrids can be aggregated into MicroGrids

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California levelized Energy Value by Hour and Month





7 10




Levelized Avoided Cost by Month and Hour ($/MWh)


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Optimize the use of the electric system to avoid investing in costly peak generation used only 100 hours per year !

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Source: Audrey Zibelmann


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Synchrophasors systems on Transmission to detect stability shifts early

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How coupled are Urban Development and Energy?

Limited illustrative exampleSmart Energy: challenges, trends & strategy ‐ CICED Shenzhen ‐ Schomberg ‐ Sep 2014

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Urban Development and Energy:complex dependencies !

Limited illustrative exampleSmart Energy: challenges, trends & strategy ‐ CICED Shenzhen ‐ Schomberg ‐ Sep 2014

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The Marginal Price of Electricity is Established at the Real Time Intersection of Supply and Demand

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