KS4 Recipes

KS4 Recipes...Cornish Pasties Recipe Pastry 200 g plain flour 100 g margarine Filling 1 large onion 250 g beef skirt, diced, or beef mince 1 medium size potato 1 large carrot 1 egg

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KS4 Recipes

Meatballs in tomato sauceRecipe


1 Large onion (keep half for the sauce)

450 g beef mince

1 egg

2 tsp dried herbs

Salt and pepper


1. Finely chop onion. Fry gently until golden brown. Take off heat.

2. Put mince, herbs and salt and pepper into a bowl.

3. Add cooked onion and mix.

4. Beat the egg in a small bowl and add to meat mixture.

5. Mix well.

6. Divide the mixture into twelve portions and roll with your fingers into small balls.

7. Cook on a low heat until brown and cooked through.

To make the tomato sauce you will need:

• One 400g of chopped tinned tomatoes

• 5g of mixed herbs

• 1 vegetable or beef stock cube

• Slat and pepper

1. In a separate large pan fry the onions until soft

2. Add tomatoes and crumble in stock

3. Season with herbs, pepper and salt (to taste)

4. Simmer for 5 minutes on a low/medium heat

5. Add the meat balls and mix well.

6. Add to leak proof container to take home.

7. Serve with pasta and cheese (cook this at home)

Cornish Pasties Recipe


200 g plain flour

100 g margarine


1 large onion

250 g beef skirt, diced, or beef mince

1 medium size potato

1 large carrot

1 egg

Salt, pepper and mixed herbs


1 Sieve the flour into a bowl, add margarine and rub in until it looks like breadcrumbs. (Do not over-rub the margarine into the flour.)

2 Add 10 teaspoons of cold water and mix into a dough. Do not over-handle the pastry.

3 Wrap the pastry in cling film and put it in the fridge to rest.

4 Turn oven on to 180°C, Gas mark 5.

5 Dice the onion and put in a bowl.

6 Peel and dice the carrot and potato into small dice, using the bridge hold and claw grip as you have been taught.

7 Add to the onion and mix.

8 Dice the beef skirt (or use the beef mince), add to the diced vegetables and then season with the salt, pepper and a pinch of mixed herbs.

9 Remove the pastry from the fridge and unwrap. Divide the pastry into four equal-sized pieces.

10 Roll each piece into a round about the size of a small plate.

11 Beat the egg in a small bowl until well mixed.

12 Place the filling into each circle of pastry, brush egg around the edges and seal them up into a pasty shape. Make sure you seal the edges firmly so the pastry does not come apart during cooking.

13 Place the pasties onto a greased baking sheet, brush with egg to glaze and bake for 30 minutes in the centre of the oven.

Chicken Stir FryRecipe (no ready made kits please)1 boneless chicken breast OR thigh fillet

1 red pepper

1 onion

1 garlic clove

1 carrot

100 g mushrooms

Packet of beansprouts or ready-made noodles

Soy sauce

Salt and pepper

1 tablespoon of oil


1 De-seed the pepper and slice into thin slices.

2 Peel and slice the onion thinly.

3 Peel and slice the carrot thinly.

4 Slice the chicken breast into thin strips.

5 Peel and crush the garlic.

6 Wash and slice the mushrooms.

7 Heat the oil in the wok.

8 Add the onion, carrots, peppers and garlic and fry for three minutes, stirring occasionally.

9 Add the chicken and mushrooms, cook for five more minutes, making sure the chicken is fully cooked.

10 Add the bean sprouts or noodles; add the soy sauce and salt and pepper and cook, stirring the mixture for a further two minutes.

11 Serve the stir fry.

Fish Cakes


• 2 small fillets of white or yellow (smoked fish) 250g approx

• 500 g potatoes

• 1 small handful fresh parsley

• 1 egg


1 Peel and chop potatoes.

2 Boil for 20 minutes until tender.

3 While the potatoes are boiling, poach the fish fillets in a little water until cooked (you’ll need a pan lid and your plates –watch demo)

4 When the fish is cool, flake into pieces.

5 Chop the parsley.

6 Drain and mash the potatoes.

7 Mix the potato, fish and parsley, add the egg and mix well.

8 Divide into six fish cakes.

9 Fry the fish cakes until golden brown on each side.

Swiss Roll


3 eggs

100 g caster sugar

100g self-raising flour

6 tablespoons of jam


1 Grease and line a Swiss roll tin with greaseproof paper.

2 Preheat oven to 180°C, Gas mark 4.

3 Whisk eggs and sugar until thick and creamy and leave a trail.

4 Fold in flour, using figure-of-eight method.

5 Put into greased Swiss roll tin and spread evenly over the whole tin.

6 Bake for 10 minutes until golden brown and risen.

7 Turn out of tin, remove greaseproof paper and trim the edges of the sponge with a sharp knife.

8 Spread jam on the sponge and roll up. (This must be done immediately, before the sponge has time to cool, or it will not roll up without cracking.)

MINI Egg custard with shortcrust pastry

Egg Custard


450 ml milk

40 g caster sugar

2 eggs

Few drops of vanilla essence

A little grated nutmeg


1 Preheat the oven to 180°C, Gas mark 4.

2. Roll out and shape pastry into pate/bun in (as shown) x12

3. Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat well.

4. Put the milk, vanilla essence and sugar in a small pan, heat until nearly boiling, then pour the mixture over the beaten egg, stirring continuously.

5. Remove any egg that has not mixed in properly by pouring the mixture through a sieve into an ovenproof dish.

6. Sprinkle the nutmeg over the top, then bake for 50-60 minutes until set.

Shortcrust pastry

Bring in a packet ready made occasion OR make AT HOME as we won’t have enough time in lesson to make this.

You will also need a container to carry your tarts home in

Mayonnaise Homemade potato salad

You will need a small/medium empty jar with a lid and a container with a lid to take food home in.

Recipe• 10 – 15 new potatoes OR 3 large potatoes

• 1 small onion

• 300 ml vegetable oil

• 2 egg yolks

• 1 heaped teaspoon powdered mustard

• 1 teaspoon vinegar

• Pinch of salt and some black pepper


1. Prepare the potatoes, ¾ fill a pan with water and bring to the boil. Boil potatoes until soft.

2. Chop onion finely and leave to one side.

3. Put the egg yolks into a bowl and add the salt, pepper and mustard powder and mix well.

4. Keeping the oil in the measuring jug, and using a balloon whisk, begin to add the oil drop by drop, whisking after each time you put a drop of oil in. Keep adding the oil in this way until half has been added. The mayonnaise should begin to go thick and creamy after the first few drops of oil have been added.

5. Add the teaspoon of vinegar and whisk in. Now continue to add the rest of the oil drop by drop, until all the oil has been used.

6. Taste the mayonnaise and add more salt and pepper if needed.

Boiled Rice pudding with fruit compote

Boiled Rice pudding


200 ml milk

25 g pudding rice

25 g sugar

You will need a container with a lid


1 Put the rice in a pan and add the milk and sugar.

2 Bring the milk to the boil, then turn the heat down.

3 Simmer gently until the rice is soft, about 15-20 minutes.

4 Stir occasionally so the rice does not burn.

Quick Fruit compote


100g mixed berries

10g caster sugar

A few drops of vanilla essence


1. If using strawberries, hull, halve or quarter to make them a similar size to the other berries. Tip all the fruits into a small pan with 1 tbsp water, sugar to taste and your choice of flavourings.

2. Bring to the boil then simmer for 3-5 mins. Don't overcook, or the fruits will not hold their shape. Keeps in the fridge for up to 2 days, in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Lemon Cheese Cake



10 digestive biscuits

80 g butter


700 g cream cheese

200 g caster sugar

2 lemons

4 tablespoons of icing sugar

You will also need cake tin or a flan dish and a container to carry your food home in.


1 Grease and line a 23 cm spring form cake tin (or a 23 cm dish).

2 Place the biscuits in a bowl and crush with a rolling pin.

3 Melt the butter and mix with the biscuits, making sure they are thoroughly coated with the melted butter.

4 Press the coated biscuits into the cake tin, pressing down firmly, to make the base of the cheesecake. Put in the fridge to set.

5 Grate the zest of both lemons onto a plate. Squeeze the juice from both lemons and place in a jug.

6 Mix the cream cheese, lemon zest and juice and caster sugar in a bowl until well combined and creamy.

7 Spread the filling onto the biscuit base.

8 Put back in the fridge to set.

9 Decorate with fresh fruit if desired and dust with icing sugar.

Lentil Dhal Recipe

1 tbs olive oil

1 large onion

1 garlic clove

1 large bay leaf

1 tsp chilli powder

2 tsp curry powder

2 tsp turmeric

2 tsp mustard seeds

2 tsp cumin seeds

200 g split red lentils

2 cups water

2 tsp vegetable stock powder

1–2 tbs chopped coriander leaves


Note: Your school store cupboard may contain the spices needed for this recipe – ask your teacher.

Bring a container to carry your food home in

Naan bread ingredients provided at school


1 Dice the onion and crush the garlic. Heat the oil in a large pan.

2 Cook onion and garlic, stirring frequently, until the onion has softened and is turning clear.

3 Add bay leaf and spices and cook, stirring continuously, for 1-2 minutes.

4 Tip in the lentils and stock (made with the water and stock powder).

5 Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Cover the pan with a lid while simmering, so the liquid does not evaporate too quickly.

6 Cook until the lentils are tender, about 25-30 minutes.

7 Stir in the coriander and serve.

8 Suggested accompaniments: steamed rice, naan bread, poppadum's. 1 Dice the onion and crush the garlic. Heat the oil in a large pan.

2 Cook onion and garlic, stirring frequently, until the onion has softened and is turning clear.

3 Add bay leaf and spices and cook, stirring continuously, for 1-2 minutes.

4 Tip in the lentils and stock (made with the water and stock powder).

5 Bring the mixture to the boil, then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Cover the pan with a lid while simmering, so the liquid does not evaporate too quickly.

6 Cook until the lentils are tender, about 25-30 minutes.

7 Stir in the coriander and serve.

8 Suggested accompaniments: steamed rice, naan bread, poppadum's.

Lentil Bake


125 g red lentils

1 tbs oil

1 onion

1 clove of garlic

1 small courgette

55 g rolled porridge oats

100 g cheddar cheese

1 egg

Pinch of mixed herbs

A container to carry the food home in


1 Put the lentils in a saucepan and cover with boiling water.

2 Bring back to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes until soft. Stir occasionally to stop lentils sticking to bottom of pan.

3 Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/Gas Mark 4.

4 Chop the onion. Cook in the oil in a frying pan until soft.

5 Chop the courgettes and crush the garlic clove.

6 Add the crushed garlic and chopped courgette to the onion in the pan. Cook for two minutes.

7 Drain the lentils and add to the frying pan. Stir well.

8 Add the herbs and oats and stir well.

9 Grate the cheese.

10 Add the egg and three quarters of the cheese to the pan and stir well. Remove from the heat and put into a baking dish.

11 Sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Chickpea Curry and Flat Bread(Flat bread ingredients provided by school)


1 onion

1 tbs oil

1 clove of garlic

½ tsp cumin powder

¼ tsp each of turmeric powder, chilli powder and coriander powder

400 g tin of chickpeas

1 fresh tomato

5 cm piece of root ginger

Pinch of garam masala

A leak proof container to carry food home


1 Chop the onion and crush the garlic.

2 Gently fry in the oil in a saucepan until the onion is soft and golden brown.

3 Chop the tomato.

4 Stir the cumin, coriander, chilli and turmeric into the pan with the chopped tomato and stir well.

5 Add the chickpeas and 4 tablespoons of water.

6 Simmer for five minutes.

7 Grate the ginger root and add to the curry with the pinch of garam masala and stir well. Cook for a further five minutes.

8 Serve with rice (at home).

Mince Pies OR Christmas Biscuits

• Practical session: Christmas lesson

• Lesson objectives

• ALL will produce a Christmas item of their choice, working independently with opportunity to fully evaluate their product.

• Students can choose their own recipe, a family favourite OR a school one as shown in class.

• Please allow no more than 60 minutes for preparation, cooking and clearing away.


Cauliflower or Macaroni cheese Recipe

200g Macaroni or

I medium Cauliflower cut into florets

25g Margarine

25g Flour

250ml Milk

150g Cheese ( grated )

1 Tomato

Ovenproof dish and a container to take your food home in.

Equipment 1 large and 1 small saucepan

Hand whisk

Cheese grater

Vegetable knife

Chopping board


Wooden spoon

Method1 Three quarters fill a large saucepan with water.

Add 1 teaspoon salt .Put on a high heat on the hob

2 Put the cauliflower or macaroni in the water

3 Boil macaroni for 20 minutes until soft or boil cauliflower for 15 minutes

4 Put the margarine , flour and milk into a smaller saucepan

5 Season with salt and pepper

6 Whisk all the time over a medium heat until thick

7 Remove from the heat and stir in most of the grated cheese

8 Remove the cauliflower or macaroni and drain over the sink using a colander

9 Place cauliflower or macaroni in the oven proof dish

10Pour the cheese sauce over

11Sprinkle with remaining grated cheese

12Garnish with sliced tomato



125 g margarine

100 g brown sugar

4 tbs golden syrup

250 g rolled oats

40 g sultanas (optional)


1 Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas Mark 5. Grease a 20 cm square baking tin.

2 Put the golden syrup, brown sugar and margarine into a saucepan. Melt slowly over the heat until runny.

3 Stir in the oats and sultanas (if using) until they are coated with the liquid.

4 Press the mixture into the tin.

5 Bake for 25-30 minutes in the oven until golden brown

6 Remove from oven, leave to cool for five minutes, then cut into squares. Remove from tin when the flapjack has cooled completely.

Muesli bars


200 g butter or margarine

200 g brown sugar

2 tsp ground cinnamon

4 tbs honey

500 g muesli

25 g pumpkin seeds

10 dried apricots, chopped into small pieces (optional)


1 Preheat the oven to 190 C/Gas Mark 5. Grease and line a 20 cm square baking tin.

2 Put the butter or margarine, sugar and honey into a saucepan. Melt slowly over the heat until runny.

3 Stir in the muesli, pumpkin seeds and dried apricots (if using).

4 Press the mixture into the tin.

5 Bake for 15-20 minutes in the oven until golden brown

6 Remove from oven, leave to cool for 10 minutes, then cut into squares. Remove from tin when the muesli bars have cooled completely.

Bread Pizza


250 g strong bread flour (white or wholemeal)

1 sachet of fast acting yeast

150 ml warm water (school)

1 tin or tube of tomato puree

100 g cheddar cheese

Choice of toppings: mushrooms, ham, peppers, pineapple or student’s own choice.


1 Mix the flour, yeast and water in a bowl to form a soft dough. Add more water if necessary.

2 Leave dough in the bowl in a warm place for 15 minutes while you prepare the toppings.

3 Turn on oven to 200°C/Gas Mark 6.

4 Chop topping ingredients into small pieces.

5 Grate the cheese.

6 Work the dough again, then roll out into a large circle to fit a greased baking sheet or pizza tray.

7 Cover the dough with tomato puree and place toppings on top. Sprinkle over the cheese.

8 Bake for 20 minutes until cooked.

Mushroom Risotto Recipe

2 tbsp olive oil

1 onion, chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

225 g mushrooms, sliced

350 g Arborio or risotto rice

1.4 l vegetable stock (1 veg stock cube)

2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley or 5g dried

25 g butter

Salt and pepper


1 Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan and add the onion and garlic. Fry over a gentle heat for 2-3 minutes, until softened.

2 Add the mushrooms and fry for a further 2-3 minutes, until browned.

3 Stir in the rice and coat it in the oil.

4 Pour in a ladle of stock and simmer, stirring, until the liquid has been absorbed. Continue adding the stock in this way, until all the liquid has been absorbed and the rice is plump and tender.

5 Stir the parsley, butter and salt and pepper into the risotto and serve.

Jam Tarts


• 150 g plain flour or gluten-free plain flour

• 75 g margarine

• 6 tsp water

• Jam

Container to carry them home in


1 Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas Mark 5.

2 Rub margarine into flour.

3 Add water and make pastry dough.

4 Roll out and cut out rounds with pastry cutter.

5 Put pastry into greased jam tart tin.

6 Add a teaspoon of jam in the centre of each tart.

7 Bake for 15 minutes.

8 Allow to cool.

Making puff pastry palmier https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/videos/techniques/how-make-and-shape-palmier-biscuits


One packet of ready rolled puff pastry

Options for the filling:

• Nutella (2 tables spoons)

• Pesto (2 table spoons) and 25g grated cheese

• 25g Demerara sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

• 50g grated cheese and 1 tbsp of tomato puree

A container to carry home the biscuits you have made

• Points to remember

• Take a sheet of ready-rolled all butter puff pastry and unroll, leaving it on the paper.

• Sprinkle or spread your pastry with your flavouring - you can use sweet or savoury. Make sure you filling reaches all the corners of the pastry.

• If the filling is dry, roll it gently onto the pastry sheet with a rolling pin to help it stick.

• Starting from one of the long edges, roll the pastry up tightly to the centre then repeat from the other side.

• Roll up the pastry in its original paper to help with definition.

• Chill before baking to ensure the palmiers hold their shape. If you’re short of time, pop them in the freezer for 20 minutes.

• Flour your knife and cut the pastry roll into slices just thinner than 1cm.

• Arrange on a parchment-lined tray leaving a slight gap in between for the pastries to expand.

• Cook on a high shelf in a hot oven - 200C/180C fan/gas 6 for 12-15 mins - or until the pastry is crisp and golden.

• Use a palette knife to ease the palmiers off the baking parchment.

• For savoury, you could try pesto, tapenade or Parmesan. For sweet, sugar and ground cinnamon or Nutella are delicious.

Victoria Sponge Recipe

150g Self raising flour

150g Caster sugar

150g Soft margarine

3 Large Eggs

1 teaspoon Baking powder

100g Jam

Plate and container to carry it home on

Equipment 2 Victoria sandwich tins

2 greaseproof circles

Wooden spoon

Mixing bowl


Electric mixer


Method1 Set the oven gas 6 200

2 Grease 2 Victoria sandwich tins

3 Line with greaseproof circles and grease again

4 Put margarine ,sugar and eggs into mixing bowl

5 Sieve in flour and baking powder

6 Mix with wooden spoon to combine ingredients

7 Mix with electric whisk for 2 minutes

8 Divide equally between the tins by placing a tablespoon of mixture alternatively into the middle of each tin

9 Bake for 20 minutes until when risen and spring back when you touch them

10Turn on to the cooling tray

11Spread one cake with jam

12Sandwich together

Chocolate eclairs Recipe

For the choux pastry

• 50g margarine

• 65g plain flour

• 125ml water

• 2 eggs

For the filling

• 250ml double cream (for whipping)

• A 200g bar of chocolate for the topping

A container to take the food home in

Set oven to gas 5/190 electric

1. Place the water and margarine in saucepan and bring to the boil

2. Add the flour

3. Stir quickly until the mixture forms a smooth ball

4. Remove from heat

5. Beat one egg in a small basin

6. Pour into saucepan and beat well until thoroughly mixed

7. Add second egg and repeat, the mixture should now be smooth and velvety.

8. Place in a piping bag

9. For eclairs pipe in long strips OR rosettes for profiteroles

10. Bake 30 minutes until crisp to touch

Pastry sausage rolls – shaping.


• Pack of ready-made puff pastry

• Pack of sausages

1 egg


1 Preheat the oven to 190°C, Gas mark 5.

2 Roll out pastry into a rectangle.

3 Skin, season and mix sausages and lay on pastry as shown in diagram.

Carrot and Coriander soup


• 1 tbs vegetable oil

• 1 onion, chopped

• 1 tsp ground coriander

• 1 potato, chopped

• 450 g carrots, peeled and chopped

• 1.2l vegetable or chicken stock

• Handful of coriander (about ½ a supermarket packet)

A leak proof container to carry the soup home (30p to buy from school)


1 Heat the oil in a large pan, add the onion and fry for 5 minutes until softened.

2 Stir in the ground coriander and potato and cook for 1 minute.

3 Add the carrots and stock, bring to the boil, then reduce the heat.

4 Cover pan and cook for 20 minutes until the carrots are tender.

5 Tip into a food processor with the fresh coriander and blitz until smooth (you may

need to do this in two batches).

6 Return to pan, taste and add salt if necessary. Reheat to serve.

Wholegrain raspberry bars


• 250 g wholemeal flour

• 100 g granulated sugar

• 225 g margarine

• 50 g porridge oats

• 50 g brown sugar

• Raspberry jam

• Container to carry home in


1 Turn oven on to 190°C/Gas Mark 5.

2 Grease and line a square baking tin.

3 Put the flour and granulated sugar in a bowl.

4 Rub in the margarine until it looks like breadcrumbs.

5 Remove one quarter of the mixture. Press the rest of the mixture into the prepared baking tin.

6 Bake for 15 minutes.

7 Remove tin from the oven and spread jam over the cooked base.

8 Add the porridge oats and brown sugar to the quarter of the mixture you saved.

9 Sprinkle this topping over the jam and return to the oven for 20 minutes.

10 Remove when golden brown.

11 Allow to cool slightly, then cut into squares.

12 When fully cool, remove from tin.

Chicken and Mushroom Pie (béchamel sauce)Recipe

Shortcrust Pastry

300g Flour

75g Block margarine

75g Lard or white flora

50g flour for rolling out

1 Egg for glazing

For the filling: 2 boneless chicken portions ( use Quorn pieces OR 1 medium pepper for veg option)

1 onion

100g mushrooms

1 chicken OR veg stock cube

For the sauce:50g marg

50g plain flour

250ml milk

You will need a flan or pie dish and a container to carry it home in.


1. Chop chicken, onion and mushrooms

2. Place in a saucepan with 250ml of water, salt and pepper

3. Add stock cube and simmer for 30 -35 minutes (until chicken is cooked)

4. Make shortcrust pastry by rubbing in method

5. Place in fridge and wash up

6. Make a roux sauce by placing marg, flour, milk, slat and pepper into a saucepan.

7. Whisk over the heat until thick (it will be very thick at this stage)

8. When chicken is cooked strain the stock into a measuring jug

9. Add 250ml of stock to the roux and mix and whisk again over the heat (medium)

10. Add the chicken and vegetables into the saucepan of roux and mix

11. Roll out half the pastry and line bottom of the pie dish

12. Put the chicken and sauce into the pastry

13. Roll out top, wet edges to seal, decorate and glaze with egg.

14. Bake at gas 6/200 for 20 – 25 minutes

Chicken or Veg Curry (reduction sauce)Recipe2 raw Chicken breasts, boneless thigh OR 300g beef

2 Medium onions

100g Mushrooms OR pepper

25g Margarine OR olive oil

450g Chopped tomatoes and 2 teaspoons curry powder

A vegetarian option can be made with all vegetables

Oven proof dish

Equipment 1 large and 1 medium saucepan

Wooden spoon

Vegetable knife

Chopping board


1 Finely chop the onion and mushrooms.2 Chop the chicken into small pieces.3 Put the margarine and chicken in a

medium saucepan.4 Add the onions and mushrooms .5 Fry until the meat changes from pink to

white .6 Drain any excess fat.7 Add the tomatoes and curry powder or

cook in sauce. 8 Simmer for 10 minutes.9 Drain the rice through the sieve at the

sink.10Place the rice in the bottom of the

serving dish.

Chilli con carneIngredients

• 400g minced beef

• 1 large onion

• 1 large tin tomatoes

• 1 large tin kidney beans

• 2 tps chilli powder

• 1 tbs tomato puree

• 2 tbs garlic puree OR a clove of garlic

• 1 OXO cube


• 100g mushrooms

• 1 green pepper


1. Chop the onion and mushrooms and other vegetables fine and even using a sharp knife. Prepare and crush garlic.

2. Fry the meat, garlic and vegetables until the meat changes colour (meat turns brown)

3. Drain excess fat in a colander and return to the heat

4. Then add the tinned tomatoes, puree and the remaining ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Serve on rice or with flat breads at home

6. Wash and tidy up

7. Ask to make flat breads using school ingredients if you have time as an extension task. Work in pairs

Equipment: Ovenproof dish and container to carry it home. (bring from home)SaucepanFrying panSharp vegetable knife

Chocolate Mousse

Recipe4 eggs200g chocolate250ml double cream

4 small serving dishes and a container to take your food home

Decorations of your choice

• Break the chocolate and melt over a pan of boiling water (Bain Marie), and leave to cool.

• Whip the cream until it forms soft peaks

• Separate the eggs and then add the egg yolks to the melted chocolate and mix well

• In a clean bowl whisk the eggs whites until stiff

• Fold in the melted chocolate• Fold in the melted cream• Place into the four small dishes and


Baked Onion Bhajis


• 5 small onions or 2 large onions

• 5 tbs chickpea flour

• ½ tsp ground cumin

• ½ tsp ground coriander

• 1 tbs tomato puree

• 2 tbs olive oil

• Spices for the pan:

• ½ tsp ground turmeric

• ½ tsp ground coriander

• ¼ tsp ground ginger

• ¼ tsp chilli powder

A container to take the food home in


1 Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas Mark 6.

2 Line a large baking tray with baking parchment.

3 Peel and slice the onions thinly. Place in a saucepan with the olive oil and cook on a gentle heat for 8 minutes until they turn translucent. Do not let them brown.

4 Sprinkle in the chilli powder and mix. Add the turmeric, cumin, ginger, coriander and stir well. Remove from the heat.

5 Place the chickpea flour, salt, coriander, cumin into a medium bowl and mix well.

6 Add the onions and tomato puree into a bowl and mix.

7 Add 2 tablespoons of water to obtain the correct consistency – it should be wet and easy to stir but not sloppy.

8 Drizzle some oil onto a flat baking tray, place 2 tablespoons of the onion mix onto the tray for each bhaji and flatten slightly with the back of a spoon.

9 Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until golden brown.

Veggie Chinese Pancakes Recipe

100 g flour

2 eggs

300 ml milk

Oil to fry the pancakes

200 g mushrooms

2 tbs soy sauce

½ tsp five spice powder

½ tbs sesame oil

1 tsp sugar

2 spring onions, finely sliced

5 cm length cucumber

½ Little Gem lettuce, shredded

4 tbs hoisin sauce

A container to take food home in


1 Put the flour in a bowl. Add the two eggs and mix.

2 Using a balloon whisk, add the milk slowly and whisk until a batter is formed.

3 Heat the oil in the frying pan and pour a little batter in, swirling it around until it covers the pan. Flip the pancake over to cook the second side. Place on a plate and continue making pancakes until all the batter is used up.

4 Make the filling: slice the mushrooms and fry gently in a pan with the soy sauce, five spice, sesame oil and sugar. Stir until the mushrooms are cooked.

5 Shred the lettuce, cut the cucumber into thin strips.

6 Spread each pancake with hoisin sauce. Add lettuce, cucumber and the mushroom filling. Roll up and serve.

Courgette Lasagne


• 9 dried lasagne sheets

• 1 tbs sunflower oil

• 1 onion

• 700 g courgettes (about 6)

• 2 garlic cloves

• 250 g tub ricotta

• 50 g Cheddar cheese (grated)

• 400 g tin chopped tomatoes

• 1 tsp dried herbs

An ovenproof and dish and a container to carry it home in.


1 Preheat the oven to 200°C/Gas Mark 6.

2 Peel and chop the onion finely.

3 Grate the courgettes, using a cheese grater, onto a plate.

4 Peel and crush the garlic onto the courgettes.

5 Heat the oil in a pan and add the onion. Cook for 5 minutes on a low heat until it begins to soften.

6 Add the courgettes and garlic. Continue to cook until the courgettes soften and turn bright green. Remove from the heat.

7 Stir in two thirds of the ricotta cheese and season to taste.

8 Mix the chopped tomatoes with the mixed herbs in a bowl.

9 In a large lasagne dish, begin with a layer of courgettes, then a layer of lasagne sheets, then a layer of tomato. Continue layering in this way until all the mixtures are used up.

10 Grate the cheddar cheese, sprinkle over the top of the lasagne with blobs of the remaining ricotta cheese.

11 Bake in the oven for 25 minutes until golden brown on top.

Iced Buns


• 150 g margarine

• 150 g caster sugar

• 2 eggs

• 150g self-raising or gluten-free self-raising flour

• Icing

• 100 g icing sugar

• A few teaspoons of water (From school)

A container to carry then home in.


1 Preheat the oven to 190°C/Gas Mark 5.

2 Cream margarine and sugar until fluffy.

3 Beat eggs in a small bowl.

4 Add eggs a bit at a time, beating between each addition.

5 Fold in flour.

6 Put teaspoons of mixture into cake cases.

7 Bake for 15 minutes.

8 Leave to cool.

9 Make icing by adding water teaspoon by teaspoon to icing sugar until a soft icing is made.

10 Ice cakes.

Calzone (yeast cookery)


125 g strong bread flour

1 sachet of quick yeast

75 ml warm water

Half a red pepper

5 mushrooms

1 small tin of chopped tomatoes

125 g mozzarella cheese

Dried basil and dried oregano

Salt and pepper

Container to take food home in


1 Preheat the oven to 220°C/Gas Mark 7.

2 Mix the flour, yeast and water into soft dough. Knead for 5 minutes.

3 Cover the dough and put to rise in a warm place for 15 minutes.

4 While the dough is rising prepare your fillings.

5 Drain the tomatoes, slice the mushrooms and pepper. Slice the mozzarella cheese thinly.

6 Divide the dough into two equal pieces and roll each piece out on a floured board to the size of a dessert plate.

7 Place the two circles onto a greased baking sheet.

8 Spread the tomatoes evenly over the two circles, leaving the edges clear where the calzone will be sealed.

9 Add the sliced mushrooms, pepper and slices of mozzarella evenly between each calzone.

10 Fold the dough over so each calzone looks like a pasty. Crimp the edges hard so no filling escapes during cooking.

11 Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until cooked.